Asmat Ullah Khana,
Rasheed Ahmad Khera*a,
Naveed Anjuma,
Rao Aqil Shehzada,
Saleem Iqbalb,
Khurshid Ayub
*c and
Javed Iqbal
aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-38000, Pakistan. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Wah Engineering College, University of Wah, Wah Cantt, 47040, Pakistan
cDepartment of Chemistry, COMSATS University, Abbottabad Campus, Islamabad, KPK 22060, Pakistan
dPunjab Bio-energy Institute, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-38000, Pakistan
First published on 17th February 2021
DFT calculations are carried out to investigate nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of superhalogen (BCl4) and superalkali (NLi4) doped graphitic carbon nitride (GCN). It is noted that the geometries of doped GCN are sufficiently stable. The energy gap for GCN is 3.89 and it reduces to 0.53 eV in our designed molecule G4. Change in the dipole and transition dipole moment is observed along with small transition energies which are responsible for higher hyperpolarizabilities. Doped GCN has larger first and second hyperpolarizabilities which are basic requirements for NLO response. The second hyperpolarizability of GCN enhances from 1.59 × 104 to 2.53 × 108 au when doping with BCl4 and NLi4. TD-DFT calculations show the absorption maxima of doped GCN range from 700 nm to 1350 nm. EDDM analysis provides information on electronic distribution from excited to ground state. All these consequences show doped GCN can be a promising NLO material.
For the past few decades, nonlinear optical (NLO) materials have earned great attention in the field of photonics because of their vast applications in LASER, LED, optical display, biosensors, scanners and telecommunication and other fields of photonics.6,10–14 Due to their unique properties of producing new electric and magnetic fields, a large number of NLO materials are produced.15,16 Two major classes of NLO materials are organic and inorganic NLO materials. Organic NLO materials are more valuable because of their better electronic properties, structural diversity and large NLO coefficient. Inorganic NLO materials also have advantages of their large size, strengths and stability.17
Several new inorganic and organic materials are synthesized with improved properties. Inorganic phosphides and nitrides, for example, BP, AlP, BN, AlN and GCN18 can be largely applied in semiconductors, and other electronic and NLO applications.19–22 There are more efficient materials for many applications and they can be easily synthesized with low cost.23
Nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of molecules and polymers24–27 are a subject of high importance in organic chemistry and materials sciences. The theoretical prediction of NLO properties based on quantum chemical calculations is challenging and the development of new, along with improvement of existing, methodology remains a substantial demand for computational chemistry.28–31 The difficulties that occur in such calculations are related to the fact that the NLO properties render themselves inelastic quantities because they are high-order derivatives of the energy.32–34 Theoretical investigations have shown that the first hyperpolarizability of inorganic and organic molecules is enhanced by a good approach that is doping of superalkali and superhalogen. Superhalogen comprises electronegative atoms (Cl, F and O) which surrounded the central metal atom. By increasing the electronegative atoms, the added electron is delocalized over the metal atom which increases its electron affinity (EA). The electron affinity of superhalogen goes beyond the electron affinity of the halogen atom. The doping of superalkali leads to the generation of alkalide or electride which increases the value of the first hyperpolarizability. Superalkalis have a lower ionization prospective than alkali metals. The nonlinear response of materials leads to many optical phenomena including changes in the optical properties of the material, generation of new light frequencies, and changes in the phase or the amplitude of the emergent light.35,36
Liebig reported carbon nitride in 1834 for the first time.37 The GCN has been applied successfully in solar cells, gas and humidity sensors, for the storage of H2 and CO2 (ref. 38 and 39) and many others because GCN is thermally stable with a unique electronic framework. In recent years, the NLO response of carbon nanostructures that were sp2 hybridized was largely studied.40,41 In this study, the graphitic carbon nitride cluster (C18N27H8) was doped with superhalogen (BCl4) and superalkali (NLi4). Doping of superhalogen (BCl4) and superalkali (NLi4) is an effective way to enhance the NLO response of GCN. Four different complexes of superhalogen (BCl4) and superalkali (NLi4) doped GCN were investigated through density functional theory (DFT).42–44 This study focused on the NLO response, electronic and molecular structure.
The HOMO–LUMO band gap was calculated by eqn (1)
EH–L = EL − EH | (1) |
Vertical Ionization Energies (VIE) were also computed by using the B3LYP method by using eqn (2).
VIE = E(X+) − E(X) | (2) |
B3LYP method was also used to compute values of dipole moment, transition dipole moment, energy of excitation (ΔE), αiso and αaniso, first and second hyperpolarizabilities (βstatic, γstatic) and oscillator strength (fo). Energy Difference Diagram Map (EDDM) analysis was also performed using the B3LYP method. TD-DFT method was used for UV/Vis absorption analysis and 20 excited states were studied. With the help of Origin software, the UV/Vis spectra were plotted.
Reported DFT calculations for band gap for different forms of C3N4 are listed in Table 1. The band gap of α-C3N4, β-C3N4, cubic-C3N4, pseudocubic C3N4, g-h-triazine, g-o-triazine and g-h-heptazine is 5.49 eV, 4.85 eV, 4.30 eV, 4.13 eV, 2.97 eV, 0.93 eV and 2.88 eV, respectively.50 Two major types of g-C3N4 are s-triazine and tri-s-triazine that are linked with tertiary amine groups. Tri-s-triazine is more stable and showed excellent structural, nonlinear optical and physiological properties. The band gap for our proposed form of g-C3N4 (tri-s-triazine) is 3.89 eV. Literature study show that our selected model of g-C3N4 is a highly stable isomeric form among the other reported forms of g-C3N4.50
Molecule | Band gap eV |
α-C3N4 | 5.49 |
β-C3N4 | 4.85 |
Cubic-C3N4 | 4.3 |
Pseudocubic C3N4 | 4.13 |
g-h-triazine | 2.97 |
g-o-triazine | 0.97 |
g-h-heptazine | 2.88 |
For understanding the electrical and optical properties of the pure GCN and all the designed G1–G4 molecules, energies of HOMO, LUMO and their H–L gaps were calculated. HOMO is electron-rich and represents the donating ability of the molecule. Whereas LUMO illustrates the electron-withdrawing ability. The FMOs (Frontier Molecular Orbitals) of pure GCN and designed molecules (G1–G4) using B3LYP/6-31G (d,p) are shown in Fig. 2. The EHOMO of pure GCN and G1, G2, G3 and G4 are −6.10, −6.37, −3.14, −3.57 and −3.59 eV, respectively, while the ELUMO of pure GCN and G1, G2, G3 and G4 are −2.22, −2.65, −2.38, −2.78 and −2.61 eV respectively given in Table 2. Doping of BCl4 and NLi4 on GCN reduces its energy as new energy levels are generated among these molecules that narrow the energy difference. The energy gap (Eg) for pure GCN and G1, G2, G3 and G4 are 3.89, 3.72, 0.75, 0.79 and 0.98 eV, respectively. This reduction of the energy gap enhances its electronic conduction and makes it easy for electrons to excite from HOMO to LUMO. The decreasing order of Eg is pure GCN > G1 > G4 > G3 > G2. HOMO and LUMO energy gap of G1–G4 are low as compared with pure GCN. The G1 molecule has the highest energy gap of 3.72 eV (Fig. 3).
Molecule | HOMO (eV) | LUMO (eV) |
Pure GCN | −6.1 | −2.22 |
G1 | −6.37 | −2.65 |
G2 | −3.14 | −2.38 |
G3 | −3.57 | −2.78 |
G4 | −3.59 | −2.61 |
Vertical ionization energies for all doped complexes were also computed and their values are 6.10, 6.37, 3.14, 3.57 and 3.59 eV of pure GCN and G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively. The decreasing order for VIE of all pure and doped complexes is pure GCN > G1 > G4 > G3 > G2. All the values are given in Table 3.
Molecule | Eg (eV) | VIE (eV) | |
Pure GCN | 3.89 | 6.1 | |
G1 | 3.72 | 6.37 | |
G2 | 0.75 | 3.14 | |
G3 | 0.79 | 3.57 | |
G4 | 0.98 | 3.59 |
For the understanding of the HOMO–LUMO gap reduction, the density of states (DOS) analysis was performed at the same level of theory. DOS plot for pure GCN showed that there is a large gap between HOMO and LUMO. In the analysis of the DOS plot of G1–G4, a reduction of the energy gap was observed for all complexes. In G1, superhalogen donates excess electrons to GCN and because of these electrons, new energy levels are formed which are responsible for the reduction of the energy gap. Superhalogen, without such excess electrons, does not cause any decrease in the H–L gap. All these new energy levels formed between the original HOMOs and LUMOs of pure GCN result in the reduction of the energy gap. PDOS represents the partial DOS analysis of individual superalkali, superhalogen and GCN fragments whereas, TDOS represents the total DOS analysis of doped molecule. In the DOS plots, TDOS for pure GCN (Redlined) in the range of −16 to −5 eV represents occupied states whereas −2 to 9 eV represent virtual states. In the case of G1, PDOS of pure GCN and TDOS of doped GCN (indicated by red and green lines) ranging from −16 to −5 eV represent HOMO and from −2 to 9 eV represent LUMO but the doped GCN exhibit sharp green peaks in its TDOS representation which is ascribed for the dominant effect of doping in reducing energy gap. In the DOS plot of G2, PDOS of individual superalkali (NLi4), superhalogen (BCl4) and GCN (indicated by black Red and green lines) and TDOS of doped GCN (indicated by the blue line), ranging from −13 to −5 eV represent HOMO and from −4 to 9 eV represent LUMO and LUMO+2. The sharp blue peaks indicate the greater contribution of electron density from doped GCN as well as the higher HOMO and lower LUMO energy levels of G2 become the cause for reduction of the energy gap. In the DOS plot of G3, PDOS of superalkali (NLi4) and pure GCN and TDOS of doped GCN (indicated by black, red and green lines respectively) ranging from −14 to −4 eV represent HOMO and HOMO-2 and from −5 to 9 eV represent LUMO and LUMO+1. The flat red peak of pure GCN in the HOMO region shows its little electronic contribution but the sharp green peaks of doped GCN plausibly explain the high electronic contribution due to the strong effect of dopant in reducing the energy gap. Similar is the case with G4. DOS plots for pure GCN and G1–G4 are shown in Fig. 4.
To understand the nature of excitation, orbital transitions analysis was performed for pure and doped complexes. For pure GCN and G1, the transition took place from HOMO to LUMO, whereas in G2, the transition took place from HOMO to LUMO+2. For G3 transition took place from HOMO-2 to LUMO+1 whereas it is from HOMO-1 to LUMO+1 in G4. These new energy levels which were formed between the original HOMO and LUMO are the evidence of reduction of the energy gap. All these transitions are graphically represented in Fig. 5.
The transition dipole moment for pure GCN and G1–G4 was also computed and it was noted that the transition dipole moments were changed on doping superhalogen and superalkali on GCN. For G1–G4, these are 0.0192, 0.1235, 0.0237 and 0.0052 D respectively. The increasing order of transition dipole moment is G4 < G1 < G3 < G2. The values of dipole moment transition dipole moment for pure GCN and G1–G4 are listed in Table 4.
Molecule | μ (D) | Δμ (D) |
Pure GCN | 1.81 | |
G1 | 5.24 | 0.0192 |
G2 | 4.14 | 0.1235 |
G3 | 4.84 | 0.0237 |
G4 | 8.33 | 0.0052 |
For all complexes linear isotropic and anisotropic polarizabilities (αiso and αaniso) were computed. For pure GCN αiso is 437.54 au and it increased on doping to 932.39, 745.64, 723.89 and 656.01 for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively, respectively. Values of αiso increase in order pure GCN < G4 < G3 < G2 < G1. αaniso of pure GCN is 438.89 au and it changed on doping to 659.13, 512.73, 453.29 and 198.63 au for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively. αaniso increase in the order G4 < pure GCN < G3 < G2 < G1. Values for all complexes linear isotropic and anisotropic are listed in Table 5.
Molecule | αiso (au) | αaniso (au) |
Pure GCN | 437.54 | 438.89 |
G1 | 932.39 | 659.13 |
G2 | 745.64 | 512.73 |
G3 | 723.89 | 453.29 |
G4 | 656.01 | 198.63 |
For the NLO response, hyperpolarizability is the major property. First and second hyperpolarizabilities (βstatic and γstatic) were also computed. βstatic for pure GCN is 95.37 au and βstatic values are 74703, 90
733, 23
325 and 25
738 au for G1, G2, G3 and G4, respectively. βstatic increased in the order: pure GCN < G3 < G4 < G1 < G2. γ static for pure GCN is 1.59 × 104 and values for G1–G4 are 2.07 × 108, 2.53 × 108, 1.14 × 106 and 4.43 × 105 au respectively. Values of γstatic increase in order pure GCN < G4 < G3 < G2 < G1. Dipole moment (μ in D), αiso and αaniso in au, βstatic in au and γstatic in au are graphically represented in Fig. 6, Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively. A two-level approximation is a frequently used model that supports the calculation of nonlinearities especially the first hyperpolarizability as follows.51
![]() | (3) |
Molecule | βstatic (au) | γstatic (au) |
Pure GCN | 95.37 | 1.59 × 104 |
G1 | 74![]() |
2.07 × 108 |
G2 | 90![]() |
2.53 × 108 |
G3 | 23![]() |
1.14 × 106 |
G4 | 25![]() |
4.43 × 105 |
Excitation energy (ΔE) and oscillator strength (fo) for G1–G4 are given in Table 7.
Molecule | fo | ΔE eV |
G1 | 0.0001 | 0.0283 |
G2 | 0.0006 | 0.2378 |
G3 | 0.0054 | 0.1068 |
G4 | 0.0035 | 0.422 |
Absorption energies of pure GCN and G1–G4 are computed through time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT). 20 excited states were studied, and it was noted that pure GCN absorbs at 350 nm. After doping superhalogen and superalkali absorption maxima are red-shifted. All the doped structures absorb radiations in the visible and IR region. The λmax for G1, G2, G3 and G4 are 780, 1350, 1290 and 1045 nm. This shows that these doped complexes have valuable absorption for NLO response. Absorption spectra for pure GCN and G1–G4 are shown in Fig. 10. Absorption (λmax) and transition orbital for G1–G4 are listed in Table 8.
Molecule | λmax (nm) | % C.I transition |
G1 | 780 | 97% H → L |
G2 | 1350 | 96% H → L+2 |
G3 | 1290 | 84% H-2 → L+1 |
G4 | 1045 | 50% H-1 → L+1 |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |