Rachael L.
Kurt D.
c and
aTexas Tech University Department of Physics & Astronomy, Lubbock, Texas TX 79409, USA. E-mail:
bU.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC20375, USA
cInstitute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
First published on 3rd January 2023
Femtosecond-THz optical pump probe spectroscopy is employed to investigate the cooling dynamics of hot carriers in quasi-free standing bilayer epitaxial graphene with hydrogen interacalation. We observe longer decay time constants, in the range of 2.6 to 6.4 ps, compared to previous studies on monolayer graphene, which increase nonlinearly with excitation intensity. The increased relaxation times are due to the decoupling of the graphene layer from the SiC substrate after hydrogen intercalation which increases the distance between graphene and substrate. Furthermore, our measurements show that the supercollision mechanism is not related to the cooling process of the hot carriers, which is ultimately achieved by electron optical phonon scattering.
Nonetheless, while the energy relaxation in graphene prepared either by CVD or exfoliation method has been extensively studied, much less literature exist for epitaxial graphene (EG) on SiC substrate. Particularly of interest is hydrogen intercalated EG. For standard epitaxial graphene on the SiC surface, the first graphene layer, called buffer layer or zero-layer graphene (ZLG), is between the SiC substrate and the epitaxial graphene. The ZLG is bound to the SiC substrate (Fig. 1 Top Left) and strongly interacts with the substrate via the pz orbitals thus, the π bands with the characteristic linear dispersion of graphene cannot be developed. A true monolayer of graphene, which possess typical graphene band structure, can be formed on top of the buffer by further annealing of the sample. It has been demonstrated48–50 by different groups that the buffer layer and the monolayer can be decoupled from the substrate by hydrogen atoms intercalation as it is shown in Fig. 1. With the intercalation method, large areas of high-quality quasi free-standing graphene can be produced for practical applications, thus it is critical to understand its carrier cooling mechanisms.
In this work we explore the cooling dynamics of hot carriers in H-intercalated quasi free standing bilayer graphene utilizing ultrafast pump-probe THz spectroscopy. We demonstrate (i) a significant deviation from the supercollision cooling mechanism and, (ii) that the relaxation of the hot carriers mostly occurs due to electron–optical phonon interactions. In accordance with previous measurements, we also observe an increase of the pump induced conductivity, Δσ, and of the relaxation time with the excitation fluence.
In quasi free standing epitaxial graphene, the graphene layer is sitting on top of a graphene-like carbon layer which forms a large unit-cell superstructure with a periodicity, called buffer layer or zero-layer graphene (ZLG). The ZLG has same geometrical atomic arrangement as graphene. However, about 30% of the carbon atoms in ZLG, are covalently bound to the top of Si atoms of the SiC surface which prevents the formation of the linear dispersion of π bands typical for graphene, so that the latter cannot be observed by ARPES50 (see Fig. 1(a)). Thus, the ZLG lacks bands with linear dispersion and is electronically inactive. With the penetration of the hydrogen atoms under the ZLG, the bonds between the C and the Si break and the Si dangling bonds are saturated with hydrogen atoms as shown in Fig. 1(a). The Si–H bonds are electronically inactive and the inetrface between SiC–graphene is expected to be defects free. The ZLG turns to quasi free-standing epitaxial graphene (QFSEG) and the monolayer graphene turns to into a decoupled bilayer.51 Presumably the reduced mobility in epitaxial graphene is due to presence of the dangling bonds between the C and Si atoms. By breaking these covalent bonds, a QFSEG that possess the typical graphene structure, can be obtained. Riedl et. al.,50 demonstrated that the elimination of the covalent bonds to decouple the epitaxial graphene layers from the substrate can be achieved by intercalation of hydrogen atoms between the ZGL and the SiC. Because the epitaxial graphene doesn't grow as a simple AB staked graphite films but with high density of rotational faults, the adjacent layers are rotated relative to each other. Hass et. al.,52 demonstrated by first principles calculations that the adjacent rotated layers become electronically decoupled, preserving the linear band structure at the K-point and thus the bilayer graphene behaves as an isolated graphene sheet. Epitaxial graphene on SiC reveals a pronounce n-type doping that can be explained by electron transfer from, interface (SiC/graphene) density of states associated with carbon or silicon dangling bonds to the graphene layer.
After the intercalation of hydrogen graphene exhibits a strong p-type doping, with a Fermi energy usually few hundreds meV. The change of the doping type from n to p is due to spontaneous polarization53 that it is an intrinsic characteristic of the most SiC polytypes. It should be noted that the type of doping n or p depends on the polytypes of the SiC, e.g. the p-type character vanishes for the quasi free standing graphene when going from the hexagonal SiC to the cubic 3C polytype which is due to spontaneous polarization of the SiC substrate.53
The samples we used in this study was pH-doped quasi freestanding epitaxially grown bilayer graphene on hexagonal SiC semi-insulating substrate with hydrogen intercalated atoms. To determine the sheet carrier density and mobility, we performed Hall measurements (see ESI†) and found (9.14 ± 0.11) × 1012 cm−2 and determined μ = (4291 ± 66) cm2 V−1 s−1 respectively that are typical values for quasi free standing bilayer graphene on 6H–SiC substrate.54,55 The carrier density we found corresponds to Fermi energies EF = 0.38 eV.
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In eqn (1), n = 3.124 is the refractive index of the SiC substrate. The number of the graphene layers is denoted by N, and Z = 377 Ω is the vacuum impedance. To get insight into the graphene response under photoexcitation conditions a pump pulse was focused on the graphene at a spot size of 2 mm determined by a metallic aperture placed in front of the sample. The pump photon energies Eph was 1.55 eV to excite electrons/holes in conduction/valence band states with energies |Eph| above/below the Dirac point. We probe the pump-induced change in the transmission of the THz pulse after a time delay of ∼400 fs that is much longer than the thermalization time of the electronic distribution, so the electronic system is in a quasi-equilibrium state. To obtain the photoinduced conductivity of the graphene samples, we directly recorded the pump-induced changes of the THz-waveform peak amplitude transmission (ΔT(t)/T0) = (TPump ON − TPump OFF)/TPump OFF, by placing the chopper in the pump path and normalized to the THz transmission without photo-excitation. For thin samples the differential transmission (ΔT/T0) is related to the photoinduced conductivity by the relation.18
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The negative change of the transmission (−ΔT/T0) we measured here indicates Δσ > 0, i.e. the conductivity increases as a result of the photoexcitation, similar to what has been observed in previous studies on monolayer graphene.16 However, in contrast to previous studies on monolayer graphene, our measurements do not show that the supercollision mechanism is relevant to the cooling process of the hot carriers, as it will be discussed later in details. To investigate the relaxation dynamics in graphene we record the ΔT(t) as a function of probe delay time τ. Fig. 2 illustrates the corresponding data. For all excitation fluences we used in this study the THz transmission increases rapidly in about 1 ps after photoexcitation and then recovers the initial value within few picoseconds. The max amplitude of the corresponding photoinduced conductivity extracted form Fig. 2 (Right panel) is also shown in Fig. 3(d). The decrease of the transparency of the graphene after the photoexcitation corresponds to an increase of the conductivity due to the increase of the conducting carrier concentration. This effect occurs in conventional semiconductors with photoexcitation. However, the opposite effect has also been observed where the increase of the ΔT results in decreased conductivity, which is due to increased carrier scattering rate.18 In the context of the electronic temperature, in conventional semiconductors the increase of the Te implies increase of the conductivity through the increase of the Drude weight D. In graphene the Drude weight D is given by
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Fig. 3 (a) The initial electron temperature is plotted as a function of the excitation fluence. The blue line is the fit with the square root function. (b) The dynamics of the electron temperature calculated from eqn (5) (see text) as a function of the time delay in a semi log plot. Different color represents different initial temperature of the electrons. The significant deviation of the disorder-assited cooling of carriers model (supercollisions mechanism) from the monoexponental function, confirms that the supercollisions is not the dominant mechanism in the cooling process. (c) The carriers cooling time plotted as a function of the electron initial temperature. The red solid line is a linear fit to the experimental data, (d) the max amplidute of the pump induced conductivity is plotted as afunction of the excitation fluence. The data are fitted with the square root function shown by the yellow solid line and the gray shaded area is the confidence interval. |
The contributions from the Drude weight and the scattering rate depends on the initial Fermi energy and a positive or negative conductivity. In Fig. 2 (Left) are depicted typical results of the time-domain transient transmission of THz pulses through graphene at different excitation fluences ranging from 27 to 270 μJ. The dynamical traces we recorded show sub picosecond rise time followed by few picoseconds decay time. The experimental data were fitted using a mono-exponential function −ΔT/T0 = C exp (−t/τd) where, τd is the cooling time constant that we found it as of 2.6 to 6.4 ps for the lowest and highest excitation fluences we used, respectively. The longer decay constant observed here is due to hydrogen intercalation that causes the decoupling of graphene and, its vertical displacement by ∼0.21 nm48 from the SiC substrate. Mihnev's et. al.,25 demonstrated that the heat transfer from one layer graphene to another is due to the coulomb interaction between electrons in different layers, and that a decoupling of the layers will lead to the reduced heat transfer rate. Thus, the reduced coupling due to broken covalent bonds between the graphene and the substrate we observed in our samples, naturally causes a decrease in the cooling rate. The secondary peak at about 10 ps is due to round trip of the excitation pulse inside the SiC substrate that re-excites the graphene. As seen at ∼10 ps where the secondary peak rises, the cooling of the carriers has not be completed. Thus, to deduce the decay time constants we limit the exponential fit to the time window between ∼1 ps to ∼9 ps excluding the secondary peak, in order to avoid any influence on the dynamics from the back-reflected excitation pulse. As shown in Fig. 2 (Left) in the first ∼1 ps the negative terahertz transmission ΔT/T decreases after photoexcitation, but the corresponding conductivity increases (increase of D) and has a positive sign. This is mainly due to two reasons. First, the increases the conductivity is due to the higher density of free carriers in the conduction band created by photoexcitation. Second, due to the temperature dependence of the conductivity, the absorption of the pump energy causes an increase in the temperature of the electrons leading to a higher conductivity (see eqn.(3)).
Beyond few picoseconds a decrease in the photogenerated carrier density occurs as the carriers cool down, that results in an increase of the transmission but the opposite occurs in the conductivity as it is shown in Fig. 2 (Right). For excitation energies above the Fermi energy once the quasi-Fermi Dirac distribution is realized after the photoexcitation, it is typical to justify the cooling process predominantly via optical phonons (will be discussed later) rather than acoustic phonons. This is a faster process and at 295 K, is widely reported to take few picoseconds.18 In addition, the relatively weaker acoustic phonon coupling also contributes and leads to significantly longer decay times (hundreds of ps),40 that are not relevant to time scales we deduced in this study. We infer from the experimental data in Fig. 2 longer decay times by more than of a factor of two, comparable to the decay times observed in monolayer graphene in previous studies.34 In our quasi-free-standing graphene samples, due to presence of the intercalated hydrogen atoms, there are not additional bonds between ZLG and SiC substrate, a decoupling between graphene and substrate occurs converting the ZLG into a new graphene layer as shown in Fig. 1. The same reason applies for the weak or even non-existent contribution of the substrate phonons to the cooling process of the energy of the hot carriers.
To get further insight into hot carriers cooling we examine the fluence dependence of the photoinduced THz conductivity Δσ. Based on our experimental conditions, Δσ is proportional to the electron temperature. Using the electronic heat capacity Ce and assuming a small fraction η of the incident power density is absorbed by the sample, we can calculate the initial hot electron temperature Te. For highly doped graphene we have with
, which is the heat capacity coefficient. Then for the hot electron temperature
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We now consider an intrinsic mechanism of cooling of the hot carriers in graphene. In graphene the strong electron–optical phonon coupling results in a very efficient channel that the hot carriers lose their energy by emission of optical phonons at the K and Γ points of the Brillouin zone with energies ∼160 meV and 196 meV respectively, the so-called strong coupled optical phonons (SCOPs). The hot carriers with energy ≥160 meV can efficiently lose their energy through the electron–optical phonon interactions that results in a rapid decrease of their temperature Te within few hundreds of femtoseconds. This produces a significant non equilibrium phonon population that subsequently decays towards lower energy acoustic phonon via anharmonic coupling.39 In the case that the density of the emitted optical phonons is so high, then they cannot completely decay to low energy acoustic phonons, and a phonon bottleneck occurs. Part of their energy is reabsorbed by the electronic system that leads to an increase of the cooling time of graphene hot carriers. An important component in the intrinsic cooling process in graphene is the continuous rethermalization of the electronic gas. That means that the electrons with excess energy larger than the 0.16 eV above the Fermi energy have relaxed by coupling to SCOPs, the remaining electrons will thermalize through carrier–carrier scattering. That enables a continuous emission of optical phonons which operates as a continuous heat sink even at electron temperature of 300 K. The analytical model developed by Pogna et. al.,56 captures the time evolution of this cooling channel. For carriers with excess energies <160 meV with respect the Fermi energy the hot carriers lose their energy by acoustic phonon emission with energy determined by kBTBG per scattering event as it is determined by conservation of momentum. The TBG is the Bloch–Gruneisen temperature57 which is our case is calculated to be 98 K. Furthermore, Song et. al.,27 identified an unconventional, disorder-assisted electron-phonon mechanism that is highly efficient in cooling of carriers, and dominate in a wide range of temperatures. Since then, several groups have observed role of the supercollisions in the cooling process of the hot carriers in graphene.41,42,44 The cooling times increases with decreasing the temperature from ∼10 ps at 300 K to 200 ps below 50 K. In the high temperature limit , that characterizes our experiment the time dependent electron temperature Te is given by
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where Te,0 is the initial electron temperature, TL = 295 K is the lattice temperature, and the ratio A/α = 5.49 × 107 K−1 s−1 (the calculation of the ratio A/α is included in the ESI†).27 Using the eqn (4) and (5) we calculated the time dependence of the electron temperature illustrated in Fig. 3(b). However, the dynamics of the photoinduced conductivity, shown in Fig. 2 and described by a single exponential form, is inconsistent with the temperature dynamics shown in Fig. 3(b). This leads us to the conclusion that the disorder assisted cooling is not the dominant cooling mechanism but can provide a parallel cooling channel of the carriers in time resolved THz spectroscopy experiments. Similarly, Mihnev et. al.,25 also concluded that the disorder assisted cooling of carriers is not the primary cooling process for multilayer graphene. In Fig. 3(c) is depicted the cooling time as a function of the electron temperature. As the electron temperature increases, the cooling time increases as well. A similar trend of the decay time as a function of the excitation fluence has been also observed in chemical vapor deposition grown graphene.21 A reasonable explanation is that the higher the temperature of the electrons, the longer it takes for them to cool down especially in the case that the Fermi energy is not near the charge neutrality point. The shift of the Fermi energy away from the charge neutrality point reflects large density of states that means higher electron heat capacity. Fig. 3(d) illustrates the maximum of the pump induced conductivity extracted from the data in Fig. 2(b). The increase of the conductivity maximum with the fluence is compatible with the corresponding increases of the electron temperatures as shown in Fig. 3(a). The relatively high pump fluence increases the Drude weight which is also expressed in terms of the density of the photogenerated carriers and gives rise to the conductivity. It is shown that the amplitude is ∼ (fluence)1/2 (solid yellow line) as it is expected. Furthermore, the lateral diffusion mechanism that also contribute to the relaxation process of the hot electron temperature is not relevant in the time scale of our measurements. The spot size of the excitation beam is ∼2 mm so the lateral spreading of the excitation heat, despite the large in-plane diffusion rate occurs on a time scale much larger than the time scale we observed here. From the discussion above, we see that the dominant cooling process is the intrinsic cooling mechanism in which highly energetic hot carriers with energies >0.16 eV emit optical phonons.
In conclusion, we employed optical-pump THz-probe spectroscopy to investigate the cooling dynamics of hot carriers in quasi freestanding bilayer epitaxial grown graphene on SiC with H-intercalation. Considering negligible contribution of the substrate's optical phonons to the cooling process along with the inefficient cooling channel by supercollisions, we conclude that the cooling of carriers is primarily due to intrinsic mechanisms that involves the SCOPs and their subsequent relaxation by lower energy acoustic phonons. Interestingly, our results show a longer cooling time by more than twice the relaxation time observed in monolayer graphene in previous studies. This can be attributed to decoupling of the graphene layers form the SiC substrate due to the broken covalent bonds by the H intercalation. These results are important especially for optoelectronic devices based on quasi free-standing hydrogenated epitaxial graphene as the hot carriers can retain their energy longer time before cooling down, which is pivotal for processes such as energy transfer, high-field electron transport, and thermoelectric effect.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details on the supercollision model. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |