Pragnesh N.
a and
aDepartment of Chemistry, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, 388 120, Gujarat, India. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, SOIS, Silver Oak University, Ahmedabad, 380 061, Gujarat, India
First published on 29th April 2022
Nano-crystalline copper ferrite (CuFe2O4) was prepared by a co-precipitation method and physicochemically characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. Its catalytic effect was studied by the thermal decomposition of nitrotriazolone (NTO, 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one) and nano-NTO using thermogravimetric analysis-differential scanning calorimetry-differential thermal analysis (TGA-DSC-DTA). XRD showed the amorphous structure of the CuFe2O4 nanoparticles with the crystallite size found to be between 18 and 29 nm, whereas the nanoparticle size of modified NTO was 10–45 nm. For the purpose of comparison, variations in particle size, absorbance, Raman small shift and kinetics, and differences in the thermal decomposition peak temperature were observed. All samples showed absorbance in the ultraviolet region at 200–400 nm. Kinetic parameters confirmed that the prepared CuFe2O4 catalyst enhanced the thermolysis of nano-NTO as compared to the pure NTO, nNTO, and NTO + CuFe2O4.
For efficient solid chemical propulsion, expelled high energetic particles such as nitrotriazolone (NTO, 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one), ammonium nitrate (AN), octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX), ammonium perchlorate (AP), and 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexazisowurtzitane (CL-20) are required, which is why they are widely used in rocket science for thrust production.12–15 Among these materials, NTO is an insensitive energetic material, due to its very low sensitivity. Prepared on a laboratory scale, the processes include easy steps, less hazardous, and satisfactory stability. NTO is widely used in propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics because of its advantages of great performance due to the release of a huge amount of energy/force.16–18 Among many modification methods,19–21 the solvent–antisolvent method is widely applied to produce nanoparticles with improved performance based on their physicochemical characteristics.22
Recently, there has been a great deal of research in the field of chemical propulsion systems in which energetic materials play an important role because they possess propellant, explosive, and pyrotechnic characteristics. Insensitive high energetic materials (HEMs) usually release immense energy and gases that can produce maximum thrust to boost rockets and military-based equipment. Thus, they are important in different fields such as construction, rocket propellants, missiles, gunpowder, and mining. However, research has been carried out to increase the thermal decomposition performance of NTO by use of additives such as metal oxides that form co-crystals with other HEMs such as HNTO/AN, preparing nanosized particles of HEMs, and the use of polymers coordinated with graphene oxide (GO)-functionalized catalysts that can directly impart a great influence in the burning and combustion performance of chemical propulsion systems.29–35 To gain increased insight into the effect of the nano-size of catalysts, the synthesis and properties of various catalysts such as metal oxides,23 metals,24 ferrites,25 and mixed metal ferrites26 have been deeply studied to mainly ascertain how they affect the thermal decomposition of NTO. These are helpful to identify ferrite synthesis that can occur on a laboratory scale, with low cost and reproducible processes, and does not require specialized equipment systems.
In the present work, we precisely investigated the optimized parameters for the preparation of spinel ferrite of copper and the insensitive energetic organic compound NTO. Moreover, the effect of copper ferrite as a catalyst for the thermal decomposition of NTO and modified NTO was investigated using a kinetic approach. In this study, the synthesis, characterization, and thermal decomposition of NTO and nNTO with and without catalyst metal ferrite CuFe2O4 are briefly discussed, of which very little work has been previously reported.32–39
Spectroscopic data were collected on a Shimadzu UV-1800 UV-visible spectrophotometer within the range of 200 to 800 nm wavelengths and a Jobin Yvon Horiba LabRam, HR800 Raman instrument with laser sources of 532 nm wavelengths.
Simultaneous thermal analyses (thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and differential thermal analysis (DTA)) were performed on a PerkinElmer STA 8000 instrument. The milligram samples were analyzed in 95:
5 weight ratios of NTO and catalyst heated from 30 to 400 °C at 5, 10, and 15 °C min−1 heating rates under an N2 atmosphere in a platinum pan.
The Raman spectral behavior of NTO, nNTO, and CuFe2O4 is shown in Fig. 2. It is a very important spectroscopy tool for analysis of samples with nanoparticles in terms of change in slight vibrations and polarizability of molecules because it allows identification of the structural changes in a wide range of nanosized materials.30 Raman scattering for spinel ferrite was found between 50 to 800 cm−1. Raman shift due to the molecular vibrations of metals and their oxides changed the polarizability and was found at a lower range with five active modes: A1g + 3F2g + Eg found between 100–700 cm−1. Raman shift was associated with symmetric stretching, symmetric bending, asymmetric stretching, asymmetric bending, and translation movement between the metal-oxygen bond of CuFe2O4 in the tetrahedral and octahedral sites.24 The Raman modes observed in higher Raman shift corresponded to tetrahedral sites, while modes observed in lower Raman shift corresponded to octahedral sites.25 A higher Raman shift value >1000 cm−1 was observed, which can be due to the adsorption of atmospheric CO2 molecules on the surface of nanoparticles or the presence of the orthorhombic phase. The organic compound NTO and nNTO exhibited Raman bands in the Raman shift range of 50 to 1700 cm−1. The Raman modes of lower region Raman shift are due to the presence of stretching, wagging, twisting, and rocking vibrations of the N–H bond, while Raman modes of higher region Raman shift are due to stretching and bending vibrations of the N–O and C–N bonds.36 Moreover, it can be seen that slight redshifting of the Raman modes of nNTO in comparison with NTO occurred due to the nanoparticle size reduction and the agglomeration of the nNTO particles. This result also validates the SEM images (Fig. 4).
As shown in Fig. 3, higher absorbance was observed in the UV-visible spectrum of spinel ferrite CuFe2O4 due to the strong electronic transition of metal ions. In the copper ferrite with NTO and nNTO spectra, the absorbance decreased because of binding with organic molecules. Finally, the least absorbance was observed for the organic compound species NTO and nNTO, in which the nNTO spectrum was at a lower absorbance UV region due to its smaller particle size as compared to the pure NTO. Here, the entire analysis was carried out using a diluted hydrochloric acid solution. In the UV-Vis spectra, it was reported that the absorption bands depended on the size and shape of the nanoparticles.36 Catalyst CuFe2O4 showed higher absorbance at lower wavelengths due to its smaller size, and the solvent effect led to both hyperchromic and hypsochromic effects. However, for the mixtures NTO + CuF and nNTO + CuF, the absorption increased and there was a shift to a longer wavelength as compared to the pure NTO and nNTO that was associated with mechanical agglomeration and the solvent effect.
In the band structure of copper ferrite, the 2p orbital of the oxygen atom is designated as the valence band, while the 3d orbital of an iron atom is designated as the conductance band. The excitation of electrons from the valence band to the conductance band is responsible for ferrites’ adsorption in the UV-Vis region, and it was determined by Tauc plot. According to Tauc's relation,20 the absorption coefficient (alpha) is related to photon energy by the known equation:
(αhυ)2 = A(hυ − Eg) |
The plotting of (αhυ)2vs. the photon energy (hυ) gives a straight line in a certain region. The extrapolation of this straight line will intercept the (hυ)-axis to provide the value of the direct optical energy gap (Eg). A lower Eg value of CuF assists in the fast movement of electron transition during the thermal decomposition study of nitrotriazolone. The Eg value for CuF was approximately 4.5 eV, while the Eg value for a mixture of CuF + nNTO or CuF + NTO was approximately 5.4 eV. The increment in Eg value for the mixture was associated with larger possible photon energy, and implies a transition across the gap. Therefore, copper ferrite assists in carrying phonons or electrons to facilitate improvement in the thermal decomposition of NTO or nNTO.
Fig. 4 shows the FEG-SEM images of NTO, nNTO, and CuFe2O4. NTO exhibited a rectangular rod shape, nanoparticles with agglomeration were observed for nNTO, and CuF exhibited a polyhedron-like shape. The average particle sizes were calculated using ImageJ software, with 12 to 30 nm for NTO and nNTO, and 27 nm for CuF. It was noticeable that the particle sizes differed from the crystalline sizes due to polycrystalline agglomeration or the presence of a single crystal.
Fig. 5–9 show the curves of simultaneous thermal analyses (TG-DSC-DTA) of thermolysis of NTO and nNTO at 5, 10, and 15 °C min−1 heating rates in the presence of catalyst spinel ferrite CuFe2O4 to determine its catalytic activity. Fig. 5 shows the TG, DTG, and DSC curves at 5, 10, and 15 °C min−1 heating rates for NTO and nNTO. As the heating rates increased, the peaks shifted towards higher temperatures. It is widely known that an endothermic peak is absent in the thermal decomposition of NTO, and its complete decomposition was found between 250–280 °C. In our case, the exothermically decomposed DSC peak for NTO was found at approximately 275 °C, while nNTO was found at approximately 265 °C. In addition, nNTO exhibited a peak with high sharpness at a 5 °C min−1 heating rate as compared to the peak for the NTO sample.
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Fig. 5 (a) and (b) DSC with 5, 10, 15 °C min−1 heating rates. (c) DTG and (d) TG graphs of NTO and nNTO. |
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Fig. 6 TG graphs of (a) NTO + CuFe2O4 and (b) nNTO + CuFe2O4 with 5, 10, and 15 °C min−1 heating rates. |
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Fig. 8 DSC (heat flow endo down) graphs for NTO + CuFe2O4 with 5, 10, and 15 °C min−1 heating rates. |
The modified NTO results confirmed the strong influences of the solvent–antisolvent method in the decomposition curve. Thermolysis of NTO occurred between 265–275 °C, with approximately 78% weight loss. However, nNTO thermolysis occurred between 258–265 °C, with approximately 72% weight loss because of the particle nano-size. Nitrotriazolone gravimetric decomposition occurred by polymeric residues that remained at the completion of decomposition.37
Similarly, the DTG curves for NTO and nNTO were found between 250–275 °C. Furthermore, the TG-DTG curves for NTO and n-NTO revealed that n-NTO decomposes within a short time, at a lower temperature value, and with a lower mass loss than pure NTO. Comparative studies of catalytic thermolysis of NTO (with references) are listed in Table 1. However, it was interesting in the current study to study the thermolysis of nNTO in the presence of catalyst CuF, which has also been described in previous studies38,39 on the synthesis, characterization, and thermolysis of nano-sized NTO.
In the presence of catalyst CuF, the NTO and nNTO TG analysis curves revealed (Fig. 6) that at all heating rates (5, 10, and 15 °C min−1), decomposition occurred between 250 °C to 260 °C with a 70–75% mass loss. In the TG-DTG curve for NTO, the additional small peaks and mass loss after its decomposition peak temperature is associated with its self-heating or autocatalysis.43,44 This corresponds to NTO and nNTO interacting with CuF nanoparticles through the proton transfer mechanism and subsequently decreasing the decomposition temperature and increasing the residue. The results depict that as the heating rates increased, the residual loss increased.
In Fig. 6, the thermogravimetric curves of NTO + CuFe2O4 and nNTO + CuFe2O4 at three heating rates of 5, 10, and 15 °C min−1 were associated with mass losses of a watery compound and unreacted organic species as the temperature increased from room temperature to 400 °C. Here, the curve at a 15 °C min−1 heating rate shows a different curve pattern than the other TGA curve. The straight line at the x-axis <200 °C was associated with water weight losses (0%), and it remained constant for all NTO samples, while between 200–275 °C, the major loss (approximately 80%) of mass corresponded to the presence of organic traces in NTO and nNTO material.
In the presence of catalyst CuF, the mass losses of NTO and nNTO followed two steps:39,41,44,45 the first step relates to the lower temperature decomposition due to the synergistic effects between the two compounds or evolution of NO vapors,17 while the second step relates to the complete decomposition of NTO and nNTO. However, at the 15 °C min−1 heating rate for both samples, the y-axis straight line below 200 °C corresponded to its steady mass loss (approximately 35%) of occluded water molecules.
Catalytic thermal decomposition of NTO using CuFe2O4 took place with multiple pathways, and its preliminary outcome depends on the heating rate. As heating rates increased, the decomposition peak was shifted to a higher temperature. The main step for NTO decomposition involves C–NO2 bond cleavage through a proton transfer mechanism by evolving less harmful chemical and gaseous products to indicate the completion of the decomposition process. For the same, DSC and DTA analyses at 5, 10, and 15 °C min−1 heating rates for NTO + CuFe2O4 and nNTO + CuFe2O4 are briefly discussed below.
In Fig. 7, the DTA curve of NTO + CuFe2O4 is shown with three heating rates in which at a lower temperature below 200 °C, the decomposition peak was associated with the thermally abnormal vibration of NTO molecules in the presence of CuFe2O4 catalyst. At a higher temperature at approximately 255 °C, the peak was associated with the complete catalytic decomposition of the NTO molecule. A similar pattern was observed for the DTA thermographic results of the nNTO + CuFe2O4 mixture (Fig. 7). Here, at 5 °C min−1 heating rates, a much lower decomposition peak temperature was observed for nNTO + CuFe2O4 at approximately 247 °C as compared to NTO + CuFe2O4 at approximately 252 °C. The decrease in the decomposition peak temperature resulted due to the effectiveness of the applied solvent–antisolvent modification method on NTO and the presence of catalyst CuFe2O4.
Fig. 8 shows the DSC curve of NTO + CuFe2O4, and Fig. 9 shows the DSC curve nNTO + CuFe2O4 at 5, 10, and 15 °C min−1 heating rates. These revealed that two decomposition peak temperatures were observed, as stated above (Fig. 7). The complete decomposition peak for NTO + CuFe2O4 was found at approximately 260 °C, while for nNTO + CuFe2O4, the decomposition peak was found at approximately 254 °C. These studies provided further assistance in the calculation of kinetic parameters, such as the activation energy in Table 2. A similar trend of DSC and DTA curves showed the effect of CuF catalyst on the thermolysis of NTO or nNTO. During catalytic decomposition of NTO or nNTO, there were two exothermic peaks observed – a lower temperature decomposition associated with intermediate transition state molecular exothermic decomposition, and higher temperature decomposition associated with complete decomposition of NTO or nNTO.
The kinetic parameters29 were calculated using the following equation:
The detailed average values of the kinetics parameters for pure NTO, nNTO, NTO + CuFe2O4, and nNTO + CuFe2O4 are listed in Table 3. From the calculations, the results of Arrhenius parameters such as activation energy revealed that the mixture of nano NTO with CuFe2O4 required lower energy of approximately 137 kJ mol−1 to start the reaction compared to other materials such as pure NTO, nNTO, and NTO + CuFe2O4. Thus, such an invention is helpful in the development of applications in the area of chemical propulsion systems. Herein, it was observed that nano spinel ferrite CuFe2O4 acts as an excellent catalyst with an outstanding performance for ease of preparation, energy content, thermal stability, and rapid thermal decomposition of insensitive energetic materials through a proton transfer mechanism.
Kinetics/samples | NTO | nNTO | NTO + CuFe2O4 | nNTO + CuFe2O4 |
Ea (kJ mol−1) | 205 ± 2 | 189 ± 2 | 168 ± 4 | 137 ± 4 |
lnA | 25.2 ± 3 | 22.7 ± 3 | 19.5 ± 2 | 16.8 ± 2 |
Previous studies40–42 on the thermolysis of NTO have concluded that there were unsolved issues regarding the NTO decomposition phases and their overall mechanism pathways. The thermolysis process is complex, and it changes depending on the various parameters such as experimental conditions. The majority of theoretical studies have shown that thermolysis starts with C-NO2 homolysis because it requires the least amount of energy. One of the studies37 included the decomposition products of the thermolysis of NTO as follows:
The overall thermal studies clearly confirmed the complete decomposition steps of NTO and nNTO with the catalyst, but pure NTO and nNTO completely decomposed through a single step via leaving autocatalytic traces. This may be due to the synergistic effects between the two compounds. The prepared ferrite, with excellent catalytic behavior and the best fit for the energetic decomposition mechanisms, would be a vital material for the formulations of various chemical propulsion systems.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |