A. K. Nair and
S. J. Ray*
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Bihta 801106, India. E-mail: ray@iitp.ac.in; ray.sjr@gmail.com
First published on 4th January 2021
Tuning of system properties such as electronic and magnetic behaviour through various engineering techniques is necessary for optoelectronic and spintronic applications. In our current work, we employ first-principles methodologies along with Monte-Carlo simulations to comprehensively study the electronic and magnetic behaviour of 2-dimensional (2D) Cr2Ge2Te6 (Tc = 61 K), uncovering the impact of strain and electric field on the material. In the presence of strain, we were able to achieve high temperature magnetic ordering in the layer along with observable phase crossover in the electronic state of the system, where the system exhibited transference from semiconducting to half-metallic state. Finally, on coupling strain and electric field remarkable increase in Curie temperature (Tc) ∼ 331 K (above 5-fold enhancement from pristine configuration) was observed, which is very well above room temperature. Our inferences have shed light on a relatively new type of coupling method involving strain and electric field which may have tremendous implications in the development of 2D spintronic architecture.
The technological operation of a spintronic device favours ferromagnetic materials with room-temperature magnetic ordering21 and several of the 2D magnetic materials do not fit the criterion in terms of either being intrinsically antiferromagnetic or not processing a high ordering temperature. However, the magnetic properties can be fine-tuned, as desired, through the application of a few engineering techniques.22,23 Cr2Ge2Te6 (CGT) is a newly discovered 2D magnetic material which has gained great attention recently because of its ability to be exfoliated to the monolayer limit24 similar to that of CrI3.25 Moreover, recent investigations have shown the feasibility of formation of stable heterostructures with several other 2D materials like graphene,26 CrI327 and topological insulators,28,29 observation of photoluminescence30 and magneto-optical effects.31 However, the experimental Tc ∼ 61 K20,32 of CGT is well-below room temperature, which is too low for practical spintronics applications. The Tc changes with the change of layer thickness between 40 K to 68 K.32 In this work, we have explored the possibility of using non-invasive external stimuli like strain and electric field to fine-tune the electronic and magnetic behaviour and change the Tc. Through extensive first-principles based calculations and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, we have investigated the electronic and magnetic properties of CGT under different strain and electric field conditions. We are able to observe high temperature ferromagnetism (FM) sustaining upto a temperature as high as ∼312 K and interesting phase transitions at different parts of the phase diagram. The combination of strain and electric field is a noteworthy mechanism to tune the system properties, which is an unexplored method to the best of our knowledge.
CGT belongs to space group 162 (P1m) having a hexagonal lattice structure with optimised lattice constants of a0 = b0 = 6.8275 Å. These values were obtained by geometry optimisation with a numerical convergence criterion set with a tolerance of 10−6 eV in energy and 10−3 eV Å−1 in force per atom. A 2 × 2 × 1 supercell of the central structure was prepared for calculations of electronic and magnetic properties. A vacuum space of 20 Å was constructed in the z-direction to eliminate the interaction between the mirror layers. Each Cr atom is surrounded by six neighbouring Te atoms, while each Ge atom is bonded to nearby three Te atoms as shown in Fig. 1. In the present exercise, the electronic and magnetic properties of the system was studied under the influence of biaxial strain. Externally applied strain along a specific direction is defined by, S = (b − b0)/b0, where b(b0) is the lattice constant in strained (unstrained) condition. Here we applied biaxial strain (Sb) on the 2 × 2 × 1 supercell of CGT over a range of −8 to 20%. The electric field was applied along the z-direction (Ez), by placing the material between two electrodes and applying equal but opposite voltages (Vz) to them. Statistical Monte Carlo (MC) simulation was used to conduct analysis of the magnetic behaviour of the system considering the 2D Ising model38 of the hexagonal lattice of CGT. The MC simulation was performed on a 100 × 100 supercell of CGT with 105 iterations and 105 MC equilibration sweeps. On the basis of the above information, studies were performed as a function of various strain and electric field cases which are explained later.
Exfoliation energy is an important parameter to be considered while fabricating 2D structures from their bulk counterparts. In our present work, we have calculated the exfoliation energy of n-layer CGT (Eexf(n))41 and have observed that the energies fall below the range of commonly exfoliated materials, which proves that CGT can be experimentally exfoliated. The detailed information is included in the Section S3 of the ESI.†40 The stability of the system was studied by analysing the formation energy of CGT as shown in Fig. 2d. The formation energy (Eform) was calculated using eqn (1) as,
Eform = (mECr + nEGe + pETe − ECr2Ge2Te6)/(m + n + p) | (1) |
Apart from strain, another way of influencing the electronic properties is through the application of an external electric field. The bandgap decreases from 0.28 eV → 0 eV at Ez = 0.25 V Å−1 (Fig. 2e). The metallic nature remains upto Ez = 0.5 V Å−1 as well. However, on further increasing the field to Ez = 0.75 V Å−1, a direct band gap opening of 0.19 eV was noticed, which more or less remained the same upto Ez = 1 V Å−1. Changing the polarity of the electric field did not disturb this scenario. The electronic and magnetic phase diagram displayed in Fig. 2f and g shows that CGT is semiconducting between the strain range Sb = −4% to Sb = 2%, while being half-metallic at Sb = 3% → 4%, Sb = 14% and beyond this. Metallic region is found between the strain regimes Sb = −6% → Sb = −8% and Sb = 5% → Sb = 12%. Similarly the phase diagram with electric field applied on unstrained CGT (displayed in Fig. 2f) shows that CGT is half-metallic between Ez = 0.25 V Å−1 → 0.5 V Å−1, while remaining semiconducting elsewhere. The system is also observed to be antiferromagnetic for the strain range from Sb = −2% to Sb = −4% and stays in the FM state at other values of strain studied in this work. Also the material remains ferromagnetic throughout even on exposing the system to variable electric field. Such a diagram can be very useful in phase designing of the system through strain and electric field tuning.
ΔE = EFM − EAFM | (2) |
(3) |
(4) |
The result of a typical MC simulation has been illustrated in Fig. 3 for the unstrained condition. An FM → PM phase transition at a temperature of 61 K can be inferred from the magnetisation curve, which is also well in agreement with the experimentally reported value.47 The critical temperature can be estimated accurately from the specific heat peak in Fig. 3a as well. The sharp peak in the susceptibility curve in Fig. 3b demonstrates the divergence of the first derivative of the order parameter, characteristics of a 2nd order phase transition. Comparing with the work conducted on similar system, it is observed that in ref. 5, the electronic and magnetic properties of have been reported over a limited strain and electric field range and it does not offer any information on the critical temperature, phase transition etc. The results in ref. 4 offers a detailed overview on the magnetic state, critical temperature on the sister compound Cr2Ge2Se6 over a strain range upto 7%. The present work offers a unique perspective by combining the effect of strain and electric field on the electronic and magnetic properties of Cr2Ge2Te6 over a larger strain range (∼20%), which has not been covered before in any of these studies.
Fig. 3 Temperature dependence of various thermodynamic parameters obtained through Monte Carlo simulations: (a) energy and specific heat, (b) magnetisation and magnetic susceptibility. |
Fig. 4a portrays the energy difference between the FM and AFM state for various strain cases along with the strain dependence of Tc in the FM phase. In the unstrained case, negative ΔE indicates CGT to be FM, which agrees with the experimental observation.32 Under the application of a tensile strain, the Tc gets enhanced rapidly with a maximum of 312 K at Sb = 8%. The rate of enhancement of Tc between unstrained → Sb = 8% is 32 K/% strain, which shows a significantly high rate of enhancement. However, for strains above Sb = 10%, a gradual drop in Tc is observed with an average rate of reduction ∼19 K/% strain from Sb = 8% → 20%, finally falling to a Tc of 83 K at Sb = 20%. These results indicate the existence of a high degree of FM ordering existing in CGT with a five fold enhancement in the Tc on the application of strain from the unstrained state. Strain dependent studies on CrXTe3 (X = Si, Ge) nanosheets have reported similar enhancement on Tc (35.7 K → 57.2 K for CrGeTe3 and 91.7 K → 108.9 K for CrSiTe3 in the presence of 8% strain).48 The magnetic moment in CGT is primarily contributed by the Cr-atoms, which in the unstrained case offers a moment ∼4.46 μB and this value stays of similar order of magnitude over a large strain range. The presence of a room temperature FM ordering through the application of strain and the strain tunability in Tc can facilitate the application of CGT in designing various spin circuits. Magneto-anisotropic energy (MAE) is an important parameter to be considered while analyzing the magntic properties of a system and provides essential information regarding the easy and hard axis of magnetization of materials. For the present case, we have calculated the MAE for different strain percentages of CGT and it was observed that in the unstrained condition, the spins prefer to stay along the in-plane direction. Further information is provided in Section S6 of the ESI.†40
The electric field dependence of the Tc is shown in Fig. 4b. In the unstrained case, Tc drops sharply at Ez > 0, which does not show significant changes between Ez = 0.25 V Å−1 → 1 V Å−1. However, in the presence of strain of Sb = 8%, Tc shows interesting variation with the change in Ez. We observed that as the electric field increases there is a gradual decrease in Tc, with a value of 303 K at Ez = 0.25 V Å−1. However, with further increment in Ez, Tc increases monotonically reaching a value of 331 K for an applied field of Ez = 1 V Å−1. The Tc value is higher than the maximum Tc estimated only in the presence of strain, with 5.5 times higher than the value from the pristine configuration, suggesting the association of electric field and strain offers superior enhancement of Tc and the FM properties in CGT. It was also observed that swapping the direction of electric field also offers a similar Tc behaviour. The massive escalation in Tc through coupling strain with electric field is a note-worthy mechanism for enhancing the ferromagnetic ordering temperature, which is by far an unexplored option to the best of our knowledge. The electric field effect on the material is understood by analysing the projected density of states (PDOS) of the system. Details regarding the same are included in Section S7 of the ESI.†40
The existence of a sustainable magnetic ordering in CGT is facilitated through the exchange interaction between the Cr atoms, mediated via tellurium atoms as seen from the electron density iso-surface plot in Fig. 5a. The viable path for indirect exchange is through Te–Cr–Te bonds and the projected density of states (PDOS) analysis revealed that the dxz/dx2−y2 orbitals of Cr and pz/px orbitals of Te contribute primarily towards this as observed from Fig. 5b. Furthermore, it could be seen that as the strain is increased the orbital contributions from the Te atoms increases dramatically near the Fermi level, owing to the high Tc observed at Sb = 8% as displayed in Fig. 5c. The degree of orbital overlap determines the strength of exchange interaction (J) which further promotes an increase in Tc. The extent of the overlap is maximum at Sb = 8% and further overlap extension breaks down as we go beyond 8% strain, which then results in the decrease of Tc. There was a decrease in Tc observed when unstrained CGT was exposed to electric field. The reason for this also lies in the superexchange between the Cr atoms via Te atom. There is a drastic decrease in the density of states of the pz and px orbitals of Te on the application of electric field. However strained (Sb = 8%) CGT on interaction with electric field showed an escalation in critical temperature. In this scenario there is an increase in the DOS of all the components of p-orbitals (pz, px, py) of Te atoms at the Fermi level which is responsible for the enhancement of Tc.
Superexchange is basically an indirect exchange mechanism occurring in ionic solids since there is no direct overlap between the magnetic metal atoms (Cr atoms in our case). It is mediated via a non-magnetic atom (Te atom in this case) which is placed between the two magnetic ions. This indirect exchange allows in lowering of the kinetic energy of the system by allowing the unpaired electrons on the metal atoms to be easily delocalized over the whole structure through the non-magnetic atom. It is a second order process and is derived from the second-order perturbation theory. From a mechanical point of view, the angle of the Cr–Te–Cr bond changes in the presence of strain, which as per Goodenough–Kanamori rule49,50 can lead to a varied degree of ferromagnetism as the bond angle deviates from 180°. Under such circumstance, the antiferromagnetic coupling between the Cr and Te atoms stays proportional to (∼t2/δε), where t is the hopping term between Te-4p and Cr-3d orbitals and δε is the energy difference between them.4 While it was observed that t stays of similar value, δε gets reduced in the presence of strain. This leads to an enhancement of the AFM coupling between Cr and Te atoms, strengthening the FM coupling between Cr atoms involved in the superexchange path of Cr–Te–Cr. This explains the enhancement of the Tc upto Sb = 8%. The present study involves exposing the material to a variety of excitation, like a large value of strain and electric field and the material is found to be stable under such conditions. In an experimental situation, pre-stretched substrates can be used for applying strain on a 2D material or special substrates with 3D-nanostructure can be prepared upon which a 2D material can be transferred. Upon restoration of such substrates from flat condition, relatively high value of strain could be achieved. Other possible systems where high compressive strain could be expected is when one 2D layer edge is anchored, and locally a scanning microscopy probe tip is used to compress the system. The present results offers direction for tuning the magnetic phase as well Tc of a 2D magnetic system without causing permanent changes to the structure, which can have immense importance for future spintronics device development.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0ra09726h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |