Adrian B.
Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: a.b.chaplin@warwick.ac.uk
First published on 3rd April 2023
The synthesis and solid-state characterisation of the heterobimetallic rhodium(III)/silver(I) complex [Rh(2,2′-biphenyl)(CxP2)Cl]⊃Ag+ is described, where CxP2 is a trans-spanning calix[4]arene-based diphosphine and the silver cation is datively bound to the chloride ligand within the cavity of the macrocycle.
As part of our group's ongoing interest in cavitand-based ditopic ligands,6 we have recently become engaged in exploring the coordination chemistry of Kubas’ calix[4]arene diphosphine ligand CxP2.7 In a preceeding paper we described the preparation of mononuclear rhodium(III) aqua complex [Rh(biph)(CxP2)(OH2)][Al(ORF)4] (1-OH2; biph = 2,2′-biphenyl; RF = C(CF3)3) by substitution of trans-[Rh(biph)(PPh3)2(OH2)][Al(ORF)4] with CxP2 in THF.8 Seeking to access water-free, low-coordinate RhIII(biph) derivative 1, preparation and subsequent silver(I)-based halide abstraction of 1-Cl was targeted. During the course of this work, we discovered that the silver(I) cation templates assembly of heterobimetallic rhodium(III)/silver(I) complex [Rh(biph)(CxP2)Cl]⊃Ag+1-ClAg, which is a rare well-defined example of an intermediate in silver salt metathesis reactions.
Reasoning that chelation of CxP2 could still be induced upon chloride abstraction, 2 was carried forward and reacted with two equivalents of Ag[Al(ORF)4] in dichloromethane under argon at RT. Analysis of the resulting suspension by NMR spectroscopy indicated clean conversion into a new complex within 48 h rather than the expected dichloromethane adduct 1-DCM (δ31P 4.4, 1JRhP = 117 Hz).8 This new organometallic is characterised by a sharp 31P resonance at δ 13.9 (1JRhP = 120 Hz) significant downfield shifts of the aromatic 1H resonances of the calix[4]arene scaffold relative to 2 (p-ArH, 6.02→7.32; m-ArH, 5.63→7.11, m-ArP, 6.22→6.50), and assigned to mononuclear 1-ClAg, where the CxP2 ligand adopts the desired trans-spanning coordination mode and the silver cation is bound within the cavity of the calix[4]arene scaffold (Fig. 1A). This species is persistent at RT under argon or dinitrogen, but incredibly moisture sensitive. Repeated attempts to isolate analytically pure samples were frustrated by facile and irreversible reaction with adventitious water,10 resulting in the formation of aqua complex 1-OH2 with concomitant precipitation of AgCl. Indeed, on a preparative scale, deliberate addition of a slight excess of water to in situ generated 1-ClAg enabled isolation of the considerably more robust, air and moisture stable 1-OH2 as an orange solid in 77% yield from 2. Consistent with the assigned structure of 1-ClAg, only a slight perturbation to the 1H and 31P resonances occurs on formation of 1-OH2 (δ 13.2, 1JRhP = 120 Hz), alongside appearance of a distinctive 2H singlet at δ 0.84 for coordinated water.8 Most notably, one of the two unique OCH2 groups is shifted from 4.49→4.12 and we account for this change by coordination of the associated ether to silver in 1-ClAg.
Fortuitously, we have been able to structurally characterise 1-ClAg in the solid state through analysis of a co-crystalline sample formed with 1-OH2 (58%:
42% relative occupancy; Fig. 1B). From the crystallographic disorder model, silver was identified within the cavity and found to exhibit a pseudo T-shaped metal coordination geometry with a Ag1–Cl1 distance of 2.490(2) Å and two dative bonding interactions with the flanking ether units of the calix[4]arene (Ag1–O76, 2.484(3) Å; Ag1–O96, 2.578(3) Å). The latter presumably provides a decisive enthalpic driving force for formation of 1-ClAg.
Based on our observations, we propose conversion of 2 into 1-OH2 is initiated by capture of silver within the calix[4]arene scaffold. Chelation of CxP2 to rhodium is promoted by Cl→Ag+ bonding (Fig. 1A) and thereafter silver chloride is lost upon reaction with water, adventitious or deliberately added. This sequence further corroborates Mattson and Graham's mechanistic proposal for silver salt metathesis reactions, underscores the multifaceted ability of silver(I) cations to activate late transition metal complexes, and highlights the propensity of donor-functionalised cavitand ligands to orchestrate unusual metal-based reactivity.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. CCDC 2244002 (1-ClAg) and 2244003 (2). For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3dt00567d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |