Thomas A.
James R.
Nicholas P. W.
a and
aChemical and Materials Systems Laboratory, General Motors Global R&D, 30500 Mound Rd., Warren, MI 48092-2031, USA. E-mail:; Tel: +01-586-320-8889
bOptimal, Inc., 47802 W. Anchor Ct., Plymouth, MI 48170, USA
First published on 16th March 2022
We report on the solubility of (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x, (0 ≤ x ≤ 40) sulfide glass solid-state electrolytes in the 1:
1 (v/v) DME
DOL solvent mixture, a popular choice for lithium metal battery liquid electrolytes. SiS2-rich glasses within the compositional range of (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x (28 ≤ x ≤ 40) were found to be functionally insoluble in DME
DOL. Hybrid symmetric test cells with a thin liquid electrolyte layer (0.6 M LiTFSI + 0.4 M LiNO3 in 1
1 (v/v) DME
DOL) at the interface between lithium metal electrodes and an insoluble (Li2S)60(SiS2)28(P2S5)12 glass wafer were tested. Hybrid test cells delivered a critical current density of 3.0 mA cm−2 at 25 °C and 0.1 MPa, which is nearly double the CCD of comparable dry symmetric test cells cycled at 10× higher stack pressure.
Fortunately, SSEs may be used in conjunction with other materials to alleviate the stack pressure requirement. For example, we previously integrated a (Li2S)60(SiS2)28(P2S5)12 sulfide glass separator into a single layer Li–S pouch cell with a 1:
1 (v/v) 1,2 dimethoxyethane (DME): 1,3 dioxolane (DOL) + 1 M LiTFSI liquid electrolyte (LE). The Li–P–Si–S glass was chosen for its low melt volatility and adequate stability versus lithium.1 The cell was cycled under a stack pressure of <0.05 MPa.8 Similar hybrid cells, containing both LE and SSE, have also been reported with other SSEs such as Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 (LATP), Li1+xYxZr2−x(PO4)3 (LYZP), Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 (LAGP), and Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO).9–12 Though the cells in these examples were flooded with LE, a small volume LE interlayer may sufficiently change the physics of Li stripping and plating to eliminate the >1 MPa stack pressure requirement.
At first glance, it is non-obvious that the (Li2S)60(SiS2)28(P2S5)12 sulfide glass would be stable in an ether-based LE. In fact, there have been at least two reports of sulfide SSEs precipitated from precursor solutions with ether-based solvents.13,14 These SSE formulations, (Li2S)75(P2S5)25 and Li10GeP2S12, were also found to be soluble in trigylme.15 Nonetheless, an ether-based LE was desired for two reasons. First, conventional Li-ion carbonate-based LEs are not compatible with the Li–S chemistry because sulfur may react with carbonates.16 Second, LiNO3 is an electrolyte additive that creates an effective SEI on Li metal that promotes efficient cycling.17–19 Ether-based solvents are preferable because LiNO3 has low solubility in carbonate solvents.20
In this study, we present a range of sulfide glass SSE compositions that are insoluble in ether based solvents. We then calculate glass weighted average bond dissociation enthalpies to predict each glass’ relative solubility. We expect that our approach may inform the compatibility of a wide range of sulfide glass SSEs compositions with other solvents. Using this result we then show that a LE interlayer can concomitantly reduce the stack pressure requirement and increase critical current density (CCD).
Samples were characterized to determine long range and short range order by X-ray diffraction (XRD, D8 Advance, Bruker, Cu-Kα (1.5406 Å) at room temperature) and Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw), respectively. X-Ray samples were prepared by sealing glass powder with Kapton film and Raman samples were prepared by loading glass powder in sealed quartz capillary tubes. The actual composition of splat quenched SiS2-rich glasses was measured by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS, EDAX). We characterized the bulk composition of the glass by measuring 5 spots at the center of the glass’ fracture surface.
The solubility of glass electrolyte samples was evaluated by immersing 150 mg of glass electrolyte in a 5 ml mixture of 1:
1 (v/v) 1,2 dimethoxyethane (DME) (BASF) and 1,3 dioxolane (DOL) (BASF) and observing the change in color. Solvated species and the degree of solubility was quantified by Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw). Post processing of Raman spectra was carried out in the range of 330–520 cm−1. The DOL
1 (v/v) spectrum was used as a baseline for all spectra.
This simplified treatment of solubility to explain experimental trends is reasonable since the other thermodynamic terms are expected to have a lesser impact as a function of glass composition. We acknowledge that there may be difference in the enthalpy of solvation between the SiSx and PXx and the ether based solvents. It is likely, based on Pauling electronegativities that Si–S bond would have a higher dipole moment compared to that of the P–S bond and we may therefore expect that SiSx species to interact more strongly with polar groups of the ether solvents and be more exothermic in terms of solvation. Secondly, the bond lengths of Si–S and P–S are 192 and 212 pm, respectively, suggesting a larger and positive enthalpic contribution to solvent expansion for PSx as compared to SiSx units. With both of these considerations we might expect that SiS2 rich species would be more soluble if the solute/solvent interactions and solute separation enthalpies dominated the resulting solubility behavior. However, since we will show that the more SiS2 rich glasses are insoluble, we conclude that solute expansion and the interatomic interactions of the solute are principal contribution to the observed solubility behavior. We therefore expect the variation of ΔH2 and ΔH3 to be small compared to that of ΔH1.
ΔGsol = ΔHsol−TΔSsol | (1) |
ΔHsol = ΔH1−ΔH2 +ΔH3 | (2) |
ΔSsol = ΔS1 + ΔS2 + ΔS3 | (3) |
Two approaches were used for approximating the relative enthalpy of solute expansion, ΔH1, by calculating the glass weighted average bond dissociation enthalpy (BDEwa). The first approach is to simply use the mole fractions of the nominal glass composition and assume that each metalloid species (M) in the glass former constituent (M = P, Si or Ge) are all tetrahedrally coordinated by sulfur atoms thus forming 4 M–S bonds while each Li2S contributes 2 Li–S bonds. This simplification neglects contributions from Si, P and Ge homoatomic interactions. This approach is summarized in eqn (1) where mi is the mole fraction of glass former, co-former and modifier. Furthermore, ni is the number of bonds formed for each molecule of former, co-former and modifier. Literature values for the bond dissociation enthalpies (BDE) are taken from a variety of sources and listed in Table 1.21–24 In the case of (PS4)−3 based moieties there are 3 single P–S bonds and 1 P–S double bond. The difference in BDE between P–S single and double bond is only 1 kJ mol−1 so are treated as equivalent. The denominator in eqn (1) reduces the expression to the weighted average of a single “composite bond” and allows the expression to be applied to any glass composition. This allows the comparison of bond strength over widely varying compositions within and across phase diagrams.
![]() | (4) |
Glass constituent | Bond | BDE (kJ mol−1) | Number of bonds (n) |
P2S5 | P–S | 346 | 8 |
GeS2 | Ge–S | 551 | 4 |
SiS2 | Si–S | 619 | 4 |
GeO2 | Ge–O | 658 | 4 |
Li2S | Li–S | 312 | 2 |
The second method of calculating the BDEwa is to determine the mole fraction of each short-range order (SRO) structural moiety present in the glass, account for the number and type of bonds in each moiety and then use eqn (4) to calculate the BDEwa. In this case, mi is the mole fraction of the moiety and ni is the number of M–S and M–M bonds within the moiety. This approach accounts for the homoatomic interactions but requires a great deal of structural detail of the glass in question. For this study we use a previously reported structural analysis for a similar glass compositional range (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)30–0.75x.25,26
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Fig. 1 pXRD of (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x (x = 0, 4, 20, 28, 40) samples indicate all compositions are amorphous. |
Sample, (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x | Method | P (%) | S (%) | Si (%) |
x = 28 | Calc. | 10.5 | 77.2 | 12.3 |
EDS | 9.0 | 74.3 | 16.7 | |
x = 40 | Calc. | — | 77.8 | 22.2 |
EDS | — | 75.4 | 24.6 |
The results of the solubility experiment are provided in Fig. 3. After only 1 hour, the P2S5-rich glasses, (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x (x = 0, 4), partially dissolved as evidenced by the DME:
DOL solvent's yellow color. After two weeks, the (Li2S)60(SiS2)20(P2S5)20 composition also showed evidence of dissolution. On the other hand, the DME
DOL solvent for the SiS2-rich glasses, (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x (x = 28, 40), remained clear for the entire testing period. After two weeks, the remaining solids were collected from each solution and weighed (Fig. 4). The color of the (Li2S)60(P2S5)40 sample changed from dark yellow to light yellow and the (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x (x = 4, 20) samples turned white. On the other hand, the (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x (x = 28, 40) samples were completely intact. While the x = 0, 4, and 20 samples experienced mass loss of 95%, 32%, and 16%, respectively, the x = 28, 40 samples had zero mass loss. It was concluded that P2S5-rich compositions were susceptible to dissolution in a DME
DOL co-solvent. In addition, the solubilities of two other SSEs were tested in DME
DOL. A glass ingot of (Li2S)50(GeS2)45(GeO2)5, prepared as previously described,28 was insoluble while Li10GeP2S12 (NEI Corporation) was slightly soluble.
The solubility of each glass composition was further quantified with Raman spectroscopy and the data are provided in Fig. 5. Fig. 5a provides the Raman spectra of all samples and neat 1:
1 (v/v) DME
DOL in the range of 100–500 cm−1. The spectra are normalized to a strong C–O vibrational mode from DOL
DME mixture at 940 cm−1 (not shown).29,30 Generally, the vibrational modes below 200 cm−1 and around 450 cm−1 are attributable to sulfur species,31 while the vibrational modes in the 350–450 cm−1 range are attributable to solvated glass structural units (P2S6)4−, (P2S7)4−, and (PS4)3−.25,26 A vibrational mode of DME, centered at 365 cm−1, is minorly convolved with the structural units’ vibrational modes, but does not impact analyses. Since several unidentified vibrational modes are observed in the 220–330 cm−1 range, our analysis therefore focuses on the range of 330–520 cm−1. The peaks at 387, 398, 420 and 480 cm−1 are attributed to vibrational modes of (P2S6)4−, (P2S7)4−, (PS4)3−, and S8, respectively.25,26,31 P2S5-rich glasses, (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x (x = 0, 4), showed the highest prevalence of (P2S6)4−, (P2S7)4−, (PS4)3−, and S8 species. On the other hand, the spectra for the SiS2-rich glasses, (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x (x = 28, 40), were indistinguishable from the spectrum for neat 1
1 (v/v) DME
DOL suggesting the complete absence of solvated SSE species. With the exception of PS43−, solvated SSE species decrease linearly with increasing SiS2, x (Fig. 5b). The non-linear prevalence of PS43− with respect to x can be explained by the structural composition of the pristine glass samples (Fig. 2) wherein PS43− is not present in the (Li2S)60(P2S5)40 (x = 0) composition. With this result we show that the (Li2S)60(SiS2)28(P2S5)12 glass is functional insoluble in DME
DOL. It is possible that this glass composition exhibits a small degree of solubility, however, it was below the detection limit or our equipment.
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Fig. 6 Ternary phase diagram with BDEwa mapping. The solid line represents the 400 kJ mol−1 cutoff line, below which, the compositions are predicted to be soluble in DME![]() ![]() |
Aguilar26 identifies seven SRO moieties present in glass compositions described by the formula, (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)30–0.75x, (0 ≤ x ≤ 40). Table 3 summarizes the approximate relative abundance (%) for each of these seven SRO units for compositions in the range (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)30–0.75x.26 The BDEwa for each glass composition was calculated using the values in Table 3 and eqn (4). For the calculations we assume that each Li2S contributes 2 Li–S bonds and so the mole fraction of the modifier is multiplied by 2 and by the BDE of the Li–S bond. The calculated SRO BDEwa's are provided in the second column of Table 4. As expected, the SRO BDEwa increases with increasing SiS2 content since the Si–S bond is comparatively stronger than the P–S bond.
Composition/SRO | (SiS4)4− | (Si2S4)2− | (SiS4)2− | (Si2S6)−6 | (P2S7)4− | (P2S6)4− | (PS4)3− |
(Li2S)60(SiS2)40 | 59 | 12 | 17 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(Li2S)61.86(SiS2)28.87(P2S5)9.28 | 25 | 20 | 15 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 |
(Li2S)63.16(SiS2)21.05(P2S5)15.79 | 10 | 20 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 40 |
(Li2S)65.93(SiS2)4.40(P2S5)29.67 | 0 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 70 | 15 | 5 |
(Li2S)67(P2S5)33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 85 | 15 | 0 |
Nominal glass composition (mol%) | BDEwa (kJ mol−1) SRO composition | BDEwa (kJ mol−1) Nominal composition |
(Li2S)60(SiS2)40 | 487 | 489 |
(Li2S)61.86(SiS2)28.87(P2S5)9.28 | 433 | 431 |
(Li2S)63.16(SiS2)21.05(P2S5)15.79 | 408 | 412 |
(Li2S)65.93(SiS2)4.40(P2S5)29.67 | 347 | 348 |
(Li2S)67(P2S5)33 | 336 | 335 |
(Li2S)60(SiS2)28(P2S5)12 | N/A | 427 |
(Li2S)60(SiS2)20(P2S5)20 | N/A | 395 |
(Li2S)60(SiS2)4(P2S5)36 | N/A | 347 |
(Li2S)60(P2S5)40 | N/A | 339 |
(Li2S)50(GeS2)45(GeO2)5 | 479 | 479 |
Li10GeP2S12 | 375 | N/A |
Despite the diversity of the SRO units that comprise chalcogenide glasses, the number of M–S bonds (M = P, Si, Ge) is fixed at 4 per metalloid/chalcogenide center with the exception of P2S6 and Si2S6 SRO units. We can therefore compute the BDEwa by using the nominal glass composition of modifier, former, and co-formers. This approach ignores the P–P bonds in P2S6 and the Si–Si bonds in Si2S6 since the contribution of these bonds to the BDEwa is small. Specifically, the relative abundances of the P2S6 and Si2S6 units in most glasses is low and the M–M bond is only 1 part in 7 bonds within each unit. The nominal BDEwa's for all glass compositions are provided in the third column of Table 4. There is good agreement between the SRO BDEwa and nominal BDEwa.
Having established that the nominal glass composition is adequate for the calculation of BDEwa using Aguilar's similar glass system, we then computed the BDEwa for our glass system, (Li2S)60(SiS2)x(P2S5)40−x. The BDEwa for this study's glass compositions are listed in the third column of Table 4. The same trend emerges in that the BDEwa increases as the SiS2 content increases. The results listed in Table 4 combined with those of the solubility study would seem to indicate that a BDEwa threshold value of > 400 kJ mol−1 is associated with glass compositions that are insoluble in DME:
DOL. Using the nominal composition allows for the calculation of BDEwa for an entire phase diagram so that one can locate a compositional space in which formulations are likely to be insoluble in DME
DOL without laboriously identifying and quantifying all SRO units for each composition. Fig. 6 presents a contour ternary phase diagram for Li2S·SiS2·P2S5 glasses. The color mapping visualizes the BDEwa for each ternary composition allowing us to visualize the compositional regions where the BDEwa is > 400 kJ mol−1 and therefore anticipated to be compatible with DME
DOL solvents.
Next, we extend our approach to GeS2-based glasses28 and the LGPS (Li10GeP2S12) ceramic superionic SSE.32 We find that the BDEwa for (Li2S)50(GeS2)45(GeO2)5, a formulation we know to be insoluble in DME:
DOL (Fig. S2, ESI†), has a very high BDEwa of 479 kJ mol−1. This is based on the fact that (Li2S)50(GeS2)45(GeO2)5 is composed exclusively of (GeS4)2− SROs with O atoms mixed on the sulfur sites.28 This result is consistent with our insolubility selection criteria of BDEwa > 400 kJ mol−1. The LGPS ceramic, which is known to be composed of a network of one (GeS4)4− and two (PS4)3− tetrahedral units, has a BDEwa of 375 kJ mol−1. We note that the BDEwa calculated for LGPS and (Li2S)60(SiS2)20(PsS5)20 are within 20 kJ mol−1 of each other and that both SSEs are weakly soluble in DME-DOL solutions.
Recent work by Oh et al. examined the dual solid–liquid electrolyte systems of (Li2S)75(P2S5)25 (LPS) or LGPS in combination with a highly concentrated solution of LiTFSI in triglyme, which is an ether based solvent.15 Here, it was found that both LPS and LGPS were soluble in neat triglyme but that the solubility could be decreased by increasing the concentration of LiTFSI. Oh et al. argue that the Li+ of the TFSI− coordinated with the O atoms in the glyme and therefore reduced the propensity for nucleophilic attack on the P-atoms in the SSE. Lower LiTFSI concentrations were required to stabilize the LGPS in the glyme and the authors argued that hard-soft acid base theory favored stronger nucleophilic attack on the P sites in LPS glass by O as compared to the Ge sites in LGPS glass. We argue here that the differences in solubility observed in their work may also be explained by the average strength of the bonds in the solute. By our method, LPS has a BDEwa of 331 kJ mol−1, which is ∼13% lower than LGPS’ BDEwa of 375 kJ mol−1. Consistent with Oh et al.'s observations, our method predicts that both SSEs are soluble in ethers, but that LGPS will have a lower solubility since it has the higher BDEwa.
In our compositions, the nucleophilic centers (Si and P) are both hard acids and therefore should be more amenable to attack by O in the ether solvents. Instead, we find that certain SiS2 rich glasses are functionally insoluble in DME:
DOL. Based on these observations we argue that the difference in solubility behavior is due to the average bond strength of the solute and not just its hard or soft acidic nature. Further supporting this argument is the observation that glass formulations with BDEwa less than, but close to, 400 kJ mol−1 dissolve far more slowly than those with BDEwa well below 400 kJ mol−1. We believe that this approach is generally applicable to other glass former systems and that it can be used as a criterion for selecting glass and ceramic compositions that are insoluble in ether based solvent systems often used in Li–S battery chemistries.
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Fig. 7 CCDs of symmetric Li/SSE/Li test cells with or without a liquid electrolyte interlayer and a different stack pressures at 25 °C. The SSE separators are (Li2S)60(SiS2)28(P2S5)12 glass wafers of approximately 600 μm thickness. (a) A test cell with direct Li/SSE contact and 0.1 MPa stack pressure experiences electrode contact failure at a CCD of 600 μA cm−2.1 (b) A test cell with direct Li/SSE contact and 3 MPa stack pressure experiences shorting failure at a CCD of 1800 μA cm−2.1 (c) A hybrid test cell with liquid electrolyte Li/SSE interlayer and a 0.1 MPa stack pressure experiences shorting failure at a CCD of 3000 μA cm−2. Note: the test was paused for two days at 20 hours due to a planned facility power outage. |
In this study, a small amount of 1:
1 (v/v) DME
DOL + 0.6 M LiTFSI + 0.4 M LiNO3 liquid electrolyte (LE) was applied to the Li/SSE interfaces (blue layer, Fig. 7c – inset). A hybrid symmetric Li/LE/SSE/LE/Li test cell cycled with a stack pressure of only 0.1 MPa at 25 °C had a CCD of 3000 μA cm−2. A second test cell (Fig. S3, ESI†) had a CCD of 2600 μA cm−2, thus confirming the repeatability of our experiment. With these data, it is understood that a liquid electrolyte interlayer concomitantly decreases the stack pressure requirement and increases the CCD. Pictures of a glass wafer separator post-mortem (Fig. S4, ESI†) show that the wafer surface is the same color and transparency as a pristine, uncycled wafer. A short is evident along a fracture surface of the wafer suggesting that sulfide glass separator fracture toughness should be improved.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1ma00926e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |