Wetting and wrapping of a floating droplet by a thin elastic filament
We study the wetting of a thin elastic filament floating on a fluid surface by a droplet of another, immiscible fluid. This quasi-2D experimental system is the lower-dimensional counterpart of the wetting and wrapping of a droplet by an elastic sheet. The simplicity of this system allows us to study the phenomenology of partial wetting and wrapping of the droplet by measuring angles of contact as a function of the elasticity of the filament, the applied tension and the curvature of the droplet. We find that a purely geometric theory gives a good description of the mechanical equilibria in the system. The estimates of applied tension and tension in the filament obey an elastic version of the Young–Laplace–Dupré relation. However, curvatures close to the contact line are not captured by the geometric theory, possibly because of 3D effects at the contact line. We also find that when a highly-bendable filament completely wraps the droplet, there is continuity of curvature at the droplet-filament interface, leading to seamless wrapping as observed in a 3D droplet.