Andika Pramudya Wardanaab,
Muhammad Ikhlas Abdjanb,
Nanik Siti Aminah*bc,
Mochamad Zakki Fahmi
Imam Siswantobd,
Alfinda Novi Kristanti
Mirza Ardella Saputrae and
Yoshiaki Takayaf
aPhD Student of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia
bDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia. E-mail:; Fax: +62-31-5936502; Tel: +62-31-5936501
cBiotechnology of Tropical Medicinal Plants Research Group, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
dBioinformatic Laboratory, UCoE Research Center for Bio-Molecule Engineering, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
eNanotechnology Engineering, Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia
fFaculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, 150 Yagotoyama, Tempaku, Nagoya, 468-8503, Japan
First published on 19th October 2022
We report a natural product compound isolated from Syzygium polycephalum known as 3,4,3′-tri-O-methylellagic acid (T-EA) as a candidate drug for cancer treatment. The characterization of the isolated T-EA compound was carried out using various spectroscopic methods. The in vitro evaluation showcased the inhibition activity of T-EA towards the T47D and HeLa cell lines with EC50 values of 55.35 ± 6.28 μg mL−1 and 12.57 ± 2.22 μg mL−1, respectively. Meanwhile, the in silico evaluation aimed to understand the interaction of T-EA with enzymes responsible for cancer regulation at the molecular level by targeting the hindrance of cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDK9) and sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) enzymes. T-EA showed a binding free energy towards the SIRT1 protein of ΔGbind (MM-GBSA): −30.98 ± 0.25 kcal mol−1 and ΔGbind (MM-PBSA): −24.07 ± 0.30 kcal mol−1, while that of CDK9 was ΔGbind (MM-GBSA): −29.50 ± 0.22 kcal mol−1 and ΔGbind (MM-PBSA): −25.87 ± 0.40 kcal mol−1. The obtained results from this research could be considered as important information on 3,4,3′-tri-O-methylellagic acid as a drug to treat cervical and breast cancers.
The development of cancer drugs is currently one of the major efforts being made to overcome the high death rate caused by cancer. One of the target proteins of these drugs is known as cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDK9), a major transcriptional regulator and a promising subject for developing a cancer cure.3 The CDK9 enzyme is present in almost all types of human cancer, and this enzyme promotes genome integrity to prevent replication stress and DNA damage.4 In cervical cancer, the CDK9 enzyme is upregulated during cervical lesions. This enzyme acts as a proto-oncogene in cervical cancer, modulating cell proliferation and apoptosis through the AKT2/p53 pathway.5 Additionally, the development of cancer drugs using the sirtuin inhibitory mechanism is also an alternative. Sirtuin1 (SIRT1) is an isoform of the sirtuin enzyme bunch (SIRT1–SIRT7) that indicates cancer growth.6 Overexpression of SIRT1 promotes the development of cancer cells in breast cancer.7 Furthermore, this enzyme can deacetylate different proteins to intervene in cell development through cell cycle pathways (FOXO3a, RB1, KU70, and E2F1).8 Moreover, the SIRT1 enzyme can intervene in cancer growth through the apoptotic pathway by restraining p53 action.9 Therefore, inhibition of the SIRT1 enzyme is promising for study as an inhibitory target in suppressing cancer growth.
Several ellagic acid derivatives have been reported to have the capability to inhibit the growth of HepG2 cancer cells, such as 3,3′-di-O-methylelaga-4′-O-β-D-silopiranoside acid.10 Meanwhile, the 4,4′-di-O-methylellagic acid compound can hinder the spread of colon cancer cells.11 Moreover, 3,4,3′-tri-O-methylellagic acid compounds have been reported to be cytotoxic against two cancer cell lines (RBL2H3 and RAW264.7).12 Therefore, ellagic acid derivatives have potential to be developed as cancer drugs. In a previous study, we used Syzygium polycephalum extract and the nanoencapsulation form of the extract for an anti-cancer assay using the T47D and HeLa cell lines, and they showed good extract potency.13 Based on these considerations, we tried to isolate the ellagic acid derivative from the stem bark of S. polycephalum and carried out activity tests using the T47D and HeLa cell lines. Specifically, we report an examination of the ellagic acid derivative from S. polycephalum, which was assessed for anticancer action in vitro and in silico.
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Molecular docking examination utilized the depiction of the Dock6 program bundle, in which the group circle determination employed a range of 10.0 Å from the local ligand's directions on the receptor's dynamic site. Flexible conformation with energy calculation used a functional grid score to determine ligand–receptor interactions, with a validation criterion using ligand root-mean-square displacement (RMSD) value of 2.0 Å.21 The score function integrated molecular docking and the MD simulation used the General AMBER Force Field (GAFF).22 The solvent model utilized the TIP3P water solvent model with a base distance of 12 Å. Then, sodium ions (Na+) were randomly added to neutralise the recreated framework.23 The additional hydrogen atoms and water molecules were minimized by 500 stages of steepest descent and 3000 stages of conjugated gradient, although the remainder of the atoms were restrained. Finally, the whole framework was completely minimized by similar techniques. The heating stage for each system was run for 200 ps in stages from 0 K to 298 K. The density (300 ps) and equilibrium (1000 ps) stages were carried out with harmonic restraints of 30, 20, 10, and 5 kcal mol−1 Å−2. Thus, the entire simulation process for each system was carried out under the NPT (310 K, 1 atm) ensemble to 100 ns to generate trajectories.
System stability analyses, such as total energy, temperature, and RMSD, were performed using all trajectories with a simulation time of 100 ns. On the other hand, analysis of hydrogen bond and binding affinity (ΔGbind) was calculated using the last 20 ns of the trajectory. Calculation of binding free energy (ΔG) and decomposition free energy (ΔGresiduebind) used the tool of the AMBER18 package.24 In addition, the binding free energy (ΔGbind) determination was achieved using the Molecular Mechanics-Poisson Boltzmann/Generalized Born Surface Area (MM-PB/GBSA) method. Methodically, binding free energy (ΔGbind) can be calculated using eqn (2). The entropy change variable (−TΔS) was neglected due to its high computational cost and low prediction accuracy.25 In particular, the energy components that involve the bond free energy can be represented by the gas (eqn (3)) and the solvation state (eqn (4)). The gaseous state indicated the component comprising bonded energy (ΔEbonded), van der Waals energy (ΔEvdW), and electrostatic energy (ΔEele). Bonded energy (ΔEbonded) represents the bond, angle, and torsion energies. Therefore, the conformational energy value for that parameter is zero. Moreover, the solvation state includes the total Poisson Boltzmann/Generalized Born models (ΔGelesolv) and solvent-accessible surface area energy (ΔGnonpolarsolv). Finally, binding free energy can be determined utilizing the four energy variables shown in eqn (5).
ΔGbind = ΔGgas + ΔGsolv − TΔS | (2) |
ΔGgas = ΔEbonded + ΔEvdW + ΔEele | (3) |
ΔGsolv = ΔGelesolv + ΔGnonpolarsolv | (4) |
ΔGbind = ΔEbonded + ΔEvdW + ΔGelesolv + ΔGnonpolarsolv | (5) |
The following 1H-NMR studies in DMSO-d6 suggested that the isolated T-EA had three sharp singlets at δH 4,05, 4.04, and 3.99 (3H, s), indicating the presence of three methoxy groups. Additionally, two singlet signals indicated two protons in the aromatic ring at δH 7.62 and 7.51 (1H, s), respectively. The 13C-NMR spectra showed twelve carbon signals for two aromatic rings, two carbon signals for two carbonyls, and three carbon signals accounting for three methoxy groups, as detailed in Table 1. The twelve aromatic carbons indicated two –CH aromatic carbons at δC 107.5 (C, C-5) and 111.8 (C, C-5′), two quaternary carbons attached to the O of the lactones at δC 141.5 (C, C-2) and 141.0 (C, C-2′), and three aromatic carbons attached to three methoxy groups at δC 140.8 (C, C-3), 153.4 (C, C-4), and 140.4 (C, C-3′), while the signal at δC 153.7 (C, C-4′) represented one aromatic carbon adjacent to the hydroxyl group. The remainder of the aromatic carbons appearing at δC 111.9 (C, C-1) and 110.7 (C, C-1′) were two quaternary carbons connecting the two aromatic rings, while signals at δC 113.6 (C, C-6) and 112.5 (C, C6′) represented quaternary carbons next to two carbonyls, with signals at δC 158.6 (C, C-7) and 158.4 (C, C-7′). Lastly, carbon signals of the three methoxy group carbons were observed at δC 61.3 (–OMe, C-3), 56.7 (–OMe, C-4), and 60.9 (–OMe, C-3′). Chemical shift analysis data are provided in the ESI (Fig. S3–S6).† These results as well as data comparison with the literature supported the conclusion that the isolated compound was indeed 3,4,3′-tri-O-methylellagic acid (Fig. 1).
Position | T-EA | Reference 13 | ||
δC | δH | δC | δH | |
1 | 111.9 (C) | 112.0 (C) | ||
2 | 141.5 (C) | 141.5 (C) | ||
3 | 140.8 (C) | 140.9 (C) | ||
4 | 153.4 (C) | 152.8 (C) | ||
5 | 107.5 (CH) | 7.62 (s) | 107.5 (CH) | 7.63 (s) |
6 | 113.6 (C) | 112.6 (C) | ||
7 | 158.6 (C![]() |
158.6 (C![]() |
1′ | 110.7 (C) | 111.1 (C) | ||
2′ | 141.0 (C) | 141.0 (C) | ||
3′ | 140.4 (C) | 140.3 (C) | ||
4′ | 153.7 (C) | 153.8 (C) | ||
5′ | 111.8 (CH) | 7.51 (s) | 111.7 (CH) | 7.52 (s) |
6′ | 112.5 (C) | 112.0 (C) | ||
7′ | 158.4 (C![]() |
158.4 (C![]() |
3-OCH3 | 61.3 (CH3) | 4.04 (s) | 61.3 (CH3) | 4.03 (s) |
4-OCH3 | 56.7 (CH3) | 3.99 (s) | 56.7 (CH3) | 3.99 (s) |
3′-OCH3 | 60.9 (CH3) | 4.05 (s) | 61.0 (CH3) | 4.04 (s) |
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Fig. 2 The T-EA concentration-effect: the percentage of cell viability of the HeLa and T47D cell lines. |
The coordinates from the redocking results were used to dock the T-EA ligand at each receptor (4I5I and 3TNH), and the results showed a good conformation of T-EA with each receptor. This was because the grid score (kcal mol−1) of T-EA was less than that of the native ligand (Table S2†). Moreover, molecular docking studies could also be used to evaluate the inhibitor activity of T-EA with the SIRT1 and CDK9 enzymes. The interaction of T-EA on the active site of the SIRT1 enzyme involved seven amino acid residues (GLY24, ALA25, PHE36, GLN108, ASN109, VAL175, and VAL208) and two residues (GLN108 and VAL175) that were responsible for H-bond interactions (Fig. 4A). Meanwhile, the T-EA interaction on the active site of the CDK9 enzyme involved nine amino acid residues (THR22, VAL26, ALA39, CYS99, GLU100, HIS101, ASP102, LEU149, and ALA159) and two residues (GLN108 and VAL175) that were responsible for H-bond interactions (Fig. 4B). In particular, the residues involved in the H-bond interactions were chosen to evaluate MD simulation usage.
Next, a crucial complex RMSD analysis was performed by using the cpptraj tool included in the AMBER18 package to assess the system stability.30,31 The results revealed that the stability of each system was good, with no significant fluctuations occurring during the simulation time (Fig. 6). Specifically, the T-EA–3TNH system (RMSD: 0.347 ± 0.072) showed better stability than the T-EA–4I5I system (RMSD: 0.383 ± 0.110). This indicated that the T-EA–3TNH system at the start of 20 ns fluctuated and did not deliver great fluctuations until 100 ns. Meanwhile, the T-EA–4I5I system fluctuated at 0–60 ns and did not experience significant fluctuations up to 100 ns. However, each system showed good RMSD stability in the last 20 ns of simulation time (80–100 ns). These trajectories were then used for further analysis of binding free energy (ΔGbind), decomposition free energy (ΔGresiduebind), and hydrogen bonding.30
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Fig. 6 Trajectory analysis of root-mean-square displacement during the 100 ns of simulation: T-EA–4I5I (top) and T-EA–3TNH (bottom). |
The binding free energy of the T-EA–SIRT1 and T-EA–CDK9 complexes was calculated using the MM-PB/GBSA technique,24 in which ΔGbind comprised contributions from gas and solvation terms to each complex (Table 2). The energy improvement in the gas term, such as EvdW and Eelec, resulted in an excellent contribution to the ΔGbind of each complex. However, the energy commitment to the solvation term (precisely: Eelesolv (GBSA) and Eelesolv (PBSA)) made an unfavourable contribution to ΔGbind of each complex respectively. The prediction results of ΔGbind showed that the candidate T-EA had good interaction with the SIRT1 and CDK9 enzymes. The promising binding free energy indicated a more negative value in thermodynamics. The negative value of (ΔGbind) is expected to provide strong binding on the receptor active site. Its interaction would likely change the conformational structure and inactivate the SIRT1 and CDK9 enzymes' ability to respond to cancer cell division. Additionally, the MM-GBSA approach was utilized to calculate the decomposition energy, aiming to determine the contribution of amino acid residues in the receptor's active site (Fig. S8†). A good residue contribution shown by an amino acid residue is ΔGresiduebind ≤ −1.0 kcal mol−1.30 The T-EA–3TNH complex involved nine residues, and the T-EA–4I5I complex involved eight residues with good energy contributions. Notably, these outcomes depicted a decent connection with molecular docking (Fig. 4), with some identical amino acid residues being recorded in the final trajectories (20 ns of MD simulation). Several amino acid residues common to both molecular docking and MD simulation affected the T-EA–4I5I complex (PHE36, GLN108, ASN109, VAL175, and VAL208) and the T-EA–3TNH complex (VAL26, CYS99, HIS101, ASP102, and LEU149).
Energy component (kcal mol−1) | T-EA–4I5I | T-EA–3TNH |
Gas term | ||
EvdW | −42.79 ± 0.23 | −41.30 ± 0.26 |
Eelec | −27.84 ± 0.33 | −26.58 ± 0.59 |
ΔGgas | −70.63 ± 0.36 | −67.89 ± 0.53 |
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Solvation term | ||
Eelesolv (GBSA) | 44.64 ± 0.26 | 43.19 ± 0.45 |
Enonpolarsolv (GBSA) | −4.99 ± 0.01 | −4.81 ± 0.01 |
ΔGsolv (GBSA) | 39.65 ± 0.26 | 38.38 ± 0.45 |
Eelesolv (PBSA) | 52.10 ± 0.40 | 47.73 ± 0.60 |
Enonpolarsolv (PBSA) | −5.54 ± 0.01 | −5.71 ± 0.01 |
ΔGsolv (PBSA) | 46.55 ± 0.40 | 42.01 ± 0.60 |
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Binding free | ||
ΔGbind (MM-GBSA) | −30.98 ± 0.25 | −29.50 ± 0.22 |
ΔGbind (MM-PBSA) | −24.07 ± 0.30 | −25.87 ± 0.40 |
Lastly, analysis of hydrogen bond interaction was also conducted to uncover the significant part of the ligand–receptor interactions. The cpptraj tool was used for each complex in the final 20 ns of trajectories of MD simulation (Fig. S9†); hydrogen bonding with an occupation percentage of 70% represented a strong H-bond.31 The results indicated that there were two H-bonds within the T-EA–4I5I complex at the residues GLN108 (62.3%) and VAL175 (99.7%), while two H-bonds at CYS99 (88.5%) and ASP102 (57.2%) were observed in the T-EA–3TNH complex. In summary, the results of molecular docking and MD simulations show a strong correlation in the determination of the hydrogen bond. It indicates each residue on each complex well measured in molecular docking studies and MD simulations.
The oral bioavailability prediction aimed to provide theoretical information on the physicochemical properties of T-EA. In general, the criteria for a drug candidate to have good oral bioavailability include lipophilicity (−0.7 < Xlog
P3 < 5.0), size (150 D < MW < 500 D), polarity (20 Å2 < TPSA < 130 Å2), insolubility (0 < ESOL < 6), insaturation (0.25 < Csp3 < 1), and flexibility (0 < number of rotatable bonds < 9). Based on these results, T-EA only violated one criterion, namely insaturation (Csp3: 0.18) (Fig. 7), meaning it could still be considered to have good potential as an oral drug as a drug candidate is usually described as having low appropriateness as an oral medication if it does not meet multiple standards.33 This theoretical information could then be used as initial data for experimental testing considerations.
Prediction of the gastrointestinal (GI) absorption parameter showed that T-EA possessed high GI absorption, which meant that T-EA can pass through the GI membrane well. Another parameter, blood–brain barrier (BBB) permeability, was also evaluated to describe the capacity of the medication to pass the BBB. However, T-EA did not distribute well across the BBB, which identified this compound as having good potential as a drug candidate because it does not influence the function of the central nervous system. The effect of T-EA on cytochrome isoenzymes (CYPs), like CYP2C19 and CYP2D6, was considered to be an urgent subject of study in the body's metabolism.34 In conclusion, T-EA showed potential as a drug candidate due a lack of both interference with enzyme activities and unwanted side effects on the body when the metabolic process takes place.35
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Additional XRD and FT-IR analytical data. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |