Nina K.
Sarah J.
van der Linde
* and
Martin K.
Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik, Universität Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. E-mail:;
First published on 30th August 2023
Glyoxylic acid is formed in the troposphere by oxidation of organic molecules. In sea salt aerosols, it is expected to be present as glyoxylate, integrated into the salt environment and strongly interacting with water molecules. In water, glyoxylate is in equilibrium with its gem-diol form. To understand the influence of water and salt on the photophysics and photochemistry of glyoxylate, we generate small model clusters containing glyoxylate by electrospray ionization and study them by Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometry. We used infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy and UV/vis photodissociation spectroscopy for structural characterization as well as quantum chemical calculations to model the spectra and dissociation patterns. Resonant absorption of infrared radiation leads to water evaporation, which indicates that water and glyoxylate are separate molecular entities in a significant fraction of the clusters, in line with the observed absorption of UV light in the actinic region. Hydration of glyoxylate leads to a change of the dihedral angle in the CHOCOO−·H2O complex, causing a slight redshift of the S1 ← S0 transition. However, the barriers for internal rotation are below 5 kJ mol−1, which explains the broad S1 ← S0 absorption extending from about 320 to 380 nm. Most importantly, hydration hinders dissociation in the S1 state, thus enhancing the quantum yield of fluorescence combined with water evaporation. No C–C bond photolysis is observed, but due to the limited signal-to-noise ratio, it cannot be ruled out. The quantum yield, however, will be relatively low. Fluorescence dominates the photophysics of glyoxylate embedded in the dry salt cluster, but the quantum yield shifts towards internal conversion upon addition of one or two water molecules.
Environmental significanceMany organic trace compounds in the troposphere are processed in sea salt aerosols, by a complex interplay of photochemistry and ground-state chemical reactions. A detailed understanding of the elementary steps involved is still lacking. Here, we use glyoxylate, water, and sodium chloride to build laboratory models. We elucidate the structure of glyoxylate in different model systems and study the influence of water and salt on its photochemistry. We learn that the dihedral angle between the carboxylate and the formyl group is sensitive to changes in the immediate environment, and at the same time crucial for the energetics of photochemically relevant excited states. Photochemical reactions and relaxation pathways are also modified by the interaction with water and salt ions. |
Organic acids20–22 were unambiguously identified by several studies as a significant group in aerosols. Glyoxylic acid is the simplest 2-oxocarboxylic acid. It was found to be a secondary oxidation product from isoprene,23,24 (methyl-)glyoxal25,26 and aromatic hydrocarbons,27 being routinely identified in outdoor samples.28–33 Glyoxylic acid has three strong absorption bands. One of them lies at around 230 nm, and a highly structured spectrum is found for the actinic region λ > 290 nm, i.e. the wavelength range of solar radiation that reaches the troposphere. The major products of the photolysis of neutral glyoxylic acid are CO2 and formaldehyde, while small amounts of H2 and CO are found as well.34 Collisional activation of glyoxylate leads to decarboxylation forming HCO−,35 as found by Miller and Uggerud. While no spectroscopic work on bare or hydrated glyoxylate is available in the gas phase, the groups of Verlet36 and Wang37 have recently studied the closely related pyruvate and hydrated pyruvate ions by photoelectron spectroscopy. They found efficient photolysis of bare pyruvate, with hydration reducing the quantum yield of the photodissociation channels.
We have recently studied a series of salt clusters containing organic molecules by both infrared spectroscopy38–43 and UV/vis spectroscopy,43–45 always in combination with high-level quantum chemistry. We were able to show that the photochemistry of glyoxylate in dry sea salt clusters differs from gaseous glyoxylate, resembling more closely the photochemistry of glyoxylic acid.45 Here, we take it a step further and include water molecules into the cluster, to identify potential changes in the spectra and photochemical reactions upon hydration. Specifically, if the aldehyde group of glyoxylate can rearrange to its geminal diol form, short gem-diol, in the presence of water. Such a transformation would change the photochemistry and therefore the spectra drastically, as the gem-diol structure does not absorb in the actinic region. The gem-diol form of glyoxylic acid was studied theoretically46 and experimentally in aqueous solution47 as well as in the gas phase.48
In this work, we start with infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) of cationic sodium chloride clusters doped with one glyoxylate ion and one water molecule to test whether the gem-diol form plays a major role in such gas-phase systems. The influence of water on the photochemistry of glyoxylate is investigated by UV/vis photodissociation of the glyoxylate–water complex. Water-doped sodium-glyoxylate clusters Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)m+, m = 0–2, are then used to probe the combined effect of sodium ions and water. Quantum chemical calculations are used to interpret the experimental findings and to deepen the understanding of the mechanisms involved.
(1) |
A series of isomers of the investigated clusters in the electronic ground state were calculated using density functional theory (DFT) on the B3LYP/def2TZVP level. To obtain more reliable energies, single-point calculations on the optimized structures were performed using Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), employing the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set. Small clusters were also optimized using coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method. For sodium chloride clusters doped with one glyoxylate and one water molecule, structures of glyoxylate doped clusters from a previous study were taken,45 adding H2O at different positions. For NanCln−2(C2HO3)(H2O)+, n = 4, 5, we started optimization from 51 and 17 isomers, respectively. For n = 6–11, at least 13 initial structures were considered for optimization. For Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)m+, m = 0–2, at least four isomers were considered as starting points for optimization. Calculated IR frequencies were scaled with an empirical factor of 0.96. All reaction energies are zero-point corrected but with no further thermal correction.
Excited state calculations were performed using the Equation of Motion CCSD (EOM-CCSD), time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) with the CAM-B3LYP functional (employing natural transition orbitals, NTO, analysis50 to obtain the excitation character), and multi-reference methods, namely complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) and multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI). To model the absorption spectrum of the [C2HO3·H2O]− system, ground state sampling was performed for the two most stable isomers found as well as the gem-diol anion using molecular dynamics with a time step of 30 a.u. (∼0.73 fs) at a temperature of 300 K maintained by a Nosé–Hoover chain thermostat. After a thermalization period of 5000 steps, 200 structures per isomer were taken every 500 steps for spectrum modeling. The absorption spectra were modeled using the reflection principle.51–53 When processing the spectrum, the calculated EOM-CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ transitions were convoluted by Gaussian functions with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 0.15 eV. UV spectra of larger Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)n+, n = 0–2, clusters were modeled at the TD-CAM-B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/def2TZVP level within the linearized reflection principle formalism.53 Quantum chemical calculations were performed in the Gaussian package,54 multi-reference calculations within the Molpro program,55,56 molecular dynamics calculations in the Abin program.57,58
Fig. 1 Calculated structures, relative energies E in kJ mol−1 and OCCO dihedral angle δ in glyoxylate for (a) glyoxylate–water complexes; (b and c) two hydrated salt-glyoxylate clusters, either as NanCln−2(C2HO3)(H2O)+ or in its gem-diol form, NanCln−2(COOC(OH)2)+, for n = 4 and n = 5, a, b isomers include C2HO3−·H2O, others the gem-diol form; see Fig. S1† for further n = 4 isomers and Fig. S2† for n = 6–11; (d–f) isomers of Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)m+, m = 0–2, stoichiometry, order with the increasing number of gem-diol moieties. Calculated at CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ (a) and MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/def2TZVP (b–f) levels. Color code: Na grey, Cl green, C orange, O red, H white. |
In Fig. 1b and c, we show calculated structures of NanCln−2(C2HO3)(H2O)+ for n = 4 and n = 5, respectively (see Fig. S1 and S2† for further isomers). When glyoxylate and water are embedded in the salt clusters, the equilibrium seems to be again shifted towards the glyoxylate–water structure due to a less effective interaction of the gem-diol with the salt cluster, most probably because of more pronounced disruption of the salt cluster conformation. Water does not necessarily interact directly with the glyoxylate anion in the most stable isomers found, and is also found to prefer the ion–dipole interaction, H2O⋯Na+. In the presence of salt ions, the OCCO dihedral angle values spread considerably.
In Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)m+, m = 0–2, the gem-diol form is again less stable compared to glyoxylate–water, the difference is however below 15 kJ mol−1 (Fig. 1d–f). Note that the structure with two gem-diol moieties, Na3(COOCH(OH)2)2, Dd, lies only 7 kJ mol−1 above Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)2+, Da. Under thermal conditions, the presence of gem-diol isomers cannot be ruled out based on the calculations, but one might expect that the majority of clusters contains glyoxylate in its native form, with a water molecule either hydrogen bonding to glyoxylate or coordinated to a sodium ion.
Fig. 2 IR photodissociation spectra of the clusters NanCln−2(C2HO3)(H2O)+ with n = 4–11 with an irradiation time of 5 s. Here only one photon cross sections are shown. In Fig. S3,† the plot displaying the two photon cross sections can be found. Theoretical spectra are calculated at the B3LYP/def2TZVP level of theory and are scaled with a factor of 0.96. The isomers a and b are representations for the clusters with an intact glyoxylate and water molecule and isomers c and d represent isomers in the gem-diol form. For optimized geometries of isomers a–d, see Fig. 1 and S2.† |
Reactants | Products | ΔE [kJ mol−1] | E therm [kJ mol−1] |
C2HO3·H2O− | C2HO3− + H2O | 60.9 (59.7) | 20.5 (20.3) |
COOCH(OH)2− | 6.8 (6.5) | ||
Na4Cl2(C2HO3)(H2O)+ | Na4Cl2(C2HO3)+ + H2O | 58.5 | 51.8 |
Na5Cl3(C2HO3)(H2O)+ | Na5Cl3(C2HO3)+ + H2O | 57.5 | 60.1 |
Na3(C2HO3)2+ | Na2(C2HO3)+ + Na(C2HO3) | 186.0 | 40.9 |
Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)+ | Na3(C2HO3)2+ + H2O | 46.9 | 48.7 |
Na2(C2HO3)+ + Na(C2HO3) + H2O | 232.9 | ||
Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)2+ | Na3(C2HO3)2+ + 2H2O | 93.8 | 59.1 |
In the IRMPD spectra, the C–H vibration is clearly identified at around 2900 cm−1 for most cluster sizes. For n = 4, the noise level is relatively high, as a result of low internal energy together with a relatively high water binding energy and overall relatively low ion signal. A free O–H vibration centered around 3650 cm−1 is present in all spectra. For n = 4, 5, another weak transition appears at 3550 cm−1 which is also assigned to an O–H vibration. Assuming that intact water molecules are present, these two vibrations are assigned as asymmetric and symmetric stretching modes of the H2O molecule, in agreement with the calculations (Fig. 2). This implies that the water molecule binds with the oxygen atom to Na+, as in the low-lying isomers IVa,b, Va,b. For larger clusters, a broad band in the range of 3100–3600 cm−1 is observed. This feature is attributed to the interaction of an OH group with a chloride or glyoxylate anion, e.g. isomers VIb and VIIb (Fig. S1†). For these larger clusters, the broad redshifted bands due to donor hydrogen bonds of the water molecule to negative charge centers overlap with the symmetric stretch of free H2O so that only the stronger asymmetric stretch at higher frequencies can be identified in the experimental data. However, isomers featuring a water molecule bound only to Na+ ions are probably also present.
Overall, the calculated position of IR transitions help explain the experimental measurements. The position of the C–H vibration is captured reliably by nearly all the isomers and the position of the O–H absorptions does not change significantly with increasing cluster size. Similar features are also observed in Na4Cl(C2HO3)2(H2O)m+ and Na5Cl2(C2HO3)2(H2O)m+, m = 1, 2 (Fig. S4†). However, the calculated spectra are very similar for glyoxylate-doped clusters with a bound water molecule and the isomeric gem-diol, and thus do not allow for an unambiguous assignment. However, the gem-diol isomers are always higher in energy, and the equilibrium population is thus expected to lie largely on the side of glyoxylate and water.
Fig. 3 (a) Experimental photodissociation spectrum of [C2HO3·H2O]−. (b) Calculated electronic transitions in glyoxylate with water and gem-diol, isomers Ia, Ib and Ic (see Fig. 1). Excited states were calculated at the EOM-CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ//CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory. Spectra were modeled using reflection principle with the ground state potential energy surface sampled at the B3LYP/def2TZVP level. The modeled spectra were empirically shifted by −0.3 eV to match the position of the bands to the calculations in the CCSD minimum; no shift was applied for the calculated transitions in the minimum structures. (c) Natural transition orbitals corresponding to the excitation into selected states of isomer Ia as calculated at the TD-CAMB3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ//CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ level. |
Although we do not observe any evidence for bond photolysis in the glyoxylate moiety, we cannot strictly rule it out. In the case of homolytic C–C bond photolysis, one would expect formation of a (CO2−)H2O fragment, which due to its small electron affinity of only 0.16 eV (ref. 59) most likely undergoes electron detachment before it can be detected by FT-ICR mass spectrometry, which requires a lifetime of >0.1 s. A similar argument applies to heterolytic bond photolysis, which was recently reported in photoelectron spectroscopy of pyruvate by Verlet and co-workers.36 In the case of glyoxylate, the potential heterolytic photolysis product HCO− has an electron affinity of 0.31 eV,60 and again is likely to undergo either autodetachment or photodetachment by a second laser photon. We therefore may only detect those fragments caused by absorption events that proceed via internal conversion to the electronic ground state followed by water evaporation, and miss C–C bond photolysis. Due to the small absorption cross sections, there is also no chance of identifying these events by signal depletion of the parent ion in our experiment. For the same reasons, we are not able to provide a photodissociation or photodetachment spectrum of bare glyoxylate.
However, Wang and co-workers recently reported that one water molecule reduces the quantum yield of pyruvate photolysis, and two water molecules completely block all photochemical reaction paths.37 In our previous work,45 we have shown computationally that photodissociation to CO2− or HCO− is expected to be efficient in the S1 state. To explore whether hydration quenches C–C photolysis in glyoxylate in the same way as in pyruvate, we followed the C–C bond photolysis reaction path of C2HO3−(H2O), Ia, in the S1 state, i.e. we scanned the C–C bond length and optimized the structure at each fixed value of the C–C bond length in the S1 state. To locate potential conical intersections, we also calculated the energy of the S0 state in the structures optimized along the S1 reaction path, see Fig. S5 in ESI.† Indeed, the C–C bond photolysis is not feasible in the S1 state. This scan also does not provide any evidence for a conical intersection, but given the complexity of the 3N – 6 dimensional hypersurfaces of all excited states, we cannot strictly rule it out. If there is a conical intersection along some other coordinate that connects S1 and S0, the complete photon energy is available for statistical dissociation in the ground state. In the potential absence of a conical intersection, fluorescence is the only remaining relaxation pathway. Fluorescence near the S1 minimum leads to excess vibrational energy on the order of 1 eV in the S0 ground state, which is available for water evaporation. In summary, the observed photodissociation product can be rationalized with or without a conical intersection.
In the experimental photodissociation spectrum, three absorption bands are observed, with the most intense one in the deeper UV below 250 nm. A weak band is observed in the actinic region, peaking at ∼350 nm. At ∼280 nm, a relatively narrow band with a significant intensity is recorded, which was not observed in sodium chloride clusters doped with glyoxylate.45 There, the UV absorption vanished completely at 250 nm and reappeared only at 320 nm.
Finally, electron detachment cannot be excluded in the experiment. Vertical electron detachment energy is calculated as 4.06 and 4.73 eV for the bare glyoxylate and isomer Ia, respectively (see Table S4†). The channel could be thus operative below ∼260 nm in C2HO3−(H2O). However, no indication for considerable electron detachment is observed in the measured spectra, such as reduced signal intensity of the precursor or fragment ion or both. Upon electron detachment, the glyoxylate radical dissociates into CO2 and CHO, the adiabatic detachment energy is therefore by about 2 eV lower than the vertical one (Table S4†).
Any signal in the experimental photodissociation spectrum is necessarily caused by the absorption of at least one photon. To understand the origin of the experimental spectrum, we modeled the absorption spectrum by combining molecular dynamics with the linear reflection principle. Fig. 3b shows the modeled spectra of the glyoxylate water complex when starting molecular dynamics sampling from Ia, Ib, and the gem-diol Ic. The modeled spectra of both Ia and Ib isomers for the glyoxylate–water system are almost identical as both isomers easily interconvert during the dynamics runs. The spectra reproduce all experimentally observed features, their shape matches the relative intensity of bands observed in the experiment, but the intensity is predicted to be overall two orders of magnitude higher than the recorded one, which could be due to C–C bond photolysis followed by electron auto- or photodetachment. The absorption bands in the simulated spectrum lie about 0.2–0.3 eV too high in energy due to the limits in the quantum chemical methods employed (molecular dynamics at the B3LYP/def2TZVP level) as well as zero-point effects,51 which justifies the empirical shift employed in Fig. 3. The presence of the band at ∼280 nm that is not observed in glyoxylate-salt clusters45 is connected to the flexibility of the glyoxylate anion in the glyoxylate–water complex. Namely, the transition at ∼280 nm is symmetrically forbidden for planar glyoxylate and receives a considerable intensity only if the molecule may rotate along the central C–C bond. This rotation might take place in the glyoxylate–water cluster; the flexibility is more limited in a salt cluster, and the band thus disappears. First three electronic transitions correspond to promotion of an electron into a delocalized π orbital (Fig. 3c).
Additionally, we modeled the spectrum of the gem-diol form Ic, COOCH(OH)2−. Here, considerable intensity is observed at ∼260 nm where an absorption minimum is observed in the experiment. The absence of this band in the experiment and the observation of the peak at ∼350 nm are strong indicators for the presence of the water-attached glyoxylate form.
To understand the origin of the peak broadening, in particular in the S1 ← S0 transition in the actinic region, we scanned the dihedral angle δ(OCCO) in glyoxylic acid, glyoxylate, and glyoxylate complexed with one water molecule, see Fig. 4. In the electronic ground state, the intramolecular hydrogen bond in glyoxylic acid, Fig. 4a, keeps the molecule planar while the barrier for a complete rotation in glyoxylate or the glyoxylate water complex, Fig. 4b and c, respectively, is less than 5 kJ mol−1. (The difference with respect to the previous calculations on glyoxylate45 can be traced to the diffuse basis functions used within the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set.) In our room temperature experiment, this hindered rotation will thus be possible. The position of the S1 ← S0 transition, red line in the second row, covers about 320 to 370 nm, very close to the experimentally observed range. The oscillator strength, red line in 3rd row, reaches a maximum around δ(OCCO) = 50°, which contributes to the observed peak maximum. The S2 and S3 state, green and blue lines, appear at significantly shorter wavelengths. Comparison of Fig. 4b and c predicts a slight blue-shift of the S1 absorption and a significant blue-shift of the S2 and S3 bands upon hydration.
Fig. 5 (a–c) Experimental photodissociation cross section of the clusters Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)m+, m = 0–2, with partial cross sections for individual fragments; (d–f) corresponding oscillator strengths and absorption spectra modeled using linearized reflection principle at the TD-CAM-B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/def2TZVP level of theory, see Fig. 1d–f for structures. No energy shift was applied to spectra. |
All hydrated sodium-glyoxylate photodissociation spectra show an absorption in the deeper UV below 290 nm, with cross sections increasing down to the 225 nm limit of the available wavelengths. A broad, intense transition in the actinic region around 350 nm was observed, which again indicates that glyoxylate does not fully convert to its gem-diol form. Also here, it cannot be strictly ruled out that some glyoxylate ions rearrange to the gem-diol form, but the data supports the results of [C2HO3·H2O]− discussed above that the system does not necessarily rearrange to the gem-diol form in the presence of water.
It is remarkable that the spectrum is significantly broader in the UV region compared to the previously studied dry glyoxylate doped sodium chloride clusters where the absorption started at 250 nm, with an increase towards shorter wavelengths.45 One possible explanation is that the band observed at 260–280 nm for the glyoxylate–water complex in Fig. 3 now merges with the band below 250 nm due to the presence of multiple isomers. However, also the smaller cluster size and the absence of chloride ions, which are both effects increasing the conformational flexibility of the studied clusters, could be responsible for the broadening.
Our calculations within linearized reflection principle approximation reproduce the experimental spectra well, showing both the band at ∼340 nm and the rising absorption below 280 nm (Fig. 5d–f). As expected, the low-energy absorption is connected exclusively to the presence of the glyoxylate anion and disappears in the Dd isomer where two gem-diol units are present. Depending on the structure of the glyoxylate anion, the intensity of the low-energy band might vary considerably. In particular, we expect that its intensity rises if we account for thermally activated torsional motion along the C–C axis, as in the case of C2HO3−·H2O in Fig. 3. Due to the presence of several isomers and the usage of the simplified linearized reflection principle treatment, the energy shift between the experimental and modeled spectrum is hard to assess.
The dominant fragmentation channel observed upon excitation of Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)m+, m = 1–2, is loss of a neutral sodium glyoxylate unit (Fig. 5 and Table 1), together with all water molecules. Water evaporation from the Na3(C2HO3)2(H2O)1,2+ clusters is observed to a lesser extent. The photon energy is fully sufficient to afford these dissociations, see Tables 1 and S1.† The potential Na+ product with reaction energy of 197 kJ mol−1 (for Na3(C2HO3)2+) lies outside the mass range of the instrument and cannot be detected. In our previous study with dry sea salt-glyoxylate clusters, fragments including COO˙− and HCOO− in the deep UV as well as in the actinic region have been observed, with small cross sections down to 10−21 cm2.45 The COO˙− fragment does not appear in the present study, which is most likely due to the higher noise level in the present work, being in the range of 10−19–10−20 cm2.
It is quite intriguing that the experimental photodissociation cross section is increased by an order of magnitude upon hydration while the simulated spectra overall feature quite similar absorption cross sections with and without hydration. Moreover, the calculated cross sections agree quantitatively with experiment for the hydrated species. This implies that the quantum yield for photodissociation is relatively small without water, and the presence of water molecules significantly increases this value. Loss of Na(C2HO3) from Na3(C2HO3)2+ requires 186 kJ mol−1, and loss of one or two water molecules from the singly or doubly hydrated species needs 47 kJ mol−1 or 93 kJ mol−1, respectively, see Table 1. At the same time, Na2(C2HO3)+ is the by far dominant photodissociation product for all three species. We have previously shown that the presence of sodium ions has a significant impact on the S0, S1 potential energy surfaces, leading to a conical intersection along the C–C dissociation coordinate. We may thus assume that internal conversion via this or another conical intersection is the relaxation pathway of sodium glyoxylate clusters that leads to formation of the Na2(C2HO3)+, regardless of hydration, since this makes the full photon energy available for statistical dissociation in the electronic ground state.
Formation of the Na3(C2HO3)2+ product by loss of one or two water molecules, however, is not consistent with internal conversion, since the photon energy in the range of 310–530 kJ mol−1 should lead to additional fragmentation, at least at the high-energy end of the spectrum. This suggests that the Na3(C2HO3)2+ product arises from loss of water preceding or following fluorescence. The Na3(C2HO3)2+ product thus hints at a competition between internal conversion and fluorescence. The relatively small photodissociation cross section of bare Na3(C2HO3)2+ thus could be rationalized by a relatively high fluorescence quantum yield of this cluster ion, which would be reduced upon hydration in favor of internal conversion.
Since it proved very difficult to generate hydrated species on our instrument, the selection of studied species is rather limited. In our previous study on sodium chloride clusters doped with one glyoxylate ion, band position and intensity of the absorption in the actinic region were mostly independent of cluster size, and do not differ much from the bare hydrated ion studied here. However, some subtle influence of cluster size or charge state cannot be ruled out, and experiments on anionic or doubly charged clusters are highly desirable to get a more complete picture.
Regarding the partitioning of native glyoxylate vs. gem-diol in the hydrated species, we have not found any evidence for gem-diol form in our experiment, but we cannot rule out that a fraction of the species has been converted. With increasing number of water molecules, however, the clusters are expected to gradually reach the solution phase equilibrium of glyoxylate and its gem-diol form, but probing the onset of gem-diol formation experimentally will be extremely difficult.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |