Saurabh K.
Joshua B.
Susant K.
Philip J.
c and
Simon A.
aThe MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. E-mail:
bMolecular Cryo-Electron Microscopy Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, 1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa, Japan
cElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
First published on 1st March 2022
Physical systems that exhibit brain-like behaviour are currently under intense investigation as platforms for neuromorphic computing. We show that discontinuous metal films, comprising irregular flat islands on a substrate and formed using simple evaporation processes, exhibit correlated avalanches of electrical signals that mimic those observed in the cortex. We further demonstrate that these signals meet established criteria for criticality. We perform a detailed experimental investigation of the atomic-scale switching processes that are responsible for these signals, and show that they mimic the integrate-and-fire mechanism of biological neurons. Using numerical simulations and a simple circuit model, we show that the characteristic features of the switching events are dependent on the network state and the local position of the switch within the complex network. We conclude that discontinuous films provide an interesting potential platform for brain-inspired computing.
New conceptsNetworks of nanoscale components exhibit a variety of brain-like properties and therefore may be important for applications in neuromorphic computing. Neuromorphic networks are usually formed by deposition of pre-formed nanowires or nanoparticles. Here we demonstrate brain-like behaviour in discontinuous films, which are networks of nanoscale islands that self-assemble during atomic deposition processes. The discontinuous films exhibit novel switching behaviour that leads to the observation of avalanches of neuron-like electrical signals. The avalanches provide evidence of critical states that are believed to be optimal for information processing. The experiments are supported by simulations that reveal the impact of the equivalent electrical circuit for the network on the observed behaviour. Since discontinuous films can be made using any standard evaporative coating system, these results open the way to widespread utilisation of discontinuous films in neuromorphic computing. |
Among these are a number of different technologies which aim to reproduce some aspect of the structure or function of the brain.4–7 A worldwide effort in this direction is driven by both the limitations of existing computing technologies and by the recognition that the brain is extremely efficient in processing certain types of information. Neuromorphic devices include large scale integrated circuits8–10 with precise CMOS designs for individual neurons and elaborate architectures to interconnect them. These architectures have been successful in enabling, for example, fast matrix multiplication algorithms,5 pattern recognition8 and autonomous control of a vehicle,10 but development costs remain high, and achievement of truly brain-like architectures is challenging.
An alternative approach has been to develop self-assembled networks of nanoscale components, where the intrinsic physics provides brain-like structure and/or function. More particularly, it has been proposed that the structures of self-assembled networks of nanowires and nanoparticles mimic some of the complex biological structures of the brain, and therefore may be useful as novel systems for neuromorphic computing.11–15 For example, percolating networks of nanoparticles have been demonstrated to provide intrinsically scale-free architectures16 and exhibit dynamical behavior that is comparable to that of the biological cortex.14 These complex all-metal self-assembled networks exhibit interesting memristor-like switching behaviour17–22 and correlations that are promising23–25 for realizing brain-inspired computational approaches such as reservoir computing (RC).26–28 RC is just one of many possible approaches, but it is a useful example because of its conceptual simplicity and because recent successful demonstrations in nanoscale networks29–32 mean that the approach is becoming well-established. The basic concept is that a reservoir of highly interconnected non-linear nodes (which evolve dynamically in response to input signals) can be used to map input signals onto outputs of higher dimensions, which are then examined by an external readout function in order to perform a variety of tasks. Only output weights are trained, using simple matrix inversion techniques, ensuring that training is fast and cheap.26,27
An important target for more general approaches to neuromorphic computing is the realisation of devices that exhibit criticality. The brain is believed to be poised at a critical point,33,34 which is significant as critical dynamics are associated with an optimal capability for information processing.35 To date, percolating networks of Sn nanoparticles are the only neuromorphic platforms in which criticality has been unambiguously demonstrated.14 In order to move towards applications it is important to determine what attributes of the devices are essential for criticality. The literature36 suggests that the scale-free nature of the network is important but criticality has been tentatively observed in nanowire networks which have other architectures.15,29 Additionally, the optimal material for device fabrication is not yet clear and there are likely to be tradeoffs between different material properties e.g. Sn particles14 are advantageous in that they are easily produced, but they are prone to oxidation which may limit real-world applications. Other materials and network architectures should therefore be explored. The results presented here are the first confirmation of critical behaviour in a nanoparticle network that is stable in ambient conditions. This, coupled with a simple fabrication procedure, makes DFs attractive for real world applications.
One of the attractions of using pre-defined nanoparticles for device fabrication is that they provide control over the resulting morphology.18,19,21 However the coalescence of the particles after deposition often means that the resulting morphologies have some similarities with those of discontinuous films, providing one of the key motivations for the present work. Here we show that DFs can have similar electrical characteristics to neuromorphic devices built from networks of nanoparticles. More particularly we show that with careful control of the deposition process it is possible to achieve stable devices through atomic-scale self-assembly. The devices exhibit complex brain-like avalanches of electrical activity, and meet many of the criteria for criticality.14,33,34 We discuss the switching mechanisms in DFs in detail and highlight in particular that switching results from neuron-like integrate-and-fire behaviour. We also demonstrate a surprising inversion of the measured sign of changes in conductance caused by switching events. We use simulations to show that this inversion can be understood as a consequence of changes in the connectivity of the network that modify its equivalent circuit.
Recent work on DFs has focused on the physics of the formation of the nanostructures37–40 as well as a range of applications such as biosensors,41 chemical sensors,42,43 temperature dependent resistors,44 and strain gauges.45,46 It is commonly observed that such films can exhibit extremely poor conductivities compared to normal metals47 (and even metal-insulator transitions38,48) and understanding the electron transport in such discontinuous granular systems remains challenging.3 Nevertheless it is clear that the general properties of such films can be understood within the framework of percolation theory.17,49,50 To our knowledge there has been no previous study of the potential neuromorphic properties of DFs, and we believe that the present work may excite a new wave of interest in DFs which are conveniently fabricated in any laboratory equipped with a standard evaporator.
After deposition the applied voltage is increased in a series of steps resulting in initial ‘forming’ behaviour, i.e. changes in morphology (local restructuring of tunnel gaps across the film) that lead to the switching behaviour of interest. In the example shown in Fig. 1c the conductance (G, in units of G0 = 2e2/h) increases by a factor of ∼3, after which switching behaviour is observed (Fig. 1d). Fig. S2 (ESI†) shows that the rate of switching is strongly dependent on the applied voltage. The forming behaviour and voltage dependence of the switching are similar to those observed in Au nanoparticle devices.19
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Fig. 2 Schematic of the switching process. The electric field in the tunnel gap between two islands in the discontinuous film leads to formation of ‘hillocks’ of atoms, and subsequently to atomic scale filament formation. See text and ref. 14, 16 for details. |
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Fig. 3 (a) Typical conductance switching data from device C, measured with fixed DC voltage = 20 V over multiple hours with 5 Hz sampling rates (see Methods), showing complex patterns of switching events and bursty dynamics. Network conductance (G, blue), and event size (ΔG, red) (b) A zoomed in portion of the data from (a), note the changes in both scales, demonstrating event detection (sharp changes in G). Marked events (filled circles) are those for which ΔG > ΔGth = 0.3 mG0 which is marked by the black horizontal lines (refer to ESI† for discussion of the choice of ΔGth). Several examples of continuous changes in G are marked with arrows, and discussed in the main text. (c) Distribution of inter-event intervals P(IEI) and autocorrelation function A(t) (red) in (d) are power law distributed with the fitted exponents similar to those observed in Sn cluster networks.14,16 Shuffled data25 show much weaker correlations (grey). |
Fig. 3c and d show that the distribution of inter-event intervals (IEIs) and the autocorrelation functions are power laws. There is reasonable quantitative agreement with the power law exponents observed in percolating tin devices (see Table S1, ESI†), consistent with switching mechanisms and network dynamics previously identified.16 The bursts of events evident in Fig. 3a are consistent with avalanches of switching: when one switch changes state it causes changes in the distribution of voltages in the network leading to further switching events at other sites (tunnel gaps). Avalanches are important characteristics of the dynamical behaviour of the biological brain, since when one neuron fires it is likely to trigger another. Following the methodology of ref. 14, 52 we show in Fig. S6 (ESI†) that both the sizes and durations of the avalanches are power law distributed, and present data in Table S2 (ESI†) that demonstrates that the avalanches are consistent with rigorous criteria for criticality.14,33,34 Hence, our discontinuous films exhibit avalanches of switching events that are qualitatively and quantitatively similar to avalanches of neurons firing in the brain.52,53 Criticality is believed to be a signature of special dynamics that allow optimal information processing,14,35 suggesting that DFs may provide a novel platform for neuromorphic algorithms such as reservoir computing.25,27
The key point in Fig. 4 (compare e and g), and in the further examples shown in Fig. S7 (ESI†), is that inverted switching characteristics are observed in the two states i.e. in low (high) G states the switching events typically appear as a continuous increase (decrease) in G followed by a sharp jump back close to the original value. Note that the continuous changes in G are intrinsic behaviour of the sample – the much faster responses to pulsed inputs in Fig. S8 (ESI†) show that capacitive time constants are much shorter (detailed investigations reveal τ ∼100 μs). Furthermore, similar continuous changes are observed at both slow and fast sampling rates (Fig. S7, ESI†).
In the low conductance state, the continuous increases in conductance are associated with growth of a ‘hillock’ of atoms on one or both sides of a tunnel gap16 (see Fig. 2), resulting from the strong electric field in the gap.17 The subsequent drop in conductance occurs when the growth of the hillock is completed, resulting in filament formation. The increase in conductance in turn causes an increase in current, which then breaks the filament and causes the conductance to fall back close to its original level i.e. the tunnel gap returns back to its original size (in many cases the final conductance is lower than the original one, suggesting a return to the original gap size, with no hillock). Continuous changes in G associated with hillock formation were observed previously for only a few switching events in Sn nanoparticle devices.16 In contrast, in DFs they are much more common – e.g. for every event in Fig. S5 (ESI†). Pulsed voltage measurements (Fig. 5) show that each pulse results in an increase in conductivity i.e. the integration of the applied voltage results in further growth of the ‘hillock’. The conductance does not drop between pulses showing that the hillock formed is robust on the timescale of the (short) pulse length. The hillocks are robust even if the bias is reversed, providing evidence that hillocks are in fact formed on both sides of the tunnel gap, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The hillock size depends on all previous voltage inputs (both the external ones, and those from the rest of the network) and so this atomic scale behaviour explains the observed integrate-and-fire mechanism.
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Fig. 5 Switching behaviour in response to pulsed voltages – hillock formation followed by filament formation and breaking. (a) Conductance as a function of time for pulsed voltages. 50 V pulses were applied. 1 V read voltages allow the conductance to be monitored in between pulses. Continuous changes in G accumulate with each consecutive voltage pulse, consistent with integrate-and-fire (IF) behaviour.16 These measurements were performed on device E with pulse width τp = 100 ms and sampling intervals of 200 μs. Scale bars are 2 s in both panels. As the hillock relaxation in the tunnel gap is relatively slow, ‘leakiness’ is not observed. (b) Similar behaviour for bipolar pulses showing that hillock formation is independent of the polarity of the voltage stimulus.14,16 |
Fig. 4a shows a schematic of the DF film structure. The Au islands that form the current path between the electrodes (yellow) are shown within an equivalent circuit in Fig. 4b and c. The essential features of the network are the highly connected parts of the film A, B and C, and the two tunnel gaps that connect them in a series/parallel configuration. [The well-connected groups A, B, C each have high conductance (high G) and so these individual groups exhibit strong G(V) behaviour that is similar to that measured in the high conductance state of the network as a whole.] The lower tunnel gap acts as a switch which, when closed, causes the transition from the low G to high G state due to the additional current path. The upper tunnel gap is the site at which the growth of the atomic scale hillock leads to an increase in conductance of the gap, prior to formation of a completed filament. Obviously switching and hillock growth can occur at many different sites in the actual DF, but in each case a similar model and equivalent circuit can be applied.
When the different voltage dependencies of the components of the network are considered in the simple circuit model, the inversion of the switching characteristic naturally emerges (bottom row in Fig. 4 – for further detail see ESI† Section III). In essence the inversion occurs in the high G state because, when the conductance of the tunnel gap increases, additional voltage is dropped over parts of the network (specifically A) that have a strong negative curvature in G(V). Hence, the extra voltage causes the conductance of those parts of the network to drop. Thus, the network conductance drops in response to an increase in conductance of the upper junction: the simple circuit model accounts for the reversal in sign of the change in conductance, and can even lead to much bigger negative values of ΔG than are observed experimentally. We tested multiple different equivalent circuits and found that this series/parallel combination is the simplest which explains the observed data. Obviously more complex circuits are possible, but the introduction of additional circuit elements increases the number of adjustable parameters and makes agreement with the experiments less satisfying.
Finally we mention two additional features that are sometimes observed: (i) continuous changes in G between switching events (downward arrows in Fig. 3b) and (ii) gradual changes in conductance that seem to precede or follow clear switching events (Fig. S5 and S7, ESI†). In light of the above discussion it is clear that these are likely due to the changes in hillock height at other sites (tunnel gaps) within the network.
Recent demonstrations of RC in networks of nanowires29–32 as well as in other systems such as all optical networks56,57 confirm the potential of networks of brain-like components for information processing, and a next step in the field is to more carefully consider practical considerations such as power consumption and ease of fabrication. In the present (unoptimised) devices power consumption is in the range 10–100 mW, which is comparable to that in ref. 30 We expect that a reduction of the dimensions of the network would be advantageous in reducing both operating voltages and power consumption. One of the advantages of DFs is that they can be fabricated in almost any nanofabrication laboratory, in high vacuum conditions that ensure cleanliness and reliability. Furthermore, by monitoring the conductance of the devices during deposition, well-defined network architectures can be engineered (see next paragraph). Methods that rely on deposition of components from solution are generally considered to be less desirable from the point of view of standard CMOS fabrication techniques and are more difficult to control.
An important issue still to be resolved is the nature of the network comprising the gold islands that make up the DF (Fig. 1a and Fig. S3, ESI†), and in particular whether the network has a scale-free25 architecture. Ideally, the morphology of the films would be determined by detailed microscopy studies, but in reality such studies are extremely challenging because they require measurement of the sizes of thousands of tunnel gaps, all of which have dimensions smaller than a nanometre, and which are distributed across an area of more than 104 μm2. Detailed atomistic models of the film growth process may provide the best route to better understanding the network structure. Despite these limitations, it seems clear that the morphology of the DFs is different to the highly ramified structures observed in percolating films. Given the expectation that scale-free architectures36 and small world dynamics15 are important for information processing it is surprising that critical avalanches seem to be maintained in our devices. The present data are however consistent with recent results29–32 that indicate that neuromorphic information processing can be achieved in devices with a variety of architectures. The importance of the device architecture/network characteristics for successful information processing is a topic of ongoing investigation, and it may be that optimised architectures are not required in practical devices.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1nh00620g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |