Kyle Sherberta,
Frank Cerasolia and
Marco Buongiorno Nardelli*ab
aDepartment of Physics, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76303, USA. E-mail:
bSanta Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA
First published on 10th December 2021
Quantum computers promise to revolutionize our ability to simulate molecules, and cloud-based hardware is becoming increasingly accessible to a wide body of researchers. Algorithms such as Quantum Phase Estimation and the Variational Quantum Eigensolver are being actively developed and demonstrated in small systems. However, extremely limited qubit count and low fidelity seriously limit useful applications, especially in the crystalline phase, where compact orbital bases are difficult to develop. To address this difficulty, we present a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm to solve the band structure of any periodic system described by an adequate tight-binding model. We showcase our algorithm by computing the band structure of a simple-cubic crystal with one s and three p orbitals per site (a simple model for polonium) using simulators with increasingly realistic levels of noise and culminating with calculations on IBM quantum computers. Our results show that the algorithm is reliable in a low-noise device, functional with low precision on present-day noisy quantum computers, and displays a complexity that scales as Ω(M3) with the number M of tight-binding orbitals per unit-cell, similarly to its classical counterparts. Our simulations offer a new insight into the “quantum” mindset and demonstrate how the algorithms under active development today can be optimized in special cases, such as band structure calculations.
Quantum computers surpass Hartree–Fock by imposing fermionic statistics onto qubits and including electron correlation terms directly in the system Hamiltonian. Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) is a quantum algorithm which extracts eigenstate energies from a simulated system on a noise-resilient quantum computer at a low cost of classical computational resources.1,2 However, quantum circuits designed for the QPE algorithm tend to require longer coherence times than are available in the era of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, so recent efforts focus on hybrid algorithms which balance quantum and classical resource costs. In particular, a more popular algorithm for molecular ground-state energy calculations is the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE).3–6 Many variants of VQE have arisen in recent literature, including methods such as Variational Quantum Deflation (VQD) capable of exploring excited states.7 However, resource costs for interesting systems still tend to exceed those currently available, and there is still some doubt whether error in hybrid algorithms can be made to converge sub-exponentially.8
Periodic systems, such as the crystalline phase of a molecule or protein, are an especially interesting arena in the development of quantum algorithms. On the one hand, translational symmetry over the entire crystal seems to offer extremely powerful ways to reduce the computational complexity.9 On the other, periodic systems are typically considered infinite in extent and thus appear to require an exceedingly large number of resources to adequately approximate. For example, one may simulate a periodic system of N unit cells, each consisting of M orbitals (see for example Cade et al.36), where M is typically comparable to the number of orbitals considered in a single molecular simulation, but N is large enough to approximate infinity. Alternatively, one may adopt a plane-wave basis, for which a quantum circuit is available to efficiently diagonalize the kinetic and potential operators directly.10 In either approach, the size of the basis, and therefore the number of qubits, must be very large to accurately represent the periodic system. The quantum resources required to simulate a crystal will thus tend to be many times larger than those required for a solitary molecule, and generally larger than the size of quantum computers available today.
In this work, we offer an easier transition to adapt quantum algorithms for periodic systems, by implementing correlation-free band structure calculations on NISQ-era quantum computers. Band structures are the fundamental toolbox of materials scientists in the characterization and discovery of the electronic properties of crystalline solids. Band theory adopts the single-electron approximation (as in Hartree–Fock), for which a periodic Hamiltonian becomes separable in reciprocal space, reducing the system at any particular momentum k to the complexity of a single unit cell. In this way, the eigenstates of an electron with momentum k can be efficiently calculated in a classical computer; the energies of each eigenstate along a path varying k through reciprocal space form the band structure of the crystal. Integrating the band structure provides early insight into structural, electronic, optical, and thermal properties of the crystal.11
Quantum algorithms to obtain classically verifiable results provide an invaluable tool in establishing foundational building blocks such as efficient measurement protocols and error mitigation,12 as well as being generally easier to understand and replicated by researchers just breaking into quantum computation. With this motivation, we show how the single-electron approximation accommodates a systematic approach to efficiently apply VQE to solve the band structure of any periodic system. We will illustrate our procedure using an empirical tight-binding model for a simple cubic lattice, but our procedure is easily applied to any tight-binding Hamiltonian. For example, recent work in our group has demonstrated that “exact” tight-binding Hamiltonians can be derived from accurate electronic structure calculations using a procedure based on the projection of electronic wavefunctions on localized orbital bases (PAOFLOW).13 PAOFLOW is an advanced software tool that constructs tight-binding Hamiltonians from self-consistent electronic wavefunctions projected onto a set of atomic orbitals and provides numerous materials properties that otherwise would have to be calculated via approximate model approaches. Thus, an efficient quantum algorithm for the solution of the tight-binding Hamiltonian would provide an avenue for the calculation of advanced crystalline properties on a quantum computer. We do not expect our approach in this paper to offer immediate quantum advantage; rather, our purpose is to help chemists think the quantum way, motivating new, resource-efficient approaches to studying highly correlated systems. By considering the simplest available model, we can provide lower bounds on resource complexity and give insight into the practical difficulties chemists may expect when implementing quantum algorithms.
We have previously considered this topic, employing a VQE-based algorithm to iteratively calculate the band energies of a tight-binding silicon model.14 We now apply recent developments in the literature7,15,16 to extend and improve upon our previous work. In Section 2, we briefly outline the essential ideas we have taken from the literature. In Section 3, we present our robust procedure for accurately calculating the band structure of any periodic system with a quantum computer. In Section 4, we demonstrate our procedure applied to a simple-cubic lattice, presenting data from a quantum simulator and preliminary results from IBM's open-access ibmq_athens and ibmq_santiago cloud devices. In Section 5, we discuss the algorithmic complexity of our procedure and highlight the steps which may or may not be improved in later work.
Generally, Ĥ is given as a weighted sum of non-commuting Pauli words (Section 3.1). An exact circuit for Û≡exp(iĤτ) is not readily available, but it can be closely approximated by Suzuki–Trotter expansion, which factors Û into many small-time slices.17 The number of time slices scales polynomially with the accuracy required, and the depth of each time slice depends on the number of commuting groups in Ĥ. For this reason, QPE is extremely susceptible to errors arising from the low gate fidelity and short coherence times which plague NISQ devices. Alternative approaches scale more favorably with error at the cost of additional ancilla qubits.18,19
The algorithmic complexity of VQE depends on several factors. Measuring the expectation value of a Pauli word is a stochastic process, requiring a large number of measurements on the order of O(ε−2) for an acceptable sampling noise ε. These ensembles are usually measured for each Pauli word in Ĥ, although recent advances reduce the size of the ensemble by simultaneously measuring each commuting group of Pauli words35 or by “classically shadowing”21 the quantum circuit to require only a logarithmic number of measurements. Like in QPE, the efficiency of the algorithm is determined by the complexity of Ĥ, and every element of the ensemble requires a unique application of the ansatz, meaning that circuit depth and gate count should be kept minimal. The dimension of the ansatz also determines the efficiency and efficacy of the classical optimization. For all these reasons, VQE tends to be impractical for perfectly robust ansatz, and much of the literature focuses on methods for constructing effective ansatz accounting for system symmetries and hardware limitations.15,22–25 Because circuit depth and gate count are kept low, VQE is well-suited to NISQ devices.
(1) |
Each and cj represent a creation and annihilation (ladder) operator on an atomic orbital ϕj, centered on a coordinate rj in the crystal. The hopping parameters tαβ denote the energy cost of an electron transitioning from orbital ϕβ to orbital ϕα. They are calculated from the overlap integrals between each pair of orbitals ϕα and ϕβ, or they are selected to fit empirical observations. A general tight-binding Hamiltonian may also include multi-electron correlation such as , but we neglect these terms in this work.
Our strategy is to transform eqn (1) into reciprocal space and to apply VQD to solve for each eigenenergy at each momentum k along the desired path through reciprocal space. When sufficient quantum resources are available, we refine each band energy with QPE. Our procedure for mapping a single-electron periodic system onto a set of qubits is derived in Section 3.1. The variational ansatz we have selected, suitable for any band structure calculation, is described in Section 3.2. Details of implementing the quantum algorithm are presented in Section 3.3. Finally, we provide a step-by-step schematic of our algorithm and its relation to VQE in Fig. 2.
(2) |
(3) |
Hopping parameters are now dependent on the orbitals α, β and the displacement vector δ≡rν′α − rνβ between their atoms. As δ increases, t(δ)αβ tends to vanish, permitting a nearest-neighbor approximation in which one considers only a few of the smallest δ.
Eqn (3), when supplemented with two-electron correlation terms, is the form typically considered when applying quantum algorithms to periodic systems, requiring a total of MN qubits. In the single-electron approximation, however, we can reduce the size of the system to only M qubits by transforming into reciprocal space. Reciprocal space orbitals are characterized by their own ladder operators and kj, related to and cνj by Fourier transform:
(4a) |
(4b) |
Substituting eqn (4) into eqn (3), we obtain
(5) |
We simplify this sum by recalling rν′α = rνβ + δ. Then rν′α becomes a common factor of each k in the exponential, and we may exploit the orthogonality relation . Summing over δk′k, we obtain , where
(6) |
(7) |
Each momentum k contributes an independent subsystem with only M orbitals, whose eigenenergies may be solved independently. Classically, the values Hαβ(k) in eqn (7) form an M × M Hermitian matrix whose eigenvalues can be efficiently calculated with standard linear algebraic techniques in Θ(M3) time. This work instead considers how to calculate these eigenvalues the “quantum” way.
We focus on a specific Ĥk for the remainder of this section, with the understanding that our procedure must be repeated for each momentum k along the path of interest in reciprocal space. Eqn (6) has a form very similar to eqn (1), except that it acts on reciprocal-space orbitals rather than atomic orbitals. We therefore adopt a “reciprocal-orbital” basis, in which each reciprocal-space orbital is identified with its own qubit.
|0〉 = 0|1〉 = |0〉 | (8a) |
†|0〉 = |1〉†|1〉 = 0 | (8b) |
Meanwhile, the Pauli spin operators , Ŷ, Ẑ act on a qubit's basis states in the following way:
|0〉 = |1〉|1〉 = |0〉 | (9a) |
−iŶ|0〉 = |1〉iŶ|1〉 = |0〉 | (9b) |
Ẑ|0〉 = |0〉−Ẑ|1〉 = |1〉 | (9c) |
It is easy to verify that the following mapping suffices for a single qubit:
(10a) |
(10b) |
In multi-electron systems, one typically adopts the Jordan–Wigner transformation, which retains the form of eqn (10) but appends a Ẑ operation on Θ(M) other qubits to enforce fermionic antisymmetry. Alternatively, one may adopt the Bravyi–Kitaev transformation, which requires operations on only Θ(logM) qubits, but uses a non-intuitive basis and involves non-adjacent interactions more difficult to simulate on certain qubit architectures. We refer the reader to Seeley et al.26 for an excellent introduction to both transforms. However, because we are considering single-electron systems, there are no other fermions to exchange with, and we may use eqn (10) directly, so that each ladder operator acts on only Θ(1) qubits. This significantly reduces the complexity of our Hamiltonian, as we shall presently see.
We may rewrite eqn (6) to exploit the Hermiticity of Ĥk.
(11) |
Since the transpose term . Applying eqn (10) and noting 2 = Ŷ2 = Î, −iŶ = iŶ = Ẑ:
(12) |
Eqn (12) provides the weighted sum of Pauli words required in the quantum algorithms of Section 2.
Eqn (12) consists of Θ(M2) Pauli words. The complexity of each algorithm in Section 2 is determined in part by the number of commuting groups in Ĥ. In eqn (12), all terms of the form Ẑα, αβ, and ŶαŶβ each form commutative groups. Therefore, when Ĥk has no imaginary part, the energy can be determined with just 3 rounds of measurement. When Ĥk does have an imaginary part, we note that for fixed α, Ŷαβ〉α and αŶβ〉α each form commutative groups, so in general we have Θ(M) commuting groups. Finally, we note that each of these commuting groups are qubit-wise commutative, meaning that each index of all Pauli words in the set has either the same spin operator or the identity. This accommodates a particularly simple procedure for measuring expectation values of each set simultaneously, requiring no additional overhead in the measurement circuit.
Gard et al.15 provide a procedure for generating variational ansatz which conserve particle number, which is particularly simple when particle number is 1. We begin with M qubits labeled 0 through M − 1 in the state |0〉. First, we apply an gate to qubit 0, to set our ansatz with a single filled orbital. Then we apply the entangling parameterized A gate15 such that each qubit is entangled directly or indirectly with qubit 0 (see Fig. 1). This ansatz requires M − 1 A gates, each contributing two independent parameters, for a total of Θ(M) gates and parameters. The circuit is compatible with any quantum architecture exhibiting linear qubit connectivity and has a depth of Θ(M). Alternatively, in a fully connected device, the A gates could be applied with a “divide-and-conquer” strategy, reducing the circuit depth to Ω(logM).
Fig. 1 The ansatz (θ) suitable for any band structure calculation. Each qubit is initialized in the |0〉 state; the output is an arbitrary superposition of states with a single qubit in the |1〉 state. |
Rather than assigning each orbital to its own qubit, we could assign each orbital to an individual basis state, requiring only Θ(logM) qubits total. This “compact basis” is the approach of our previous work.14 While this is more efficient in the number of qubits, it must explore states with an arbitrary Hamming weight. The number of parameters required to span the space of interest is unchanged, and a suitable ansatz must be developed ad hoc. Additionally, the Hamiltonian for the compact basis consists of global operators acting on all qubits at once, and it would generally form the maximum number 3log2M = Mlog23 of commuting sets, requiring a less efficient measurement protocol. Reliance on a random ansatz and a global cost function made our previous procedure vulnerable to exponentially difficult optimizations induced by barren plateaus.8,27 Finally, the Hamiltonian for the compact basis is less-structured and more difficult to reduce based on symmetries in the Hamiltonian (for example our observation in Section 3.1 that a real Ĥk results in Θ(1) rounds of measurement).
The expectation values 〈Ĥ〉 of a generic observable cannot be directly measured in the quantum computer. Rather, the expectation value of each Pauli word i are measured independently, and the energy is evaluated from the weighted sum , with weights ai taken from eqn (12). Obtaining the Pauli expectation values 〈i〉 is also somewhat indirect. First, the Pauli word i should be transformed so that it contains only letters Î or Ẑ – let us refer to the modified Pauli word as i. In practice, the transformation is easily accomplished by applying a “basis rotation” gate to each qubit before measurement. Next, each qubit is measured to be in one of the two computational basis states |0〉 or |1〉. The bitstring obtained from concatenating the state of each qubit is itself an eigenstate of i, with eigenvalue +1 or −1. This procedure is applied to a large ensemble of qubits, each prepared independently with the ansatz and basis rotation gates. The expectation value 〈i〉 is the average of all the eigenvalues of i measured across the ensemble.
The ensemble necessarily has a finite size S, introducing an energy variance on the order of ε2 ∈ O(1/S). In practice, the ensemble is usually prepared in sequence, resetting a single register of qubits after each round of measurement, relegating the sampling error ε a parameter in the time complexity of any VQE-based algorithm. Fortunately, the same ensemble may be used to calculate the expectation values of any Pauli word which is qubit-wise commutative with i. For simplicity, we assign S = 8096 for each commuting group in this work, although advanced methods exist which optimally distribute measurements to minimize the sampling error ε.20
Many popular optimization routines (e.g. SLSQP, BFGS) are gradient-based, and they have difficulty converging to the correct value in the presence of sampling noise. Therefore, we use COBYLA, a simplex-based algorithm implemented in the scipy python package, which we have empirically noted to give good results. We randomly generate our initial guess for the parameters θ, and we use the default tolerance parameters implemented by scipy. These choices are by far the simplest, but they are by no means optimal, and our results may be improved greatly by a more careful choice of optimization routine.28
Before we can implement the deflation procedure, we must select the constant β suitable for “deflating” each band energy. We do this with a systematic procedure, first maximizing the energy of our system to find the highest possible energy Emax. We then minimize the energy to find E0 and Δ≡Emax − E0. In theory, β = Δ is a sufficiently high number to guarantee each eigenstate is projected sufficiently out of the optimization in later steps. In practice, we take β = 2Δ to insure against errors in the sampling and optimization process.
Higgott et al.7 offer several strategies for computing the overlap, offering robustness against error at the cost of ancilla qubits or additional optimization steps. In this work, we choose the simplest, evaluating the overlap with an eigenstate Ψ(θl) by preparing the trial state Ψ(θ) and applying the adjoint circuit . The probability of measuring the bitstring 0⋯0 gives the overlap |〈Ψ(θ)|Ψ(θl)〉|2. In practice, the probability of measuring bitstring 0⋯0 is equivalent to the expectation value of an operator , the sum of all unique Pauli words spelled with the letters Î and Ẑ (e.g. ÎÎÎ, ÎÎẐ,…ẐẐẐ). All such operators are qubit-wise commutative and can be estimated with a single round of measurements. Therefore, we can implement the deflation procedure conveniently in the qiskit Python package provided by IBM, by solving for each band energy and then adding to our Hamiltonian the deflation operator .
Initializing the Hamiltonian Ĥ0≡Ĥk, our procedure can be formally summarized as follows:
(13) |
l≡(θl)|0〉 | (14) |
(15) |
(16) |
Each El we find is recorded as the energy of the lth band at momentum k, and we repeat the procedure for each k in our selected path.
Optimization routines do not always converge to the true minimum, and errors incurred early in the deflation procedure can propagate unfavorably to higher bands. Therefore, we include an optional QPE refinement to our algorithm, which applies QPE to each optimized state Ψl≡l|0〉. QPE has the effect of selecting the dominant eigenstate of Ψl and giving the corresponding eigenenergy with high precision. Thus, as long as the optimization procedure is “good enough”, we may update our energy calculations with the result of the QPE experiment. We have used the iterative version of QPE implemented in qiskit. Details of the algorithm can be found in Dobšìček et al.2
Fig. 2 A schematic of our algorithm and its relation to VQE. Our algorithm takes tight-binding parameters t(δ)αβ as input and outputs each band energy El(θ). Optionally, each band energy may be refined with QPE. The operator Ω0 is the sum of all Pauli words spelled with letters Î and Ẑ. The operator is the quantum circuit presented in Fig. 1. |
(1) Statevector – quantum operations are simulated with unitary matrices, and expectation values are calculated exactly.
(2) Sampling – expectation values are now calculated by sampling from a probability distribution.
(3) Noisy – quantum operations and measurements are now applied with an error rate drawn from real quantum devices.
(4) Calibrated – the same noisy simulator is used, but classical post-processing steps are applied to mitigate the error.
We also present preliminary results from IBM quantum devices.
The optimization results are extremely accurate and precise on the high-symmetry momenta but deviate slightly on the intermediate points. In fact, the high-symmetry points in this particular model each happen to have matrices Hαβ(k) (eqn (7)) which are already diagonalized, and the resulting cost function yields a well-behaved surface which is reliably optimized, even in the presence of noise. Averaged results on the intermediate points still tend to be quite good, but individual trials can exhibit a large variance. However, the optimization does succeed in finding a point close enough to a correct eigenstate that the QPE refinement consistently extracts the dominant eigenvalue with high precision. The median QPE results prove to be as accurate as is permitted by the finite binary expansion calculated by the algorithm.
Fig. 6 shows our results on a noisy simulator, applying readout calibration and ZNE for each energy evaluation during the optimization. ZNE offers noticeable improvement in the highest and lowest bands (calculated independently), but appears less impactful on the intermediate bands (calculated after deflation), perhaps even increasing variance in the third band. This may be explained by noting that ZNE is designed to assuage systematic error, and this is what we tend to observe when we can rely on the variational principle, where energies cannot in principle be measured below the ground-state energy. This is not always true because our energy estimates are linear combinations of stochastically evaluated Pauli expectation values, and on occasion we do observe trials which appear above the highest band, but these points are relatively rare, and the average values on the highest and lowest bands are shifted inwards. However, the deflation circuits 0 are somewhat different for each trial, depending on exactly what eigenstate was selected for the lowest band, and this, coupled with the coherent qubit error, has the effect of inducing a random noise on the intermediate bands. This explains why the intermediate bands seem to suffer a larger variance but reasonable average values. We note that many other error mitigation techniques besides readout calibration and ZNE have been proposed in the literature, and our results can likely be improved greatly by implementing more of them. Nevertheless, the best solution to combat random error remains averaging over more and more trials.
In addition to statistics from a calibrated simulator, Fig. 6 also shows data from the IBM devices ibmq_athens and ibmq_santiago. These are calibrated energy measurements of the eigenstates given by the least-error optimization runs on the (calibrated) noisy simulator. Results are generally consistent with the simulator, but our error mitigation is evidently even less effective on the real devices, and we note that ibmq_santiago is especially ill-behaved at certain points. This may be due to less effective thermal isolation from its environment at the hardware level. Finally, implementing the controlled-unitary operations necessary for the QPE procedure on a linear architecture introduces an overwhelming amount of overhead in the form of additional SWAP gates, making the QPE refinement part of our algorithm completely intractable on these devices.
Quantum resources are employed in the VQD phase of our algorithm during the operator estimation procedure, for every evaluation of the energy E≡〈Ĥk〉. Each application of the ansatz from Fig. 1 requires M qubits, Θ(M) entangling gates, and has a depth between Θ(logM) and Θ(M) layers, depending on qubit architecture. The Hamiltonian in eqn (12) has Θ(M) commuting groups, even including additional terms from the deflation procedure (eqn (16)). Our implementation requires an ensemble size of O(ε−2) for each commuting group in Ĥ to obtain an expectation value accurate within ε, but since ε does not scale with M, we omit it in the present analysis. The ensemble states may be prepared sequentially, for a worst-case (linear architecture) execution time on the order of Θ(M2). Alternatively, the ensemble states may be prepared in parallel, decreasing execution time at the cost of additional qubits. In the best case, implementing “classical shadowing”21 reduces the number of required measurements to Θ(logM), and a fully-connected architecture permits a circuit depth as low as Θ(logM), bringing our algorithm into a sub-polynomial quantum resource requirement. However, the operator estimation procedure is still bounded by the number of Pauli words Θ(M2) when measurement results are assembled into the energy .
Operator estimation is repeated for each function evaluation in the optimization procedure. The number of function evaluations required depends on the optimization routine selected and the shape of the energy surface, so it is difficult to estimate. Quantum variational algorithms are notoriously vulnerable to so-called barren plateaus, regions in the parameter surface with a vanishing gradient expected to result in an exponential number of function evaluations for successful convergence.8,27 However, research into barren plateaus has focused mainly on densely-packed ansatz which alternate between parameterized rotation gates and entanglement among each qubit. The ansatz we have presented has a more constrained structure which rotates and entangles only two qubits at a time. Additionally, Cerezo et al.8 found that local cost functions such as the Hamiltonian we have employed are much more resistant to barren plateaus compared to global cost functions. Therefore, we conjecture that the number of function evaluations required in our algorithm may be expected to scale polynomially with the number of ansatz parameters, in our case Θ(M), provided sufficient error mitigation to suppress noise-induced barren plateaus, which are independent of the ansatz.33 Thus, we include a factor of Θ(Mc), where c ≥ 1 depends on the optimization. The optimization is repeated for each of M energy levels; therefore, the VQD phase of our algorithm has a total run-time on the order of Θ(M3+c).
An optional QPE phase may be implemented to estimate the eigenvalue to an arbitrary binary precision t.2 The implementation of QPE we have used requires M + 1 qubits and Ω(t) rounds of measurement (see Dobšìček et al.2 for a tighter bound). Each round applies a quantum circuit approximating a unitary operator Ûj = exp(iĤτj). Each time slice in the Suzuki–Trotter expansion of Ûj on a linear architecture requires an entangling gate count of Θ(M3) and a circuit depth of Θ(M2).34 QPE is repeated for each of M energy levels, setting the best case run-time of the QPE phase of our algorithm on the order of Θ(M3). Note also that the simulation time τj scales exponentially with the accuracy of the phase estimation procedure, and the number of time-slices must scale accordingly to maintain an accurate Ûj. Thus, QPE tends to incur too much overhead for practical application on present-day NISQ devices.
Altogether, evaluating the band energies for each momentum k requires Ω(M3) time steps, comparable to the classical approach. Even with a “perfect” optimizer in which the optimal parameters θl are produced instantly (c = 0), the complexities of operator estimation and QPE alone exhibit the same scaling as classical diagonalization and incur significantly greater overhead from the finite accuracy ε. While in this form band structure calculations are not a strong candidate for quantum advantage, quantum computers are expected to provide a superior edge when including electron correlation terms such as in the Hamiltonian, which introduce factors of exponential complexity in the classical approach. However, such terms also appear to force us to abandon several simplifications we have made. First, transforming into reciprocal space no longer enables H to be separated into subsystems of size M, meaning many more qubits are required to accurately simulate a periodic system. Second, considering multiple electrons forces us to adopt a qubit mapping which enforces fermionic antisymmetry, greatly increasing the number of commuting groups in the Hamiltonian. Finally, our ansatz dimension, entangling gates, and circuit depth can no longer remain linear in the number of qubits while simultaneously remaining robust. Our hope is that this work will inspire similar simplifications to those we have made here, while remaining applicable to highly-correlated systems.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |