Matthew R.
Pereira Diaz
Antony D.
John A.
Cameron J.
abc and
Alastair J.
aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK. E-mail:
bEPSRC Future Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation Research Hub (CMAC), University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
cCentre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies (CSCT), University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
dEPSRC Future Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation Research Hub, c/o Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. E-mail:
First published on 13th February 2023
The powder flowability of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients is a key parameter in the manufacturing of solid dosage forms used to inform the choice of tabletting methods. Direct compression is the favoured tabletting method; however, it is only suitable for materials that do not show cohesive behaviour. For materials that are cohesive, processing methods before tabletting, such as granulation, are required. Flowability measurements require large quantities of materials, significant time and human investments and repeat testing due to a lack of reproducible results when taking experimental measurements. This process is particularly challenging during the early-stage development of a new formulation when the amount of material is limited. To overcome these challenges, we present the use of deep learning methods to predict powder flow from images of pharmaceutical materials. We achieve 98.9% validation accuracy using images which by eye are impossible to extract meaningful particle or flowability information from. Using this approach, the need for experimental powder flow characterization is reduced as our models rely on images which are routinely captured as part of the powder size and shape characterization process. Using the imaging method recorded in this work, images can be captured with only 500 mg of material in just 1 hour. This completely removes the additional 30 g of material and extra measurement time needed to carry out repeat testing for traditional flowability measurements. This data-driven approach can be better applied to early-stage drug development which is by nature a highly iterative process. By reducing the material demand and measurement times, new pharmaceutical products can be developed faster with less material, reducing the costs, limiting material waste and hence resulting in a more efficient, sustainable manufacturing process. This work aims to improve decision-making for manufacturing route selection, achieving the key goal for digital design of being able to better predict properties while minimizing the amount of material required and time to inform process selection during early-stage development.
The flowability of a given pharmaceutical powder is a multivariate phenomenon. There are many methods that can be used to measure different powder properties that contribute to the overall flowability.10,11 Factors which affect flowability include particle size, particle shape, density and surface area, as well as environmental factors such as moisture levels.12 As there are so many factors, it is challenging to use a single test which captures a complete profile of the flow behaviour.8 To effectively use these contributing factors as features for modelling, they must be able to be measured accurately and ideally reasonably quickly.
Currently, to measure powder flowability, there are multiple methods available as presented by Tan et al.13. Examples include: (1) powder densities and their indices such as Carr's index which is a measure of compressibility and the Hausner ratio which is the quotient of the tapped and bulk densities. (2) Avalanching, where powder is rotated in a cylindrical apparatus and a camera records flow behaviour. (3) Angle of repose (AOR), which is the angle between the horizontal plane and the free sloping side of the cone-like shape that forms when powders are dropped from a small height. (4) Time to flow through an orifice or the critical diameter needed to flow through. (5) Sheer cell testers such as the FT4 Powder Rheometer, which measure the torque needed to constantly rotate a blade through a material and gives flow function coefficient (FFc) values. These experimental analyses present several disadvantages, i.e. large experimental error, low reproducibility, and time and resource consumption.14 These disadvantages highlight the need for alternative methods to predict powder flowability to save time and resources, especially at the beginning of the development of a new pharmaceutical ingredient, when the amount of material available is at its premium. By compiling and using training data that is the result of this rigorous process of repeat testing, we ensure that the ground truth labels are accurate and hence the predictions made by the Deep Learning (DL) models and the trends which the networks capture are too. Once these trends are modelled, users can significantly reduce the demand for repeat testing as the predictions incorporate this prior experience.
Previous studies in the literature create models to predict powder flow from particle shape and size analysis. It is widely accepted that particle size and shape have a significant impact on flowability. Usually coarser and spherical particles will have better flow properties.15,16 Yu et al.17 used partial least squares analysis to generate numerical descriptors corresponding to particle shape and size, successfully estimating FFc and stating that the most important variables for the prediction of powder flow were the diameter descriptors of the particles and the aspect ratio. They therefore emphasized the importance of considering multiple descriptors to characterize powder flow. Most recently, Barjat et al.18 used statistical modelling to infer trends from numerical values calculated as a result of analytical methods, demonstrating the feasibility of the prediction of powder flow of pharmaceutical powders from particle physical properties.
In this work, we present a novel approach to solving this problem. DL models were used to analyze images of bulk powder particles and classify their flowability as either cohesive, easy flowing or free-flowing, based on their FFc (smaller than 4, between 4 and 10, or greater than 10, respectively), following Jenike's classification system.19 Using DL models delivers significant advantages over existing modelling approaches. These include autonomous feature extraction and removing the need for manual parameterization of particle size and shape using “human-made” descriptors. Furthermore, the implementation of such models would reduce the time and amount of material required for the characterization of powder flow. In this work we were able to reduce our resource costs from 2 hours and 30 g to 1 hour and 500 mg for each measurement. Particle shape and size characterization already forms an integral part of the manufacturing process. Hence, by developing a method where additional information can be extracted from existing measurements using DL, additional value is added to an existing test. After the initial time investment to train a DL network on suitably large datasets, experimental flow testing can be omitted, offering the most significant time saving. The authors note that recording accurate measurement times can be challenging especially when users with different setups and equipment are taking measurements and so the reduction in material is, at present, likely more significant than the time savings recorded in this study. Overall this dramatically reduces the resource demand and cost associated with the screening of new products. As a result of the proposed predictive model, users will experience shorter development timelines, leading to a more efficient and sustainable manufacturing approach.
After the measurement using the Morphologi G3, the area composite was scanned to obtain an overall image. The software created a composite image by tiling together all the individual frames taken during the measurement to collect them in a single image of the scanned area. From this composite image, a maximum reproducible crop of 5359 × 3491 pixels was taken to ensure consistent sizing of images from different samples. An example of these images is shown in Fig. 1.
![]() | ||
Fig. 1 Splitting and resizing of the raw Morphologi G3 images to give n2 training images. Figure not to scale, split factor = 2, 3 & 4 shown for illustration purposes. |
Literature offers some guidance for the minimum number of particles needed for representative measurements of particle properties. For example, Almeida-Prieto et al.20 suggest 300 particles are needed for morphology characterization and Pons et al.21 suggest ideally 1000–1500. Although not direct standards for flow prediction, as we aimed to use particle size and shape for prediction these offer good guidelines. During the experimental flowability measurements, the mean number of particles in each image was 83503 and the median was 30165. No samples had fewer than 300 particles, with the minimum being 332. Furthermore, only 3 samples had fewer than 1000 particles. As such, all of the samples in the dataset were indeed considered representative. There are no literature standards for how many particles must be imaged to accurately predict particle flow from microscopy images. Although morphology standards suggest the samples were representative; we explicitly investigated reducing the number of particles by cropping the images to explore how it affected overall model accuracy.
A shear cell test was used to calculate the FFc of the powders. A control normal stress was applied, and the shearing induced rotation. The output data was the representation of the relationship between the shear stress and the normal stress, which defines the powder's yield locus. Following Jenike's classification, powders with a FFc below 4 have poor flow; between 4 and 10, they are fairly flowable; and above 10, free-flowing. Based on this classification, the powders were classified into cohesive, easy flowing or free-flowing, respectively.19
The number of splits was controlled by defining a split factor, n. The number of crops taken from the raw Morphologi G3 image is calculated as n2 when n ≥ 2. When n = 1, images were split in half and when n = 0, the raw image remained unchanged. After splitting, each of the resulting crops were resized using the centred crop method built into the fastai library, in order to preserve the aspect ratio.22 These centred crops were of size 384 × 384 pixels, which was chosen to mimic the pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) image inputs which have been made publicly available.23 Split index values greater than 10 were not tested. This was because splitting beyond n = 10 generated images smaller than 384 × 384 pixels and so padding must be used which is wasted computation as it contains no information about particle features pertinent to flowability. To determine if the resizing was in itself limiting, an evaluation was also carried out without it, leaving the images at their native “after splitting” pixel sizes. This was an isolated test and hence unless otherwise clearly stated, the resizing was always used.
Data augmentations are common practice across applications of DL to provide larger and more diverse training data using label preserving transforms.24 Augmentations allow models to better generalise and reduce the risk of overfitting by helping models learn underlying patterns instead of memorising training examples. In this study, the augmentation strategy was designed to maximise the trends which can be inferred from each data point without creating synthetic particle data that does not exist in the samples. Other work has shown the use of generative networks to create synthetic data; however, this was not explored in this case.25 In this work, augmentations were used to account for the random particle dispersion during imaging by exposing the network to particles in different positions and orientations. This ensures that predictions are a result of the particle properties instead of translational effects. For example, the rotation of a particle does not change the fundamental particle properties. Yet, it is almost certain that if sprayed onto a plate again (as is done in the Morphologi G3 imaging), the particle would orient itself differently, so the model must account for this. This ultimately improves performance and is especially powerful when access to large datasets is limited.26 In an industrial setting, with access to proprietary datasets, combining augmentations with continuous data integration will help deliver the resilience necessary for product quality assurance and process control.
As shown in Fig. 2, the resulting cropped images were subjected to 2 × 90° rotations up to 180° and then a single flip was applied along both the horizontal and vertical axes simultaneously. Warping and deletion style augmentations were deliberately excluded. In the warping case, this was to avoid changing the particle shape as this is known to be a contributing factor to the flow function. Deletions were not used so that particles were not removed from the images beyond that which were already lost from cropping. Cropping the raw Morphologi G3 images was carried out for all data, but the additional augmentations were only applied to the training set.
(1) ResNet18 (ref. 27)
(2) Vision Transformer (ViT)28
(3) SWIN Transformer V2 (SWIN-V2)29,30
(4) ConvNeXt31
These architectures were chosen as they each incorporate different blocks that have been previously demonstrated as effective in image processing tasks, namely convolution and attention. The ResNet18 architecture represents a purely convolutional model which has been dominant over recent years for image processing. Despite this literature dominance, more recently, the rise of transformer models and the attention mechanism has prompted the development of models capable of applying these newer methods to images. As such, in this work we also tested the ViT and SWIN-V2 models to represent attention-based architectures. The difference between the two transformer models is attributed to the application of the attention mechanism. The ViT applies global attention and so the input size must be fixed. In contrast, SWIN applies attention locally by using a sliding window, and as such the input sizes can be more flexible. Most recently of all, the ConvNeXt model was published which reevaluates and ultimately improves on purely convolutional approaches, bringing them in line with the competition from transformer architectures. In their respective publications, each model has strong performance metrics and so there was no obvious candidate that is applicable across all vision applications. Hence, we evaluated each model to see which approach yielded superior results for the classification of flowability. All models were downloaded with pre-trained weights from PyTorch image models (timm).23 Implementation used the PyTorch and fastai python packages.22,32
During testing, each of the listed networks were trained using a transfer learning approach, pre-loading weights from ImageNet, before fine-tuning two final fully connected layers for classifying particle flow.33 A grid search was carried out to determine optimal hyperparameters which informed the values listed in the training details that follow. The dataset was split into batches, and the models were trained using an early stopping mechanism to prevent overfitting. The early stopping mechanism monitored the validation loss and stopped the training process once it failed to decrease over the previous 5 epochs. After stopping, the model with the lowest validation loss was saved and used for inference. All models were trained on a single Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU with 24 GB of VRAM. To assess the potential for batch sizes beyond what the memory allocation allowed, gradient accumulation was used. Gradient accumulation allows a specified number of batches to pass through the network before pooling their gradients for use during the backpropagation of errors to update the model weights. As a result, we could overcome memory limitations and train the model such that the effective batch size was equal to the product of the actual batch size and the number of gradient accumulation steps.
The authors acknowledge that during this work there were cases where the centred crop was not used. In these cases, the demand for high VRAM resources may present a barrier to entry in reproducing this work. However, when the centred crop is used, and by taking advantage of gradient accumulation where appropriate, the memory requirement can be significantly reduced and hence these models can be reproduced without the need for such high-end hardware resources.
Class | FFc | Number of materials |
Cohesive | ≤4 | 30 |
Easy flowing | 4 < FFc < 10 | 34 |
Free flowing | ≥10 | 35 |
The 5 fold cross-validation was used to ensure that performance metrics were further not misrepresented by favourable seeding of the random data splits in a particular training example. Each experiment was repeated 3 times, and the presented metrics represent a mean of these repeats, with standard deviation errors included where appropriate as error bars. The dataset was split into train/validation/test subsets before any pre-processing or cropping steps were applied. This ensured no data leakage occurred where crops of the same image were present in both the training and validation/test sets. Furthermore, defining data splits before the raw Morphologi G3 images were split or cropped guaranteed that the validation and test set only contained entirely unseen bulk powders.
After assessing the validation accuracy, the external test set was used to ensure the model was not overfitting either of the training or validation sets while also representing a deployment scenario. At test time, the metrics were calculated using two approaches. (1) “Single”, where all crops were considered as unique images. (2) “Majority”, which used an ensemble approach to consider the predictions across all the crops from a given original Morphologi G3 image, and assigned a label as the most commonly predicted class. Despite the majority vote being the favoured approach from a deployment perspective, both methods were used to maximise the interpretability of the models. Performance was evaluated using classification accuracy as the primary metric, which was calculated using eqn (1), where TP, FP, TN, FN are true positive, false positive, true negative and false negative, respectively. In addition to this, the confusion matrices were also recorded.
![]() | (1) |
Each image contained a vast number of particles, and despite the apparent high pixel density of the training composite image, having so many particles means the Morphologi G3 software must apply compression. To form the composite images (like shown in Fig. 3), the Morphologi G3 uses full-resolution frames of the microscope slide which are then down-sampled and joined together. In this case, the effect of the compression either has no effect on the quality of the features or the effect is rendered insignificant as it is applied consistently across all samples. DL methods, especially those that use attention, consider long-term dependencies across the entire image rather than the exact sizes and shapes of each particle. As such, they are less affected by the effects of compression than traditional image analysis methods would be.
Due to the compression and the large number of pixels, these images were challenging to interpret and differentiate by eye. This added a layer of complexity to the study as it was not possible to use visualization techniques to assess the impact of particular particles on the overall predictions. Despite this, it is clear from the literature that particle shape is critical for determining flowability. Therefore, considerations were made during the imaging process to preserve the maximum amount of particle detail. This included using the highest image resolution possible from the Morphologi G3 software, capturing the maximum number of particles, using a low trash size of 10 pixels and ensuring no augmentations or compression destroyed or altered the particle size and shape. As analysis by eye was not possible, the use of DL methods presented an advantage in this situation as the network automatically extracts meaningful features reducing the reliance on calculating pre-determined particle shape or size descriptor values.
To test if splitting was detrimental to performance, the ResNet18 model was used. This choice reflects the fact that convolutional networks are by design, able to handle different input sizes, unlike the transformer models where the architecture must be retrained from scratch when input sizes change. As highlighted by Steiner et al.,36 for smaller datasets, transfer learning and augmentation are superior strategies for achieving maximum performance. This further supports the importance of using a pre-trained model which can make use of variable input sizes, as without the weights from pre-training on ImageNet, performance would certainly decrease.
To reflect the fact that the size of the crop was to be tested, the data augmentation pipeline did not include the centred crop resizing step outlined in Section 2. Fig. 4 shows the accuracy values for the validation and test sets as the split factor was increased (images get smaller as the split factor gets larger). Although the results show small differences in validation accuracy when considering the performance on the external test sets; there is no significant difference in the overall classification accuracy. From this, an important conclusion was made. With a split factor of up to 10, the particles in the input image are representative of the bulk sample as there was no significant drop in the accuracy of the models. This result allowed for a wider exploration of pre-trained models, as transformer-based architectures that have been pre-trained using ImageNet can be used when resizing is appropriate in the data pipeline. At the time of writing, 384 × 384 was the largest input image which could be used by the pre-trained transformer models that had been made readily available online. Testing did not include split factors greater than 10, as cropping to this level created images with dimensions smaller than 384. As excessive cropping during development did eventually lead to a performance drop-off, cropping smaller than is necessary was not tested. Given cropping was not limiting, in all the results presented in the coming sections, the data processing pipeline did include the centred crop resizing step outlined in Section 2.
Fig. 5 shows the accuracy of the validation and test sets for the 4 different architectures tested. The SWIN-V2 model had the highest accuracy metrics for all data subsets with a validation accuracy of 0.970 ± 0.009 and an external test accuracy of 0.667 ± 0.023 and 0.643 ± 0.007 for the majority vote and single approaches respectively. The ViT model was slightly worse, narrowly underperforming compared to the SWIN-V2. The metrics show that both of these attention models are better than the convolution-based models. ResNet18 and ConvNeXt present lower accuracy values, with ConvNeXt narrowly outperforming ResNet18. This suggests that the convolutional approach is not the best practice for the application presented in this work. In fact, the results suggest that using convolutional layers may even hinder performance as shown by the overall lower accuracy metrics.
The trend in performance can be explained by consideration of the network design. The sliding window in convolutional neural networks is an effective tool for localised feature extraction. However, the design experiences limitations with respect to modelling longer-range dependencies as they have limited receptive fields.37 This is pertinent to the flowability application when considering the aim is to predict a bulk property. Unlike other computer vision tasks, where localised features can be important (for example the shape of flower petals or particular facial features), in this work, we must consider the sample in its entirety. This is because a bulk property results from the material as a whole rather than features which correspond to particular, individual particles. It is possible to increase the size of the receptive field in convolutional networks by making the convolutional sliding window larger. However, it has been shown that attention is a superior approach.38 Attention models are better able to model long-term dependencies without incurring the computational cost of larger convolutional sliding windows, and so it follows that they show better performance in flowability prediction.
Having established the SWIN-V2 model offers superior performance, a comprehensive split factor evaluation was performed with the resizing applied. The purpose of this experiment was to assess how the model's performance changed when it was trained having seen a smaller sample of the bulk powder. During the splitting evaluation in Section 3.2, the experiment assessed if the input size of the image is limiting, but the model eventually sees the entirety of the raw Morphologi G3 image, just in different-sized crops. In this case, by applying both splitting and cropping, different amounts of the Morphologi G3 image get entirely removed. This further challenges the assumption that we can predict bulk properties from images containing only small samples of the bulk material.
Fig. 6 shows that performance increases up to n = 7, and then begins to drop when n > 7. This suggests that beyond n = 7, there is no further gain from capturing more pixels in the input images. Intuitively, capturing more of the Morphologi G3 image gives the network more information and hence it can better capture the relationship. The authors suggest this result arises because there is no additional particle detail. In other words, the model had already seen all the different particle features of the sample. As a result, when shown more of the same information, the system becomes prone to overfitting and so the performance drops. This is the same observation seen when excessive image augmentation is used as part of the preprocessing pipelines in computer vision tasks. It should be noted that this result could also be influenced by the overall dataset size. As such, extensions of this project which aim to compile a larger dataset must investigate the full range of possible n values, as with more information the risk of overfitting is reduced.
All of the results in this section correspond to the best single trial of the n = 7 SWIN-V2 model, which was the one showcasing the best mean accuracy metrics during architecture testing. As such, the accuracy metrics shown in Table 2 differ from the mean across the three trials. The accuracy values for this trial were 0.740 and 0.689 for the single and majority vote, respectively. When considering the external test set was comprised of 9 samples in each fold, these accuracy metrics correspond to ultimately predicting an average of 6 or 7 correctly out of the possible 9 samples during each k-fold split. Although the evaluation here used a limited number of examples; the results suggest that the predictions of unseen flowability can be made with reasonable accuracy, and the k-fold testing ensures this metric is representative, reproducible and not arising due to favourable sample splitting.
Class | Accuracy single | Accuracy majority vote |
Cohesive | 0.805 | 0.867 |
Easy flowing | 0.565 | 0.636 |
Free flowing | 0.766 | 0.769 |
Overall | 0.689 | 0.740 |
Table 2 shows the accuracy metrics on a per-class basis from the trial presented in the confusion matrix. From this, it was clear that the model was better at predicting each of the extremity classes (cohesive and free-flowing) compared to the middle, easy-flowing class. Making this comparison also demonstrates that the majority vote system should be used as standard practice, as in every case it had better accuracy than the single system. The authors note that the single system's primary purpose in this evaluation was to provide better interpretability, as individual mistakes do not cause such large accuracy drops when the number of test samples was much higher. However, the difference in accuracy between the single and majority vote systems was small, which shows that there are only a small number of crops from each raw Morphologi G3 image that get assigned labels that differ from the majority consensus. This is shown by the confusion matrices in Fig. 7, as the trends in distribution predictions (shown by the shades of blue colouring) are similar.
Material | Supplier |
1-Octadecanol | Sigma-Aldrich |
4-Aminobenzoic acid | Sigma-Aldrich |
Ac-Di-Sol | Dupont |
Affinisol | Dupont |
Cetyl alcohol | Sigma-Aldrich |
Avicel PH-101 | Dupont |
Azelaic acid | Sigma-Aldrich |
Benecel K100M | Dupont |
Caffeine | Sigma-Aldrich |
Calcium carbonate | Sigma-Aldrich |
Calcium phosphate dibasic | Sigma-Aldrich |
Cellulose | Sigma-Aldrich |
Cholic acid | Sigma-Aldrich |
D-Glucose | Sigma-Aldrich |
Dimethyl fumarate | Sigma-Aldrich |
D-Sorbitol | Sigma-Aldrich |
FastFlo 316 | Dupont |
Granulac 230 | Meggle Pharma |
HPMC | Sigma-Aldrich |
Ibuprofen 50 | BASF |
Ibuprofen 70 | Sigma-Aldrich |
Lidocaine | Sigma-Aldrich |
Lubritose mannitol | Kerry |
Lubritose MCC | Kerry |
Lubritose PB | Kerry |
Magnesium stearate | Roquette |
Magnesium stearate | Sigma-Aldrich |
Mefenamic acid | Sigma-Aldrich |
Methocel DC2 | Colorcon |
Microcel MC-200 | Roquette |
Mowiol 18-88 | Sigma-Aldrich |
Paracetamol granular special | Sigma-Aldrich |
Paracetamol powder | Sigma-Aldrich |
Parteck 50 | Sigma-Aldrich |
Pearlitol 100SD | Roquette |
Pearlitol 200SD | Roquette |
Phenylephedrine | Sigma-Aldrich |
Pluronic F-127 | Sigma-Aldrich |
Potassium chloride | Sigma-Aldrich |
PVP | Sigma-Aldrich |
S-Carboxymethyl-L-cysteine | Sigma-Aldrich |
Sodium stearyl fumarate | Sigma-Aldrich |
Soluplus | BASF |
Span 60 | Sigma-Aldrich |
Stearyl alcohol | Sigma-Aldrich |
Material | FFc | Class |
1-Octadecanol | 2.26 | Cohesive |
4-Aminobenzoic acid | 5.03 | Easy flowing |
Ac-Di-Sol SD | 14.32 | Free flowing |
Affinisol HPMC | 8.11 | Easy flowing |
Avicel PH-101 | 7.46 | Easy flowing |
Azelaic acid | 2.10 | Cohesive |
Benecel K100M | 28.94 | Free flowing |
Caffeine | 3.55 | Cohesive |
Calcium carbonate (20%) – binary | 4.66 | Easy flowing |
Calcium carbonate (20%) – multicomponent | 8.11 | Easy flowing |
Calcium carbonate (40%) – binary | 2.13 | Cohesive |
Calcium carbonate (40%) – multicomponent | 3.16 | Cohesive |
Calcium carbonate (5%) – binary | 24.25 | Free flowing |
Calcium carbonate (5%) – multicomponent | 42.37 | Free flowing |
Calcium carbonate | 4.00 | Easy flowing |
Calcium phosphate dibasic | 2.97 | Cohesive |
Cellulose | 3.32 | Cohesive |
Cetyl alcohol | 1.86 | Cohesive |
Cholic acid | 3.58 | Cohesive |
D-Glucose | 9.29 | Easy flowing |
D-Sorbitol | 14.74 | Free flowing |
Dimethyl fumarate | 13.02 | Free flowing |
FastFlo 316 | 49.19 | Free flowing |
Granulac 230 | 3.22 | Cohesive |
HPMC | 17.98 | Free flowing |
Ibuprofen (20%) + FastFlo 316 | 23.00 | Free flowing |
Ibuprofen 50 | 7.42 | Easy flowing |
Ibuprofen 50 (20%) – binary | 36.25 | Free flowing |
Ibuprofen 50 (40%) – binary | 19.66 | Free flowing |
Ibuprofen 50 (5%) – binary | 26.53 | Free flowing |
Ibuprofen 50 (5%) – multicomponent | 50.91 | Free flowing |
Ibuprofen 70 | 9.58 | Easy flowing |
Lidocaine | 2.33 | Cohesive |
Lubritose mannitol | 30.00 | Free flowing |
Lubritose MCC | 35.23 | Free flowing |
Lubritose PB | 28.84 | Free flowing |
Magnesium stearate | 4.02 | Easy flowing |
Mefenamic acid | 12.07 | Free flowing |
Mefenamic acid (20%) – multicomponent | 21.35 | Free flowing |
Mefenamic acid (35%) – binary | 22.62 | Free flowing |
Mefenamic acid (35%) – multicomponent | 24.53 | Free flowing |
Mefenamic acid (5%) – binary | 25.02 | Free flowing |
Mefenamic acid (5%) – multicomponent | 31.22 | Free flowing |
Methocel DC2 | 10.37 | Free flowing |
Microcel MC-102 | 16.80 | Free flowing |
Microcel MC-200 | 4.46 | Easy flowing |
Mowiol 18-88 | 3.78 | Cohesive |
Paracetamol granular special | 12.94 | Free flowing |
Paracetamol granular special (20%) – binary | 15.90 | Free flowing |
Paracetamol granular special (20%) – multicomponent | 5.05 | Easy flowing |
Paracetamol granular special (40%) – binary | 12.50 | Free flowing |
Paracetamol granular special (40%) – multicomponent | 35.29 | Free flowing |
Paracetamol granular special (5%) – binary | 20.22 | Free flowing |
Paracetamol powder | 3.88 | Cohesive |
Paracetamol powder(20%) – binary | 7.72 | Easy flowing |
Paracetamol powder(20%) – multicomponent | 9.55 | Easy flowing |
Paracetamol powder(40%) – binary | 4.53 | Easy flowing |
Paracetamol powder(40%) – multicomponent | 6.53 | Easy flowing |
Paracetamol powder(5%) – binary | 14.67 | Free flowing |
Parteck 50 | 1.16 | Cohesive |
Pearlitol 100SD | 38.21 | Free flowing |
Pearlitol 200SD | 20.92 | Free flowing |
Pearlitol 300 DC | 27.00 | Free flowing |
Phenylephrine | 5.02 | Easy flowing |
Pluronic F-127 | 10.07 | Free flowing |
Potasium chloride | 3.35 | Cohesive |
PVP | 14.78 | Free flowing |
S-Carboxymethyl-L-cysteine | 4.42 | Easy flowing |
Sodium stearyl fumarate | 5.60 | Easy flowing |
Soluplus | 8.47 | Easy flowing |
Span 60 | 1.90 | Cohesive |
Stearyl alcohol | 2.72 | Cohesive |
Split factor | Validation | Test single | Test majority | |||
Mean accuracy | StDev | Mean accuracy | StDev | Mean accuracy | StDev | |
2 | 0.846 | 0.049 | 0.592 | 0.058 | 0.600 | 0.040 |
4 | 0.868 | 0.014 | 0.537 | 0.008 | 0.527 | 0.031 |
6 | 0.788 | 0.005 | 0.557 | 0.016 | 0.560 | 0.035 |
8 | 0.848 | 0.007 | 0.535 | 0.049 | 0.527 | 0.046 |
10 | 0.780 | 0.039 | 0.579 | 0.042 | 0.580 | 0.053 |
Model | Validation | Test single | Test majority | |||
Mean accuracy | StDev | Mean accuracy | StDev | Mean accuracy | StDev | |
ResNet18 | 0.842 | 0.037 | 0.554 | 0.024 | 0.547 | 0.031 |
ViT | 0.935 | 0.007 | 0.591 | 0.043 | 0.627 | 0.046 |
SwinV2 | 0.970 | 0.009 | 0.643 | 0.007 | 0.667 | 0.023 |
ConvNeXt | 0.905 | 0.032 | 0.534 | 0.029 | 0.560 | 0.072 |
Split factor | Validation | Test single | Test majority | |||
Mean accuracy | StDev | Mean accuracy | StDev | Mean accuracy | StDev | |
1 | 0.813 | 0.086 | 0.390 | 0.053 | 0.390 | 0.053 |
2 | 0.810 | 0.023 | 0.534 | 0.014 | 0.550 | 0.038 |
3 | 0.904 | 0.035 | 0.581 | 0.065 | 0.590 | 0.048 |
4 | 0.964 | 0.014 | 0.559 | 0.058 | 0.585 | 0.077 |
5 | 0.974 | 0.013 | 0.602 | 0.050 | 0.615 | 0.077 |
6 | 0.982 | 0.007 | 0.668 | 0.040 | 0.690 | 0.035 |
7 | 0.989 | 0.003 | 0.650 | 0.032 | 0.695 | 0.034 |
8 | 0.987 | 0.001 | 0.629 | 0.031 | 0.665 | 0.060 |
9 | 0.973 | 0.009 | 0.578 | 0.068 | 0.590 | 0.081 |
10 | 0.935 | 0.007 | 0.591 | 0.043 | 0.627 | 0.046 |
Ground truth label | Predicted label | Material name | Easy flowing | Free flowing | Cohesive |
Cohesive | Easy flowing | Calcium phosphate dibasic | 0.9776 | 0.000595 | 0.02181 |
Cohesive | Free flowing | Mowiol 18-88 | 0.00025454 | 0.97428 | 0.025462 |
Easy flowing | Cohesive | Calcium carbonate (20%) – multicomponent | 0.0088 | 0.0041 | 0.9871 |
Easy flowing | Free flowing | Microcel MC-200 | 0.0012781 | 0.99872 | 6.233E-06 |
Free flowing | Easy flowing | Calcium carbonate (5%) – multicomponent | 0.51524 | 0.4845 | 0.00025947 |
Free flowing | Cohesive | Ac-Di-Sol | 0.2618 | 0.0092 | 0.7291 |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |