Tuan V. Vu*ab,
Vo D. Datab,
A. A. Lavrentyevc,
B. V. Gabreliand,
Nguyen N. Hieu
G. L. Myronchukgh and
O. Y. Khyzhun
aLaboratory for Computational Physics, Institute for Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. E-mail: tuan.vu@vlu.edu.vn
bFaculty of Mechanical – Electrical and Computer Engineering, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
cDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Don State Technical University, 1 Gagarin Square, 344010 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
dDepartment of Computational Technique and Automated System Software, Don State Technical University, 1 Gagarin Square, 344010 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
eInstitute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam
fFaculty of Natural Sciences, Duy Tan University, Da Nang 550000, Vietnam
gDepartment of Experimental Physics and Information-Measuring Technology, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, 13 Voli Avenue, 43025 Lutsk, Ukraine
hFrantsevych Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 3 Krzhyzhanivsky Street, 03142 Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: khyzhun@ipms.kiev.ua
First published on 4th January 2023
The electronic and optical properties of an AgGaGeS4 crystal were studied by first-principles calculations, where the full-potential augmented plane-wave plus local orbital (APW+lo) method was used together with exchange–correlation pseudopotential described by PBE, PBE+U, and TB-mBJ+U approaches. To verify the correctness of the present theoretical calculations, we have measured for the AgGaGeS4 crystal the XPS valence-band spectrum and the X-ray emission bands representing the energy distribution of the electronic states with the biggest contributions in the valence-band region and compared them on a general energy scale with the theoretical results. Such a comparison indicates that, the calculations within the TB-mBJ+U approach reproduce the electron-band structure peculiarities (density of states – DOS) of the AgGaGeS4 crystal which are in fairly good agreement with the experimental data based on measurements of XPS and appropriate X-ray emission spectra. In particular, the DOS of the AgGaGeS4 crystal is characterized by the existence of well-separated peaks/features in the vicinity of −18.6 eV (Ga-d states) and around −12.5 eV and −7.5 eV, which are mainly composed by hybridized Ge(Ga)-s/p and S-p state. We gained good agreement between the experimental and theoretical data with respect to the main peculiarities of the energy distribution of the electronic S 3p, Ag 4d, Ga 4p and Ge 4p states, the main contributors to the valence band of AgGaGeS4. The bottom of the conduction band is mostly donated by unoccupied Ge-s states, with smaller contributions of unoccupied Ga-s, Ag-s and S-p states, too. The AgGaGeS4 crystal is almost transparent for visible light, but it strongly absorbs ultra-violet light where the significant polarization also occurs.
With many advantages over the drawbacks of the aforementioned compounds, a thiogermanate AgGaGeS4 crystal is currently considered among best NLO materials. The AgGaGeS4 crystal possesses a wider transparency range (0.5–11.5 μm)25 in comparison with ZnGeP2. Its residual absorption around 1.064 μm wavelengths is as low as 0.05 cm−1 making the titled crystal to be suitable for Nd:YAG laser pumping.26 The laser damage threshold of AgGaGeS4 was revealed to be 203 MW cm−2 at 2.05 μm,27 and 230 MW cm−2 at 9.55 μm,28 allowing applications of operating conditions at higher current powers than AgGaS2 or AgGaSe2 crystals allow.27,28 Moreover, AgGaGeS4 crystal reveals a wide range of phase-matching schemes, allowing the crystal to be effectively used for various frequency conversions.29,30 Finally, the growth/synthesis conditions were successfully explored aiming to obtain high-pure and large-size AgGaGeS4 crystals (centimeter dimensions) that can be effectively used to convert over wide range of wavelengths including 1.064 μm, 4 μm, and 11 μm.
Most of studies of AgGaGeS4 crystals depend essentially on experimental conditions and quality of the crystals. During the growth of AgGaGeS4 crystals, many defects may occur forming additional electronic states in the band gap, making its value varying from 2.25 till 2.80 eV.31,32 In particular, vacancies on special crystallography sites have been established to form during annealing AgGaGeS4 crystals and their presence affects the band gap value being within the energy range of 2.787–2.805 eV in such a case.25 Moreover, the band gap of AgGaGeS4 was experimentally discovered to be inversely proportional to temperature value,33 and at temperatures lower than 100 K, the band gap of AgGaGeS4 is bigger than 3 eV. It is well-known that the electronic structure plays a crucial role in determining the optical properties of semiconductors. For the case of AgGaGeS4 crystal considering a promising laser convertor, the value of the band gap is very important as it determines the transparency of semiconducting materials. In this study, a detailed knowledge about the electronic structure of the AgGaGeS4 crystal as well as its optical properties is provided based on first-principles calculations. It is worth mentioning that, to the best of our knowledge, the electronic structure of AgGaGeS4 has not been studied theoretically yet. Furthermore, the theoretical densities of states of AgGaGeS4 are verified in the present work by using measurements of experimental XPS and X-ray emission spectra.
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Fig. 1 (a) Positions of the atoms and (b) stacking the [GaS4] and [GeS4] tetrahedra in the AgGaGeS4 unit cell that is outlined, for clarity. |
Fig. 2 shows a noticeable variation in the energy band gaps of the AgGaGeS4 crystal as it is calculated by the PBE, PBE+U, and TB-mBJ+U methods, which are found to be equal to 1.575 eV, 2.012 eV, and 3.414 eV, respectively (note that, the values of UGa = 0.65 Ry and UAg = 0.5 Ry are used in the present DFT calculations). It is worth mentioning that, we treated different U parameters for finding the best correspondence of the shapes of theoretical DOS curves with the experimental XPS spectrum, energy positions of their most prominent fine-structure peculiarities and Eg values. In the present work we present data only for the case of the best agreement between the theoretical and experimental data. Available experimental data reveal the band gap of about 2.84 eV for AgGaGeS4 at room temperature.25,31,49 Meanwhile, Davydyuk et al.33 have shown experimental data where the band gap of the AgGaGeS4 is from 2.84 eV to above 3 eV. Therefore, in our opinion, the TB-mBJ+U method, which features the energy band gap of 3.414 eV, looks to be the most suitable for calculating the electronic properties of the AgGaGeS4 crystal. By Pauli principles, electrons with the same spin avoid each other causing the exchange effect; meanwhile electrons with opposite spin interact with each other due to the correlation effect. Both effects are not correctly introduced in the PBE method providing the interaction of an electron with itself. Due to the ground-state nature of the DFT approach, the valence band values are overestimated under such circumstances. This overestimation does not happen to the unoccupied conduction bands; therefore, the energy band gap occurring between the valence and conduction bands is narrowed. As it is shown in Fig. 2, the band gap revealed by the PBE method is by about 0.5 eV smaller than that derived by employing the PBE+U method. The Hubbard parameter U was introduced to the PBE+U method in the present DFT calculations to provide some correction to the correlation effect of the core electrons. This correlation correction effect, as it is evidenced from Fig. 2, improves the theoretical energy band gap value of the AgGaGeS4 crystal and provides better valence band structure regarding the shape of the experimental XPS valence-band spectrum. The main peak occurring at around −3 eV in the PBE-derived spectrum shifts down to −4 eV in the PBE+U-like spectrum. In the latter case, the main valence band peak coincides well with the energy position of the peak B of the XPS curve. One of the most important improvements in the present DFT calculations brought by the U correction technique is the rearrangement of the electron energy levels. The PBE+U method recognizes more electrons for the electronic states positioned near −3 eV, and features another high intensity peak to be located near −18.1 eV instead of −14.9 eV as derived by the PBE method. These electronic peculiarities are in good agreement with the XPS data. It is worth mentioning that, the exchange correction is introduced in the TB-mBJ approach by a short-range potential model.37 As can be seen from Fig. 2, when employing the U correction technique using TB-mBJ potential37 (the TB-mBJ+U method), we observe better correspondence of the theoretical total DOS curve to the experimental electronic structure of the AgGaGeS4 crystal; in such a case, the main peak near −18.6 eV is located exactly around the energy position of the peak E detected in the XPS valence-band spectrum and with an expected relative intensity.
Curves of partial DOS of AgGaGeS4 are presented in Fig. 3. The highest peak E of the XPS spectrum corresponds to the energy level around −18.6 eV in the theoretical DOS curve, where the electrons originating from Ga-d orbitals form the densest electronic state sub-band. The Ge(Ga)-s/p and S–s orbitals mainly donate into broader energy regions, however less dense sub-bands, ranging from −14.3 to −11 eV, and −8 to −7 eV. These bands correspond to the D and C peaks in the XPS spectrum, respectively. In the highest energy levels of the valence band of AgGaGeS4 ranging from −6.1 to 0 eV, the Ag-d orbitals donate major parts to the peak B at −4 eV. As can be seen from Fig. 3, Ga-s states bring the principal contributions to the bottom of the valence band, Ga-p and S-p states produce the formation of the near-Fermi feature A of the XPS spectrum, while S-p states dominate at the top of the valence band of the quaternary sulfide under consideration. In addition to the above-mentioned contributors, Fig. 3 presents that Ge-p states also substantially contribute to the peak B of the XPS valence band spectrum of AgGaGeS4.
To verify the above predictions made on the basis of the present DFT calculations, we have performed XES measurements of the appropriate bands giving information on the partial densities of states for atoms composing AgGaGeS4. Our estimations employing the XPS technique bring the following atomic percentage of the constituting chemical elements in the AgGaGeS4 crystal under study: 14.9 at% Ag, 12.2 at% Ga, 14.6 at% Ge, 58.3 at% S. The nominal atomic percentage in the ideal AgGaGeS4 crystal should be as follows: 14.3 at% Ag, 14.3 at% Ga, 14.3 at% Ge, 57.1 at% S. Our XPS data indicate that the composition of the constituting chemical elements in the AgGaGeS4 crystal used for the present experiments is close to the ideal composition for all the atoms except of Ga. In particular, literature data indicates50 that some deficit of Ga in the AgGaGeS4 crystals looks to be a problem for such kinds of compounds. In particular, partial lack of Ga atoms in comparison to the expected theoretically atomic ratios was detected previously for a series of AgGaGeS4·nGeS2 crystals possessing the crystal structure belonging to the SG Fdd2, with n equal to 0, 2, 3, and 4. We believe that this small lack of Ga in the crystal being investigated does not influence the present experimental results. In the present experiments we do not detect XPS or XES spectral peculiarities associated with vacancy formation. It should be noted that our XPS measurements of the XPS core-level Ga 2p3/2, Ag 3d5/2, and Ge 3d spectra in the AgGaGeS4 crystal34 indicate that their binding energies are equal to 1117.35(±0.05), 367.45(±0.05), and 30.86(±0.05) eV, respectively, being in excellent agreement with the XPS data by Huang et al.51 for AgGaGenS2(n+1) (n = 2, 3, 4, and 5) crystals. For the latter crystals, the XPS measurements51 give the binding energies of 1117.35–1117.03 eV, 367.45–367.38 eV, and 30.88–30.87 eV for the XPS core-level Ga 2p3/2, Ag 3d5/2, and Ge 3d spectra, respectively. Interestingly, the authors51 have detected some tendency of decreasing binding energies for the XPS core-level Ga 2p3/2 and Ag 3d5/2 spectra in the AgGaGenS2(n+1) crystals with increasing the n value, while the binding energy of the Ge 3d spectra remains unchanged in such a case.
It is well-known that the X-ray emission S Kβ1,3, Ag Lβ2,15, Ga Kβ2 and Ge Kβ2 bands plotted in Fig. 3 represent the energy distributions of the valence electronic S-p, Ag-d, Ga-p and Ge-p states, respectively.45,52,53 As shown in Fig. 3, the maximum position of the XES S Kβ1,3 band is located around the peculiarity A of the XPS spectrum indicating that the main contributions of S 3p states are expected to be positioned in the upper part of the AgGaGeS4 valence band, with essential contributions of these electronic states throughout the whole band region ranging from −6.1 to 0 eV being in excellent predictions of the present DFT calculations. Furthermore, the maxima of the XES Ag Lβ2,15 and Ge Kβ2 bands are detected around the main maximum B of the XPS valence-band spectrum of the AgGaGeS4 crystal, while the maximum of the Ga Kβ2 band is detected in the vicinity of the shoulder A of the XPS spectrum. These experimental data indicate that the valence Ag-d, and Ge-p states contribute mainly in the energy region in the vicinity of the maximum B of the XPS spectrum, while Ga-p states around the peculiarity A, again supporting the present DFT band-structure calculations of the AgGaGeS4 compound. Therefore, we gain good agreement between the experimental and theoretical data with respect to the main peculiarities of the energy distribution of the electronic S 3p, Ag 4d, Ga 4p and Ge 4p states, the main contributors to the valence band of AgGaGeS4. Some peculiar hybridization of the mentioned electronic states is observed in the AgGaGeS4 valence band suggesting the existence of covalent bonding nature (in addition to the ionic component) in the AgGaGeS4 crystal. The similar peculiarities of the chemical bonding are characteristic for related quaternary silver- and gallium-bearing selenide, AgGaSiSe4.54 The bottom of the conduction band of AgGaGeS4, as Fig. 3 presents, is mostly donated by unoccupied Ge-s states, with smaller contributions of unoccupied Ga-s, Ag-s and S-p states, too.
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Fig. 4 Dielectric function including (a) real part ε1(ω) and (b) imaginary part ε1(ω) of the AgGaGeS4 crystal obtained by DFT calculations within the TB-mBJ+U method. |
However, the magnitudes of these peaks vary slightly depending on the direction of the incident waves due to the anisotropy of the AgGaGeS4 crystal. In the energy interval 3–5 eV, the real dielectric component along the y-axis, ε1yy(ω), is the lowest by intensity; therefore, the reflectivity of AgGaGeS4 along the y-direction is supposed to be the lower than in the x- and z-directions. The shifts of the ε1(ω) peaks are observed mainly in the energy ranges 3–6 eV and 8–12 eV. Therefore, the intensity of the reflected waves by AgGaGeS4 not only depends on the direction but also on the energy of the EM waves. The polarization of the imaginary part ε2(ω) of the dielectric function occurs at energy intervals 3–4.5 eV and 5.5–16.5 eV corresponding to the highest permanent absorption of the EM waves whose wavelengths are in ranges 257–413 nm, and 75–225 nm, respectively. One of the consequences of permanent absorbing EM waves is to excite the electrons from the valence band to the conduction band. Therefore, the main peaks/features of the ε2(ω) function located near 3.5 eV, 6 eV, 7 eV and 9 eV originate due to the transition of electrons from S-p orbitals in the valence band to the Ge-s orbitals in the conduction band.
Regarding to the optical properties of the AgGaGeS4 crystal, it is well-known that the square root of the dielectric function ε(ω) gives the refraction index in the form of complex numbers, where real part n(ω) is related to how the EM waves are slowed down and inclined in materials, and the imaginary part k(ω) describes how fast the energy of EM waves vanishes in materials. As shown in Fig. 5(a and b), the shapes of spectra of the refractive index and the extinction coefficient, n(ω) and k(ω), are similar to those of the ε1(ω) and ε2(ω) spectra, respectively (cf. Fig. 4(a and b)). The spectrum of the refractive index n(ω) as presented in Fig. 5(a) reaches its highest peaks in the energy range of 3–7 eV signifying the range of EM waves which are essentially inclined and reflected by the AgGaGeS4 crystal. The EM waves at slightly higher energy levels, 7–12 eV, according to Fig. 5(b), are likely to vanish in the AgGaGeS4 crystal. At higher energy levels, 17–23 eV, most energy of the incident EM waves will be lost. The electron energy-loss spectrum L(ω) presented in Fig. 5(c) reveals the existence of a maximum centered at around 19.5 eV. This value corresponds to plasma frequency of the AgGaGeS4 crystal. The reflectivity spectrum R(ω), shown in Fig. 5(d), reveals high values in the energy range of 5–7 eV as the result of the absorption and re-emit effects governed by the n(ω) and k(ω) parameters. The direction-dependence of the R(ω) function is also obvious in this energy range, where the reflectivity along the z-direction is the highest followed by reflectivity along the x- and y-directions. At energy levels higher than 17 eV, the reflectivity of AgGaGeS4 decreases abruptly due to the sharp increase of the energy-loss (Fig. 5(c)).
The absorption coefficient α(ω) of AgGaGeS4, as shown in Fig. 6, is neglectable for the EM waves whose energies are smaller than 2.5 eV. Therefore, AgGaGeS4 is transparent for the most part of the visible light. Starting from 2.5 eV, the absorption increases slightly and reaches its fast increase in the vicinity of 3.4 eV, which is determined as the theoretical band gap of the AgGaGeS4 crystal. The polarization of the α(ω) spectrum is minor up to the energy range where the absorption coefficient α(ω) reaches the highest values (above 106 cm−1). These highest values of the α(ω) spectrum are detected in the energy range of 7–12 eV. This energy range is located inside the energy range of 5.5–16.5 eV, where the ε2(ω) function possesses its highest values. Consequently, it is expected that the AgGaGeS4 crystal strongly absorbs the EM waves with the wavelengths being in range of 103–177 nm. At these wavelengths, the α(ω) function is strongly polarized: the αzz(ω) component reveals higher intensity as compared to those of the other two remaining directions. The EM waves shorter than 61 nm are weakly absorbed by AgGaGeS4 and the crystal is almost transparent up to ultra-violet lights.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |