*a and
aResearch Institute for Electronic Science (RIES) and Division of Information Science and Technology, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, N20W10, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0020, Japan. E-mail:;
bInstitute for Integrated Cell-Material Science (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
cDepartment of Human Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Shikoku Gakuin University, 3-2-1 Bunkyo-cho, Zentsuji, Kagawa 765-8505, Japan
dInstitute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM), Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-Ward, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
eDepartment of Chemistry, Division of Molecular Imaging and Photonics, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
fDepartment of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
gToray Research Center, Inc., Sonoyama 3-2-11, Otsu 520-8567, Shiga, Japan
hResearch Institute for Light-induced Acceleration System (RILACS), Osaka Metropolitan University, Sakai, Osaka 599-8570, Japan
First published on 8th February 2023
We report an efficient photo-induced covalent modification (PICM) of graphene by short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) with an alkyl chain at the liquid–solid interface for spatially resolved chemical functionalization of graphene. Light irradiation on monolayer graphene under an aqueous solution of the SCFAs with an alkyl chain efficiently introduces sp3-hybridized defects, where the reaction rates of PICM are significantly higher than those in pure water. Raman and IR spectroscopy revealed that a high density of methyl, methoxy, and acetate groups is covalently attached to the graphene surface while it was partially oxidized by other oxygen-containing functional groups, such as OH and COOH. A greater downshift of the G-band in Raman spectra was observed upon the PICM with longer alkyl chains, suggesting that the charge doping effect can be controlled by the alkyl chain length of the SCFAs. The systematic research and exploration of covalent modification in SCFAs provide new insight and a potentially facile method for bandgap engineering of graphene.
For practical applications, spatially resolved chemical modification remains challenging, although it is expected to be useful for site-specific control of wettability, catalytic or optical activity, molecular affinity, and electron conductivity.15–18 Several methods for spatially resolved chemical modifications have been proposed, including masking, stamping, and light-induced ones.1,19,20 Among these, photo-induced chemical modification (PICM) is a promising method. Liu et al. reported the photochemical reactivity of graphene in a toluene solution of benzoyl peroxide. They found that a Raman peak related to graphene defects (D-band) appeared only at the laser focus, where they suggested that photo-induced phenyl radicals attacked the basal plane of graphene forming covalent bonds.21 Mitoma et al. found that excitation of graphene by visible light in the presence of water could result in graphene oxidation, which modifies the electronic transport properties, suggesting local bandgap engineering.22 We have extended this approach to deposit metal electrodes on the graphene upon visible laser light focusing on the interface between an aqueous solution of metal ions and the graphene surface.23 We reported that multiple metal elements could be deposited on graphene in a site-specific manner just by changing the ion solution and revealed the excellent electric contact between the deposited metal and graphene. Besides the spatially resolved nature, PICM offers reversible graphene chemical patterning. Hirsch's group presented a strategy to functionalize graphene covered with dibenzoyl peroxide (DBPO) solid film by laser-direct writing with 532 nm and reading with 633 nm, followed by de-functionalization (erasing chemical patterns) by simple thermal annealing.24 We recently reported an all-optical method for spatially resolved and reversible PICM of graphene in pure water using a one-color laser.14 These reversible PICM offers a facile and flexible tool for site-specific control and tunability over the physicochemical properties of graphene.
Herein, we report that short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) with an alkyl chain can offer an extraordinarily efficient PICM on graphene at the liquid phase. The PICM was performed in a site-specific manner by tightly focusing visible laser light (488 nm) on a graphene surface covered by an aqueous solution of the SCFAs. To investigate the alkyl chain length dependence on the PICM, HCOOH (Formic acid) and CH3(CH2)nCOOH (n = 0: acetic acid, n = 1: propionic acid, n = 2: butyric acid) were systematically investigated by means of Raman/IR spectroscopy. In situ Raman spectroscopy was carried out to record the change in the D-band intensity as a function of the irradiation time and the intensity ratio of the D- and G-bands (ID/IG) to evaluate defect formation in graphene. SCFAs with an alkyl chain (n = 0, 1, and 2) showed a higher reaction yield and rate than without alkyl chain (HCOOH), demonstrating that the alkyl chains ((–CH2)nCH3) play a vital role in dense functionalization. The difference in the reaction rates and the shift of G-band peak position (G−) between the SCFAs further confirms the roles of alkyl chains in introducing a high degree of charge doping effect on graphene. Raman and IR spectroscopy detected methyl, methoxy, and acetate groups at the modified area on graphene. This study proposes a plausible reaction mechanism for the liquid-phase PICM of graphene and paves a way to tune the charge doping effect for graphene bandgap engineering.
In this study, we compare the PICM processes of graphene monolayers in pure water, formic acid (HCOOH), acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid; CH3(CH2)nCOOH (n = 0, 1, and 2, respectively). Fig. 2 displays Raman spectra of graphene after the PICM for 120 s in an aqueous solution of each molecule. In all cases, D-band was confirmed after PICM. However, the intensity of the D-band in the case of the SCFAs with an alkyl chain is significantly higher than those of pure water and formic acid. The D to G ratio (ID/IG) reaches about 1 for the SCFAs with alkyl chain, while it remains below 0.5 for water and formic acid under the employed illumination condition. Another striking difference between them is the graphene Raman intensity after the PICM. The Raman peak intensities after PICM with the SCFAs with alkyl chain were significantly enhanced (typically reaches 10000 counts per s) compared to those before the PICM (typically 2000 counts per s), while it remains the same in the case of water and formic acid. It is likely that graphene electronic structures are modified by the PICM with SCFAs with an alkyl chain.
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Fig. 2 Raman spectra of graphene after 120 s PICM in H2O, formic acid, acetic acid (n = 0), propionic acid (n = 1), and butyric acid (n = 2), respectively, from the top to the bottom panels. |
To investigate the PICM dynamics, in situ Raman monitoring was conducted during the PICM process in water and an aqueous solution of acetic acid (0.1 M). Fig. 3a and b, respectively, present waterfall plots of the Raman scattering as a function of time during the PICM process in water and 0.1 M acetic acid aqueous solution (the plots in propionic and butyric acid are presented in Fig. S2†). The corresponding ID/IG ratios as a function of time for the solutions are summarized in Fig. 3c. ID/(ID + IG) ratios are also estimated and show almost the same trend as ID/IG (Fig. S3†), indicating a slight change of IG at the initial state is negligible for kinetics analysis. Hereafter, the reaction is analysed based on the ID/IG. First, water and the formic acid solution show a similar trend, i.e., ID/IG values gradually increase as a function of time. In contrast, the SCFAs with alkyl chain reveal completely different behaviour; at the first stage (0–10 s in the case of acetic acid), G- and D-bands show a similar trend as water and formic acid, while the intensity of both G- and D-bands suddenly increase by a factor of 5–6 (Fig. 3b and Fig. S2†). The maximum ID/IG values reach a plateau at ∼1 within 20 s for acetic acid and at 0.8 within 40 s for propionic and butyric acid, while it takes a few minutes in the case of water and formic acid solution. These results imply that the PICM mechanism for SCFAs with an alkyl chain differs from that for water and formic acid solution. In addition, we observed ID decreases after a period of PICM time and this suggests the more functional groups on graphene make larger changes of electronic structures of graphene, resulting in maximum of D peak intensity during PICM process at the certain excitation energy due to resonant Raman scattering.28
Since the ID/IG ratio is related to the reactions of graphene and follows an exponential fashion at the abrupt increase in the initial part of the time course, the initial reaction rate constant can be estimated from the rise in ID/IG plot with the following equation,22
ID/IG (t) ∝ exp(kt) − 1 | (1) |
Reagents | k (min−1) |
Water | 1.53 × 10−3 |
Formic acid | 1.32 × 10−3 |
Acetic acid (n = 0) | 2.98 × 10−1 |
Propionic acid (n = 1) | 9.42 × 10−2 |
Butyric acid (n = 2) | 2.92 × 10−2 |
In order to identify the chemical reactions of the PICM on graphene, detailed analyses with luminescence, IR, and Raman spectroscopy have been conducted. For the spectroscopic analyses, a wide area of monolayer graphene was periodically modified by laser light in 1 M acetic acid aqueous solution, as shown in Fig. 4a, on which the modified area (corresponding to the luminescent area in Fig. 4a) showed ID/IG values over 1.0 (Fig. S5†). The heterogenous luminescent intensities could be attributed to the spatial heterogeneity of the PICM efficiency caused by the tiny deviation in the laser focus during stage movements (Fig. 4a). Additionally, weak/no luminescent spot corresponds probably to the spots of multiple-layered graphene (details see Fig. S5†). A luminescence spectrum at the modified region is shown in Fig. 4b (excitation: 349 nm). The modified graphene in acetic acid solution emits luminescence around 620 nm (Fig. 4b), which is likely due to fragmentation of π-conjugation in graphene by the PICM. The functional groups-induced localized states in π–π* gap of sp2 sites in graphene may cause a broad emission band.29 In addition, functionalized groups, such as C–O, CO and COOH, could have contribution to the fluorescence.30 A detailed analysis of the luminescence property is shown in Fig. S6.†
An IR spectrum was taken on the modified area to investigate chemical functionalization on the graphene surface (Fig. 5). Note that graphene's broad IR absorption across the measured frequency range was analytically removed by a 3rd order polynomial fitting to the raw spectrum. From Fig. 5, a number of IR peaks were detected. Those can be assigned to O–H stretching at 3650 cm−1 (broad), C–H stretching at 2918 and 2851 cm−1, CO stretching from ester groups at 1741 cm−1, C
C stretching at 1637 cm−1, C–H bending at 1465 cm−1, C–O stretching at 1274 and 1200 cm−1, and C–O–C stretching from ester groups at 1155, 1050 and 995 cm−1 (as listed in Table 2). Intense C–H stretching absorption suggests the presence of methyl functional groups on the graphene surface. Also, strong absorption from ether groups (C–O–C stretching) was measured, and, in correspondence with the strong C–H absorption, it is likely that a certain amount of methoxy groups exist on the surfaces. Also, from the fingerprint region, C
O and C–O stretching were identified with similar intensities, suggesting the presence of ester and/or carboxylic groups, while the amount of the carboxylic is presumably limited given the weak O–H stretching. Thus, along with the strong C–H absorption, a certain number of acetate group is likely formed on the graphene surface.
Wavenumber (cm−1) | Assignment | Origin |
3650 (broad) | O–H stretching | Hydroxy |
2918, 2851 | C–H stretching | Methyl, methoxy, acetate |
1741 | C![]() |
Acetate |
1637 | C![]() |
Graphene |
1465 | C–H bending | Methyl, methoxy, acetate |
1274, 1200 | C–O stretching | Methoxy, acetate |
1155, 1050, 995 | C–O–C stretching (ether) | Methoxy |
From Raman spectroscopy, alteration to the graphene electronic structure via PICM is discussed in terms of G-band shape. As presented in Fig. 6a, besides the appearance of D-band, we observed a new peak at lower than 1590 cm−1 (denoted as G−). We found that the newly appeared G-band downshifts with higher PICM degree (Fig. 6a). Since the wavenumber of Raman signal of the G-bands is independent of the laser wavelength (Table S1†), they are likely originated from a first order Raman process. Two peaks in the G-band indicate that two phonon energies are allowed at the Q point (k = 0). It is known that molecular adsorption could induce phonon symmetry breaking, leading to the degeneracy of the transverse optical (TO) and longitudinal optical (LO) phonon modes.31 In this study, G-band splitting was observed only in SCFAs with an alkyl chain but neither in pure water nor in formic acid aqueous solution (Fig. 2). The downshift of the G-band peak position shows a significant dependence on alkyl chain length, where a larger shift was found on longer alkyl chains (Fig. 6b). The fact that longer alkyl chains have higher electron donating nature further supports the above IR analysis, in which we speculate that alkyl chains are covalently attached to the graphene surface. Indeed, a small peak that could be related to the alkyl group was found at ∼2943 cm−1 (C–H stretching, ν(CH)32) in Raman spectra of highly modified graphene with SCFAs with alkyl chain (see Raman spectra in Fig. S7† and DFT calculation in Fig. S8 and Table S2†).
Given these results, the possible reaction mechanism is illustrated in Scheme 1. We consider the PICM reaction in the presence of SCFAs with an alkyl chain proceeds in two reaction stages considering the high oxidation efficiency and species of functional groups on graphene. At the initial stage (stage 1), water plays a critical role and oxidative components, such as hydroxyl or carboxyl groups, are introduced on graphene surfaces. This oxidation is initiated by charge separation (i.e., the generation of excitons/hot electrons in graphene) upon light irradiation to graphene, reacting with surrounding water molecules and radicals are stabilized by water solvation.14,22 Once the oxidative groups are introduced on graphene, these polar sites start to ‘capture’ holes/electrons migrating on graphene and work as an ‘active’ reaction site, starting the 2nd stage reaction. In stage 2, the presence of SCFAs with an alkyl chain plays a key role. Due to the radical reaction, high density of methyl, methoxy, and acetate groups seem to be finally introduced on the graphene surface. When the SCFAs with an alkyl chain meet the active site, carboxyl radicals (CH3(CH2)nCOO˙), as well as alkyl radicals (CH3(CH2)n˙) that are automatically generated via decarboxylation reaction,33–35 are generated in the solution. These radical species directly attack the pristine graphene surface, functionalizing alkyl and ester groups on the surfaces and/or they attack hydroxyl/carboxyl groups forming ether/ester functionalization. These alkyl groups radicals’ reaction is the limiting step in PICM. The two stages properly explain the high PICM efficiency in SCFAs with an alkyl chain. A decrease in reaction rate was indeed observed when increasing the length of the alkyl chains. In stage 2, acetic acid can generate methyl radicals, which are the most reactive because of the primary carbon radical. While propionic and butyric acids can generate ethyl and propyl radicals which are categorized into secondary carbon radicals. Generally, the reaction rate of molecules with smaller molecular weights is faster than those with larger molecular weights.
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Scheme 1 Possible mechanism of the PICM on graphene in an aqueous solution of SCFAs with an alkyl chain. |
IR and Raman spectroscopy reveal high-density modification of graphene with methyl, methoxy, and acetate groups. A greater downshift of the G-band in Raman spectra was observed upon PICM with longer alkyl chains, suggesting that the charge doping effect can be controlled by the alkyl chain length of the SCFAs. These results suggest that, together with laser-assisted radical reactions, sub-micrometre scaled, site-elective bandgap engineering can be applied to graphene surfaces, opening a venue for micro-scale graphene device applications.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |