Gabriel Merino*a,
María de Jesús Rosalesb and
Alberto Vela
aDepartment of Applied Physics, Cinvestav, Mexico. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, Cinvestav, Mexico
The publications in this revision were selected from 250 articles in PCCP, Dalton Transactions, RSC Advances, and New Journal of Chemistry with at least one author having an address in Mexico over the period 2018–2020. The following criteria were applied: (1) the corresponding author must belong to a Mexican institution, public or private, and (2) in cases of corresponding authors with multiple articles, only the most representative publication was considered. We consider that this blind selection (72 contributions) resulted in a fair and representative sample of the chemistry that is currently being done in Mexico, including the most important Mexican institutions where this chemical research is taking place. Remarkably, a significant number of the corresponding authors in this compilation are young researchers, many of whom studied abroad or made at least one postdoctoral stay outside Mexico. These young scientists have been hired by both the long-standing institutions and universities and research centres outside Mexico City. The new generation of Mexican chemical researchers has certainly arrived, aiming to contribute with knowledge at the highest level.
Not everything looks promising on the road ahead. Access to major equipment, easy and expeditious access to chemicals, and a declining interest in chemistry are some of the main obstacles to strengthening chemical research in Mexico. In the same vein, the financial support for science in Mexico has decreased substantially. The financial avenues established over the years to acquire the necessary materials for year-round research projects are being dismantled.1,2 Calls for funding from the federal government have been severely reduced and the financial mechanisms to facilitate the continuity of research are being scrutinized, with a very high risk of disappearing.1–4 The immediate future of science in Mexico does not look too promising. Despite these unfortunate situations, it is highly stimulating to see that chemists in Mexico are active and productive, contributing in some of the best scientific journals in the discipline, like the journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. We hope that the changes currently underway in the country, together with the enthusiasm and the new ideas of the Mexican chemical community, will continue contributing with even more and better scientific works to the chemical sciences.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |