Alan J. R.
Nicholle G. A.
EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, David Brewster Rd, Edinburgh, EH9 3FJ, UK. E-mail:
First published on 25th February 2022
Although the number of natural fluorinated compounds is very small, fluorinated pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals are numerous. 19F NMR spectroscopy has a great potential for the structure elucidation of fluorinated organic molecules, starting with their production by chemical or chemoenzymatic reactions, through monitoring their structural integrity, to their biotic and abiotic transformation and ultimate degradation in the environment. Additionally, choosing to incorporate 19F into any organic molecule opens a convenient route to study reaction mechanisms and kinetics. Addressing limitations of the existing 19F NMR techniques, we have developed methodology that uses 19F as a powerful spectroscopic spy to study mixtures of fluorinated molecules. The proposed 19F-centred NMR analysis utilises the substantial resolution and sensitivity of 19F to obtain a large number of NMR parameters, which enable structure determination of fluorinated compounds without the need for their separation or the use of standards. Here we illustrate the 19F-centred structure determination process and demonstrate its power by successfully elucidating the structures of chloramination disinfectant by-products of a single mono-fluorinated phenolic compound, which would have been impossible otherwise. This novel NMR approach for the structure elucidation of molecules in complex mixtures represents a major contribution towards the analysis of chemical and biological processes involving fluorinated compounds.
Presently, about 20% of the commercial pharmaceuticals contain fluorine and the proportion of newly approved fluoro-pharmaceuticals is rising steadily.2–4 Similarly, fluoro-agrochemicals have become indispensable for crop production and protecting public health from parasitically transmitted infectious diseases;5 53% of all active agrochemicals registered during 1998–2020 are classed as fluoro-agrochemicals.6 New fragrance and semiochemical molecules can also benefit from fluorination.7 In addition, 18F is the most frequently used radioisotope in positron emission tomography radiopharmaceuticals for both clinical and preclinical research, and the search for simple and efficient 18F-labeling procedures is an active research area.8
Reflecting such interest in fluorinated molecules, design of efficient and environmentally safe fluorination methods9–11 and scaled up manufacture of fluorinated molecules12 are among the most active fields of organic chemistry. Enzymatic13 and chemoenzymatic14–16 platforms for the preparation of fluorinated compounds are also emerging. To support these developments, there is a need to characterise fluorinated molecules using efficient analytical methods, amongst which 19F NMR spectroscopy plays a prominent role. What makes 19F the ideal NMR nucleus is its high sensitivity, 100% natural abundance, large chemical shift dispersion and strong and far-reaching spin–spin interactions.
An important advantage of 19F over other nuclei is the absence of the background signal, reflecting the lack of fluorinated endogenous compounds. 19F NMR has the ability to study fluorinated molecules in the presence of other CHN-containing molecules and mixtures of fluorinated compounds produced by chemical or chemoenzymatic reactions could in principle be analysed with minimal clean-up steps or compound separation.
In its simplest form, 1D 19F NMR has been widely used in studies of biodegradation and biotransformation of fluorinated compounds17–19 and has helped to characterise their catabolic pathways20–24 and identify cryptic liabilities and features with potentially problematic structural arrangements,25 which can lead to recalcitrance and/or toxicity.26 Nevertheless, studying biodegradation pathways still typically requires isolation of metabolites and their identification using known standards;17 both of these steps could be problematic. Another frequent application of 19F NMR comes from using a fluorinated molecule as one of the reactants in studies of mechanisms and kinetics of chemical reactions.27,28
The methodology presented here aims to make the process of structure elucidation of fluorine-containing molecules contained in (complex) mixtures more efficient. It follows the “NMR spies” approach, where 13C labelled tags provide information about the nuclei in their vicinity,29,30 leading to structural characterisation of molecules. In a recent example, introduction of -O13CH3 groups to a subset of molecules as NMR tags led to structural characterisation of 32 phenolic molecules, or their fragments, in a complex matrix of peat fulvic acid.31
In the case of fluorinated organic compounds, 19F atoms provide a 100% NMR active tags already present in molecules, enabling 19F-centred NMR structure determination. An example of this approach includes the FESTA family of NMR experiments32–34 that provide 1H–19F chemical shift correlation and 1H–19F coupling constants. The FESTA experiments require selective manipulation of individual 1H and 19F resonances, which is neither achievable (in particular for 1H resonances) nor practical for very complex mixtures, such as investigated here.
We have designed a set of nonselective 2D NMR experiments that use far reaching 1H–19F and 19F–13C couplings to obtain 1H and 13C chemical shifts of nuclei multiple bonds away from the fluorine atom. The same experiments also yield accurate values of 1H–19F, 19F–13C and 1H–1H coupling constants and 13C-induced 19F isotopic shifts. Put together, the obtained information allows elucidation of fluorine-containing molecular moieties and in favourable cases complete structure determination of small fluorinated molecules.
We have chosen to illustrate this approach on a study of disinfection by-products (DBPs) produced during water treatment. DBPs are formed when disinfectants react with naturally dissolved organic matter (DOM), anthropogenic contaminants, bromide, and iodide during the production of potable water. Approximately 600–700 DBPs have been reported in the literature so far,35 some of which exhibit severe health effects.36,37 Amongst halogenated DBPs, the focus so far has been on the quantification of trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs) and total organic halides (TOXs).38–41 As the known compounds constitute less than 50% of TOXs produced by chlorination and less than 20% by chloramination,38 new generations of DBPs are being continually identified and classified for high priority toxicity studies.35,42 The commonly used alternative disinfectants to chlorine (ozone, chloramines, and chlorine dioxide) produce lower levels of the four regulated THMs and most HAAs as well as TOXs, however, they increase the concentration of some other priority DBPs.35,38,43 Chloramination also incorporates nitrogen into DOM molecules44 generating N-containing DBPs,39,45 which can be even more toxic than those currently regulated.37,46 Chloramination was therefore chosen for this study and 15N labelled NH4Cl was used in all experiments to prepare 15N-containing compounds amenable to NMR studies.
Analytical techniques for the structure determination of DBPs play an important role in this process. Traditional methods, such as liquid/liquid extraction, GC, GC/MS, and solid-phase extraction/MS,47 often produce only tentative structures that need validation through the use of authentic chemical standards.35 Specialised MS48,49 and MS/MS50,51 techniques are also being used in this field. Ultrahigh resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) is making contributions to the characterisation of DBPs at the level of molecular formulae, compound class and functional group classification, including identification of compound classes with the highest DBP formation potential.52–58 When ion fragmentation is used more definite structural information can be obtained by MS.49,51,59
On the other hand, the use of NMR spectroscopy in the structure determination of DBPs is rare and usually requires some form of compound separation.60–63 Here we illustrate the power of 19F-centred NMR structure elucidation of fluorinated molecules using a complex mixture of DBPs produced by chloramination of a single fluorine-containing molecule.
The reaction product mixture (30 mg) was dissolved in CD3OH (180 μL) and placed into a 3 mm NMR tube. Spectra involving 19F were acquired on a 500 MHz Bruker Avance III HD NMR spectrometer equipped with a 5 mm QCI-F CryoProbe, while the 1D 1H and a 2D 1H, 15N HSQC spectra were obtained on a 800 MHz AVANCE III NMR spectrometer equipped with a 5 mm TCI cryoprobe. All experiments were performed at 300 K using parameters summarised in Table S1†.
The chemical shift correlation experiments involving 19F have evolved together with general improvements of liquid-state NMR methodology;75 most notably the use of adiabatic 19F inversion pulses is now widespread.66,76–78 Nevertheless, even some more recent 19F experiments yield magnitude mode spectra,76,78 provide correlation but not the values of coupling constants,76 or contain refocusing periods that generally decrease their sensitivity.77,78 Some phase sensitive experiments yield complicated cross peak structures, thereby lowering their sensitivity.79–81
The new NMR experiments presented here build on these advances, are phase sensitive and produce cross peaks with a simple pattern that allow identification of active coupling constants. They incorporate adiabatic inversion pulses covering a 100 KHz frequency range, ensuring their optimal performance across a range of 19F chemical shifts. The use of a single polarisation transfer interval optimised for nJHF or nJFC coupling constants and the elimination of the effects of passive coupling whenever possible, means that they provide chemical shift correlations mediated by a broad range of coupling constants (4–12 Hz nJHF and 3–26 Hz for nJFC, see Tables S2† and S3). When applicable, they also use 1H or 19F decoupling in the directly detected periods to simplify cross peaks and to boost the sensitivity.
A 500 MHz 1H-decoupled 1D 19F spectrum of the reaction mixture produced by chloramination of 1 is very complex; it contains hundreds of peaks of varying intensity spread across a 90 ppm 19F chemical shift range, with the majority and the most intense signals appearing within a 34 ppm range. A partial spectrum is shown in Fig. 2 with thirteen of the most intense resonances numbered. Fig. S1† and S2 present vertical expansions of the full 19F spectrum and the aromatic part of a 1H NMR spectrum of the reaction mixture, respectively.
Providing fluorine is not removed during the reaction, chloramination products of a fluorinated compound will contain at least one 19F atom. If the reaction causes oligomerisation, molecules with several 19F atoms will also be present. Nevertheless, these will likely be too distant to exhibit 19F–19F couplings and 19F atoms will therefore only couple to protons in 12C molecules and protons and carbons in 13C isotopomers. In molecules that incorporated 15N, couplings of 19F with 15N could arise. The 19F atom thus represents a convenient ‘spy’ that reports on the 19F, 1H, 13C and 15N NMR chemical shifts and numerous coupling constants of fluorinated molecules, underpinning the structural characterisation of DBPs.
A 2D 1H, 19F correlation spectrum (Fig. S3†) illustrates the complexity of the investigated mixture. Zoomed in regions of 19F-centred spectra acquired in this work showing the assignment of signals of compound 9 are presented in Fig. 4.
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Fig. 4 Regions of the 500 MHz NMR spectra acquired with the pulse sequences presented in Fig. S8–S12† showing chemical shift correlations for compound 9. In addition to 2D cross peaks, the figures display the structure of 9 with selected NMR parameters, and where appropriate, F2 traces showing the fine structure of cross peaks. ① Overlay of the 2D 1H, 19F HETCOR (blue/turquoise) and ② 2D 1H, 19F TOCSY-HETCOR (red/magenta) cross peaks. The TOCSY spectrum was left-shifted to facilitate identification of signals. F2 traces through H2 and H5 cross peaks from the HETCOR spectrum are shown. 1H chemical shifts and JHF values (bold) are displayed on the structure; ③ A 2D 19F, 1H CP-DIPSI3-DIPSI2 spectrum; F2 trace at the 19F chemical shift of 9 is shown; 1H chemical shifts and JHH values (blue) are displayed on the structure; ④ A 2D 19F, 13C HMBC spectrum optimised for nJFC coupling constants. Internal F1 and F2 projections and F2 traces at the 13C chemical shifts of 9 are displayed; the JFC values are shown in red; ⑤overlay of two edited 2D(3,2) H1CnF correlation spectra containing individual cross peaks of the F1 doublets that code for 13C chemical shifts. Blue/turquoise and red/magenta colours indicate antiphase JFCF2 doublets in each spectrum. The internal F1 projection of one of the spectra is displayed. Vertical lines connect the corresponding signals with their midpoint marking the 1H chemical shifts. The 1H/13C chemical shifts and JFC coupling constants (red) are indicated. These active coupling constants appear in antiphase, which can cause partial signal cancellation. Thus, to obtain more accurate values it is best to determine them from a 1H coupled 19F spectrum. The H6,F cross peak only appears in the 2D 1H, 19F TOCSY-HETCOR spectrum (②, Fig. 4) because the JH6,F coupling constant is too small to generate a response in the former experiment. A 2D 19F, 1H CP-DIPSI3-DIPSI2 (③, Fig. 4) serves to extend the proton networks beyond the protons coupled to 19F, similarly to 2D 1H, 19F TOCSY-HETCOR experiment. However, as a 1H-detected experiment, it provides values of JHH coupling constants that are beneficial to the structure determination process. A 2D 19F, 13C HMBC spectrum optimised for nJFC coupling constants (④, Fig. 4) provides the chemical shifts and nJFC coupling constants of all 19F-coupled carbons. For one-bond 19F–13C correlations, the sensitivity of the experiment can be enhanced by optimising the polarisation transfer periods for 1JFC coupling constants (pulse sequence of Fig. S11†). If the values of 1JFC coupling are known, the HMBC experiment can be set up to yield the one-bond correlations as well. Finally, the outcome of a simultaneous H1CnF correlation is illustrated in ⑤ (Fig. 4). This intrinsically 3D experiment has been modified using the principles of reduced dimensionality83,84 to produce a (3, 2)D experiment. Here, the 13C chemical shift is coded in the 1H dimension by the width of the F1-doublet. In this experiment two interleaved spectra are acquired, which contain in-phase or antiphase F1 doublets. Editing of these spectra increases the S/N ratio and removes half of the cross peaks in each spectrum, thus reducing spectral overlap. |
The 19F-detected z-filtered 2D 1H, 19F HETCOR spectrum (①, Fig. 4) shows HF cross peaks with protons H2 and H5 whose appearance is mediated by large JHF coupling constants.
Exploring a hypothetical scenario, 30 mg of a mixture could contain a 1000 similar size compounds at around 30 μg each. These would be amenable to the structure determination as outlined here, thanks to the remarkable sensitivity of today's NMR spectrometers and the efficiency of the 19F-centered approach. The sensitivity of 1H, 19F correlation experiments is naturally higher with an estimated concentration limit of ∼30 μM (or 1 μg for compounds with Mw = 170 g mol−1 in 180 μl). This statement is supported by the appearance of hundreds of cross peaks in the 2D 1H, 19F HETCOR spectrum (Fig. S3†) associated with 19F signals that are 30 × weaker than the signal of 11. Around 200 spin systems of these minor compounds could be identified in this spectrum. Their cross peaks were resolved due to the exquisite sensitivity of 19F to its chemical environment. The presented analysis thus provides a glimpse into the complexity of mixtures that are amenable to structure elucidation by 19F-centered NMR.
The process starts with the acquisition of standard 1D 1H-coupled and 1H-decoupled 19F spectra, which provide 19F chemical shifts and values of nJHF coupling constants.
① Chemical shifts of 19F-coupled protons are determined in a 2D 19F, 1H HETCOR experiment; nJHF coupling constants are assigned.
② The 19F-associated proton network is extended by protons not directly coupled to 19F in a 2D 19F, 1H TOCSY-HETCOR experiment.
③ JHH coupling constants are obtained in a 2D 19F, 1H CP-DIPSI3-DIPSI2 experiment; extension of the proton network, established by ①and ②, is possible.
The correlated 19F and 1H chemical shifts and homo- and heteronuclear coupling constants can now be interpreted to propose structural fragments by considering the effect of substituents,85 values of JHF coupling constants86,87 (Table S2†) and JHH coupling constants.
④ 2D 19F, 13C HMBC experiment provides 19F–13C chemical shift correlations, values of 1,nJCF coupling constants and 13C-induced 19F isotopic shifts.
⑤ The 2D(3,2) H1CnF correlation spectra provide a distinction between protonated and non-protonated 19F-coupled carbons and chemical shift correlations of HC pairs.
Experiments involving 19F–13C correlations are very informative and should be performed if sufficient amount of material is available. Considering the effects of substituents,88 the sizes of JFC coupling constants86,87 (Table S3†) and 13C-induced 19F isotopic chemical shifts (Table S4†), structural fragments proposed by the analysis of 1H/19F data can be verified and extended.
⑥ Relative sizes of molecules in a mixture are estimated by a 2D 19F DOSY experiment.
Taking advantage of the large chemical shift dispersion of 19F, interpretation of 19F-detected DOSY spectra89 (Fig. S4†) is straightforward due to minimal signal overlap. A one-shot DOSY experiment90 with rectangular 19F pulses was used here; for spectra covering a wider range of 19F chemical sifts, the use of adiabatic pulses is recommended.91,92 For the studied mixture, the measured diffusion coefficients generally decreased with increasing molecular weight of compounds and their substituents in the order COOH, NO2 and Cl. The contribution from the carboxyl groups was particularly large, presumably because of the formation of hydrogen bonds with the solvent. Assessment of the molecular weight also helps to decide if data beyond the reach of 19F-centred experiments are required.
⑦ 2D 1H, 13C HSQC/HMBC spectra provide one-bond and long-range 1H–13C correlations beyond the reach of the 19F-centered experiment. 2D 19F, 1H HOESY experiments can also help to identify more remote protons.
Using standard 2D 1H, 13C one-bond and long-range correlated experiments alone to analyse complex mixtures is problematic due to the complexity of their spectra. Nevertheless, for larger molecules, which contain spin systems isolated from those containing 19F, protons and carbons identified by 19F-centred experiments can act as starting points for extending the assignments through the analyses of 2D 1H, 13C HSQC/HMBC spectra. Similarly, 2D 19F, 1H HOESY experiments75,93 can reach more remote protons by utilising 19F, 1H NOEs.
Due to use of 15NH4Cl, some fluorinated compounds studied here, contain 15N, which opened another route for obtaining structural information as summarised using square brackets in the flow chart of Fig. 5. The 19F–15N chemical shift correlations can be obtained by a 2D 19F, 15N HMBC experiment (Fig. S10 and S5†). For nitrogen-containing DBPs, carbons directly bonded to 15N are identifiable by the E.COSY pattern of cross peaks in 2D 19F, 13C HMBC spectra caused by relatively large 1JNC (11–13 Hz) coupling constants. The sizes of JFN (or JFF) coupling constants are best determined from 1D 1H-decoupled 19F spectra. A potential presence of 19F–19F interactions can be probed by a 2D 19F, 19F COSY experiment.
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Fig. 6 Reaction pathways [1],94 [2],96 [3],50 and [4],95 identified in chloramination of 1. Compounds enclosed in a rectangle fall outside of this classification. Fractions given represent concentrations relative to the starting material, 1, as estimated from the intensity of signals in the 1D 19F NMR spectrum. *unconfirmed intermediates, R = H or Cl. |
The second reaction type observed was decarboxylative chlorination96 (1→9 or 7→11). The halogenated sites also continued to react with monochloramine through nucleophilic substitution by H2N in a dechlorinative amination.97 The generated aromatic amines were further oxidised by NH2Cl to form nitroso- and eventually nitro compounds,50 (2→12, 10→12, 9→8, 3→13). An unexpected outcome was the appearance of compounds 4 and 5. These compounds were not part of the starting material, as confirmed by the absence of their signals in the 1H-decoupled 19F spectrum of 1. Their structures were verified by a comparison of NMR parameters with literature data.98,99 Performing such checks is generally recommended, especially in instances where the appearance of the identified compounds is difficult to rationalise. Such comparisons are considered to be reliable due to sensitivity of NMR parameters to molecular structures.
Two additional compounds, containing a tri-substituted benzene ring with a carboxylic group (7) or a chlorine (11) at position C-1, were identified. The differences between the 13C and 1H chemical shifts of the corresponding atoms of these compounds matched the differences observed for an analogous pair of molecules, 1 and 9. A possible mechanism for the formation of compounds 7 and 11 from 1 and 9, respectively, is via resonance stabilised phenoxyl radicals produced by dissociation or abstraction of the phenolic hydrogen.100 This hypothesis is supported by the observed changes of colour of the reaction mixture over the course of 5 days, which could indicate the existence of quinone/semiquinone equilibria. Based on the 19F DOSY spectrum (Fig. S4†), molecules 7 and 11 are the largest, likely dimeric molecules. Attempts to extend their structures using 1H, 13C correlation experiments, as suggested in step ⑦ of Fig. 5, did not yield further information. A 1H, 19F HOESY experiment (not performed here) represents another opportunity for structural characterisation.
The origin of most but not all compounds identified in this study can thus be explained by known reaction mechanisms. It is possible that during the course of chloramination, fluorine radicals were created, further modifying the pool of the produced compounds. This could help to explain the variety of 19F containing compounds (Fig. 1 and ES1†) that are present in concentrations too low to currently allow their structure elucidation. The other source of heterogeneity of the final mixture are the N-containing molecules, as indicated by the richness of its 2D 1H,15N HSQC spectrum (Fig. S6†). None of compounds 2–13 contain a protonated NHx (x = 1, 2) group, indicating that the nitrogenated products of 1 are present at low concentrations.
The number of compounds obtained in our experiments, which admittedly aimed to maximise the production of DBPs, is astounding. Their structural studies will continue to attract attention due to the potential influence of DBPs on human health and the environment.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1sc06057k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |