Lucas S. R.
Makena A.
Luke L.
Bruce C.
Ambarish R.
*a and
Adam J.
aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. E-mail:;
bNeutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
First published on 31st October 2022
Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) that incorporate metal oxide cluster nodes, exemplified by UiO-66, have been widely studied, especially in terms of their deviations from the ideal, defect-free crystalline structures. Although defects such as missing linkers, missing nodes, and the presence of adventitious synthesis-derived node ligands (such as acetates and formates) have been proposed, their exact structures remain unknown. Previously, it was demonstrated that defects are correlated and span multiple unit cells. The highly specialized techniques used in these studies are not easily applicable to other MOFs. Thus, there is a need to develop new experimental and computational approaches to understand the structure and properties of defects in a wider variety of MOFs. Here, we show how low-frequency phonon modes measured by inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopy can be combined with density functional theory (DFT) simulations to provide unprecedented insights into the defect structure of UiO-66. We are able to identify and assign peaks in the fingerprint region (<100 cm−1) which correspond to phonon modes only present in certain defective topologies. Specifically, this analysis suggests that our sample of UiO-66 consists of predominantly defect-free fcu regions with smaller domains corresponding to a defective bcu topology with 4 and 2 acetate ligands bound to the Zr6O8 nodes. Importantly, the INS/DFT approach provides detailed structural insights (e.g., relative positions and numbers of acetate ligands) that are not accessible with microscopy-based techniques. The quantitative agreement between DFT simulations and the experimental INS spectrum combined with the relative simplicity of sample preparation, suggests that this methodology may become part of the standard and preferred protocol for the characterization of MOFs, and, in particular, for elucidating the structure defects in these materials.
New conceptsProgress in relating metal organic framework (MOF) structure and chemistry to materials properties like catalytic activity and structural/chemical stability is limited by the lack of techniques that provide atomic-level structural details. We combine density functional theory (DFT) simulations with inelastic neutron scattering (INS) data to develop a general approach for spectroscopically characterizing defects in MOFs. Through this new approach, the number and relative position of missing linkers in a UiO-66 MOF is investigated. The measured UiO-66 was characterized as an almost defect free (12 linkers per cluster) sample with the coexistence of lower linker density topologies (8 linkers per cluster). We simulate an ensemble of possible topologies with acetic acid and formic acid defects and demonstrate that low-frequency vibrational modes (<100 cm−1) can be used to identify the arrangement of adventitious node defects around the metal oxide core. The measured INS spectrum and DFT simulations proved to be sensitive to the defect chemistry, arrangement of defects around the node, and arrangement of defects on neighboring nodes. Our approach, using combined INS spectroscopy with DFT simulations, provides unprecedented molecular details about the organization and coordination of defect sites in MOFs and enhances our understanding of active site molecular geometry and consequently catalytic activity. |
Although several studies have leveraged defect engineering in improving the catalytic and separation properties of MOFs, the role of defects on other properties (e.g., for energy storage,9,10 water purification,11 supercapacitors,12 electrocatalysis,13,14 mechanical properties,15–17 conductivity,18–21 optical properties8,22,23) is not well understood. Additionally, although we focus on porous MOF materials, we anticipate that defects play an important role in related materials such as dense MOFs24–26 and porous organic cages.27
More specifically to the subject of this work, defects in UiO-66 MOFs are of great interest because they can act as catalytically active sites28,29 or as support sites for metal complexes.30,31 Investigations of the synthesis chemistry of MOFs such as UiO-66 provide insight into the control of defects.32 The elucidation of the defect chemistry of MOFs is progressing using combined characterization techniques. Combined use of diffuse X-ray scattering, electron microscopy, and anomalous X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrated correlations between defects in a UiO-66 (Hf) MOF and phase separation between defective and defect-free regions on the nanoscale in hafnium-containing metal oxide cluster nodes.33 High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images have shown the evolution of defect distributions as function of MOF crystallization time.34 Indirect characterization methods including thermogravimetric analysis,35 acid–base titration,36 nitrogen adsorption,3 and analysis of the products of MOFs digested in NaOH in D2 O by 1H NMR spectroscopy37 also enable quantification of defect chemistry and density, but cannot co-locate the chemical species with the physical structure. Table 1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned techniques for characterizing defects in MOFs.
Methods | Advantages | Disadvantages |
RAMAN/FTIR | Able to derive some local defect details | Not enough to characterize defect occupancy and define defect type |
XRD | Able to derive crystal structure detecting missing clusters | No organic linker information (linker defects) |
HRTEM | Detailed atomic observation of defects | Impractical to define/quantify all defects in the sample |
Thermogravimetric analysis | Able to quantify defects | No atomic detail of the structures of defects |
Acid–base titration | Able to quantify defects and reactive site information | No definition of the defects types (cluster or linker) and positions |
Nitrogen adsorption | Indicate existence of defects | No information on the definition/quantification of defects |
1H NMR | Robust quantification of modulator species and linkers | No atomic detail of the structure of defects |
INS | Provide atomic-level structural/chemical details of the defects | Semiquantitative assessment of defects |
Notwithstanding these excellent characterization options, progress in relating MOF structure and chemistry to materials properties like catalytic activity and structural/chemical stability is limited by the lack of characterization techniques that provide atomic-level structural details. Here, we combine density functional theory (DFT) simulations with inelastic neutron scattering (INS) data to develop a general approach for spectroscopically characterizing defects in MOFs. We quantify the dynamics of missing linker defects and adventitious ligands in MOF UiO-66 using the low-frequency vibrational modes (<100 cm−1), measured by INS. Then we create an ensemble of possible defect configurations (e.g., the density and positions of missing linkers) in various topologies (e.g., fcu, bcu, reo, scu) with DFT. Quantitative comparison between the measured and simulated spectra is used to fingerprint the exact positions, density, and chemistry of missing linker defects and adventitious node ligands.
INS is effective for investigating structure and dynamic disorder in a wide range of materials.38–40 Although INS has been used to investigate gas adsorption and phase changes in MOFs,41,42 this technique has not been used to elucidate the structure of defects in these materials. INS is ideally suited to address the challenge of defect structure because, in contrast to XRD (which probes the structures of crystalline domains), INS is a quantitative spectroscopic technique that probes the dynamics of the whole sample. Unlike optical vibrational spectroscopies (e.g., Raman and infrared) that measure the energy exchanged by scattered photons which obey selection rules, INS is not limited by photon selection rules since it measures the exchanged energy of neutrons scattered by the atomic nuclei. Also, INS samples the complete Brillouin zone, not just the gamma point as for the optical spectroscopies, enabling resolution of phonons that cannot be detected using optical spectroscopies. In the ESI,† we present a comparison between optical spectroscopy methods (Raman and infrared) and INS, so the differences are made clear to the reader.43 Finally, owing to the high neutron scattering cross-section of the 1H nucleus, INS is particularly sensitive to the molecular environment of organic linkers and node ligands. Because the 1H atoms are present in a wide range of locations in the structural organic backbone, they are remarkably sensitive to subtle changes in the intermolecular environment.
We now illustrate the value of INS for structural characterization of UiO-66 samples that have been synthesized using modulators to incorporate node formate, acetate, and trifluoroacetate ligands. The extensive literature of UiO-66 provides a foundation for placing the new results in a broad context.3,7,32,34,35,37,44–52 Since INS probes all the coupled vibrational modes involving hydrogen atoms, the interpretation of INS spectra is computationally challenging. Detailed modeling of the phonon modes (typically done with DFT) is necessary to link experimentally observed peak positions and intensities with specific vibrational modes. The high costs of the DFT calculations have, for the most part, limited this approach to simple crystalline materials with high structural symmetry (including a few nearly defect-free MOFs).53,54 For example, Deacon et al.42 combined DFT calculations with INS spectra to show the pressure-induced phase transition of ZIF-L to ZIF-8. Because defects in MOFs reduce the overall symmetry of the structure, INS simulations of defective MOFs require larger simulation volumes and are orders of magnitude more computationally expensive than those of their pristine analogs.
To work toward overcoming these limitations, we developed a Python-based workflow (denoted as DCS-Flow55) that facilitates seamless integration between the separate components of an INS simulation. DCS-Flow is an accurate, reproducible, efficient workflow for calculating phonon modes and the INS spectrum using DFT. The flowchart in Fig. S1 in the ESI† summarizes our approach, which allows comparisons of experimental spectra with predictions from a library of candidate defect structures. We now illustrate the method by comparing predicted spectra with INS data characterizing UiO-66 with various node ligands. The results provide unprecedented insights into the structure of the missing linker defects and the ligands that reside on the Zr-nodes. We posit that this integrated experiment-theory approach can be broadly extended to a wide family of MOFs.
The linkers/node ratio, derived from 1H NMR Spectroscopy, does not determine the relative positions of the missing linkers in the MOFs. The interpretation of linker and defect structure from the molar ratio is further complicated by the presence of other less-coordinated topologies in the UiO-66 samples.33
All the experiments were done at 5 K because the dynamics of the system can strongly suppress all neutron intensities at high temperatures, such as room temperature. A room-temperature spectrum is almost the same for any organic compound.40 This point can be confirmed by the Debye–Waller factor, an exponential temperature-dependent term present in the scattering law that is used to model all modern neutron spectroscopy data.
The INS data characterizing the four topologies show some similar features, and excellent agreement between experiment and the INS simulations for the fcu topology over the entire energy range. The simulated INS spectra for the other topologies are less consistent with the data, especially in the regions of 250 and 1450 cm−1; the peaks in these regions arise from the increased abundance of formate ligands in the under-coordinated topologies (details in ESI†). Two central conclusions emerge from this comparison:
(1) Our computational methods and the DCS-flow approach are quantitatively accurate in predicting the vibrational modes and the resulting INS spectrum of UiO-66 over an energy range of 5–5000 cm−1 (Fig. S2, ESI†).
(2) The defect-free fcu topology provides the best overall representation of the UiO-66-AA sample among those investigated (details on how the correlation was calculated are given in the ESI†).
Conclusion 2 is especially encouraging because the experimental UiO-66-AA sample contains only 1.0(6) missing linkers per node.37Fig. 1(c) shows a quantitative comparison between the experimental and simulated spectra from Fig. 1(b). The fcu structure shows the highest correlation, followed by equally good correlations between the bcu and reo topologies and a much poorer correlation with the scu structure. Assuming that the sample contains only pure fcu and bcu topologies that phase separate, then a sample with 1.0 missing linkers per node would be 75% fcu with no missing linkers and 25% bcu with 4.0 missing linkers per node.
We emphasize that the above analysis required a thorough testing of the parameters that are relevant for the INS simulation. Specifically, we evaluated the effect of DFT functionals, energy cutoffs, and mesh sampling of the phonon Brillouin zone to achieve optimal agreement with experiment, as reported previously.38 We posit that such high-cost, high-quality simulations are necessary for direct comparison and correct interpretation of MOF INS experiments.
A fundamental advantage of INS over other vibrational spectroscopies is the high signal-to-noise ratio obtained at low wavenumbers (e.g., <100 cm−1). These low-frequency phonon modes are often associated with coupled motions (e.g., wagging, twisting, bending, rocking, breathing) that span several unit cells and involve multiple atoms in the structure. In the following sections, we demonstrate that this low-frequency INS data set serves as a fingerprint region for identifying the type (e.g., AA, formate, TFA), density, and relative positions of linkers and adventitious ligands bound to the Zr6O8 nodes in UiO-66.
Fig. 2 compares the experimental INS measurement for UIO-66-AA (blue) with the DFT simulations of the INS spectrum in the low-frequency fingerprint region. The experimental INS data for UiO-66-AA data are characterized by four key features:
(1) A major peak (denoted TL) at about 40 cm−1 with a small, red-shifted shoulder (∼35 cm−1).
(2) A red-shifted double peak (∼25 cm−1, designated as A peak).
(3) A blue-shifted double peak (∼50 cm−1, designated as B peak).
(4) A broad shoulder at 55 cm−1 (designated as C peak).
Although the A, B, and C peaks are not observed in the simulations, all four topologies show a phonon mode close to TL (i.e., 35–40 cm−1 region). To identify the specific molecular vibration corresponding to this peak, we calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the DFT-simulated dynamical matrix (determined using finite displacement, as implemented in Phonopy).56 With this normal mode analysis approach, the eigenvalue for each phonon mode corresponds to the characteristic energy (i.e., the wavenumber), while the molecular motion itself is determined by the eigenvector (one vector for each atom in the system). Importantly, the eigenvectors are further analyzed to determine which atoms contribute to the phonon mode (e.g., node, linker, acetate ligand, etc.)
The above analysis shows that the TL peak originates from a back and forth rocking/twisting motion about the longitudinal axis of the linker (Fig. 2(b), see fcu_40 cm-1.gif animation in the ESI†). Since the phonon mode is dominated by linker motions (i.e., Zr6O8 nodes are not involved), it is observed at similar energies (and wavenumbers) across the different topologies. The slight differences in the position of the peak arise due to the small variations in the lattice constants for the four topologies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first unambiguous assignment of a linker-specific phonon mode in the fingerprint region for any MOF. (The study by Deacon et al. was unable to identify modes below 200 cm−1.42)
We now explain the origin of A, B, and C peaks in the experimental INS. Since these features are not observed in the simulated INS spectra for any of the four topologies, we conclude that chemical defects due to the presence of adventitious synthesis-derived node ligands in UiO-66-AA are responsible for the peaks A, B, and C. Further evidence for this conclusion comes from comparison between the UiO-66-AA (blue) and UiO-66-TFA (brown) spectra (Fig. 2(a)). The spectrum of UiO-66-TFA lacks the A, B, and C peaks and the TFA synthesized sample does not contain any acetate groups. Thus, we associate these peaks with the presence of acetate ligands in the structure. This assignment is consistent with earlier work that shows that methyl groups in ZIF-8 are associated with a 25 cm−1 peak in the INS spectrum.57 The computational models that consider only connectivity defects are incomplete and fail to capture the structural and chemical complexity of the experimental sample.
A comparison of the predicted INS spectra of the three under-coordinated topologies with experiment is shown in Fig. 3(a). In contrast to the pristine fcu topology and the formate-containing bcu, reo, and scu topologies (Fig. 2), we now observe many more peaks in the fingerprint region, indicative of the acetate ligands.
A central advantage of our DFT-based DCS-flow approach is the ability it provides to computationally set the scattering cross-sections of individual atoms to zero. Thus, to isolate the vibrational modes that are related to these peaks, we set the cross-section of each atom except those of the acetate groups to zero. The resulting spectra in Fig. 3(b) provides strong evidence that the low-energy doublets indeed originate from acetate groups bonded to the Zr6O8 clusters at defect sites.
The results show that the acetate group contributes differently to the INS spectrum depending on the topology, which means that the molecular environment around the acetate group strongly affects the correlated wag and twist motions of the methyl groups. Using bcu as an example (green in Fig. 3(b)), we observe two main features at 12 cm−1 (a1) and at 16 cm−1 (a2). This doublet corresponds to coupled twisting motions of two methyl groups (from the acetate) on opposing sides of the Zr6O8 node in a diagonal fashion (see Fig. 3(c)). There are two different peaks because there are two different symmetric arrangements of methyl groups on each node. These modes are localized only on the methyl groups of the acetate ligand. Neither the linker (which dominates the TL peak) nor the Zr6O8 node is coupled to the doublet modes (see animations bcu-4A_a1.gif and bcu-4A_a2.gif in the ESI†).
In both the reo and scu cases, two different groups of acetate structures are involved in rocking motions that couple with the surrounding linkers. The coupling of the acetate motion with the linkers' motion increases the total energy of the mode. The scu simulated spectrum presents a stronger signal of peak C (Fig. 3) because it contains a smaller number of linkers and a correspondingly larger number of acetate ligands.
This analysis shows that the A, B, and C peaks originate from the acetate defects and are associated with different phonon modes depending on the motions that are specific to the bonding environment in each topology. The slight disagreement in the peak positions (∼10 cm−1, 1.24 meV) of the bcu case is due to the fact that the INS simulations are performed using a 1 × 1 × 1 unit cell of the MOF, which corresponds to an infinite network of defective nodes. Nevertheless, our simulations provide strong evidence that the experimental A peaks arise from the coupled twisting of the methyl groups bound to the Zr6O8 node of UiO-66-AA. The phonon modes corresponding to a1 (bcu-4A_a1.gif) and a2 (bcu-4A_a2.gif) are presented in the ESI† as movie files.
We showed, in Fig. 1, that the simulated INS spectrum from a non-defective lattice provides the best fit to the UiO-66-AA spectrum. This assignment was expected considering that the NMR measurements show an average ratio of one missing linker per node. This would correspond to a 3:
1 volume ratio of fcu
bcu or fcu
reo topologies. The analysis in Fig. 3 makes a strong case that the A peaks come from coupled acetate linkers in the bcu topology, because there were no peaks with energy below 40 cm−1 in the simulated INS spectra of the acetate defect reo and scu topologies. The B and C peaks however cannot be unambiguously assigned. Our analysis shows that the modes above 40 cm−1 in the fingerprint region are strongly coupled with the linker and the Zr6O8 node, but it is not unambiguous which acetate/linker geometry causes the doublet at B and the shoulder at C.
To probe a greater degree of structural complexity, we simulated a 2 × 1 × 1 unit cell of the bcu topology with diagonal defects on one node and off-diagonal defects on the other (bcu-2A2F-2F2A, purple spectrum in Fig. 4). The simulated INS spectrum shows a doublet at 48 cm−1 and 52 cm−1 along with a broader peak centered at 60 cm−1. The measured spectrum has a nearly identical doublet for the measured b1 and b2 peaks at 46 cm−1 and 50 cm−1 and the shoulder C peak is at 55 cm−1. The slight offsets in the peak positions likely arise from the differences in the lattice constants of the computational model and the experimental sample. The motions corresponding to the doublet b involve coupled vibrations to the framework of neighboring acetate groups whereby one acetate rotates and the other rocks (b1), and vice versa (b2). Moreover, peak c is related to vibrations of all acetate groups from both the diagonals coupled to the framework (see the animations bcu-2A2F-2F2A_b1.gif, bcu-2A2F-2F2A_b2.gif, and bcu-2A2F-2F2A_c.gif in the ESI†). These results provide strong evidence that the experimental UiO-66-AA contains domains of the bcu-2A2F-2F2A defect structure that span multiple unit cells. Although the reo and scu topologies capped with acetates are able to reproduce peaks in the region of double peak b and shoulder c (see Fig. 3), the INS simulation of the bcu-2A2F-2F2A defect structure is a much closer match to the experimental results.
In summary, the investigated sample, UiO-66-AA, has Zr-oxide nodes that have 12 possible linker attachment sites. The sample was prepared with adventitious node ligand acetate that occupies on average 1 of the 12 attachment sites. Formate was a second adventitious node ligand that was adventitiously introduced during synthesis. We first simulated all four of the known UiO-66 topologies (fcu, bcu, reo, scu) and compared them to the measured INS spectrum. The fcu produced the best fit across the full energy range, which tells us that the majority of the volume (75%) is a defect free fcu topology. We also showed that a series of INS peaks at frequencies below 100 cm−1 (labeled A, B and C) serve as fingerprint spectra for the acetate defect site. Next we simulated the bcu, reo, and scu topologies with all missing linker sites filled with acetate. Only the fully substituted bcu topology reproduced the A-peaks matching the doublet at 25 cm−1 which comes from a twisting motion of the acetate defect. The higher energy B and C peaks couple rocking motions of the acetate methyl group to twisting of the linkers, but none of the fully substituted acetate spectra matched the measured data, indicating again that the reo and scu topologies were not present in the measured sample. Finally, we simulated the bcu topology with combined acetate and formate defects. Only geometries with acetate on opposite sides of the node and alternating orientation between neighboring nodes accurately reproduced the B-peak doublet and C-shoulder from the measured INS spectrum. We can therefore assign that 75% of the volume was the fcu topology with no defects. We assume, based on excellent previous work,33 that the different topologies phase separate into domains. The remaining 25% of the volume seems to be roughly equally divided between the bcu topology with 100% of the adventitious node site occupied by acetate and the bcu topology with a 1:
1 mixture of acetate and formate on the adventitious node sites. In the very roughly 12.5% of the volume with mixed acetate and formate, the sites ligands assume ordered arrangements, including occupying the opposite sides of the node and with alternating orientation between neighboring nodes. While our conclusions are consistent with a previous study by Liu2019, the INS/DFT approach provides detailed structural insights (e.g., relative positions and number of acetate ligands) that are not possible with microscopy-based techniques.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |