Soichi Takasugia,
Yugo Miseki
Yoshinari Konishi
Kotaro Sasaki
Etsuko Fujita
b and
Kazuhiro Sayama
aGlobal Zero Emission Research Center (GZR), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Central 5, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8565, Japan. E-mail:
bChemistry Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973-5000, USA
First published on 17th March 2021
Efficient H2O2 production both on a carbon cathode modified with various metal salts and on an oxide photoanode was investigated. The cathodic current density and faradaic efficiency for H2O2 production (FE(H2O2)) on a carbon cathode in KHCO3 aqueous solution were significantly improved by the loading of an insoluble nickel carbonate basic hydrate catalyst. This electrode was prepared by a precipitation method of nickel nitrate and KHCO3 aqueous solution at ambient temperature. The nickel carbonate basic hydrate electrode was very stable, and the accumulated concentration of H2O2 was reached at 1.0 wt% at a passed charge of 2500C (the average FE(H2O2) was 80%). A simple photoelectrochemical system for H2O2 production from both the cathode and a BiVO4/WO3 photoanode was demonstrated without an external bias or an ion-exchange membrane in a one-compartment reactor under simulated solar light. The apparent FE(H2O2) from both electrodes was calculated to be 168% in total, and the production rate of H2O2 was approximately 0.92 μmol min−1 cm−2. The solar-to-chemical energy conversion efficiency for H2O2 production (STCH2O2) without an external bias was approximately 1.75%.
There are many reports on the reductive H2O2 production from O2.23–30 In contrast, the oxidative H2O2 production and accumulation from H2O are very difficult. However, we and others have reported that H2O2 can be accumulated when KHCO3 aqueous solution is used in electrochemical and photoelectrochemical processes.19–22,31–35 It is advantageous and highly efficient to produce H2O2 on both electrode sides by combining the cathodic and anodic reactions, as shown in eqn (3), compared to the production on each electrode side under the same electric charge. The apparent faradaic efficiency for the H2O2 production (FE(H2O2)) could reach 200% in total (100% + 100%) if the production occurred on both sides of the electrode.36 We have previously demonstrated that the H2O2 production can take place on a BiVO4/WO3 photoanode and an Au cathode at near-neutral pH in KHCO3 aqueous solution using a simple one-compartment cell without an external bias, as shown in Fig. 1.19 The apparent faradaic efficiency was 140% in total (FE(H2O2) = 90% and 50% on the Au cathode and the BiVO4/WO3 photoanode, respectively). The band gap of BiVO4 is 2.4 eV, and the theoretical maximum photocurrent is reported to be 7.5 mA cm−2.37 Unfortunately, the current density of the Au cathode, a novel metal electrode, was low (−0.18 mA cm−2 at +0.5 V (vs. RHE)). Therefore, improved systems are needed for practical applications.
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Fig. 1 H2O2 production on both electrode sides in a one-compartment cell under illumination without an external bias or an ion-exchange membrane. |
Cathode reaction:
O2 + 2H+ + 2e− → H2O2, E(O2/H2O2) = +0.68 V (vs. RHE) | (1) |
Anode reaction:
2H2O → H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e−, E(H2O2/H2O) = +1.77 V (vs. RHE) | (2) |
2H2O + O2 → 2H2O2 two-electron process | (3) |
As for noble-metal-free cathodes, there are several reports on the use of carbon-based materials modified with inexpensive metal compounds mainly at basic pH.38–41 However, efficiencies for the H2O2 production with these cathodes were low at near-neutral pH, and an ion-exchange membrane was essential when the pH values of the anodic and cathodic electrolyte solutions were different.21,22 Recently, we reported that a carbon cathode modified with a biomass-derived W-based electrocatalyst exhibited a relatively high cathodic current for the reductive H2O2 production in a near-neutral KHCO3 aqueous solution in a two-compartment cell, but the FE(H2O2) and the partial current density for H2O2 production were not enough.20
In this paper, we pursued developing more efficient H2O2 production systems on a photoanode and a noble-metal-free cathode in a KHCO3 aqueous solution without an ion-exchange membrane or an external bias in a one-compartment cell. The system using a single electrolyte in a one-compartment cell without any membrane is very simple. It was found that nickel carbonate on a carbon-based cathode showed excellent electrocatalytic activity on both FE(H2O2) and the partial current density for H2O2 production in a KHCO3 solution. A water-insoluble nickel carbonate electrocatalyst was easily prepared in situ from a nickel salt and KHCO3 aqueous solution at ambient and mild conditions. The apparent solar-to-chemical energy conversion efficiency for H2O2 production (STCH2O2) on a combination system of the BiVO4/WO3 photoanode and the cathode loaded with nickel carbonate electrocatalyst without external bias reached 1.75%, which is the highest among all reported values so far.
A mixture of 100 mg of KB powder and 0–1000 mg of various metal salts was added to 20 mL of H2O. The suspension was thoroughly dispersed by ultrasonication for 30 min and dried overnight in a heating oven at 353 K under an ambient pressure. The ratio of a loaded metal salt of x wt% to the weight of the KB powder was abbreviated as Metx/KB. For example, a loaded metal salt of 10 and 100 wt% vs. the weight of the KB powder were abbreviated as Met10/KB and Met100/KB, respectively. A mixture of 1.5 mg (standard amount) of the electrocatalyst (KB, Met/KB) and 0.75 mg of 20 wt% Nafion solution (Sigma-Aldrich Co., USA) was dispersed in 0.5 mL of ethanol, and loaded on one side of the CP substrate (area 1.0 cm2) at room temperature. This cathode loaded with an electrocatalyst and KB powder on CP was dried at 333 K for 30 min in a heating oven.
E(vs. RHE) = E(vs. Ag/AgCl) + 0.0591 × pH + 0.197 | (4) |
An accumulation experiment for H2O2 was conducted at a constant applied bias of +0.5 V vs. RHE.
The amount of produced H2O2 was quantified via UV-visible spectroscopy (TECAN, Infinite 200 PRO). Then, 1.0 mL of sample was added to 0.9 mL of 3.0 M HCl aqueous solution and 0.1 mL of FeCl2 in 1.0 M HCl aqueous solution and quantified from Fe3+ colorimetry (λ = 330 nm), as we reported previously.19,20,32,44 The faradaic efficiency for H2O2 production (FE(H2O2)) was calculated using eqn (5):
FE(H2O2)% = [amount of produced H2O2] × 100 × 2/[amount of passed electrons] | (5) |
We confirmed that the error range of the FE(H2O2) value was around ±2%.
The apparent partial current density for H2O2 production at a constant potential (Jap(H2O2)) was calculated using eqn (6):
Jap(H2O2) = J(Total) × FE(H2O2) | (6) |
The turnover number was calculated using eqn (7). The amount of nickel was measured by XRF.
Turnover number = [amount of produced H2O2 (in moles)]/[amount of nickel (in moles)] | (7) |
The apparent solar-to-chemical energy conversion efficiency (STC) for the H2O2 and O2 production on the BiVO4/WO3 photoanode (irradiation area of 0.2 cm2 with a white board behind the photoanode) and on the Ni10/KBHNO3 cathode (catalyst loading 1.5 mg cm−2, area 0.2 cm2) was calculated using eqn (8):35
STCH2O2(%) = [(VH2O2 × ΔG) × 100]/Int | (8) |
O2 + 4H+ + 4e− → 2H2O, E(O2/H2O) = +1.23 V (vs. RHE) | (9) |
H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e− → 2H2O, E(H2O2/H2O) = +1.77 V (vs. RHE) | (10) |
Met/KBa | FE(H2O2)b/% | J(Total)c/mA cm−2 | Jap(H2O2)/mA cm−2 |
a Met100/KB or Met10/KB: various metal salts loaded on KB powder (100 or 10 wt% of the loading amount of precursor metal salt (Met) vs. KB powder).b The FE(H2O2) was measured at the passed charge after 5C.c The J(Total) was measured at a constant potential of +0.5 V (vs. RHE). | |||
CP substrate only | — | 5.4 × 10−4 | — |
KB | 59 | −4.0 | −2.4 |
Fe100/KB | 4 | −11.5 | −0.4 |
Fe10/KB | 13 | −10.5 | −1.4 |
Cu100/KB | 9 | −8.5 | −0.8 |
Cu10/KB | 42 | −8.5 | −3.6 |
Cr100/KB | 32 | −5.1 | −1.6 |
Cr10/KB | 43 | −6.2 | −2.9 |
Mn100/KB | 1 | −4.2 | −0.04 |
Mn10/KB | 3 | −5.2 | −0.2 |
Co100/KB | 20 | −3.3 | −0.7 |
Co10/KB | 15 | −8.9 | −1.3 |
Ga100/KB | 54 | −3.5 | −1.9 |
Ga10/KB | 56 | −5.4 | −3.0 |
W100/KB | 33 | −4.6 | −1.5 |
W10/KB | 44 | −6.9 | −3.0 |
Mo100/KB | 36 | −3.7 | −1.3 |
Mo10/KB | 67 | −5.0 | −3.4 |
Ni100/KB | 66 | −5.3 | −3.5 |
Ni10/KB | 85 | −8.1 | −6.9 |
Zn100/KB | 71 | −4.4 | −3.1 |
Zn10/KB | 65 | −6.9 | −4.5 |
The theoretical reduction potentials of the four-electron reduction of O2 (+1.23 V, eqn (9)) and successive reduction of H2O2 (+1.77 V, eqn (10)) were significantly positive compared to that of H2O2 production via two-electron reduction of O2 (+0.68 V, eqn (1)). In the case of the J(Total) improvement with decreasing FE(H2O2), the Jap(H2O2) was not significantly improved. It was surmised that these undesirable reactions might be accelerated by the modification of these metal nitrates or ammonium salt of Cu, Cr, Mn, Co, Ga, W, and Mo. On the other hand, the J(Total) and FE(H2O2) were both increased when Ni or Zn nitrate was modified. In particular, the Ni10/KB cathode showed the highest performance of Jap(H2O2) on the H2O2 production (−6.9 mA cm−2) among all metal salts in Table 1. The Jap(H2O2) was also improved by modification of all various Ni salts (nitrate, sulfate, acetate, chloride, Ni oxide, Ni hydroxide, and nickel carbonate (Table S1,† 10 wt% of Ni salt)), suggesting that the positive effect of the current density and the FE(H2O2) was caused mainly by the presence of Ni salt itself, rather than by the effect of anions. Ni nitrate showed the highest activity among them. Then, Ni nitrate was mainly used as a precursor for loading to a carbon electrode for subsequent experiments. An improved effect of the NiO-loaded KB cathode was not obvious compared to those with other nickel salts. NiO particles are hardly soluble in aqueous solution. In the case of soluble nickel-salts loaded KB cathodes, their properties were positively changed through the process of dissolution and precipitation. In the case of NiO, the bulk of NiO may be not changed in KHCO3 solution.
Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the loading amount of Ni nitrate over the KB cathode on FE(H2O2), J(Total), and Jap(H2O2). All values of the FE(H2O2), J(Total), and Jap(H2O2) showed volcano shape profiles, depending on the amount of Ni nitrate modification, and had the best values at 10 wt% of Ni nitrate on the KB cathode (Ni10/KB). As for the Ni-nitrate-loaded cathode without KB powder (the rightmost data in Fig. 2), the J(Total) and the Jap(H2O2) were very small, while the FE(H2O2) was equivalent to pristine KB powder. The current–potential dependences of some typical cathodes with and without Ni nitrate are shown in Fig. 3. It was surmised that the loaded nickel compound itself on the CP substrate might be hardly conductive, and the excess amount of Ni compound hindered the electron transfer though the network of the conductive KB.
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Fig. 3 I–E curves of (a) pristine KB powder, (b) Ni10/KB cathode, (c) Ni100/KB cathode, (d) Ni nitrate only without KB powder at a scan rate of 2 mV s−1. |
The TEM and EDX images of Ni10/KB are shown in Fig. 4. The Ni10/KB sample was prepared by immersion in KHCO3 electrolyte. Although it was difficult to recognize the clear particle shapes of the Ni compounds based on a TEM image only, the presence of a small aggregation of Ni element was confirmed by TEM-EDX image analysis. The aggregation size of the Ni compounds was approximately 10–40 nm in the EDX mapping images. On the other hand, when a larger amount of Ni was loaded (Ni100/KB), a large aggregation (>0.5 μm) of the Ni element was observed by SEM-EDX measurements (Fig. S3†). It was speculated that the large aggregation of the Ni compounds might decrease the current density at a higher loading amount of Ni(NO3)2 ≧ 50 wt% in Fig. 2.
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Fig. 4 Ni10/KB images: (a) HAADF-TEM image and element mapping images of EDX. (b) EDX spectrum and analysis area (yellow square). |
The Ni amount with KB powder (Ni10/KB and Ni100/KB) measured by XRF before and after washing with distilled water or KHCO3 aqueous solutions is shown in Table 2. The Ni signal by XRF before the washing process completely disappeared after washing with distilled water. On the other hand, after washing with KHCO3 aqueous solution, the Ni signal was clearly detected, and more than 80% of Ni remained on the KB cathode. Ni(NO3)2 is easily dissolved in water, while nickel carbonates have a very poor water solubility (solubility product (pKsp) = 11.2).48 Actually, the green transparent aqueous solution of Ni(NO3)2 changed to colorless by the addition of KHCO3, and insoluble green powders were precipitated (Fig. S4†). The positive effect of Ni loading on the I–E curve disappeared by washing with distilled water, not by washing with a bicarbonate solution (Fig. S5†). Moreover, the presence of Ni species on the surfaces of the cathodes was also investigated by XPS (Fig. S6†). The peaks of the spectrum of Ni2p3/2 and Ni2p5/2 were observed on Ni10/KB (a) before and (b) after washing with KHCO3 aqueous solution. However, they were not observed (c) after washing with distilled water. While the apparent surface coverage of Ni compounds to carbon before washing with KHCO3 aqueous solution as calculated by XPS intensity was not large (less than 1%), the exact Ni coverage was difficult to estimate due to the low sensitivity and presence of carbon impurities.
Pristine KB | Ni10/KB | Ni100/KB | |
Amount of Ni/μg cm−2 | |||
Before washing | 0 | 2.6 | 24.5 |
Washing with distilled water | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Washing with 2.0 M KHCO3 | 0 | 2.3 | 20.2 |
We compared our electrocatalyst powder sample with reference reagents of nickel(II) carbonate basic hydrate (NiCO3·2Ni(OH)2·4H2O; Fujifilm Wako Pure Chemical Corporation, 44% as Ni), nickel(II) hydroxide (Ni(OH)2; Fujifilm Wako Pure Chemical Corporation, 95%) and nickel(II) nitrate hexahydrate (Ni(NO)2·6H2O; Fujifilm Wako Pure Chemical Corporation, 99.9%) using XRD and thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA). Our synthetic powder sample was prepared by immersing Ni(NO3)2 in a KHCO3 aqueous solution. As shown in the XRD patterns (Fig. 5), the shape and the broad peak position at around 17° and 35° of our powder sample were similar to those of the reference nickel carbonate rather than Ni(OH)2. In the TG-DTA results (Fig. S7†), the curves of TG and DTA of our electrocatalyst sample (a) were very similar to those of the reference reagent of NiCO3·2Ni(OH)2·4H2O (b), but different from those of Ni(OH)2 (c) and Ni(NO)2·6H2O (d). Therefore, it was concluded that the loaded Ni(NO3)2 on the KB cathode was immediately changed to insoluble nickel(II) carbonate basic hydrate when the cathode electrode was soaked in a KHCO3 solution, and that the small particles (10–40 nm) of Ni carbonate formed by this process can function as an excellent catalyst for H2O2 production on the KB cathode. This simple preparation of the insoluble electrocatalyst at ambient conditions is a significant advantage for practical applications.
We confirmed that the H2O2 production properties on FE(H2O2) and Jap(H2O2) over Ni10/KB were almost the same as those over pristine KB in KOH and potassium hydrogen phosphate aqueous solution, suggesting that a positive nickel salt effect was not observed in KOH and potassium hydrogen phosphate aqueous solution, in contrast with the KHCO3 aqueous solution. The particle of nickel carbonate basic hydrate was stable and insoluble in KOH (pH > 14) and potassium hydrogen phosphate (pH > 8.5, which is the same as KHCO3) aqueous solution. The surface condition is very important for electrocatalytic reactions. The loaded Ni(OH)2 on KB could show a positive effect in KHCO3 aqueous solution, as shown in Table 1. It was confirmed using XPS measurement that the surface carbonate was reduced after the immersion in KOH or potassium hydrogen phosphate aqueous solution. From all results, it is speculated that the nickel adsorbed with carbonate, rather than nickel element itself, on the outermost surface and at the interface of the loaded electrocatalyst with KB possibly being the active site for H2O2 production.
It has been reported that the activity of a carbon-based cathode for H2O2 production from O2 could be improved by nitric acid treatment, where the carbon surface was changed in concentrated nitric acid for a long time at high temperature.49,50 Therefore, we tried to combine nitric acid treatment and Ni carbonate effect on the KB cathode (abbreviated as Ni/KBHNO3). Table 3 shows the J(Total), FE(H2O2), and Jap(H2O2) for the O2 reduction reaction to H2O2 on KBHNO3 and Ni10/KBHNO3. All values of the FE(H2O2), J(Total), and Jap(H2O2) of KBHNO3 were improved by the nitric acid treatment compared to those when the pristine KB was used. Moreover, the J(Total) and Jap(H2O2) of KBHNO3 were improved by the loading of Ni carbonate (Ni10/KBHNO3), and the Jap(H2O2) reached −9.8 mA cm−2 at +0.5 V vs. RHE. The J(Total) and Jap(H2O2) of Ni10/KBHNO3 were higher compared to those of Ni10/KB, suggesting the synergistic effect of nitric acid treatment and Ni carbonate catalyst.
Fig. 6 shows the dependence of the FE(H2O2) on the applied potentials for Ni10/KBHNO3. The FE(H2O2) increased with the applied potential positively, and this behavior was similar to those in previous reports of carbon-based cathodes in KOH.51 The highest FE(H2O2) at 5C was 82–84% at around +0.5 to +0.6 V (vs. RHE). We also measured faradaic efficiency by the rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) method (Fig. S8†), and found that the value of the FE(H2O2) by the RRDE method was 85% at +0.5 V (vs. RHE), which was almost consistent with the results of the accumulated H2O2 after passing 5C electrons of using a Fe3+ colorimetry method. The production rates of H2O2 on Ni10/KBHNO3 at +0.5 and +0.2 V (vs. RHE) were 121.9 and 330.3 mmol L−1 h−1 g−1 cm−2, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, these rates for reductive H2O2 production were the highest among all reports on noble-metal-free cathodes in aqueous solutions having near-neutral pH (Table S2†). Fig. 7 shows the long-term evaluation result of H2O2 production on the Ni10/KBHNO3 cathode with large amounts of passed charge. H2O2 production was increased linearly at a constant applied bias at +0.5 V (vs. RHE), and the FE(H2O2) was around 80% passing charges up to 2500C, suggesting that the produced H2O2 was not further reduced to H2O sequentially (eqn (10)) for a long term. From the linear production and the agreement of the FE(H2O2) by colorimetry and RRDE methods for long- and short-term quantitative measurements, respectively, we concluded that the total H2O2 selectivity was determined by the initial H2O2 selectivity on the cathode with the electrocatalyst. The amount of the produced H2O2 was 10.4 mmol and the amount of nickel was 0.037 μmol cm−2 (calculated from XRF) using Ni10/KBHNO3. Therefore, the turnover number was calculated as more than 14000 from eqn (7). The H2O2 accumulation concentration reached 1.0 wt% in 35 mL of 2.0 M KHCO3 aqueous solution. In addition, the I–E curves of the cathode hardly changed even after repeated 150 cycles of I–E measurements during 36 h (Fig. S9†), and the cathodic current remained around −11 mA cm−2, suggesting that the modification effect of the Ni10/KBHNO3 cathode was very stable under the H2O2 production conditions.
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Fig. 6 I–E curves for Ni10/KBHNO3 (area 1 cm2) at a scan rate of 2 mV s−1 and the FE(H2O2) at the passed charge after 5C in terms of the applied potential. |
Nitric acid treatment and Ni carbonate catalyst had different effects. The I–E curve of the Ni10/KB after washing with distilled water cathode (Fig. S5(c)†) was overlapped to that of the pristine KB cathode (Fig. S5(a)†), and the FE(H2O2) of Ni10/KB after washing with water (62%) was almost similar as that of the pristine KB (59%). It is suggested that the Ni10/KB cathode returned to the original KB just by washing with pure water and reversibly due to the removal of the loaded Ni compound. On the other hand, the mechanism of the nitric acid treatment effect was explained by the change of the carbon surface structure, especially by the ratio of sp2 and sp3 bonded carbons.51,52 The former originated mainly from graphitic and/or aromatic bonded carbon (CC), and the latter was from aliphatic and/or diamond bonded carbon (C–C). By XPS measurement, the sp2/sp3 ratio of C 1s became higher, and the activity was higher.49,53 It was also confirmed that the sp2/sp3 ratio and the peak of the COO functional group at around 289.3 eV in our samples increased after nitric acid treatment (Fig. S10†). The increase of sp2/sp3 may indicate the increase of the graphitic carbon structure with high conductivity. The C 1s XPS spectrum of KBHNO3 did not change even when the sample was washed with distilled water thoroughly (Fig. S11†), suggesting that the carbon surface structure of the KB powder was irreversibly oxidized or dehydrated by concentrated nitric acid treatment at 353 K.
The positive effect of nitric acid treatment was not observed when the immersed time was short (<1 h), and/or the temperature was low at around room temperature. In the case of KBHNO3 and Ni10/KBHNO3, the XPS spectra of C 1s were hardly changed by Ni carbonate loading (Fig. S10(c and d)†). From the results, it was concluded that the mechanism of effect by Ni carbonate catalyst was different from that by nitric acid treatment. It was surmised that the presence of small particles of insoluble Ni carbonate catalyst (mainly NiCO3·2Ni(OH)2·4H2O) on the carbon surface of both KB and KBHNO3 could accelerate the two-electron process from O2 to H2O2 effectively. The detailed mechanism of the nickel carbonate basic hydrate effect is under investigations.
The property of H2O2 production on the BiVO4/WO3 photoanode is known to be highly excellent, and we also confirmed that the FE(H2O2) was around 90% initially on our BiVO4/WO3 photoanode in KHCO3 aqueous solution.19,29,32 Finally, the combination of the Ni10/KBHNO3 cathode with the BiVO4/WO3 photoanode was investigated in the one-compartment cell without any membrane between electrodes in 2.0 M KHCO3 aqueous solution under the solar simulator AM 1.5G (1 SUN). Fig. 8 shows the current–time dependence under simulated solar light irradiation in the two-electrode system without an applied bias potential. The current was not observed between electrodes in the dark condition. When the simulated solar light was irradiated to the photoanode, a photocurrent of >1.75 mA cm−2 was observed initially, and the photocurrent was maintained at around 1.5 mA cm−2. This photocurrent value was in agreement with that in the I–E curve at 0 V of the potential (Fig. S12†). The average FE(H2O2) from both electrodes was calculated to be 168% in total at passed charge after 0.5C using eqn (5), and the production rate of H2O2 was estimated to be 0.92 μmol min−1 cm−2. The values of the apparent solar-to-chemical energy conversion efficiency for the H2O2 production (STCH2O2) were estimated to be 1.75% without applying an external bias, using eqn (8). This value is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest among all the reported values for H2O2 production systems using simulated solar light (Table S3†). We successfully achieved highly efficient H2O2 production by only using electrolytes, oxygen, and simulated solar light, without using external electricity, a membrane, and a noble metal.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1ra01045j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |