School of Materials Science & Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Nanotechnology Research Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510275, P. R. China. E-mail: zouych5@mail.sysu.edu.cn
First published on 15th December 2022
Two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials are of wide research interest owing to their promising applications in spintronic devices. Among them, chromium chalcogenide compounds are some of the limited available systems that present both high stability in air and high Curie temperatures. Epitaxial growth techniques based on chemical vapour deposition (CVD) have been demonstrated to be a robust method for growing 2D non-layered chromium chalcogenides. However, the growth mechanism is not well-understood. Here, we demonstrate the epitaxial growth of Cr3Te4 nanoplates with high quality on mica. Atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) imaging reveals that the epitaxial growth is based on nanosized chromium oxide seed particles at the interface of Cr3Te4 and mica. The chromium oxide nanoparticle exhibits a coherent interface with both mica and Cr3Te4 with a lattice mismatch within 3%, suggesting that, as a buffer layer, chromium oxide can release the interfacial strain, and induce the growth of Cr3Te4 although there is a distinct oxygen-content difference between mica and Cr3Te4. This work provides an experimental understanding behind the epitaxial growth of 2D magnetic materials at the atomic scale and facilitates the improvement of their growth procedures for devices with high crystalline quality.
Among the air-stable 2D magnetic materials, chromium chalcogenide compounds exhibit a very high Curie temperature over room temperature,13–18 making them appealing for spintronic devices. For example, ferromagnetism can hold above 300 K in a metallic phase of 1T-CrTe2 down to the atomically thin limit.13,16 On the other hand, 2D chromium–telluride (Cr–Te) compounds are some of the very-limited 2D magnetic materials that have shown exotic phenomena such as anomalous Hall effects and the topological Hall effect.15,19–21 Furthermore, with a low-symmetry crystal structure and strong spin–orbit coupling, Cr–Te compounds offer a unique platform for studying magnetocrystalline anisotropy.22,23 The unique magnetic properties and abundant spin phenomena make 2D Cr–Te compounds an excellent candidate for spintronic devices.
Various preparation methods for growing Cr–Te compounds have been employed in recent years, including mechanical exfoliation, molecular beam epitaxy and CVD.24–27 Cr–Te films with few layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy have demonstrated inherent long-range ordered ferromagnetism.18,24,25 Compared to mechanical exfoliation and molecular beam epitaxy, CVD shows advantages in the phase engineering and possibility of wafer-scale production with low cost.5,26,27 Previous studies have shown that almost all the available materials in the Cr–Te system can be grown by CVD, including CrTe,27–29 Cr2Te3,30,31 Cr5Te8,21,26 Cr3Te4,19 and CrTe2.32 Through changing the growth parameters during CVD, the phase structure and stoichiometric ratio of Cr–Te compounds can be adjusted. For example, through tuning the growth temperature, Meng et al. found that the thickness of 1T-CrTe2 nanosheets can be reduced to several nanometers from ∼130 nm, along with a monotonic increase of the Curie temperature. Tang et al.21 realized phase engineering of Cr5Te8 nanosheets with a colossal anomalous Hall effect through controlling the cooling rate. These advantages make CVD a commonly used method for the synthesis of 2D chromium–telluride compounds.
Achieving the synthesis of high-quality non-layered Cr–Te compound crystals, such as Cr5Te8 and Cr3Te4, is still a challenge. It is remotely possible to use conventional exfoliation methods to obtain non-layered 2D Cr–Te, as their interlayer binding is not solely based on van der Waals interactions (referred to as ‘non-layered’)19 and therefore comparatively strong compared to the layered ones like CrTe2, due to the existence of covalent bonding formed between the intercalated Cr atoms with surrounding Te atoms. Until now, CVD has been the only robust method reported that can successfully grow non-layered Cr–Te compounds.21,26–29 For example, recently Li et al. demonstrated the growth of ultrathin air-stable Cr3Te4 nanosheets with topologically nontrivial magnetic-spin states.19 In fact, many of the 2D magnetic materials are achieved by an epitaxial growth on mica.33 Wu et al.29 obtained CrTe crystals with mono- and few unit-cell thickness through a CVD-assisted epitaxial growth. Chen et al. synthesized highly air-stable Cr5Te8 nanosheets on mica, where all the grown nanosheets showed well aligned side facets, suggesting a feature of epitaxial growth.26 However, no work has yet been done on the epitaxial growth mechanism of 2D magnetic materials, although such a procedure has already been widely employed. This prompts the need for studies to clarify the growth mechanism and to fill the research gap in the controllable growth of 2D magnetic crystals with high quality.
In this study, we demonstrate an epitaxial growth of Cr–Te nanoplates on mica by CVD and investigate the epitaxial interfaces using advanced electron-microscopy. Through careful structural and compositional analysis, we found that the interfacial structures are more complicated than expected: instead of a direct stack of hexagonal Cr or Te atomic rings on mica's Si–Al–O pseudo-hexagonal rings, the interface of Cr3Te4 and mica is oxygen-rich with nanosized Cr2O3 seed particles. Specifically, through detailed structural investigation using the sub-angstrom STEM technique, the crystallographic orientation relationships between different phases and their formation mechanisms have been investigated.
To determine the crystal structure of our nanoplates, we conducted electron diffraction characterization using TEM. Among the possible Cr–Te phases to be determined for our nanoplates, we note that Cr5Te8 and Cr3Te4 can show similar {001} peak positions in XRD, while most of the nanoplates lie on the substrates with dominant {001} surface planes, which makes only the {001} peaks ‘visible’. However, Cr5Te8 and Cr3Te4 do show distinct differences in atomic stacking when viewed along 〈110〉 directions (see middle and bottom panels of Fig. 1a), for which we need a view perpendicular to their {001} planes. Therefore, we conducted cross-sectional (S)TEM imaging to examine the phase structure. The cross-sectional (S)TEM samples were prepared using FIB (see the Experimental section), and the FIB lamellae were cut parallel to the crystallographic edges of the nanoplates. Fig. 2a shows an over-view image of our cross-sectional sample, in which the middle region is the sample, below which the dark area is the mica substrate. To determine the phase of the sample, we performed SAED from the Cr–Te (denoted as CT) area along three zone axes, by rotating the sample along the 〈001〉 axis. Fig. 2b shows the SAED pattern taken from the sample area without rotation. From Fig. 2b, the diffraction spots along the out-of-plane direction show an atomic-plane spacing of ∼6.08 Å, which can be indexed to the {002} plane of Cr3Te4. Using a similar approach, we can index the other diffraction spots in Fig. 2b, and therefore the zone axis of this SAED can be determined to be [10]CT. Subsequently, we rotated the sample along the 〈001〉 axis by ∼12° and ∼30° respectively and obtained two other sets of electron diffractions, as shown in Fig. 2c and d, which can be indexed to the [1
0] and [1
0] axes of Cr3Te4 respectively. The tilt angle between those zone axes matches well with the angle between the corresponding axes of Cr3Te4 (i.e. ∼12° tilt from [1
0] to [1
0], and ∼30° tilt from [1
0] to [1
0], see Fig. 2b–d). Therefore, the phase structure of our nanoplate samples can be initially identified as Cr3Te4.
To further confirm the atomic-stacking sequence in the as-grown nanoplates, we conducted atomic-resolution STEM imaging under ADF-STEM and BF-STEM modes along the [10] axis. It should be pointed out that there are two distinct Cr coordinates in the non-layered Cr–Te. As shown in Fig. 1a, the crystal structure of the non-layered Cr–Te can be considered as such that, between the CrTe2 layers (Cr I), there are intercalated Cr atoms (Cr II). Here we defined those two types of Cr coordinates, as Cr I, and Cr II, as illustrated by the atomic models in Fig. 1a. The difference between Cr3Te4 and Cr5Te8 is in the number of intercalated Cr atoms. In Cr3Te4, the ratio between the number of atoms occupied at Cr II
Cr I is 50 at% and Cr II is fully occupied. In contrast, the atomic ratio of Cr II
Cr I is much less, and 25 at% in Cr5Te8, where Cr II is not fully occupied (Fig. 1a). Therefore, experimental STEM images can directly distinguish if the phase is Cr3Te4 or Cr5Te8 by checking the occupation at Cr II sites in our samples. Fig. 2e and f show the BF-STEM images taken from the sample, where the dark dots indicate the presence of atoms. We can clearly see that the Cr II coordinates are fully occupied by Cr (Fig. 2e), in agreement with our simulated BF-STEM image for [1
0]CT in Fig. 2f. Fig. 2g shows the corresponding ADF-STEM image taken from our samples. We can find that the positions of atomic columns (bright contrast) are consistent with the projection of the atomic model under this axis. Please note that the intensity in an ADF-STEM image is approximately proportional to the atomic number Z1.7, while the atomic numbers of Te and Cr are 72 and 24, respectively. The intensity of the intercalated Cr layers is therefore small in ADF-STEM images (Fig. 2g and h), due to a smaller number of Cr atoms in Cr II compared to Cr I, as well as a much lower atomic number of Cr compared to Te, confirmed by the simulated ADF-STEM image in Fig. 2h. Thus, due to the fact that the Cr II coordinates are fully occupied in our samples, the as-grown nanoplate is composed of a single-crystalline Cr3Te4 phase instead of Cr5Te8.
To understand the epitaxial relationship between the Cr3Te4 nanoplates and the mica, we note that during the electron diffraction experiments for Cr3Te4 (Fig. 2), the mica substrate is also very close to the zone axis, when we viewed the sample along the [10]CT axis. This suggests that the epitaxial relationship between the two can be found around this zone axis. Fig. 3a shows the SAED pattern taken from both the Cr3Te4 sample and its underlying mica, in which two sets of diffraction patterns are superimposed, with one belonging to [1
0]CT and the other indexed to [010]Mica. The analysis of Fig. 3a suggests that, besides the expected {001}Mica//{001}CT resulting from a layer-by-layer growth, there is another crystallographic relationship being {60
}Mica//{420}CT. The crystallographic relationships between the sample and the mica suggest that there exist coherent interfaces between them. To investigate if this is indeed the case, we further conducted atomic-resolution ADF-STEM imaging along the [1
0]CT axis. Interestingly, we found that a ‘buffer layer’ with a thickness of only a few nanometers was formed between the nanoplate and the substrate, which was not noticeable without high-resolution imaging. This ‘buffer layer’ is composed of dispersed seed particles that are aligned along the interfaces. Fig. 3b presents an ADF-STEM image showing a typical seed particle, through which we can see that the buffer layer exhibits a slightly lower brightness compared to Cr3Te4, while still brighter than the bottom mica substrate, suggesting a different composition compared to Cr3Te4 or mica. In order to characterize the composition of the buffer layer, we conducted an EDS line scan along the out-of-plane direction, across the interface of mica/seed particle and the seed particle/Cr3Te4 interface (see the bottom panel of Fig. 3b). A quantitative analysis of the EDS scan through the center region of the seed particle shows that the seed particle has a chemical composition of ∼60 at% O and ∼40 at% Cr with an uncertainty of ±4 at%. The EDS result indicates that the intermediate layer is probably composed of chromium oxide Cr2O3. To confirm this, we further took atomic-resolution ADF-STEM images from the seed nanoparticle to resolve its crystal structure, as shown in Fig. 3c and d. Combining this image and its fast Fourier transform (FFT) images (Fig. 3g and h), we found that the FFT pattern from the seed particle area can be indexed to the [241] zone axis of a trigonal Cr2O3 phase (PDF # 04-002-5942, with a = b = 4.96 Å, and c = 13.80 Å, and a space group of R
To further analyze the crystallographic relationships between Cr2O3 and mica, as well as between Cr2O3 and Cr3Te4, we have taken atomic resolution images from both interfaces, and we present the corresponding FFT patterns in Fig. 3g and h. Combining FFT and atomic-resolution imaging (Fig. 3g–j), the interfacial atomic planes can be indexed to (001)Mica, (001)CT, and (04)CO, respectively. As for the interfacial structure between Cr2O3 and Cr3Te4, through analysis of Fig. 3g and lattice-spacing measurement from the equilibrium region away from the interface, we found 2d{
20}CO (2.56 Å)//2d{420}CT (2.63 Å), where the lattice mismatch can be measured to be 3% (bottom panel of Fig. 3k). As for the interfacial structure between mica and Cr2O3, Fig. 3h shows an FFT pattern taken from both mica and Cr2O3 that can be indexed to [010]Mica and [241]CO axes. From Fig. 3h, the diffraction spots corresponding to {001}Mica are aligned with {0
4}CO indicating {001}Mica//{0
4}CO. Although the spots that represent those mica atomic planes that are parallel to the {
10}CO are not visible in Fig. 3h, as they are beyond the information resolution limit of the experiment, it was known that {60
}Mica is perpendicular to {001}Mica//{0
4}CO, based on the electron diffraction pattern in Fig. 3a. Combined with the observation that {0
4}CO is perpendicular to {
20}CO (see Fig. 3g), we can deduce that {60
20}CO. It should also be noted that when in equilibrium 3d{60
}Mica (2.62 Å) ≈ 2d{
20}CO (2.56 Å), with a lattice mismatch of 2%. The other (perpendicular) in-plane lattice mismatch between 2d{020}Mica (8.99 Å) and 5d{025}CO (8.74 Å) was also calculated and has a lattice mismatch of 3%. Thus, both the seed particle/Cr3Te4 and the seed particle/mica interfaces can be considered as almost coherent, as illustrated schematically in Fig. 3k.
Based on the above compositional and structural information of the interface between Cr3Te4 and its mica substrate, we now discuss the potential impact of the presence of Cr2O3 on the growth of Cr3Te4 on mica: (1) from the stress release point of view, the lateral lattice constants of mica and Cr3Te4 are 5.2 Å and 4.0 Å, respectively, giving a lattice mismatch of ∼20%. The mismatch is too large for a direct epitaxial growth of Cr3Te4 on mica. While in our experiment, the chromium oxide nanoparticle exhibits a coherent interface with both mica and Cr3Te4 with a lattice mismatch within 3%, which significantly reduces the system energy by reducing residual elastic stress from the lattice mismatch. We recognize that such a finding is consistent with the ‘buffer-layer’ strategy demonstrated in previous studies,35–37 in which the growth of a transition layer on the substrate was found to be the key to achieve the later coherent epitaxial growth of defect-free crystals. (2) From a growth mechanism point of view, Cr2O3 can act as a seed particle for Cr3Te4 growth, which might have been formed with less energy required prior to the formation of the Cr–Te compound. We have illustrated the proposed growth process in Fig. 4. Cr2O3 has an oxygen-rich composition, and so is the mica substrate (KAl3Si3O10(OH)2). With the oxygen atoms present in the environment, it is likely that the Cr atoms preferred to be bonded with the oxygen atoms first instead of the Te atomic source at the nucleation stage. In the later layer-by-layer growth process, Cr2O3 can provide a Cr resource for the intercalation of Cr atoms into the Cr–Te layers, and facilitate the full occupation of Cr into Cr II site (see atomic models in Fig. 1a or 2) positions by increasing the Cr chemical potential in the local environment. This seed-particle induced growth mechanism has also been demonstrated in other CVD grown metal chalcogenide systems, e.g. the formation of Mo-oxysulfide nanoparticles during the growth of 2D MoS2.38–42 Furthermore, during the following growth of Cr3Te4 on the top of Cr2O3, the Cr atom rings at the top surface of Cr2O3 seed particles have the chance to be re-constructed so that they can be bonded with Te atoms in a low-energy configuration, which in turn reduces the stress at the epitaxially grown interface, resulting in high-quality 2D Cr3Te4 crystals.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2na00835a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |