S. Alipour*,
M. Hassani,
S. M. H. Hosseini and
S. M. Mousavi-Khoshdel
Department of Chemistry, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: sae.alipour@gmail.com; Fax: +982177240480; Tel: +982177240480
First published on 22nd December 2022
This article reports a fast and easy method for simultaneously in situ reducing and functionalizing graphene oxide. 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine hydrate salt molecules are reduced by graphene oxide by reacting with oxide groups on the surface and removing these groups, and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone groups are replaced with oxide groups. The synthesized materials have been investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and UV absorption. Also, the morphology has been examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) analysis. The result of the photocurrent response and electrochemical behavior of the samples through cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge/discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) have been analyzed to investigate the effect of physical and chemical changes compared to graphene.
Various methods have been used to synthesize graphene and its derivatives. Due to weak van der Waals forces among the layers in graphite, pristine graphene can be obtained from the mechanical exfoliation of graphite.5,6 The growth of graphene sheets using bottom-up techniques such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has been used to grow single-layer and multi-layer graphene sheets on metal surfaces.7–9 However, these methods are not suitable for large-scale production. Therefore, oxidation and exfoliation of graphite oxide, followed by a reduction process, have been widely used and considered to prepare reduced graphene oxide (R-GO).10–13 However, the precursor of R-GO, graphite needs to be exfoliated through the reaction with a mixture of oxidants to create graphene oxide (GO) sheets.14 Therefore, GO sheets are strongly oxidized and characterized by oxygen-containing groups.15,16 To remove these groups and prepare R-GO, various reducing agents; such as hydrazine,17,18 strong alkaline environments,19 vitamin C,20,21 and bovine serum albumin (BSA);22,23 and various methods; such as electrochemical,24,25 photochemical,26,27 and thermal reduction28,29 procedures; have been used.
Reduced graphene oxide has a wide range of applications, including its use in energy storage devices,30,31 electronic devices,32 biomedical applications,33 sensors,34 membranes,35 catalysts,36,37 water purification,30 etc. However, the presence of these functional groups in GO and R-GO compared to pristine graphene allows the ability to adjust the electrical and optical properties through chemical reactions. However, unfortunately, due to the incomplete reduction and the presence of multiple defects, which disrupt the sp2 lattice, R-GO exhibits lower electrical conductivity than pristine graphene.38–40 In addition, the solubility of R-GO in water is minimal, so the direct dispersion of graphene sheets in water is impossible without the help of dispersing agents.41 To improve these properties, various functional groups have been attached to the graphene structure by chemical modification,42,43 covalent,44–48 or non-covalent49–52 functionalization.
The functional groups covalently attached to the carbon atoms on the graphene convert the triangular sp2 orbital to a tetragonal sp3 orbital. Such transformations drastically change the electronic properties of pristine graphene.53–56 In like manner, by functionalizing graphene, the specific capacity increases by increasing the quantum capacity of these sheets due to the formation of new levels in the vicinity of the Fermi level.57,58 Also, due to the creation of steric repulsion caused by the presence of functional groups, the graphene sheets' recombination rate decreases, which leads to an increase in the available surface in functionalized graphene.59,60 Recent experimental studies have shown that the covalent functionalization of graphene using a nitrophenyl group directly affects the magnetic properties of the graphene surface.61–64 During the functionalization process, converting the carbon centers from sp2 to sp3 saturates the carbon atoms. It opens a barrier band gap for electrons, which enables the production of insulating and semiconducting regions in graphene wafers.65,66
This article presents a method for preparing graphene functionalized with nitrophenyl groups, in which graphene oxide is in situ and simultaneously reduced and functionalized with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone groups. Also, this method was performed at a pH close to neutral and without dispersing agents, while for the synthesis of reduced graphene oxide (R-GO), to avoid re-adhesion of the layers and obtain the lowest number of layers as well as the lowest amount of defects, the pH is usually set at about 10, and a scattering agent is used.67 The structural and chemical differences of the material synthesized with graphene were studied. Also, the electrochemical behavior of this material with graphene was investigated to check the effectiveness of the changes made, due to the high sensitivity of electrochemical techniques to changes in the structure.
To make electrode materials for electrochemical analyses, prepared material, black acetylene and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) were mixed with a weight ratio of 80:
5, and by adding ethanol and then 15 min ultrasonication, a grout was prepared with an appropriate concentration. The prepared material for the electrode was deposited on nickel foam with an area of 1 cm2 by the painting method. In the end, the prepared electrodes were dried for 24 h at 70 °C. EIS measurement was conducted in OCP at a frequency range between 100 kHz to 10 mHz. Capacities of the materials were obtained from the galvanostatic charge/discharge method by the following formula:
Fig. 1b displays the results of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the samples. In GO, bonding with groups that contain oxygen increases the spacing between the layers of graphite. Therefore, the position of the peak indicates the oxidation level of graphite.68 Accordingly, the peak at 11.6° denotes the 7.57 Å d-spacing in graphene oxide. After GO reduction, R-GO sheets approach together and result in a peak at 23.8° (3.73 Å d-spacing) with low intensity. In NP-GO, the reaction of GO with DNPH leads to the removal of oxygen groups in GO and the elimination of the sharp, strong peak related to GO. Furthermore, it yields a broad peak at 22.7° (3.89 Å d-spacing). Based on the results of the FTIR analysis that show the functional groups' existence and by comparing the d-spacing value for R-GO and NP-GO, it seems that the difference in the distance of the layer is caused by the reduction and functionalizing of graphene oxide.
Fig. 1c shows the results of the Raman spectra of samples. The Raman device was equipped with a 532 nm laser and a thermoelectrically cooled CCD detector. A 60×-objective microscope lens was used to focus on the surface, and the exposure time was 5 s. As it is apparent, there are two bands. The first one relates to band D which signifies the graphene flakes' defect and irregularity, and the second corresponds to the G band that represents the first scattering of E2g phonon associated with carbon–carbon bonds with the hybridization of sp2. The 2D band is derived from the second-order double-resonant process between the K and K′ points in the BZ involving two iTO phonons. The 2D band is highly sensitive to the Fermi velocity and iTO phonon band slope due to the unique electronic band structure of graphene.69 The increased intensity of the D and 2D bands after functionalization indicates the attachment of functional groups.70 The level of reduction and defect is determined through the ratio between ID and IG which in GO, R-GO, and NP-GO are 0.89, 1.32, and 1.02, respectively. After the reduction of graphene oxide, the band D intensity increases due to the formation of defects in graphene sheets due to the reaction with hydrazine.71 It has been shown that the I2D/IG ratio of the Raman spectra can indicate the number of layers in graphene materials.72 This ratio for GO, R-GO, and NP-GO are 0.81, 0.75, and 0.94, respectively, which indicates that these materials are multilayered. Considering these increases in the ratio of I2D/IG and ID/IG after the reaction of GO with DNPH, it can be concluded that these changes are attributable to the reduction and replacing oxygen-containing groups in GO with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone groups. In addition, the lower ratio of ID/IG compared to the graphene suggests that there are fewer irregularities and defects in the NP-GO structure.
Fig. 1d exhibits the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the samples. During this process, the samples were heated to a temperature of 850 °C at a rate of 10 °C min−1 in an Ar atmosphere, and the weight changes of the samples were for the temperature. The initial weight loss of graphene oxide (GO) at 100 to 200 °C is associated with water and residual decomposition. The gradual weight loss from 200 to 650 °C is due to the decomposition of oxygen-containing groups on the surface and edge of GO sheets. Graphene (R-GO) shows a much lower reduction than GO, which may be related to removing a high percentage of oxidizing groups during reduction by hydrazine. In the sample of NP-GO, reducing 5% of the original weight under 200 °C indicates that there are no more than 5% unstable oxide groups in this sample. The lower weight loss of NP-GO compared to GO and R-GO can be a confirmation of reducing and functionalizing of graphene oxide with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone.
Using XPS, the chemical composition of the samples was investigated more closely. Fig. 2a represents the XPS spectra of GO, R-GO, and NP-GO. In addition, the binding energy and percentage of compounds from C 1s, O 1s, and N 1s are listed in Table 1. The results showed carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, which shows that the nitrophenyl groups are present on the surface of the NP-GO. In Fig. 2b it is obvious that the C 1s spectrum of graphene oxide consists of peaks at 284.6 eV (sp2 carbon), 286.6 eV (epoxide), and 288.5 eV (carboxyl groups).73 From the O 1s spectrum of GO (Fig. 2c), the oxygen-containing groups are evident as C–O, CO, C–O–C, O–H, and H2O groups. The C 1s spectrum of R-GO (Fig. 2d) shows a band at 284.6. The intensity of epoxide, carboxyl, or other bands is greatly reduced compared to graphene oxide, which means that the C
C bonds relative percentage increased and it decreased for C–O bonds. The XPS spectrum of R-GO results shows that this sample only contains C and O, which designates that there are no impurities in the sample. The spectrum of C 1s related to NP-GO (Fig. 2e) shows the presence of the C
C peak related to graphene, the C
C bond corresponds to nitrophenyl groups (284.8 eV), the graphene C–C defect (at the site of bonding, 285 eV), and the peak related to C–NO2 (285.6 eV). The ratio of O/C in GO, R-GO, and NP-GO samples is 1.8, 0.04, and 0.2, respectively, showing that most oxygen-containing groups are removed and GO is reduced. The N 1s spectrum of the NP-GO (Fig. 2f) indicates that some nitro groups were reduced to other groups such as amines, and protonated amines due to the reduction by the irradiation of X-ray.74 The O 1s spectrum of NP-GO (Fig. 2g) shows three peaks at 531.3 eV (carboxyl groups), 532.7 (nitro groups), and 533.1 eV (epoxy groups) in the NP-GO sample. The nitro groups come from 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazien, while the carboxyl and epoxy groups come from non-reduced groups in GO.
Sample | Peak | Assignment | Binding energy (eV) | Atomic (%) |
GO | C 1s | C![]() |
284.5 | 11.41 |
C–C | 285.4 | 24.58 | ||
C–O | 286.6 | 9.64 | ||
C![]() |
287.9 | 48.48 | ||
COOH | 289.2 | 5.89 | ||
O 1s | C![]() |
530.1 | 4.34 | |
C![]() |
532.3 | 13.87 | ||
C–O | 533.8 | 74.14 | ||
H2O | 535.2 | 7.65 | ||
R-GO | C 1s | C![]() |
284.5 | 90.62 |
C–O | 286.4 | 3.75 | ||
π → π* | 291.3 | 5.63 | ||
NP-GO | C 1s | C![]() |
284.1 | 42.84 |
C![]() |
284.7 | 25.89 | ||
C–C | 285.3 | 5.26 | ||
C–NO2 | 285.8 | 4.76 | ||
C–O | 286.4 | 8.55 | ||
C=O, C–NH3+ | 287.8 | 1.87 | ||
O–C![]() |
288.7 | 1.25 | ||
π → π* | 290.7 | 9.94 | ||
N 1s | NH2 | 399.9 | 19.54 | |
NH3+ | 401.3 | 12.13 | ||
NO | 403.5 | 4.92 | ||
NO2 | 406.1 | 63.41 | ||
O 1s | O–C![]() |
531.4 | 14.28 | |
NO2 | 532.8 | 74.35 | ||
C–O | 533.4 | 11.37 |
UV-vis spectroscopy was used to probe the interactions on the surface of the samples. As can be seen in Fig. 3, graphene oxide shows a peak at 235 nm, corresponding to π–π* transitions related to the presence of the remaining CC bonds with sp2 hybridization,75 which were shifted to 265 nm (longer wavelengths) after reduction, rebuilding the π-bond network.76 With the increase in π-bonding, the absorption peak shifts to a longer wavelength because less energy is needed for transition. The UV-visible spectrum of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine showed two peaks at 222 nm related to the π–π* and 360 nm corresponding to n–π* transitions related to the aromatic compound.77 The absorption band of NP-GO species corresponding to the π–π* transition becomes broad and also shows a redshift from 222 to 229 nm, while the n–π* transition peak shifts from 360 to 354 nm. Also, the peak of GO had a redshift to 247 nm, indicating the recovery of the π bond network as a result of the reduction. However, due to the presence of functional groups, this displacement is lower than that of the R-GO sample. These changes and shifts in absorption peaks indicate the existence of π–π* interactions, electronic connections among the functional groups, and reduced graphene oxide sheets.
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Fig. 4 SEM images related to the morphology and structure of (a and b) R-GO and (c and d) NP-GO in different magnifications. |
Fig. 4c and d shows the morphology of NP-GO. Due to the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine groups and, as a result, reducing van der Waals forces and forming spatial repulse among functionalized sheets, aggregation is reduced in comparison to the R-GO, thus there is a more accessible active surface in this sample.
The binding effect of organic molecules on the surface of NP-GO can be measured and compared with graphene through the specific surface area (Fig. 5a) and the distribution of pore size (Fig. 5b). Fig. 5a show that the specific surface area of R-GO is near to 500 m2 g−1. It contains small mesoporous (2–50 nm), indicating that the reduction of graphene oxide by hydrazine with the loss of oxygen functional groups causes porosity. However, the value lower than the theoretical specific surface area for a single graphene sheet (2600 m2 g−1) is due to the sheets' accumulation and overlying after the drying process.78 After the grafting of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine groups, the surface area for NP-GO increased to 650 m2 g−1. This increase indirectly suggests the binding 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine on the surface of NP-GO. The removal of oxygen-containing groups and the replacement of functional groups causes the creation of pores in the NP-GO sheets and as a result, causes a significant increase in the surface area and a significant difference in the distribution of pore size. Interestingly, the attachment of groups in NP-GO, which may be caused by the decarboxylation of groups in graphene oxide,79 leads to smaller pores than graphene.
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Fig. 5 (a) Surface area versus pore width in R-GO and NP-GO, (b) the distribution of pore size of R-GO and NP-GO, and (c) N2 adsorption isotherms in R-GO and NP-GO. |
Fig. 5c displays the results of the N2 adsorption and desorption isotherm for R-GO and NP-GO at 77 K. Both samples show type I and II mixing isotherms of relative pressure (P/P0) in low and high regions.80 Low absorption volume at low P/P0 (0–0.5) for samples is representative of mesoporous materials, confirmed by an H3 hysteresis loop and a plateau.81 As it is apparent, absorb volume increases after the reduction and functionalization of graphene oxide with DNPH.
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Fig. 6 (a) The photocurrent performances of GO, R-GO, and NP-GO and (b) EIS spectra of GO, R-GO, and NP-GO under simulated sunlight. |
The Nyquist diagram of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was studied to further describe the charge carrier migration of the prepared samples. The results are shown in Fig. 6b. Subsequently, the proposed Rs(RctQct) model is used to study the resistance behavior of the oxide layer in terms of applied potential at a constant frequency range. In the resultant equivalent model, Rs, Rct, and Qct are the solution resistance, charge transfer resistance, and constant phase element (CPE), correspondingly. Since the EIS capacitor element does not designate steady and regular behavior owing to the concurrent complex corrosion procedure at the border, the constant phase element (CPE) as an expressive deviation from the ideal capacitor-based circuit was used.85 The best-fitted parameters for the reached equivalent circuit are listed in Table 2. As can be seen, NP-GO shows a smaller charge transfer resistance than GO and R-GO, which indicates the reduction of the resistance of the solid-state interface layer and charge transfer through the electrode/electrolyte boundary by forming covalent bonds among 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine groups and reduced graphene oxide sheets. These results are in good agreement with the measurements of photocurrent. They indicate that photo-induced carriers become separate and more effective, and charges transfer more rapidly on the surface of NP-GO.
Samples | Rs (Ω cm2) | Rct (KΩ cm2) | Qct | |
Y0 (μF cm−2) | n | |||
GO | 82.54 | 56.43 | 0.132 | 0.8952 |
R-GO | 108.51 | 49.28 | 0.205 | 0.9601 |
NP-GO | 89.68 | 39.78 | 0.263 | 0.9522 |
In the curve related to NP-GO, there is an anodic peak in the range of −100 mVAg/AgCl and a cathodic one in −300 mVAg/AgCl. At the potential close to the initial reduction of NO2 groups from the 4-position of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine and before the reduction at the 2-position, reduction of the azo bond occurs, separating 1-amino-2-nitro-4-nitrophenyl and forming arylnitroso group on NP-GO86 (Fig. 7b). The redox peak observed in the cyclic voltammetry of the NP-GO sample is related to the arylnitroso groups' redox reaction.
Fig. 7c shows the results of the galvanostatic charge and discharge test related to R-GO and NP-GO electrodes in the initial cycle and after 1000 cycles at a current density of 0.5 A g−1. The discharging time of the electrodes made of R-GO and NP-GO are 290 and 620 seconds, respectively, and their respective specific capacities are 145 and 310 F g−1. Table 3 presents the reported capacities of some graphene-based electrodes and those made of functionalized graphene by nitrophenyl in neutral electrolytes. It can be seen that the prepared electrode materials show suitable performances compared to the literature. The results of this test show that R-GO has better stability than NP-GO so that after 1000 charge and discharge cycles, its capacity remains almost constant and equals 144 F g−1, while in the functionalized sample, the capacity has decreased by about 8% and reaches 291 F g−1. It should be noted that the high stability of carbon materials is one of the most important reasons for their use as an electrode material. For this reason, the higher stability of the R-GO electrode is not unconventional. However, the reduction in the capacity of the NP-GO electrode can be attributed to the reduction of the active surface or electrical conductivity due to the loss of layers or the breaking of the bond of the functional groups during the charge and discharge cycles.87
Electrode materials | Electrolyte | Current density or scan rate | Capacitance | Reference |
R-GO, CNT, MnO2 | Na2SO4 | 50 mV s−1 | 275 F g−1 | 88 |
R-GO, CNT, PVDF | Na2SO4 | 0.1 A g−1 | 129 F g−1 | 89 |
R-GO, CNT, MnO2, PTFE, acetylene black | Na2SO4 | 1 A g−1 | 120 F g−1 | 90 |
R-GO, CNT, MnO2, PTFE, carbon black | Na2SO4 | o.5 A g−1 | 202 F g−1 | 91 |
Graphene foil produced by exfoliating graphite | Na2SO4 | 0.1 A g−1 | 106 F g−1 | 92 |
R-GO, PTFE, carbon black | Na2SO4 | 0.5 A g−1 | 144 F g−1 | This work |
NP-R-GO (diazonium salt) NP-GO | K2SO4 | 0.1 A g−1 | 315 F g−1 | 93 |
0.1 A g−1 | 290 F g−1 | |||
NP-GO | Na2SO4 | 0.5 A g−1 | 310 F g−1 | This work |
Fig. 8a shows the Nyquist diagram of R-GO and NP-GO electrodes. The obtained data were fitted using the Randles model as an equivalent electric circuit and their values are presented in Table 4. In this equivalent circuit, RS represents the electrolyte resistance, Rdl is the charge transfer resistance, Cdl is the electric double-layer capacitance, ZW is the Warburg impedance, and Cct is the electrode's pseud-capacitance. It should be noted that lower Rct and ZW indicate lower charge transfer resistance and higher ion transfer rate.94 The electrolyte resistance (Rct) in R-GO and NP-GO is 2.23, and 1.07 Ω, respectively, which suggests that the functionalization process leads to improved electrical conductivity and easy electron transfer. Establishing internal connections between the plain and functional groups in NP-GO can be the reason for that. In addition, the presence of ZW with a higher slope in NP-GO than R-GO specifies better ion diffusion, and it can be the result of the existence of more active are in the morphology in this sample. It can also be seen in the Bod-phase diagrams (Fig. 8b) that the maximum value for phase changes is −73 and −84 for R-GO and NP-GO, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that NP-GO shows better capacitive features than R-GO due to its morphology and the presence of functional groups. The lower resistance of NP-GO compared to R-GO can be seen in the Bode-magnetite diagrams (Fig. 8c).
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Fig. 8 (a) Nyquist plots of R-GO, NP-GO, and the electrical equivalent circuit, (b) Bode-phase diagrams, and (c) Bode-magnetite diagrams. |
Sample | RS (Ω) | Rdl (Ω) | Cdl (F g−1) | ZW | Cct (F g−1) |
R-GO | 4.46 | 2.46 | 3.27 × 10−4 | 0.016 | 0.0167 |
NP-GO | 3.43 | 1.84 | 6.53 × 10−4 | 0.021 | 0.0639 |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |