Arslan Hameeda,
Faiza Zulfiqara,
Waheed Iqbala,
Hassan Alia,
Syed Shoaib Ahmad Shah
*b and
Muhammad Arif Nadeem
aDepartment of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan. E-mail:; Tel: +92-51-9064-2062
bDepartment of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan. E-mail:
cPakistan Academy of Sciences, 3-Constitution Avenue Sector G-5/2, Islamabad, Pakistan
First published on 11th October 2022
Layered double hydroxides (LDH) are potential electrocatalysts to address the sluggish oxygen evolution reaction (OER) of water splitting. In this work, copper oxide (CuO/Cu2O) nanoparticles are integrated with cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide (CoMn-LDH) to enhance their performance towards OER. The catalyst is synthesized by growing CoMn-LDH nanosheets in the presence of CuO/Cu2O nanoparticles that were obtained by the calcination of the copper containing metal–organic framework (HKUST-1). The synthesized CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O electrocatalyst shows excellent activity towards OER with an overpotential of 297 mV at a catalytic current density of 10 mA cm−2 and have a Tafel slope value of 89 mV dec−1. Moreover, a slight decrease in the performance parameters is observed until the 15 h of continuous operation. We propose that the conductive strength of CuO/Cu2O and its synergistic effect with the CoMn-LDH are responsible for the improved OER performance of the desired electrocatalyst.
Transition metal containing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) have recently shown their potential as electrocatalysts for water splitting in alkaline media.5,6 LDHs have a general formula of [MII1-xMIIIx(OH)2]X+[An−x/n−·yH2O]X, where M = metal cations coordinated to hydroxide anions, whilst An− anions are present between the LDH layers.7,8 In recent literature, various LDH composites have shown considerable electrocatalytic performance for the OER process; these include FeNi-LDH,9–11 NiCo-LDH,12,13 CoFe-LDH,14 ZnFe-LDH,15 and NiCoFe-LDH.16 It has been reported that individual LDHs structures have limited electrocatalytic performance due to the lack of exposed active sites and insufficient electrical conductivity.7 To address this problem, integration of LDH with the conductive substrate such as carbon fiber, Vulcan carbon, carbon nanotubes, multi walled carbon nanotubes, carbon quantum dots, and nickel foam has been widely utilized to enhance their electrocatalytic performance.17–22
Previously, we have reported that copper based metal–organic framework, MOF (HKUST-1) can be converted into copper oxides (CuO/Cu2O) under certain reaction conditions.23 Such nanosized copper oxides have unique properties in terms of their particle size, surface area and conductivity. Many researchers also utilized copper oxides as an aid to electrocatalyst to enhance its efficiency. For instance, Niu et al. reported a porous carbon supported Cu/CuO nanoparticles for nitrophenol reduction, synthesized via calcination of a copper MOF.24 The Cu/ZnO catalyst was synthesized by Zheng et al. via calcination of Cu–Zn MOF under reducing environment.25 Cu/ZnO catalyst synthesized by using MOF-derived methodology was more active and stable than Cu/ZnO synthesized by other techniques. Peng et al. compared CuO produced through pyrolysis of HKUST-1 (CuO-p) and CuO obtained via co-precipitation (CuO-c).26 It was concluded that CuO-p was more catalytically active than CuO-c for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO. From these reports, we anticipated that the in situ. Controlled growth of LDHs on the MOF-derived metal-oxides may lead to enhance the OER activity due to the combination of inherited features of both materials.
Herein, we report a novel cobalt-manganese layered double hydroxide (CoMn-LDH), synthesized in the presence of copper-based metal–organic framework, C18H6Cu3O12, (KHUST-1) derived CuO/Cu2O nanoparticles to form CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O. This composite has shown promising OER activity which is superior to the commercial Pt/Ir based catalysts. The production of ultrathin nanosheets of highly OER active CoMn-LDH structure and its interaction with CuO/Cu2O, which form an interconnected electrically conducting network, are the important aspects of this composite.
The surface elemental composition was confirmed by the XPS analysis. Fig. 2a shows two peaks at 781.6 eV and 798.2 eV correspond to the binding energies (BEs) of Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2, respectively, and two satellite peaks at 786.8 eV and 803.4 eV were also observed. The value of Co 2p3/2 is distinct from Co0 (777.6 0.8 eV) but near to Co2+ (780.9 0.4 eV), suggesting that the valence state of cobalt is Co2+. Mixed oxidation states of Mn have been observed. The binding energy values of 641.4 eV, 642.8 eV and 644.7 eV correspond to Mn2+, Mn3+ and Mn4+, respectively. Mn 2p1/2 has peaks at 647.3 eV (Fig. 2b). Cu 2p3/2 and Cu 2p1/2 binding energies have two main peaks at 933.8 eV and 953.5 eV, respectively, with spin–orbit splitting of around 20.2 eV. The appearance of two satellite peaks at higher binding energies than the Cu 2p3/2 and Cu 2p1/2 peaks and shoulder peak of Co 2p3/2 suggests the presence of Cu2+ and Cu1+ states. Deconvolution of the O 1s peak results in the formation of two sub peaks: ‘O’ in CuO (532.3 eV) and ‘O’ in chemisorbed hydroxyl group (533.5 eV) (Fig. 2d).
The size, morphology and structure of the resulting materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The interior structure of as synthesized CoMn-LDH and composite CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O is examined by the high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). In Fig. 3a and c SEM and TEM results of CoMn-LDH shows hexagonal platelets which further confirms the layered structure of CoMn-LDH.31
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Fig. 3 SEM and TEM images of CoMn-LDH (a and c), CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O (b and d), elemental mapping images of cobalt (e), manganese (f), copper (g), oxygen (h). |
Fig. 3b and d shows SEM and HRTEM images of composite CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O revealing the full dispersion of Cu-BTC derived CuO/Cu2O across the layers of LDH. This dispersion facilitates mass and charge transfer which results in high ECSA. Lattice fringes can also be seen in Fig. 3d with the d-spacing (d = 0.23 nm) and (d = 0.245 nm) which correspond to (111) plane of CuO and (111) plane of Cu2O respectively in XRD spectra of CuO/Cu2O.31,33,35 The energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic analysis shown in (Fig. S2†) and elemental mapping shown in Fig. 3e–h indicates the uniform distribution of Co, Mn, Cu and O elements, thus confirming the formation of CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O.
The electrochemical surface area (ECSA) of an electrocatalyst is a critical parameter because it determines the extent to which active sites for positive/negative ions are exposed to the electrode surface when anodic/cathodic potentials are applied solely in the non-faradaic region. The area of exposed active sites is directly related to double layer capacitance (Cdl) of modified working electrode. To determine the capacitance of the double layer, we used cyclic voltammetry in the non-faradaic region at various scan rates. Cyclic voltammograms shown in Fig. 4c, demonstrates increase in current density with the increase in the scan rate. A single potential value was computed by detecting it in the capacitive potential window that is non-Faradic. In the region of 5 to 50 mV s−1, plotting anodic current versus scan rates yielded a straight line whose slope is equal to Cdl. The Cdl values were calculated for CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O (34 mF cm−2), CoMn-LDH (14.4 mF cm−2) and CuO/Cu2O (9.2 mF cm−2) (Fig. S6†). It was observed that CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O had the highest value of double layer capacitance which indicates high electrochemical active surface area (ECSA). The double layer capacitance values of some reported materials also support our Cdl studies i.e. NiCo·P/C nanocubes (145 mF cm−2), NiCo LDH nanocubes (9.16 mF cm−2) and NiCo·P nanoboxes (28.94 mF cm−2).36 The ECSA has also been calculated from double layer capacitance. We noticed that CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O exhibits highest electrochemical active surface area (425 cm2) compared to CoMn-LDH (180 cm2) and CuO/Cu2O (115 cm2) materials. The high value of Cdl and ECSA indicates that CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O facilitate mass and charge transfer.
Conventionally, the electrochemical water oxidation process primarily entails three intermediate stages: (1) the adsorption of water molecule onto the electrode surface, (2) the separation of water into molecular oxygen, and (3) the evolution of oxygen. The CoMn-LDH nanosheets have a distinct layered structure and the sheets are usually stacked on over the other. Since LDH has a wide interlayer gap, the hydroxide units and molecules of water can diffuse across the layers and move randomly, enabling close contact among the catalyst and active species. The addition of CuO/Cu2O in the catalyst not only help in enhancing the conductivity and thus charge transfer but also to expose the active sites via preventing LDH sheets from coagulation. Therefore, the electrochemical active surface area increases, and reaction occur at more accessible sites. In addition, as the interlayer spacing will make it easier for O2 to transit and to evolve from the electrode surface, which is essential for the third phase of the OER process.
As predicted by the Pourbaix diagrams of Co37 and Mn,38 the high-valent cations (Co3+/4+, or Mn3+/4+) are highly crucial for OER.39 X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS),40 in situ Raman spectroscopy,41 and density functional theory (DFT) calculations42 have demonstrated that Co hydroxide electrocatalysts can be oxidized in situ to the catalytically active CoOOH in alkaline conditions, which has been regarded as the preferred metal species for OER. The role of manganese cation on the other hand is to exchange oxygen atoms with the electrolyte at relevant potentials.43 This characteristic of Mn may facilitate OER. In alkaline media, the water oxidation reaction often comprises proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) activities, namely the PCET transformation of Co3+/OH to Co4+/O, prior to the formation of molecular oxygen.44 So, we can say that under given conditions, cobalt center is the actual active catalytic site, however, manganese center and copper oxide species are proposed to boost the OER ability of cobalt center via different mechanistic roles, as stated above.
Determining the faradaic efficiency of a catalyst is a beneficial parameter for elucidating its oxygen generation ability (FE). To obtain the FE, the actual and predicted yields of evolved oxygen are compared by using chronoamperometry. To check the faradaic efficiency of the catalyst, controlled potential electrolysis technique (CPE) was performed utilizing comparable electrochemical reaction conditions at a static potential of 1.45 V versus RHE for a period of 1 h.45 To establish a baseline, DO meter probe was immersed in an electrolyte of airtight anodic chamber and the concentration of dissolved oxygen was measured for an hour. The expected yield of O2 was estimated using Faraday's law and the charge stored during the electrochemical reaction. The faradaic efficiency was computed through the actual and theoretical yield for CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O (92.4%), CoMn-LDH (75.6%), and CuO/Cu2O (62.3%) (Fig. S1 and Table S1†). The current due to the redox reaction of metals is also involved along with water electrolysis.
Electrochemical impendence spectroscopy was used to evaluate the conductivities of CoMn-LDH, CuO/Cu2O, and CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O composite between 0.1 Hz and 100 kHz. The charge transfer resistance (Rct) is related with the semicircle diameter in the Nyquist plot's high frequency region, and a small Rct value indicates a quick reaction rate. In Fig. 5a it can be clearly shown that CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O has small radii of its semi-circle and low resistance to charge transfer (Rct) as compared to individual CoMn-LDH and CuO/Cu2O, thus revealing its fast OER kinetics and low charge transfer resistance. The low charge transfer resistance, which facilitates efficient charge transport, is owing in part to the dispersion of CuO/Cu2O and the synergistic impact of the presence of several transition metals, as well as other intrinsic factors. For commercial and industrial water electrolyzer, the stability of catalyst is a critical criterion. Since catalyst's catalytic activity and selectivity are the key parameters, its effectiveness is critical unless it exhibits adequate long-term stability. For this purpose, a 15 h controlled-potential electrolysis (CPE) study was conducted under constant experimental conditions utilizing chronoamperometry at 1.42 V against RHE to determine the stability and durability of the catalyst CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O. A steady current of 10 mA was maintained by the catalyst until the last minute (Fig. 5b). Linear sweep voltammetry has been performed to check the durability of the catalyst. From the inset of Fig. 5b it is cleared that the onset potential and maximum current density values of the LSV of modified electrode (CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O) that has been coated (pristine and post-catalytic reactions) showed no significant change, indicating that structure of CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O remained the same throughout the catalytic phenomena. XPS analysis of the post catalytic sample has also been performed. There is no significant change observed which indicates that catalyst's structure and physical properties are retained after CPE test of 15 h (Fig. S3–S5†). Table 1 shows the comparative analysis of the as prepared anode with previously reported composites of LDHs. The most probable proposed mechanism for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline media is shown in Fig. S6.† In the first step metal active site bind with OH- ion from water to form M-OH. Further oxidation leads to the formation of M–O specie followed by M–OOH which is thermodynamically unfavorable intermediate because of the weak interaction between metal and –OOH. In the last step metal oxygen bond breaks leading to the formation of O2. The comparative study of various reported catalysts with the CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O is shown in Table 1.
Catalyst | Method | Overpotential at 10 mA cm−2 (mV) | Ref. |
Fabrication of CoFe-LDH over graphitic nitrides | Co-precipitation | 280 | 46 |
NiFeMn-LDH | Hydrothermal | 289 | 47 |
Co @ NiFe-LDH | Hydrothermal | 267 | 48 |
Co intake Fe Ni-LDH | Hydrothermal | 220 | 49 |
Al @ NiFe-LDH | Solvothermal | 300 | 50 |
NiMn-LDH@MWCNT | Refluxing | 350 | 51 |
Ni Fe-LDH on cabon quantum | Solvothermal | 235 | 21 |
CoFe-LDH @ Cu foam | Electrodeposition | 240 | 52 |
CoFe-LDH | Hydrothermal | 266 | 53 |
Enriching vacancy CoFe-LDH | Acid Etching | 302 | 54 |
CoFe-LDH@g-C3N4 | Hydrothermal | 322 | 55 |
CoMn-LDH@MWCNT | Refluxing | 300 | 51 |
CoMn-LDH@CuO/Cu2O | Hydrothermal | 297 | This work |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |