Chen Chena,
Xuanbing Wang
Ruidong Xu*ab,
Ying Zhang
Suyang Fengb,
Ao Jua and
Wenhao Jianga
aFaculty of Metallurgical and Energy Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China. E-mail:; Fax: +86 871 65161278; Tel: +86 871 65160072
bState Key Laboratory of Complex Nonferrous Metal Resources Clean Utilization, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China
First published on 3rd February 2021
The high oxygen evolution overpotential of the Pb–Ag anode is one of the main reasons for the high energy consumption in Zn electrowinning. PbO2, owing to its high conductivity, good corrosion resistance and low cost, is widely used as an excellent coating material. In present research, a novel composite Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 material was synthesized through a facile anodization, annealing, electrochemical reduction and galvanostatic deposition. The surface morphology, internal structure and the mechanisms of TiO2-NTs enhancing electrochemical performance were discussed. The results show that the self-organized high aspect ratio TiO2-NTs with diameter of ∼120 nm and length of ∼8 μm were obtained on Ti substrate. The Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 composite material exhibits excellent oxygen evolution performance and good stability in Zn electrowinning simulation solution (50 g L−1 Zn2+, 150 g L−1 H2SO4) at 35 °C. Its oxygen evolution overpotential is only 630 mV under current density 50 mA cm−2, which is 332 m lower than that of Pb-0.76 wt% Ag (η = 962 mV) and only increases 22 mV after 5000 cycles of CV scanning. Its outstanding electrochemical performance is mainly ascribed to the introduction of TiO2-NTs in Pb(CH3COO)2 media since it refines the crystal grains, increases the electrochemical surface area, greatly reduces the charge transfer resistance (25.4 Ω cm2 to 2.337 Ω cm2) and enhances corrosion resistance. Therefore, the Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 material prepared in Pb(CH3COO)2 medium may be an ideal anode for Zn electrowinning.
Titanium-based coating insoluble anode possesses stable dimensions, high corrosion resistance and long service life, which have attracted attention from research11 and it has been widely used in hydrometallurgy, electrolytic wastewater, chlor-alkali industry and other fields.12–15 PbO2 is one of the best options for active coatings due to its low price, high conductivity and excellent corrosion resistance in acid solution.16–18 However, its shortcoming, such as poor adhesion, large interface resistance and low electrocatalytic activity cannot be ignored.19,20 To our best knowledge, Sn, Sb oxide, α-PbO2 and other conductive layers can usually serve as intermediate layers to prolong service life and enhance OER performance.13,20,21 Besides, the active PbO2 coating doped with foreign elements or active particles, such as Bi,22 Ag,11 RE,18 SiO2,23 ZrO2,24 Co3O4,14 MnO2,25 and carbon nanotubes(CNTs)22 can increase its electrocatalytic activity and corrosion resistance.
The discovery of CNTs by lijima was inspiring the research of other nanomaterials.26 In 1990s, Zwilling and colleagues first reported that titanium could form self-organized nanotubes in electrolytes containing hydrofluoric acid.27 Over the past 20 years, TiO2 nanotubes (TiO2-NTs) has been extensively studied, from initial preparation in aqueous solutions to ionic and organic solutions to multiple anodization processes. Up to now, TiO2-NTs with high aspect ratio and perfect arrangement can be obtained with controllable diameter and length.28–32 It possesses larger specific surface area, higher electron mobility, stronger hydrophilicity and stronger adsorption capacity and higher photoelectric catalytic activity than TiO2 (quantum size effects), which is widely used in solar cells, electrochromic, sensors, photocatalytic decomposition of water, self-cleaning function and electrolytic wastewater and other fields.33 It is a n-type semiconductor with wide band gap (Eg ≈ 3.0 eV) which is appropriate for photocatalytic reactions. However, a large amount of energy is required in the process of the transition of valence electrons to the conduction band becoming free electrons because of the wide band gap, which limit its widely application in the field of electrode materials.34 In recent years, some researches on the conductivity of TiO2-NTs have been reported in many literatures, such as crystal directional growth,35 electrodeposition Cu,36 foreign element doping37 and self-doping reduction.38 These methods can increase the carrier concentration of the nanotubes so as to enhance its conductivity, making TiO2-NTs possible to be used in an anode materials for zinc electrowinning.
Lead nitrate medium is one of the most fashion media used for PbO2 electrodeposition. Besides that, lead acetate,39 lead methyl sulfonate,40 lead sulfamate,41 lead fluoroborate42 and other media have also been reported. In present research, TiO2-NTs may be used in Zn electrowinning anode for the first time. Titanium was selected as the substrate to fabricate TiO2-NTs in situ as the intermediate layer via anodization. Additional anodization, annealing and electrochemical reduction methods were used to enhance the conductivity of the nanotubes and adhesion. PbO2 was deposited on Ti/TiO2-NTs through galvanostatic deposition in lead acetate (Pb(CH3COO)2) medium and lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2) medium. A novel Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 material with excellent OER performance and good corrosion resistance was successfully prepared in the Pb(CH3COO)2 medium. The physical structure was studied by XRD and FE-SEM, and the electrochemical performance were tested by LSV, CV, EIS and Tafel. And the mechanisms of TiO2-NTs enhancing OER performance and corrosion resistance were explored.
The SEM images of all samples are exhibited in the Fig. 4. The Ti sheet shows a rough surface after chemical polish (Fig. 4a′), which is conducive to the formation of TiO2-NTs since the surface electric field on flat surface is so scattered that it is easy to form irregular nanopores.44 Fig. 4a presents the surface after anodization, and some obvious change can be seen. Specifically, the detail can be observed in high magnification image (Fig. 4b, b'and b′′). A self-organized high aspect ratio TiO2-NTs layer is formed onto the surface of Ti sheet with a diameter of ∼120 nm, length of ∼8 μm and a closed bottom.
The Fig. 4c and d represent the PbO2 deposited onto titanium without/with TiO2-NTs in the Pb(CH3COO)2 medium respectively. Comparing two images, it can be observed that the introduction of TiO2-NTs eliminates the cracks and refines the PbO2 crystal. In addition, the PbO2 coating presents a circle shape which is consistent with α-PbO2. The result agrees with the XRD pattern. The Fig. 4e is the morphology of PbO2 deposited onto Ti/TiO2-NTs in the Pb(NO3)2 medium. It can be seen that the PbO2 shows a pyramid shape of β-PbO2, which is totally different from that in the Pb(CH3COO)2 medium.
In order to better understand the behaviors of PbO2 deposition, the SEM images were captured while fixed deposition time was 3 min and shown in Fig. 4f–h. In the Fig. 4f (Ti/PbO2, Pb(CH3COO)2), there are only a small amount of PbO2 on Ti substrate. But it can be seen from Fig. 4g′ (Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2, Pb(CH3COO)2) that the Ti/TiO2-NTs surface is covered with a layer of PbO2, which demonstrates TiO2-NTs promotes the formation of PbO2. Moreover, the cross section of the nanotube was collected and shown in Fig. 4g (Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2, Pb(CH3COO)2). A great amount of nanotube channel is filled with PbO2, which has been confirmed in EDS results (Fig. 4i). However, in Fig. 4h (Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2, Pb(NO3)2) that is the deposition in the Pb(NO3)2 medium for 3 min, the PbO2 isn't found at the nanotube orifice, while it exists outside the nanotube. It suggests that PbO2 may preferentially grow outside the nanotube resulting in a low filling rate of PbO2 in the nanotube channel. In addition, in the Fig. 4h′, PbO2 does not completely cover Ti/TiO2-NTs surface, comparing with Fig. 4g′, which means that the deposition rate of PbO2 in the Pb(NO3)2 medium is slower than in the Pb(CH3COO)2 medium.
In general, the deposition behavior of PbO2 can be summarized. First of all, TiO2-NTs may be able to provide a larger surface area and more nucleation sites, resulting in an increase in nucleation rate and a decrease in PbO2 grain size. Moreover, it can eliminate the surface crack and increase the adhesion of PbO2 coating, Secondly, the deposition behavior of PbO2 in nanotube channel is different in the two media. According to a literature reported by Velichenko,45 the electrodeposition mechanism of PbO2 can be described as following:
H2O → OHads + H+ + e− | (1) |
Pb2+ + OHads → Pb(OH)2+ | (2) |
Pb(OH)2+ + H2O → Pb(OH)22+ + H+ + e− | (3) |
Pb(OH)22+ → PbO2 + 2H+ | (4) |
According to reactions (1–4), as the electrodeposition of PbO2 goes on, more H+ will produce, and the formation of PbO2 can be inhibited due to decrease of pH. When PbO2 is electrodeposited onto TiO2-NTs, the ion exchange is not timely due to the small diameter of the nanotube. The pH in the nanotube channel will decrease with the development of electrodeposition so that the continuous generation of PbO2 in the nanotube channel is inhibited. However, in the Pb(CH3COO)2 medium, the CH3COO− can play the role of buffer to effectively hinder the pH reduction. The PbO2 can be deposited gradually in channel, as shown in the Fig. 5. The nanotube channel has a high filling rate, which can cause the PbO2 coating and TiO2-NTs have a good combination.
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Fig. 6 (a) Anode polarization curve of different PbO2 materials; (b) oxygen evolution potential and overpotential of different PbO2 materials. |
Their OER catalytic activity can be visually compared from Fig. 6a. The catalytic activity from low to high is Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (II), Pb-0.76wt%Ag, Ti/PbO2 (I) and Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I). It can be seen from Fig. 6b that the η of Pb-0.76 wt% Ag is 962 mV. The high η is one of the main reasons for high energy consumption in Zn electrowinning. The η of Ti/PbO2 (I) is 779 mV, although it is lower than Pb-0.76 wt% Ag, the PbO2 coating has a lot of cracks and poor adhesion, which is not an ideal electrode. However, Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) has the best oxygen evolution performance (η = 630 mV). Its η is 149 mV lower than that of Ti/PbO2 (I) and 332 mV lower than that of Pb-0.76 wt% Ag, indicating that the introduction of TiO2-NTs enhances the OER catalytic activity. Moreover, it is worth noting that the η of Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (II) (η = 1004 mV) has a significant increase compared with Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I), which shows that Pb(CH3COO)2 medium may be more suitable for electrodeposition of PbO2 on TiO2-NTs in order to improve OER catalytic activity.
In this work, scan rates 0.01 V s−1, 0.03 V s−1, 0.05 V s−1, 0.07 V s−1 and 0.09 V s−1 were adopted, and the measured CV curves at 0.05 V s−1 are shown in the Fig. 8a. The following relations exist between q* and v:
![]() | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
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Fig. 8 (a) CV curves of different PbO2 materials; (b) voltammetry charge of different materials at 0.05 V s; (c) relationship of q* versus v−1/2; (d) relationship of (q*)−1 versus v1/2. |
In the Fig. 8a, the CV curve of Ti/PbO2 (I) is smaller than Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I), and Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (II) has the smallest CV curve. The calculated q* at 0.05 V s−1 is shown in the Fig. 8b. The q* of Ti/PbO2 (I) is 3.586 C cm−2, after the introduction of TiO2-NTs, the q* of Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) increased to 4.478 C cm−2, which means that TiO2-NTs promote the formation of a larger specific surface area PbO2 coating. This may because TiO2-NTs can provide a large surface area for PbO2 nucleation, and the increase in nucleation rate leads to an increase in electrode surface area. However, the q* of Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (II) is the smallest. The result shows that the specific surface area of PbO2 electrodeposited in the Pb(CH3COO)2 medium are larger than those in the Pb(NO3)2 medium. It may due to PbO2 with a smaller grain size can be obtained in the Pb(CH3COO)2 medium, resulting in a larger specific surface area. The similar laws about specific surface area at different scan rates also can be found in Fig. 8c and d. These corresponds to LSV curves characteristics in the previous section.
There are two semicircles in the Nyquist plots (Fig. 9a) and two peaks in the Bode plots (Fig. 9b), indicating the existence of two time-constant. The phenomenon exists in the following cases, such as the generation of solid electrolyte interface (SEI) membranes in lithium ion batteries, the occurrence of side reactions in metal corrosion, intermediates adsorption and desorption in the reaction process and so on. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy usually consists of three parts: the high frequency semicircle is mainly the capacitive behavior due to the above situations, the middle frequency semicircle represents the impedance behavior due to charge transfer, and the straight line at low frequency is the Warburg impedance.51 The Nyquist plots are calculated using the R(Q(R(QR))) equivalent circuit,52 as shown in the Fig. 9c. Rf, Rct and Rs represent adsorption impedance of OHads and Oads, charge transfer resistance and solution resistance, respectively. Qf and Qdl are constant phase elements (CPE), because the surface of electrode materials is not an ideal plane, and the electrochemical properties of the electrode surface vary from place to place, resulting in the dispersion of resistance and capacitance. The characteristic values of capacitance can be calculated by the following formulas:53
C = Q1/n(RS−1 + Rct−1)(n−1)/n | (8) |
C = Q1/nRS(1−n)/n | (9) |
The simulation results of each parameter in the equivalent circuit are listed in the Table 1. The Rs maintaining around 0.33–0.39 (Ω cm2) indicates the stability of the test solution, and Rf maintains 0.269–0.415(Ω cm2). Some interesting phenomena are found about Rct. First, by comparing Ti/PbO2 (I) and Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I), it can be found that TiO2-NTs as an intermediate layer reduces Rct (10.01 Ω cm2 to 2.337 Ω cm2). This probably due to TiO2-NTs can provide a large contact area with PbO2 coating, which reduces the interface resistance, as shown in the Fig. 10. Subsequently, when the electrodeposition medium is changed from Pb(CH3COO)2 to Pb(NO3)2, the Rct shows a significant increase (2.337 Ω cm2 to 25.4 Ω cm2). It may be because the PbO2 deposited in the Pb(NO3)2 medium can't fill the nanotube channel well, which isn't conducive to electron transport, as shown in the Fig. 5 in the SEM discussion.
Type | Rs/Ω cm2 | Rf/Ω cm2 | Qf/mΩ−1 sn cm−2 | Cl/mF cm−2 | Rct/Ω cm2 | Qdl/mΩ−1 sn cm−2 | Cdl/mF cm−2 |
Ti/PbO2 (I) | 0.389 | 0.415 | 0.025 (n = 1) | 0.025 | 10.01 | 4.98 (n = 0.853) | 5.581 |
Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) | 0.363 | 0.269 | 0.046 (n = 1) | 0.046 | 2.337 | 18.63 (n = 0.705) | 41.454 |
Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (II) | 0.334 | 0.353 | 0.029 (n = 1) | 0.029 | 25.4 | 7.592 (n = 0.782) | 9.838 |
The electrocatalytic activity of Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 is compared with some reported materials. As shown in Table 2 and Fig. 11.
Electrodes | Concentration of H2SO4 | η/mV (vs. NHE, 50 mA cm−2) | Reference |
Ti/Sb–SnO2/Bi–PbO2 | 0.5 M | 1046 | 54 |
Al/Pb–PANI–WC | 1.53 M | 941 | 8 |
Pure Pb | 1.8 M | 936 | 55 |
PbO2–Co3O4 | 1.63 M | 858 | 56 |
PANI/CeO2/WC | 1.53 M | 856 | 57 |
Pb–CeO2 | 1.63 M | 826 | 58 |
Pb–Co3O4 | 1.53 M | 792 | 56 |
3D-Pb–Ag/F–PbO2 | 1.53 M | 772 | 59 |
Pb–MnO2 | 1.63 M | 765 | 60 |
3D-Ti/PbO2 | 1.53 M | 758 | 14 |
PbO2–MnO2 | 1.63 M | 719 | 61 |
Ti/PbO2–CeO2–graphite | 1.53 M | 648 | 19 |
Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 | 1.53 M | 630 | This work |
It can be seen from Fig. 11 that Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) exhibits an excellent OER electrocatalytic activity, and its oxygen evolution overpotential is only 630 mV. This outstanding oxygen evolution performance is mainly attributed to the nanotube structure of TiO2-NTs and the choice of lead acetate medium. The nano-channel structure provides a large surface area for PbO2 electrodeposition, refines the PbO2 grains, and increases the specific surface area of the deposits. The choice of lead acetate medium can make the nanotube channel better filled, which greatly reduces the internal resistance of the material. Therefore, Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) composite material presents an excellent OER electrocatalytic activity.
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Fig. 12 (a) Tafel plots of different PbO2 materials at scan rate 0.001 V s; (b) self-corrosion current of different PbO2 materials in the simulated solution at 35 °C. |
It can be seen from the Fig. 12b that the self-corrosion current of Ti/PbO2 (I), Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) and Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (II) are 2.474 × 10−3, 7.432 × 10−4 and 6.636 × 10−4(A cm−2) respectively. The self-corrosion current of Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) is smaller than that of Ti/PbO2 (I), which indicates that TiO2-NTs as an intermediate layer can increase corrosion resistance. It may be because TiO2-NTs can effectively prevent the electrolyte from contacting and corroding the Ti substrate, and it can also eliminate the surface cracks of the PbO2 coating. In addition, the icorr of Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (II) has slight decrease compared with Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I), which may be associated with the different crystal structure of PbO2, but the too high oxygen evolution overpotential indicates that it is not an ideal anode for Zn electrowinning.
It can be seen from Fig. 13a that the current density increases slightly with time. After 27 h, it increases from 271.7 mA cm−2 to 291.1 mA cm−2, which indicates that the OER electrocatalytic activity of Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) is enhanced. After the 27 h chronoamperometry test, as shown in Fig. 13b, it can be observed that the XRD pattern of Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) only appears a new characteristic peak located at 32.62°. This corresponds to the (002) crystal plane of α-PbO2 (PDF 72-2400), which means that no new substance is generated. Interestingly, the surface becomes rougher and presents a cone shape similar to β-PbO2 (Fig. 13c and d), which is beneficial to the increase of the specific surface area to enhance the OER electrocatalytic activity. This conforms to the law presented in Fig. 13a. In addition, in Fig. 13e, Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I) still exhibits a stable anodic polarization curve after 5000 cycles of CV scanning, and its oxygen evolution overpotential has only increased by 22 mV at 50 mA cm−2 compared with fresh Ti/TiO2-NTs/PbO2 (I). All these indicate that the composite material possesses an excellent stability and long-term application potential in acidic media.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |