Robert E.
b and
aMax Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstr. 1, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany. E-mail:
bInstitut für Anorganische Chemie, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany
cPresent address; Institut für Photovoltaik, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany
dForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Materials Synthesis and Processing (IEK-1), 52425, Jülich, Germany
First published on 5th August 2022
This work reports on the ion transport properties and defect chemistry in anhydrous lithium thiocyanate Li(SCN), which is a pseudo-halide Li+ cation conductor. An extensive doping study was conducted, employing magnesium, zinc and cobalt thiocyanate as donor dopants to systematically vary the conductivity and derive a defect model. The investigations are based on impedance measurements and supported by other analytical techniques such as X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The material was identified as Schottky disordered with lithium vacancies being the majority mobile charge carriers. In the case of Mg2+ as dopant, defect association with lithium vacancies was observed at low temperatures. Despite a comparably low Schottky defect formation enthalpy of (0.6 ± 0.3) eV, the unexpectedly high lithium vacancy migration enthalpy of (0.89 ± 0.08) eV distinguishes Li(SCN) from the chemically related lithium halides. A detailed defect model of Li(SCN) is presented and respective thermodynamic and kinetic data are given. The thiocyanate anion (SCN)− has a significant impact on ion mobility due to its anisotropic structure and bifunctionality in forming both Li–N and Li–S bonds. More details about the impact on ion dynamics at local and global scale, and on the defect chemical analysis of the premelting regime at high temperatures are given in separate publications (Part II and Part III).
In terms of defect chemistry, some of the better understood binary lithium systems include LiH,7 Li3N,8,9 lithium chalcogenides,10,11 and lithium halides.12–14 LiI has become an established additive for performance enhancement in various battery systems,15–19 and a number of fundamental studies helped to understand its role as an additive.20–25 Lithium thiocyanate (often referred to as a pseudo-halide) is chemically and structurally similar to lithium iodide, since they both have a large polarizable anion,26,27 are hygroscopic and form hydrates.28–31 However, in contrast to LiI and other halides, little is known about the defect chemistry of Li(SCN). Previous ion transport studies predominantly focused on composites as potential battery electrolytes including liquid electrolytes,32,33 polymer blends,34–37 or inorganic salt eutectics.38,39 Transport properties of pure Li(SCN) were (so far) investigated only by Poulsen.30 The fact that Li(SCN) does not follow the trend in conductivities of lithium halides with anion size (suggesting that it would have the highest value in the row LiF–LiCl–LiBr–LiI–Li(SCN)) indicates the significance of its singular coordination chemistry, and motivates us to elucidate the origins.
In the present publication, we focus on ion transport and defect chemistry. Electrochemical measurements and doping experiments show Li(SCN) to be Schottky defective and lithium vacancies to be the majority charge carriers. We will first discuss the doping experiments to identify the mobile carrier, then identify the defect-chemical regimes (Brouwer diagrams) describing the defect chemistry semi-quantitatively, and finally extract quantitative data with respect to formation and migration energies and even mobilities and concentrations. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the transport behavior in electrolytes with complex anions (bidentate ligands). All experimental and computational details are given in the ESI.† In Part II of this series of publications we discuss the frequency dependence of the ion conductivity in Li(SCN),40 and Part III reports on the defect chemistry in the premelting regime.41
Aliovalent bulk doping is a well-established method to identify the nature of mobile defects (vacancies or interstitials). However, one has to stay within the solubility limit of the dopant, as otherwise formed secondary phases might also affect the conductivity. Mg2+, Zn2+, and Co2+ are suitable cations to investigate the solid solution behavior of Li+ conductors, given their chemical and size similarity (cf. ESI† Fig. S6). ICP-OES analysis confirmed the overall dopant concentration to be close to the nominal values (ESI† Fig. S7). Owing to the low dopant concentrations and the size similarity, it is not surprising that there is no clear trend in the comparison of the unit cell volumes (ESI† Fig. S6b). Fig. 1 and Fig. S6a (ESI†) show that Mg2+, Zn2+, and most likely also Co2+ are soluble in Li(SCN) up to about 3–5 mol%. The changes in conductivity – discussed in more detail in section 2.2 – indicate that Mg2+, Zn2+, and Co2+ are indeed incorporated and active as dopants.
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Fig. 1 Doping of Li(SCN) with Mg(SCN)2: nominally undoped Li(SCN) (black), Mg2+-doped Li(SCN) (blue) and two-phase samples of Li(SCN) and Mg1.02Li3.96(SCN)6 (dark red). (a) Conductivities as a function of inverse temperature, and (b) XRPD patterns. Reflections marked with an asterisk belong to an unknown side phase (most likely a decomposition product of Mg(SCN)2·4 H2O), and the blue bars at the bottom represent anhydrous Li(SCN) as a reference.31 |
For Mg2+ concentrations ≥ 10 mol%, reflections of a new phase appear in the diffractograms (cf.Fig. 1b and ESI† Fig. S1). EIS and temperature dependent in situ XRPD42 showed that this new phase has a structural transition between 47 and 62 °C into a high temperature modification with higher symmetry. The phase transition can also be recognized from the shape of the impedance spectra as well as the dielectric constant εr (cf. ESI† Fig. S10). Due to synthetic difficulties and limitations of powder diffraction, an ab initio crystal structure solution was only possible of the high temperature modification, which was performed at 55 °C (longer synthesis times at high temperatures even lead to a highly disordered, different material; cf.Fig. 1b, grey pattern). The structure of lithium–magnesium thiocyanate indicates a variable lithium-to-magnesium ratio, and the final Rietveld44 refinement yielded the following composition (cf. ESI† Fig. S1):
(4 − 2x)Li(SCN) + (1 + x)Mg(SCN)2 → Mg1+xLi4−2x(SCN)6 (x = 0.02) | (1) |
Apart from recently prepared tri-cationic cyanamides with the composition Li2MSn2(NCN)6 (M = Mg45 und Mn46), anhydrous thiocyanates, nitrides or cyanides of lithium and any divalent transition metal are unknown so far, which makes the structure of Mg1.02Li3.96(SCN)6 a hitherto unknown structure type (details in the ESI†). Mixed alkali and alkaline earth metal pseudo-halides are rare,47–49 and even though Na4Mg(SCN)6 has a very similar composition, its crystal structure is very different. The observation that the new phase Mg1.02Li3.96(SCN)6 has a much higher conductivity than even highly doped Li(SCN) is related to the coordination polyhedra of Mg2+ and Li+ in this structure (ESI† Fig. S3 and S4), and will be discussed later.
The impedance spectra and temperature dependence of εr for both undoped and doped Li(SCN) (Fig. 2 and ESI† Fig. S12) are obviously more complex compared to other Li+ ion conductors.10,11,23 This complexity is rooted in the frequency dependent conductivity of Li(SCN) and will be discussed in detail in Part II.40 In the present work, only the DC resistance (low frequency intersection with the real axis) is of importance, thus only the low frequency part of the spectra was fitted with the circuit shown in Fig. 2.
![]() | (2) |
![]() | (3) |
The conductivity increases with the concentration of all D2+ dopants (Fig. 3b and Fig. S14, ESI†), which shows that indeed are the dominant mobile defects. Acceptor doping of the (SCN)− anion with Li2S and Li2(SO4) was attempted, yet despite employing different preparation methods was unsuccessful, as indicated by the unchanged conductivities (ESI† Fig. S13b).
At lower temperatures defects tend to form associated species (DLiVLi) according to:
![]() | (4) |
Since mobile lithium vacancies are formed only by dissociation of these associates, the activation energy increases in regime III of Fig. 3a. While all donor dopants increased the conductivity, the ion transport behavior depends on the dopant element. The formation of associates was observed for both undoped and Mg2+-doped Li(SCN) (Fig. 3b), while Zn2+- and Co2+-doping showed a distinctively different behavior (intrinsic to extrinsic transition at 180 °C, extrinsic to association transition at 88 °C). In the case of Zn2+, the measured conductivities do not show any significant changes in slope, which suggests that no associated species form and merely the extrinsic regime is observed. In contrast, the incorporation of Co2+ in Li(SCN) does not only increase the concentration of , but surprisingly also leads to electronic conductivity. Galvanostatic DC measurements (ESI† Fig. S11a) revealed a dominant electronic conduction below 84 °C. Except for 1.5 mol% Mg2+-doped Li(SCN), the intrinsic regime was not observed for any other doped sample, as the transition to intrinsic is too close to the melting point (a small intrinsic regime would be expected for a Schottky defective material, since both the cation and anion lattice become increasingly disordered before finally the material melts).
The observed differences in transport behavior with specific dopants can be understood from the crystal structures and coordination chemistry of the respective thiocyanates (Fig. 4). Li+ in Li(SCN) is coordinated to six (SCN)− anions, forming octahedra with three Li–S and three Li–N bonds.31 The Li–S bonds are rather weak, given the strong mismatch in polarizability according to the Pearson HSAB concept.50 This results in a high tendency of Li(SCN) to form coordination compounds with oxygen-containing ligands, e.g. H2O or THF,51,52 to replace Li–S with Li–O bonds. An even more extreme situation is observed for Mg2+, for which thiocyanate hydrates rather decompose upon drying than form Mg–S bonds.53 The strong tendency of Mg2+ in magnesium thiocyanates to coordinate with oxygen containing molecules (compared to e.g. Zn2+ and Co2+)54 suggests that this cation has a strong preference for electrostatic interactions with negatively charged species. This suggests that defects can act as effective trapping sites for
forming associates.
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Fig. 4 Comparison of the metal cation coordination polyhedra in Li(SCN),31 Co(SCN)2,55 and Zn(SCN)2.56 The shown structure of Zn(SCN)2 is the β-modification (for more details, cf. ESI†). |
This concept also explains the higher conductivity of the new Mg1.02Li3.96(SCN)6 phase (Fig. 1a). Since Mg2+ has a greater disfavor for Mg–S bonds than Li+, the (SCN)− anions largely coordinate via their nitrogen atom to magnesium, meaning that Li+ has to bind to sulfur (ESI† Fig. S3 and S4). This results in a more facile formation of , increasing the concentration of mobile defects and lifting the ionic conductivity by more than four orders of magnitude. In contrast, both Zn(SCN)2 and Co(SCN)2 form stable M–S bonds in their anhydrous form and are not hygroscopic or prone to form coordination compounds with oxygen containing ligands.55–57 Thus it is expected that both
have a far lower tendency to form associates with
. In Zn2+-doped Li(SCN) this negligible association is clearly reflected in the conductivity data (Fig. 3), while in Co2+-doped Li(SCN) it is overshadowed by an electronic contribution.
Assuming ideally dilute behavior, the mass action law for reaction (2) can be written as:
![]() | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
It can be reasonably assumed that the concentrations of electronic carriers are negligible compared to ionic defects (for Co2+-doping some additional considerations are discussed below). If the enthalpies and entropies are known, the changes in defect concentration with temperature can be semi-quantitatively drawn as done in Fig. 5a.
The results of the doping experiments were used to construct the Brouwer diagrams displayed in Fig. 5b. The defect chemical analysis of Li(SCN) shows that changes in ion transport induced by doping are specific to the coordination chemistry of the dopant; forms associates,
does not and
can even induce predominant electronic conduction. This phenomenon of dopant specific transport behavior is most likely connected with the specific coordination chemistry of hard-cation – soft-anion ion conductors.
The electronic conductivity for Co2+-doped Li(SCN) cannot unambiguously be interpreted. As long as is fixed via the electroneutrality condition by the donor dopant concentration, and also the elemental lithium activity remains constant, the reaction:
![]() | (7) |
![]() | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
According to:
![]() | (10) |
![]() | (11) |
Li is the distance to a neighboring available site of (3.16 Å), N is the number of neighboring sites (equal to 2), and ν0 is the jump attempt frequency (∼1013 Hz).10,58 Knowing the mobility, the Schottky mass action constant KS is calculated from the linear fit of regime I in undoped Li(SCN) (Fig. 3a) by inserting
and eqn (11) into eqn (9) with the result:
![]() | (12) |
The association equilibrium constant KA is calculated by linearly fitting the conductivity data in regime III of Mg2+-doped Li(SCN) (Fig. 3b) and inserting that expression together with into eqn (9), which yields:
![]() | (13) |
The corresponding entropies are obtained from eqn (5), (6), (10) and the enthalpies in eqn (11)–(13). The results are summarized in Table 2.
The formation energies of defect pairs in undoped Li(SCN) were calculated, and found to be lower for Schottky pairs (, 0.34 eV) than Frenkel pairs (
, 1.1 eV). This sequence matches with the results from doping experiments in section 2.3. The numerical value is rather low compared to the experimental result in Table 2 (0.6 ± 0.3 eV), although within the estimated experimental error. Migration barriers were calculated for
(technical details are specified in the ESI†). For
two possibilities were considered (Fig. S2c and d, ESI†): (i) straight along b direction, (ii) “zigzag” path via the shortest distances between regular Li sites. The “zigzag” path yields the lower barrier of 0.08 eV compared to the direct path (0.26 eV). This relative magnitude appears reasonable, as the “zigzag” path has the shorter individual jump distance. However, the absolute values are significantly lower than the experimental values (Table 2). This is most probably related to the overestimation of the cell volume in the present calculations. The barrier for the Li interstitial in b direction amounts to 0.88 eV. Thus, Li interstitials are not only less favorable with respect to defect formation, but also regarding defect migration.
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Fig. 7 Comparison of Li(SCN) conductivity (black circles) with literature data (black line)30 and different Li+ cation conducting materials; LiH (magenta),7 Li3N (red),60 chalcogenides (purple),10,11 and halides (orange).13,14,23 |
Table 3 compares data of relevant Li+ systems to Li(SCN) data of the present work. The literature entropy values or association energy data (as far as available) are very similar to the present Li(SCN) data, giving confidence in their magnitudes. Despite Li(SCN) and all LiX compounds being Schottky defective, Li(SCN) deviates from some trends seen for LiX. In the series H−/F−, Cl−, Br− and I−, defect formation and migration enthalpies decrease, but defect formation is always energetically more costly than migration. Li(SCN) breaks this relation, with a relatively low formation enthalpy and a high migration enthalpy. As will be shown in more detail in Part II,40 this deviation is closely related to the specific ion transport mechanism in Li(SCN). The important difference between Li(SCN) and the lithium halides is the bidentate, anisotropic (SCN)− anion, since Li+ can coordinate both to and −〈N
S〉, with Li–N bonds being more favorable than Li–S bonds. While defect formation is comparatively facile (weak Li–S bonds), ion migration is inhibited by the rigid anion lattice (strong Li–N bonds) and a slow relaxation process (anisotropic shape) after an initial ion jump. This emphasizes the importance of specific chemical interactions, which affect ionic mobilities at least as much as (simplistic) geometrical/size and electrostatic arguments.
Compound | ΔSH° (eV) | ΔSS° (kB) | (eV) | (kB) | ΔAH° (eV) | ΔAS° (kB) | Ref. |
LiH expt. | 2.3 ± 0.3 | 0.54 ± 0.02 | −0.50 ± 0.05 (MgLiVLi) | 7 | |||
LiF expt. | 2.6 ± 0.2 | 0.67 ± 0.02 | 12, 14, 61, 62 | ||||
DFT | 2.2–2.9 | 0.6 | 63 | ||||
LiCl expt. | 2.12 | 0.41 | 12, 14 | ||||
LiBr expt. | 1.80 | 0.39 | 12, 14 | ||||
LiI expt. | 1.2 ± 0.1 | 4.5 | 0.41 ± 0.03 | 4.9 | 12, 14, 20 | ||
Li(SCN) expt. | 0.6 ± 0.3 | 5 ± 2 | 0.89 ± 0.08 | 7.7 ± 0.9 | −0.3 ± 0.2 (MgLiVLi) | −8 ± 6 (MgLiVLi) | This work |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 |