K. K.
a and
aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Silchar, India
bDepartment of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India. E-mail: tanmoy@iitk.ac.in
First published on 26th November 2021
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have emerged to be a vital tool for the analysis of nanoscale materials like graphene. However, the reliability of the results derived from MD simulations depends on the adopted inter-atomic potential (IP), which is mathematically fitted to the data obtained from first principles approaches or experiments. There exists a significant scope of uncertainty associated with the IP parameters. Such internal uncertainties, together with the effect of stochastic external parameters like temperature and strain rate can trigger an augmented random deviation in the output mechanical responses. With the aim of developing an inclusive analysis and design paradigm, we have systematically quantified the effect of the uncertainties associated with the internal parameters (Tersoff IP parameters) and external parameters (temperature and strain rate) individually, and their compound effect on the mechanical properties of graphene. In establishing the complete probabilistic descriptions of the response quantities corresponding to different levels of source uncertainties, we show that a coupled machine learning-based Monte Carlo simulation approach could lead to significant computational efficiency without compromising the accuracy of the results. The study reveals that, in general, the internal parameters are more sensitive than the external parameters. Among the inter-atomic parameters, λ1 and λ2 are found to be the most sensitive, while the temperature is found to be more sensitive than the strain rate among the external parameters. The cohesive energy is noted to be dependent only on the inter-atomic potential parameters, while the fracture strength depends on both the internal and external input parameters. The numerically quantifiable outcomes of this study will improve and bring new perspectives in the inclusive analysis and design of various graphene-based devices and systems, including the effect of inherent uncertainties and their relative sensitivity.
A vast amount of research has been conducted so far, reporting the nanoscale simulation of graphene using the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method.11–17 MD simulations are considered as a computational experimentation procedure that is used to understand the behavior of nano-materials in the desired physical conditions. The Tersoff potential, developed by Tersoff,18 has been extensively utilized to perform MD simulations on graphene. The results of MD simulations depend significantly on the inter-atomic potential (IP) used for the specific analysis (such as Tersoff, REBO, etc.). These IP values are calibrated with the experimental data or the data received from ab initio methods to mimic certain properties of the system under consideration. When simulations are conducted for observations beyond the calibrated envelope of these IP values, the validity of the predicted results is questionable. The huge variation in the MD-based prediction of fracture properties of graphene, such as the fracture strength, can be noted in the available literature17,19–22. In general, the literature suggest that the Tersoff force field is one of the most commonly used empirical interatomic potentials to capture the interactions between C–C atoms in MD simulations. However, it has been reported by Lindsay and Broido22 that the original parameters of the Tersoff IP have scope for optimizing certain parameters to exactly produce the phonon dispersion of graphene. Furthermore, Mortazavi et al.17 reported that the exact experimental results of the fracture strength of graphene can be produced by modifying the cutoff distance from 1.95 to 2.0 ångström. Rajasekaran et al.21 reproduced the exact experimental results of the fracture characteristics of graphene by utilizing changes suggested by Lindsay and Broido22 and Mortazavi et al.17 This indicates that the values of the parameter sets of the Tersoff force field are not constant and their random perturbation can significantly influence the MD simulation results. Thus, it is imperative to quantify the effect of such internal uncertainty on the mechanical quantities of interest. In the past, it has been established by many researchers that the prime source of uncertainty lies with the inter-atomic potential used in MD simulation methods.23,24 Similarly, Zhou et al.25 reported in their study that the results of MD simulations contain error as compared with experimental observations due to the uncertainties in inter-atomic potentials, small time and length scales, and the statistical uncertainties of the MD simulation itself.
In recent years, a few groups have started investigating the aspects of uncertainty associated with MD simulations. For instance, Wang et al.26 conducted a study to quantify the uncertainty of thermal conductivity using the equilibrium molecular dynamics of three different material systems. To capture the parametric uncertainties of the Lennard-Jones (LJ) inter-atomic potential, Angelikopoulos et al.27 implemented the Bayesian probabilistic framework in the parameters of the LJ potential and proposed an adaptive surrogate model to demonstrate less computationally expensive MD simulations of liquid and gaseous argon. Zimoń et al.28 adopted a polynomial chaos expansion to depict the influence of variation in the LJ potential parameters on the molecular simulations of the shear viscosity of water. Similarly, Messerly et al.29 quantified and propagated the uncertainties associated with the LJ potential parameters for the prediction of critical constants of n-alkanes. Mukhopadhyay et al.30–33 studied the effect of internal system-uncertainty on the elastic properties of 2D materials and their heterostructures. Dhaliwal et al.34 conducted the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of MD predictions based on the embedded atom method (EAM) potential and predicted the robust posterior probability distribution of the EAM parameters. It was revealed that the MD predictions of FCC aluminum are sensitive to a 1% perturbation in the EAM parameters. In another study, Dhaliwal et al.35 implemented the uncertainty principles in the AIREBO potential parameters to determine the sensitivity of the corresponding predicted properties of graphene.
Besides the uncertainties associated with IP parameters, there are several other external factors that can affect the predicted MD response of graphene. A few groups have probed the effect of the variation in external factors such as temperature, strain rate, structural irregularity, inclusion, etc., on the mechanical and structural properties of graphene. Anastasi et al.36 investigated the effect of graphene sheet orientation, size of the sheet, temperature and the concentration of nanopores on the mechanical properties of graphene. Zhang and Gu37 conducted a set of molecular simulations for graphene to determine its mechanical properties, with varying the number of layers, temperature and isotope concentrations. Dewapriya et al.38 characterized the temperature-dependent fracture behaviour of graphene with nanocracks and compared the strength of graphene predicted via MD simulation with Griffith's criteria and quantized fracture mechanics (QFM). In another study, Dewapriya and Rajapakse39 claimed that the strength of graphene greatly depends on the vacancy concentration, temperature and strain rate. Gupta et al.40 reported the effect of different concentrations of inherent structural defects and dopants on the mechanical properties of monolayer graphene. It has been observed that variation in the strain rate has very little influence on graphene's mechanical behavior,39–41,45 while a combination of the strain rate and temperature significantly influences the fracture and elastic behaviour of graphene.47 However, most of these studies were not conducted following a comprehensive probabilistic framework, primarily due to the high computational demand of such analyses. Trinh and Mukhopadhyay64 have recently proposed a semi-analytical atomic-level uncertainty quantification approach for the elastic properties of 2D materials. Mukhopadhyay et al.41 and Mahata et al.42 presented one of the early works on the exploitation of machine learning for MD simulation-based studies on the temperature, strain rate and nano-structural parameters like the twin-boundaries of nanoscale systems. In this context, it may be noted that a significant number of investigations have been reported in the past couple of years on machine learning-based analyses of nanoscale systems,43–47 a very limited proportion of which deals with the inevitable effect of system-uncertainties.
From the above discussions along with a concise review of the literature, it has become evident that quantification of the effect of uncertainty considering the compound effect of internal parameters (such as IP values) and external parameters (such as temperature and strain rate) of graphene is crucial for accurate mechanical characterization. The fracture strength of graphene or its derivatives is mostly assessed using the Tersoff force field in the MD environment. The literature review suggests that the utilization of the original Tersoff force field to simulate the uniaxial tensile deformation of graphene leads to an overestimation of the fracture strength and induces unphysical strain hardening in the graphene structure. Hence, this leads to a strong rationale for performing the uncertainty analysis for the fracture strength of graphene that is subjected to uncertainty in the internal and external variables of MD simulations. A careful study of the concerned literature has further revealed that most of the investigations address either the individual effect of internal or external parameters following a deterministic framework. The compound effect of internal and external parameters along with system uncertainty could have a pronounced influence on the mechanical behavior of graphene, which is well beyond the scope of a traditional deterministic investigation. In the present study, we aim to systematically explore the effect of uncertainty in the internal parameters, the external parameters, and their compound influences to quantify the probabilistic mechanical responses of graphene (refer to Fig. 1). The tensile strength and cohesive energy of monolayer graphene are taken as the output quantities of interest (QOIs) in the present analysis. The tensile strength is an important mechanical property of graphene, which determines the nano-structural applicability of this 2D material in various multi-physical systems.48–50 The cohesive energy is a structural property of any solid-state material that determines the energy required to break all the bonds associated with the nano-material. As it is known that a range of critical material properties depend on the nano-structure of a substance, the cohesive energy of the substance helps us to understand the fundamental physics of the material.51–53 Apart from the fracture strength, we also analyze the variation of the cohesive energy of graphene in light of the stochastic parametric variation in the Tersoff force field parameter. As cohesive energy is a fundamental structural property of any material system, which is influenced by the IP parameters, and most importantly the cohesive energy is linked with the failure of a material system (the breaking of bonds leads to fracture of the material), we aim to investigate both the fracture strength and the cohesive energy of graphene.
It is important to note in this context that a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation-based probabilistic analysis is computationally exorbitant due to the involvement of thousands of MD simulations. To mitigate this problem, we exploit the emerging capabilities of machine learning, wherein the expensive MD simulations can effectively be replaced by an efficient mathematical model. In the subsequent sections, we present a concise overview of the computational methods that involve molecular dynamics simulations, machine learning algorithms, and uncertainty quantification, followed by a numerical exploration of the effects of uncertainty on the internal and external parameters of graphene along with further discussions and concluding remarks.
For any MD simulation, implementing the proper IP plays a vital role in the prediction of mechanical responses. In the present study, MD simulations have been carried out based on the Tersoff IP. The Tersoff is a three-body potential, which refers to the potential energy between the individual atoms. The energy E between the atoms is described as
![]() | (1) |
Vij = fC(rij)[fR(rij) + bijfA(rij)]. | (2) |
fR = Ae−λ1 | (3) |
fA = Be−λ2. | (4) |
Type of uncertainty source | Parameter | Deterministic value |
Internal parameters (Tersoff) | γ | 1.0 |
A (eV) | 1393.6 | |
B (eV) | 346.74 | |
λ 1 (Å−1) | 3.4879 | |
λ 2 (Å−1) | 2.2119 | |
n | 0.72751 | |
C | 38![]() |
β (× 10−7) | 1.5724 | |
D | 4.3484 | |
H | −0.57058 | |
R (Å) | 1.8 | |
D (Å) | 0.15 | |
External parameters | Temperature (K) | 300 |
Strain rate (ps) | 0.001 |
The molecular structure of pristine graphene is developed here by utilizing an open-source platform, visual molecular dynamics (VMD).54 Pristine graphene, of dimensions 7.2 nm (nanometers), with 2040 carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, is considered in the present study. The data-files used for MD simulations, which contain the xyz coordinates of each atom, were generated using the topotool plugin of VMD. The MD simulations were conducted using LAMMPS,55 an open-source code for molecular dynamics simulations. The structure of modelled graphene was subjected to periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) in each direction to eliminate the finite size effect. Prior to running the desired simulation, the structure is relaxed by minimizing the energy. We utilized a conjugate gradient method for the energy minimization, followed by a Nosé–Hoover barostat to maintain the pressure in all directions. For energy minimization and running the simulations, an integration time-step of 1 fs (femtoseconds) is used. The uniaxial tensile deformation of monolayer graphene was conducted at room temperature (∼300 K) and with a strain rate of 0.001 ps−1 (per picosecond). As stated earlier, the temperature (T) and strain rate (SR) are considered as the external sources of uncertainty (refer to Table 1), which are expected to vary randomly within certain bounds in practical scenarios.
The atomistic stresses in the current study are interpreted as the virial tensor. The formulation to determine the virial stress in the LAMMPS environment is given by
![]() | (5) |
The former term in the above equation consists of the virial tensor component, while the latter term consists of the kinetic energy tensor component. The superscripts α and β define the nomenclature assigned to two individual atoms in the neighborhood, while i and j provide the directional indices, mα and vαi refer to the mass and velocity of the atom α, respectively. Rβi is the location of atom β in the i direction. Fαβj is the force due to an atom β on atom α along the j direction. V refers to the total volume of the material system.40 The stress outputs obtained from LAMMPS are the product of the pressure in the considered direction and the volume of the system. To obtain the directional stress components, it is essential to divide the LAMMPS derived stress values by the volume of the system. In the present study, we used the instantaneous volume to determine the directional stress component, which is given by V0(1 + ε), where V0 and ε stand for the original volume of the material system and the strain, respectively.56 The stress deliverables from the LAMMPS were divided by the instantaneous volume to determine the averaged stress in the desired directions. The cohesive energy of pristine graphene, after the relaxation stage, was determined as
![]() | (6) |
In this context, the importance of the time-step in general molecular dynamics simulations can be noted. However, the objective of the present study is to mainly identify the influence of parametric uncertainty (the internal and external parameters) on the fracture properties of graphene. The fracture properties of any material system are the final outcome of a continuous deformation of the structure over time. We have restricted the study to a certain timestep (1 fs) to avoid the excessive computational expense of the series of molecular dynamics simulations without affecting the output quantity of interest. A decrease in the timestep increases the number of iterations for failure of the graphene layer and makes the simulation computationally expensive.
![]() | (7) |
The PCK algorithm initiates with finding the optimal polynomial set of predictors utilizing the PCE framework, which ensures the polynomial set with the smallest leave-one-out (LOO) error. The universal Kriging algorithm is used once the sparse PC basis is set. At the end of the algorithm, the error is estimated using the LOO approach. The estimation of error based on LOO has the advantage over an empirical error in the sense that empirical error generally under-predicts the generalization error due to overfitting. By contrast, the error estimated using the LOO approach takes global error into account.60 We have adopted the PCK-based hybrid machine-learning algorithm on the basis of the recent results presented in the literature, revealing the superior performance of hybrid machine-learning algorithms.61
In the ML-assisted MCS approach, first the machine-learning model is formed based on an optimal set of MD simulation data, drawn from the quasi-random Sobol sequence. Subsequently, the machine- learning model is used instead of direct MD simulations for efficient prediction to obtain thousands of realizations of the Monte Carlo simulation. Before carrying out the Monte Carlo simulation, for each case (internal, external, and combined), the PCK model is formed and tested for accuracy using cross-validation based on evaluating the percentage error:
![]() | (8) |
A systematic stochastic investigation is presented here that considers the individual and compound effects of the internal and external sources of uncertainty (refer to Fig. 1 and 2). We started the investigation with a small perturbation of the IP parameters in the range of 0.5% and then increased the variation to 1%, 1.5% and 2%. Here, if θ is considered as the deterministic value of a stochastic parameter, then we define
![]() | (9) |
Δ ∈ {0.5%,1%,1.5%,2%} |
θi = θmin + SPi(θmax − θmin), i ∈ {1,2,3,…N} | (10) |
Case | Temperature [T (K)] | Strain rate [SR (ps)] |
Case-1 | 300 ± 50 | 0.001 ± 0.0001 |
Case-2 | 300 ± 100 | 0.001 ± 0.00025 |
Case-3 | 300 ± 150 | 0.001 ± 0.0005 |
Case-4 | 300 ± 200 | 0.001 ± 0.00075 |
Reference | Fracture strength (GPa) | Cohesive energy (eV per atom) |
Lee et al. (AFM)10 | 130 ± 10 | — |
Mortazavi et al. (MD, modified Tersoff)17 | 132 | — |
Rajasekaran et al. (MD, optimized Tersoff)21 | 124 | — |
Gupta et al. (MD, Original Tersoff)40 | 195.9 | — |
Shin et al. (Quasi Monte Carlo)52 | — | −7.906 |
Dhaliwal et al. (MD, AIREBO)35 | — | −7.427 |
Present study (MD, Tersoff) | 195.9 | −7.2452 |
In order to form the PCK-based machine-learning models, the MD simulation is treated as the learning source where the Tersoff IP parameters are considered as the input parameters and the responses of the MD simulations (fracture strength and cohesive energy) are considered as the output quantities. Once the PCK model is formed, it can be used to efficiently predict the output quantities of interest that correspond to any random combination of the input parameters. The available input–output dataset obtained based on MD simulations is split into training and testing sets. In general, the leave-one-out (LOO) approach can be used to test the accuracy of the machine-learning model under consideration for providing a general intuition about its performance. However, LOO is not an optimal method to validate the model as the prediction error determined using this approach tends to vary a lot in comparison with other methods. In the present study, we utilized the leave-p-out (LpO) cross-validation method, where p training points are left out at each iteration to create test data and check the performance of the machine-learning model. This validation approach has the advantage of the most optimal utilization of the set of MD simulation data. For uncertainty quantification of the internal parameters, we checked the accuracy of PCK-based metamodels by utilizing the number N of sample data (N = 8, 16, 24) as a training data set and leaving p (= 32 − N) samples for the cross-validation. Fig. 4–7 illustrate the performance and validation of PCK metamodels based on the scatter plots and error plots (using the probability density function (PDF)) for both of the considered response quantities of graphene (the fracture strength and cohesive energy), wherein different cases of variations in the Tersoff IP parameters are considered. It is noted from the figures that N = 24 training samples provide a sufficient level of accuracy in prediction for each case of stochastic variation. Moreover, the PDF (i.e., the probability distribution) for the percentage errors reveals that the probability of having a lesser error is significantly more than having a high value of error even within the bounds of the errors presented. Thus, having the required level of confidence in the prediction capability of the machine-learning models, we further investigate the probabilistic characteristics and sensitivity of the internal input parameters based on large-scale datasets, as presented in the following paragraphs.
To assess the relative importance of individual Tersoff IP parameters on the response quantities, a data-driven sensitivity analysis is carried out, where 10000 samples are generated using MCS sampling with the same range of variation as the training dataset (±0.5%, ±1%, ±1.5%, and ±2%). The relative variance of an individual input parameter is used to determine the sensitivity indices.62 The data-driven sensitivity analysis for all four cases of variation in Tersoff IP (refer to Fig. 8–11(A and B)) reveals that there are certain set of parameters that have a more prominent influence on the critical response variables (i.e., the fracture strength and cohesive energy). For instance, in each case of variation, the Tersoff IP parameters λ1, λ2, B and R were found to have more significance on the fracture strength of graphene. Similarly, the parameters λ1, λ2, B and A have more sensitivity on the cohesive energy of graphene.
After assessing the relative sensitivity of the Tersoff IP parameters, we exploit the machine-learning models to characterize the individual and compound probabilistic uncertainty effects of the internal input parameters (refer to Fig. 8–11(C and D)). In the case of the individual effects, we focus on the most sensitive Tersoff IP parameters for probabilistic characterization. It is noted that the response bounds corresponding to different individual stochastic effects follow the respective sensitivities, while response bounds corresponding to the compound effect of all the Tersoff IP parameters are the highest for all the considered cases. In this context, it may be noted that the probabilistic descriptions are plotted corresponding to 10000 realizations of (machine-learning-assisted-) Monte Carlo simulation in each case, while only 24 actual MD simulations are required to perform this data-intensive analysis. Thus, we achieve a computational efficiency of more than 400 times in terms of MD simulation.
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Fig. 12 Bounds of stochastic variation in the fracture strength. The range of fracture strength values under different degrees of stochastic variation in the external parameters (temperature and strain rate) is plotted. Here, the degrees of stochastic variation are presented as different cases, as defined in Table 2. It may be noted in this context that the other response quantity of interest, the cohesive energy, is independent of the stochastic external parameters. The red dots in the plot refer to the outliers available in the deterministic results. It can be noticed here that with the increase in the range of temperature and strain rate the number of outliers in the results increases. |
Machine-learning models are formed similar to the case of internal parameters, as presented in the preceding section. However, for the case of uncertainty in the external parameters, despite having only two input variables (strain rate and temperature), it is found that more MD simulations are required to achieve an adequate level of accuracy due to the more complex and nonlinear nature of the input–output relationship. Results concerning the prediction accuracy are presented in Fig. 13 and 14 using scatter plots and probability density function plots of error. Different sample sizes (N = 16, 32, and 48) are utilized to train the model, and the rest of the samples (p = 64 − N = 48, 32, and 16) are used for cross-validation following the LpO approach. It is noted from the figures that N = 48 training samples provide a sufficient level of accuracy in prediction. Moreover, the probability density function for the percentage errors reveals that the probability of having a lesser error is significantly more than having a high value of error even within the bounds of errors presented. Thus, having the required level of confidence in the prediction capability of the machine-learning models, we further investigate the probabilistic characteristics and sensitivity of the external input parameters based on large-scale datasets, as presented in the following paragraphs.
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Fig. 13 Scatter plots between the MD response and the PCK metamodel with different training sample sizes (N) for the fracture strength of graphene: (A) 300 ± 50 K, 0.001 ± 0.0001 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate, (B) 300 ± 100 K, 0.001 ± 0.00025 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate, (C) 300 ± 150 K, 0.001 ± 0.0005 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate, and (D) 300 ± 200 K, 0.001 ± 0.00075 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate (refer to Table 2 for further details regarding the considered stochastic input bounds for the external parameters). |
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Fig. 14 Probability density function plots for the percentage error of machine-learning models formed using different training sample sizes concerning the fracture strength of graphene: (A) Case-1: 300 ± 50 K and 0.001 ± 0.0001 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate (for N = 48, RMSE: 1.5198), (B) Case-2: 300 ± 100 K and 0.001 ± 0.00025 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate (for N = 48, RMSE: 1.5417), (C) Case-3: 300 ± 150 K and 0.001 ± 0.0005 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate (for N = 48, RMSE: 2.215), and (D) Case-4: 300 ± 200 K and 0.001 ± 0.00075 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate (for N = 48, RMSE: 3.3227) (refer to Table 2 for further details of the considered stochastic input bounds for the external parameters). |
To assess the relative importance of individual external parameters on the fracture strength, a data-driven sensitivity analysis is carried out, where 10000 samples are generated using SOBOL sequence sampling with the same range of variation as the training dataset as given in Table 2. The relative variance of an individual input parameter is used to determine the sensitivity indices. The data-driven sensitivity analysis for all four cases of variation (refer to Fig. 15) reveals that temperature is more sensitive than strain rate. After assessing the relative sensitivity of strain rate and temperature, we exploit the machine-learning models to characterize the individual and compound probabilistic uncertainty effects of the external input parameters (refer to Fig. 16). It is noted that the response bounds corresponding to different individual stochastic effects follow the respective sensitivities, while response bounds corresponding to the compound effect are the highest for all the considered cases. Similar to the case of uncertainty in the internal parameters, it may be noted that the probabilistic descriptions are plotted corresponding to 10
000 realizations of (machine-learning-assisted-) Monte Carlo simulation in each case, while only 48 actual MD simulations are required to perform this data-intensive analysis. Thus, for the case of external uncertainty quantification, we achieve a computational efficiency of more than 200 times in terms of MD simulation.
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Fig. 15 Data-driven sensitivity analysis of external parameters corresponding to the fracture strength of graphene using PCK-based machine-learning models (refer to Table 2 for cases of variation in the external parameters): (A) Case-1: 300 ± 50 K and 0.001 ± 0.0001 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate, (B) Case-2: 300 ± 100 K and 0.001 ± 0.00025 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate, (C) Case-3: 300 ± 150 K and 0.001 ± 0.0005 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate, and (D) Case-4: 300 ± 200 K and 0.001 ± 0.00075 ps−1 variation in temperature and strain rate. |
Case | Compound effect of stochastic Perturbation | |
Case-A | IP@ ±0.5% | EP@Case-1 |
Case-B | IP@ ±1% | EP@Case-2 |
Case-C | IP@ ±1.5% | EP@Case-3 |
Case-D | IP@ ±2% | EP@Case-4 |
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Fig. 17 Bounds of stochastic variation in the fracture strength under the influence of compound uncertainty. The range of fracture strength under different degrees of stochastic variation in the internal and external parameters (refer to Table 4) is plotted. |
Machine-learning models are formed for the fracture strength, similar to the earlier cases, as presented in Subsections 3.1 and 3.2. Results concerning the prediction accuracy are presented in Fig. 18 and 19 using scatter plots and probability density function plots of error, respectively. Different sample sizes (N) are utilized to train the model, and the rest of the samples are used for cross-validation following the LpO approach. It is noted from the figures that N = 48 training samples provide a sufficient level of accuracy in prediction for cases A and B (refer to Table 4). However, 48 samples were not found sufficient to construct the model with an acceptable predictive accuracy (% error ≈ ±20%) for case C and case D. To this end, we gradually increased the sample size up to 96 samples until the errors were minimized to acceptable limits (refer to Fig. 19(C) and (D)). Similar to the earlier cases, the probability density function for the percentage errors reveals that the probability of having a lesser error is significantly more than having a high value of error, even within the bounds of the errors presented. Thus, having the required level of confidence in the prediction capability of the machine-learning models, we further investigate the probabilistic characteristics and sensitivity of the compound effect of the internal and external input parameters based on large-scale datasets, as presented in the following paragraphs.
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Fig. 18 Scatter plots between the MD response and the PCK metamodel with different training sample sizes (N) for the fracture strength of graphene: (A) compound variation of Case- A, (B) compound variation of Case-B, (C) compound variation of Case-C, and (D) compound variation of Case-D (refer to Table 4 for further details regarding the considered stochastic input bounds for the compound variation cases). |
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Fig. 19 Probability density function plots for the percentage error of machine-learning models formed using different training sample sizes concerning the fracture strength of graphene: (A) compound variation of Case-A (for N = 48, RMSE: 1.055), (B) compound variation of Case-B (for N = 48, RMSE: 0.00075), (C) compound variation of Case-C (for N = 48, RMSE: 0.6745), and (D) compound variation of Case-D (for N = 48, RMSE: 1.9588) (refer to Table 4 for further details regarding the considered stochastic input bounds for the compound variation cases). |
To assess the relative importance of individual internal and external parameters on the fracture strength, a data-driven sensitivity analysis is carried out, where the 10000 samples are generated using Sobol sequence sampling with the same range of variation as for the training dataset as given in Table 4. The relative variance of an individual input parameter is used to determine the sensitivity indices. The data-driven sensitivity analysis for all four cases of variation (refer to Fig. 20) reveals that λ1 and λ2 are the most sensitive parameters among all the internal and external input parameters. It can also be noticed that the compound sensitivity of all the internal parameters is significantly higher than the compound sensitivity of all the external parameters. After assessing the relative sensitivity of the internal and external input parameters, we exploit the machine-learning models to characterize the individual (for the most sensitive parameters) and compound probabilistic uncertainty effects (refer to Fig. 21). It is noted that the response bounds corresponding to the different individual stochastic effects follow the respective sensitivities, while response bounds corresponding to the compound effect are the highest for all the considered cases. It may be noted in this context that the probabilistic descriptions are plotted corresponding to 10
000 realizations of (machine-learning-assisted-) Monte Carlo simulation in each case, while only 48 (or 96) actual MD simulations are required to perform this data-intensive analysis. Thus, we achieve a computational efficiency of more than 200 (100 for case C and case D) times here in terms of the expensive MD simulations.
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Fig. 20 Data-driven sensitivity analysis of internal and external parameters corresponding to the fracture strength of graphene using PCK-based machine-learning models: (A) Case-A, (B) Case-B, (C) Case-C, and (D) Case-D (refer to Table 4 for detailed information regarding the cases of variation). |
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Fig. 21 Probability density function (PDF) plots for the fracture strength of graphene with respect to the variation in individual parameters (for the five most sensitive parameters) and compound variation: (A) Case-A, (B) Case-B, (C) Case-C, and (D) Case-D (refer to Table 4 for descriptions of all the cases). The influence of the individual stochastic variation in the parameters R, B, and T on the fracture strength of graphene is illustrated in the insets provided in (A), (C), and (D). |
To summarize the numerical results presented in this section, we would like to highlight to the readers that we have addressed the effects of both internal and external uncertainty. Moreover, as a machine-learning-based approach is adopted, it is crucially important to validate the prediction capability of the machine-learning models for both internal and external uncertainties. Subsequently, results on uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis are presented in this article. Thus, we would like to emphasize the vast scope of this paper that warrants plotting multiple numerical results (as presented in this section).
1. Three forms of analyses are presented considering internal uncertainty, external uncertainty and the compound effect of these uncertainties. Along with these, an in-depth deterministic analysis is presented to portray the fundamental physics of the problem.
2. For each of the above three cases, two different response quantities of interest (the fracture strength and cohesive energy) are investigated.
3. We have adopted a machine-learning-assisted molecular dynamics simulation approach in this investigation. Validation and convergence studies of output parameters of interest are critically important before exploiting the machine-learning models for further predictions and analyses. Unless all the considered cases are validated, enough confidence in the subsequent uncertainty quantification cannot be obtained. Interestingly, all these results differ significantly from each other depending on the number of input parameters and degree of complexity in the input–output mapping. The plots shown in Fig. 4–7 are associated with the four different ML models trained with the four different sample spaces (N = 32 samples for each), which are constructed by perturbing the Tersoff IP parameters with 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% variation. Similarly, Fig. 13 and 14 are associated with the four different ML models trained with the four different sample spaces (N = 64 samples for each), which are constructed by perturbing the external parameters (the temperature and strain rate) with the variations shown in Table 2. Lastly, for the cases of compound variation, four different ML models are trained with the four different sample spaces, which are constructed by implementing variations in both the internal and external parameters as shown in Table 4.
4. After validating the machine-learning-based framework extensively, we present uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analyses for internal uncertainty, external uncertainty and the compound effect of these uncertainties. In this context, we have considered different degrees of uncertainty for a comprehensive understanding. In total, 712 MD simulations are performed in the present study. The simulations are performed in three batches (variation in the internal parameters (128 simulations), variation in the external parameters (256 simulations), and combined variation (328 simulations)). The wall time of one simulation in one batch is 24 minutes, and the wall time for individual simulations in the second batch varies from 24 minutes to 55 minutes (as the strain rate is varying and time of fracture of graphene varies accordingly), and wall time of individual simulations in the third batch varies similarly as for the second batch. Note that we have carried out the Monte Carlo simulations based on tens of thousands of simulations depending on these MD simulations by adopting the ML-assisted approach.
The study reveals that internal parameters are more sensitive compared with the external parameters in general. Among the inter-atomic parameters, λ1 and λ2 are found to be the most sensitive, while temperature is more sensitive than the strain rate among the external parameters. Among the output system responses, the cohesive energy is noted to be dependent only on the inter-atomic potential parameters, while the fracture strength depends on both the internal and external input parameters. The stochastic bounds that correspond to the effect of individual uncertainties of the input parameters follow the respective sensitivities. Stochastic bounds for the compound cases are found to be significantly higher compared with the individual effects. The results show that the probabilistic descriptions are significantly more skewed towards the mean values, leading to a generalized Gaussian nature.
The novelty and scientific contributions of this article lie in developing a machine-learning-assisted molecular dynamics approach that leads to deep computational insight into the mechanical behaviour of graphene using large-scale, yet efficient, simulations that involve the individual and compound effects of the critical internal and external factors. The results of this investigation reveal that the mechanical properties of graphene can significantly deviate under the compound effect of source-uncertainties. The numerically quantifiable outcomes of this study will improve and bring new perspectives to the inclusive mechanical design of various graphene-based devices and systems. Moreover, the proposed simulation approaches can be extended further to other 2D materials for efficient, large-scale, computational characterization including the effect of inherent uncertainties.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |