Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302, USA. E-mail: glwang@gsu.edu
First published on 19th May 2020
Unveiling the contributions of electroosmotic flow (EOF) in the electrokinetic transport through structurally-defined nanoscale pores and channels is challenging but fundamentally significant because of the broad relevance of charge transport in energy conversion, desalination and analyte mixing, micro and nano-fluidics, single entity analysis, capillary electrophoresis etc. This report establishes a universal method to diagnose and deconvolute EOF in the nanoscale transport processes through current–potential measurements and analysis without simulation. By solving Poisson, Nernst–Planck (PNP) with and without Navier–Stokes (NS) equations, the impacts of EOF on the time-dependent ion transport through asymmetric nanopores are unequivocally revealed. A sigmoidal shape in the I–V curves indicate the EOF impacts which further deviate from the well-known non-linear rectified transport features. Two conductance signatures, an absolute change in conductance and a ‘normalized’ one relative to ion migration, are proposed as EOF impact (factor). The EOF impacts can be directly elucidated from current–potential experimental results from the two analytical parameters without simulation. The EOF impact is found more significant in intermediate ionic strength, and potential and pore size dependent. The less-intuitive ionic strength and size dependence is explained by the combined effects of electrostatic screening and non-homogeneous charge distribution/transport at nanoscale interface. The time-dependent conductivity and optical imaging experiments using single nanopipettes validate the proposed method which is applicable to other channel type nanodevices and membranes. The generalizable approach eliminates the need of simulation/fitting of specific experiments and offers previously inaccessible insights into the nanoscale EOF impacts under various experimental conditions for the improvement of separation, energy conversions, high spatial and temporal control in single entity sensing/manipulation, and other related applications.
Non-bulk transport phenomena emerge when the contributions from the EDL regions on charged asymmmetric nanopore/channel walls cannot be ignored, for example when at least one dimention of the nanodevices is ‘close’ to the Debye length of the EDL. The Debye length is a classic descriptor of the EDL that is a function of solution ionic strength, solvent relative permittivity and temperature etc. (expression for calculation included in ESI†).18 The comparison to Debye length has two often misleading aspects of (1) an inaccurate underlying assumption of uniform transport through the channel cross section, and (2) the overall surface effect is limited strictly to the Deybe length which in fact describes the percentage drop of surface electrical field. In other words, the channel can be significantly larger than the Debye length yet surface affected transport behaviors remain distinct or cannot be ignored. Ion migration (or electrophoresis) through channel-type nanodevices is influenced by the combined applied (across the nanopore/channel) and surface (vector component in the direction of transport) electrical fields. Asymmetry in nanochannel structures, such as the prototype conical nanopores studied herein,18,19 together with surface charges and modifications,14,20–22 provide materials/device platforms for selective transport. The well-known ion current rectification (ICR) results from the enhancement and depletion of ions as charge carriers which causes different ion flux under opposite polarities of the same applied potential magnitudes. When the applied potential varies over time, for example sweeping cyclically like in cyclic voltammetry, transient or dynamic ion redistribution under varying stimulus induces interesting phenomena such as pinched hysteresis loops and a non-zero cross point in current–potential curves.23–26
EOF in the transport through nanoapertures under variable stimulus has not been explored to the best of our knowledge. The role of EOF in the nanotransport is mostly studied under a constant potential or steady-state by simulation because experiments mostly measure the overall transport current/flux. Unfortunately, the EOF contributions in simulation literature ranged from negligible/detectable,27–29 somewhat significant30 and more recently to significant under various salt, ionic strength, geometric and surface charge density conditions.31–34 Electroosmotic flow rectification (EFR), i.e. asymmetric flow, is reported to arise from the concentration polarization process, resulting in different current values or flow rates at potentials of the same magnitude but opposite polarities respectively.35 EFR has been demonstrated in nanopores with asymmetric solvent or solution combinations36,37 and in asymmetric pores11,38 or membranes12,13,39,40 in symmetric electrolyte conditions. Related phenomena such as negative differential resistance have been generated from the same underlying EOF mechanism.41,42 The impacts by pressure driven flow on the concentration polarization process in conical nanopores have also been reported.43
This report presents a solution to analyze EOF directly from experimental current–potential measurements, by firstly establishing the methodology via simulation, and then validation with electroanalytical and imaging experiments. As illustrated in Scheme 1, using a single conical nanopipette as prototype, analytical signatures of EOF can be obtained directly from current–potential curvatures. While non-linearity in I–V curve is well-known indication of surface affected transport, a sigmodal shape, or derivatives in terms of conductance/conductivity, reveals strong EOF effect.
A Gamry Reference 600 (Gamry Co.) was used for measuring the conductivity. The analyzed data were collected with the scan rate of 300 mV s−1 which was neither optimized nor limiting for EOF effects. The electrical potential was applied through two silver/silver chloride wires in inside and outside solutions. The bias polarity is defined with respect to the electrode positioned on the base side (inside capillary). The first scan of conductivity measurements was discarded, and later scans overlap confirming reproducibility.
Optical images were recorded with an Olympus BX51 microscope using a 40 X Olympus LumPlanFLN water immersion objective. Rhodamine B (Sigma-Aldrich) at 10 μM was loaded inside nanopipettes which were mounted on microscope slide, whose fluorescence was excited with X-Cite 120 Q and detected with Lumenera Infinity 3s monochrome camera. A Dagan Chem-Clamp amplifier with a Dagon 100 M head stage preamp was used to apply potential during imaging. At each potential images were taken every 200 ms at an exposure time of 100 ms. The images were processed with Image J version 1.4 using Micromanager 1.4.22 and Plot Profile.
The Nernst–Planck shown in eqn (1) is used to simulate the flux of the ions:
![]() | (1) |
The Poisson equation (eqn (2)) calculates the electric fields and ion distribution:
![]() | (2) |
The Navier–Stokes equation (NS), shown as eqn (3), calculates the fluid flow and therefore the flux from convection in the third term in eqn (1). Under continuity with the incompressible solvent, the Navier–Stokes (NS) equation equals zero:
![]() | (3) |
The potential-dependent differential conductance (Gdiff) in HC is plotted in Fig. 1 panel (B) where Gdiff = di/dV, i.e. the slope of an i–V branch. The differential conductance is used instead of the conductance (i/V) because it more sensitively reveals EOF as signatures as demonstrated in Fig. S1.† The Gdiff has a similar slope from PNP and PNP–NS models at lower potentials, defined as k1, up to a divergent point Vdiv after which EOF impact becomes more significant. The forward current in HC is used to establish the signature of EOF impact because it displays the most straightforward prominent features. Fig. S2† provides the analysis of other branches. Out of the four current branches separated by the cross point, the scans toward the cross point are affected by the end/switching potential which varies and is often arbitrarily selected in measurements. The EOF effect at LC is generally not as significant as HC especially in smaller pores or lower ionic strength because of the depletion of mobile charge carriers elaborated in later sections.
The common slope region basically reflects the conductance from ion migration governed by the overall electrical field (applied and surface) in the nanopore. Deviations from the PNP results toward higher potentials therefore correspond to the EOF impacts, indicated by the clearly different slopes of k2. Because experimentally, there will only be one overall conductivity responses (not two curves as shown from simulation), it is convenient and significant to employ the common response in low potential range as reference (i.e. k1) for the evaluation of the EOF both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Two parameters are proposed that describe (1) the absolute EOF impact (EOF-I) and (2) a dimensionless EOF impact factor (EOF-IF), both relative to the electrokinetic transport (PNP) measured in low potential range (k2vs. k1). The EOF-I, with the unit of nS, measures the suppression of differential conductance by EOF at different potentials in a given bulk electrolyte concentration.
EOF-I = (k1 − k2) × V = GPNPdiff − GPNP–NSdiff | (4) |
The EOF-IF can be expressed in %. A zero EOF-IF, i.e. k2 = k1, means no EOF (PNP results or pure migration). Increase in EOF will decrease k2 and give a larger EOF-IF value. At k2 = 0 or EOF-IF at 100%, EOF matches the migration in absolute values (but negatively, or reduction) to the measured differential conductance. Even stronger EOF could make the k2 negative and thus an EOF-IF greater than 100%, which corresponds to the EOF outweighing the remaining migration in absolute values.
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Two representative sizes are chosen in simulation, each with experimental i–V data in a series of ionic strength for validation. The features are representative as confirmed by other nanopipette in the comparable size ranges in experiments.
EOF-I and EOF-IF from PNP–NS data are plotted in Fig. 3. k1 is calculated from the linear fitting of Gdiff slope within the common region up to the divergent potential Vdiv between PNP and PNP–NS models. The fittings are provided in Fig. S3.†k1 represents the conductance region where EOF effects are insignificant and is therefore suitable as reference for normalization (within the same nanodevice under different measurement conditions, as device heterogeneity can be inevitable in experiments). k1 increases with electrolyte concentration or charge carriers, but non-linearly as shown in Fig. S4† because of the surface effects.
k 2 is calculated from the second derivative k2 (V) = dGdiff/dV because the Gdiff region after the divergent Vdiv is non-linear. Fig. S5† provides second derivative analysis of PNP–NS results, together with PNP results for comparison. It is found that the peaks in the second derivative profiles in both models are similar in value to fitted k1 and can be used to directly obtain k1. This feature is favorable for the analysis of experimental results in which noise and available data points within the linear range can vary. In this report, the fitted k1 is used in the simulation analysis, while the peak value in the second derivative is used in the analysis of the experimental results. The approach is validated in Fig. S6† by the linear correlation (slope ∼1) between the two k1s from fitting and the peak.
EOF-IF passes the first evaluation at the boundary condition when k1 = k2, EOF-IF equals zero, or there is no EOF. A larger or more positive EOF-IF suggests stronger EOF which reduces the measured conductance. At all concentrations the two EOF parameters show a similar peak shaped dependence on the potential, i.e. Gdiff suppression increases and then either decreases or plateau toward high potential tested. The peak potential shifts lower toward cross point as ionic strength increases. In 100 mM, in Fig. 3 panel A, the EOF-IF has a maximal value of ∼1.6 which also corresponds to the sigmoidal conductivity measurement in Fig. 2 panel C. The sigmoidal response is therefore characteristic of the EOF impact on the transport: better defined or stronger sigmoidal shape indicates stronger EOF.
The potential and concentration effects can be explained by the interplay and balance of concentration polarization affected by rectified ion migration and EOF. In the negatively charged nanopores, EOF depends on the available cation flux in the double layer within the transport-limiting nanopore region. However, if the ionic strength is too high, i.e. hundreds of milli-M for tens-nm nanopores, electrostatic screening will reduce EOF effect. Loss or diminishment of ion current rectification can be a qualitative indication of the ionic strength being too high. Because ion distribution within nanopore is potential dependent,35,47 the relative dimension/volume of EDL versus nanopore varies. At HC, concentration polarization further enhances ion concentration in the nanopore at higher potentials, which also incurs stronger electrostatic screening. Correspondingly, the EOF increases initially and then decreases under increasing applied scanning potential. A lower bulk concentration requires a higher applied potential to reach the point of maximal EOF effects on the ion transport. Correspondingly, the peak shifts to lower potentials at higher bulk electrolyte concentration. Similar trends can be seen by analyzing the scans to more negative potentials at LC in Fig. 2. Following the same rationale, EOF effect will decrease, i.e. both EOF-IF and EOF-I peaks decrease and shift to higher potentials at higher scan rates (Fig. S7†) similar to ICR because less concentration polarization occurs within shorter time under stimulus.
It is important to understand that the potential range affects the validity of EOF-IF and EOF-I. Both EOF-IF and EOF-I were calculated with respect to the transport at lower potential region dominated by migration. For example, the EOF-I can be qualitatively perceived as GPNP − GPNP–NS where the two terms originate from lower potential range and the potentials of interest respectively. The corresponding curves calculated from PNP results (more positive than Vdiv) demonstrate the theoretical limit of this analysis. The non-zero curves from PNP model are caused by the approximation of linear extrapolation of k1 after the divergent point, where non-linear rectified electrokinetic transport or the non-linear concentration polarization is known to occur.
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Fig. 5 Simulated response from PNP–NS (top curves) and PNP (bottom curves) with a 60 nm radius nanopore for (A) EOF-IF and (B) EOF-I at 1 mM (red), 5 mM (blue) and 10 mM (magenta). |
The EOF-IF plotted in Fig. 5 panel (A) is larger than those from the smaller nanopore at all potentials and concentrations. A maximum of EOF-IF is better resolved with the larger nanopore because Gdiff decrease more sharply toward higher potentials indicating stronger EOF impacts. While the EOF-IF max is about 80% (of the migration as reference) in the 12 nm nanopore between 1 mM and 10 mM, the IF max in the 60 nm nanopore appears to reach a threshold approaching 200%, i.e. the EOF is twice the differential conductance by migration (but negative or reducing). An even higher ionic strength (bulk concentration and/or potentials) will greatly suppress surface field effect, and thus make ICR and hysteresis harder to resolve. The IF max positions are lower for the larger radius nanopore for all concentrations compared to the smaller nanopores as plotted in Fig. S9.† This corresponds to a higher flow rate resulting from the larger radius requiring less positive potential.36 It is worth mentioning that the ion flux is well-known to be non-uniform within nanopore cross-section and is highest along the interface, which explains the prominent surface effects. Similarly, the larger EOF-I value and larger potential range with a relatively constant EOF-I, i.e. plateau, in panel B at 10 mM originates from the larger EOF in the 60 nm nanopore and the competing enhancement/screening effects.
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Fig. 6 Experimental results from a 60 nm nanopore in 50 mM KCl (A–C) and a 200 nm nanopore in 1 mM KCl solution (D–F). The arrows in (B, E and F) suggest trajectories without EOF. |
To provide guidance for the analysis of experiments where EOF effects are less obvious, more systematic experimental results from relatively medium and small sized nanopipettes in a range of electrolyte concentrations are analyzed. Representative results from low, medium and high concentrations are plotted in Fig. 7 & 8, with additional concentrations included in Fig. S11 and S12.† The comprehensive view is believed useful for the general adoption of this analytical method to other nanostructures/surfaces as long as adequate characterizations in geometry and surface charge density are accessible.48 Similar to the simulated PNP–NS responses from the larger nanopore in Fig. 4, the measured i–V features in Fig. 7A transit from the expected rectified response in low electrolyte concentration, to a sigmoidal shape in 100 mM, and to more linear ohmic behavior in 1 M due to more effective screening of the surface charge. As predicted in simulation, more obvious sigmoidal shape indicates greater EOF impact on the transport conductance that occurs at intermediate ionic strength. In Gdiff plots, the decrease toward higher potentials that clearly deviates from the increase (linear trend) in lower potential range, the shift in peak position to less positive at higher ionic strength and better-defined curve shape are also consistent with simulation.
The EOF-IF and EOF-I curves describe EOF impacts at different potentials. Since noise is inevitable in experiments which can be ‘amplified’ in derivatives (2nd for k2), it is important to focus on whether the overall trend is consistent with simulation. Though less prominent than those in Fig. S10,† the peaked curve shapes are reminiscent of the PNP–NS simulation results. Among all concentrations (shown in Fig. S11†), the EOF-IF maximizes at around 100 mM, with the peak/plateau at less positive potential at around 0.5–0.7 V. Although the EOF-I in panel D is larger in 1000 mM, one should keep in mind that conductance is higher with more charge carrier, i.e. higher ion concentrations. As indicated by the EOF-IF, EOF has a more significant impact on the transport over migration/electrophoresis in 100 mM compared to 1000 mM. It is also significant to notice that even in conditions where apparent ohmic behavior is approached, EOF can still have a detectable influence on transport.
The greater oscillatory ‘noisy’ responses at higher potentials, less at low ion concentrations, might not be solely due to experimental noise, as random noise would be consistent within one dataset or series of measurements. Outlier rejection, boxcar average and smoothing (described in ESI, Fig. S13†) do not eliminate those ‘noise’ even after significant distortion of expeirmental data is observed. We speculate complications from stochastic or random processes, such as nucleation, nanoprecipitation, bubble formation, as well as the competing mechanisms of nanopore concentration polarization and electrostatics screening etc.49–51 Further considerations on those aspects, currently underway, are beyond the scope of this report and do not affect the key conclusions.
The measured i–V results from a smaller nanopore in Fig. 8 panel A show current rectification up to 1 M, but a sigmoidal shape can only be arguably discerned visually at 50 mM. The EOF can be better resolved in the Gdiff plots. Unlike the largely linear increase in Gdiff toward higher potentials at other concentrations, the 50 mM curve in panel B decreases to a minima at about 0.8 V indicating more significant EOF impact. Accordingly, peak shaped curves are only resolved from the 50 mM data for the two EOF charactors in panels C & D which are generally lower than those for the larger nanopipette. These results are broadly consistent with the modelling results which predict that larger nanoaperatures have larger EOF. The lower EOF in the smaller nanopipettes also means narrower conditions such as ionic strength range to resolve the EOF. Another observation is that at 50 mM the EOF-IF reaches maximum then decreases to negative values toward higher potentials. The negative EOF-IF can also be seen in simulation results, albeit less distinct within the potential range limited to ±1 V (to be more relevant to experiments where bubble formation due to water splitting should be avoided). A possible explanation that requires further study is the significant concentration enhancement at higher potentials which attenuates the EOF. Additional examples from other nanopipettes are provided in Fig. S14 and S15† to offer a range of behaviors that will be observed in different experimental systems. Overall, the same qualitative trends are observed and consistent with simulation, while the quantitative factors and features vary due to variations in geometry and surface charge density of the fabricated nanopipettes.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details of the simulation; details of the analysis; and experimental examples from different nanopipettes and intermediate concentrations from the examples in the text (PDF). See DOI: 10.1039/c9sc06386b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |