a and
aDepartment of Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan. E-mail: liuzd@chemsys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp; wakihara@chemsys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
bInstitute of Engineering Innovation, The University of Tokyo, 2-11-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
cMitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Science and Innovation Center, Kamoshida-cho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama 227-8502, Japan
dInstitute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan
eJapan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute/SPring-8, 1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198, Japan
First published on 9th September 2020
AFX zeolite is a small-pore zeolite that has attracted significant attention because of its potential as a high-performance catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by ammonia (NH3-SCR). Long time and high cost for the synthesis of AFX zeolite, however, limit the practical applications of this small-pore zeolite. Herein, we report an ultrafast synthesis route that can yield highly crystalline AFX zeolite in as short as 12 min. The ultrafast synthesis was realized on the basis of interzeolite conversion, where FAU zeolite was employed as a source of silicon and aluminum. Moreover, the addition of acid-leached seeds was found to be crucial for promoting the crystallization of AFX zeolite while effectively eliminating the formation of byproducts. Detailed studies of the original and acid-leached seeds revealed that acid leaching could cause structural alterations to the original seeds, thereby significantly enhancing the seeding effect. Secondary nucleation occurred when the acid-leached seeds were added, which is assumed to be one of the primary reasons for the accelerated crystallization rate. Based on the ultrafast synthesis, continuous-flow synthesis of AFX zeolite in 10 min was also demonstrated. The ultrafast and continuous-flow synthesis of AFX zeolite is expected to facilitate the large-scale production and broad applications of AFX zeolite.
AFX zeolite was first synthesized with a heterocyclic compound, which is a derivative of quinuclidine, as the organic structure-directing agent (OSDA), and it took 6 days to yield the crystalline product.5 Thereafter, several synthesis routes for AFX zeolite have been reported.9–15 In general, a relatively long synthesis period (6–21 days) is required. Recently, the synthesis of small-pore zeolites using a pre-made zeolite (in most cases, an FAU type) as the starting material, instead of amorphous aluminum and silica sources, has gained much attention (called as interzeolite conversion).16,17 The FAU framework is composed of sod cages that are connected to each other via double 6-membered-rings (d6r). The AFX and FAU frameworks, albeit differing in cage type and pore size, are similar because both contain d6r as a common composite building unit.20 Interzeolite conversion has the potential to shorten the synthesis period, most likely because it represents a more kinetically favorable crystallization pathway.18,19 For example, Goel et al. proposed that the presence of common composite building units between the starting and resultant zeolites could help overcome the kinetic barrier during synthesis.21 Itakura et al. conducted the synthesis of RUT zeolite from different zeolites and found that faster synthesis could be achieved when zeolites as the starting material and product possessed common composite building units.22 The synthesis of AFX zeolite could be accelerated when FAU zeolite is used as the starting material. For instance, Yamada et al. reported the synthesis of AFX zeolite in 2 days by replacing the silica and alumina sources with a commercial FAU zeolite.23 Nakazawa et al. also reported synthesis in 43 h from a reaction mixture containing FAU zeolite and a rigid diquaternary ammonium compound, TEBOP (N,N,N′,N′-tetraethyl-exo,exo-bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-7-ene-2,3:5,6-dipyrrolidinium dihydroxide).24 Because the use of colloidal or fumed silica as a Si source under the same conditions led to the formation of the *BEA phase, the structural similarity between FAU and AFX was considered to be important for the efficient synthesis of AFX zeolite.25
Over the years, we have been developing a strategy for the ultrafast synthesis of zeolites using a tubular reactor (Fig. S2†) as a mini-autoclave with the feature of rapid thermal response and have succeeded in synthesizing a series of zeolites in minutes rather than hours or days, which is typically required in a normal protocol.26–31 Based on the ultrafast synthesis, the continuous-flow synthesis of zeolites has also been demonstrated.32–34 A general requirement for establishing continuous-flow synthesis of a zeolite is that the thermodynamics (in terms of the framework of the resultant product) and kinetics (in terms of the crystallization rate) of the hydrothermal synthesis and the hydrodynamics in the continuous-flow reactor should be correlated together. Assuming that the synthesis yields the desired phase, a shorter synthesis time is preferable for continuous-flow synthesis. Correspondingly, a shorter residence time is needed, thus facilitating a better reactor design and reducing the operation cost. Recently, our group reported the fast synthesis of AFX zeolite, which yielded highly crystalline AFX zeolite in as short as 2 h in a tubular reactor. The fast-synthesized AFX zeolite showed excellent hydrothermal stability and NH3-SCR activity.35 The 2 h synthesis time, however, was still too long to facilitate continuous-flow synthesis, because precipitation-related hydrodynamic failures could easily occur owing to the long residence time.
Herein, we report an ultrafast synthesis route that can yield highly crystalline AFX zeolite in as short as 12 min. The ultrafast synthesis was realized based on the so-called interzeolite conversion, where FAU zeolite was employed as a source of both silicon and aluminum. Moreover, the addition of acid-leached seeds was crucial for inducing the crystallization of the AFX zeolite while effectively eliminating the formation of the byproduct. Based on the ultrafast synthesis, continuous-flow synthesis of AFX zeolite in 10 min was also successfully demonstrated. The ultrafast and continuous-flow synthesis of AFX zeolite is expected to facilitate the large-scale production and broad applications of this small-pore zeolite.
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Fig. 1 (a) Powder XRD patterns and (b) SEM image of the samples synthesized without seeds. The small crystals (3–5 μm) are AFX zeolite, while the large crystals (8–15 μm) are ANA zeolite. |
To shorten the synthesis period further, as well as to avoid the formation of byproducts, a seeding method was employed. AFX seeds were synthesized using Et6-diquat-5 as OSDA, according to a previous study,13 and used in the as-synthesized form. No apparent enhancement of crystallization was observed when the seeds were added (Fig. 2(a) and S3(a)†), possibly due to their large particle size (ca. 5–8 μm, Fig. S4(a)†). Thus, mechanical milling was introduced to reduce the particle size of the seeds. As shown in Fig. S4(b),† after milling for 30 min, the particle size of the seeds was reduced to ca. 200 nm, and the relative crystallinity to the as-made seeds was ca. 46% (Fig. S4(c)†). Although mechanical milling could cause a certain degree of amorphization, the milled seeds could be effective in promoting crystallization, as our group has previously discussed.28 In the present work, the milled AFX seeds provided a faster crystallization rate, resulting in complete FAU conversion in only 20 min. Nevertheless, ANA was still found to be the dominant phase in the product (Fig. 2(b) and S3(b)†).
In previous studies, it was demonstrated that the addition of seeds exerts a positive effect on the crystallization of the same phase because spontaneous nucleation can be bypassed.28 In this study, however, formation of the undesired phase was observed in the presence of seeds. In particular, the amount of ANA phase in the product increased even when milled seeds were used. We believe that this result might be due to the damage of the crystal structure from mechanical milling. In the case of interzeolite conversion, the presence of common composite building units in starting and product zeolite plays an important role.17 Since ANA structure does not contain any common composite building units with FAU nor AFX, the formation of ANA from fully crystalline FAU or AFX zeolite should be less kinetically favorable. Nevertheless, partial amorphization of the seed could lead to its partial dissolution at a faster pace; and the disordered aluminosilicate species released from the amorphized seed could have initiated the crystallization of ANA phase. The importance of crystallinity of the starting materials was supported by the synthesis results where a mechanically milled FAU zeolite was used. As seen in Fig. S5,† crystallization was much slower, with low crystallinity observed even after 60 min.
The above results stimulated us to think about how to alter the properties of the AFX seeds and improve their effectiveness in promoting the crystallization of the pure AFX phase. To this end, acid leaching of the original seeds was carried out at 80 °C for 27 h in a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution. The acid-leached seeds could significantly accelerate the crystallization rate of AFX while eliminating the formation of any undesired phases. As shown in Fig. 3, ultrafast conversion from FAU to AFX was observed, and after a synthesis of 12 min, a pure AFX phase was obtained. Fig. 4(a) shows the 29Si DD MAS NMR spectrum of the product of the ultrafast synthesis. The framework Si/Al ratio calculated from the spectrum was 4.5, which is consistent with the bulk Si/Al ratio (4.7) measured by ICP-AES. The nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm exhibited a typical reversible type I isotherm (Fig. 4(b)), indicating the absence of mesopores in the product. The micropore volume calculated from the nitrogen adsorption isotherm was 0.24 cm3 g−1, which is in good agreement with values reported in the literature,24,35 confirming the high crystallinity of the product.
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Fig. 3 Powder XRD pattern of the samples synthesized with the acid-leached seeds. At 12 min, all diffraction peaks are due to AFX zeolite. |
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Fig. 4 (a) 29Si MAS NMR spectrum and (b) nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms of the sample synthesized with acid-leached seeds for 12 min. |
Pair distribution function analysis, obtained from the HEXTS measurement, was carried out to monitor the structural evolution during the ultrafast synthesis of AFX zeolite (Fig. S6 and S7†). The peaks at 1.6, 2.6, and 3.1 Å are due to the first T–O, the first T–T, and the first O–O correlations, respectively (T = Si or Al). These peaks observed during synthesis are almost identical, indicating that the structural changes cannot be distinguished from the correlations of neighboring atoms. In contrast, the peaks at 3.8 and 4.3 Å, which are assigned to the second T–O correlations in 4-membered-rings (4MR) and in larger rings (>6MR), respectively, were considerably dissimilar. Peak shifts observed during the synthesis, which is consistent with the rapid conversion from FAU to AFX.
To clarify the critical role of the acid-leached seeds in the ultrafast synthesis, seeds with and without acid leaching were carefully characterized. Fig. 5(a) compares the XRD patterns of the original and acid-leached seeds. After acid leaching, the relative crystallinity decreased to ca. 73% of the original seeds. The SEM images in Fig. 5(b) and (c) suggest that no apparent changes in bulk morphology and particle size were observed. The framework Si/Al ratio of the acid-leached seeds, calculated from the 29Si MAS NMR spectrum in Fig. S8,† was 7.0, and the bulk Si/Al ratio calculated from ICP-AES was 6.8, whereas those for the original seeds were 4.0 and 4.3, respectively. These results indicate that some Al atoms detached from the framework and were extracted into the liquid phase.40 In spite of dealumination, the micropore volume of the acid-leached seeds was 0.23 cm3 g−1, which was almost identical to that of the original seeds (0.21 cm3 g−1), suggesting that neither blockage of micropores by extra-framework Al nor excessive degradation of the zeolite structure proceeded during the acid leaching. The 27Al MAS NMR spectra in Fig. 5(d) illustrate that most aluminum remained in tetrahedral coordination after acid leaching although a small amount of octahedral aluminum appeared.
From the 29Si MAS NMR measurement of the protonated seeds in Fig. 5(e), important information about the coordination environment of silicon atoms in the seeds was obtained. As seen from the 29Si DD MAS NMR spectra, both seeds featured two peaks at ca. 111 and 105 ppm, which can be assigned to resonances from Q4 (OSi)4 and Q4 (OAl)(OSi)3 species, respectively.41,42 To confirm the structural difference, 1H–29Si CP MAS NMR was performed. The acid-leached seeds featured a peak at ca. 100 ppm, which can be assigned to Q3 (OH)(OSi)3 species; however, this peak was less pronounced in the original seeds. This result suggests that the acid-leached seeds contained hydroxyl defects (silanol groups Si–OH), which might be the key factor that helped trigger secondary nucleation of the AFX phase and facilitate its further crystal growth.
To understand the evolution of acid-leached seeds during the ultrafast synthesis, morphological changes that occurred during the ultrafast synthesis were captured and analyzed. Fig. 6 shows SEM images of the solid products synthesized over different periods of time. The SEM images were obtained at two different resolutions to better demonstrate the features. At 0 min, only FAU crystals (Fig. 6(a)) and acid-leached seeds (Fig. 6(b)) can be observed. The FAU crystals were irregular polyhedrons with ca. 100–300 nm particle sizes, while the particle size of the seeds was 4–7 μm.
It is worth noting that both large and small particles were observed throughout the synthesis (Fig. 6 and S9†). The large particles are supposed to be due to the acid-leached seeds whose bulk morphology was primarily preserved during the synthesis, as seen from the high-resolution images in the lower panel of Fig. 6. The small particles in the beginning were caused by the FAU crystals, while the newly formed AFX zeolite also exhibited a similar particle size. At the early stages of the synthesis, the surface of the large FAU crystals became uneven and mesopores started to develop (Fig. 6(c), (e) and (g)), indicating the instability of FAU zeolite under the synthesis conditions.43 After the synthesis for 6 min, smaller AFX crystals were clearly observed (Fig. 6(e)). The FAU particles completely disappeared after 12 min, and the final AFX product featured both newly formed small particles and large particles. The larger particles still resembled the acid-leached seeds in morphology although their surface was covered with small AFX crystals (Fig. 6(j)).
These results suggest that secondary nucleation occurred and contributed to the ultrafast synthesis of AFX.44–46 As discussed above, the acid-leached seeds underwent dealumination and, thus, contained a considerable amount of silanol defects. Compared with the original seeds, the acid-leached seeds contained fewer aluminum atoms, which made it easier to partially dissolve them in an alkaline solution and release microcrystalline units into the liquid phase. These microcrystalline units could have better access to the liquid phase, as well as the FAU zeolite, to form nuclei by secondary nucleation and then grew independently into the newly formed AFX crystals. At the same time, the defects initially present in the acid-leached seeds as well as those formed to release the microcrystalline units during the synthesis could be restored through a solution-mediated mechanism. Meanwhile, the amount of large crystals would be less than 30%, even if the seed had not dissolved nor lost in the synthesis, which would not significantly affect the overall activity of the product.
In addition to seeding, aging is an important factor affecting the synthesis outcome. To achieve ultrafast synthesis and obtain a pure AFX phase, the initial precursor was aged at 90 °C for 18 h prior to the high-temperature synthesis. In contrast, a shorter aging period at a lower temperature (2 h at 25 °C) would lead to slower crystallization and promote the formation of the ANA phase, as shown in Fig. S10.† It was reported that the interaction between inorganic and organic species could be enhanced during aging, which creates a suitable environment for the subsequent crystallization.47 In this study, adequate aging is believed to be indispensable for the creation of a microenvironment that, in combination with the acid-leached seeds, enabled secondary nucleation through surface breeding.
Ultrafast synthesis in as short as 12 min provides a solid basis for establishing continuous-flow synthesis. Because faster heating could be achieved in the continuous-flow reactor (Fig. 7(a)) than that in the batch-operated tubular reactor, a relatively shorter synthesis period was needed to obtain fully crystalline AFX zeolite. After 10 min in the continuous-flow reactor, the product exhibited a high crystallinity, as seen in Fig. 7(b). The yield was 4.2 g h−1. The SEM image in Fig. 7(c) demonstrates that the morphology of the crystals was similar to that obtained from the batch synthesis. For comparison, the space time yield for continuous-flow synthesis was 4560 kg m−3 d−1, while it was 1.7 kg m−3 d−1 for the conventional batch synthesis, showing that continuous-flow synthesis has a significantly higher productivity.
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Fig. 7 (a) Flowchart of the continuous-flow reactor. (b) Powder XRD pattern and (c) SEM image of the product from continuous-flow synthesis. |
In summary, we reported that AFX zeolite can be synthesized in as short as 12 min through interzeolite conversion from FAU. With acid-leached seeds, highly crystalline AFX zeolite was synthesized within 12 min in the batch operation. According to SEM observations, the obtained samples were composed of newly formed small crystals and the remaining large seed particles whose size and morphology was unchanged during synthesis. From the analysis of different types of seeds, the acid-leached seeds showed a higher Si/Al ratio and more silanol defects. These differences could have contributed to the detachment of microcrystalline units from the seed particles and initiated crystallization of AFX zeolite. Based on the recipe for the batch operation, continuous-flow synthesis of AFX zeolite was successfully conducted with a residence time of 10 min. The success of ultrafast continuous-flow synthesis will contribute to the industrial application of AFX zeolite.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0re00219d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |