Thomas E.
Anthony R.
b and
Charlotte M.
aOxford Protein Informatics Group, Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3LB, UK. E-mail: deane@stats.ox.ac.uk
bExscientia Ltd, The Schrödinger Building, Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GE, UK
First published on 25th October 2021
Generative models have increasingly been proposed as a solution to the molecular design problem. However, it has proved challenging to control the design process or incorporate prior knowledge, limiting their practical use in drug discovery. In particular, generative methods have made limited use of three-dimensional (3D) structural information even though this is critical to binding. This work describes a method to incorporate such information and demonstrates the benefit of doing so. We combine an existing graph-based deep generative model, DeLinker, with a convolutional neural network to utilise physically-meaningful 3D representations of molecules and target pharmacophores. We apply our model, DEVELOP, to both linker and R-group design, demonstrating its suitability for both hit-to-lead and lead optimisation. The 3D pharmacophoric information results in improved generation and allows greater control of the design process. In multiple large-scale evaluations, we show that including 3D pharmacophoric constraints results in substantial improvements in the quality of generated molecules. On a challenging test set derived from PDBbind, our model improves the proportion of generated molecules with high 3D similarity to the original molecule by over 300%. In addition, DEVELOP recovers 10× more of the original molecules compared to the baseline DeLinker method. Our approach is general-purpose, readily modifiable to alternate 3D representations, and can be incorporated into other generative frameworks. Code is available at https://github.com/oxpig/DEVELOP.
Machine learning models for molecule generation3–5 offer an alternative approach to human-led design or rules-based transformations.6,7 Despite recent success,8 for these methods to be broadly adopted in drug discovery, more control over the generative process is required, including the ability to incorporate prior knowledge.
In the hit-to-lead (or lead generation) and lead optimisation stages of drug discovery, the goal is to improve one, or several, properties. This is typically achieved by modifying an existing molecule rather than designing a compound from scratch. Such modifications can be broadly categorised into one of two scenarios: linker design and scaffold elaboration.
Linker design is a general problem in drug discovery capturing a wide range of tasks where the goal is to design a molecular scaffold that incorporates two (or more) specific substructures. Three key applications that can all be considered as linker design are scaffold hopping,9,10 fragment linking,11,12 and PROTAC design.13,14 Examples of these design tasks are shown in Fig. 1a–c.
In contrast to linker design which is tasked with discovering molecular cores, scaffold elaboration proposes molecules incorporating these privileged substructures. Scaffold elaboration covers a broad range of medicinally important scenarios, such as R-group optimisation15 and fragment growing12,16 (Fig. 1d and e). R-group optimisation is utilised in almost all drug discovery projects to improve the potency, selectivity, and other properties of a molecule during lead optimisation and characterise the structure–activity relationship (SAR) of a molecular series, while growing is the primary method for elaborating fragment hits.
Recently, several deep learning methods have been proposed to address these design challenges. We previously published the first application of deep learning for molecular linker design (“DeLinker”),17 reporting substantial improvement over a database-based approach, the previous de facto computational method for this task, by including basic structural information. Yang et al.18 have since proposed an alternative model (“SyntaLinker”) based on the transformer architecture and a SMILES-based representation. Their model did not incorporate structural information but instead included 1D molecular patterns capturing factors such as the shortest linker bond distance.
Deep learning approaches have also been proposed for scaffold elaboration. Graph-based approaches were proposed by Lim et al.19 and Li et al.20 The scaffolds employed in both methods do not have explicit attachment points. As such, these methods are primarily applicable to the general generation of molecules with a privileged scaffold or substructure, rather than tasks such as R-group design. In contrast, Arús-Pous et al.21 developed a preprocessing formulation to permit a SMILES-based approach that requires specific attachment points to be defined.
In both linker design and scaffold elaboration, some knowledge about the desired modification is typically available;22 this can either be derived from the protein binding site in the case of structure-based design,23 or from other molecules in ligand-based drug discovery.24 In either case, this information has strong 3D dependencies which should be taken into account. However, currently this information, which is crucial to successful compound design, is typically not utilised by generative models.25
None of the existing machine learning models for linker design or scaffold elaboration effectively utilise structural information, with DeLinker the only framework explicitly incorporating any 3D information in the form of the distance between the starting substructures and their relative orientations. While this minimal parametrization had a substantial impact on the quality of the generated molecules,17 much of the key information about the characteristics of the binding site is not taken into account in the generative process.
There have been several recent approaches proposed to generate molecules from 3D representations.26–31 In particular, Skalic et al.26 generated molecules from a 3D representation of a seed ligand. However, their approach requires a known active molecule, only provides 3D information implicitly to seed their model, and offers no further control over generated compounds. As a result, their generative model recovered fewer than 2% of seed molecules. This idea was extended in Skalic et al.27 to generate the ligand representation from the protein target. While this alleviates the need for a known active, it is not possible to use prior knowledge to influence the ligand representation. Finally, in concurrent work to this paper, both Ragoza et al.28 and Masuda et al.29 generate molecules by adopting an autoencoder framework to first generate atomic densities, before using a fitting procedure to convert the continuous 3D grids to discrete molecular structures.
All prior approaches utilising 3D representations attempt to generate entire molecules and do not readily incorporate expert knowledge. While this is arguably the end-goal for molecular design, in practice this limits the applicability of such methods. In particular, it prevents their use in later stage drug discovery where there is significant prior knowledge that could and should inform compound design.
In this paper, we propose DEVELOP (DEep Vision-Enhanced Lead OPtimisation), a graph-based generative model that uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to incorporate physically-meaningful 3D structural information, here provided as 3D pharmacophores,32 a general and widely-used representation in cheminformatics. Our model is applicable to a wide variety of design tasks in the hit-to-lead and lead optimisation stages of drug discovery, covering linker design and scaffold elaboration. Importantly, the richer representation of the binding site readily and naturally allows the incorporation of domain knowledge and significantly improves the quality of generated compounds. On a challenging test set derived from PDBbind, our model improves the proportion of generated molecules with high 3D similarity to the original molecule by over 300%. In addition, DEVELOP recovers 10× more of the original molecules compared to the baseline DeLinker method.
Pharmacophores are a widely-used representation in cheminformatics.32 They are designed to capture the key chemical interactions that allow ligands to bind to macromolecular targets, such as hydrogen bonds, charges, or lipophilic contacts. Pharmacophores can be derived both from other molecules (ligand-based) and inferred or proposed based on the protein target of interest (structure-based), making this representation broadly applicable. In this work, we utilised 3D pharmacophores derived from the ground truth molecules.
Due to their prevalence and importance in drug discovery, the pharmacophores included in our representation were hydrogen bond donors, hydrogen bond acceptors, and aromatic systems. Pharmacophores were determined according to the default RDKit definitions. Our framework is readily extendable to additional pharmacophores, or alternate structural representations.
To generate new molecules, first, a graph representation of the starting substructure(s) is constructed and nodes are encoded using a gated graph neural network (GGNN)34 in line with Imrie et al.17 The 3D structure of the starting molecular fragment(s) and desired pharmacophores is voxelised to construct a 3D grid, with atoms and pharmacophores adopting a Gaussian representation centered at their input coordinates35 (Fig. 2). Input structures are augmented via random translations of up to 1.0 Å and random rotations. The voxel grid representation is passed into a 3D convolutional neural network composed of three 3 × 3 × 3 convolutional layers with ReLU activation, each followed by a 2 × 2 × 2 max pooling layer, with the final convolutional layer followed by a global max pooling operation. We then apply dropout with probability 0.2 before a fully-connected layer produces the 3D structural encoding.
For linker design, the distance and angle between the starting substructures has been shown to provide a useful constraint.17 However, this representation is not readily extendable to scaffold elaboration, and thus this information is only provided for linker design. The 3D structural encoding is concatenated with the distance and angle information (in the case of linker design) and a 1D count vector representing the number of each pharmacophoric feature that should be present in the generated molecule. This forms the structural information, D, used by the decoder to generate molecules.
From these embeddings, molecules are generated in line with Imrie et al.17 The decoding process is initialised with the node encodings together with a set of expansion nodes whose feature vectors are drawn from the standard normal, . Each node is labeled with an atom type sampled from a classifier applied to the concatenation of the node encoding and the structural information, D.
Molecules are constructed iteratively “bond-by-bond” from this set of nodes. After each step, the node encodings are updated by a decoder GGNN. Edges and their edge types are chosen based on the feature vector for the (possible) edge between node v and candidate node u given by
ϕtv,u = [t,stv,stu,dv,u,H0,Ht,D], |
Our model is trained using the same loss function as Imrie et al.17 which is similar to the standard VAE loss, including a reconstruction loss and a Kullback–Leibler (KL) regularisation term:
No extra terms are included to regularise the CNN encoding. As a result, the CNN is trained to produce structural encodings of the input structures and pharmacophoric representation that help the network to minimize the overall loss. We use the same hyperparameters for training as Imrie et al.17 (see ESI†). For additional details regarding the underlying model see Imrie et al.17
The training sets were derived from the subset of ZINC37 selected at random by Gómez-Bombarelli et al.3 using the fragmentation procedure described above. For linker design, this results in ca. 418000 fragment–molecule pairs and is the same training set as Imrie et al.,17 while for scaffold elaboration there are ca. 427000 examples.
To evaluate our method, we constructed test sets for linker design and scaffold elaboration from CASF-2016 (ref. 38) and the PDBbind Refined Set39 (v. 2019) using the same fragmentation procedure used to construct the training set. For both of the CASF and PDBbind test sets, we only retained examples with elaborations containing at least five atoms. In addition, for the PDBbind test sets, we ensured that the molecular elaboration was unique and was not present in the training set. As a result, the CASF test sets contain 188 and 143 examples for linker design and scaffold elaboration, respectively, while the PDBbind test sets contain 321 and 288 examples, respectively. Due to the stricter inclusion criteria, the PDBbind test sets represent a significantly more challenging test than the CASF sets and should better capture the ability of a method to extrapolate to new linkers and elaborations.
Molecules which passed the 2D property filters were assessed on the basis of their 3D shape. We calculated 3D similarity by scoring conformers of the generated molecules against the original molecule using the same 3D shape and colour score utilised in Imrie et al.,17 based on the methods described in Putta et al.43 and Landrum et al.44 For both linker design and scaffold elaboration, we primarily assessed the 3D complementarity of the generated molecular component only (i.e. the linker or R-group) with the reference structure (SCRDKit generated). This score ranges between 0 (no match) and 1 (perfect match). Scores above 0.6 indicate a good match, while scores above 0.9 suggest an almost perfect match.
The focus of our analysis is based on SCRDKit generated as it directly captures the chemical differences between the proposed molecules. However, for linker design we also calculated the 3D metrics utilised in Imrie et al.17 (SCRDKit Molecule, SCRDKit Fragments, RMSD) to ensure that the proposed linkers satisfy the basic structural constraints. We did not use these metrics in the scaffold elaboration experiments since the conformation of the molecular core is typically largely unaffected by its side chains.45
For each proposed compound, we generated 3D conformers using RDKit,40 adopting the filtering and sampling procedure proposed by Ebejer et al.46 To calculate SCRDKit generated, we generated conformers in a constrained manner, biasing conformations towards those that maintained the conformation of the starting structure(s). However, to mitigate the risk of generating physically unrealistic structures, we removed high energy conformers. We then scored all conformers, taking the best score as the final score for a particular molecule.
We also compared our results to recent deep learning methods for these design problems. For linker design, we compared our method to SyntaLinker,18 while for scaffold elaboration, we benchmarked against Arús-Pous et al.21 (“Scaffold-Decorator”). Both methods adopt a SMILES-based formulation and neither framework incorporates 3D information in the design process. In both cases, we retrained these models on the training sets described above using the open-source implementations provided by the authors to ensure a fair comparison between the methods tested. We adopted the same settings and hyperparameters described in the original publications. The only deviation was the sampling strategy employed for SyntaLinker: in the main manuscript, we report results using a sampling-based strategy; we have included a comparison between beam search and random sampling in the ESI.†
Design task | PDB ID | Target elaboration | Method | Recovered | No. geometric isomers | No. include pharmacophores |
Linker design | 2FLR | DeLinker | No | 0 | 14 | |
DeLinker-Counts | No | 1 | 12 | |||
DEVELOP | Yes | 41 | 148 | |||
5IWG | DeLinker | No | 0 | 13 | ||
DeLinker-Counts | Yes | 16 | 19 | |||
DEVELOP | Yes | 47 | 60 | |||
Scaffold elaboration | 3HB4 | DeLinker | No | 0 | 0 | |
DeLinker-Counts | No | 0 | 0 | |||
DEVELOP | Yes | 3 | 7 |
Only DEVELOP was able to recover both of the canonical examples for linker design, with DeLinker not generating the correct linker in either case. The difference between the methods is further exemplified when considering geometric isomers with the same chemical structure but possibly different substitution patterns of the exit vectors and substituent. DEVELOP frequently generated linkers matching the chemical structure of the linker (41–47), while DeLinker did not produce a single geometric isomer.
The improved performance of DEVELOP is also evident when we assessed how many molecules included the desired pharmacophoric pattern of the examples (aromatic ring with correct substituent group). A significantly larger proportion of the generated molecules contained the desired pharmacophoric features when the 3D information was provided (60–148, DEVELOP) compared to not providing this information (13–14, DeLinker) or providing only 1D pharmacophore counts (12–19, DeLinker-Counts).
Fig. 3 Common functional groups, their pharmacophoric representations, and example molecules generated by DEVELOP. Several of the most common functional groups47 contained in the test sets were selected. The pharmacophoric representation for these examples together with several of the molecules that were most frequently generated by DEVELOP are shown. (a and b) Linker design: (a) amide (PDB ID 4GID), (b) aniline (PDB ID 5IWG); (c and d) Scaffold elaboration: (c) amide (PDB ID 3P5O), (d) sulfone (PDB ID 4QD6). |
The largest difference in generated molecules occurred in the phenol example, where only one geometric isomer was generated by DeLinker and DeLinker-Counts combined compared to 41 from DEVELOP. This is a particularly difficult example for both DeLinker and DeLinker-Counts due to the presence of a donor–acceptor group, but illustrates the necessity of adopting a 3D representation.
The scaffold elaboration example proved challenging for all methods, primarily due to the size of the elaboration. Only DEVELOP recovered the 3-methyl-benzamide elaboration, with neither of the other two methods generating a single geometric isomer. In addition, DEVELOP was the only method to generate any elaborations containing the desired functionality of an aromatic system with an amide side-chain.
These examples demonstrate the importance of including pharmacophoric constraints for both linker design and scaffold elaboration. In all cases, it was only possible to consistently generate molecules with specific pharmacophoric profiles when 3D pharmacophoric information was included.
In comparison, SyntaLinker performed poorly in particular as measured by the 2D metrics, producing weaker results than were reported in its original publication.18 SyntaLinker produced a low proportion of valid, unique, and novel molecules, and did not recover any of the original molecules in the PDBbind test set. Due to the comparatively weak results, we focus the remainder of our analysis on the three graph-based methods. For further discussion regarding SyntaLinker and additional results, see the ESI.†
The proportion of valid molecules generated by the other three methods was high in all cases (>90%) with similar proportions of novel molecules proposed (69–71% on CASF, Table S4;† 84–89% on PDBbind, Table 2). As is expected, as more structural information was provided to the model, the proportion of unique molecules decreased due to the constraints on the generative process. However, 58% and 77% of the molecules produced by DEVELOP on CASF and PDBbind, respectively, were unique, demonstrating that the model still samples from chemical space and has not experienced mode collapse, degrading to a single or small number of solutions.
Metric | SyntaLinker | DeLinker | DeLinker-Counts | DEVELOP |
Valid | 65.4% | 96.9% | 90.2% | 93.1% |
Unique | 9.0% | 86.1% | 77.8% | 77.3% |
Novel | 9.9% | 84.0% | 87.6% | 88.7% |
Recovered | 0.0% | 1.9% | 8.7% | 22.4% |
Pass 2D filters | 95.1% | 63.4% | 59.5% | 61.7% |
SC RDKit generated | ||||
>0.6 | 13.4% | 10.4% | 19.8% | 27.9% |
>0.7 | 7.7% | 4.2% | 10.1% | 14.8% |
>0.8 | 4.8% | 1.5% | 4.4% | 6.1% |
>0.9 | 1.3% | 0.4% | 1.2% | 1.5% |
Incorporating pharmacophoric information substantially increased the recovery rate of the original molecules. On the CASF set, DEVELOP recovered 50% of the ground truth molecules, compared to 30% for DeLinker and 42% for DeLinker-Counts. The PDBbind set is particularly challenging with DeLinker only able to recover 1.9% of the original molecules, while a database-based method would not be able to recover any, due to there being no overlap with the training set. Including the count of each pharmacophore present in the original linker increased the proportion recovered to 8.7% (DeLinker-Counts). Crucially, providing this information as a 3D structural representation offered a significant benefit over simply providing the pharmacophore counts. On the PDBbind test set, DEVELOP recovered 22.4% of the original molecules, more than ten times as many as DeLinker and more than twice as many as DeLinker-Counts (Table 2).
A significant improvement is also seen when assessing the 3D similarity of the generated linkers to the original ones. DEVELOP improved the proportion of molecules with high structural similarity (SCRDKit generated >0.8) by 300% and 39% compared to DeLinker and DeLinker-Counts, respectively, on the PDBbind test set (Table 2), with similar improvements on the CASF set (Table S4†).
In addition to SCRDKit generated, we also calculated the 3D metrics employed in Imrie et al.,17 namely SCRDKit Molecule, SCRDKit Fragments, and RMSD. These metrics primarily capture whether the molecular linker allows the original substructures to adopt similar conformations, with the chemical features of the linker having limited to no effect on this score. The linkers generated by DEVELOP showed a substantial improvement on CASF compared to both DeLinker and DeLinker-Counts (Table S5†), while performing similarly on PDBbind (Table S6†).
As previously stated, these metrics primarily assess whether the linker can allow the starting substructures to adopt the required conformation. The additional information regarding the desired linker chemistry may well not improve these scores, even when linker quality is substantially improved.
To investigate whether the improvement in recovery rate is due to the number of linkers generated, we generated 5000 examples for each pair of starting fragments and assessed in how many cases the true linker was recovered (Fig. 4). The improvement in recovery rate of DEVELOP persisted even as substantially more linkers were generated. After several thousand examples, the rate of recovery of additional linkers decreased significantly for all methods, but remained the highest for DEVELOP. While increasing the number of samples further would be likely to yield more linkers being recovered, this effect may well be relatively small unless orders of magnitude more samples were generated. Fig. 4 demonstrates that DEVELOP generates better linkers rather than simply producing similar molecules to DeLinker.
Almost all molecules generated by the graph-based models (DeLinker, DeLinker-Counts, and DEVELOP) are deemed valid since chemical valency is enforced during generation (the very small number of invalid molecules arises from cases where no elaboration is proposed, Table 3). The majority of molecules generated were unique, with uniqueness decreasing from 88% for DeLinker to 76% for DEVELOP as more constraints were provided. This was in line with expectations and mirrors the linker design experiments, with all methods proposing a high proportion of novel R-groups (43–55% on the CASF set, 71–79% on the PDBbind set).
Metric | Scaffold-Decorator | DeLinker | DeLinker-Counts | DEVELOP |
Valid | 99.9% | 100.0% | 100.0% | 99.5% |
Unique | 23.4% | 87.8% | 81.6% | 76.2% |
Novel | 2.0% | 71.1% | 79.2% | 78.2% |
Recovered | 0.0% | 1.0% | 4.5% | 15.3% |
Pass 2D filters | 98.9% | 55.3% | 47.8% | 51.3% |
SC RDKit generated | ||||
>0.6 | 4.3% | 2.6% | 4.6% | 12.0% |
>0.7 | 0.9% | 0.7% | 1.3% | 4.3% |
>0.8 | 0.3% | 0.1% | 0.4% | 0.9% |
>0.9 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.2% | 0.1% |
In line with the performance for linker design, including 3D pharmacophoric information resulted in a substantially higher proportion of the true elaborations being recovered. On the CASF test set, DEVELOP recovered 59% of the ground truth molecules compared to 34% for DeLinker and 45% for DeLinker-Counts (Table S7†). On the PDBbind set, DEVELOP recovered 15% of the original elaborations, an increase of more than ten-fold compared to DeLinker (1.0%, Table 3). This performance persisted as more molecules were generated (Fig. 5). When 5000 elaborations were generated for each scaffold, DEVELOP recovered 35% of the original molecules compared to 16% when the 3D information was removed (DeLinker-Counts) and only 7% when no pharmacophoric information was included (DeLinker).
Finally, there was a substantial improvement in the 3D similarity of the generated molecules to the original ones. Of the elaborations which passed the 2D filters, 12.0% of those generated by DEVELOP obtained an SCRDKit generated score of greater than 0.6 compared to 2.7% and 4.6% obtained by DeLinker and DeLinker-Counts, respectively.
Almost none of the molecules generated by any method for the PDBbind test set achieved an SCRDKit generated score above 0.9. To reduce the impact of possible limitations of the conformer generation process, we recalculated SCRDKit generated using generated conformers of the ground truth molecules instead of the experimentally determined conformers (Tables S9 and S8†). On the PDBbind set, the proportion of generated molecules with SCRDKit generated >0.9 remained low for all methods except DEVELOP, which increased to 1.5%. This represents a sizeable improvement over the next best method (DeLinker-Counts, 0.3%) and provides further validation of the improved quality of molecules generated by DEVELOP compared to the baselines.
Scaffold-Decorator produced significantly fewer novel elaborations than either of the DeLinker models or DEVELOP, with only 2–3% of generated elaborations not contained in the training set (Tables 3 and S7†). As such, Scaffold-Decorator did not recover any of the original elaborations in the PDBbind test set, while on the CASF test set Scaffold-Decorator recovered only 19% of the original elaborations compared to 58% for DEVELOP. In addition, Scaffold-Decorator generated a similar proportion of elaborations that had high 3D similarity to the original molecules as DeLinker, and was substantially outperformed by both DeLinker-Counts and DEVELOP. This is expected given the additional information available to both models; however, it reinforces the importance of including pharmacophoric information.
Fig. 6 R-group optimisation case study. (a) Crystal structure (PDB ID 4X5Z) of the initial complex bound to menin. (b) Structure of two of the most potent optimised compounds (PDB IDs left 5DB2, right 5DB3). The dashed lines represent key interactions. (c) Overlay of the most potent optimised compound (green carbons, PDB ID 5DB3) and several compounds generated by DEVELOP (yellow carbons) that make similar hydrogen bonding interactions (dashed lines). |
Following optimisation of several positions, the most potent compound displayed almost a seven-fold improvement in affinity in MLL-AF9 cells (GI50 = 83 nM, PDB ID: 5DB3, Fig. 6b, right), while other highly potent compounds demonstrated favourable drug-like properties, such as significant improvements in selectivity, reduced lipophilicity, and bioavailability.
The most significant modification to the original compound was the optimisation of the hydrogen bond interactions with Glu363 and Glu366 on menin. The indole nitrogen in the original molecule was involved in a hydrogen bond with the side chain of Glu363 but was partially solvent exposed and was not forming interactions with Glu366 (Fig. 6a). This led the authors to explore a variety of substituents containing hydrogen bond donors. Two potent substitutions were an acetamide group (Fig. 6b, left) and 4-methylpyrazole (Fig. 6b, right).
We investigated the ability of DEVELOP to propose R-groups that met the design hypothesis described in Borkin et al.48 In particular, we sought to design both aromatic and non-aromatic hydrogen bond donor groups that were able to make similar interactions to the R-groups that were experimentally tested. We derived 3D pharmacophoric profiles from the ligands in PDB IDs 5DB2 and 5DB3 to serve as input to DEVELOP. For the pharmacophoric profile derived from 5DB2, we generated 1000 R-groups with a maximum of four, five, and six atoms, whilst for the pharmacophoric profile derived from 5DB3 we generated 1000 molecules with a maximum of five, six, and seven atoms.
DEVELOP successfully recovered both of the experimentally-verified R-groups while generating many alternative molecules that could form similar interactions with menin. All methods were able to recover the acetamide R-group (Fig. 6b, left). However, DEVELOP produced substantially more examples that matched the pharmacophoric profile (455) compared to both DeLinker-Counts (327) and DeLinker (103). All methods were also able to recover the 4-methylpyrazole R-group, although this elaboration was only generated once by DeLinker and DeLinker-Counts, compared to 61 times by DEVELOP. While generating the same molecule a large number of times is not necessarily desirable, the increased frequency of generation of the ground truth elaboration in this case has several benefits. First, the true R-group is one of a limited number of elaborations that matches the pharmacophores. Thus when this constraint is provided to the model, we would hope that it generates molecules that meet this constraint more frequently. Second, since all three generative models are stochastic, if a given molecule is only generated a small number of times, there is the possibility this is due to chance and this molecule would not be discovered in another instance. To exemplify this point, we repeated the generation step for the case study 10 times for each method and calculated in how many cases we recovered the 4-methylpyrazole R-group. In all cases, DEVELOP recovered the ground truth molecule, whereas DeLinker and DeLinker-Counts only recovered the ground truth in 5/10 and 4/10 cases, respectively. Finally, we note that DEVELOP generated this elaboration with an overall frequency of ca. 2% (61/3000), which represents a small fraction of all generated molecules. In addition, 237 of the elaborations generated by DEVELOP contained an aromatic system with a donor group linked to the indole via a methylene group compared to 50 for DeLinker and 11 for DeLinker-Counts.
We next sought to assess the alternatives to the pyrazole R-group (Fig. 6b, right) that were proposed by DEVELOP. To validate the molecules proposed by DEVELOP, we docked the generated molecules containing an aromatic system and at least one donor group using GOLD50 and checked whether the docked pose formed hydrogen bonding interactions with Glu363 or Glu366. Three elaborations, together with their Murcko scaffolds, are shown in Fig. 6c (yellow carbons) overlayed with the pyrazole R-group (green carbons). All of the examples appear to fit within the pocket and were able to form hydrogen bonds with Glu363 or Glu366, consistent with the stated design hypothesis.
Finally, we scored the generated molecules which satisfied the specified pharmacophoric profiles using the smina51 version of AutoDock Vina.52 For the first pharmacophoric profile, around one third of the molecules proposed by all methods obtained a predicted binding affinity greater than or equal to the corresponding ground truth elaboration, leading to DEVELOP proposing 152 such molecules, DeLinker 34 and Delinker-Counts 115 (Fig. S8†). For the second pharmacophoric profile, DEVELOP (171 from 237) significantly more often (both as a proportion and in absolute terms) proposed molecules which satisfied the second pharmacophoric profile and had a predicted binding affinity at least as great as the ground truth compared to DeLinker (17 from 50) and DeLinker-Counts (5 from 11) (Fig. S9†).
We have demonstrated the applicability of our approach to both linker design and scaffold elaboration, two general tasks in the hit-to-lead and lead optimisation stages of drug discovery.
The experimental results show that our model significantly outperforms previous methods for these problems and demonstrates the power of including pharmacophoric constraints as a 3D representation as opposed to a 1D count vector.
While the quality of the generated compounds has increased significantly, the problem of selecting which ones should be explored further remains a key consideration. Successful application of generative models relies on their successful integration into the broader drug discovery toolbox. An interesting development in this direction is described in Green et al.,53 who used CNNs to predict appropriate fragments given the structure of a protein–ligand complex. While their work was based on scoring a fixed database of fragments, extending such an approach to assess arbitrary elaborations could be readily combined with our method to rank generated molecules.
While the focus of our work is generating molecules with specific 3D characteristics, we do not directly assign atomic coordinates during generation. The direct generation of 3D molecular structures is an exciting development,54,55 but has only recently begun to be applied to drug-like molecules56 while existing methods are not directly applicable to the settings considered in this work. Extending our framework to generate atomic coordinates directly is an avenue for future work. Similarly, while we have shown encoding graph- and voxel-based representations separately is effective, unifying both with a single encoder that is 3D-aware could provide further benefit. Voxel grids also have limitations stemming from their inherent approximation of 3D structures and, when coupled with standard CNNs, are not translational or rotation invariant. Although measures such as random translations and rotations can largely mitigate these effects, future work could incorporate techniques to eliminate such effects entirely (e.g. Thomas et al.,57 Fuchs et al.58).
Finally, the pharmacophoric profiles used for our experiments were extracted from known molecules. While existing molecules can often be used as the basis for specifying desired pharmacophoric profiles in scaffold hopping or R-group optimisation, for fragment linking or elaboration a suitable ligand might not be available to derive a pharmacophoric profile, necessitating the manual specification of pharmacophoric features by a human expert. Accurate prediction of useful pharmacophoric features, directly from the protein structure or by other means, is therefore an important next step.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1sc02436a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |