Palalle G. Tharushi Perera†
Nevena Todorova†c,
Zoltan Vilagoshb,
Olha Bazakaa,
The Hong Phong Nguyend,
Kateryna Bazakae,
Russell J. Crawforda,
Rodney J. Croftf,
Irene Yarovskyc and
Elena P. Ivanova*a
aSchool of Science, RMIT University, PO Box 2476, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia. E-mail:
bFaculty Science, Engineering and Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, PO Box 218, Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia
cSchool of Engineering, RMIT University, PO Box 2476, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia
dFaculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
eSchool of Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia
fSchool of Psychology, Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia
First published on 23rd September 2021
Membrane model systems capable of mimicking live cell membranes were used for the first time in studying the effects arising from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of 18 GHz where membrane permeability was observed following exposure. A present lack of understanding of the mechanisms that drive such a rapid change in membrane permeabilization as well as any structural or dynamic changes imparted on biomolecules affected by high-frequency electromagnetic irradiation limits the use of 18 GHz EMFs in biomedical applications. A phospholipid, 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) labelled with a fluorescent marker 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl) (rhodamine-DOPE) was used in constructing the giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). After three cycles of exposure, enhanced membrane permeability was observed by the internalisation of hydrophilic silica nanospheres of 23.5 nm and their clusters. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) membranes exposed to high frequency electric fields of different field strengths showed that within the simulation timeframe only extremely high strength fields were able to cause an increase in the interfacial water dynamics characterized by water dipole realignments. However, a lower strength, high frequency EMF induced changes of the water hydrogen bond network, which may contribute to the mechanisms that facilitate membrane permeabilization in a longer timeframe.
Currently there is a lack of understanding of the mechanisms that explain membrane permeabilization induced through exposure to 18 GHz EMFs. Indeed, the complexity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and biological systems makes identification of individual physical, chemical and biological events challenging. To aid with such an investigation, a wide range of in vitro models that mimic specific cellular components or processes in cells have been designed to understand how they are affected as a result of exposure to a specific stimulus, in our case, the polarizing electromagnetic oscillations. Among available systems, the resemblance of liposomes to biological membranes makes them an excellent tool for the study of processes that take place at the cellular membrane.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to: (i) study the effects of 18 GHz EMF exposure on the permeabilization and transport function of cellular membranes, using a model lipid bilayer system; (ii) study the potential use of 18 GHz exposure as a remote physical trigger for liposome permeabilization for site-specific release of cargo in drug and gene delivery systems. The experimental studies were complemented by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to provide an atomistic insight into the EMF influences on the structure and dynamics of the membrane in a model physiological solution at a space/time resolution not yet achievable by experimental methods. Computational studies have proven to be a useful technique for ranking relative field effects on biomolecular systems as well as understanding molecular mechanisms of such effects by directly observing the real time changes to 3D structure in all-atom details at a shorter timeframe than that accessible to experimental observations.6–13
SAR = (σE2)/ρ |
Water at 18 GHz has a temperature dependent absorption coefficient of 17–22 cm−1,17 resulting in a perpetration depth of 0.58 to 0.45 mm. Lipids have an absorption coefficient of ∼0.1–2 cm−1 at 18 GHz. Given that the sample composition is mostly water, a 0.6 mm depth sample Petri dish will have a SAR reduced by a factor of ∼3–3.5 at the base of the dish when compared to its surface. The electric conductivity of water at 18 GHz is ∼30 S m−1,17 and for lipids it is ∼0.02 to 0.6 S m−1.18,19 Assuming a density for water of 1000 kg m−3 and lipids of 950 kg m−3 (ref. 20) and given the stated SAR near the surface of the sample of 5 kW kg−1 in the experiment5 is for the water component, SAR (lipid) is ∼1.0 to 2.2 W kg−1, a reduction of a factor of 3000 to 5000 over the SAR for water.
The instantaneous temperature rise was calculated using the equation:21
dT = dt SAR/C |
The maximal rate would have to be specified for the top of the Petri dish. An infinitesimal dt gives an instantaneous temperature rise. For the water-based solution, assuming a heat capacity for water of C = 4.18 kJ kg−1 C−1 (ref. 21) and a SAR 5 kW kg−1, gives a dT of 1.2 °C s−1. Given that the sample heats by 20 °C over 60 s, the estimate is in line with expectations, once the losses to the surrounding structures are considered. The GUVs near the top of the Petri dish, given a heat capacity for lipids of C = 1.8 to 2.7 kJ kg−1 C−1,22 a SAR 1.0 to 2.2 W kg−1, gives a dT of 0.0006 to 0.0012 °C s−1.
To emulate membrane exposure to electromagnetic fields non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations were employed which included an external electric force added to the intermolecular interaction forces used in the Newtonian equation. Newton's second law becomes mii = fi + qiE(t) where the force fi, is due to the forcefield determined interactions between all particles, qiE is the electric field force applied to each partial charge i with charge qi.31 The oscillating nature of EMF was modeled using E = E0cos(ωt), where frequency was set to 18 GHz. For a more detailed theoretical background and other examples of applications of EM fields in computational simulations see a comprehensive review.10
To equilibrate the POPC membrane, ambient (no external field) simulations were initially performed for 200 ns. Subsequent non-equilibrium simulations were conducted with application of external high frequency (18 GHz) electromagnetic fields of different strengths. The effective RMS field strengths investigated, with the following peak (and respective RMS) field strengths were 0.3 V nm−1 (0.21 V nmrms−1), 0.003 V nm−1 (0.0021 V nmrms−1), 0.000003 V nm−1 (0.0000021 V nmrms−1). The electric field was applied in the z-direction, perpendicular to the membrane plane. It is worth noting that field strengths applied in this study are several orders of magnitude larger than those applied experimentally. Previous simulation studies have shown it is necessary to use field strengths of the order of 1 V nm−1 to observe tangible effects within the limited time scales amenable to simulation.6,10 With this in mind, this work provides a systematic comparison of EF simulations in the intermediate to low strength range (i.e., 0.3 to 3 × 10−6 V nm−1) over hundreds of nanoseconds, which has not been previously reported. Such approach allows for ranking of the field strength dependent effects as well as identifying field induced molecular mechanisms by directly observing the real time changes to molecular structure at different field strengths.11,13,32 All field condition simulations were performed for 200 ns each. Monitoring several basic system properties, such as total energy fluctuations and mean square displacements of the lipid phosphorus atoms in the individual trajectories showed that the simulations had achieved a steady state within 150 ns. Hence, the last 50 ns of the simulation trajectory, which equates to 900 cycles of applied electric field, for each field condition was used for analysis.
The effects of electric field exposure on the structural integrity of the POPC membrane were quantified by measuring the lipid mean square displacements, area per lipid distribution, deuterium order parameters and mass density profiles of individual system components. The spatial arrangements of water molecules and ions at the membrane surface and within the leaflets were studied through atomic radial distribution functions and dipole orientation. The hydrogen bonding of water to the lipid and individual lipid components were investigated by calculating the average number of hydrogen bonds formed and their lifetimes.
The size of thus-prepared liposomes ranged from 5 to 20 μm (Fig. 2). Time-lapse confocal microscopy over a period of 30 min confirmed excellent stability of thus-constructed liposomes. Examination of the images captured at 5 min intervals show that the liposomes preserved their structural integrity and remain in solution without bursting (Fig. 2A). The highest fraction (39.8%) of the GUVs had a diameter of 10 μm, followed by liposomes with a size of 5 μm (17.6%). Presence of liposomes with a size of 10–20 μm varied in accordance with the size distribution curve (Fig. 2B). To determine whether agglomeration indeed took place, atomic force microscopy was used to determine the size of the nanosphere clusters in solution. The AFM images obtained from vortexed (1 min) nanosphere samples in water indicate that the average height of a cluster was approximately 30 nm whereas the diameter ranged from 200 to 1000 nm (Fig. 2C and D). Considering the silicon particles used in this study are spherical, the cross-sectional profile confirmed that the nanoparticles largely exist as clusters, the average size of which is similar to that incorporated into the lipid membranes as visualised by confocal microscopy. Dynamic light scattering results of the sonicated solution of nanospheres reveal that they are mostly present in smaller clusters of ∼63 nm.16
In a manner similar to that observed in microbial and mammalian cells4,16 treatment of liposomes with EMFs of 18 GHz induced membrane permeabilization in the lipid bilayer. The membrane permeability was demonstrated by treatment-induced internalisation of hydrophilic silica nanospheres of 23.5 nm in diameter and their clusters. This type of nanospheres was purposefully selected for this study since their hydrophilic nature renders their passive transport across the hydrophobic lipid bilayer challenging. Prior to their addition to EMF-treated GUVs, the nanospheres were either sonicated and/or vortexed in order to re-disperse the particles and prevent their aggregation. The internalisation of the nanospheres and their clusters by the liposomes was then visualised using confocal laser scanning microscopy, with the typical images shown in Fig. 3.
All-atom classical molecular dynamics simulations were used to explore the initial (short time post-exposure) effects of high frequency (18 GHz) electromagnetic fields of different field strengths on the atomistic structure and dynamics of the POPC membrane and surrounding solution (water and ions). The model membrane was simulated at ambient (no field) conditions to obtain equilibrium properties for benchmarking and then exposed to 18 GHz electric field of 0.21, 0.0021 and 0.0000021 V nmrms−1 field strength. The influence of high frequency electric field exposure on the lateral diffusion (dynamics) of lipids was quantified by calculating the mean square displacements of the phosphorus atoms under ambient and electric field conditions.
The MD simulations indicated an increase in long-range lateral diffusion rate of lipids with increasing field strength (Fig. 4A). The high strength (0.21 V nmrms−1) electric field affected the structural properties of the POPC membrane as indicated by a significant increase in the area per lipid compared to the ambient and lower field strength simulations (Fig. 4B). The ambient and lower field strength conditions produced similar area per lipid distributions, yet the zero-field simulations produced structures with the lowest average area per lipid. The average membrane thickness decreased with increasing field strength, 3.915 ± 0.038 nm (ambient) → 3.905 ± 0.030 nm (0.0000021 V nmrms−1) → 3.899 ± 0.036 nm (0.0021 V nmrms−1) → 3.846 ± 0.036 nm (0.21 V nmrms−1), suggesting the increasing field strength induced a slight compression of the membrane leaflets and overall thinning of the membrane. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy combined with MD simulations investigated the influence of sodium chloride on a pure POPC lipid bilayer, and showed that an increase in concentration (up to 220 mM) of NaCl contributed to a decrease in lipid diffusion and area per lipid, and consequently an increase in the membrane thickness.37 The contrasting results observed in this study, conducted with 150 mM NaCl concentration, indicate that the applied high energy electric fields have a direct effect on the membrane behavior.
The increased lipid dynamics and diminished lipid packing density seen under the applied high electric field conditions may provide a favorable environment for membrane penetration. The area per lipid is highly sensitive to the attractive interactions between the lipid head groups and the dispersion interactions within the non-polar hydrocarbon tails. An increase in the area per lipid can be an indication of an enhanced fluidity of a lipid membrane, suggesting a more disordered hydrophobic membrane core. This is evident from the calculated deuterium order parameter SCD of the hydrocarbon lipid chains seen in Fig. 4C and D. The order parameter SCD was calculated separately for each hydrocarbon group in the POPC acyl chains as SCD = 3/2〈cos2θ〉 − 1/2, where θ is the angle between a CD-bond and the bilayer normal. The deuterium order parameter results show a small increase in disorder in both saturated sn-1 and unsaturated sn-2 acyl chains of POPC under the applied high electric field conditions. The simulations at lower field strengths exhibited commensurate hydrocarbon chain order to that seen in the ambient (zero field) conditions.
In addition, the interactions of the phospholipid head groups with solvent and the dissolved charged ionic species, in particular, play an important role in the structural integrity of the bilayer.38 The mass density distribution identifying the individual system components provided insight into the placement of water molecules and ions relative to the POPC lipid membrane. Fig. 5A shows there are no appreciable differences between the membrane and water mass density distributions at ambient condition and under the external electric field. There is, however, a notable increase in sodium (Na+) ion concentration within the membrane leaflets appearing in the simulations of high strength (0.21 V nmrms−1) field, likely driven by the electrostatic interactions with the phosphate in the lipid head group enhanced by the electric field force. Studies have shown that sodium ions exhibit a strong interaction with the carbonyl oxygens of the lipids, forming tight ion–lipid complexes deep in the POPC membrane. This interaction is evidently enhanced by the presence of the electric field, possibly due to the increased lipid dynamics at high intensity electric fields, which allowed for higher concentration of sodium within the membrane. The resulting charge density is counterbalanced by a layer of chloride ions which remain within the water phase, as observed in ambient conditions as well.37
Radial Distribution Function (RDF) of molecular water (and individual oxygen and hydrogen atoms within the water molecules) relative to the phosphorous atom in the lipid phosphate groups were calculated to investigate the structuring of water around the membrane surface. Fig. 5C and D illustrates two hydration layers present at ∼3.7 Å and ∼6 Å separation from the membrane head group surface, with an average of 6.2 and 18.8 water molecules surrounding the phosphorous of the phosphate groups, respectively. Within the first hydration layer the water hydrogens are pointing towards the P atoms as the inset shows. Notably, there is no appreciable difference in the water location probability near the phosphate group for different applied field strengths.
The ordering of water in the interfacial region was further investigated, with results in Fig. 6 displaying the mean dipole moment of water molecules relative to their position within the lipid bilayer. Water molecules, having a large permanent dipole moment, exhibit substantial rotational motion in the presence of external electric fields. The plots identify a positive water dipole moment pointing into the center of the membrane, in the direction opposite to that of the lipid dipoles, within the interfacial region of the membrane compartments. There is a gradual reorientation of the water dipole moment as the water molecules move deeper into the bilayer possibly caused by the increased lipid dynamics and water–lipid head hydrogen bonding (discussed below). The large fluctuations inside the hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer are likely due to individual water molecules reorientating while permeating the membrane. These fluctuations are more pronounced for the membrane system exposed to high electric field strength (0.21 V nmrms−1).
The effects of high frequency electric fields on the hydrogen bonding of water to the POPC membrane was determined by calculating the average number of hydrogen bonds formed and their lifetimes with the different lipid groups. A hydrogen bond was defined by a geometrical criterion with a maximum donor–acceptor distance of 0.35 nm and a donor-hydrogen-acceptor angle of 30°, whereby the OH and NH groups were regarded as donors and the O and N atoms as acceptors.
The results in Table 1 demonstrate the deep penetration of water in the POPC membrane up to the acyl carbonyl groups. Specifically, the oxygens of the phosphate group were most engaged in hydrogen bonding due to their extensive contacts with water, followed by the carbonyl atoms of the acyl tails. It is evident that the ester oxygen atoms have a lower probability to form hydrogen bonds than carbonyl oxygen atoms, as also demonstrated by others.39,40 This is indicated by the smaller number of hydrogen bonds formed with the glycerol groups (Table 1) and the O11 and O12 atoms compared to the O13 and O14 atoms of the phosphate group (Table 2), each of which had on average ∼0.6 hydrogen bonds to water versus ∼2.0 hydrogen bonds to water for the non-ester oxygens. While the hydrogen bonding behavior is consistent with numerous experimental and computational studies summarized in the review41 and others,38,42,43 there are some notable differences caused by the exposure to high energy electric fields. The results showed an increase in average number of hydrogen bonds formed between water and the POPC membrane in presence of high intensity electric fields (Table 1). This is evidenced by an increase in hydrogen bonding across all lipid head groups, indicating persistent presence of water inside the membrane compartment. Interestingly, there is a reduction in the hydrogen bond lifetimes of the waters that are interacting with the oxygens in the glycerol and acyl tails suggesting there is increased water mobility causing vibrations and the faster disruption of the hydrogen bonds inside the membrane. In the context of solvation of proteins exposed to electric fields showed hydrogen bond dynamics experience substantial localised changes, depending on the water interactions with specific local residues and surface topology.44 The amplified local translational and rotational motion by charged and dipolar residues exposed to electric fields promoted increased kinetics (hydrogen-bond breakage and re-formation) in the protein-water hydrogen bond network. Other studies of water in EM fields, showed field-induced dipolar rotational motion of water molecules led to an increase in hydrogen-bond kinetics and self-diffusivity via roto-translational coupling.45–47
Average number of hydrogen bonds (HBaver) and hydrogen bond lifetimes (HBlife) | |||||||||||
Whole system | Choline | Phosphate | Glycerol | CO of Acyl chains | |||||||
HBaver | HB per lipid | HBlife (ps) | HBaver | HBlife (ps) | HBaver | HBlife (ps) | HBaver | HBlife (ps) | HBaver | HBlife (ps) | |
a A dash (—) indicates no lifetime was determined due to the low number of hydrogen bonds. | |||||||||||
Ambient | 2850.26 ± 29.34 | 7.13 ± 0.07 | 43.63 | 0.01 ± 0.11 | —a | 2126.05 ± 22.77 | 37.81 | 64.29 ± 7.79 | 20.38 | 679.90 ± 15.95 | 81.82 |
0.0000021 V nmrms−1 | 2857.51 ± 30.47 | 7.14 ± 0.08 | 48.21 | 0.01 ± 0.13 | — | 2129.10 ± 22.88 | 37.82 | 64.76 ± 7.54 | 21.43 | 663.63 ± 16.52 | 81.51 |
0.0021 V nmrms−1 | 2854.80 ± 32.33 | 7.14 ± 0.08 | 47.44 | 0.01 ± 0.13 | — | 2127.75 ± 22.74 | 42.25 | 65.76 ± 7.55 | 20.52 | 661.26 ± 18.11 | 80.99 |
0.21 V nmrms−1 | 2877.10 ± 28.56 | 7.19 ± 0.07 | 46.16 | 0.01 ± 0.13 | — | 2138.19 ± 22.08 | 40.05 | 66.74 ± 7.78 | 17.93 | 672.15 ± 15.60 | 74.74 |
Hydrogen bonding with phosphate oxygens | ||||
O11 | O12 | O13 | 014 | |
Ambient | 228.65 ± 11.32 | 273.78 ± 9.82 | 810.80 ± 12.77 | 812.82 ± 13.00 |
0.0000021 V nmrms−1 | 228.84 ± 10.91 | 274.56 ± 10.07 | 811.09 ± 13.11 | 814.60 ± 13.21 |
0.0021 V nmrms−1 | 229.12 ± 11.16 | 274.12 ± 10.19 | 810.00 ± 13.30 | 814.49 ± 13.11 |
0.21 V nmrms−1 | 230.94 ± 10.53 | 276.85 ± 10.25 | 812.64 ± 12.81 | 817.75 ± 13.18 |
The increased concentration of sodium ions, water hydrogen bonding and dipole fluctuations within the POPC bilayer appear to be induced by the exposure to electric fields of high strength (0.21 V nmrms−1) (Fig. 6 and 7). These observations provide direct atomistic insights into the molecular level events underpinning experimental findings showing that the high energy EMFs facilitate the penetration of hydrophilic nanoparticles without significant structural changes to the lipid bilayer, and stipulate the rationale presented below for the origins of these effects.
In order to understand the mechanism by which EMF exposure induced translocation of nanospheres across lipid bilayers, the likely events that take place under microwave were considered. The length of the wave produced by 18 GHz electromagnetic field is comparable to the typical diameter of bacterial cells.2–4 This means that the oscillation induced as a result of a transfer of energy from a polarized electromagnetic oscillation to molecules in ground state with cell suspensions will be most pronounced for small molecules, such as electrically charged ions and polar water molecules.48 Larger, bound molecules, such as those of the lipid bilayer, will also absorb some of the electromagnetic radiation, yet the magnitude of oscillations induced by such a transfer of energy may be significantly smaller and difficult to quantify. The EMF-induced oscillations, i.e., vibrations, of water molecules have the potential to induce bilayer permeability of liposomes without affecting their integrity, as demonstrated in this experiment.
Indeed, the mechanical vibration of water dipoles during EMF exposure couple with partial reorientation of alignment of water molecules under the effect of electric field leads to bending and/or breakage of hydrogen bonds, as shown by the MD data (Fig. 7 and Table 1). In turn, the vibrational motion-induced breakage of hydrogen bonds by water molecules may lead to changes in physicochemical (structural) properties of EMF-irradiated water, particularly with respect to gas solubility (by affecting the interface between liquid and gas, e.g., dissolved CO2, phases) and hydration level of water dissolved ions. As such, EMF irradiation can lead to formation of submicro- and nanometer sized (∼100 nm) bubbles filled with several hundred or less gas molecules,49 though these effects are not observable in the all-atom simulations performed herein due to a much larger length scale of the phenomenon.
The hydration shells surrounding thus-formed bubbles can prompt interfacial ordering of water, with the latter becoming a potentially prominent perturbation mechanism in solution, as shown in material synthesis applications.50 These bubbles are relatively stable, and may interact with other molecules to form large complexes or supramolecular structures in colloidal suspensions.51 It has been suggested that the inherent presence of such bubbles and their subsequent bridging on the surfaces of hydrophobic materials in suspensions may be responsible for their long-ranged attraction.49 EMF exposure is thought to facilitate bubble nucleation by decreasing gas solubility, with the concentration of bubbles increasing as a function of increasing treatment time, working power and the initial dissolved oxygen concentration.52 The collapse of thus-formed bubbles may also lead to localised sharp increase in temperature,53 with the latter having capacity to catalyse chemical reactions, such as hydrolysis of molecules comprising lipid bilayers.54
The permeation process described in this study differs from electroporation which is another technique used in breaching the cell membrane barrier55,56 which results in increasing cell membrane permeability.57 Electroporation can be applied to release nucleic acids, intracellular proteins and other metabolites out of the cell for analysis purposes.55 The mechanism behind electroporation is the increase in transmembrane potential (TMP) of a cell above 0.2–1 V,55 irrespective of the cell type leading to reversible pore formation. These electro-pores allow DNA or large molecules to enter the cell55–60 by the application of external pulsed electric fields (PEFs).61 The method uses pulsed electric field to cause permeability of cell membranes.55 The application of an external pulsed electric field (PEF) of adequate strength and duration helps to obtain the threshold.58 Therapies based on electroporation involved placing electrodes around or within a target tissue while delivering a series of 8–100 short (∼100 μs) electric pulses of high voltage (∼1000–3000 V);58 the membrane can return to its intact state after pulse withdrawal.55,56,62 Cell membrane permeabilization resulting from the exposure to the EMF of 18 GHz can be classified as a different phenomenon compared to cell poration phenomena achieved using other techniques, including mechanical stress, sonoporation, electroporation and photoporation.57,60,63
An EMF-induced change in the hydration of H3O+ and OH− typically present in water, specifically the removal of the hydration shell, may increase their chemical activity,64,65 leading to solution structuring, e.g., cluster formation, and reactive species production,66 as demonstrated by retained activity of the solution after EMF is removed.67 It has been shown that the size of the clusters detected in EMF-treated water was smaller than that of control, at 5–6 versus 10–13 molecules, respectively, resulting in a higher rate of dissolution of silica nanoparticles in the former.65 The effect of magnetic field on adsorption and desorption of water molecules has also been shown to be affected by their location, with water molecules condensed in pores, in multilayers, and in clusters surrounding hydrophobic functional groups on surfaces responding to magnetic fields more that molecules in the first layer on hydrophilic surfaces.68,69
The vibration-induced formation of biochemically reactive species may include the following reactions:
(H2O)n(H2O ← H–OH → OH2)(H2O)m → (H2O)n(H2O + H˙ + ˙OH + OH2)(H2O)m |
2˙OH → H2O2 |
3O2 + ˙H → HO2˙ |
HO2˙ + ˙H → H2O2 |
˙OH + H2O2 → HO2˙ + H2O |
HO2˙ + HO2˙ → H2O2 + 1O2 |
hν + H2O2 → 2 ˙OH |
Thus-generated reactive oxygen species may engage into chemical reactions with macromolecules comprising the lipid bilayer of the GUVs. Therefore, in addition to the reorientation of the water molecules and ionic species at the membrane interface as shown by our modelling and the enhanced poration due to molecular vibrations, EMF exposure has the potential to induce chemical and thus further conformational changes in phospholipids comprising the bilayer.
The changes were in part attributed to hydrolysis of carboxylic and phosphoric esters of the lipids by hydrogen peroxide formed in water during EMF treatment. An EMF-induced change in lipid chemistry and packing affected the curvature of the lipid planes70 and membrane hydration,71 in line with the thinning and increased lipid lateral mobility (diffusion) of the lipids in the intermediate motional regime, were shown to increase the permeability of the lipid bilayer.72 The membrane curvature has also been shown to affect the manner in which other molecules bind to its surface.73
Another EMF effect on matter that warrants discussion is the possibility that the EMF induces a local mechanical change, i.e. a local elastic tension in the lipid bilayer through Maxwell's tensor, which can prompt the liposome to elongate or flatten from its spherical shape.74–76 Commensurate with experimental findings, our modelling showed a decrease in membrane thickness at high electric field conditions. The interaction between a polarised electromagnetic oscillation and matter results in both energy and momentum transfer. Here, the momentum exchange involves both the induction of a mechanical wave through the medium (due to pulling by the field on the medium), and partial transfer of the electromagnetic momentum to the medium, to which the medium responds by adjusting the internal stress components, with the resulting perturbation having zero total momentum.77 However, in the case of liposomes treated with 18 GHz, no visible change in the shape of the liposome was observed.
Footnote |
† These authors equally contributed to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |