Mohammad Rizwan
*a and
Orlando J.
aJiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources and International Innovation Center for Forest Chemicals and Materials, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, 210037, China. E-mail: junlong.song@njfu.edu.cn
bBioproducts Institute, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Department of Chemistry and Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Canada. E-mail: orlando.rojas@ubc.ca
cDepartment of Chemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
dDepartment of Bioproducts and Biosystems, School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University, Vuorimiehentie 1, FI-00076, Espoo, Finland
First published on 6th April 2023
This study aims to overcome the challenges of high-value utilization of technical lignins that encounters chemical complexity, heterogeneity and broad molecular mass distribution. Kraft lignin was fractionated through a practical strategy involving sequential dissolution in solvents of different polarities (water, tetrahydrofuran, and water/tetrahydrofuran v/v = 3/7). Lignin self-assembled drawing on the anti-solvent method, generating particles of controllable surface energy. Considering the governing factors in multiphase stabilization, the morphology, wetting characteristics and chemical composition of the kraft lignin particles (KLPs) were examined as a means to achieve controllable Pickering stabilization of oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions. The most anionic and hydrophilic KLPs formed aggregated networks (∼185 nm), which acted as a surfactant-type emulsifier following reversible adsorption at the O/W interfaces. Notably, the particles of the least hydrophilicity (∼146 nm) displayed a characteristic hollow structure. Such particles adsorbed slowly and weakly at the O/W interface, forming a viscoelastic layer around the oil droplets. The smallest lignin particles (∼39 nm) presented an intermediate hydrophilic character. They were uniform in size and formed rigid interfacial layers on the oil droplets. Accordingly, the devised relationship between particle morphogenesis and O/W stabilization capacity enabled the customization of lignin (size and wetting characteristics), allowing broader utilization in multiphase systems.
To address the issue of lignin heterogeneity, acid precipitation, membrane separation, and solvent fractionation have been proposed.12 Both membrane fractionation and acid precipitation of lignin suffer from low efficiency.13,14 Solvent fractionation, on the other hand, has relied on single-component solvents (acetone, ethanol and methanol)15–17 and mixed solvents (ethanol/glycerol, acetone/ethyl acetate, ethanol/acetone/tetrahydrofuran, dichloromethane/acetic ether/n-butyl alcohol, and methyl t-butyl ether/ethyl acetate/ethanol/methanol/acetone/dioxane).12,18,19 Recently, aqueous solvents have been considered for their lignin dissolution capability, e.g., by varying the water-to-organic ratio.16 Using a gradient strategy based on water/ethanol, acetone, and γ-valerolactone, lignin fractions presented a gradually reduced molecular mass and polydispersity.20,21 The observed outcomes included lignin particles of different morphologies and lignin–organic solvent interactions.22 The fractionation methods reported in the literature have focused on the role of the water fraction in the co-solvent (such as 20–60% in ethanol/water and 40–80% in acetone/water). The yield of lignin was observed to largely depend on the water concentration and resulted in a low fractionation efficiency.12
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) has been used to solubilize lignin and to form particles by anti-solvent precipitation. The latter process depends strongly on the lignin concentration, temperature, water ratio, THF purity, and other factors, which inevitably lead to heterogeneous particles. Previous attempts to remediate this challenge have relied on the adjustment of lignin concentration and filtration strategies.23 THF/water cosolvent was used to solubilize all lignin fractions, leading to an up-scalable technology.24 However, the obtained particles were relatively large (200–710 nm) and displayed structural heterogeneity. Recently, fractionation prior to anti-solvent precipitation was proposed to reduce lignin nanoparticle heterogeneity.17 Despite the reported progress achieved so far, most methodologies still demand a large volume of organic solvents. Here, the THF solvent was useful for both lignin fractionation and particle formation. In addition, the cosolvent system (water/THF) facilitated the utilization of all lignin fractions, realizing the promise of a sustainable production and application of lignin nanoparticles. However, we acknowledge the relatively toxic nature of THF, which should be considered carefully in any large-scale application and with regard to the precautions and safety measures needed for laboratory work.
This study presents a new route to generate lignin particles by using THF and water/THF as fractionation media. The in-depth characterization of these particles was correlated with the morphology, homogeneity, and yield of each fraction. Specifically, kraft lignin was sequentially dissolved in water, THF and water/THF cosolvent (v/v = 3/7) to yield three fractions which were used for particle formation by using water as anti-solvent. As a proof of concept, different kraft lignin particles were used as Pickering stabilizers. We investigated KLP adsorption behavior at the oil/water interfaces according to affinity factors that relate to particle morphogenesis and heterogeneity.
The Kraft lignin particles (KLPs) were obtained from the respective KL fractions using the anti-solvent method. Fn-KL solutions were added separately into a beaker containing water and stirred (magnetic stirring, 600 rpm) for 24 h at room temperature. The lignin concentration was adjusted to 0.5 wt%.
For comparison, the non-fractionated KLP (F0-KLP) was obtained using the same process as that of F3-KLP but using lignin fully dissolved in the cosolvent, F0-KL.
The morphology of the obtained particles, Fn-KLPs, was observed using a transmission electron microscope (TEM, Tecnai Spirit, FEI, USA). For this purpose, a drop of diluted Fn-KLP dispersion (0.005%) was deposited on a copper grid, dried at room temperature, and observed at an acceleration voltage of 120 kV. The size and ζ-potential of Fn-KLP were measured using a Nano Zetasizer system (Malvern, UK). The interfacial tension (IT) at the oil/water interface was measured by the pendant-drop method using an optical tensiometer (Theta Flex 300, Biolin Scientific, Finland). The three-phase contact angle (TCA) was used to characterize the wettability of Fn-KLP at the oil/water interface using the sessile drop method. Briefly, the given Fn-KLP dispersion (0.5 mL) was deposited on a clean glass slide, dried at 40 °C to form a particulate film, and the system was transferred to a chamber filled with sunflower oil. A water droplet was generated on a syringe tip and moved to the surface of the film. Thereafter, the droplet shape was monitored with a digital camera for 2 min. The TCA is reported as the angle at the three-phase line (film, water and oil).
Pickering emulsions were prepared by mixing the respective kraft lignin particles (Fn-KLP) with oil and water under high-speed homogenization (T-25 Ultra-Turrax, IKA, Germany). In this process, Fn-KLP dispersions (5 mL) were mixed with the same volume of sunflower oil under vigorous stirring (18000 rpm) for 2 min. The concentration of Fn-KLP was maintained at 0.5 wt%.
The microstructure of the Pickering emulsion droplets stabilized with Fn-KLP was observed by optical microscopy (Leica DM 750, Leica, Germany). A drop of the emulsion was placed onto a microscope slide and covered with a glass coverslip. The droplet size and distribution were determined using a Mastersizer 3000 analyzer (Malvern, UK).
The viscosity and dynamic viscoelasticity of the Pickering emulsions were measured using a rheometer (MCR 302, Anton Paar, Germany) equipped with a plate-and-cone geometry using a gap of 0.1 mm. The shear viscosity was monitored at a shear rate ranging from 0.01 to 1000 s−1. For dynamic viscoelastic measurements, the linear viscoelastic range was determined using a strain sweep (0.01 to 100%) at a fixed frequency of 1 rad s−1. The dynamic frequency sweep measurements (0.1 and 100 rad s−1) were performed by applying a constant strain of 1.0% within the linear region.
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Fig. 2 Chemical characterization of Fn-KL: (a) 31P-NMR spectra and (b) molecular weight distribution (GPC). |
Fraction | Yield (%) | Aliphatic OH (*) (mmol g−1) | Phenolic OH (*) (mmol g−1) | COOH (*) (mmol g−1) | M w (**) | M n (**) | PDI |
(*) determined by 31P-NMR; (**) determined by GPC; and (***) F1-KL could not be fully dissolved in the anhydrous CDCl3/pyridine system. The hydroxy content was assessed by the balance between F0 and its fractions. PDI: Polymer dispersity index. | |||||||
F0-KL | 100 | 2.36 | 4.69 | 0.68 | 15![]() |
4006 | 3.98 |
F1-KL | 12 ± 2 | 0.7(**) | 0.7(***) | 3.0(**) | 5787 | 2710 | 2.13 |
F2-KL | 20 ± 4 | 1.92 | 6.01 | 0.61 | 4886 | 2969 | 1.64 |
F3-KL | 67 ± 4 | 2.85 | 5.14 | 0.31 | 21![]() |
4820 | 4.56 |
The total hydroxy group content was almost the same for F2-KL and F3-KL, while a significant difference in molecular weight was noted (F3-KL with the highest molecular weight, ∼22000 and PDI). The results point to the effect of solvency on the chemical composition and molecular weight. Given that the hydroxy and carboxy groups contribute to lignin wettability, such hydrophilic functional groups together with molecular weight affect the colloidal interactions (lignin–lignin, lignin–water, and lignin–THF) which also regulate particle formation in the antisolvent.22,28 Hence, the morphology and surface properties of the particles ultimately depended on the fraction source.
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Fig. 3 Fn-KLP colloidal characteristics: (a) digital photographs of the colloidal suspensions of Fn-KLP (0.5%), (b) size distribution, (c) ζ-potential and (d) TEM images of Fn-KLP. |
The TEM images of Fn-KLP (Fig. 3d) reveal interesting self-assembly processes. First, the observed TEM particle size was close to the values measured by light scattering (Fig. 3b). Pure water (high polarity solvent) is a poor solvent for lignin. The corresponding water-soluble fraction, F1-KL, formed a network-like assembly rather than regular spherical particles. This is likely related to the inherent structure of this lignin fraction and induced structural changes, leading to macromolecular self-assemblies as opposed to nucleation and growth into particles.29 F2-KLP particles were hollow and showed a large particle size. Meanwhile, F3-KLP presented the smallest size and exhibited solid, spherical structures. Interestingly, the particles from non-fractionated lignin, F0-KLP, showed the characteristics of the three fractions, with large agglomerates, hollow and solid (major component) particles (Fig. 3d). F1- and F2-KL were also dissolved in the cosolvent and then precipitated in water. As a result, no changes were observed in the particle size or morphology (Fig. S2†), indicating that the cosolvent was more effective for lignin fractions of high molecular weight.
The F2-KLP morphology showed a clear contrast between the core and the shell, indicating the presence of cavities. Xiong et al.32 and Li et al.30 attributed this hollow morphology to a low initial lignin concentration (<2 mg ml−1). However, in our case, F2-KLP was produced at a much higher lignin concentration (50 mg ml−1 in THF). Qian et al.31 and Pang et al.17 interpreted that the hollow structures were a consequence of the formation of a nanoemulsion system due to the presence of amphiphilic molecules. In our case, F2-KL can be regarded as amphiphilic since it could be completely dissolved in THF, given the relative higher content of hydrophilic groups. Amphiphilic F2-KL molecules tend to accumulate at the interface by self-assembly due to their amphiphilicity, which stabilizes a nanoemulsion (Fig. S1†). Once THF and water were evaporated during drying, hollow lignin particles were obtained. Hence, the organic phase (THF–lignin solution) was dispersed in water. As a result, lignin molecules aggregated at the interface by self-assembly due to their amphiphilicity. It is also worth noting the uneven wall thickness of F2-KLP. This can be explained by the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the shell.30,32 In contrast, the lignin fraction with more affinity to THF is preferentially located in the core (where a higher proportion of THF is present).33 The surface functional groups are expected to play an important role as the hydrophilic moieties tend to orient towards water while the hydrophobic components enriched the THF. In sum, we hypothesize that the hollow morphologies form in the course of THF evaporation during the preparation process (although the contribution of water evaporation during TEM sample preparation cannot be discounted).34
In the process of particle formation, the abundant aromatic rings of lignin would result in strong π–π interactions that drive self-assembly into KLP.28,35 As predicted by the classical nucleation theory, in the binary solvent (THF/water), the diffusion of THF in water promotes uniform supersaturation, leading to small particles.36 The solvent interaction plays a vital role in F3-KLP formation. Water molecules form H-bonds with lignin compared to those between organic solvents and lignin in the cosolvent.21 This explains the higher solubility of lignin in the cosolvent compared to neat water or neat THF. In summary, the larger hollow particles consisted of fractions of lower Mw and higher hydrophilic functional group content. Meanwhile, the fractions of higher Mw and higher hydrophobic group content produced smaller particles. This is consistent with the observations made by Lee et al.37
The polar phenolic and carboxylic groups at the interface form H-bonds with water,34 favoring a hydrophilic character. Hence, lignin molecules can be solvated. This explains the fact that F3-KLP is essentially compact and homogeneous, despite its broad molecular-weight distribution. Nevertheless, since F3-KLP is formed with KL of the highest molecular weight, hydrophobic interactions cannot be neglected. A high molecular weight contributes to a fast nucleation rate due to the lower hydrophilicity of the larger lignin molecules, which translate into small and uniform particles, Fig. 3d.
To summarize the results so far, sequential fractionation based on the dissolution of kraft lignin in water, THF, and the cosolvent (THF/water) effectively reduces the heterogeneity of lignin, and therefore improves the uniformity of the particles produced in an anti-solvent. Compared to other cosolvent systems,10,16,17 F3-KL yielded more spherical, uniform and smaller particles, suggesting that the THF/water cosolvent is most effective in reducing heterogeneity.
The surface tension and water contact angle of Fn-KLP are shown in Fig. 4. Due to the amphiphilic nature of KL molecules, there is an expectation that the hydrophilic moieties would orient toward the aqueous phase (outer layer) and the hydrophobic component to enrich the inner layer (THF) during particle formation. Among the three fractions, the hydrophilicity decreased in the following order: F1-KLP > F3-KLP > F2-KLP. The F1-KLP particles significantly reduced the surface and interfacial tension (Fig. 4a and c), indicating a high surface activity. Meanwhile, F2- and F3-KLP showed weak surface activity. Generally, KL has weak surface activity due to the very limited water solubility at normal pH.38
Lignin particles reduced the interfacial tension between sunflower oil and water, a factor that enables Pickering stabilization.39 For this purpose, the three-phase contact angle (θow) is the most important parameter determining the stability of the Pickering emulsion. F1-, F2- and F3-KLP produced θow values (measured after 120 s) of ca. 18°, 138° and 108° (Fig. 4d1–d3). On the basis of theory40 and assuming a single interfacial layer, solid particles with a three-phase contact angle (θow) between 15° and 90° and between 90° and 165° are effective in stabilizing O/W and W/O Pickering emulsions, respectively. In the case of the emulsions stabilized by solid particles with a 3D network, θow shifts to 15°–129° and 51°–165° for O/W and W/O emulsions, respectively. The 3D network gives extra physical stability to the emulsion.41 In our case, all Fn-KLP-based Pickering emulsions were of the oil-in-water (O/W) type, which formed following a mechanism which is explained in more detail in the following sections.
The resistance to the external shear of emulsions stabilized with Fn-KLP was examined by rheology tests (Fig. 5e and S4†). Generally, all emulsions exhibited a shear-thinning behavior, reflecting a reduced apparent viscosity with the shear rate (Fig. 5d). All the emulsions exhibited a gel-like behavior (G′ > G′′) at small amplitudes under oscillatory shear and turned into liquid-like systems (G′ < G′′) at a critical strain amplitude, by entering the large amplitude oscillatory shear region, wherein the critical transition (G′ = G′′) corresponds to the yield point.43 The strain amplitude value at the yield point is here taken as an indicator of the slightest deformation required for the emulsion to flow. As shown in Fig. 5f, F2-KLP-based emulsion showed the largest amplitude and the lowest moduli at the yield point, while the F1-KLP-based emulsion had the lowest amplitude and moduli. These results indicate that particles with a hollow morphology and large size imparted viscoelasticity to the emulsion.
In order to gain deeper insights into the conformation of the adsorption layer, ΔD–Δf plots were generated. The slope of the ΔD–Δf plots relates to the dynamics of the adsorption process.46 The profiles were essentially straight for F1- and F3-KLP, indicating the buildup of an adsorbed layer with no significant conformational changes; the relatively low ΔD values indicated a layer with low viscoelasticity. In the case of F2-KLP, two distinct stages occurred, suggesting a change in conformation from a more rigid to a less compact adsorbed structure (Fig. 6d).
The stability of a solid particle at the oil/water interface is often described by the desorption energy (Edesorption), the energy required to remove the particle from its equilibrium position at the interface to the bulk phase, eqn (1):40
Edesorption = πR2γO/W(1 ± cos![]() | (1) |
The interfacial adsorption of the particles and the emulsion stability scales with Edesorption, Table 2. The Edesorption value in units of thermal energy was rather low for F1-KLP (2.5kBT), indicating that particles were weakly attached at the oil/water interface. This result is consistent with the QCM data, which indicated that most of the particles were rinsed off with water. It is worth noting that the Edesorption value of F2-KLP was very high, implying that the particles were strongly adsorbed (particles remained at the interface, as verified by the Δf data in the QCM test). The Edesorption value of F3-KLP was much higher than that of most molecular surfactants.47 Therefore, from the energy perspective, the adsorption of F2- and F3-KLP was irreversible. The F2-KLP particles were less homogeneous in size and the average diameter was used to calculate the energy. However, the population with size extremes (largest and smallest sizes) may not be stably attached at the interface. Hence, the uniformity and homogeneity of the particle are important parameters affecting the stability of KLP-based Pickering emulsions.41 We show the advantage of using particles of uniform size and morphology for Pickering emulsion stabilization. We further demonstrate the irreversible adsorption of lignin fractions and their role in Pickering stabilization by using quartz crystal microgravimetry. Finally, the electrostatic interactions are expected to affect the adsorption and packing of KLP at the oil/water interface,8 a factor that was not accounted for in eqn (1).
Particle | Time/s | Particle size/nm | Θ o/w | E desorption (kBT) |
F0-KLP | 120 | 54 | 72° ± 2° | 102 ± 8 |
F1-KLP | 120 | 185 | 13° ± 1° | 2.5 ± 0.6 |
F2-KLP | 120 | 146 | 136° ± 9° | 4555 ± 618 |
F3-KLP | 120 | 39 | 109° ± 1° | 196 ± 7 |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3gc00692a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |