Zhisheng Laia,
Minhui Shena,
Yong Shena,
Yu-Xin Yea,
Fang Zhua,
Jianqiao Xu
*a and
Gangfeng Ouyang
aMOE Key Laboratory of Bioinorganic and Synthetic Chemistry/KLGHEI of Environment and Energy Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510006, China. E-mail: xujq27@mail.sysu.edu.cn; cesoygf@mail.sysu.edu.cn
bCollege of Chemistry, Center of Advanced Analysis and Gene Sequencing, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, 450001, China
cGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency Testing for Dangerous Chemicals, Guangdong Institute of Analysis (China National Analytical Center Guangzhou), Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, 510070, China
First published on 13th October 2022
Hydrogen bond networks (HBNs) have piqued the interest of the scientific community due to their crucial roles in nature. However, HBNs that are isolated from complicated backgrounds for unraveling their characteristics are still scarce. Herein, we propose that HBNs exist in complex anions formed between α-cyclodextrin (α-CD) and four benzoic acids (RBAs) in the gas phase. The complex anions are facilely extracted from solutions via the electrospray ionization technique, and subsequently activated through collision for the investigation of their transition dynamics. It is revealed that the generation of deprotonated α-CD and neutral RBAs is the unexpected dominant dissociation pathway for all the four complex anions, and the complex anions formed from more acidic RBAs exhibit higher stabilities. These dissociation results are successfully explained by the cooperative stretching dynamics of the proposed HBNs that are formed involving the intramolecular HBN of α-CD and the intermolecular hydrogen bonds (HBs) between α-CD and RBAs. Furthermore, the rarely observed low barrier HBs (LBHBs) are suggested to be present in the HBNs. It is believed that the present complex anions can serve as a facilely accessible and informative model for studying HBNs in the future.
To get deep insights into HBNs, isolated models at molecular levels have been established, as they are small enough for accurate spectroscopic characterization and quantum calculations.12 Water clusters are the most studied HBN models. Remarkable progress has been made in resolving their geometries and cooperative dynamics.12–14 And they have thrown valuable light upon many-body physics.13,14 However, equivalent HBN models that are facilely accessible are still extremely scarce. Some putative models seem difficult to be studied in any experiment frames, as they may not be maintained after being isolated from the surrounding environment.15 On the other hand, the studies focused on single hydrogen bonds (HBs) are much more abundant.16–18 For example, it is pioneered by Jiang and co-authors using scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to reveal the nuclear quantum effects (NQEs) embedded in HBs.19 Nonetheless, unraveling the cooperative characteristics of HBNs is still one of the upper-most interests among the scientific community.
The scientific community has long been conscious that the hydroxyl groups fixed on the primary rim of a single cyclodextrin (CD) molecule are stereochemically possible to form an intramolecular HBN,20 which is inspiring for seeking isolated HBN models alternative to the water clusters. However, the intramolecular HBNs formed on the primary rims of CD molecules have seldom been studied in depth previously. In fact, the flexible primary hydroxyl groups of CDs prefer to form intermolecular HBs with guest molecules and crystal water in condensed phases.21 Thus, it is only expectable that the large intramolecular HBNs on the primary rims come into being by extracting CD molecules from condensed phases.
Herein, we attach benzoic acids containing different para-substituent groups (RBAs) to α-CD to prepare complex anions in gas phase. The complex anions are activated via collision for the investigation of their transition dynamics. The unexpected dominant collision-induced dissociation (CID) pathways and the stabilities of the complex anions are successfully explained by the adaptive stretching of the intramolecular HBN of α-CD along with the allocation of the bridging protons. What's more, the existence of low barrier HBs (LBHBs) is suggested here. This study provides a new model besides the water clusters for studying HBNs in depth in the future.
The sample solutions were injected by a syringe pump at a flow rate of 5 μL min−1. The complex anions were formed in the ESI source under negative mode. For the study of the dissociation manners of the complex anions, the parameters determining the abundances of the [α-CD + RBA–H]−, i.e. the declustering potential and the entrance potential, were first optimized. Then, the target complex anions were selected and dissociated under different collision energies. The abundances of the survived parent ions and the daughter ions were subsequently monitored. The kinetic energies of the complex anions in the mass spectrometer were transformed into collision energies in the center-of-mass frame, as shown in eqn (1),22
Ecm = Ek[m/(m + M)] | (1) |
The docking conformers shown in Fig. 2 were proposed according to our experiments and reasonable assumption. They were optimized using the B3LYP exchange–correlation functional with Grimme's DFT-D3(BJ) empirical dispersion correction and 6-311G** basis set, abbreviated as B3LYP-D3(BJ)/6-311G**.31,32 Subsequently, the counterpoise corrected energies were calculated at the M062X/def2TZVP level of theory with D3 empirical dispersion correction. The Boys and Bernardi's counterpoise (CP) technique was employed to correct the basis set superposition error (BSSE) problem.33,34 These energies of complex anions were used to elucidate the potential energy diagram of two competitive dissociation pathways of complex anion [α-CD + RBA–H]− (Scheme 1 and Table 2).
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Fig. 1 Tandem mass spectra of the (A) [α-CD + pNBA–H]−, (B) [α-CD + pCBA–H]−, (C) [α-CD + BA–H]− and (D) [α-CD + pMBA–H]− complex anions with increasing Ecm. |
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Fig. 2 Hypothetical conformations of (A and E) [α-CD + pNBA–H]−, (B and F) [α-CD + pCBA–H]−, (C and G) [α-CD + BA–H]− and (D and H) [α-CD + pMBA–H]−. (A to D) Top views and (E to H) side views. |
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Scheme 1 Potential energy diagram of two competitive dissociation pathways of complex anion [α-CD + RBA–H]–. |
Any complex anions formed involving additional solvent molecules were not detected in the mass spectra, which was probably owing to the low stabilities of such complex anions. They were also not presented in previous studies.40–42 Moreover, the fragmentation pathways of deprotonated CDs have not been reported. At the high Ecm stage, α-CD might also be fragmented via an open chain structure, as supposed to be present in the fragmentation processes of protonated CDs.43 However, α-CD was believed to be in its intrinsic cyclic structure in the complex anions before they were activated via collision, since the ether bonds in α-CD are much stronger than the intermolecular HBs.
For illustrating the apparently high gas-phase acidity of α-CD, the free energy changes of the deprotonation reactions in gas phase were first calculated to evaluate the intrinsic acidities of α-CD and RBAs. The pristine results of the theoretical calculations are presented in the ESI (Table S2).† The theoretical calculations presented that a closed cyclic HBN and an open cyclic HBN were located on the primary rims of the structurally optimized α-CD and [α-CD−H]− (Fig. S3†), which were never observed in condensed phases. The open cyclic HBN in [α-CD−H]− stabilized the deprotonated primary hydroxyl group through intramolecular HBs. As shown in Table 1, although the lower intrinsic acidities of BA and pMBA were observed as expected, the intrinsic acidities of α-CD, pNBA and pCBA were close, which were inconsistent with the observed apparently higher gas-phase acidity of α-CD. In other words, the dominant dissociation pathways of [α-CD + pNBA–H]− and [α-CD + pCBA–H]− could not be well explained based on these thermodynamic values. Thus, it became necessary to analyze the dissociation procedures at molecular level other than solely analyzing the intrinsic acidities. It is notable that the dissociation pathways were well consistent with the intrinsic acidities in the previous study,40 in which more acidic benzoic acids were not considered. Herein, by taking the RBAs possessing electron-withdrawing groups (pNBA and pCBA) into consideration, more information behind the dissociation pathways was indicated.
Subsequently, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and quantum-mechanical calculations were carried out to figure out the structures of the complex anions (for more details, see the ESI†), which were inevitable for inspecting the dissociation procedures. As shown in Fig. S5,† the low-energy conformers of the complex anions possessed inclusion conformations. The primary hydroxyl groups of neutral α-CD mainly formed intermolecular HBs with [RBA–H]− in the complex anions, and the major part of [RBA–H]− was presented inside the cavity of α-CD. If supposing these conformers really presented prior to collision, there must exist multiple conformation adjustment steps for these complex anions to produce the stable [α-CD−H]−, which should contain the rupture of intermolecular HBs and formation of intramolecular HBs. Multiple intermediates and transient states should be present on the potential energy surfaces, which were too complicated to be fully figured out.
Thus, learnt from the CID results, a similar docking structure with a single proton bridge between two anionic moieties was proposed for all the four complex anions (Fig. 2). The rupture at the two sides of the proton bridge could lead to two dissociation pathways for each complex anion, which produced [α-CD−H]− and neutral RBA, or reversely [RBA–H]− and neutral α-CD. These structures were supposed to be the stable conformers that were closest to the detected dissociation products. Potential energy diagram was depicted for the two competitive dissociation pathways (Scheme 1). The intermediate α-CD_IM, resulted from the approaching of the bridging proton to [α-CD−H]−, was introduced to elaborate the dissociation in Pathway A. At this state, the other moiety [RBA–H]− completely left the complex anion, while the intramolecular HBs of the obtained α-CD_IM remained similar to [α-CD−H]−. Owing to the approaching of the bridging proton, the lengths of the intramolecular HBs of α-CD_IM were elongated in comparison to [α-CD−H]−. In comparison, the approaching of the bridging protons to the other moieties ultimately produce [α-CD−H]− and neutral RBAs, as shown in Pathway B. As the bridging proton left, the lengths of intramolecular HBs of [α-CD−H]− were shortened in comparison to the intramolecular HBs in the complex anions.
The energy diagram of the two competitive pathways is shown in Table 2. The accuracy of the calculated energies was thoroughly validated as shown in Table S3.† Pathway B was preferred over Pathway A due to the much lower energy barriers. By comparing the ΔEB values for different complex anions, the calculated stabilities of the complex anions in gas phase were in excellent agreement with the CID results (Fig. S2 and Table S1†). Moreover, the fact that [pNBA–H]− and [pCBA–H]− were more facilely detected than [pMBA–H]− and [BA–H]− in the CID experiment could also be successfully explained by the smaller differences between the energy barriers of the two pathways (ΔΔE, Table 2). The success in well explaining the experimental results strongly suggested the existence of the proposed conformations shown in Fig. 2. Furthermore, it is notable that the adaptive stretching of the HBN on the primary rim of [α-CD−H]− along with the allocation of the bridging proton was observed, which highlighted the cooperative characteristics of extended HBNs in the complex anions in determining the energy landscapes of the dissociation pathways.
For further illustrating the cooperative dynamics of the HBNs during dissociation with more details, wave function analysis was performed in Multiwfn.44–46 Then, HB interactions, bond paths (BPs) and bond critical points (BCPs) were visualized in the VMD program (Fig. 3A and B and S6†). The different colors in the isosurfaces represent the compositions of the HBs. Meanwhile, the bond energies of the HBs were calculated (Fig. 3D). The lengths and energies of HB1 to HB5 in the complex anions were between that of α-CD_IM and [α-CD−H]− (Fig. 3C and D, Table S5†), which clearly showed that the adaptive stretching of the HBN on the primary rim of [α-CD−H]− was associated with the allocation of the bridging proton. Besides, it also indicated that α-CD_IM was not stable enough and needed to transform into the stable conformer of α-CD via multiple conformation adjustment steps (Pathway A in Scheme 1).
Furthermore, it is highly remarkable that the intermolecular HB0 of the four complex anions and the intramolecular HB1 of [α-CD−H]− were LBHBs, which were characterized by the O–O distances smaller than 2.5 Å.47 LBHBs were rarely observed before. The present five LBHBs in the anions could be roughly divided into three groups by cursory inspection of the O–O distances and the functional groups involved, which represented a valuable library for revealing the embedded characteristics of LBHBs.
The possible existence of the aforementioned inclusion conformers of the complex anions was reinspected. The inclusion conformers were obtained from MD simulations, which were termed as MD-conformers below. The conformers in Scheme 1 well explained the CID results, thus, they were termed as CID-conformers. The single point energies of the two conformers were compared (Table S6†). It was observed that the MD-conformers were more stable than the corresponding CID-conformers. It was thermodynamically possible that the relatively stable MD-conformers were the precursors of the CID-conformers. Then, the collision energies needed to convert the MD-conformers into the CID-conformers and subsequently dissociate the CID-conformers (Fig. S7†). As the CID-conformers become the intermediates in this circumstance, each complex anion would still be dominantly dissociated into [α-CD−H]− and neutral RBA. However, the relative stabilities of the complex anions were difficult to be compared, since it was difficult to figure out the energy barriers between the MD-conformers and the CID-conformers. The transition of the MD-conformers into the CID-conformers should also contain many currently unknown HB rupture and rebuilding steps, which might involve the conformation adaption of α-CD that was similar to the description in ref. 20. On the other hand, it was also possible that the formation of the complex anions was mainly governed by the docking kinetics.18 That is, α-CD formed intramolecular HBs during the ESI processes, and simultaneously formed the CID-conformers together with the benzoic acids. Then, the CID-conformers were the dominant species, while the MD-conformers were negligible before the collision activation. Advanced hyphenated techniques integrating ion mobility spectrometry, ultraviolet spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy48 are expected to resolve the conformers of the complex anions in the future.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2ra05029c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |