Ruijie D.
*a and
David N.
aDepartment of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA. E-mail:; david.beratan@duke.du
bDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA
cDepartment of Biochemistry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA
First published on 17th June 2020
Growing experimental evidence indicates that iron–sulfur proteins play key roles in DNA repair and replication. In particular, charge transport between [Fe4S4] clusters, mediated by proteins and DNA, may convey signals to coordinate enzyme action. Human primase is a well studied [Fe4S4] protein, and its p58c domain (which contains an [Fe4S4] cluster) plays a role in the initiation of DNA replication. The Y345C mutation in p58c is linked to gastric tumors and may influence the protein-mediated charge transport. The complexity of protein–DNA systems, and the intricate electronic structure of [Fe4S4] clusters, have impeded progress into understanding functional charge transport in these systems. In this study, we built force fields to describe the high potential [Fe4S4] cluster in both oxidation states. The parameterization is compatible with AMBER force fields and enabled well-balanced molecular dynamics simulations of the p58c–RNA/DNA complex relevant to the initiation of DNA replication. Using the molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann and surface area solvation method on the molecular dynamics trajectories, we find that the p58c mutation induces a modest change in the p58c–duplex binding free energy in agreement with recent experiments. Through kinetic modeling and analysis, we identify key features of the main charge transport pathways in p58c. In particular, we find that the Y345C mutation partially changes the composition and frequency of the most efficient (and potentially relevant to the biological function) charge transport pathways between the [Fe4S4] cluster and the duplex. Moreover, our approach sets the stage for a deeper understanding of functional charge transfer in [Fe4S4] protein–DNA complexes.
Experimental studies of [Fe4S4]2+-p58c oxidation by bulk electrolysis and subsequent reduction by cyclic voltammetry9 indicate that the speed of the protein charge transport is reduced by a number of mutations, including the Y345C mutation, even though the mutations do not significantly alter the protein–DNA binding affinity. The experiments did not directly measure the decrease in the rate of the protein-mediated charge transport between the [Fe4S4] cluster and the DNA, but the experimental results can be interpreted in terms of a decrease of this kind. In particular, assuming that p58c diffusion is a property of the whole p58c protein that is not affected by mutations, the decrease in the bulk electrolysis yield may be interpreted as arising from the competition between two timescales: the time spent by p58c in sufficient proximity to the nucleic acid to enable [Fe4S4]2+ oxidation by protein-mediated charge transport, and the time required for the charge transport to occur. These two time scales can differ for the wild-type (WT) and Y345C proteins. This difference would translate into different probabilities of charging the single p58c proteins, and thus in a different electrolysis yield.
Given the unidirectional character of electron and hole transport between protein bound [Fe4S4] clusters and RNA/DNA duplexes,10 we focus on hole transport from an initially oxidized duplex to [Fe4S4]2+ that causes oxidation of the cluster and tightening of p58c binding to DNA. One cannot rule out the possibility that the non-biological context of the experiments reported in ref. 9 (in particular, the DNA proximity to an electrode and the application of an external voltage) may enable charge transport mechanisms that are different from the unidirectional processes studied in ref. 10. This uncertainty surrounding the CT mechanisms in the experimental context does not diminish the value of the present analysis, which aims to explore the protein-mediated hole transport and possible effects of the Y345C mutation on the pertinent kinetics.
One way to study hole transport in the p58c–RNA/DNA complex is to simulate its structural fluctuations using classical molecular dynamics (MD) and to analyze the fluctuations in its associated charge transport properties, including the composition and charge-transport rate of the CT chain. Among the advantages that this approach affords is its ability to access long time scales. However, two issues need to be addressed in order to pursue this strategy.
First, suitable force field (FF) parameters are required to describe the high potential [Fe4S4] cluster in both oxidation states. The complexity of the cluster's electronic structure, with large spin-polarization effects and other intricacies,17 makes the generation of this FF a challenge. An AMBER compatible FF for the [Fe4S4]2+ cluster was provided in a prior study.17 Here, we produced a FF for the [Fe4S4]3+ cluster using the approach described in Section 2.2. We used the same approach to build a new FF for the [Fe4S4]2+ cluster. Both FFs are compatible with the AMBER FFs that we used to describe the other molecular components (Section 2.3).
A second issue in simulating the p58–RNA/DNA duplex system (as well as other [Fe4S4] protein–nucleic acid complexes) arises from the fact that the complex is more stable when the [Fe4S4] cluster is oxidized than when it is reduced,9 while the hole transport starts with the reduced [Fe4S4] cluster. Our analysis (Section 3.1) and kinetic modeling (Section 2.5) suggest strategies to tackle this issue and to enable the comparison of the WT and Y345C systems in terms of duplex-binding energies and protein charge transport properties (Section 3.2).
For each layer assignment, we optimized the geometry of the model system comprising the cluster and the truncated Cys ligands using the broken symmetry (BS) DFT approach,24–27 with the B3LYP density functional, the 6-31g** basis set, an extra fine integration grid, Grimme's DFT-D3 dispersion correction,28 and the COSMO solvation model29–32 (with ε = 4 (ref. 33)) in order to model the effect of the protein dielectric environment on the geometry of the iron–sulfur cluster.17 The DFT computations were performed using NWChem.34
Consistent with the [Fe4S4] cluster structures found in previous studies,24,35 the cluster geometries from our DFT optimizations deviate from an ideal cube and from concentric interlocking regular tetrahedra36 (Fig. 1). For each geometry, we computed the Hessian matrix and used the VFFDT program37 to extract the force constants corresponding to bond stretching and angle bending. We did not calculate the dihedral parameters since the torsion barriers for the dihedral angles are smaller than the thermal energy kBT.37,38 The six sets of force constants, bond distances and bond angles for each optimized [Fe4S4]3+ geometry, as well as their averages, are presented in ESI Tables S1–S4.† Similarly, the three sets of parameters pertaining to [Fe4S4]2+ and their average values are reported in ESI Tables S6–S9.†
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Fig. 1 Average geometries of the iron–sulfur cluster that result from (a) the six redox-layer assignments for [Fe4S4]3+ and (b) the three assignments for [Fe4S4]2+. For each oxidation state of the cluster, the averaging over the different structures (ESI Fig. S1†) was performed using the Z-matrices, which were built with the help of the newzmat utility in the Gaussian package.39 |
ESI Tables S5 and S10† report the restrained electrostatic potential (RESP) charges for the atoms of the model system in the two oxidation states. For compatibility of the RESP charges with the charges on the deprotonated Cys (CYM) in AMBER ff14SB,40 we constrained the charge on the saturating H atom of each Cys to 0.0987e, i.e., the charge in the missing portion of the amino acid residue.
We obtained FFs A3+ and A2+ for the [Fe4S4(SCH3)4]1− and [Fe4S4(SCH3)4]2− model systems, respectively, averaging the force constants, distances, angles, and atomic charges over the 4 Fe atoms, S atoms, and Cys fragments. The partial atomic charges in the 4 Cys fragments were averaged to have the same charge on the corresponding atoms.
Since the oxidized cluster consists of Fe3+–Fe3+ and Fe2.5+–Fe2.5+ layers, the average formal charge on each Fe ion is +2.75e. With this consideration, we obtained the values of the 12–6 Lennard-Jones (LJ) parameters Rmin (the atomic distance at the potential minimum) and ε (the well depth) by linear interpolation of the values obtained for Fe2+ and Fe3+ in TIP3P water41 in ref. 42 and 43, respectively. Therefore, we assigned the values Rmin/2 = 1.3778 Å and ε = 0.0125 kcal mol−1 to each Fe ion in [Fe4S4]3+. A similar interpolation was used for the four Fe ions with formal charge +2.5e in [Fe4S4]2+, thus obtaining Rmin/2 = 1.3695 Å and ε = 0.0115 kcal mol−1 (all FF parameters are reported in the ESI†). We expect that our simple recipe to evaluate the LJ parameters is a very good approximation to describe non-bonded van der Waals interactions with surrounding water molecules, a reasonably good approximation for the description of the interactions with O and N atoms in the protein, and a reasonable approximation to describe the interactions with other atoms.
Tables S11 and S12† show that, for each oxidation state of the iron–sulfur cluster, the different spin-layer assignments lead to optimized structures of the parameterized model system that have similar energies. In fact, the energies of the six structures with an oxidized cluster differ by less than ∼4 kBT and the three structures with a reduced cluster differ by less than 1.5 kBT. These energy variations are much smaller than the energy fluctuations that the same model system can experience within the protein environment, as is easily appreciated even within the dielectric continuum model of the protein environment used to construct the FFs (see ESI Tables S11 and S12†). We therefore averaged the FF parameters without using Boltzmann weighting factors to obtain an “unbiased” FF to simulate the cluster dynamics in the macromolecular complex.
We also performed MD simulations of the macromolecular complex using the FF corresponding to one of the six spin-layer assignments (33+; see details in the next section). For this FF, we assigned the Fe3+ LJ parameters43 to two Fe ions, while the other two Fe ions were assigned Fe2.5+ LJ parameters by linear interpolation. The other FF parameters were averaged over homologous atoms in each Fe2S2 redox layer.
We used the ff14SB parameters (parm10) for all molecular components beyond the two model systems. In particular, we used the CYM parameters for the atomic charges, bonds and angles that involved atoms of the Cys ligands excluded from the models. The AMBER parameters for the N-terminal GTP of the DNA/RNA duplex were taken from ref. 45. Protein and duplex were parameterized as in AMBER FFs ff14SB40 and ff99-bsc0,46,47 respectively. The molecular complex was neutralized with Na+ ions and solvated with TIP3P water that extended 10 Å on each side of the system. The size of the unit cell was 66 × 88 × 74 Å3. The H–O and H–H distances in the water molecules were constrained using the SHAKE algorithm.48 Full calculation of the electrostatic interaction energy was performed every 2 time steps using the particle mesh Ewald summation method49 with a grid spacing of 1 Å and scaling factor of 0.833333 for the 1–4 interactions. Non-bonded atomic pairs within 14 Å were counted for the periodic interaction energy calculation, while van der Waals interactions were truncated at 12 Å.
The system geometry was relaxed through 8 × 104 steps of energy minimization, followed by solvent equilibration (using a Langevin thermostat with damping coefficient of 1.0 ps−1) at 295 K (the crystallization temperature of the structure in PDB file 5F0Q) for 150 ps, with fixed protein–nucleic acid complex. Next, we carried out 75 ps of equilibration for the full system at 295 K and an additional 50 ps at 298 K, followed by equilibration at constant temperature (298 K) and pressure (1 atm) for 1.0 ns, using the Nosé–Hoover Langevin piston pressure control50,51 with a piston period of 100 fs, a damping coefficient of 2.0 ps−1 and a barostat damping time scale of 50 fs. During such equilibration, the backbone of the RNA/DNA duplex, the iron–sulfur cluster, and the sulfur atoms of the coordinated Cys residues were fixed. The constraints on these atoms were released in further 0.5 ns of NPT equilibration at the same temperature and pressure. The MD production runs for the systems with the WT protein and its Y345C mutant, containing either the oxidized or the reduced [Fe4S4] cluster, lasted between 110 and 130 ns, with a time step of 0.5 fs, in order to collect 100 ns of MD simulation with stable RMSD for each system (Fig. 2). This time window was used for the analysis of the nucleic acid-binding free energy and the charge transport pathways between the [Fe4S4] cluster and the duplex.
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Fig. 3 (a) p58c complexed with the DNA template/RNA primer (the coordinates were drawn from PDB file 5F0Q7). The DA7 nucleobase is highlighted in green. (b) Kinetic models. The hole transport (blue arrow) proceeds from DA7 to the [Fe4S4] cluster. Therefore, the electron charge moves in the opposite direction (red arrow). The rate constants refer to either electron transfer processes in the directions indicated by the black arrows or hole transfer steps in opposite directions. k1→0 is included in model 1, where kN+1→N is, instead, neglected or irrelevant.10 Model 2 directly describes the hole motion; hence, DA7 and the cluster become sites 0 and N + 1, respectively (not shown). This model includes both kN→N+1 and kN+1→N, while neglecting k1→0. |
Hole occupation probabilities are used, and there is no approximation made concerning the number of active particles in the model system, since a single hole is expected to transfer in the real system. Note that, in model 2, the hole moves from the nucleic acid duplex to the [Fe4S4] cluster, as in model 1 (or as in the model of ref. 10). The absence of a charge drain in this standard BDME model,61 compared to the model of ref. 10, does not affect the expression for the average time τ to transit the complex in terms of the rate constants for the individual CT steps.10,60,62 Therefore, the transit time can be written as10,62
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Ref. 62 shows that the conditions in the last line of eqn (2) are sufficient.
The analysis of ref. 10, and the evaluation through model 1 of the CT routes during the MD simulations, identify purine nucleobase DA7 (ref. 10) as the hole donor to be used in model 2. For both kinetic models, we used the code63 (setting the reorganization energy scaling parameter α to unity63) to find the fastest charge hopping pathways and to calculate the corresponding τ value in the MD snapshots of the WT and Y345C systems selected each ns over the time windows indicated in Fig. 2. Then, we averaged τ over the snapshots. Although the system structure relevant to a hopping route can change on the τ time scale, we assumed that the averaging approximatively accounts for the set of hopping paths that would emerge from longer MD simulations by updating the path search after each CT step.
The study of charge transport dynamics through the [Fe4S4] protein–duplex complex is challenging. The crystal structure used here7 is expected to correspond to an oxidized cluster and, more generally, experiments show that cluster oxidation leads to tighter protein binding to the duplex.9 These observations suggest that MD simulations should be carried out using a FF for the oxidized cluster. However, when electron–hole transport occurs, the cluster cannot start in the oxidized state. In fact, the hole can travel from an initially oxidized nucleic acid to a reduced cluster, but not from an initially oxidized cluster to neutral nucleic acid.10 This unidirectionality of CT suggests that the kinetic analysis should be performed on MD simulations for the complex with the reduced cluster. Ideally, the MD should be updated in terms of FFs as the hole proceeds from the duplex to the cluster, by transiently localizing on different sites in the macromolecular complex. More approximately, MD using A2+ should be more appropriate when the hole is closer to the nucleic acid, while MD using A3+, or 33+, would better describe the complex when the charge is on the cluster or is sufficiently close to it, especially since the use of these FF corresponds to the correct total charge in the molecular complex. To mitigate the dilemma of the FF choice, we note that charge transport is kinetically feasible if the protein is in a pose relative to the RNA/DNA duplex that enables the occurrence of the interfacial CT, even though the [Fe4S4] cluster is initially in a reduced state. Moreover, the protein and duplex should maintain a similar relative positioning over sufficiently short time scales preceding and following the hole transfer that oxidizes the [Fe4S4] cluster. This suggests that MD simulations using A3+ and A2+ might both be used to analyze the hole transport routes and should lead to similar results. Based on all of these arguments, and on the availability of a crystal structure in which the [Fe4S4] cluster is presumably oxidized,7 we analyzed the hole transport routes using both A2+ and A3+, 33+ MD simulations.
FF | WT protein complex | Y345C protein complex |
A3+ | 2.00 ± 0.11 | 2.43 ± 0.16 |
33+ | 2.03 ± 0.17 | 2.11 ± 0.14 |
A2+ | 1.88 ± 0.10 | 2.10 ± 0.18 |
FF | WT protein complex | Y345C protein complex |
A3+ | 19.2 ± 0.9 | 19.7 ± 0.4 |
33+ | 19.8 ± 0.3 | 20.1 ± 0.5 |
A2+ | 19.7 ± 0.4 | 20.1 ± 0.8 |
The analysis above leads us to hypothesize that the A3+ FF performs slightly better than the 33+ FF. Yet, for the mutated system, the 33+ MD simulation produces slightly smaller RMSD fluctuations than the A3+ simulation. While the comparison between the two FFs merits further analysis, we can assert that A3+ describes the anchoring of [Fe4S4]3+ to the protein domain without the restraints that result from a specific redox layer pre-assignment, and this may be responsible for the results in ESI Fig. S2.† Consequently, we expect the transferability of the A3+ FF to iron–sulfur clusters in other proteins.
The MD trajectories using the A3+ and A2+ FFs produce RMSDs with similar fluctuations (quantified by their standard deviations). This observation suggests that the protein–DNA complexes with oxidized and reduced clusters may have similar structural properties over the 0.1 μs timescale that is sampled. This hypothesis is consistent with the fact that the protein and nucleic acid duplex need to achieve an optimal configuration to enable the charge transfer, and this configuration should mainly depend on the structural properties of the protein and duplex near the docking region, although the stability of the docked structure will depend, on a longer time scale, upon the cluster redox state.9
Both A3+ and A2+ produce a larger RMSD for the mutated protein–RNA/DNA complex than for the WT system. This outcome agrees with our estimate of the binding free energy difference of 1.7 kcal mol−1 (∼3 kBT) between the WT and Y345C systems using the MM/PBSA method. Using an average force constant of ∼100 kcal mol−1 Å−2 for the bonds and considering that the nuclear modes coupled to the duplex binding may involve between ∼10 atoms (size of an amino acid residue or of the iron–sulfur cluster) and ∼1000 atoms (order of magnitude of the total number of atoms in the complex), this binding free energy difference may be associated with an average excess atomic displacement on the 0.01 Å length scale. This agrees with the RMSD difference between WT and mutant systems shown in Table 1. Nevertheless, such differences in RMSD and in binding free energy are quite small, indicating accordingly small perturbations to the protein–nucleic acid complex by the mutation on the timescale studied. Our results agree with recent experiments9 that find mutations such as Y345C do not significantly influence the p58c binding to DNA.
Finally, we note that a FF for the [Fe4S4]2+ cluster is available in the literature.17 However, here we adopted a consistent strategy to obtain the FFs for both reduced and oxidized [Fe4S4] clusters, which enables an appropriate comparison between the corresponding complexes. Furthermore, we expect that the A2+ and A3+ FFs are both transferable to [Fe4S4] clusters of other proteins. The comparison of A2+ (as well as 32+) with the previously available FF for the reduced [Fe4S4] cluster17 shows comparable bond stretching force constants but larger angle bending force constants (assuming that the same units for the bending parameters are used in ref. 17), although the equilibrium values of the angles in the two FFs are comparable.
FF | System | τ (μs) | Residues in route | % |
A3+ | WT | 4.8 ± 2.4 | M307 | 37 |
Y309-W327 | 28 | |||
Y309-W327-M307 | 27 | |||
Y309-M307 | 8 | |||
Y345C | 7.1 ± 6.0 | M307 | 53 | |
Y309-W327-M307 | 37 | |||
Y309-M307 | 10 | |||
33+ | WT | 5.1 ± 2.6 | M307 | 52 |
Y309-W327-M307 | 43 | |||
Y309-M307 | 5 | |||
Y345C | 9 ± 11 | M307 | 59 | |
Y309-W327-M307 | 31 | |||
Y309-M307 | 10 | |||
A2+ | WT | 9.2 ± 7.0 | M307 | 91 |
Y309-W327-M307 | 6 | |||
Y309-M307 | 3 | |||
Y345C | 5.1 ± 2.3 | Y309-W327-M307 | 60 | |
M307 | 35 | |||
Y309-M307 | 5 |
FF | System | τ (μs) | Residues in route | % |
A3+ | WT | 34 ± 47 | Y309-W327 | 95 |
Y309-W327-Y345 | 4 | |||
Direct | 1 | |||
Y345C | 260 ± 190 | Y309-W327 | 71 | |
Direct | 23 | |||
Y309-W327-C345 | 6 | |||
33+ | WT | 72 ± 48 | Y309-W327 | 95 |
Direct | 5 | |||
Y345C | 210 ± 260 | Y309-W327 | 89 | |
Direct | 9 | |||
Y309-W327-C345 | 1 | |||
Y309-W327-M307 | 1 | |||
A2+ | WT | 200 ± 160 | Y309-W327 | 65 |
Y309-W327-Y345 | 18 | |||
Direct | 16 | |||
Y309-W327-M307 | 1 | |||
Y345C | 110 ± 160 | Y309-W327 | 90 | |
Direct | 10 |
The predominant roles of the [Fe4S4]-M307-DA7 and [Fe4S4]-Y309-W327-M307-DA7 charge hopping paths in Table 3 confirm the findings of ref. 10 that were based on analysis of the complex crystal structure. The significance of these CT pathways is preserved by the Y345C mutation (Table 3). [Fe4S4]-Y309-M307-DA7 also contributes appreciably to the charge transport in both the WT and Y345C systems.
[Fe4S4]-Y309-W327-DA7 (where W327, rather than M307, is the amino acid residue engaged in CT to the DNA) is one of the predominant CT routes in the WT system when the A3+ FF is used to describe the [Fe4S4] cluster (Table 3). Y309, W327 and M307 are found to be the residues most responsible for charge transport in both the WT and Y345C systems, irrespective of the FF used for the cluster.
The MD simulations for the complex with the oxidized iron–sulfur cluster (which also give information about the structural fluctuations of the crystalized duplex–protein complex, since the latter is expected to contain an oxidized cluster) show that the W327-DA7 base pair experiences the largest distance change upon the Y345C mutation compared to all other redox pairs involved in the protein-mediated charge transport. In the A3+ simulations, the W327-DA7 distance increases by 1.56 Å upon mutation, while a more moderate increase of 0.52 Å results in the 33+ simulation. This structural change favors faster CT through the WT protein, as indicated by the data of Table 3, although other distances (ESI Tables S13 and S14†) influence the τ values.
In kinetic model 2 (Table 4), the rate constant for the hole transfer back to DA7 (namely, electron transfer back to the iron–sulfur protein), which is missing in model 1, changes the set of dominant hopping routes. In fact, the redox potential landscape shown in Fig. 2 of ref. 10 indicates that this backward CT step is energetically favorable when M307 and DA7 are involved, thus considerably increasing the charge propagation time in the forward direction. In contrast, the backward hole transfer from W327 to DA7 is energetically unfavorable, although it remains kinetically accessible. This behavior enhances the role of the W327 residue in the protein-mediated charge transport compared to the prediction of model 1. As a result, model 2 also predicts that Y345 or C345 participate in some of the fastest hopping routes. This amino acid residue plays a secondary role when the iron–sulfur cluster is oxidized (upper and central panels of Table 4), while its CT role seems to be more appreciable in the WT protein with a reduced cluster (bottom panel of Table 4).
The results of Tables 3 and 4 provide new insights into the controversial role of Y347 and Y345 in the protein-mediated electron transport to DNA.9,13–15 Y347 is not involved in any of the predominant CT routes, while Y345 is involved in some routes mediated by W327.
In the MD simulations with the [Fe4S4]3+ cluster, the average value of the travel time τ grows with protein mutation. That is, charge transport is faster through the WT protein. The opposite trend is seen for the simulations with the [Fe4S4]2+ cluster: the charge transport is faster through the mutant. Thus, based on the mean values of τ, we conclude that the Y345C mutation reduces the efficiency of the protein-mediated CT only if the system adopts poses that are typical of the tightly bound duplex–[Fe4S4]3+ protein complex. However, for each FF choice, the τ variation following the Y345C mutation is comparable to (or smaller than) the widths of the τ value distributions in the WT and mutated systems. Therefore, future investigations of the two systems over longer timescales (at least μs) would be useful to deepen the comparison between the two systems.
We also explored excess electron transfer from a negatively charged DA7 nucleobase to an oxidized [Fe4S4] cluster, using theoretical estimates of relevant reduction potentials drawn from previous studies.10,64 However, the direct electron transfer between DNA and the cluster was the fastest CT pathway in all A3+ MD snapshots of the WT system. The process occurs deeply in the Marcus inverted region, leading to an average value of τ around 2s. Overestimation of the reduction potentials may be responsible for this finding, but experimental measurements of the reduction potentials (and of the reorganization energies for excess electron transfer) are lacking. Therefore, the analysis of excess electron transfer was not pursued.
The developed FFs, in combination with AMBER FFs for the macromolecular system, allowed study of molecular dynamics and functional charge transport in the native p58c–RNA/DNA duplex complex, as well as in a complex with a protein mutation relevant to research on gastric tumors.16 We found that the mutation has a weak effect on the p58c binding to the duplex, consistent with recent experiments.9 These experiments (which were criticized because of the use of a mutated I271S p58c protein and of biologically irrelevant DNA substrates13) are thus supported by our theoretical analysis, which uses the native protein7 and a biologically relevant7,13,14 RNA/DNA substrate.
Our study suggests that the reduced [Fe4S4] p58c and the RNA/DNA duplex may adopt poses that are similar to those typical of the oxidized complex on the CT timescale. This similarity would also account for the necessary hole transfer between cluster and duplex, and the related functional role of the [Fe4S4] redox switching,9 without being in contrast with the increase in p58c DNA-binding affinity upon [Fe4S4] cluster oxidation that would be observed over longer timescales.
Our analysis of hole transport through the WT and mutated protein systems based on 0.1 μs MD simulations does not reveal a clear difference in charge transport rates between the WT and mutated systems, but does show a clear change in the population of the fastest charge hopping routes in the protein ensemble upon mutation. However, based on the wide ranges of charge transit times in the native and mutant systems caused by structural fluctuations, the effect of the mutation on the protein charge transport might emerge from simulations on the 1 μs to 100 μs timescales. Our comprehensive theoretical-computational approach provides a toolbox for future investigation of the p58c–RNA/DNA system on these timescales and sets the stage for a deeper understanding of functional charge transport in nucleic acid–[Fe4S4] protein complexes.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0sc02245d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |