Jakob T.
Bizan N.
*ace and
aInstitute of Physical Chemistry, University of Freiburg, Albertstr. 21, 79104, Freiburg, Germany. E-mail: bizan.balzer@pc.uni-freiburg.de; thorsten.hugel@pc.uni-freiburg.de
bDepartment of Theoretical Biophysics, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max-von-Laue-Straße 3, 60438, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
cCluster of Excellence livMatS@FIT – Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies, University of Freiburg, Georges-Köhler-Allee 105, 79110, Freiburg, Germany
dInstitute for Theoretical Physics, Leipzig University, Brüderstraße 16, 04103, Leipzig, Germany
eFreiburg Materials Research Center (FMF), University of Freiburg, Stefan-Meier-Str. 21, 79104, Freiburg, Germany
First published on 26th April 2022
A wealth of chemical bonds and polymers have been studied with single-molecule force spectroscopy, usually by applying a force perpendicular to the anchoring surface. However, the direction-dependence of the bond strength lacks fundamental understanding. Here we establish stereographic force spectroscopy to study the single-bond strength for various pulling angles. Surprisingly, we find that the apparent bond strength increases with increasing pulling angle relative to the anchoring surface normal, indicating a sturdy mechanical anisotropy of a chemical bond. This finding can be rationalized by a fixed pathway for the rupture of the bond, resulting in an effective projection of the applied pulling force onto a nearly fixed rupture direction. Our study is fundamental for the molecular understanding of the role of the direction of force application in molecular adhesion and friction. It is also a prerequisite for the nanoscale tailoring of the anisotropic strength of bottom-up designed materials.
In this study, we develop AFM-based stereographic force spectroscopy to investigate the strength of single surface bonds along various pulling directions. Forces are applied at defined, preset pulling angles by simultaneously driving the z- and x-piezos with nanometer accuracy (Fig. S1†).13–15
Note that several potential confounding effects, such as vertical or lateral deflections and torsions of the cantilever, as well as the accuracy of the piezo system, may induce errors in stereographic pulling. We have largely eliminated these effects in our experiments and shown that the remaining uncertainties are negligible. The details of the analysis can be found in the Analysis of various effects in stereographic pulling in the ESI and Fig. S2 and S3.†
Then, we show that the force can be transmitted to the anchor bond along the pulling direction via the PEG chain. This is evident from the constant single-chain elasticity of PEG during stereographic pulling at different angles as detailed in the following. The recorded PEG force–extension curves are shown in Fig. 2b. Here, the recorded force Fz is the vertical (θ = 0°) component of the force along the pulling direction Fp (see Fig. 2a), because the AFM cantilever deflects and records the force in the vertical direction. To recover the force–extension curve along the pulling direction, we convert the force Fz to Fp with the corresponding pulling angle θ (θ = 0° for vertical pulling):
![]() | (1) |
Similarly, we obtain Rp = Rz cos(θ)−1 for the chain extension along the pulling direction (see Reconstruction of the curves along pulling direction in ESI and Fig. S4 for details†). Then, we normalize the traces under different angles as shown in Fig. 2c (see Fig. S5–S7 for details†). These force–extension curves can be well superposed, confirming that the elastic response of a polymer chain does not depend on the pulling direction.
In addition, we can fit the PEG force–extension curves in the whole force region and for different pulling angles with a two-state (gauche, trans) coupled freely rotating chain model, where the elastic stretching modulus γ of PEG at high forces is obtained from quantum mechanical calculations (TSQM-FRC model, see Single-chain elasticity model in ESI†):20
![]() | (2) |
Here, RN is the normalized extension, lg, lt, lb, ΔL are all fixed structural parameters of PEG, thus leaving the free energy difference (ΔG) between the two states as the only unknown parameter.19 As shown in Fig. 2c and S5,† the PEG force–extension curves in H2O can be well fitted with ΔG = 3.6 kBT, in good agreement with previous reports in H2O (3 to 4 kBT).19,21
Fig. 2d shows that the mean fingerprint (kink) position is also independent on the pulling velocity (along the pulling direction) in the range accessible by AFM, indicating that the chain is in a quasi-equilibrium in our study.22 This is reasonable because of the very fast relaxation of conformational changes on the picosecond timescale:19,23 the PEG chain reacts faster than the timescale of the experiment to the applied pulling force, and thus always gets rearranged along the pulling direction. This conclusion is also supported by the results of several previous studies on single-chain elasticity using similar or different technical methods.24–27
Now we assess the rupture force of the bond at the surface in an angle-dependent way, which has not been done before. Therefore, we determine the rupture force Fr,p and loading rate Ḟr,p along the pulling direction and construct angle-dependent dynamic force spectra. Fig. 2e shows that Fr,p increases with Ḟr,p as expected, since the bond rupture is a non-equilibrium process.28 Surprisingly, Fr,p also increases with increasing pulling angle θ: this means that the anchor bond strength seemingly changes with the pulling direction. For a pulling velocity of 5000 nm s−1, the mean Fr,p is 949 (±173) pN for θ = 0° and almost doubles for θ = 60°, giving 1832 (±228) pN. Note that a force of approx. 2000 pN is usually associated with the rupture of a covalent bond.1,29,30 As this force acts on all bonds within the PEG chain, one could expect bond ruptures anywhere between the anchoring points. We have observed hundreds of rupture events at rupture forces higher than 1500 pN (n = 257) and find that these high rupture forces and the respective rupture positions remain constant throughout the experiment (Fig. S8†). As the force–extension curves can be repeated obtaining the same signature for hundreds of consecutive curves with the same PEG-biotin functionalized AFM cantilever tip on the same glass substrate, these results validate that the rupture almost always happens at the anchor bond, which is consistent with recent studies on pathogen adhesin.31 This means that the bonds within the polymer chain are still stronger than the anchor bond even under the imposed conditions of oblique pulling, as required for stereographic force spectroscopy.
To determine the underlying mechanism of the angle-dependence of the bond strength, we construct the free-energy landscape of the bond for different pulling angles and obtain the rupture pathway. This is commonly done by analyzing the rupture forces via the Bell–Evans model,32 which is based on the heuristic Bell rate33 that is accurate on the force scale of a few pN. At higher forces, the Bell rate only offers a crude approximation, as seen by the fact that the Bell–Evans variance of the rupture force (and all higher moments) deviate strongly from Brownian dynamics simulation data.28 Instead, we rely on the microscopically exact Dudko–Hummer–Szabo (DHS) model,28,34 which predicts the following functional form for the force-dependent dissociation rate (see Rupture force data analysis in ESI†):
![]() | (3) |
This expression holds for rupture forces F below the critical force Fc = ΔGu(vxu)−1, where ΔGu denotes the height of the free-energy barrier, xu is the distance from the bound state to the barrier, and v is a dimensionless parameter that can take the values v = 1/2, v = 2/3, and v = 1. The former two values correspond to cusp and linear-cubic free-energy profiles respectively, while the latter value reduces eqn (3) to the Bell rate.28 The Bell rate is also retrieved for arbitrary v-values in the low-force limit F ≪ Fc. Note that k(F = 0) coincides with the spontaneous escape rate k0. In order to precisely extract the parameters, we build a systematic protocol to remove the outliers and fit the DHS model with v = 2/3 to our data via the maximum likelihood method (Fig. S9†). Our choice of v is based on the assumption that the corresponding free energy profile has a smooth barrier, but consistent results are also obtained for v = 1/2. We provide a fast open-source implementation of our data fitting protocol for the analysis of rupture force spectra.35
The rupture of a bond is tentatively ascribed to either of two idealized rupture scenarios, which we call the aligned-pathway and fixed-pathway scenario, respectively (Fig. 3a and b). In the aligned-pathway scenario, the bond is assumed to rupture along the direction of the pulling force.36,37 This describes a flexible bond angle as it implies that the system can easily be bent and rotated by force, such that the rupture direction follows the pulling direction. This would correspond to Fig. 1c that describes no preferred rupture direction of a bond. As shown in Fig. 3c, the force spectra can be fitted with this model for each angle separately. However, for this aligned-pathway scenario, different parameters are obtained for different pulling angles. As the bond is the same, these parameters should actually be similar for each pulling angle.
Therefore we now test the fixed-pathway scenario, where the bond direction is strongly confined by its geometry, i.e., where the bond angle is largely fixed and stays nearly constant upon pulling.38,39 That is, rather than adjusting to the bond direction, the bond ruptures along the same single pathway for all pulling angles. This would correspond to Fig. 1a that describes a highly preferred rupture direction of a bond. In this fixed-pathway scenario, in which the force and bond directions are generally misaligned, only the force projection along the pathway contributes to bond rupture.40 Taking θ = 0° as the ideal pathway direction of the surface bond, as commonly assumed in vertical pulling assays, a global fit is applied to the vertical component of rupture force and loading rate (Ḟr,zvs. Ḟr,z) for all angles. Surprisingly, the results for the θ = 0° fit and the global fit are in very good agreement (Fig. 3d), validating that the bond ruptures along the same pathway for all angles. As only the vertical force component affects the bond rupture under angle-dependent pulling, higher apparent rupture forces Fr,p along the pulling direction are required for steeper angles to provide enough force in vertical direction.
To further validate the direction-dependence of chemical bonds, the catechol–TiO2 bond is studied as a second system (n = 200 for each angle, Fig. 3e and f).41,42 We note that catechol can be easily oxidized to quinone under high pH and hence leads to different bond types and rupture forces with TiO2.43 To ensure the formation of the catechol–TiO2 bond, the experiments are carried out under pH 3, where catechol remains unoxidized. Similar to the biotin-glass experiments, the force is transmitted to the catechol–TiO2 bond along the pulling direction via a PEG chain (Fig. S10†). We again observe an increase of Fr,p for larger angles, while Fr,z stays nearly constant. This indicates that the force direction plays a universally important role for the perceived strength of single chemical bonds at surfaces, which are much less flexible than one might have thought.
The fit results indicate a barrier height ΔGu of 14 to 17 kBT for both the biotin-glass bond and the catechol–TiO2 bond (see Tables S1–S4 for fit parameters†), comparable to a coordination/covalent bond.30,44 Such an anchor strength prevents the target molecule from slipping on the surface,14 which is essential to obtain a well-defined angle when driving the piezo positioning system in vertical and lateral directions, respectively.
The direction-dependence of the surface bond strength constitutes a sturdy mechanical anisotropy, in particular when the distinction between adhesion (θ = 0°) and friction (θ = 90°) properties matters (as in the extreme scenarios of Fig. 1a and b). As an example, it could be exploited to adjust the adhesion strength of cells or other objects on surfaces. Stiff directional bonds would allow cells to withstand higher shear forces (e.g., due to blood flow), while flexible bonds would facilitate their sliding. Such principles could also guide the bottom-up design of chemical materials, coatings and lubricants. Low friction could be designed by engineering interfacial bonds or interactions that can quickly adapt to the direction of force application (scenario of Fig. 1c) or that show a high in-plane mobility (scenario of Fig. 1b), which has been observed in graphene systems with interfacial π–π stacking.45 High friction is expected for directional bonds (scenario of Fig. 1a), as shown here for a stiff chemical bond. Even friction-switchable interfaces can be thought of, where the stiffness and therefore the direction-dependence of bonds can be switched by an external stimulus, such as for azobenzene. Finally, we anticipate that the inclusion of direction-dependence will contribute to advanced force fields for MD simulations, which currently only have a spherical symmetry (scenario of Fig. 1c). Altogether, our results quantify and highlight the importance of directionality of force application for the anchoring of polymers to surfaces and potentially for any interface.
The glass substrates are cleaned as follows: firstly, they are cleaned ultrasonically for 10 min with H2O and methanol and respectively. Secondly, they are immersed in RCA solution at 60 °C for 1 hour. RCA comprises a volume ratio of 5:
1 of H2O (Purelab Chorus 1, Elga LabWater, Celle, Germany, 18.2 MΩ cm), NH3 solution (Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany, 28.0–30.0%), H2O2 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA, ≥30%). Then, they are rinsed with extensive H2O to remove the residual RCA solution. The TiO2 substrates are cleaned ultrasonically for 10 min with H2O and methanol respectively, then activated with oxygen plasma (40% power, 0.1 mbar, 2 min, Diener Electronics, Germany). The tweezers and glassware are cleaned as follows: firstly, they are immersed in RCA solution at 60 °C for 1 hour, followed by rinsing with extensive H2O; then, they are dried and stored at 120 °C.
Then, for the functionalization with biotin, the cantilevers are incubated in a solution of triethoxysilane-PEG-biotin in toluene (1.25 mg mL−1, 2 h, 22 °C), then rinsed with toluene, ethanol and H2O respectively to get rid of the loosely adsorbed molecules. For the functionalization with catechol, the cantilevers are incubated in a solution of triethoxysilane-PEG-NHS in toluene (1.25 mg mL−1, 2 h, 22 °C), then rinsed with toluene, ethanol and H2O respectively. After that, these cantilevers are further incubated in a solution of dopamine in PBS buffer (pH = 7.2, 1 h, 22 °C), rinsed 3 times with PBS buffer. For the functionalization with thiol, NHS and methoxy groups, the AFM cantilevers are incubated in a solution of triethoxysilane-PEG-thiol, triethoxysilane-PEG-NHS and triethoxysilane-PEG-methoxy in toluene (1.25 mg mL−1, 2 h, 22 °C), then rinsed with toluene, ethanol and H2O, respectively. Finally, all cantilevers are stored in H2O and used in experiments within 3 days.
During the measurement, the vertical deflection of the cantilever and the ZLVDT (z-piezo movement) are recorded for generating the vertical force–extension curves. The YLVDT, XLVDT, and lateral deflections of the cantilever, are also recorded for further evaluation.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See https://doi.org/10.1039/d2sc01077a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |