Patrick W. A.
Mathias W.
Stephan M.
*c and
Stephan A.
aTUM Center for Functional Protein Assemblies (CPA), Department of Chemistry and Chair of Organic Chemistry II, Technical University of Munich, Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85748 Garching, Germany. E-mail:
bBavarian Center for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry (BayBioMS), Technical University of Munich, 85354 Freising, Germany. E-mail:
cDepartment of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, 85748 Garching, Germany. E-mail:
First published on 8th February 2021
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a difficult-to-treat Gram-negative bacterial pathogen causing life-threatening infections. Adaptive resistance (AR) to cationic peptide antibiotics such as polymyxin B impairs the therapeutic success. This self-protection is mediated by two component systems (TCSs) consisting of a membrane-bound histidine kinase and an intracellular response regulator (RR). As phosphorylation of the key RR aspartate residue is transient during signaling and hydrolytically unstable, the study of these systems is challenging. Here, we apply a tailored reverse polarity chemical proteomic strategy to capture this transient modification and read-out RR phosphorylation in complex proteomes using a nucleophilic probe. In-depth mechanistic insights into an ideal trapping strategy were performed with a recombinant RR demonstrating the importance of fine-tuned acidic pH values to facilitate the attack on the aspartate carbonyl C-atom and prevent unproductive hydrolysis. Analysis of Bacillus subtilis and P. aeruginosa proteomes revealed the detection of multiple annotated phosphoaspartate (pAsp) sites of known RRs in addition to many new potential pAsp sites. With this validated strategy we dissected the signaling of dynorphin A, a human peptide stress hormone, which is sensed by P. aeruginosa to prepare AR. Intriguingly, our methodology identified CprR as an unprecedented RR in dynorphin A interkingdom signaling.
P. aeruginosa was recently shown to sense the human peptide hormone dynorphin, which is secreted by eukaryotic cells upon stress e.g. induced by bacterial infections.6 While dynorphin only exhibits moderate antibiotic activity, other cationic antimicrobial peptides, produced in response to the infection, are able to destroy the intruding pathogen.7 Recently, chemical proteomics revealed that dynorphin A is sensed by the P. aeruginosa two-component system ParRS, which leads to upregulation of the antimicrobial peptide response mediated by the ArnBCADTEF system.8 This interkingdom signaling between a human stress hormone and P. aeruginosa confers a competitive advantage to the pathogen, which listens in on the human defense mechanism and thereby prepares itself for a forthcoming attack.
ParR and ParS belong to the prevalent group of two-component gene regulatory systems (TCS) with crucial roles for the physiology and pathogenicity of bacteria (Fig. 1a).9 They are composed of a membrane-bound histidine kinase (HK) and a response regulator (RR). Signal transduction occurs via sensing of external stimuli and signal relay to the kinase domain, which induces autophosphorylation of a histidine residue. In a second step the phosphate group is shuttled from the histidine to a conserved aspartate of the RR yielding phosphoaspartate (pAsp) and inducing further downstream signaling.
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Fig. 1 Architecture of two-component system signaling and chemical trapping of pAsp. (a) Upon an external signal, the membrane-bound histidine kinase is autophosphorylated on a conserved His residue (1), followed by phosphotransfer to a conserved Asp residue of its cognate response regulator (2). Upon a conformational change, the response regulator binds to target genes and regulates their expression (3). (b) Hydroxylamine-based probes attack either the carbonyl-C (pH = 4) or the phosphate-P-atom (pH = 7) of pAsp. (c) Probes used for RP-ABPP for the detection of pAsp by Chang et al. (DBHA)14 and in this study (HA-yne). |
TCSs facilitate rapid signaling events such as driving motility changes in chemotaxis,10 expression of virulence factors in quorum sensing6 and triggering adaptive resistance.11 In contrast to the chemically stable phosphorylation of serine, threonine and tyrosine in eukaryotic cells, the prokaryotic pAsp is a mixed carboxylic acid–phosphoric acid anhydride (acyl phosphate), which has limited half-life under neutral, acidic and alkaline conditions12 impeding its detection via common analytical methods such as immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) followed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem MS (LC-MS/MS). Thus, a chemical methodology is required, which rapidly transforms the labile acyl phosphate into a stable modification that can be detected using standard proteomic workflows. Here, α-effect nucleophiles such as hydroxylamine capture the labile modification yielding stable N-hydroxy-asparagine derivatives (Fig. 1b).13 This reaction requires slightly acidic conditions in order to promote a selective attack at the carbonyl C-atom, while neutral conditions favor phosphate cleavage by attack on the P-atom.12,15 To expand the chemical proteomic toolbox for monitoring pAsp modifications, Chang et al. recently introduced a desthiobiotin containing hydroxylamine (DBHA) probe facilitating the profiling of pAsp in Escherichia coli proteomes under neutral pH (Fig. 1c).14
We here provide in-depth molecular insights into the preferred nucleophilic attack of hydroxylamine probes under different pH values and demonstrate the importance of acidic conditions along with solubilizing detergents for selective modification of the aspartate carboxylate during the reverse polarity activity based profiling (RP-ABPP) approach.16 Moreover, our study accounts for the reactivity toward other electrophilic residues and elucidates their overall impact on model proteins. The tailored conditions of these model studies were integrated into an advanced chemical proteomic platform featuring a minimal clickable17 hydroxylamine alkyne probe (HA-yne) with access to sterically demanding protein pockets (Fig. 1c) as well as the application of isotopically labeled desthiobiotin azide (isoDTB) tags18 for the detection and quantification of modified sites. This methodology revealed 123 HA-yne modified aspartate sites with high fidelity. These fine-tuned conditions enabled the surprising discovery of dynorphin A-mediated phosphorylation of the RR CprR, a so far unknown target in interkingdom signaling.
Prior to the analysis of pAsp modifications in complex biological samples, the sensitivity of detection needed to be enhanced by application of an enrichment strategy. In order to minimize undesired steric clashes within protein pockets, we synthesized a minimal hydroxylamine probe linked to an alkyne handle (HA-yne), which was previously used for oxime ligations (Fig. 1c).24 Once its reaction with pAsp is complete, desthiobiotin azide can be clicked to the alkyne functional group facilitating subsequent affinity enrichment. Furthermore, the modular nature of the alkyne handle has the advantage that it allows attachment of various labels for different detection methods like fluorophores for gel-based analysis or isoDTB tags18 for quantitative proteomics. Similar to hydroxylamine, the HA-yne probe led to rapid conversion of phosphorylated PhoB under the set conditions of pH = 4 (Fig. 2c and S3b, ESI†).
For the application of the probe in whole proteomes, it is crucial to trap the transient acyl phosphate modifications rapidly upon cell lysis. We thus added the probe directly to the lysis buffer (pH = 4). Labeling of B. subtilis revealed an almost quantitative protein precipitation attributed to the high probe concentration at acidic labeling conditions (Fig. S5, ESI†). A screen of diverse detergents demonstrated that the addition of 1% (w/v) lauryldimethylamine oxide (LDAO) maintains protein solubility (Fig. S6, ESI†). Labeling under these conditions, acidic pH and LDAO, resulted in the detection of strong fluorescent bands upon clicking the probe to rhodamine azide and fluorescent SDS-PAGE analysis. Sufficient labeling intensity was observed at high concentrations starting at 125 mM HA-yne (Fig. S7, ESI†), which we set as ideal parameters for subsequent LC-MS/MS studies. We next spiked HA-yne labeled PhoB into the labeled proteome, clicked to commercially available desthiobiotin azide and upon streptavidin bead enrichment, proteolytic digestion and elution from the beads, the peptides were subjected to LC-MS/MS analysis. Our chemoproteomic workflow successfully identified the HA-yne modification at the expected residue D53 of PhoB (Fig. 3).
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Fig. 3 Annotated MS2 spectrum of the HA-yne-modified PhoB peptide. For RP-ABPP method development, HA-yne modified E. coli PhoB (Fig. 2c) was spiked into a labeled bacterial proteome, clicked to desthiobiotin-azide, enriched, digested and subjected to LC-MS/MS analysis. The predicted pAsp peptide was identified with the modification at the annotated position (D53) using MaxQuant software.25 |
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Fig. 4 RP-ABPP workflow and binding site analysis. (a) Bacterial cells of P. aeruginosa and B. subtilis were lysed in a buffer containing the nucleophilic HA-yne probe (125 mM) at pH = 4 and clicked to desthiobiotin-azide (DTB-PEG3-N3). Modified proteins were tryptically digested, enriched on streptavidin beads, eluted from the beads and subjected to LC-MS/MS analysis. (b and d) Table of HA-yne modified sites in P. aeruginosa and B. subtilis, that also have UniProt annotated pAsp sites. Additionally, the corresponding genes, TCSs and their implications are listed. For the complete list of modified sites see Table S1 (ESI†). Only sites with an Andromeda26 localization probability exceeding 75% for the relative HA-yne modified residue were included in the analysis using MaxQuant software.25 (c and e) Comparison of pAsp annotated and HA-yne modified sequence motifs in P. aeruginosa and B. subtilis using pLogo.27 Residues at positions ranging from −10 to +10 next to the modification site were included in the analysis. pAsp annotated and HA-yne modified sequences (fg) were compared with the complete proteomic background (bg) in P. aeruginosa or B. subtilis from the UniProt database.28 Red horizontal bars indicate the Bonferroni-corrected statistical significance (p = 0.05). |
To further boost sensitivity and enable direct quantification of sites, we applied the recently introduced isoDTB tags,18 utilizing heavy and light isotopes incorporated in the linker of the desthiobiotin azide. Their use allows a direct, quantitative comparison of pooled samples treated with dynorphin A or the control, respectively (Fig. 5a). Intriguingly, this experiment revealed D53 of CprR with the highest intensity ratio (dynorphin A treated vs. untreated = 16.2) among all detected modification sites (Fig. 5b, S15 and Table S1, ESI†). To directly compare our findings to those from our previous AfBPP study, we repeated the experiment with 30 min dynorphin A treatment, which resulted in a comparable CprR ratio of 12.0. (Fig. S16a, b and Table S1, ESI†).
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Fig. 5 RP-isoDTB workflow for quantitative MS1 and MS2 (PRM) analysis. (a) Intact cells of P. aeruginosa were treated with DMSO or 10 μM dynorphin A (Dyn), lysed in a buffer containing the nucleophilic HA-yne probe (125 mM) at pH 4 and clicked to the isoDTB tags. Modified proteins were combined, tryptically digested, enriched on streptavidin beads, eluted from the beads and subjected to LC-MS/MS analysis. (b) Waterfall plot representing the ratio between dynorphin A (light) and DMSO (heavy) treated HA-yne modified Asp and Glu residues. Red dots indicate sites, that are also annotated as pAsp sites in UniProt. (c) PRM transitions (Dyn/light vs. DMSO/heavy) of pAsp annotated and HA-yne modified peptides of response regulators CprR and ParR. Data was analyzed using the Skyline software.37 MS2 ratios of 20.8 and 2.0 were obtained for CprR and ParR, respectively, unraveling CprR as the only protein with highly enhanced modification. |
ParR, the cognate RR of the previously identified dynorphin A target sensor histidine kinase ParS, was solely detected upon dynorphin A treatment so that no ratio could be obtained. For a closer inspection of the ratios we performed parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) measurements with precursors for peptides containing D53 of CprR and D57 of ParR in the inclusion list for MS2 fragmentation during the whole chromatographic run (Table S2, ESI†). This method enabled the detection of the two corresponding modified peptides and revealed a ratio of 2.0 for ParR and a higher ratio for CprR of 20.8 (Fig. 5c and Table S2, ESI†). Again, 30 min dynorphin A treatment yielded a similar outcome with ratios of 19.4 and 2.8 for CprR and ParR, respectively (Fig. S16c and Table S2, ESI†). These results suggest, that under the given conditions, dynorphin A elicits a much stronger response via CprR as compared to ParR, highlighting the importance to study multiple bacterial sensory systems via tailored chemical tools in order to fully decipher the multiple facets, sensor kinase binding and corresponding RR phosphorylation, of the antimicrobial peptide response.
The tailored alkyne probe (HA-yne) is readily accessible and the reported procedures should allow straightforward implementation for the detection of this important post-translational modification in other laboratories. HA-yne for the first time allows phosphoaspartate monitoring through downstream application of click chemistry, which largely increases the flexibility of the approach. Besides the possibility of attaching desthiobiotin azide for enrichment, this modular nature of the technology enabled straightforward implementation of fluorescence gel-based assays using a fluorescent azide and application of the probe in the isoDTB-ABPP platform, which allowed quantitatively understanding of TCS signaling processes.
The main goal of implementing this refined prokaryotic phosphoproteomic platform was the application in deciphering molecular details of P. aeruginosa cationic peptide signaling. While ParS has been detected as a direct target of dynorphin A previously via a complementary affinity-based protein profiling (AfBPP) approach to identify sensor histidine kinases, we here show that under the selected conditions its cognate RR ParR is only slightly stronger modified in response to dynorphin A treatment. Unexpectedly, we here identify CprR as a modified and presumably phosphorylated RR, whose native histidine kinase CprS was not discovered by the previous AfBPP method. Thus, the two approaches (AfBPP and pAsp-trapping) unravel a high degree of complementarity with useful applications in deciphering bacterial signaling.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental procedures, supporting figures and compound characterization. See DOI: 10.1039/d0sc06226j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |