Olga M. Zarechnayaa,
Aleksei A. Anisimovbc,
Eugenii Yu Belova,
Nikolai I. Burakova,
Alexander L. Kanibolotskyd and
Vasilii A. Mikhailov
aL.M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical Organic and Coal Chemistry, R. Luxemburg St., 70, Donetsk, Ukraine. E-mail: v_mikhailov@yahoo.com
bA.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, 28 Vavilov St., 119991, Moscow, Russia
cD.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technological University, 9 Miusskaya Sq., 125047, Moscow, Russia
dWestCHEM, School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
First published on 3rd February 2021
Dihalogens readily interact with trimethylamine-N-oxide under ambient conditions. Accordingly, herein, stable 1:
1 adducts were obtained in the case of iodine chloride and iodine bromide. The crystal and molecular structure of the trimethylamine-N-oxide–iodine chloride adduct was solved. Furthermore, the geometry and electronic structure of the trimethylamine-N-oxide–dihalogen complexes were studied computationally. Only molecular ensembles were found in the global minimum for the 1
1 stoichiometry. The O⋯X–Y halogen bond is the main factor for the thermodynamic stability of these complexes. Arguments for electrostatic interactions as the driving force for this noncovalent interaction were discussed. Also, the equilibrium structures are additionally stabilised by weak C–H⋯X hydrogen bonds. Consequently, formally monodentate ligands are bound in a polycentric manner.
Dihalogens as donors pose a specific set of problems related to the possible coexistence of molecular complexes (where no breaking of covalent bonds occurs) and ionic complexes (formed due to heterolysis of a halogen–halogen bond).
An identical composition of these supramolecular aggregates makes it very difficult (or impossible) to discriminate ionic and molecular species by indirect structural methods. For uncharged nitrogen-centred nucleophiles, both molecular and ionic complexes are known, among them, the molecular complex pyridine–iodine33 and iodine cation coordinated with two pyridine molecules34 are most studied. For uncharged phosphorus-, sulphur- and selenium-centred nucleophiles, even more diverse patterns are found.35,36 For all known examples, halogen complex formation proceeds spontaneously, and to date, its direction cannot be controlled (entirely).
A few reports on computations for cationic halogen complexes34 demonstrated the thermodynamic stability of these forms. A number of computations for “halogen donor–heteroatom acceptor” interactions always led to molecular species (see reviews22,23 and references therein) with different degrees of covalent bond polarization. In the special case of exceptionally strong nucleophiles (carbenes36 and phosphines37,38), or ternary complexes,39 the covalent bond in a halogen donor lengthens up to breaking, then a new covalent bond “halogen-nucleophile” is formed, and a pair of ions mainly bound electrostatically appears. This may indicate the pathway to ionic complexes.
Although historically the first halogen bonded complexes were formed via the assistance of oxygen nucleophiles (chlorine clathrates,40 their structures as halogen bonded were revealed later41), it is not clear to date whether relatively low-nucleophilic oxygen species can stabilise cationic halogens. Among the uncharged oxygen nucleophiles, N-oxides are the strongest11 and the most probable candidates for the formation of ionic adducts.
Thus, to evaluate the possibility of a halogen bond between the oxygen centre of trimethylamine-N-oxide and halogens, we attempted to study the interaction of TMAO with molecular halogens and interhalogens by experimental and computational methods.
Trimethylamine-N-oxide dihydrate (Acros Organics) was dehydrated by heating under reduced pressure (approx. 20–30 mm). Preliminary dehydrated TMAO was sublimed at a residual pressure less than 0.1 mm and obtained as snow-white needles, which rapidly deliquesced upon exposure to moist air. The sublimed compound was used for the synthesis of the complexes immediately.
The adduct of iodine bromide and trimethylamine-N-oxide (1:
1 stoichiometry) was prepared using the same procedure as above, mp 171–173 °C. All attempts to isolate iodine complex gave products with a changeable content of active halogen, and the reasons for this are unclear. The complex with bromine was unstable at ambient temperature and rapidly converted into products of bromine reduction.
Crystallographic data for the trimethylamine-N-oxide–iodine chloride adduct: C3H9NO·ICl are orthorhombic, space group Pnma: a = 9.60490(10) Å, b = 7.63670(10) Å, c = 9.63370(10) Å, V = 706.629(14) Å3, Z = 4, M = 237.46, dcryst = 2.232 g cm−3. wR2 = 0.0343 calculated on Fhkl2 for all 1187 independent reflections with 2θ < 62.0°, (GOF = 1.281, R = 0.0140 calculated on Fhkl for 1182 reflections with I > 2σ(I)). Crystallographic data (excluding structure factors) for the structure has been deposited at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) as supplementary publication no. CCDC 2004829.†
Energy of complexation, ΔE, was calculated as the difference between the total energy of a complex and the sum of energies of non-bound acceptor and donor molecules under their equilibrium geometry:
ΔE = Ecomplex − ∑(Eacceptor + Edonor) | (1) |
Total energy, E, was corrected to standard conditions (298.15 K, 1 atm) using zero-point vibrational energies (ZPVE) and corrections for enthalpy and free energy. These values were used for evaluation of the thermochemical characteristics of complex formation (Gibbs energy, ΔG, and enthalpy, ΔH) according to eqn (1). In the particular case of the TMAO⋯I–I complex, the values of E, ΔE, ΔG and ΔH were calculated for the virtual medium dichloromethane under continuum approximation in the form of SMD.52 Geometry and electron wave functions were also calculated for the TMAO⋯I–Cl complex for virtual acetonitrile under SMD52 and CPCM.53
Complexation energies were also calculated with corrections for basis set superposition errors (EBSSE) by the method of Boys and Bernardi54 with geometry relaxation. The BSSE-corrected thermodynamic characteristics were evaluated by
ΔGBSSE = ΔG + EBSSE | (2) |
ΔHBSSE = ΔH + EBSSE | (3) |
The electron density distribution was analysed with Multiwfn v.3.7.55 The electrostatic potential distribution was calculated56 for the 0.001 a.u. isodensity surface. The electron density distribution and electrostatic potential were visualized in VMD v.1.9.3,57 and all diagrams were built in SciDAVis.58 Hirshfeld surfaces were generated with CrystalExplorer.59
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Scheme 1 Formation of molecular complexes upon the interaction of dihalogens with trimethylamine-N-oxide (1). X = I, Y = Cl for 2a and 3a; X = I, Y = Br for 2b and 3b. |
The oxygen coordination to iodine in iodine chloride adduct 3a was revealed by X-ray investigation, as was expected from previous experience. Most probably, in iodine bromide adduct 3b, the same coordination occurred. To avoid any confusion, all virtual (computed) structures of the trimethylamine-N-oxide–dihalogen complexes will be denoted as TMAO⋯X–Y (TMAO⋯ICl represents the calculated structure of the virtual analogue of the experimentally isolated adduct 3a).
rN–O, Å | rN–C, Å | ∠CNO, degrees | ∠CNC, degrees | |
B3LYP/DGDZVP (this paper) | 1.372 | 1.503 | 109.5 | 109.5 |
Gas phase electron diffraction60 | 1.379 | 1.496 | 108.9 | 110.0 |
X-ray in crystal61 | 1.388 | 1.479 | 109.9 | 109.0 |
Computational HF/6-31G* (ref. 60) | 1.370 | 1.473 | 108.7 | 110.2 |
Computational B3LYP/6-311G* (ref. 62) | 1.367 | 1.501 | 109.6 | 109.3 |
Computational MP2/6-311+G* (ref. 62) | 1.361 | 1.489 | 109 | 109.4 |
Computational PBE0/(aug-cc-pVTZ)63 | 1.348 | 1.487 |
a Ccomputations were made in B3LYP-D/DZV,65 PBE0/def2-TZVPPD,66 CCSD(T) aug-cc-pVTZ/,67 MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ,70 CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV(5+d)Z and CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pRV5Z,78 CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ,79 B3LYP/LANL2DZ,80 and MP2/6-311++G(2D)81 (for dimer). For a large set of precise computations for dihalogens, see ref. 78. | ||||||||||
Halogen | F–F | Cl–Cl | Cl–F | Br–Br | Br–F | Br–Cl | I–I | I–F | I–Cl | I–Br |
B3LYP/DGDZVP (this paper) | 1.411 | 2.057 | 1.671 | 2.341 | 1.811 | 2.200 | 2.744 | 1.983 | 2.399 | 2.538 |
Experimental X-ray or neutron diffraction in crystal or liquid | α: 1404 (ref. 67) | 1.991;68 1.985;69 1.994 (ref. 64) | 1.628 (ref. 69) | 2.301 (ref. 64) | 1.822 (ref. 70) in complex with CH3Cl | 2.178 (ref. 70) | 2.715;71 2.710 (ref. 65) | α: 2.37, 2.44;72 β: 2.35, 2.44 (ref. 73) | 2.52 (ref. 74) | |
Experimental spectroscopy in gas | 1.4119 (ref. 75) | 1.9879 (ref. 75) | 1.628 (ref. 75) | 2.281 (ref. 75) | 1.759 (ref. 76) | 2.138 (ref. 77) | 2.666 (ref. 75) | 1.9097 (ref. 75) | 2.321 (ref. 77) | 2.469 (ref. 75) |
Computational | 1.415;67 1.4181 (ref. 79) | 2.0195;79 2.028 (ref. 81) | 1.6464 (ref. 79) | 2.279 (ref. 66) | 1.736 (ref. 70) | 2.1435 (ref. 78) | 2.798;65 2.654 (ref. 66) | 1.9110 (ref. 78) | 2.313;66 2.513 (ref. 80) | 2.462;66 2.677 (ref. 80) |
Halogen/interhalogen X–Y | ρ(r), e bohr−3 | ∇2ρ(r), e bohr−5 | G(r), hartree bohr−3 | V(r), hartree bohr−3 | ΩX, e |
F–F | 0.272 | 0.552 | 0.273 | −0.409 | 0 |
Cl–Cl | 0.128; 0.149 (ref. 81) | 0.050 | 0.057 | −0.101 | 0 |
Cl–F | 0.191 | −0.074 | 0.129 | −0.278 | 0.378 |
Br–Br | 0.095 | 0.016 | 0.036 | −0.068 | 0 |
Br–Cl | 0.108 | 0.031 | 0.046 | −0.084 | 0.109 |
Br–F | 0.139 | 0.298 | 0.1379 | −0.201 | 0.461 |
I–I | 0.064; 0.050;65 0.079 (ref. 66) | 0.015; 0.082 (ref. 65) | 0.0214 | −0.039 | 0 |
I–Br | 0.0760; 0.094 (ref. 66) | 0.0340 | 0.0310 | −0.054 | 0.176; 0.187 (ref. 66) |
I–Cl | 0.0826; 0.10 (ref. 66) | 0.0710 | 0.042 | −0.067 | 0.266; 0.323 (ref. 66) |
I–F | 0.106 | 0.340 | 0.1205 | −0.156 | 0.567 |
Table 4 presents some data for the electron distribution in the TMAO molecule around the heavy atoms and the oxygen–nitrogen bond critical point. Only computational results are available for comparison (Table 4). In one case, only the sum ∑d(r) = G(r) + V(r) was given in the literature.62
Method | ρ(r), e bohr−3 | ∇2ρ(r), e bohr−5 | G(r), hartree bohr−3 | V(r), hartree bohr−3 | E(r), hartree bohr−3 | μ, D | ΩO, e | ΩN, e |
B3LYP/DGDZVP (this paper) | 0.335 | −0.124 | 0.231 | −0.500 | −0.269 | 4.85 | −0.701 | −0.43 |
B3LYP/6-311+G* (ref. 62) | 0.349 | −0.293 | — | — | −0.305 | 5.05 | −0.70 | −0.43 |
MP2/6-311+G* (ref. 62) | 0.353 | −0.326 | — | — | −0.332 | 5.26 | −0.74 | −0.48 |
PBE0/aug-cc-pVQZ63 | 0.367 | −0.28 | 0.21 | −0.48 | −0.27 | — | −0.74 | −0.43 |
As can be seen from Tables 1–4, the computations in B3LYP/DGDZVP reproduced the experimental geometry of TMAO and halogens molecules adequately and produced reasonable estimations for its electron density distribution. This degree of conformity gives hope to find credible structures for complexes of TMAO and halogens.
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Fig. 1 Computed (top) and experimentally solved (bottom) structures of the TMAO⋯ICl complex and adduct 3a. |
Short contacts O⋯I and H⋯I are clearly visible on the Hirschfeld surfaces generated separately for the N-oxide and iodine chloride fragments of adduct 3a (Fig. 2).
Some geometry parameters of the computed structures of the trimethylamine-N-oxide–halogen complexes are presented in Table 5.
Complex | rX–X, Å | rX–O, Å | rN–O, Å | rN–C, Å | rX–H, Å | ∠X–X–O, degrees | ∠X–O–N, degrees | ∠∠X–O–N–Cα, degrees | ∠∠X–O–N–Cβ, degrees | ∠∠X–O–Cβ–Hβ, degrees | |
1 | TMAO⋯F–F (B3LYP) | 1.636 | 1.916 | 1.399 | 1.499(α); 1.505(β) | 2.267; 2.268 | 175.41 | 100.62 | 179.89 | 61.14; 60.93 | 3.40; 3.85 |
2 | TMAO⋯Cl–Cl (B3LYP) | 2.205 | 2.271 | 1.398 | 1.500(α); 1.503(β) | 2.790, 2.792 | 179.17 | 113.85 | 179.97 | 61.16, 61.08 | 3.35; 3.46 |
3 | TMAO⋯Cl–F (B3LYP) | 1.783 | 2.173 | 1.402 | 1.499(α); 1.503(β) | 2.773; 2.765 | 178.80 | 114.30 | 179.49 | 61.68; 60.69 | 3.25; 4.43 |
4 | TMAO⋯Br–Br (B3LYP) | 2.453 | 2.368 | 1.399 | 1.500(α); 1.503(β) | 2.916, 2.916 | 178.86 | 116.31 | 180.0 | 61.11, 61.11 | 4.75, 4.75 |
5 | TMAO⋯Br–Cl (B3LYP) | 2.323 | 2.321 | 1.401 | 1.500(α); 1.503(β) | 2.900, 2.900 | 178.77 | 116.34 | 180.00 | 61.18, 61.19 | 4.83, 4.83 |
6 | TMAO⋯Br–F (B3LYP) | 1.906 | 2.249 | 1.404 | 1.499(α); 1.503(β) | 2.867 | 178.15 | 116.36 | 179.90 | 61.14; 61.32 | 4.86; 5.10 |
7 | TMAO⋯I–I (B3LYP) | 2.844 | 2.534 | 1.398 | 1.500(α); 1.503(β) | 3.139, 3.139 | 178.44 | 120.44 | 180.0 | 61.08, 61.09 | 7.10, 7.10 |
8 | TMAO⋯I–Br (B3LYP) | 2.641 | 2.481 | 1.401 | 1.500(α); 1.503(β) | 3.108, 3.108 | 178.47 | 120.23 | 180.00 | 61.17, 61.17 | 7.03, 7.03 |
9 | TMAO⋯I–F (B3LYP) | 2.055 | 2.403 | 1.404 | 1.499(α); 1.503(β) | 3.078; 3.051 | 177.81 | 119.87 | 178.20 | 63.04; 59.46 | 5.07; 8.91 |
10 | TMAO⋯I–Cl (B3LYP) | 2.506 | 2.444 | 1.402 | 1.500(α); 1.503(β) | 3.087, 3.087 | 178.61 | 120.09 | 180.00 | 61.22, 61.22 | 6.95, 6.94 |
11 | TMAO⋯I–Cl (B3LYP/D3) | 2.505 | 2.470 | 1.401 | 1.500(α); 1.503(β) | 3.072; 3.072 | 179.28 | 119.08 | 180.00 | 61.12; 61.12 | 7.03; 7.03 |
12 | TMAO⋯I–Cl (CAM-B3LYP/D3) | 2.469 | 2.447 | 1.390 | 1.489(α); 1.492(β) | 3.050; 3.112 | 178.12 | 120.41 | 176.78 | 57.84; 64.22 | 10.65; 4.82 |
13 | TMAO⋯I–Cl (M06-2X) | 2.452 | 2.420 | 1.387 | 1.490(α); 1.492(β) | 3.029; 3.043 | 179.41 | 119.38 | 179.09 | 61.97; 60.16 | 6.63; 8.52 |
14 | TMAO⋯I–Cl B3LYP/CH3CN/CPCM | 2.610 | 2.298 | 1.421 | 1.504(α); 1.502(β) | 3.096 | 175.43 | 121.10 | 180.00 | 64.35; 64.36 | 8.80; 8.81 |
15 | TMAO⋯I–Cl B3LYP/CH3CN/SMD | 2.633 | 2.274 | 1.425 | 1.501(α); 1.499(β) | 3.089 | 174.67 | 120.80 | 179.87 | 61.92; 61.67 | 8.45; 8.81 |
X-ray analysis of the single crystal of adduct 3a revealed the following geometry parameters (lengths in angstroms, angles in degrees): rI–Cl 2.5685(5), rI–O 2.1895(15), rN–O 1.422(2), rN–C 1.491(3) (α), rN–C 1.4943(18) (β), rI–H 3.071(21), ∠Cl–I–O 172.93(4), ∠I–O–N 119.89(11), ∠∠I–O–N–Cα 180.000(0), and ∠∠I–O–N–Cβ 61.61(11). The general appearance of all the computed structures is very similar, and the structure of the iodine chloride complex is shown in Fig. 1. The I–Cl and N–O covalent bonds are longer in the real structure 3a (lengthened and weakened to a greater extent) compared to the computed TMAO⋯ICl (entry 10), and contact O⋯I is significantly shorter. Other functionals with embedded dispersion corrections (entries 12 and 13) did not change this tendency. One of the possible reasons is the influence of the crystal field in the solid phase, as was shown for complexes of N-haloimides with pyridines.84 An attempt was made to model this influence with media besides vacuum. Acetonitrile was chosen as a highly polar aprotic solvent, as represented by two widely used polarized continuum models, namely CPCM (entry 14) and SMD (entry 15). Both models gave similar results, where contact O⋯I became shorter and closer to that found in experimental structure 3a, and the covalent I–Cl bond became even longer compared with the crystal structure. In the crystal, all the components of the complex are tightly surrounded with neighbours (Fig. 2), and thus the polarized continuum is not sufficient to account for these interactions. It is worth mentioning that both models still predicted the molecular organization of the complex (not ionic).
All the computed structures of TMAO⋯X–Y have some common features, including two halogen atoms and an oxygen atom lying in the same straight line; the distance between the oxygen and halogen atoms is less than the sum of the van der Waals radii; the halogen–halogen covalent bond in the complex is longer than in the starting halogen molecule; and the nitrogen–oxygen covalent bond in the complex is longer than in the starting N-oxide.
These features are common for all known halogen complexes with uncharged heteroatom nucleophiles, as was noted in early studies.85 The specific features of trimethylamine-N-oxide complexes are the sharp difference between their methyl groups (initially equivalent) and two short contacts C–H⋯Hal. There are two types of methyl groups in the complex structure as follows: (a) the α-methyl group is anti-periplanar to the nearest halogen atom in relation to the N–O bond and (b) two symmetrical β-methyl groups are in the gauche conformation relative to the proximal halogen (are synclinal to this atom relative to the N–O bond). The dihedral angle (α-C)–N–O–Hal is very close to a straight angle for all the computed structures and the torsions (β-C)–N–O–Hal vary around 60°. In this orientation, one C–H bond of every β-methyl group becomes almost parallel to the oxygen–halogen bond with a low dihedral angle value for Hal–O–Cβ–Hβ (see Table 5).
This arrangement of methyl groups and halogen is favourable for short contact and Cβ–Hβ⋯Hal hydrogen bond formation; however, it precludes any type of interaction between the α-methyl group and halogen atom in the computed structures. Consequently, the interatomic distance of Cβ–Hβ⋯Hal is less than the sum of the van der Waals radii for the hydrogen and halogen atoms (Table 5). This type of contact shortening is well known for the subtle C–H⋯X (X = halogen) hydrogen bond.23,86–88
The heteroatom X⋯O contacts in the complexes under study may be compared with the shortest known contacts in the experimental structures, including 4,4′-dipyridyl-N,N′-dioxide–1,4-diiodotetrafluoro-benzene of 2.725 Å;89 4-methylpyridine-N-oxide–N-iodosaccharine of 2.276 Å and 4-methoxypyridine-N-oxide–N-iodosaccharine of 2.295 Å;90 and 4-dimethylaminopyridine-N-oxide–iodine91 of 2.359 Å. It is clear that the I⋯O contact in adduct 3a is the shortest between the experimentally studied structures. Thus, it is reasonable to suppose that the interaction between trimethylamine-N-oxide and iodine chloride is the strongest for all the studied halogens and N-oxides (and more generally, between all the studied halogens and uncharged oxygen nucleophiles).
Complex | ΔE, kJ mol−1 | ΔE, ZPVE corr., kJ mol−1 | ΔE, BSSE corr., kJ mol−1 | ΔG, BSSE corr., kJ mol−1 |
TMAO⋯F–F | −61.20 | −55.32 | −118.91 | −13.12 |
TMAO⋯Cl–Cl | −56.89 | −51.73 | −69.45 | −9.52 |
TMAO⋯Cl–F | −82.76 | −76.39 | −94.39 | −30.05 |
TMAO⋯Br–Br | −65.51 | 60.58 | −69.87 | −15.97 |
TMAO⋯Br–Cl | −76.39 | −71.16 | −83.26 | −24.14 |
TMAO⋯Br–F | −103.61 | −97.50 | −108.37 | −47.73 |
TMAO⋯I–I | −64.85 | −60.53 | −64.31 | −14.92 |
TMAO⋯I–Br | −78.03 | −73.36 | −78.62 | −24.93 |
TMAO⋯I–Cl | −88.63 | −83.63 | −89.75 | −34.03 |
TMAO⋯I–F | −106.30 | −100.38 | −105.98 | −49.08 |
Thermodynamic data for the formation of a complex of diiodine with trimethylamine-N-oxide in dichloromethane allowed the direct comparison of the experimental Gibbs energy14,15 with the calculated energy of complexation, as estimated in this paper. The reported ΔG values for this 1:
1 equilibrium are −18.4 kJ mol−1 (ref. 15) and −21.4 kJ mol−1 (calculated from the data in ref. 14; original text indicates ΔH = −10 kcal mol−1 and ΔS = −16.9 e.u.). The maximum difference (6.5 kJ mol−1 in comparison with data in ref. 14) seems to be a significant disagreement. Computations accounting for the influence of the medium (virtual dichloromethane, ε = 8.93, instead of vacuum; see Experimental section and computational details) gave a ΔG value (−20.98 kJ mol−1) more negative compared to that for vacuum (−14.92 kJ mol−1), and closer to the aforementioned experimental values.14,15 Comparable values for the interaction energies were calculated for 4-dimethylaminopyridine-N-oxide⋯I–I (−12.948 kcal mol−1 (ref. 91)) and pyridine-N-oxide⋯N-iodosaccharine (−70.2 kJ mol−1 (ref. 90)). In general, the calculated interaction energies, ΔE, resemble the corresponding values for the strongest hydrogen-bonded complexes94 and halogen-bonded complexes.80,95,96 For these systems, the BSSE corrections were also found to be sufficient. Computations in MP2 usually give slightly lower values for interaction energies in comparison with DFT/B3LYP.80,95
Halogen (interhalogen) | VS,max, kcal mol−1 | Literature data |
F–F | 14.67 | 13.8;97 12.95 (ref. 98) |
Cl2 | 24.85 | 27.60;98 23.8;99 25.1;100 28.2;101 28.6305;102 24.8 (ref. 103) |
Cl–F | 45.61 | 40.79;39 45.8;101 45.0 (ref. 108) |
Br2 | 31.60 | 32.0;96 29.1;99 31.8;101 32.0;102 27.9 (ref. 103) |
BrCl | 38.78 | 37.89;96 37.8;101 37.9 (ref. 102) |
Br–F | 56.14 | 56.72;96 56.3;101 47.5;104 58.35843;105 53.0 (ref. 108) |
I2 | 32.92 | 48.10;96 30.25;103 40.45 (ref. 106) |
IBr | 40.58 | 60.91 (ref. 96) |
ICl | 47.57 | 72.35 (ref. 96) |
I–F | 59.41 | 91.49 (ref. 96) |
The oxygen atom in the molecule of trimethylamine-N-oxide forms a hemispheric surface with a negative potential (Fig. 3, left). Localisation of the most negative potential (−55.97 kcal mol−1) may be described as a circumference on this sphere (green dots, Fig. 3) with a centre on a crossover point of continuation of the N–O bond and boundary surface with an electron density of 0.001 a.u. At this crossover point (orange point), the potential is still negative (−55.64 kcal mol−1), but this is the local minimum in comparison with vicinal areas. The distribution of the ESP on the surface of the chlorine molecule (Fig. 3, right side) is typical for diatomic halogens and interhalogens, where the areas with the most positive potentials are localised on the outermost region of the halogen surface centred on the “halogen–halogen” axis, with toroidal areas of negative potential encircling this axis. This type of ESP distribution in halogens is well established and discussed many times in the literature.107,108 Imaginably, the interaction of the positively charged area (σ-hole) of halogens with the negatively charged area of N-oxide leads to structures with a short N⋯O contact.
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Fig. 3 Electrostatic potential distribution on the molecular surface of trimethylamine-N-oxide (top) and chlorine (bottom). |
The quantitative assessment of the ESP depends on the method used, and some literature data for halogens is presented in Table 7 for comparison. Different units were used by different authors (1 hartree = 4.3597 × 10−18 J = 627.51 kcal mol−1 = 2625.5 kJ mol−1 = 27.211 eV), and kcal mol−1 was used most widely; also, the literature data from ref. 39, 102, 103 and 105 was recalculated. The largest discrepancies are obvious for iodine compounds. Possibly, this is a result of the pseudopotential used in the computations for these compounds96,106 and the different envelopes (0.002 a.u. for data from ref. 96). The divergence between the B3LYP/DGDZVP results (current paper) and QCISD103 or CAM-B3LYP/TZVPD103 (Table 7) is much less pronounced. Expectedly, the positive potential VS,max increases with atom X (heavy atom in interhalogens) in the order of F < Cl < Br < I. For the Y atom in the interhalogens, the order of influence on the X σ-hole is the opposite.
Complex | ΩO, e | ΩN, e | ΩX, e | ΩY, e | Δq, e |
TMAO⋯F–F | −0.4371 | −0.490 | −0.132 | −0.286 | −0.42 |
TMAO⋯Cl–Cl | −0.582 | −0.485 | −0.00292 | −0.234 | −0.24 |
TMAO⋯Cl–F | −0.592 | −0.491 | 0.263 | −0.495 | −0.23 |
TMAO⋯Br–Br | −0.614 | −0.485 | 0.0291 | −0.242 | −0.21 |
TMAO⋯Br–Cl | −0.613 | −0.488 | 0.124 | −0.326 | −0.20 |
TMAO⋯Br–F | −0.617 | −0.494 | 0.371 | −0.574 | −0.20 |
TMAO⋯I–I | −0.659 | −0.481 | 0.0960 | −0.239 | −0.14 |
TMAO⋯I–Br | −0.659 | −0.486 | +0.266 | −0.377 | −0.11 |
TMAO⋯I–Cl | −0.662 | −0.491 | +0.262 | −0.445 | −0.18 |
TMAO⋯I–F | −0.668 | −0.492 | +0.510 | −0.659 | −0.15 |
Complex | ρ(r), e bohr−3 | ∇2ρ(r), e bohr−5 | G(r), hartree bohr−3 | V(r), hartree bohr−3 | |V|/G |
TMAO⋯F–F | 0.0755 | 0.297 | 0.0770 | −0.0797 | 1.04 |
TMAO⋯Cl–Cl | 0.0514 | 0.157 | 0.0405 | −0.0417 | 1.03 |
TMAO⋯Cl–F | 0.0624 | 0.173 | 0.0484 | −0.0534 | 1.10 |
TMAO⋯Br–Br | 0.0470 | 0.130 | 0.0346 | −0.0366 | 1.06 |
TMAO⋯Br–Cl | 0.0512 | 0.137 | 0.0378 | −0.0413 | 1.09 |
TMAO⋯Br–F | 0.0594 | 0.147 | 0.0447 | −0.0526 | 1.18 |
TMAO⋯I–I | 0.0390 | 0.106 | 0.0278 | −0.0291 | 1.05 |
TMAO⋯I–Br | 0.0428 | 0.116 | 0.0314 | −0.0338 | 1.08 |
TMAO⋯I–Cl | 0.0451 | 0.123 | 0.0339 | −0.0370 | 1.09 |
TMAO⋯I–F | 0.0489 | 0.137 | 0.0390 | −0.0437 | 1.12 |
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Fig. 5 Interaction energy ΔE (BSSE corrected) for TMAO⋯X–Y vs. potential energy density V(r) in the BCP of the X⋯O bond (top) and vs. kinetic energy density G(r) in the BCP of the X⋯O bond (bottom). |
In the literature, it is very popular to compare the energetic metrics of halogen and hydrogen bonds. For the hydrogen bond, the very simple equation was proposed linking the potential energy density in the BCP and interaction energy114 as follows:
ΔE = a + b × X |
Complex | a/V(r), hartree | b/V(r), bohr3 | a/G(r), hartree | b/G(r), bohr3 |
TMAO⋯Cl–Y | 0.0073 | 0.809 | 0.022 | −1.20 |
TMAO⋯Br–Y | 0.006 | 0.906 | 0.023 | −1.44 |
TMAO⋯I–Y | 0.007 | 1.092 | 0.015 | −1.43 |
Slope b (in bohr3) of these dependences on V(r) and G(r) for the halogen bonds in the TMAO⋯X–Y complexes significantly exceeds not only that typical for the hydrogen bond,115 but that proposed for molecular iodine also.65 Different correlations for different halogen centres were noted earlier.116–118 Obviously, any attempts to construct joint correlation “interaction energy–energy density in BCP” for hydrogen and halogen bonds are unlikely to be successful.
The correlation between the TMAO⋯X–Y interaction energies and maximal values of the halogen ESP (Table 7) is close to linear (Fig. 6, top). Within separate subgroups (iodine-centred and bromine-centred complexes) the linear fit is excellent.
The linear correlation between the interaction energy, ΔE, and surface potential distinctly indicates the main role of electrostatic interactions in the formation of the TMAO⋯X–Y complex. The contribution of these interactions to halogen bonding was extensively discussed in the literature.92,97,108 In the plot of ΔE vs. VS,max (Fig. 6), the points for the fluorine, chlorine- and bromine-centred electrophiles lie under the linear fit for the iodine-centred electrophiles (at comparable ESP values, the interaction energy is more negative). Possibly, the C–H⋯X hydrogen bonds make their own contribution to the overall interaction of N-oxide and the halogen molecule. These hydrogen bonds were revealed with some uncertainties for the fluorine-, chlorine- and bromine-centred electrophiles, but not for the iodine-centred electrophiles (see later). This is very similar to multiple hydrogen bonds. In some visually simple structures (for example, chloroform–formaldehyde complex113), more than one non-covalent interaction was revealed, and good correlations were found between the interaction energy, ΔE, and the sum of electron density in the bond critical points,113 where the correlation worsened if one interaction was neglected.113 Oppositely, good correlations between the interaction enthalpy and negative logarithm of the association constants were found for N-halogenosaccharine–pyridine-N-oxide complexes bound with a halogen bond only, and in this case, structures with additional hydrogen bonds worsened the correlations.90
The correlation between the Gibbs energy, ΔG, and ESP looks shared for all the heavy halogens (Fig. 6, bottom). Perhaps, the energy contributions from the subtle C–H⋯X hydrogen bonds vanished at elevated temperature.
The data for the complex with difluorine could not be arranged in any correlation (as was often the case119). No correlations between the interaction energies and charge transfer were found, contrary to usual expectations. Earlier, good correlations were found between ΔE and charge transfer for several iodine complexes with pyridine-N-oxides,91 but this may have resulted from the perfect homogeneity of the dataset, with only diiodine being chosen as the halogen bond donor. In the case of a diverse set of halogen donors and heteroatom acceptors, correlations with charge transfer were absent.120
The energy profile of the forced conformational changes carried out on the equilibrium TMAO⋯X–Y structures indirectly confirms the bonding character of the C–Hβ⋯X interactions (Fig. 7). In the global minimum of TMAO⋯Cl–Cl (equilibrium structure Cl2-globmin, Fig. 8, top) three atoms, Cl, O, and N, form a plane, and the Hα-atom lies in the same plane, and the angle Cl–O–N is close to tetrahedral. Enlarging this angle by turning the Cl–Cl fragment in this plane, avoiding any other shifts in geometry, upon increasing the Cl–O–N angle (Fig. 8), two Cβ–Hβ⋯ Cl short contacts (2.79 Å) lengthen and finally break, and the full energy of the system becomes less negative. In the local maximum (Fig. 8, structure Cl2-Max, at the centre) four atoms, Cl–Cl⋯O–N, lie on the same straight line. Two longer contacts (2.87 Å) Cα–Hα⋯Cl appear with a further turn (Fig. 8 bottom, structure Cl2-locmin).
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Fig. 7 Full energy changes under enlargement of X–O–N angle for the TMAO⋯Cl–Cl complex (top) and for the TMAO⋯I–I complex (bottom). |
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Fig. 8 Structural evolutions of TMAO⋯Cl–Cl under forced enlargement of the Cl–O–N angle: global minimum Cl2-globmin (top); maximum Cl2-Max (centre); and local minimum Cl2-locmin (bottom). |
This procedure has to be considered as inversion of the Cl–O–N–Cα fragment from an anti-periplanar to sin-periplanar configuration. The new Cl2-locmin configuration is the minimum also, but local. The full system energy in this configuration is less negative compared to the global minimum with two hydrogen bonds from two methyl groups.
The TMAO⋯I–I complex behaves in the same way (Fig. 7, bottom). The energy difference for these two minima, global and local, was estimated to be 3.63 kcal mol−1 for TMAO⋯Cl–Cl and 3.01 kcal mol−1 for TMAO⋯I–I.
Similar energetic changes were achieved by turning the chlorine molecule around the N–O bond (more precisely, around the line-continued N–O bond). Forced turning of the Cl–Cl fragment around the imaginary continuation of the N–O bond is equivalent to “slipping” of the Cl⋯O contact on the most negatively charged area on the surface of the oxygen atom. The energy profile for this movement is shown in Fig. 9, where the torsion ∠∠Cl–O–N–Cβ = 60° coincides with the global minimum configuration. Any change in this torsion makes the whole structure less preferable energetically (Fig. 9, bottom). At the dihedral angle ∠∠Cl–O–N–Cβ = 0°, the system accepts a staggered conformation, where the carbon and chlorine atoms are both sin-periplanar in relation to the N–O bond (Fig. 9, top).
The results of these two procedures (inversion and turn of the dichlorine fragment) demonstrate the significance of the role of the C–H⋯Cl hydrogen bond in the whole stability of the halogen-bonded complex. We did not find the C–H⋯I bond critical points for the hydrogen–iodine shortened contacts, although the experimental structure of the TMAO⋯ICl adduct unequivocally suggests the presence of this bonding. For iodine compounds, this is not unique. In the thoroughly studied experimental structure of the bis-pyridyl-N,N-dioxide complex with 1,4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene, the ortho-hydrogens of the pyridine ring are in close proximity to the iodine atoms, but the BCPs were not revealed.89 It is quite possible that these interactions are binding, and in some cases, it was supported with computations, but at the much higher MP2 level,42 or at the B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP level.121
Obviously, fully correct investigation of these interactions with computations requires extended basis sets augmented with diffuse functions.122 At the current stage, we prefer to certify the fact of C–H⋯X bonding interactions in the structures of the TMAO⋯X–Y complexes and not to go beyond this.
The computed (and experimentally found) structures of the TMAO⋯X–Y complexes are not optimal for C–H…halogen bond formation, where the C–H⋯X angle is slightly less than 110° in comparison to the more frequent 150–170°. Nevertheless, such small C–H⋯X angles were identified (rarely) based on a statistical analysis provided for a huge number of real structures deposited in the Cambridge Structural Database.86–88 The analysis of the crystal structure revealed a C–H⋯O close contact network within the trimethylamine-N-oxide nucleophile sublattice and I–Cl⋯Cα shortened contacts (tetrel bond123) between TMAO⋯I–Cl units (Fig. 10). Information about these contacts is presented in Table 11.
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Fig. 10 Short contacts in the crystal structure of adduct 3a (top), in TMAO (mid), and in trimethylamine-N-oxide–trimethylaluminum adduct (bottom). |
Contact | rX⋯Y, Å | ΣVdW, Å | (ΣVdW–rX⋯Y), Å | ∠C–H–X, degrees |
C–H⋯O | 2.602 | 2.72 | 0.118 | 152.2 |
C–H⋯Br | 3.071 | 3.18 | 0.109 | 108.5 |
I–Cl…Cα | 3.420 | 3.45 | 0.030 | 135.16 (∠I–Cl–Cα); 157.74 (∠Cl–Cα–N) |
The contacts C–H⋯O in adduct 3a are longer than in the initial trimethylamine-N-oxide61 (the shortest H⋯O distance 2.458 Å), and the whole set is less intricate compared with TMAO itself. Accordingly, the structure of 3a resembles a trimethylamine-N-oxide–trimethylaluminum adduct124 with only one C–H⋯O contact per molecule and H⋯O distance of 2.685 Å, or TMAO–dihydrate with H⋯O distance of 2.661 Å.125 Seemingly, the C–H⋯O interactions affect the relative positions of TMAO in the nucleophile sublattice but do not seem to be as significant for the TMAO–halogen interactions as halogen bonding (oxygen⋯iodine).
Footnote |
† CCDC 2004829. For crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/d0ra08165e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |