ab and
aSchool of Chemistry and Physics, Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia. E-mail: aijun.du@qut.edu.au
bCentre for Materials Science, Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia
First published on 12th November 2020
Two-dimensional (2D) antiferromagnetic ferroelasticity and bidirectional auxeticity are highly sought for next-generation nanoelectronics, spintronics, or mechanical devices, but are rarely reported. Herein, using first-principles calculations, we report the coexistence of these intriguing properties in the vanadium tetrafluoride (VF4) monolayer. 2D VF4 is a direct wide-gap semiconductor with antiferromagnetic order stemming from the synergy between the direct exchange and superexchange of the dxy orbitals in adjacent V atoms. Notably, 2D VF4 features ferroelasticity with a moderate reversible strain and low transition barrier, enabling manipulation of the in-plane magnetic easy axis via external strain. Additionally, 2D VF4 simultaneously harbors an ultra-large negative Poisson's ratio (NPR) in both the in-plane and out-of-plane directions due to the hinged connection between the neighboring VF6 octahedra. Our work highlights a new material for the exploration of 2D multiferroic physics and the integration of antiferromagnetic ferroelasticity and large bidirectional auxeticity renders 2D VF4 a versatile candidate for the development of novel multifunctional devices.
Apart from multiferroic properties, materials with NPR, also known as auxetic materials, are another research focus in the 2D regime. When stretched/compressed in the longitudinal direction, auxetic materials will expand/shrink in the transverse direction, providing many novel mechanical properties including enhanced indentation/shear/fracture resistance,18–20 and acoustic/vibration absorption,21,22 and promising novel applications in biomedicine, sports equipment, and defense.21,23 Currently, most reported 2D auxetic materials only demonstrate unidirectional auxeticity along either the in-plane or out-of-plane direction.24 Only 2D X3M2 (X = S, Se; M = N, P, As) and Ag2S were reported with unusual bidirectional auxeticity,25,26 but none of them is layered in the bulk phase, suggesting a low possibility of experimental fabrication. Especially, the in-plane auxetic performance of X3M2 monolayers is poor due to the small NPR value (−0.026). Hence, it is highly desired to explore new 2D auxetic materials with both experimental accessibility and large bidirectional NPRs.
In this work, we predict a novel multifunctional 2D material, namely the VF4 monolayer. 2D VF4 with high dynamical, thermal, and mechanical stabilities could be easily exfoliated from the layered bulk counterpart, which is experimentally accessible. The synergy between the direct exchange in neighboring V atoms and superexchange mediated by the F atoms leads to a robust antiferromagnetic order. Notably, the two equally stable lattice variants with different orientations can transfer to each other with a low energy barrier, suggesting intrinsic ferroelasticity. More interestingly, 2D VF4 exhibits ultra-large bidirectional auxeticity due to the hinged connection between the neighboring VF6 octahedra.
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Fig. 1 (a) and (c) present the atomic structure of bulk and monolayer VF4, respectively. (b) and (d) present the cleavage energy and phonon spectrum of the VF4 monolayer, respectively. |
To quantitively explore the possibility of exfoliating monolayer VF4 from the layered bulk phase, the cleavage energy (Ecl) is calculated, i.e. the energy that is required to overcome the weak interlayer van der Waals bonding.39 As shown in Fig. 1b, Ecl of monolayer VF4 is only 15 meV Å−2, which is smaller than that of graphene (21 meV Å−2), MoS2 (26 meV Å−2), and phosphorene (23 meV Å−2),39 indicating the high feasibility of obtaining a VF4 monolayer through mechanical exfoliation methods in experiments. As shown in Fig. 1c, the atomic structure of 2D VF4 consists of VF6 octahedra with their vertices joined and displays a buckled geometry along the b-direction. The lattice parameters are calculated to be a = 5.39 Å and b = 5.05 Å. To evaluate the stability of 2D VF4, the phonon spectrum is first calculated as shown in Fig. 1d. Only a tiny imaginary frequency (−0.14 THz) is found around the Gamma point for one of the acoustic modes, indicating the dynamical stability of 2D VF4.25,40,41 Furthermore, the total energy and structure of 2D VF4 only fluctuate slightly during the AIMD simulations for 5 ps as shown in Fig. S2 (ESI†), suggesting its thermal stability. Additionally, the calculated elastic constants for 2D VF4 are C11 = 34.81 N m−1, C22 = 18.90 N m−1, C12 = 14.84 N m−1, and C66 = 30.58 N m−1, respectively. As C11, C66 > 0 and C11 × C22 > C122, the Born mechanical stability criteria for 2D materials are fully fulfilled.42
2D VF4 may possess magnetism due to the unpaired electron in the V4+ ions. To explore this effect, four magnetic configurations (denoted as FM, AFM-1, AFM-2, and AFM-3)13,43 in a larger supercell (2 × 2 × 1) are considered for 2D VF4 and the corresponding spin density distributions are presented in Fig. 2. AFM-2 ordering with the nearest magnetic moments antiferromagnetically aligned is the energetically most favorable magnetic configuration (see Table S2, ESI†). The spin density is localized around the V cations with a local magnetic moment of 1 μB per atom. The magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) is further evaluated in the presence of spin–orbit coupling (SOC). Three in-plane directions (the [100], [010], and [110] directions) and four out-of-plane directions (the [111], [101], [011], and [001] directions) are considered and the calculated energies along these directions are summarized in Table S3 (ESI†). Clearly, the easy magnetization-axis of the VF4 monolayer lies along the longer lattice vector direction, i.e. the [100] direction, showing an in-plane magnetization feature. The largest MAE reaches up to 40 μeV per V atom, which is much larger than those of Fe (1 μeV per Fe atom) and Ni (3 μeV per Ni atom)44 and comparable to other 2D antiferromagnets like Mn2C (69 μeV per Mn atom)45 and VOCl2 (17 μeV per V atom).43
To understand the origin of the antiferromagnetic ordering, we first need to know the electronic structure of 2D VF4. Fig. 3 presents the spin-polarized and orbital-resolved band structures calculated using the HSE06 functional. 2D VF4 is a direct semiconductor with a wide bandgap of 3.96 eV. Crystal field theory indicates that the d orbitals in a perfect octahedral environment shall split into double-degenerate eg and triple-degenerate t2g orbitals.46 However, as shown in Fig. 3e, the V–F bonds within the xy-plane are significantly longer than those along the z-direction, suggesting the existence of Jahn–Teller distortion.47 Such a distortion further splits the d orbitals into four subgroups as revealed by the orbital-resolved band structures (see Fig. 3c and d): the dxy, dx2−y2, and dz2 singlets, and the dxz and dyz doublet, with the lowest dxy orbital occupied.
Based on the above orbital analysis, we can establish the magnetic exchange paths along the diagonal direction of V–F–V chains, as shown in Fig. 3f. One typical exchange interaction is antiferromagnetic direct exchange between adjacent dxy orbitals of V atoms, obeying the Pauli exclusion principle.48 Another one is the F-mediated superexchange interaction following the dxy–px/y–dxy linear paths, which also favors antiparallel spin alignments in terms of the Goodenough–Kanamori–Anderson rule.49–51 The superexchange interaction can be further revealed by the squared real-space wavefunction of the highest valence band at the gamma point (see Fig. S3, ESI†), which clearly shows the characteristics of V: dxy and F: px/y orbitals. The coexistence of the above two exchange interactions results in the AFM-2 ordering in the ground state.
The unique atomic geometries in the VF4 monolayer also enable the ferroelastic transition between the two energy-equivalent states: the a > b state (S) and the a < b state (S′). The nudged elastic band (NEB) method is used to investigate the ferroelastic transformation pathway, where both the lattice and atomic positions are spontaneously optimized to obtain an accurate energy barrier. As shown in Fig. 4, the S and S′ states are connected by an intermediate paraelastic state (a = b = 5.28 Å). Using this state as a reference, the transformation strain matrix calculated within Green–Lagrange strain tensor theory52 indicates that there is a 2.1% tensile strain along the x/y-direction and a 4.3% compressive strain along the y/x-direction for the S/S′ state. The overall transition barrier is only 43 meV per unit cell and the reversible strain defined as (|b|/|a| − 1) × 100% is calculated to be 6.7%, which are comparable to those of phosphorene analogues such as SnS and SnSe.5 The low switching barrier suggests high feasibility of experimental realization and the moderate reversible strain can avoid structural failure before switching is achieved.53 Therefore, 2D VF4 is a multiferroic material with both antiferromagnetic order and intrinsic ferroelasticity. Moreover, the in-plane magnetic easy axis is strongly coupled to the lattice direction (along the longer lattice vector), making it possible to tune the spin orientation via strain. As shown in Fig. 4, the easy axis will rotate 90° when S is transferred to S′, and thus the spin orientation will also experience a 90° rotation during the ferroelastic transition. Such a feature is expected to offer new opportunity for the design of controllable spintronic devices.
Then the in-plane Poisson's ratio vin as a function of θ is calculated as shown in Fig. 5a using the following equation:54
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Fig. 5 (a) The in-plane Poisson's ratio as a function of θ for 2D VF4. θ = 0° represents the x-direction. The NPR region is highlighted in red. (b) Resultant out-of-plane strain as a function of applied strain along the y-direction. The response of εz to εx is plotted in Fig. S5a (ESI†), showing a positive Poisson's ratio. (c) and (d) The schematic diagram showing the atomic mechanism for in-plane and out-of-plane auxeticity, respectively. |
Our further analysis indicates that the bidirectional NPR in 2D VF4 is attributed to the hinged connection between adjacent VF6 octahedra. As shown in Fig. 5c, when stretched along one diagonal direction, the buckled –V–F–V– chain along that direction tends to align linearly, leading to the counterclockwise/clockwise rotation of the VIF6/VIIF6 octahedron. Such rotation pushes away the octahedra along the other diagonal direction, resulting in the in-plane auxeticity. Similarly, tensile strain along the y-direction would give rise to the counterclockwise/clockwise rotation of the VIF6/VIIF6 octahedron within the yz-plane (see Fig. 5d), leading to a decrease in the angle between FI–FII and the z-axis (θ). Meanwhile, the distance between FI and FII (l) barely changes (see Fig. S5b, ESI†) because the rotation of VF6 octahedra counteracts its structural variation in the presence of strain. Therefore, the thickness of 2D VF4 (h), defined as h = l × cos θ, would increase when stretching along the y-direction, resulting in the out-of-plane NPR.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0tc04846a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |