Sun Hee
c and
Hyung Chul
aDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Education and Research Center for Smart Energy Materials and Process, Inha University, Incheon, 22212, South Korea. E-mail: ham.hyungchul@inha.ac.kr
bProgram in Smart Digital Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, 22212, Republic of Korea
cCenter for Hydrogen·Fuel Cell Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, 02792, Republic of Korea
First published on 31st May 2022
As an extension of single-atom catalysts, the development of double-atom catalysts with high electrocatalytic activity for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is vital to facilitate hydrogen production and industrial applications. The CoM (M = 3d, 4d, 5d block metals) homo and double-atom catalysts supported on nitrogen-doped graphene (CoM/N4G) were prepared for electrochemical water oxidation under alkaline conditions, and the electrocatalytic activity was studied through density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The hetero CoCu/N4G double-atom catalyst indicated the highest OER activity with an onset potential of 0.83 V, while the homo Co2/N4G catalyst showed a higher onset potential of 1.69 V. The decoupled strain, dopant, and configurational effects based on the notable differences between the homo Co2/N4G and CoCu/N4G explained the enhanced OER activity, implying that the Cu dopant has a crucial impact on boosting the reactivity by reducing the affinity of reaction intermediates. The enhancement could also be understood from the perspective of the electron structure characteristic through d-orbital resolved density of states (ORDOS) (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2−y2) analysis. From the ORDOS analysis, we found an apparent alteration of the key orbitals between Co2/N4G (dz2, dxz, and dyz) and CoCu/N4G (dz2, dxz, dyz, and dxy) with a substantial change in the overlap ratio (Xd). This theoretical study offers beneficial insights into developing a strategy for efficient OER catalysts utilizing a double-atom structure.
Recently, the single-atom catalysts (SACs) have been extensively investigated due to their maximized atomic utilization with unique properties and a large number of active sites when the isolated single atoms are stabilized through a strong interaction with the support materials.21–28 Among those SACs, transition metal–nitrogen-doped carbon catalysts (M–N–C) are the most widely studied because of their good mechanical properties, excellent electrical conductivity, and high stability in acidic/alkaline conditions, showing superior catalytic activity for many electrochemical reactions, such as HER,29,30 oxygen reduction reaction (ORR),31,32 OER,33 and N2-reduction reaction (N2RR).34 Moreover, as an extension of SACs, double-atom catalysts (DACs) have also been vigorously studied for achieving better electrocatalytic performance than SACs with a modulated electronic structure of the active centers.35–40 For example, Yang et al. reported that transition-metal-doped double-atom Fe catalysts on graphene substrates (Fe-TMDA/GS) have more obvious advantages due to their lower Gibbs free energy variation for the potential determining step in the nitrogen-reduction reaction (NRR) compared to the single-atom Fe catalyst.41 Aside from double-atom Fe catalysts, diverse DACs such as Pt2/graphene, Ni–V/graphene, and Pd2/graphene have shown remarkable catalytic performance in the hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia borane, CO oxidation, and formic acid dehydrogenation, respectively.42–44 Nevertheless, the study of DACs for the OER has not been much reported to date.
Herein, we constructed CoM (M = 3d, 4d and 5d block metals) double atoms supported on nitrogen-doped graphene (CoM/N4G), where the M metal atom was coordinated with the Co metal center, and then evaluated its structural stability. Then, the electrocatalytic activity of CoM/N4G for the OER was estimated through density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The CoCu/N4G catalyst with an onset potential of 0.83 V presented the best OER performance compared to the other CoM/N4G. To better understand the mechanism of the activity enhancement, the strain, dopant, and configurational effects on CoCu/N4G were decoupled and compared with those of the Co2/N4G catalyst so that we could clearly confirm the role of the Cu atom. In addition, we found the key descriptor representing the catalytic activity based on the 3d block-metal-introduced CoM/N4G catalyst and explored additional CoM/N4G catalysts employing 4d and 5d block metals. Finally, d-orbital resolved density of states (ORDOS) (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2−y2) analysis for the key intermediate adsorbed CoM/N4G system was performed to reveal the significant properties for the electronic structure of the active metal center related to the catalytic activity.
ΔEf = ECoM/N4G − ECo/N4G − EM |
The adsorption energy (ΔEads) was used to measure the adsorption strength between the intermediates and CoM/N4G surface, and the adsorption energy is defined by the following equation:
ΔEads = Etot − Esur − Eint |
To predict the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) depending on the individual reaction steps, we assumed an alkaline mechanism in which OH− is oxidized to H2O and O2 with electron (e−) release, and adopted the computational hydrogen electrode (CHE) approach.54,55 According to the CHE approach, the Gibbs free energy of (H+ + e−) can be calculated by the free energy of ½H2 in the gas phase, assuming the equilibrium,
H+ + e− ↔ ½H2(g) |
GO2(g) = 2GH2O(l) − 2GH2(g) + 4.92 |
GpH = kBT × pH × ln![]() |
eURHE = eUSHE + kBT × pH × ln![]() |
ΔG = ΔE − TΔS + ΔZPE − n(eUSHE + GpH) |
* + OH− → OH* + e− |
OH* + OH− → O* + H2O(l) + e− |
O* + OH− → OOH* + e− |
OOH* + OH− → * + O2(g) + H2O(l) + e− |
The first step for the OER is the adsorption of OH− on Co2/N4G, forming OH* (* denoted as the adsorbed state) and the release of an electron. Second, the adsorbed OH* reacts with OH−, activating the O–H bond dissociation and in turn liberating H2O, leaving O* and an electron behind. The third step is the reaction of adsorbed O* with OH−, leading to the formation of OOH* and an electron. The final step is the formation of O2, H2O, and electron via O–H scission by the reaction of adsorbed OOH* with OH−. On the other hand, the dissociative mechanism of OER (where the adsorbed O* directly forms O2 without OOH* formation) is not stated in this study. This is because the direct formation of O2 from O*, which is a chemical reaction, is a large endothermic reaction due to the strong O* adsorption on Co2/N4G (see Fig. S1†). Aside from Co2/N4G, all the CoM/N4G catalysts showed endothermic energy for the formation of O2 from O*.
Fig. 1 shows the calculated free energy diagram for the OER and the molecular configurations of OER intermediates on a Co2/N4G catalyst. Here, we attempted to find the most stable structure of a homo Co2 double-atom supported on defective graphene by comparing the formation energies (ΔEf) of six possible configurations (denoted as C1, C3, C4, C6, C8, and C9) (see Table 1 and Fig. 2), which indicated that the homo Co2 double-atom was stabilized in the form of the C4 geometry (ΔEf = −1.63 eV) (where one Co atom is connected to a rectangular-shaped nitrogen, while the other Co atom is linked to a hexagonal-shaped nitrogen and carbons, resulting in the formation of the inclined Co2 structure).
Catalyst | (C1) | (C2) | (C3) | (C4) | (C5) | (C6) | (C7) | (C8) | (C9) |
CoSc/N4G | −2.64 | −2.82 | −1.82 | −3.22 | −2.15 | −3.11 | −2.47 | — | −2.62 |
CoTi/N4G | −2.35 | −3.42 | −2.03 | −3.09 | — | −2.60 | −3.02 | −1.22 | −2.10 |
CoV/N4G | −1.73 | −2.76 | −0.71 | −2.00 | −1.54 | −1.91 | −2.09 | −0.12 | −0.98 |
CoCr/N4G | −1.12 | −0.53 | 1.18 | — | −0.05 | — | −0.08 | 2.04 | — |
CoMn/N4G | −1.38 | −0.04 | 1.13 | — | −0.31 | — | 0.01 | 1.92 | 1.00 |
CoFe/N4G | −1.66 | −0.86 | 0.10 | −1.64 | −1.30 | — | −1.25 | 0.96 | 0.37 |
Co2/N4G | −1.50 | — | 0.47 | −1.63 | — | −1.48 | — | 1.21 | 0.35 |
CoNi/N4G | −1.59 | −0.50 | — | −1.63 | −1.12 | −1.63 | −0.78 | — | — |
CoCu/N4G | −1.40 | 2.22 | — | — | 1.43 | — | 1.81 | — | — |
CoZn/N4G | −0.25 | 3.54 | — | — | 3.20 | — | 3.58 | — | — |
For a homo Co2/N4G catalyst, our DFT calculations predicted that the OOH* + OH− → * + O2(g) + H2O(l) + e− reaction [defined as the potential limiting step (PLS)] determined the whole O2 evolution activity since that was the most energetically demanding step (requiring the largest Gibbs free energy change for the OER) among the reaction pathways of the OER, which led to an onset potential (as indicated by Uonset) of 1.69 V (over potential of 1.29 V). This was higher by 0.91 V than a previously reported Co oxide catalyst.19 Next, to further enhance the OER activity of a homo Co2/N4G catalyst, we replaced one Co atom in the Co2 double-atom by 3d block metals (M = Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn).
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Fig. 3 Free energy diagrams for CoM/N4G (M = 3d block metals) at OCV condition (UOCV = 0.401 V) and onset potential. |
Catalyst | ΔEads(O*) | ΔEads(OH*) | ΔEads(OOH*) | U onset (V) |
CoSc/N4G | −7.33 | −5.95 | −4.38 | 3.01 |
CoTi/N4G | −6.71 | −4.01 | −2.30 | 3.02 |
CoV/N4G | −6.37 | −3.44 | −2.55 | 2.44 |
CoCr/N4G | −6.26 | −4.57 | −3.19 | 1.82 |
CoMn/N4G | −5.74 | −4.56 | −2.94 | 1.57 |
CoFe/N4G | −5.90 | −4.79 | −3.18 | 1.81 |
Co2/N4G | −5.86 | −4.48 | −3.06 | 1.69 |
CoNi/N4G | −5.04 | −4.37 | −2.87 | 1.51 |
CoCu/N4G | −4.27 | −3.47 | −2.06 | 0.83 |
CoZn/N4G | −3.92 | −3.82 | −2.06 | 1.44 |
On the other hand, for the CoSc (Uonset = 3.01 V), CoTi (Uonset = 3.02 V), CoV (Uonset = 2.44 V), and CoFe (Uonset = 1.81 V) cases, the onset potential increased (OER activity decreased) due to the substantial increase in the affinity of the reaction intermediates (particularly, O*). Note the adsorption energies for CoSc [ΔEads(O*) = −7.33 eV, ΔEads(OH*) = −5.95 eV, and ΔEads(OOH*) = −4.38 eV], CoTi [ΔEads(O*) = −6.71 eV, ΔEads(OH*) = −4.01 eV, and ΔEads(OOH*) = −2.30 eV], CoV [ΔEads(O*) = −6.37 eV, ΔEads(OH*) = −3.44 eV, and ΔEads(OOH*) = −2.55 eV], and CoFe [ΔEads(O*) = −5.90 eV, ΔEads(OH*) = −4.79 eV, and ΔEads(OOH*) = −3.18 eV] (see Table 2). The most favorable adsorption configurations of CoM/N4G are shown in Fig. S3.†
Fig. 4 and S4† display the variation of the onset potential as a function of O*, OH*, OOH* adsorption energy for the homo Co2/N4G and hetero CoM/N4G catalysts. We discovered that a key descriptor representing the electrocatalytic activity for the OER was the O* binding energy [note the clear volcanic correlation between Uonset and ΔEads(O*)]. Here, the volcano plot [Uonsetversus ΔEads(O*)] demonstrated that the OER activity could be increased when the ΔEads(O*) = −5.86 eV of a homo Co2/N4G catalyst rose to the peak position of about −4.37 eV, whereas the activity decreased when the ΔEads(O*) further decreased over the peak position. Therefore, indicating that there was still a probability to develop new CoM/N4G catalysts surpassing the OER performance of the CoCu/N4G catalyst.
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Fig. 4 Volcano curve indicating the activity (onset potential) for the CoM/N4G catalysts (M = 3d block metals) depending on the oxygen adsorption energy, ΔEads(O*). |
In addition to the N4G support material, we investigated the OER activity when the N4G support (which had a di-vacancy of two carbon atoms surrounded by four nitrogen atoms) (Fig. S5†) was replaced by the N5G support (which had two mono-vacancies, and five nitrogen atoms covering the edge site of two mono-vacancies) (Fig. S5†) to examine the support vacancy arrangement effect on the activity of hetero CoCu double-atom catalyst. We found out that the most active CoCu double atoms in the N5G support stably existed when Co and Cu atoms were in each mono-vacancy site, and Co and Cu atoms were bound horizontally to each other (Fig. S5†). The result of the OER activity prediction showed that the hetero CoCu/N5G catalyst had a higher onset potential (Uonset = 1.25 V) than CoCu/N4G (Uonset = 0.83 V). The decreased OER activity of CoCu/N5G came from the increase in O* binding strength as well as the reduction of the OOH* affinity. Note the adsorption energies for CoCu/N5G [ΔEads(O*) = −4.45 eV, ΔEads(OH*) = −3.14 eV, and ΔEads(OOH*) = −1.81 eV]. Thus, the endothermicity of the free energy change at the PLS (O* + OH− → OOH* + e−) increased (see Fig. S6†) and in turn the OER activity was reduced. In addition, our DFT calculations showed the higher stability (formation energy) of di-vacancy by 6.12 eV than for the two mono-vacancy systems. Note that we considered the N4G + N → N5G + C reaction for calculation of the formation energy difference.
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Fig. 5 (a) Decoupled models of the configurational (Co2/N4Gconfig), strain (Co2/N4Gstrain) and dopant effects. (b) Adsorption energy and onset potential variation of each decoupled model. |
The second change of the Co2/N4Gconfig model to the compressively strained vertical Co double atom (referred to the Co2/N4Gstrain model) indicated the relative contribution of the strain effect to the total OER catalysis. Here, the Co–Co bond of the Co2/N4Gstrain model was 2.29 Å (whose bond length was the same as the Co–Cu bond of the stable CoCu/N4G catalyst), which was contracted by 6.15% compared to the Co2/N4Gconfig model. We saw almost no change of the binding strength for all reaction intermediates [ΔEads(O*) = −5.79 eV, ΔEads(OH*) = −4.48 eV, ΔEads(OOH*) = −2.97 eV] for the Co2/N4Gstrain model compared to the Co2/N4Gconfig case. Here, although there was a relatively large compressive strain effect on the Co2 double atom, the adsorption energies were little changed. This may come from the adsorption states of the intermediates where only the top Co atom in the vertical Co double atom actively interacted with the intermediates, such that the strain effect may hardly affect the affinity for the intermediates (see Fig. S7†). Accordingly, the OER activity of the Co2/N4Gstrain model (the onset potential = 1.60 V) was almost the same as for the Co2/N4Gconfig model (the onset potential = 1.58 V), implying that the strain effect was not important in determining the OER catalysis. Finally, a top Co atom of Co2/N4Gstrain model was substituted for a Cu atom as it maintained the bond distance of 2.29 Å (CoCu/N4G model), which could help understanding the Cu dopant effect on the total OER activity. Our DFT calculations showed the great reduction in the affinity of the reaction intermediates by the dopant effect. For example, the ΔEads(O*) of CoCu/N4G was reduced by 1.52 eV in comparison with the Co2/N4Gstrain model. Similarly, the CoCu/N4G catalyst had strikingly higher OH* (−3.47 eV) and OOH* (−2.06 eV) adsorption energies than the Co2/N4Gstrain case [ΔEads(OH*) = −4.48 eV, and ΔEads(OOH*) = −2.97 eV]. This large reduction of adsorption strength gave rise to a considerable decrease in the free energy change of the potential limiting step. Thus, the OER activity was significantly enhanced with the onset potential of 0.83 V. These results demonstrated that the dopant effect was critical for boosting the OER activity, while the configurational and strain effects played a minor role.
Next, to precisely comprehend the fundamental properties relevant to the OER catalysis, we predicted the d-orbital resolved density of states (ORDOS) (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2−y2) of the Co and Cu atoms and the p density of states (DOS) of the O atom for the O-adsorbed homo Co2/N4G and hetero CoCu/N4G catalysts (see Fig. 6). For validity of this analysis, the precedent work about the hetero double-atom catalysts for electrochemical NH3 production has been already reported and its validity proven.37 Here, the oxygen adsorption structure is key to the understanding of the descriptor for representing the OER activity as mentioned in previous section. For the homo Co2/N4G catalyst, we identified a strong overlap between the dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2−y2 orbitals of the Co dimers and the p orbital of the O atom in the energy ranges from −4.80 to −3.60, from −3.40 to −2.90, from −2.50 to −2.05, and from −1.10 eV to −0.50 eV. To understand the degree of orbital overlap quantitatively, the overlap ratio (Xd), which denotes the fraction of p–d orbital overlap in the total p orbital, was estimated as shown in Fig. 7. We found that the dz2, dxz, and dyz orbitals, which feature an orientation toward z-direction, were closely involved in the bonding to the oxygen compared to the dx2−y2 and dxy for the homo Co2/N4G catalyst. Note that the order of overlap was dxz (Xd = 0.37) > dz2 (Xd = 0.35) > dyz (Xd = 0.32) ≫ dx2−y2 (Xd = 0.12) > dxy (Xd = 0.11). On the other hand, for the hetero CoCu/N4G case, the pattern of orbital overlap was greatly different from the homo Co2/N4G catalyst. Note the overlap energy ranged from −5.10 to −4.80, from −3.70 to −2.75, from −1.60 to −1.10, and from −0.25 eV to −0.0 eV for the hetero CoCu/N4G catalyst in Fig. 6(b). This led to a change in the key orbitals in determining the oxygen adsorption process. That is, in addition to the dz2 (Xd = 0.28), dxz (Xd = 0.26), and dyz (Xd = 0.22) orbitals, the dxy (Xd = 0.20) orbital was actively involved in oxygen adsorption. Here, the activation of dxy in the hetero CoCu/N4G catalyst was associated with the adsorption of an oxygen atom at the bridge site of the vertical CoCu double atom. Note that the p orbital of oxygen could strongly interact with the dxy (Xd = 0.20) orbital of the Cu atom, as shown in Fig. 7. In addition to the activation of the dxy orbital, another noticeable change was observed in the CoCu/N4G catalyst. Even though an additional orbital of dxy was involved in the adsorption process, the overlap ratio of most of the key orbitals (dz2, dxz and dyz) decreased, which means the interaction between CoCu atoms and O atom was reduced in comparison with Co2. As a result, the decrease in the overlap ratio of dz2, dxz and dyz orbitals made the oxygen adsorption weak (see Table 2).
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Fig. 6 The d-orbital resolved density of state (ORDOS) analysis of the oxygen adsorbed (a) Co2/N4G and (b) CoCu/N4G. |
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Fig. 7 Overlap ratio (Xd) of d-orbitals to p-orbitals. The black dots correspond to the overlap ratio of Co2/N4G, and the red dots are equivalent to the overlap ratio of CoCu/N4G. |
(1) The ensemble structures of the Co-based homo and double atom catalysts supported on nitrogen-doped graphene (CoM/N4G) were examined based on their nine possible configurations (C1–C9) and determined by the formation energy. We confirmed that the most stable structures of the CoM/N4G catalysts converged into three geometries: C1 (vertical Co double-atom shape) (CoCr, CoMn, CoFe, CoCu, CoZn); C2 (vertical M double-atom shape) (CoTi, CoV); and C4 (inclined hexagon M double-atom shape) (CoSc, CoNi).
(2) The OER activity of CoM/N4G (M = 3d block metals) was predicted based on the reaction mechanism under alkaline conditions. We discovered hetero CoCu, CoMn, CoNi, and CoZn double-atom catalysts had advanced activity compared to the homo Co2 double-atom catalyst. In particular, the hetero CoCu/N4G double-atom catalyst showed a strikingly lower onset potential by 0.86 V (Uonset = 0.83 V) than the Co2/N4G (Uonset = 1.69 V) case, which was related to the PLS shift from the OOH* → O2(g) step [Co2/N4G] to the O* → OOH* step and in turn the decrease in the endothermicity in PLS owing to the large reduction in the affinity of the reaction intermediates.
(3) The origin of the boosted activity of the hetero CoCu/N4G double-atom catalyst was described by the decoupled strain (bond length change of the double atom), dopant (substitute Co atom for Cu atom), and configurational (ensemble structure alteration) effects. Decoupling of the effects revealed that the dopant Cu atom, where the d-band states of both the Cu and Co atoms were modified by valence electrons mixing, had a great impact on improving the OER performance by decreasing the adsorption strength of O*, OH*, and OOH*, whereas the strain and configurational effect had only a slight influence on the activity or barely affected the variation of the onset potential. The weakened adsorption strength was also explained by the d-orbital resolved density of states (ORDOS) (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2−y2) of the double-metal atom and p density of states (DOS) of the adsorbed O atom, and the degree of overlap was quantitatively estimated by the p–d orbital overlap ratio (Xd). We found that the overlap ratio of the key orbitals for the homo Co2/N4G catalyst, which was characterized by the z-direction involved orbitals (dz2, dxz, and dyz), exhibited a higher overlap ratio [dz2 (Xd = 0.35), dxz (Xd = 0.37) and dyz (Xd = 0.32)] than the CoCu/N4G case. On the other hand, a distinctive change in the overlap ratio for the hetero CoCu/N4G catalyst, where the key orbitals were the dz2 (Xd = 0.28), dxz (Xd = 0.26), dyz (Xd = 0.22), and dxy (Xd = 0.20), was verified. As a result, a drop in the binding strength of the O atom arose in the hetero CoCu/N4G catalyst.
(4) Finally, we explored other dopants to improve the OER activity of the hetero CoM (M = 4d and 5d block metals) double-atom catalysts using the descriptor [ΔEads(O*) or λ] determined by volcano curve. The promising CoPd/N4G candidate was chosen by the deviation (Δλ) range from −0.22 eV to 0.22 eV on the basis of the peak position (λ = −4.37 eV). The onset potential of the selected CoPd/N4G catalyst presented a reduced onset potential by 0.80 V as compared to the homo Co2/N4G catalyst, verifying the suitability of the descriptor. It implied that there is still a chance to discover another efficient hetero double-atom catalyst having the descriptor value near the peak position.
In conclusion, our theoretical study offers useful insights into developing a strategy for high-efficiency OER catalysts using a variety of double-atom composites for the future.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See https://doi.org/10.1039/d2na00107a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |