Dmitry N.
Maksym V.
a and
Joachim R.
aInstitute of Physics, University of Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria. E-mail: dario.grimaldi@uni-graz.at
bInstitute of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland
cEmpa – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Laboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
First published on 18th July 2022
We demonstrate that the photoconductance of colloidal PbS/MAPbI3 quantum dots in nanoscale gold electrode gaps shows a consistent power law dependence of the photocurrent on the light intensity with an exponent slightly below 0.7. The gap sizes are between 25 and 800 nm and by scanning photocurrent microscopy we evidence the strong localization and high reproducibility of photocurrent generation. We probe different flat-faced and pointed electrodes for excitation light in the red and near infrared spectral range and laser irradiances from 10−2 to 102 W cm−2. Our material combination provides practically identical photocurrent response for a wide range of gap sizes and geometries, highlighting its generic potential for nanoscale light coupling and detection.
When combined with sub-micrometer spaced metal electrodes, photoconductive QDs form nanoscale light detectors. For CdSe/ZnS QDs between gold electrodes just a few nm apart, responsivities of a few tens of mA W−1 (ref. 4) and light detection sensitivities of 500 fW (ref. 5) were reported. Crosstalk between close electrodes was found to be suppressed due to the strongly confined electric fields in nanoscale gaps.6 Understanding the role of charge trap population7 and related memory effects8 contributed to the reproducibility of photocurrent generation in nanogaps. Gaps a few nm wide that are bridged by just one QD (but by many in parallel) were realized, showing sub-microsecond photocurrent response.9
The dynamics of photogenerated carriers is encoded in the photocurrent dependence on the exciton generation rate that is proportional to the level of light irradiance. In principle, a linear dependence of the photocurrent as a function of irradiance is expected for a large number of available charge traps, corresponding to one type of charge carrier (electron or hole) being trapped and the photoconductive gain being given by the ratio of trap time and transit time of the circulating carrier (monomolecular recombination). This usually applies for low irradiances, when just a fraction of available charge traps is filled. In contrast, a square-root-dependence (or bimolecular recombination) is expected for a low number of available charge traps (or high irradiances, when most trap centers are filled). Often, however, different exponents α in the power-law-dependence, photocurrent ∝ irradianceα are observed. Although theoretical descriptions of photoconductance exist for many decades,10,11 the complex interplay of different trap types and the actual dynamics of carrier generation, transport and recombination makes it usually difficult to untangle the relative contributions. Exemplarily, power exponents of 1 and 0.5 were observed for lead-halide perovskite films for low and high irradiance, respectively.12 For CdSe/ZnS QDs in nano- and microgaps, low-temperature measurements yielded an exponent of 1,7,13 while for room temperature a value of 0.8 was found.7 A similar value was observed for a ZnO nanowire upon UV illumination,14 while it was 0.45 for Mn doped ZnO nanowires under blue light illumination.15 PbS films showed exponents between 0.45–0.68, dependent on the fabrication process of the electrode/QD system.16
Within the wide choice of QD materials, perovskite-capped PbS received a lot of recent attention, as the size-tunable IR absorption of PbS QDs combines favorably with organometal halide perovskite shells as MAPbI3 (ref. 17–21) for, first, further tunability of light absorption and emission.17,20,21 Second, with a view on photoconductance, perovskite shells of only about 1 nm thickness allow efficient charge transport between individual QDs in closely packed ensembles thereof.18,19,21
In this Letter, we investigate PbS/MAPbI3 QDs in nanoscale gaps defined by gold electrodes of varied geometries with mutual distances between 25 and 800 nm. For all sizes and different electrode geometries we observe quite similar power exponents of 0.60–0.69. We do not aim to untangle the detailed processes underlying the charge dynamics due to its multifaceted phenomenology. Rather, we show that the photocurrent response of our system is independent of electrode size and geometry. Therefore we image the QD-gaps by scanning photocurrent microscopy (SPCM), evidencing reproducible localized charge generation. We further evidence smallest detectable light levels around 100 fW (at 0.5 V bias) and deduce from our measurements maximum responsivities around 0.2 A W−1. As a reproducible, stable and sensitive system, PbS/MAPbI3 QDs in nanoscale gaps seem thus solid components in the context of nanoscale photodetection, optical switching and specific imaging applications.
3.1 nm large PbS colloidal QDs capped with lead oleate ligands were synthesized as described elsewhere.22,23 The procedure for phase transfer ligand exchange was adapted from our previous work.17 For all details, see the Methods section. Absorption and photoluminescence spectra of a QD solution (before ligand exchange) in 2,6-difluoropyridin are depicted in Fig. 1a. The PbS QD bandgap is size-dependent, the perovskite bandgap for MAPbI3 is at 1.63 eV (760 nm).24 The relative energy level values and thus the charge dynamics at the interface depends on the PbS QD size. The used PbS QDs display n-type transport behavior.25
The QDs were deposited on the electrodes by spin coating a 10 mg mL−1 solution in 2,6-difluoropyridin at 2000 rpm. The resulting films are 5.1 ± 0.4 nm thick (corresponding to a QD monolayer), as measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) on a mechanically induced scratch, see Fig. 1b. As evidenced by AFM and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the QD films are rather homogeneous, with a few randomly distributed QD agglomerations of 15–150 nm in diameter at μm separation distances.
As a powerful tool to image the spatial distribution of photocarrier generation and transport, scanning photocurrent microscopy (SPCM) relies on a focused laser beam that is scanned over an photoconductive sample, assigning the measured photocurrent to the respective laser position. This is in particular important for samples built from nanostructures, as it allows to assess the homogeneity of samples and to identify defects in the QD coverage. As shown in studies on CdSe/CdS QDs within μm-spaced electrodes, charge mobilities and transport pathways can be derived from SPCM measurements as well as local variations in light coupling to the sample.26,27 In our SPCM setup, we used a microscope objective with 40× magnification and 0.6 numerical aperture and a piezo stage for sample scanning. In parallel to the photocurrent measurement, an optical transmission image of the sample is acquired via a photodiode positioned behind the sample. For excitation, we used a supercontinuum laser emitting 6 ps pulses at 40 MHz repetition rate. Most experiments were done at an excitation wavelength of 650 nm, with further measurements at wavelengths at 600, 750 and 800 nm. In any case, the spectral bandwidth was 2.5 nm, selected by a volume holographic grating filter. For measuring the power dependence of the photocurrent, power levels in the nW to μW range were applied, corresponding to light irradiances between 10−2 and 102 W cm−2. The focus size was close to diffraction limited, as verified with measuring 1/e2 intensity value of a focused spot at 650 nm wavelength at a radius of 1.4 μm, by monitoring the transmitted light intensity when scanning over the sharp edge of an opaque metal film. This is confirmed by the lateral profile of photocurrent maps taken from nanoscale gaps. All SPCM measurements were done with a power of about 0.5 μW and an irradiance around 15 W cm−2.
The SPCM image of an electrode structure with a gap of varying size from 120 to 450 nm between two extended electrodes is shown in Fig. 3a. For this sample, the SPCM image shows a rather constant photocurrent along most of the slit, well confined to the gap region. The transmission image (Fig. 3b) and the corresponding cross-cut (Fig. 3c) shows that the transmission through the slit increases linearly with its size. The external quantum efficiency, which accounts for the variation of the absorptive cross section with the gap size, is shown in Fig. S1.† Gap-size-related resonance effects are thus not observed here.
We next turn to nanoscale gaps defined by bow tie geometries with a gap size of 25 ± 5 nm. In Fig. 4a, a SPCM image of three bow tie gaps is shown, overlaid to a SEM image. For all gaps we observe quite similar signals, highlighted by the cross section in Fig. 4c. The photocurrent generation is well restricted to a region that corresponds to the focus size,4,7 as further evidenced by the high magnification image in Fig. 4a. We emphasize that a 25 nm wide gap is bridged by a QD film that contains only five QDs between the electrode tips. While apart from the example in Fig. 4 very similar photocurrent levels have been observed for about ten further gaps we conclude that our fabrication procedure yields very homogeneous QD films with rather similar QD numbers also in very small gaps. In contrast, for non-optimized film fabrication (drop casting instead of spin coating, different QD solution concentrations) we observed as well QD multilayers or agglomerates in individual gaps, that led to strongly varying photocurrents. In addition, we hypothesize that the complete absence of photocurrent signals observed for three gaps is due to a highly localized void in the QD film, as discussed in the ESI (Fig. S2†).
We now characterize the photoconductive properties of our QD/gap structures more closely. For a bow-tie gap (gap size 40 nm), we plot in Fig. 5a the wavelength dependence of the photocurrent (for the correction of the chromatic aberration of the microscope objective see the Methods section). Besides the evident increase towards lower wavelength, we find a rather weak but clear signature above a wavelength of 900 nm, corresponding well to the lowest energy QD absorbance (Fig. 1a), evidencing QD absorption as the initial step in photocurrent generation.
For a flat gap with 40 nm size and 200 nm width, the bias voltage dependence of the photocurrent is plotted in Fig. 5b. We note that the bias voltages used here, up to 10 V, are significantly higher than used for the other experiments in this work, that operate within the rather linear current regime up to 1 V. From the I/V curve around zero bias we can estimate the contact resistance of the QDs to the gold, which is around 20 MΩ. The same data on a logarithmic scale are plotted in Fig. 5d. Fig. 5c shows the corresponding I/V curves for a bow-tie gap (40 nm size). In any case, the red curve depicts the dark current, the blue curve depicts the photocurrent.
The photocurrent can be phenomenologically described by28
![]() | (1) |
The characteristic voltage barrier V0 and the equivalent sheet resistance R0 are about 5 V and 60 GΩ for the bow-tie gap and about 22 V and 10 GΩ for the flat gap, respectively. The average voltage drop per QD is thus 0.6 and 2.8 V, respectively, assuming a QD size of 5 nm. The high sheet resistance is to be expected for nanoscale electrodes, as compared to values in the MΩ range reported for laterally extended (interdigitated) electrodes.26 Interestingly, the phenomenological model of the fit describes the data from the ultrasmall gaps very well, while the concept of sheet resistance has been suggested to fail when only a few QDs are bridging a gap.26
The dependence of the photocurrent on the exciting light irradiance was measured for different gap geometries, as summarized in Fig. 6 (blue symbols), the gaps are depicted in the inset SEM images. The exciting light wavelength was 650 nm in all cases. All data can be very well described by a power law with rather similar exponents α ranging from 0.60 to 0.69. The irradiance dependence of the photocurrent is largely independent on wavelength and bias, as illustrated in the ESI (Fig. S3 and S4†). While untangling the multitude of factors that could contribute to this specific value of the power law exponent (with respect to the excitation, dissociation transport and recombination dynamics of the charge carriers) is beyond the scope of this paper, a likely significant contribution is a combination of mono- and bimolecular recombination. This is in fact to be expected for different electron and hole mobilities,27 due to a resulting space charge layer giving rise to an exponent value of 0.75.29 In addition, some role might be played by (fluctuating) percolation paths in our quasi-2D QD monolayer samples, giving rise to a nontrivial charge transport dynamics.30,31
The lowest photocurrent value measured for an irradiance of 6 mW cm−2 at 650 nm wavelength was about 20 fA (for a bias voltage of 0.5 V). The responsivity for the bow-tie gaps, taking the actual focus and gap sizes into account yields normalized values around 0.2 A W−1. We note that we observed photocurrents as well at zero bias voltage, as depicted in the ESI (Fig. S5 and S6†).
Besides the photocurrent, we plot in Fig. 6 the corresponding noise (yellow symbols). The noise level is defined by the standard deviation of the static photocurrent, which is measured for five seconds for each irradiance value. For low irradiance levels noise is constant around 20 fA, to increase in proportion to the photocurrent for higher irradiances. On one hand, this can be due to fluctuating fields and conduction paths (transport noise), to be expected for nanoscale structures. On the other hand, charge generation and recombination noise that increases with irradiance can contribute.
For the phase transfer ligand exchange, 10 mL of oleate-capped PbS CQDs dispersed in hexane (about 5 mg mL−1) was poured on top 10 mL of a 50 mM MAI:
PbI2 = 1
1 solution in pre-dried N-methylformamide (NMF). The mixture was stirred for 12 h inside the nitrogen-filled glovebox followed by the phase transfer of PbS QDs to the NMF phase. The polar phase was rinsed two times with hexane (2 × 10 mL). The PbS/MAPbI3 QDs were precipitated by adding 10 mL of acetone and immediate centrifugation at 4500 rpm for 5 min. The supernatant was removed, and the pellet redispersed in 2,6-difluoropyridine (DFP) at 10 mg mL−1 concentration. This solution was spin coated onto the lithographed electrode samples with 2000 rpm.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: QD void in bow tie gap, comparison of photocurrent dependence at different wavelengths, comparison of photocurrent dependence on irradiance at different bias, photocurrent at zero bias. See https://doi.org/10.1039/d2na00284a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |