a and
aInstitute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), Av. Països Catalans, 16, 43007 Tarragona, Spain. E-mail: cbo@iciq.cat
bDepartament de Química Física i Inorgánica, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Marcel·lí Domingo s/n, 43007 Tarragona, Spain
First published on 3rd August 2020
The self-assembly mechanisms of polyoxometalates (POMs) are still a matter of discussion owing to the difficult task of identifying all the chemical species and reactions involved. We present a new computational methodology that identifies the reaction mechanism for the formation of metal-oxide clusters and provides a speciation model from first-principles and in an automated manner. As a first example, we apply our method to the formation of octamolybdate. In our model, we include variables such as pH, temperature and ionic force because they have a determining effect on driving the reaction to a specific product. Making use of graphs, we set up and solved 2.8 × 105 multi-species chemical equilibrium (MSCE) non-linear equations and found which set of reactions fitted best with the experimental data available. The agreement between computed and experimental speciation diagrams is excellent. Furthermore, we discovered a strong linear dependence between DFT and empirical formation constants, which opens the door for a systematic rescaling.
The synthesis of POMs usually takes place by reacting the corresponding oxo-anion monomer, for instance [MoO4]2−, with additional acids, bases or other salts, in aqueous solution where a plethora of hydrolysis, aggregation and condensation reactions triggers the formation of discrete clusters.23 The experimental procedure might look straightforward yet the final result vastly depends on detailed control of a number of parameters: pH, temperature, concentrations, presence of addenda metals and/or counter-cations, crystallization conditions, just to mention a few.24 The high sensitivity of the synthetic methods is related to the multiple complex equilibria between transient species that occur rapidly in solution, and that magically favors the prevalence of some building-blocks over others. However, neither the nucleation reaction pathways nor the nature of the building blocks can be controlled at will, and only in few cases the discovery of new POMs relays on rational automated approaches.25
Mass-spectrometry has extensively proved to be an useful technique for identifying species in solution, and has been applied for detecting reaction intermediates, and also their fragmented products, in a short variety of cases: silicates,26,27 vanadates,28,29 tungstates30,31 and molybdates.32,33 Recently, kinetic investigations have proposed autocatalysis in the formation processes of giant molybdenum oxide clusters.34 Complementarily, computational methods have also emerged as a crucial tool for studying species involved in elementary steps in the formation mechanisms of POMs.35–40 However we notice that human-derived complex reaction mechanisms, even relying on first-principles methods, present their own shortcomings. In the first place, the analysis of multiple reaction pathways is cumbersome, slow, and mostly restricted to known, a priori expected chemical transformations. In the second place, even ab initio molecular dynamics simulations contain some bias because of the choice of conditions that drive simulations forward to a pre-determined end. In the case of metadynamics simulations, the choice of the collective variables may thus introduce a significant bias.
More importantly, since POMs nucleation processes are specially characterized for having multiple simultaneous coupled equilibria, a classical systematic exploration of such complex reactive systems, if feasible, would hardly provide new clues. A alternative new approach is needed to go one step further in the understanding of this reactivity. There is the need for a tool capable of predicting which species would form under any given experimental conditions, and answer questions as: which species would be the most abundant at a given pH? Or/and, which reaction mechanisms are operative to form a given product?
Here we present the first steps in this direction, beginning with the determination of a suitable speciation model for POMs in solution computationally and in an automated manner, that at the same time provides key information that permits identifying the underlying nucleation mechanisms. We define the speciation model as the set of species and the corresponding chemical equilibrium equations (multi-species chemical equilibrium, MSCE) which determine the concentration of each species as a function of pH. Indeed, pH is one of the most determining factors in controlling the growth processes of POMs. MSCE equations allow taking into account not only the pH but also other important factors (temperature, pressure, concentration, ionic force). The derived MSCE systems of equations are most frequently nonlinear thus they are solved numerically.41,42 The analysis of the species and their relationships gathered from the speciation model are what define the nucleation mechanism. We have applied this new methodology to the growth process of octamolybdate [Mo8O26]4−.
Cruywagen et al.43,44 determined experimentally the formation constants of several medium-sized polyoxomolybdates involved in the formation of octamolybdate [Mo8O26]4−. Further work has been done in that direction, including measurements that combine potentiometric45 and spectroscopic46,47 techniques. These sets of experimentally measured formation constants constitute the simplest speciation model, which includes very few species: monomer, heptamolybdate and octamolybdate only. Hence, we have estimated the accuracy of the new developed protocol based on these experimental data available.
The new strategy to tackle this problem starts by rationally guessing and processing molecular structures potentially involved in the nucleation process. As a matter of fact, Broadbelt et al. pioneered viewing molecular structures as molecular graphs, in which atoms and bonds are represented by nodes and edges, respectively.48 Therefore, chemical reactions can be understood as morphological transformations between similar graphs, i.e., isomorphisms. Nonetheless, some heuristics need to be imposed (e.g., atom valences, reaction types, stoichiometric and/or charge balance) to cope with the huge amount of possible isomorphic relationships, so to construct a chemically meaningful reaction network. The availability of open-source libraries facilitates coding graphs,49 as we can find several successful applications of chemical reactivity automated discovery applied to, for instance, Claisen condensation,50 hydroformylation,51,52 γ-ketohydroperoxide decomposition,53 formose reaction54 and isomerisation of allylic amines.55 In the present work, we have developed graph-based algorithms that identify all possible chemical reactions within a set of molecular species, which are described as molecular graphs. Furthermore, the same code builds the corresponding reaction network, which in our formalism is a graph of graphs.
Scheme 1 summarizes the main steps that we followed as a data workflow: (1) prepare a collection of polyoxomolybdates Cartesian files (2) perform geometry optimizations and analytical frequencies; computational details in the ESI† (3) extract atom types, chemical connectivity and free energies from the output files (4) convert chemical molecules to molecular graphs (5) check which graphs are isomorphic (6) transform isomorphisms to chemical reactions; a collection of 72 acid–base, condensation and addition reactions is obtained (7) set up all the possible combinations of multi-species chemical equilibrium models (8) apply two approximations to decrease the computational cost seven orders of magnitude (9) solve 1620 speciation models for a broad range of pH; the best model provides the associated nucleation mechanism.
In first place, each chemical compound is converted to a molecular graph (G). To do so, atoms are transformed into nodes and chemical bonds are converted to edges. While the assignation of the nodes is straightforward, it is not exactly the case for the edges. Indeed, weak chemical bonds are hardly ever depicted in the connectivity of the molecule. While for alkaline-side polyoxometalates that might not be problem, polyoxomolybdates aggregate at low pH, which means that the species are protonated and hydrogen bonds have an important role in stabilizing negatively-charged species. In order to add these bonds to the connectivity of each molecule, we relied on the topological analysis of the electronic density developed by Bader in his Theory of Atoms in Molecules (AIM).57 This methodology detected all covalent bonds and also hydrogen bonds interactions (see Fig. S1†), thus the connectivity matrix of each species is built automatically. Hence, all the identified bond critical points are converted to edges thus obtaining accurate molecular graphs.
Knowing all the existing isomorphisms is a prerequisite to determine all the possible chemical reactions unambiguously. However, a final adjustment must be made to convert an isomorphism to a chemical transformation. Isomorphic relationships do not fulfil the stoichiometric balance of any chemical transformation. Therefore, the difference of atoms between each pair of isomorphs provides the stoichiometry of the missing reactant.
In this way, we can convert each isomorphism to a chemical reaction by only adding the compound that is missing. For example, if the difference of atoms between two isomorphs is only one hydrogen atom, then the corresponding reaction would be an acid–base transformation. Analogously, if the difference is one molybdenum atom and three oxygen atoms, or one molybdenum atom and four oxygen atoms, then they would correspond to a condensation or an addition reaction, respectively.
All the chemical reactions that arise from the isomorphisms refinement are listed in the ESI† (including their respective computed free reaction energies) and presented as a reaction network in Fig. 1. The 30 compounds are distributed along the vertical axis according to their number of non-hydrogen atoms or molecular complexity. Consequently, molecules at the same height only differ by the state of protonation. There is a total of 72 chemical reactions which are classified in three main groups: acid–base, condensations, and additions. Horizontal connections refer to the 20 protonation reactions which play a key role in describing the acid–base properties, and which are in general thermodynamically favorable. On the other hand, vertical edges correspond to condensation and addition reactions that are responsible for the growth of the clusters. However, Fig. 1 does not provide a clear picture of which reactions are the most relevant for synthesizing the [HmMo8O26]4−m. Even using raw free reaction energies would not clarify the picture. Actually, POMs' chemistry is known to be very sensitive to other variables such as pH, concentration effects and ionic force. We have used speciation models to account for the aforementioned parameters when determining which is the preferred reaction pathway, instead. This approach has provided us with a more accurate idea of the nucleation mechanism.
Unfortunately, the amount of combinations resulting from the binomial coefficient involves the resolution of an unfeasible amount of ∼1010 systems of non-linear equations (Fig. S2†). To overcome this technical problem, two major approximations have been made to reduce the computational cost. Firstly, disregarding all those condensation/addition reactions that do not present a monomer [HmMoO4]m−2 as one of the reactants. Although such assumption involves a strong simplification, we do so based on the widely accepted idea that the monomer is found in relatively high concentrations in the reaction media.43,45,58 Secondly, we have assumed that, there must be a representation of all species types for each combination as far as the number of metal atoms is concerned. In other words, the nine considered reactions have to contain dimers, trimers, tetramers, …. This condition ensured that we do not bias the results towards any specific compound. Such heuristics reduce the number of speciation models to 1.6 × 103 (1620 actually), which is an affordable amount given the formidable challenge of solving systems of nonlinear equations for a wide range of concentrations.
Furthermore, some hyperparameters such as: temperature, pressure, ionic force, molybdenum and water concentration, acid–base hydron pair, pH grid and convergence threshold must be fixed as well. The temperature is set to 298 K at normal conditions. The total concentration of molybdenum and water are fixed to 0.005 M and 1 M respectively. Owing to the poor description that the H3O+/H2O pair offers, we employ the Zundel cation H5O2+ instead. Each speciation model is solved for an adequate range of pH using a small step of 0.2 pH units. The solution is accepted if Powell's optimizer59 ends successfully and the average Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) for all the pH range is smaller than 5 × 10−3 M (<10% error). In addition, the Davies equation is considered to account for the deviation from ideality of relatively high concentrated solutions.60 Moreover, given the fact that the experimental data reported by Cruywagen et al. is expressed as the decimal logarithm of the formation constants (pKExpf), we express our results in the same units. Thus, once the concentrations of all the species are known, the formation constants can be obtained straightforwardly (see ESI†).
Following the aforementioned parameters, we have solved the 1.6 × 103 speciation models (over 2.8 × 105 systems of non-linear equations) relying on a Python code developed in house. Given the huge amount of results, all of them are clustered and summarized in a box plot (Fig. 2). There is a notable variance in the pKDFTf values, especially for the largest compounds, yet the median values seem to increase in a systematic manner. Note that the seemingly linear trends from which the box plots are distributed is due to their general formula. Compounds with indexes from 0 to 14 correspond to [HnMomO3m+1]n−2, from 15 to 23 including 27, 28 and 29 correspond to [HnMomO3m+2]n−4 and 24, 25 and 26 are defined by [HnMomO3m+3]n−6. The rather high absolute values for the formation constants foreshadow a mismatch respect to the experiments.
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Fig. 2 Box plots of the DFT formation constants (pKDFTf) for each compound (comprised between 1 to 29). Data obtained from the resolution of the 1620 speciation models. |
In order to test the accuracy of the formation constants, we have plotted the speciation diagrams of the three best models according to their R2. The results are presented in Fig. 3a–c where the vertical axis refers to the relative abundance and the horizontal axis to the pH scale. Three models (number 45, 450, and 453) are the most accurate out of the 1.6 × 103 models, given their high correlation coefficients (0.9992, 0.9993 and 0.9993, respectively). Note that the associated formation constants are expressed as pKDFTf, since they are obtained by solving systems of non-linear equations using raw DFT reaction free energies. The three models predict the elevated concentration of [MoO4]2− at high pH which contrasts with the wide number of species at lower pH in the experimental speciation diagram in Fig. 3f. However, at more acidic pH, the discrepancy between Fig. 3a, b and c is more accentuated. In fact, there is a wide number of chemical species but most importantly, [Mo2O7]2− and H2Mo4O13 appears at significant concentrations. This fact is rather unusual since smaller clusters are very reactive intermediates which rapidly react to form more complex species. However, the most disconcerting feature is the pH scale of the DFT models, which is clearly overestimated when we compare it to the experimental results reported by Cruywagen (Fig. 3f). In addition, the speciation is not properly reproduced since [H2Mo7O24]4−, [Mo8O26]4−, [HMo8O26]3− do not appear in the DFT speciation diagrams. Therefore, we suspect that the main source of error arises from the very poor description of the pKa acid/base constants. Indeed, it is well-documented that determining acidic dissociation constants using DFT calculations is rather troublesome. For example, an error of 1.36 kcal mol−1 in the deprotonation Gibbs energy in implicit solvent causes an error of 1 pKa unit.61,62 In the next section we introduce a rescaling of the DFT energies so as to overcome this challenge and reduce the current gap between computational and experimental results.
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Fig. 3 Speciation diagrams according to (a) pKDFTf model 45, (b) pKDFTf model 450, (c) pKDFTf model 453, (d) pKParf model 1225, (e) pKParf model 790 (f) pKExpf (extracted from ref. 43). R2 correspond to the correlation between Powell's and least squares solutions. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) between pKParf and pKExpf. δG(H2MoO4) stands for the ad hoc correction (−9.0 kcal mol−1) applied to the free energy of the molybdic acid. Color legend at the bottom indicates the chemical compounds. |
Cruywagen determined the formation constants of [MoO4]2−, [HMoO4]−, H2MoO4, [Mo7O24]6−, [HMo7O24]5−, [Mo7O24]4−, [Mo8O26]4− and [HMo8O26]3− by potentiometry.43 Thus, for these compounds already included in our dataset, we have compared their respective sets of pKExpf and pKDFTf for each speciation model. We have found that there is a clear linear relationship between both sets as Fig. 4a demonstrates. Linear regressions of all 1.6 × 103 MSCE models are plotted in a grey color scale according to their linear correlation coefficients. Thus, the lighter ones correspond to poorer linear fits and vice versa. The best linear regression is marked in red and corresponds to model 1225 (R2 = 0.99974). Applying its linear equation y = 0.33x − 3.05, the set of pKDFTf is rescaled thus obtaining a new set of parametrized formation constants (labeled as pKParf). In addition, we have verified that the linear trend, between pKDFTf and pKExpf, is not only found for PBE but for other DFT functionals, as Fig. S4† shows. Next, we have plotted the corresponding speciation diagram using the pKParf for the best fit (model 1225), in order to verify if any enhancement was achieved. Fig. 3d shows the new results as well as the RMSE between the set of pKParf and the pKExpf (0.48 pKf units). The first enhancement concerns the pH scale since it is no longer overestimated as it is for the pKDFTf. Note that the scale has decreased ∼15 pH units, which is a large shift given that the units are logarithmic.
Furthermore, the general trends showed in Fig. 3f are fairly well-reproduced in Fig. 3d. However, the molar fraction of some species is noticeably different. For example, the concentration of [HMo8O26]3− is much larger in model 1225 than in experiments. Fig. 3f proves that we have found a good enough speciation model for qualitative results, yet additional refinements must be performed in order to go a step further.
Although the speciation model in Fig. 3d already presents good agreement with the empirical data, we aim at achieving a quantitative prediction of the formation constants. Nonetheless, it is worth considering that reproducing pKf has the added challenge of dealing with a maximization of the errors given the logarithmic nature of these units. The constraints which are imposed by the mass balance equation in the speciation models are an additional complication. Thus, a poor description on a single concentration causes further deviations, given that all the concentrations are interrelated by the mass balance equation.
In light of this, we analyzed Fig. 3d in detail to discern any possible source of errors. One striking difference between Fig. 3d and f is the high concentration of [HMoO4]−, which has been reported to never reach a greater relative concentration of ∼30%.43 Additionally, the concentration of H2MoO4 is lower than the experimental values, which might suggest a bad description of the following acid–base equilibrium: [HMoO4]− + H5O2+ → H2MoO4 + 2H2O. This hypothesis is reinforced by the existing controversy involving the solution structure of molybdic acid.63–65 In general terms, at low pH there is an expansion in the coordination sphere of the acid due to the coordination of two water molecules. Vilà-Nadal et al. reported that the six-coordinated molybdic acid MoO2(OH)2(H2O)2 was 6 kcal mol−1 more stable than the four coordinated species MoO2(OH)2.37 Thus, we have wondered how much the energy of single species could change the overall outcome of the speciation model. Consequently, we have adjusted the free energy of molybdic acid, expressed as δG(H2MoO4), for a range of values (comprised between 0 and −20 kcal mol−1) to observe its effect on the calculation of the formation constants. According to Fig. S7,† pKDFTf are even in better agreement with experiments when an ad hoc correction of −9 kcal mol−1 (δG) is applied (more details in the ESI†). Therefore, we have employed this correction to the free energy of molybdic acid and re-calculated all the 1.6 × 103 speciation models. Following the same protocol, we have compared the pKDFTf to pKExpf in order to find out the best linear fit to correct the overestimated pKDFTf values. Fig. 4b collects the new 1.6 × 103 linear fits. The best linear regression corresponds now to model 790 (R2 = 0.99998) and is highlighted in red. Note that Fig. 4b models present even a better linearity than the ones collected in Fig. 4a, as the correlation coefficient and the variance show. Therefore, from a mathematical point of view, we can state that the ad hoc correction has systematically improved the description of all the 1.6 × 103 models.
Next, we have applied the linear scaling to generate the new set of pKParf. These new formation constants values are used to plot the speciation diagram depicted in Fig. 3e. The agreement with experiments has significantly enhanced, as the lower RMSE of 0.11 pKf units suggests. In fact, the concentration of [HMoO4]− is nearly negligible whereas the concentration of H2MoO4 has increased due to δG(H2MoO4) ad hoc correction. Furthermore, the description of [HMo8O26]3− has also improved as a consequence of the mass-balance equation which interrelates all the species. Therefore, our DFT-derived speciation model can accurately predict the speciation diagram of octamolybdate.
Good results were obtained yet quantitatively unacceptable as the molybdic acid was poorly modeled. That is why an ad hoc correction on its free energy was applied and excellent results were obtained. With this knowledge in hand, we seek to transfer it to the initial reaction map (Fig. 1) in order to unveil the most relevant chemical paths.
The set of reactions that define the best speciation model are summarized in the ESI† and depicted as a reaction map in Fig. 5. The 29 chemical equations present in speciation model 790 are colored according to their reaction type: orange, green and indigo stand for acid–base, condensation and addition reactions respectively. Moreover, the left out reactions are marked in grey with a lower weight. On the one hand, all the acid–base equilibria are highlighted, since these reactions are present in every speciation model. Therefore, each molybdenum cluster can be found in any protonation state (horizontal axis) depending on the pH at which the reaction takes place. On the other hand, reactions involving the growth of the clusters are unique for each speciation model. Hence, we propose that the nine selected reactions marked in Fig. 5 are the main chemical transformations for reaching octamolybdate, thus the nucleation mechanism.
Most of the reactions that are present in the formation of octamolybdate are found to be slightly endergonic. This is so because molybdic acid is involved as a reactant in several reactions and its free energy has been stabilized by the ad hoc correction. Bearing this in mind, the nucleation mechanism starts with the condensation between H2MoO4 and [HMoO4]− to yield [HMo2O7]− with a ΔGreac of 4.08 kcal mol−1. Next, [HMo2O7]− reacts with another molybdic acid molecule to generate [Mo3O10]2− with an endergonic reaction free energy (ΔGreac of 8.1 kcal mol−1). The nucleation reaction proceeds through a third condensation reaction between [Mo3O10]2− and H2MoO4 yielding [Mo4O13]2− (ΔGreac 7.8 kcal mol−1). Hitherto, the growth up to four metal atoms followed an slightly uphill path. The tetramolybdate can either condensate with H2MoO4 to trigger the formation of the [Mo5O16]2− (ΔGreac +27.7 kcal mol−1) or to aggregate with [HMoO4]− to form [HMo5O17]3− (ΔGreac 13.4 kcal mol−1). Both processes are strongly endergonic, but free reaction energies do not account for concentration effects or pH, that is why speciation models give a more accurate picture of the chemical processes. In addition, [HMo5O17]3− and [Mo5O16]2− can be regarded as unstable intermediates which would rapidly be converted to larger clusters. Actually, [Mo5O16]2− reacts with [HMoO4]− to yield [Mo6O20]4− through an addition reaction with a ΔGreac close to equilibrium (−0.1 kcal mol−1). A water condensation takes place between [Mo6O20]4− and H2MoO4 to give the heptamer [Mo7O23]4− as a product with a resulting ΔGreac of 2.6 kcal mol−1. The formation of [HnMo7O24]n−6 is endergonic (ΔGreac of 27.5 kcal mol−1) which agrees with preceding studies.58 [Mo7O24]6−, [HMo7O24]5− and [H2Mo7O24]4− are present in the experimental speciation diagrams (Fig. 4f) thus emphasizing the importance of accounting for concentration effects and pH. Finally, the octamolybdate [Mo8O26]4− is exothermically formed (−2.1 kcal mol−1) as a result of the condensation reaction between [Mo7O23]4− and H2MoO4.
Although automated, note that our protocol is not fully ab initio since it required corrections using experimental data. The excellent linear fit between experimental and DFT calculated formation constants also holds for the several DFT methods we have tested (see Fig. S4†). We conclude that: (i) there is a systematic error in the calculated pKa values, which is easy to solve and to transfer to other systems/methods; (ii) those corrections would require validation when applied to other systems. Nonetheless, methods for calculating the pKa of organic molecules require some fitting as well.
Overall, our POMSimulator offers a systematic and automatic way for predicting the nucleation mechanism of medium size polyoxometalates. Speciation diagrams strongly depend on the ionic force. This dependence can be readily investigated without additional experiments, as Fig. S5† shows. Actually, at high ionic force values, our simulator predicts heptamolybdate as the most abundant species at pH = 4. This is the kind of questions that our simulator can answer. We hope that these and future results will stimulate further experiments.
Further work for extending this protocol to larger clusters and verifying its applicability to other kinds of compounds and chemical transformations is in progress. The biggest challenge that we face is to include additional cations and/or anions in our model. This amplifies the problem. In POMs chemistry, those additives are incorporated in the POM structure, so we expect that our method will shade light into the formation mechanisms of such complex structures.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Computational details, full list of chemical reactions, speciation models and formation constants definitions, plus additional data. See DOI: 10.1039/d0sc03530k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |