Georgia A.
Richard A.
Stephen A.
f and
Mark W.
aDepartment of Chemistry, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, Drottning Kristinas väg 51, 100 44, Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail:
bInstitute Laue-Langevin, 71 avenue des Martyrs, 38042 Grenoble, France
cDivision of Pharmacy and Optometry, University of Manchester, Manchester M21 9PT, UK
dPhysik-Department, Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Materialien, Technische Universität München, James-Franch-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
eHeinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstr. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
fAustralian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, New Illawarra Rd, Lucas Heights, NSW 2232, Australia
gMaterials and Surface Design, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Box 5607, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden
First published on 7th December 2020
It is shown that the air–liquid interface can be made to display the same rich curvature phenomena as common lyotropic liquid crystal systems. Through mixing an insoluble, naturally occurring, branched fatty acid, with an unbranched fatty acid of the same length, systematic variation in the packing constraints at the air–water interface could be obtained. The combination of atomic force microscopy and neutron reflectometry is used to demonstrate that the water surface exhibits significant tuneable topography. By systematic variation of the two fatty acid proportions, ordered arrays of monodisperse spherical caps, cylindrical sections, and a mesh phase are all observed, as well as the expected lamellar structure. The tuneable deformability of the air–water interface permits this hitherto unexplored topological diversity, which is analogous to the phase elaboration displayed by amphiphiles in solution. It offers a wealth of novel possibilities for the tailoring of nanostructure.
The presence of two-dimensional surface micelles at the air–water interface was suggested over a century ago for insoluble surfactant monolayers studied using the Langmuir technique,25 which has since been rationalized using thermodynamic arguments based on the non-linearity observed in first order phase transitions in pressure–area isotherms.26,27 However, experimental methods to validate such interfacial structures were lacking at the time. The hypothesis was nevertheless further strengthened by theoretical predictions of 2D surface micelles, proposed as an intuitive extrapolation of the packing parameter responsible for bulk micelles.28 2D surface micelle dimensions were predicted to possess a diameter of two molecular lengths and display a cartwheel structure lying on the surface. Vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy (VSFS) has also been used to infer the transition from 2D “cartwheel” micelles to a monolayer at higher surface coverage.29,30 Recently, large circular aggregates have been observed by using the Langmuir–Blodgett technique31–33 to deposit insoluble monolayers of partially fluorinated long chain fatty acids from the air–water interface onto a solid substrate, followed by characterisation of the monolayer structure with AFM.34 Regularly sized, circular, two dimensional domains composed of monolayers of low molecular weight surfactants were shown to form regularly ordered 2D domains with aggregation numbers of roughly 700 molecules. This study was followed by several examples of similar surface patterning of short-lived 2D domains transferred from the air–water interface to solid substrates.35–38 These domains consisted of circular, monodisperse monolayer patches, rather than the 2D cartwheel micelles mentioned above.
Surface patterning of transferred monolayers was observed for the 18-methyleicosanoic acid (18-MEA39) system: an antepenultimately methyl-branched fatty acid found as the major constituent of barrier lipids covalently bound to the outermost surface of mammalian hair.40–43 Its role is multi-functional, working as a lubricant between hair strands,44–46 providing hair surface cell adhesion,47 and possibly anti-microbial properties.48,49 Several suggestions have been made to explain the role and the positioning of the methyl branch. For instance, it may induce a larger degree of disorder compared to its unbranched analogue, leading to a decreased melting point,50,51 which is normally achieved biologically via unsaturation,5 which is an unviable approach in the oxidative environment of air.52 Additionally, increased packing frustration increases the occupied area per molecule at a surface, which could better correspond to the limited number of cysteine binding sites in the underlying protein matrix of the hair.45,53
Using VSFS at the air–water interface, and AFM on deposited monolayers, 18-MEA was studied together with its penultimately branched and straight chain analogues, 19-MEA and eicosanoic acid (EA), respectively.39 The branched fatty acids—but not the straight chain analogue—were observed to form surface domains with dimensions dependent on the methyl branch positioning. This engendered the hypothesis that the domains at the air–water interface not only pattern the water surface, but in fact texture it in three dimensions to accommodate the packing constraints of the aliphatic chain—induced by the methyl branch—while maintaining a small headgroup area. Such an argument is in line with the principles of the packing parameter—a curvature induced by the competing constraints of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, and is not controversial in that context. What was controversial is that a 3D patterning of the air–water interface had never been suggested in the numerous studies of Langmuir films that had been conducted over the previous 100 years. Normally Langmuir films are considered to be 2D monolayers atop a completely planar air–water interface, apart from thermally induced capillary waves, which would normally cause perturbations in the order of 3 Å, albeit dependent on surface pressure.54,55 (Obviously, 3D topography can occur, for example in a protein or nanoparticle film, but such topography is associated with the constituents of the film, rather than the water interface itself.) Recently, the hypothesis of 3D texturing received strong support, using neutron reflectometry (NR) and its inherent isotope dependent interaction potential to quantify an effective induced roughening of the water surface.56 The effective roughening of this system well surpassed what could be expected from capillary waves, and could be explained only by an organised topography of the water interface induced by surfactant self-assembly.
Since deposited monolayers of 18-MEA display monodisperse domains, which have been inferred to originate from spherical caps on the water surface, and EA forms featureless planar monolayers, it is reasonable to hypothesise that the self-assembly behaviour of mixtures of these two fatty acids should display a systematic variation of structure depending on their proportions. Assuming that the two fatty acids are miscible and that there is no phase separation in the surface film, the prediction is that a tuneable curvature would result. Below it is demonstrated that the systematic tuning of self-assembly properties leads to changes in the geometry of the domains formed on the surface, and that there is an associated, systematic change in the topography of the water interface. These textures lead to tuneable structures ranging from spherical caps, through cylindrical segments to complex topologies, and eventually flat films of lower density. These 3D textures provide not only a facile means to control the topography of water, but also a method to pattern solid substrates with uniform patterns over large areas, limited only by the dimensions of a Langmuir trough.
AFM was used in tapping mode to image the deposited films using both topography and phase shift. The phase image results shown in Fig. 1 correspond to films deposited on silicon substrates. Corresponding height images are shown in Fig. S1 in the ESI.† All monolayers were deposited at a surface pressure of 20 mN m−1, where the Langmuir films are in a region which would conventionally be identified as the tilted condensed phase, and which is nonetheless far from monolayer fracture collapse in each case.33,57 (Isotherms are shown in Fig. S2.†) In images A–D, a 2D Fourier transform (FT) inset is shown in the top left corner of each image. Image analysis of FTs was used to determine characteristic length scales in each image, corresponding to domain dimensions and ordering, as illustrated in Fig. S3, and further detailed in the ESI.†
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Fig. 1 AFM tapping mode imaging of 18-MEA![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A deposited film of neat 18-MEA (Fig. 1A), shows monodisperse ellipse-like domains with semi-axis lengths of 39 and 31 nm, as determined by the FT analysis (see Table S1†). The domains are ordered hexagonally on the surface showing a clear correlation to next nearest neighbour. The domains have a “tower karst” morphology between 2.0 and 2.5 nm in height (determined by a line profile in a higher resolution AFM image shown in Fig. S4†), which is reasonable compared to the theoretically determined maximum length of about 2.7 nm for the extended contour length of an all-trans C20 hydrocarbon chain.2,3 The domain elongation is parallel to the direction of deposition of the film. With the introduction of 25 wt% straight chain fatty acid, as seen in the image from the 75:
25 ratio (Fig. 1B), monodisperse domains still cover the surface. The domains are still elongated in the direction of deposition, but show an increased size, with semi-axis lengths of 42 and 55 nm. In this case, the domains display translational ordering to the next nearest neighbour and even weak ordering to the third nearest neighbour in the direction perpendicular to the domain long axis, determined by the FT image analysis. With further increased EA proportion, in the image from the 50
50 ratio (Fig. 1C), significantly larger, circular domains cover the surface, showing a characteristic size of 165 nm. Fig. 1D shows the image from the 38
62 ratio, where the circular and ellipsoidal shapes are replaced by ordered lines of elongated domains with an equidistant spacing of 90 nm perpendicular to the line direction. In Fig. 1E, the image for the 25
75 ratio shows large, flat, irregularly shaped regions covering the surface. There are nonetheless clear boundaries separating the large grains.
As a solid surface is passed through the water–air interface the surface film transferred to the surfaces could be expected to undergo significantly different local forces. One possibility is that the structure is a result of such influences; however neither the 25:
75 nor the 0
10039,56 case form regular domains. This suggests, equivocally, that the observed topographical features observed for other ratios do not originate from artefacts of the deposition technique, but instead reveal the presence of discrete aggregates that had been present at the air–water interface. The fact that the diameter of the domains increases systematically with decreasing 18-MEA content up until 50
50, and the shape thereafter becomes parallel stripes and then featureless monolayers, is highly supportive of the tuneable 3D texturing hypothesis. A “packing parameter” argument, such as that suggested by Israelachvili3 for self-assembly structures in bulk would follow a sequence from small spheres, through larger spheres, cylinders, and finally lamellar structures as the packing constraints are relaxed from high curvature to zero.3 The patterns observed in the AFM images are necessarily two-dimensional in the sense that the headgroup region has been constrained to a rigid planar substrate. The air–water interface is deformable; it can thus curve to accommodate a constant headgroup area (constant surface tension) and the different areas per alkyl chain expected for the mixtures, leading to a 3D curvature of the water–headgroup interface. (The deposited films are thus flattened replicas of these curved structures. Note that the deposited fatty acid film itself has a thickness, and the fact that the film consists of domains leads to a trivial 3D structure, particularly at the domain boundaries, which is observed in Fig S4.†).
It is interesting to note that, at a different pressure to the data in Fig. 1, yet another texture can be induced in the surface for the case of 38:
62 ratio. At low surface pressure, indeed at 0 mN m−1, but close to the lift-off pressure, the pattern shown in Fig. 2 was observed. In most fatty acid ratios, the same texture was observed, although with an increasing order, as the pressure was increased; but in this case, the pattern is rather different. It is tempting to speculate that this low pressure pattern may reflect a two dimensional analogy of a bicontinuous cubic phase, but it is also possible that these structures are random tubes of the same nature as seen in Fig. 1D, and that the parallel ordering and reduced lateral dimension in that figure are a result of the increased level of confinement associated with the higher pressure.
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Fig. 2 AFM height mode image of a film deposited on silicon wafers close to the surface pressure lift off but still at 0 mN m−1 for the case of 38![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To further test the hypothesis that the 3D texture of the water surface can be tuned, NR was used to study the fatty acid mixtures in situ at the air–water interface. Using this technique it is possible to quantify the extent of any self-assembly induced topography as a function of the both the composition and the surface pressure. The data are presented in Fig. 3 for 18-MEA:
EA ratios of 100
0 (A), 50
50 (B), and 25
75 (C). The three plots show intensities of the specular reflectivity as a function of the momentum transfer qz, normal to the interface. The reflected intensity is shown as Rqz4 to emphasise the intrinsic loss of reflectivity with increasing qz. Each plot contains a series of consecutive measurements, indicated with darker shades for increasing surface pressure of the system. Model fits (solid lines) to the experimental data (circular markers) were optimized through least-squared regression, and the inset in each plot shows the scattering length density (SLD) profile generated for each fit to the experimental data. The smaller blue markers and dashed lines in each graph represent a reference measurement of a neat D2O-buffer with no fatty acid and its fit to capillary wave theory, respectively.
Due to its isotopic dependency, the neutron probe is intrinsically rather insensitive to hydrocarbons. Thus, to maximize the sensitivity of the measurement to the topography of the water surface, hydrogenous fatty acids were spread on a subphase of D2O for all the NR measurements. To reliably assess molecular information, such as the thickness and density of the films as well as the degree of hydration of the headgroup, Langmuir films of 18-MEA and EA were also studied using X-ray reflectometry (XRR). These data, together with additional NR of the mixed systems, and appurtenant fits, are presented in the ESI,† where the details of the fitting procedure are also elaborated. To ensure rigour, the X-ray and neutron reflectivity data were fitted self-consistently.
At low surface pressures (<20 mN m−1), the data are similar for all the samples studied with different fatty acid ratios and display a relatively minor increase in the reflectivity around 0.10 Å−1 compared to the neat subphase. This slight increase originates from the contribution of hydrocarbon scattering. With increasing surface pressure, 18-MEA:
EA 100
0 (Fig. 3A) starts to undergo a decrease in specular reflection at around 0.05 Å−1, which evolves with increasing qz. The greatest decrease in specular reflectivity is observed at the highest surface pressure. A similar trend is observed for the case of 50
50 (Fig. 3B), and the reduction in specular reflection is even more pronounced here, where once again the higher surface pressure results in the larger loss of specular reflection. In contrast, the 25
75 (Fig. 3C) ratio is apparently insensitive to changes in surface pressure, and there is almost no reduction in specular reflection compared to the neat D2O surface. Since the hydrogenous aliphatic chain only has minor influence on the reflectivity profile, these observations reveal differences in the surface topography of the underlying water surface.
A two-layer slab model of the fatty acid was used to fit the data using an equivalent approach to that in ref. 56: that is to say a semi-infinite ambient medium of air, a hydrocarbon chain layer in contact with the air, a solvated headgroups layer in contact with the subphase, and a semi-infinite D2O subphase. With the molecular dimensions and SLDs for each layer obtained from XRR, only the interfacial topography needed to be fitted. (The only exception to this was the hydrocarbon chain SLD at low pressures, where the SLD was closer to that of air due to inhomogeneities in the monolayer at zero surface pressure.) For a slab model consisting of a thin layer this is most reliably done by invoking a Gaussian interfacial “roughness” and constraining every interface to have the same value.56,58 This is shown in ref. 58 to provide dependable fits to experimental data for several systems with systematically varied isotopic contrasts, and further strengthened in ref. 56, where this two-layer model was demonstrated to be equivalent to a conventional slicing model. While conventionally used to describe the small scale roughness associated with capillary waves, this “roughness” can also be used as a measure of the topographical modulation by self-assembly curvature. It was not possible to fit the NR data without invoking an increase in topography in this way. It is noteworthy that the topography increases only as the film is constrained to nonzero values of the surface pressure, as the area of the trough is decreased.
The fitted effective surface roughness parameters at relatively high (45 mN m−1) and low (10 mN m−1) values of the surface pressure are shown for all the 18-MEA:
EA ratios in Fig. 4, together with the corresponding domain sizes from FT analysis of AFM imaging of deposited monolayers. Additionally, the gradient banner represents a capillary wave roughness of 2.8 Å, as determined from a neat D2O buffer. With increasing EA proportion from 0% to 50%, the fitted topography increased (right axis), coinciding with the increased domain size observed in AFM (left axis). At higher EA proportions, the topography was reduced and became comparable to that observed for a neat EA monolayer. The rather dramatic change in topography between the 50
50 sample and the 25
75 samples was what prompted the additional ratio of 38
62 to be included in the study.
The concomitant variation in the topography with the changes in the morphology of the deposited film is highly suggestive of—if not absolute proof of—a systematic variation in the self-assembly curvature. The large topography associated with the air–water interface is much larger than can be explained by, for example, capillary waves.54–56 Additional support for the argument comes from considering the size of the domains for different positions of the methyl branch. The location of the branch at the C19 position should impose a lower curvature than at the C18 position, which in the latter case should lead to a larger curvature and smaller domains. This is indeed what is observed.39,56
Furthermore, comparing surface roughness parameters measured with NR for neat 18-MEA and 19-MEA,56 shows a smaller surface perturbance for the antepenultimately branched 18-MEA. Once again, this supports—but does not necessarily prove—the hypothesis of an aliphatic chain packing constraint at the air–water interface, responsible for the shape and size of surface domains.39 A necessary condition for this hypothesis is that 18-MEA and EA mix homogeneously in the film, and that the introduction of EA to the monolayer would separate the branched 18-MEA molecules, relaxing the packing constraint from the methyl branch. The assumption of mixing appears justified: there is only a single domain size for each proportion, characteristic of an energy minimum for the system, and the AFM phase images are uniform, indicating the absence of phase separation.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Supplementary AFM height modulation images, Langmuir isotherms, AFM FT analysis, AFM height image line profiles, X-ray and neutron fitting procedures, supplementary X-ray and neutron data, X-ray and neutron fitting results (PDF). See DOI: 10.1039/d0nr06621d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |