Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Division of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Metallurgy, Wybrzeze Stanislawa Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland. E-mail:
First published on 23rd November 2020
Novel atmospheric pressure glow discharge (APGD) microplasma systems, sustained between a miniaturized flowing liquid anode (FLA) or cathode (FLC) and a He nozzle jet were investigated for the determination of Bi with the aid of optical emission spectrometry (OES). The most influential working conditions, i.e., the acid type, the acid concentration, the discharge current, the He flow rate, the sample flow rate, and the discharge gap, were optimized for both studied methods. Furthermore, the effect of the addition of low molecular weight organic compounds (LMWOCs) into FLA/FLC solutions on the signal intensity of Bi was investigated. It was found that the addition of formic acid (5%) into the FLC solution enhanced the signal intensity 10 times. Under the optimized conditions, detection limits (DLs, assessed on the basis of the 3σ criterion) reached 33 μg L−1 for the FLC-APGD system and 0.34 μg L−1 in the case of the FLA-APGD system. The DL of Bi offered by the FLA-APGD-OES method was better than those reported for other microplasma techniques. The latter method was successfully applied for a quantitative determination of Bi in spiked water samples. The influence of concomitant ions on the signal intensity of Bi was thoroughly studied and the recoveries of Bi added to these water samples (at a concentration of 100 μg L−1) were within the range of 86–101%, confirming the good accuracy and usefulness of the developed FLA-APGD-OES method.
Several spectrometric methods have been applied to Bi determination, e.g., atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS),6,12 hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS),11,18 hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS),2,8 inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES),19,20 hydride generation inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (HG-ICP-OES),21,22 hydride generation microwave induced plasma optical emission spectrometry (HG-MIP-OES),23,24 and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).10,25 The aforesaid commercially available techniques are valued for providing good selectivity, sensitivity, low detection limits (DLs), high precision and trueness as well as the possibility of performing multi-element analysis. However, a number of disadvantages have been recognized in regard to the application of these methods, e.g., bulky and complex instrumentation, and high power and gas consumption, resulting in high operating costs.
To overcome these disadvantages, the attention of many researchers has been directed to the development of miniaturized excitation sources which would provide a similar or better analytical performance at low costs and reduced power and gas consumption, concurrently requiring a simplified device design.26,27 Among numerous systems proposed for the time being,27–32 discharges generated in contact with flowing solutions enjoy a special interest. They provide a simple design, and operation at a low power (<100 W) and often in an open to air atmosphere (no discharge gas is required) as well as the transport of analytes directly from a sample solution, which eliminates the need for nebulizers or spray chamber application. All of this results in notably reduced operation costs, contemporaneously offering sensitivity and detectability comparable to or better than those obtained with conventionally used bulky instruments.33–35
Surprisingly, there are only a few reports of such microplasma systems being applied in the quantitative determination of Bi. They include the following techniques: hydride generation dielectric barrier discharge atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-DBD-AFS),36 hydride generation dielectric barrier discharge atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-DBD-AAS),37 hydride generation point discharge optical emission spectrometry (HG-PD-OES),38 solution anode glow discharge atomic emission spectrometry (SAGD-AES),39 and hydride generation flowing liquid anode atmospheric pressure glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (HG-FLA-APGD-OES).40 It is noteworthy that the majority of the aforesaid techniques employ the HG technique. Although the application of the HG reaction enhances the sensitivity and improves the transport efficiency of analytes, it is well known that this method suffers from interference in the liquid phase coming from the sample matrix and significant memory effects. In addition, it requires the use of a toxic and unstable reducing agent and the pre-reduction step is often needed in real sample analysis to obtain lower oxidation states of elements.41–43
The last from the above listed techniques, i.e., SAGD, known also as flowing liquid anode atmospheric pressure glow discharge (FLA-APGD),44 was repeatedly proven to be a promising tool for highly sensitive determination of Ag, Bi, Cd, Hg, In, Pb, Tl, and Zn.39,44–46 It offers high precision, wide linearity ranges, good trueness, and DLs of the above-mentioned analytes improved up to 3 orders of magnitude in comparison with those achievable with other microplasma techniques as well as commercially available instruments, such as ICP-OES. Very recently, Bi was successfully determined by two independent research groups using the FLA-APGD excitation source combined with OES detection. In the first case,40 the obtained DL of Bi was 0.8 μg L−1; however, in this approach the HG technique was applied. On the other hand, Yuan et al.39 proposed a simplified design for the SAGD device but the DL obtained in this work was over two times higher, i.e., 2.0 μg L−1.
Therefore, the aim of this work was to improve the sensitivity and detectability of Bi determination by the FLA-APGD-OES method, but without applying the HG technique. To reach this goal, the optimization of crucial working parameters was performed at first. Afterwards, the influence of the addition of low molecular weight organic compounds (LMWOCs) on the signal intensity of Bi was investigated. Under optimal operating conditions, the analytical performance of the FLA-APGD-OES method (in terms of the DL of Bi, the linearity range of the calibration curve, and the precision of measurements) was evaluated. Moreover, the effect of the selected foreign ions on the signal intensity of Bi was evaluated and the analysis of the selected water samples was carried out. Additionally, the optimization, the evaluation of the analytical performance and the study of the effect of the addition of LMWOCs were also conducted for flowing liquid cathode atmospheric pressure glow discharge (FLC-APGD) sustained and operated in the discharge system similar to FLA-APGD. The results attained for both methods were compared and discussed comprehensively.
A voltage of 800–1200 V was applied to both electrodes by a HV DC power supply (model DP50H-024PH, DSC-Electronics, Germany). Its exact value depended on the applied He flow rate, the discharge current, and the acid concentration. To stabilize the discharge, a 2.2 kΩ (FLA-APGD) or 6.9 kΩ (FLC-APGD) ballast resistor was connected into the circuit.
The radiation emitted by APGD was imaged (1:1) on the entrance slit (10 μm) of a Shamrock 500i imaging spectrometer (Andor, UK), using an achromatic quartz lens (f = 80). The spectrometer was equipped with a holographic grating (1800 lines per mm) and a Newton DU-920P-OE UV-Vis CCD camera (Andor, UK). The integration time was 10 s during all experiments and the intensities of atomic emission lines of Bi were background corrected.
Mineral water was purchased from a local store. Bystrzyca river water (sampled in the city of Swidnica, Poland) and municipal tap water (Wroclaw, Poland) were collected into pre-cleaned 1 L PE bottles. River water was initially filtered through cellulose filter paper (grade 595) and subsequently acidified with concentrated HNO3 to reach its final concentration of 0.015 mol L−1.
A portion of 10.0 g of each water sample was transferred into a twist cup container. The samples of mineral and tap waters were then acidified with concentrated HNO3, spiked with the stock standard of Bi, and subsequently filled with deionized water to the final mass of 30.0 g. The resulting concentrations of HNO3 and Bi were 0.005 mol L−1 and 100 μg L−1, respectively. Such prepared sample solutions were divided into three separate parts and the standard addition was performed on the last two of them. All the abovementioned water samples were prepared in triplicate; besides, appropriate procedural blanks were prepared and considered in the final results.
Table 1 presents the values of the signal to background ratio (SBR) for all acquired atomic emission lines. Although 8 of such lines were identified in the FLA-APGD spectrum, the sensitivity of most of them was rather poor (except for Bi 223.1 nm). In the case of FLC-APGD, a weak emission from the resonance line of Bi (223.1 nm) as well as three other lines at 202.1 nm, 206.2 nm, and 262.8 nm was noted. The obtained results are in line with the outcomes reported in other studies, concerning FLA- and FLC-APGD systems, indicating that only a few most prominent atomic lines are observed for most of the elements.44,47 Based on the received signal intensities of Bi for the studied discharge systems, it could be expected that FLA-APGD would provide much better excitation conditions for Bi (because of lower saturation of the discharge gas with water vapor), as compared to FLC-APGD. The enhanced transport of Bi can contribute to its improved analytical response as well; the efficiency of the volatile species generation of Bi in the case of FLA-APGD is much higher than the transport of this element through the solution sputtering in the case of FLC-APGD. Previously, such a difference was reported for other elements, specifically Ag, Cd, Pb, Tl, and Zn.44 It is also noteworthy that the background intensity in the whole studied spectral range was perceptibly lower (up to 21 times) for the FLC-APGD system. A similar observation was also previously made in both above cited studies. This is likely due to increased water evaporation into the FLC-APGD system (by about 3–4 times, as compared to FLA-APGD),44,48 leading to a limited diffusion of the surrounding air into the discharge phase. As a result, the emission from molecular bands such as NO in the investigated spectral range was lowered.
As the SBR of the resonance line of Bi (223.1 nm) was 3–69 times higher than that for the other lines in both APGD systems, this atomic line was considered in all subsequent experiments.
As for the FLA-APGD system, the influence of the HNO3 concentration was studied in the range of 0.001–0.01 mol L−1. It was established that when the lower acidification of the introduced solutions was employed, poorer discharge stability was observed. As the acid concentration was equal to 0.001 mol L−1, it was impossible to ignite the discharge; likely due to the insufficient solution conductivity. In the case of the FLC-APGD system, it is expected that the acid concentration in the analyzed solution needs to be higher than this for the FLA-APGD system.44,49 Hence, for FLC-APGD, the investigated HNO3 concentrations ranged between 0.01 and 0.1 mol L−1 (lower and higher acid concentrations than given destabilized the discharge).
The highest emission from Bi was observed at HNO3 concentrations of 0.005 mol L−1 and 0.1 mol L−1, respectively for the FLA-APGD and FLC-APGD systems (see Comment SI-2†). For both studied systems, as the acid concentration increased, the background intensity slightly dropped (less than 10% over the whole studied ranges), hence the fluctuations in SBRs resulted predominantly from the changes in the Bi signal intensities (see Fig. SI-2 and SI-3†). As a result, the maximum SBRs were obtained at 0.005 mol L−1 and 0.1 mol L−1, for FLA- and FLC-APGD, respectively (see Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 The effect of the acid concentration on the SBR for Bi in the case of the FLA-APGD (A) and FLC-APGD (B) systems. |
The results obtained for the FLC-APGD system are in good agreement with other literature data,50,51 reported for that system, indicating that the signal intensities of different elements decreased with lowering sample acidification. For this system, it was proved52,53 that at a high acid concentration, the cathode voltage drop is reduced, leading to the enhanced recombination of the sputtered element species with the electrons and hence, increasing their transport efficiency into the discharge.
Concerning the results obtained for the FLA-APGD system, their clarification is more troublesome due to a much smaller number of studies devoted to this excitation source. Similar observations regarding the changes in the signal intensity of the analytes with the increasing acid concentration were made by Liu et al. for Cd and Zn (regardless of the kind of acid used, i.e., HCl or HNO3)45 and Greda et al. for Ag, Cd, Pb, Tl, and Zn (in HNO3 media).54 A supposed reason for the decrease of the Bi signal intensity (with the increase of the acid concentration) was likely the scavenging of the solvated electrons by H3O+ ions present in the FLA solution (see Comment SI-3†).48
Regardless of the specific reason for the observed effect of HNO3, acid concentrations of 0.005 mol L−1 (for FLA-APGD) and 0.1 mol L−1 (for FLC-APGD) offered the highest SBRs, and hence they were applied in further experiments.
It was repeatedly shown in the literature44,45,54–57 that the increase of the discharge current leads to a linear enhancement of the signal intensity of analytes in the case of both FLA- and FLC-APGD systems. This signal intensity enhancement of elements is usually associated with a more efficient introduction of the analytes into the discharge.54 That being so, unsurprisingly, an enhancement of the Bi signal intensity (over the whole studied range) was observed in this work as well, for both investigated systems. A linear rise in the background intensity was observed as the discharge current increased (for both the FLC- and FLA-APGD system). The only small exception occurred for the FLA-APGD system operated at He flow rates ≤100 mL min−1 (see Comment SI-4†). In regard to the effect of the He flow rate in the case of FLA-APGD, the higher the gas flow rate, the higher the analytical signal observed. This signal enhancement was especially remarkable for the discharge system operating at currents exceeding 50 mA. In contrast to FLA-APGD, for FLC-APGD the maximum response from Bi was noted at lower He flow rates, i.e., 100–150 mL min−1. These observations are in agreement with the previous ones,58 and may result from a hindered diffusion of the analyte atoms into the discharge phase at a stronger He atom flux used.
As for the background intensity, it was increasing over the whole range of the He flow rates, regardless of the discharge current applied, in both the studied systems. Noteworthily, the background intensity enhancement for FLA-APGD was remarkably higher as compared to that observed for FLC-APGD (see Comment SI-5†). All of this resulted in receiving the SBR patterns presented in Fig. 3 (see Comment SI-6†). In the case of the FLC-APGD system, the discharge current and the He flow rate corresponding to the highest SBR obtained were 50 mA and 50 mL min−1, respectively. These settings were used in subsequent experiments. As for FLA-APGD, the best results were obtained at a discharge current of 70 mA. However, at 60 mA the discharge seemed to be more stable and for that reason the discharge current of 60 mA and a He flow rate of 350 mL min−1 were applied in the following experiments.
Considering the FLA-APGD system, the signal intensity of Bi was increasing as the solution flow rate was enhanced up to 3.5 mL min−1 and then reached a plateau. A quite similar observation was made by other researchers dealing with FLA-APGD.55 It is likely that by increasing the solution flow rate the amount of Bi volatile species released from the analyzed sample increased. Moreover, it was found that by increasing the solution flow rate (in the range of 2.0–4.5 mL min−1) the water evaporation rate declined from 26% to 9%. As a result, the saturation of the discharge gas phase with water vapor is lower, yielding improved excitation conditions. In regard to FLC-APGD, the signal intensity of Bi reduced by 29% as the sample flow rate increased from 2.0 up to 4.5 mL min−1. The received outcomes are in good agreement with the results obtained previously for other elements, such as Ca, Cd, Cu, Mg, and Zn.47,59,60 The reliable explanation for these observations has not been given up to now, and a more detailed study is needed.
Regarding the background intensity, its apparent drop was noted for both the studied discharge systems, i.e., 24% (for FLA-APGD) and 17% (for FLC-APGD), when the solution flow rate increased from the lowest studied value up to 4.5 mL min−1.
The abovementioned changes in the signal and background intensities are charted in Fig. SI-2 and SI-3† and resulted in obtaining the SBRs given in Fig. 4A and B. In the case of the FLA-APGD system, although the highest SBR was obtained for a solution flow rate of 4.5 mL min−1, the differences in the SBR values obtained between 3.5 and 4.5 mL min−1 were negligible. Considering the need for lowering the sample consumption, a sample flow rate of 3.5 mL min−1 was used in all subsequent experiments. In regard to the FLC-APGD system, although the highest signal intensity of Bi was acquired at a sample flow rate of 2.0 mL min−1, the discharge stability and the measurement precision were poor under these conditions. Therefore, the sample flow rate of 3.0 mL min−1 was applied in further experiments.
Considering the outcomes for the Bi emission line, their explanation is much more troublesome. It seems unlikely that the increasing discharge gap deteriorated the efficiency of the Bi volatile species generation. In that case, the only suspected reason for the observed suppression in the Bi emission (with the increasing discharge gap) is impaired atomization/excitation conditions. There are only residual data on the effect of the discharge gap on the microplasma performance (both in the case of FLA- and FLC-APGD), and what is worse, they unanimously indicate that with the discharge gap expansion, the spectroscopic temperatures increase,54,56,59 which rather improves the atomization/excitation conditions. Undoubtedly, to make a plausible hypothesis explaining the influence of the discharge gap on the signal intensity of Bi, a more-in-depth study would be necessary.
Nevertheless, the SBRs were highest at a discharge gap of 1 mm (see Fig. 4C and D), regardless of the studied system, which in both cases was a consequence of the rapid growth of the background intensity with increasing gap. Therefore, the discharge gap of 1 mm was chosen for further experiments.
The results are presented in Fig. 5. It was found that the addition of Fe, Mn, Pb, and Sn at a concentration being only two times higher than the analyte content (i.e., 1 mg L−1), strongly lowered the recovery of Bi (ranging from 26% in the case of Sn to 77% in the case of Pb). The impact of the remaining metals (at the same concentration) was less significant and the recoveries obtained in their presence ranged between 81% for K to 103% for Cu. As for the concomitant elements at a concentration of 10 mg L−1, their negative influence was apparently stronger; the obtained recoveries of Bi ranged from 11% (in the presence of Sn) to 75% (for Mg). Surprisingly, alkali and alkaline earth metals seemed to have a minor impact on the signal intensity of Bi, as compared to the remaining metals at a concentration of 10 mg L−1. It was previously shown that the presence of Ca, Mg, Na, and K at a concentration similar to the one investigated herein influenced the recoveries of other analytes, i.e., Ag, Cd, Hg, In, Pb, Tl, and Zn, in a greater degree than other studied interferents, e.g., Al, Cu, Cd, Pb, Fe, and Mn.54,55,61 Very recently, Greda et al.61 proved that matrix effects in the FLA-APGD system results from the decreased efficiency of the volatile species generation (in the presence of foreign ions). Moreover, they noticed that the highest ionic radius of the concomitant element showed the greater interfering effect. Herein, a similar correlation between the degree of matrix effects and the ionic radius of the interfering element was not observed. The elements that affected the response of Bi to the greatest extent were not alkali and alkaline earth metals but Sn, Mn, and Fe. The determined matrix effects for Bi were quite similar to those reported in chemical vapor generation (CVG), e.g., in the reaction with sodium tetrahydroborate (THB), where transition metals are considered to have a more adverse effect as compared to alkali metals.62 This observation indicates that the mechanism of Bi volatile species generation (assisted by FLA-APGD) likely differs from that of Ag, Cd, Hg, Pb, Tl, and Zn.
Nevertheless, it was revealed that the presence of different elements in a sample solution is a serious limitation for the investigated method. Therefore, the standard addition method or selected separation techniques should be applied in order to eliminate the matrix effects.
Neither in FLA- nor in FLC-APGD systems, the influence of LMWOCs on the response of Bi has been investigated so far. Therefore, the effect of the addition of methanol, ethanol, and formic acid, in the concentration range of 0.1–10%, was investigated herein in both the studied systems. The concentration of Bi in the solution was 0.5 mg L−1 (FLA) and 10 mg L−1 (FLC). Table 2 shows the relative intensities of the Bi signal in the presence of the studied organic media (calculated in reference to the signal obtained for the solution without any organic additives). In the case of FLA-APGD, it was found that the presence of all studied organic media significantly reduced the signal intensity of Bi (around 1 order of magnitude). The highest intensity drop occurred as the concentration of LMWOCs increased in the range of 0–1%, and above 1%; the analytical response was approximately constant. Concurrently, the background intensity in the presence of LMWOCs was roughly constant. Small exceptions occurred in the case of methanol and ethanol; as their concentrations increased in the range of 1–10%, the background intensity increased by 11% and 48%, respectively. Considering the FLC-APGD system, the signal intensity of Bi was significantly higher in the presence of the studied LMWOCs (especially formic acid). For the investigated alcohols, the maximum analytical response occurred as the concentrations of methanol and ethanol were 1% and 5%, respectively. In both cases, the factor of intensity enhancement was roughly 1.8. Even higher improvement of the analytical response, i.e., 10-fold, was observed as formic acid was added in the concentration ranging from 3% to 10%. The impact of LMWOCs on the background intensity was similar to the one observed for the FLA-APGD system. In the presence of methanol and ethanol, the background intensity did not significantly change up to their concentration of 1% and afterward, it increased by 20% or 2-fold for methanol and ethanol, respectively. In the case of formic acid, it remained constant over the whole examined concentration range.
Organic compound | Concentration (%) | Relative intensity (a.u.) | |
a Not measured due to the discharge instability. | |||
Methanol | 0.1 | 0.30 | 1.30 |
0.3 | 0.14 | 1.39 | |
0.5 | 0.07 | 1.50 | |
1 | 0.07 | 1.75 | |
3 | 0.06 | 1.18 | |
5 | 0.07 | 0.74 | |
10 | 0.09 | —a | |
Ethanol | 0.1 | 0.33 | 1.07 |
0.3 | 0.16 | 1.17 | |
0.5 | 0.11 | 1.26 | |
1 | 0.09 | 1.34 | |
3 | 0.09 | 1.47 | |
5 | 0.10 | 1.81 | |
10 | 0.10 | —a | |
Formic acid | 0.1 | 0.11 | 0.96 |
0.3 | 0.03 | 1.47 | |
0.5 | 0.10 | 2.65 | |
1 | 0.18 | 6.98 | |
3 | 0.15 | 10.2 | |
5 | 0.13 | 10.2 | |
10 | 0.09 | 9.74 |
Additionally, in the spectra of both discharges, the CO bands (the fourth positive A1Π → X1Σ system) and the CO+ bands (the first negative B2Π → 2Σ) were observed (see Fig. SI-4†), which proves that the LMWOCs were decomposed and transported into the discharge in both the systems. As can be seen from this figure, although the intensity of these bands was roughly equal, they were much more noticeable in the FLC-APGD spectrum. This is due to a significantly lower emission from the NO molecules for this discharge system. Thus, in the vicinity of the Bi atomic emission line there were mainly the CO bands (FLC-APGD) and the CO bands overlapped by the NO bands (FLA-APGD). Therefore, the increase of the background intensity for the FLC-APGD system in the case of the increased alcohol concentration was directly related to the increase in the emission from the CO and CO+ bands.
Considering the impact of the studied organic additives on the response of the analytes, it was repeatedly suggested that their signal intensity enhancement, observed for the FLC-APGD systems, could be a result of a change in the boiling point, the surface tension and/or the viscosity of the FLC solutions.58,63,64 However, in such a case, a similar effect would also be expected in the case of the FLA-APGD system, which apparently was not a case herein. Moreover, it was previously established that the boiling point changes of water mixtures with methanol, ethanol, and formic acid (at concentrations similar to those used in this work) are negligible.65
The observed differences in the influence of the LMWOCs on the signal intensities of Bi in both the studied systems could be clarified regarding the mechanisms of the analyte transport in these discharges. As for FLA-APGD, it is believed that it takes place by analyte reduction with the solvated electrons in the liquid phase, leading to form some kind of volatile species, which are then transported into the discharge.44,48 In such a case, a likely reason for lowering the Bi signal intensity in the presence of the LMWOCs could be the scavenging of solvated electrons by these compounds in the liquid phase, yielding the lowered efficiency of the volatile species generation.48 In the case of the FLC-APGD, the analytes are transported to the plasma phase most likely by cathode sputtering. It is suspected that in the presence of LMWOCs, organic radicals (e.g., ˙CO2−, ˙CO2H, and ˙CH2OH) are additionally formed, and they could improve the transport efficiency of Bi by the formation of some volatile species. The confirmation of this theory could be the results obtained by Doroski et al.,63 indicating that the addition of LMWOCs enhances the signal intensity of elements forming the volatile species (e.g., Ag, Hg, Pb, and Se) to a higher degree. Although it would then be expected to observe the same effect for FLA-APGD, the scavenging of the solvated electrons by the added LMWOCs could be the predominant effect. Bearing all this in mind, the addition of LMWOCs was no longer used in further studies on the FLA-APGD system.
Method | Acid type | Acid concentration (mol L−1) | Discharge current (mA) | Gas flow rate (mL min−1) | Sample flow rate (mL min−1) | Discharge gap (mm) |
FLA-APGD | HNO3 | 0.005 | 60 | 350 | 3.5 | 1 |
FLC-APGD | 0.1 | 50 | 50 | 3.0 |
Table 4 exhibits the abovementioned figures of merit achieved by the proposed methods. It is noteworthy that the addition of 5% formic acid allowed lowering the DL of Bi over 8 times, in the case of the FLC-APGD system. It was established that the presence of formic acid did not influence the background fluctuations and their level, and therefore the lowered DL of the element was the result of the improved sensitivity. However, the DL obtained with the aid of the FLA-APGD system was incomparably better, being almost 100 times lower than the one obtained for the FLC-APGD system when formic acid was added to the solution and over 800 times better, as compared to conditions without the additive of the organic media. The achieved DLs of Bi were also compared to those reported for other spectrometric methods, constituting both miniaturized plasma excitation sources and conventionally employed bulky plasmas (see Table 5). As can be noticed from this table, each of the presented methods provided significantly better DLs of Bi than that with FLC-APGD. On the other hand, the proposed FLA-APGD excitation source with OES detection assured a better DL than the majority of techniques in which bulky20,37 and miniaturized plasma sources38–40 were used. Moreover, the obtained DL of Bi for FLA-APGD-OES was also improved, as compared to DLs of this element achievable with the methods combined with the HG technique,37,38 including the HG-FLA-APGD-OES method, previously studied by our group.40 Although, a few of the cited studies21,23,36 reported better DLs of Bi than the one obtained in this work, the applied methods were premised upon bulky instruments21,23 and/or required the HG technique.21,23,36 It is also worth mentioning that – to the best of our knowledge – the microplasma techniques cited in the table are the only ones by which Bi has ever been determined.
Method | Instrumental detection limit (μg L−1) | Linearity rangea (mg L−1) | R 2 | Sensitivity (a.u. per μg per L) | RSD (%) |
a Given as the range between the quantification limit and the highest standard concentration measured in this work (yielding a linear response). b With the addition of 5% formic acid to the solution. c For Bi concentrations of 1 and 10 mg L−1, respectively. | |||||
FLA-APGD | 0.34 | 0.001–1 | 0.9968 | 1301.7 | 3.76 |
FLC-APGD | 274 | 0.9–100 | 0.9988 | 0.56 | 2.22 |
FLC-APGDb | 33 | 0.1–10 | 0.9963 | 3.60 | 1.99/0.52c |
Method | Detection limit (μg L−1) | Reference |
a Without and with the addition of 5% formic acid, respectively. FLA – flowing liquid anode, APGD – atmospheric pressure glow discharge, FLC – flowing liquid cathode; SAGD – solution anode glow discharge, AES – atomic emission spectrometry, HG – hydride generation, PD – point discharge, OES – optical emission spectrometry, ICP – inductively coupled plasma, MIP – microwave induced plasma, DBD – dielectric barrier discharge, AFS – atomic fluorescence spectrometry, and AAS – atomic absorption spectrometry. | ||
FLA-APGD | 0.34 | This work |
FLC-APGD | 274/33a | This work |
SAGD-AES | 1.98 | 39 |
HG-FLA-APGD | 0.85 | 40 |
HG-PD-OES | 1.0 | 38 |
ICP-OES | 0.78 | 20 |
HG-MIP-OES | 0.09 | 23 |
HG-ICP-OES | 0.16 | 21 |
HG-DBD-AFS | 0.07 | 36 |
HG-DBD-AAS | 1.1 | 37 |
As for the other analytical figures of merit, the precision was established to be <4% for both the studied methods, being slightly better for the FLC-APGD-OES method. Nonetheless, the observed differences in the precision between FLA- and FLC-APGD excitation sources was likely related to the Bi concentrations in the solutions, as the SBRs for Bi were 0.71, 1.09, and 8.52 for FLA-APGD, FLC-APGD and FLC-APGD with the presence of 5% formic acid in the solution, respectively. The calibration curves for the atomic emission line of Bi were linear (R2 > 0.995) over the whole studied concentration ranges. The linearity ranges of the calibration curves covered at least 3 orders of magnitude for the FLA-APGD and at least 2 orders of magnitude for the FLC-APGD systems (higher concentrations were not studied).
Based on these findings, it was concluded that the proposed FLA-APGD-OES method is a promising alternative to the competitive ones (especially, in terms of the DL). As for the FLC-APGD-OES method, although it provides a much worse DL of Bi, it could be used for the determination of Bi in samples containing higher abundances of this element, e.g., drugs or wastes, especially with the addition of formic acid as a matrix modifier.
To demonstrate the trueness of the proposed FLA-APGD-OES method, an attempt was made to determine Bi in river, tap, and mineral waters. Due to the matrix effects from the concomitant ions, the standard addition method was applied. The reliability of the method was checked by the spike and recovery test. It was established, that the matrix of the analyzed samples lowered the response of Bi by similar values, i.e., 64%, 66%, and 58% for river, tap, and mineral water, respectively (as compared to the solution not containing any matrix). As it had been expected that the primary minerals present in all water samples would be alkali and alkaline earth metals, the quantification of Ca, K, Mg, and Na was performed using an Agilent ICP-OES instrument, model 5110. It was revealed that the total amount of these elements was equal to 46.7, 116.5, and 123.3 mg L−1 in river, tap, and mineral water, respectively. Although the content of the studied alkali and alkaline earth metals was over 2 times lower in river water (as compared to tap and mineral waters), apparently it was high enough to cause a serious reduction of the Bi response and a further increase of the interfering elements did not lead to the reduction of the Bi signal intensity. With regard to the DLs of Bi in the analyzed water samples they covered the range of 0.7–1.1 μg L−1, and were in good agreement with the observed suppression in the Bi signal intensity.
The obtained recovery values ranged between 86 and 101% (see Table 6), which confirms the good trueness of the developed method. The precision of the real sample analysis was slightly worse and fell within the range of 6–10%, which was a consequence of a reduced signal intensity. The trueness of the FLC-APGD-OES method in reference to the determination of Bi in the collected water samples was not studied because it would require their spiking with Bi in an amount of the order of several mg L−1, which is rather not found in naturally occurring and drinking water.
Despite the fact that the FLC-APGD-OES method is a well-known and efficient tool for the sensitive determination of a wide group of elements, in the case of Bi determination it seems to be less useful than the FLA-APGD-OES method. Nevertheless, it was demonstrated that the addition of formic acid improved the DL of Bi by almost one order of magnitude. Moreover, this method offers a very good precision, an admittable linearity range, and all the abovementioned advantages of the microplasma system, and therefore it could be still applied for the determination of higher concentrations of Bi.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0ja00401d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |