Hai D. Tran
Dinh Quan Nguyen
Phuong T. Do
*d and
Uyen N. P. Tran
aFaculty of Environment, Ho Chi Minh University of Natural Resources and Environment, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
bLaboratory of Biofuel and Biomass Research, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), 268 Ly Thuong Kiet, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. E-mail: ndquan@hcmut.edu.vn
cVietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
dOffice of R&D and External Relations, Ho Chi Minh University of Natural Resources and Environment, Ho Chi Minh City 70000, Vietnam. E-mail: dtphuong@hcmunre.edu.vn
eFaculty of Engineering and Technology, Van Hien University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. E-mail: uyentpn@vhu.edu.vn
First published on 5th June 2023
Organic compounds are widespread pollutants in wastewater, causing significant risks for living organisms. In terms of advanced oxidation processes, photocatalysis is known as an effective technology for the oxidation and mineralization of numerous non-biodegradable organic contaminants. The underlying mechanisms of photocatalytic degradation can be explored through kinetic studies. In previous works, Langmuir–Hinshelwood and pseudo-first-order models were commonly applied to fit batch-mode experimental data, revealing critical kinetic parameters. However, the application or combination conditions of these models were inconsistent or ignored. This paper briefly reviews kinetic models and various factors influencing the kinetics of photocatalytic degradation. In this review, kinetic models are also systemized by a new approach to establish a general concept of a kinetic model for the photocatalytic degradation of organic compounds in an aqueous solution.
Recently, many studies on the photocatalytic oxidation process focused on developing it by understanding its mechanisms and kinetics. As in a principle of this route, hydroxyl radical ˙OH is formed on a photo-excited catalyst's surface under appropriate illumination, typically for UV radiation. Generally, a photocatalytic mechanism for organic degradation using a metal oxide catalyst (MOx) was described as a chain of reactions from (1) to (4).11,12
![]() | (1) |
MOxe−cb + MOxh+cb → MOx + heat | (2) |
Hydroxyl radical formation:
MOxh+vb + H2O → MOx + ˙OH + H+ | (3) |
Degradation reaction:
˙OH + P → Q | (4) |
As photocatalytic degradation (PCD) reactions occur at the interfaces, most photocatalyzed oxidations in water involve ˙OH radicals, considered the primary oxidizer to degrade organic compounds.13 However, the lifetime of ˙OH in water is only several microseconds.14 Therefore, organic compounds are majorly degraded at photo-excited catalyst surface where ˙OH was carried. Kinetic studies of PCD of organic compounds have been presented in the literature and provided specific evidence to understand PCD mechanism and performance. This paper aims to briefly review the kinetic models of PCD in progress, in which the Langmuir–Hinshelwood and the pseudo-order kinetic models are emphasized to analyze. In heterogeneous catalytic reactions, the use of appropriate kinetic models is crucial. These two models are reliable kinetic candidates for predicting mechanism and catalytic performances, which has been the subject of previous extensive analysis. This review also proposes a new approach to systemizing the PCD kinetic models that contribute to optimizing and implementing this wastewater treatment method.
According to step 1, the rate of adsorption and desorption are expressed as eqn (5) and (6).17
ra = ka(1 − θ)CP | (5) |
rd = kdθ | (6) |
At equilibrium, ra = rd, which results in eqn (7).17,18
![]() | (7) |
It is noted that organic molecule (P) is adsorbed before PCD. Therefore, the degradation rate is proportional to θ as eqn (8).19
![]() | (8) |
According to the rate law of chemical reaction, the rate of P degradation is also expressed as follows:
![]() | (9) |
Combining (8) and (9), eqn (10) is obtained, which is known as L–H kinetic model.20
![]() | (10) |
To determine constants in eqn (10), this equation is integrated from CP = CP,0 at t = 0 to CP at the interval time t:
![]() | (11) |
Or rearranging as (12).
![]() | (12) |
Linear plot vs.
as intercept and
as slope.21
The L–H model is well-compatible with experimental kinetic data for PCD in previous reports. Irani et al. studied PCD of methylene blue with ZnO nanoparticles, finding that the L–H model was better to fit the experimental data in comparison to other models.22 The kinetic model for PCD of 2-chlorophenol with TiO2 corresponds to the L–H model with a high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.987).23 Shaik Basha et al. performed PCD of amoxicillin using activated carbon-supported TiO2 nanoparticles as integrated photocatalytic adsorbents.24 They found that the L–H model exhibited a better fit than first-order kinetics. Lin et al. also indicated the critical application of the L–H model for kinetic analysis of PCD of acid orange 7 using ordered mesoporous TiO2 supported on carbon fiber.25 However, the synergetic effect can not be explored from the L–H model.
Some aspects are inadequate in applying the L–H model for PCD.19,26,27 Accordingly, two following prominent notes are recommended to consider:
(i) The L–H model was established based on the Langmuir adsorption mechanism, in which adsorption and desorption were considered. But the photocatalytic mechanism is beyond that of L–H mechanism.26 If the rate of chemical reactions of adsorbed molecules on the catalyst surface is speedy, the assumed adsorption–desorption equilibrium in L–H mechanism is violated.28
(ii) In the L–H mechanism, the amount of active sites on a solid surface is assumed to be unchanged, which is difficult to accept for photocatalytic processes. The rate of PCD is expected to increase along with increasing photo-excited site number, which is considered a function of radiation intensity at the photocatalyst surface.29,30 In the case of photocatalysis performance in an aqueous solution, the concentration of organic compound(s) decreases with prolonged PCD time, assigning a contribution to the variation of light absorbance of the solution.31,32 Consequently, the photo-excited site number varies vs. time, significantly concerning the colored organic solution.
![]() | (13) |
(i) For n = 1. The integral form of (13) is a well-known pseudo-first-order (PFO) kinetic model, as presented in eqn (14).
CP = CP,0![]() | (14) |
Eqn (14) can be rewritten to a linear form (15), revealing the −k1 value as the slope of a straight line of vs. t.
![]() | (15) |
The PFO model was appropriate for fitting PCD data in some previous works.33–39 Peters et al. reported PCD of rhodamine B using TiO2 supported in ceramic.40 This study demonstrated that kinetic data obeyed the PFO model by fitting eqn (15) with the contact time, revealing a high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9923). Investigating PCD for ofloxacin using Mn-doped CuO photocatalyst, Liu et al. showed that the PFO model exhibited good compliance with experimental results (R2 = 0.9813).41 Another kinetic study by Gharbani et al. for PCD of methylene blue using CdSe nanoparticles presented a good fit of experimental result with the PFO model.42 Also studying UV-assisted photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue, Kumar and co-workers recently investigated the PCD kinetics controlled under three different manners (UV/TiO2, UV/H2O2, and UV/TiO2/H2O2) which followed an apparent PFO rate kinetics.38 For tetracycline, the PFO model is also compatible with describing the PCD kinetic on Cu3P nanoparticles/hollow tubular carbon nitride,43 the photo-Fenton degradation on ultrathin porous g-C3N4.44
The rate constant k1 in eqn (14) depends on reaction temperature and the chemical thermodynamic properties of subtracts.45–47 However, several experimental parameters also affected the k1 value.48–50 Rytwo and Zelkind reported that heterogenous and homogenous photocatalysis could effectively degrade ofloxacin when they studied the evaluation of kinetic pseudo-order in the TiO2-photocatalyzed degradation of ofloxacin.49 Mahmoud and co-workers proved the photocatalytic degradation of methyl red dye by SiO2 NPs doped with deposited surface particles.50 The primary role of these particles affected the photocatalytic efficiency of the SiO2 NPs and, consequently, changed the rate of methyl red degradation.
Generally, PCD rate depends on initial photocatalyst concentration, photocatalytic particle size, initial subtracts concentration, and light intensity. Therefore, modification of the PFO model was recommended.
(ii) For n ≠ 1. Integrating eqn (13) yields a general expression (16).
C1−nP − C1−nP,0 = kn(n − 1)t | (16) |
If , it takes a half-life time (t1/2)
![]() | (17) |
Eqn (17) reveals two cases: (i) t1/2 decrease with increasing CP,0 for n > 1, and (ii) t1/2 increase with increasing CP,0 for n < 1. Rytwo and Zelkind49 explored that the t1/2 of PCD of ofloxacin decreased with an increasing initial concentration of ofloxacin, contracting to PCD of caffeine51 or phenol.52
Generally, the value of n is a real number.53 However, most reports introduced n as an integer number without explanations. For n = 2, the eqn (16) is rewritten as (18), known as pseudo-second-order (PSO) kinetic, with a linear relationship between and t.
![]() | (18) |
Only several reports have shown a well-suitable application of the PSO model for the PCD to date.54–58 For example, the calculation in the Ernawati group's report indicated that experimental data from PCD of methylene blue on CaTiO3 photocatalyst exhibit good compliance with the PSO kinetic model.54 The compliance with this model promoted chemical sorption between adsorbent and adsorbate involving valence forces through sharing or exchanging electrons, bringing about a non-equilibrium of adsorption and desorption.59
![]() | (19) |
Eqn (19) is similar to (13) with n = 1. However, differing from an unchangeability of k1 value, kap depends on time over a relationship of CP ∼ t. Therefore, the L–H model and PFO model can be considered uniform in the case:
(i) Variation of CP is a faint effect on kap. At a low range of CP, the term of KCP ≪ 1, and kap ≈ kdegK = k1 is a constant. The L–H model is simplified to the PFO model in which substrate concentration is less than 10−3 mol L−1.60
(ii) The L–H model is applied for the initial stage of photo-degradation. In this case, kap depends on CP,0 revealing the relationship (20). A linear form of eqn (20) is expressed by (21) and is commonly applied in numerous studies.33,61–63
![]() | (20) |
![]() | (21) |
If KCP ≪ 1 then 1 + KCP ≈ KCP and eqn (10) becomes , which matches to (13) with n = 0 (pseudo-zero-order model).64 Moreover, there is no clear reciprocity principle between the L–H model and another pseudo-order kinetic model mentioned in the previous works.
IS = I010−μSCS | (22) |
Contaminants in solution may play a significant cause in the attenuation of light intensity, especially for colored organic compounds.66 Ollis et al. estimated that 46% to 99% of UV light (254 nm) was absorbed in solophenyl green BE solution in a range of concentration from 5 to 50 mg L−1.62 In comparison to the anion dye solution, UV light absorbance of several cation dye solutions is higher.68 According to Beer–Lambert law, the UV intensity at a catalyst surface relates to the concentration of dissolved contaminants as eqn (23).69
IP = I010−μPCP | (23) |
Therefore, light intensity at photocatalyst in PCD is expressed as (24).
Ia = I010−μSCS−μPCP | (24) |
And the total absorbance caused by particles and dissolved contaminants is expressed as (25).
A = AS + AP = μSCS + μPCP | (25) |
It notes that CP in eqn (23) decreases with the increasing contact time due to degradation, resulting in Ia as a function of time. In the case of the faint effect of organic compounds' presence on the solution's light absorption, Ia can be considered a constant. An example of this case is a low range of initial concentration of orange G (<40 ppm).21 Oppositely, the dependence of rate constant and Ia must be expressed. Kinetic constant is proportional with Ia at low light intensity63,70 and I0.5a at high light intensity.71,72 Generally, k ∝ Iβa,30,73 in which β is named an exponential effect factor of light intensity.
k1 = −0.064![]() ![]() | (26) |
![]() | (27) |
![]() | (28) |
In suspension, not all the catalyst particles are photo-excited due to stretching/preventing the light of other particles. The total amount of talent sites, which can be photo-excited to photoactive sites under radiation, is represented by an apparent concentration [·]. The [·] is a function of photocatalyst properties, initial concentration of photocatalyst, and considered as a constant for each experiment. Under illumination, a part of talent sites is photo-excited to photoactive sites, expressed over apparent concentration [*]0. The [*]0 depends on light intensity as an exponential function (29).
![]() | (29) |
The photoactive sites exist in a liquid solution with an abundant amount of water, resulting in an immediate reaction with water to form *OH. Therefore, [*OH]0 ≈ [*]0. After photo-excitation, the mechanism of PCD is assumed over the following elementary reactions:
Water separation:
![]() | (r1) |
![]() | (r2) |
![]() | (r3) |
Degradation reaction:
![]() | (r4) |
Balance of photoactive sites:
[*OH] = [*]0 − [P*OH] | (30) |
According to reaction rate law, it reveals expressions:
![]() | (31) |
![]() | (32) |
Eqn (30) and ordinary differential eqn (31) and (32) reveal a kinetic model for PCD with variations CP and [P*OH] as a function of time. The PCD can be distinguished into two particular cases: (i) the rate of degradation reaction is significantly faster than the adsorption rate, and (ii) vice versa.
![]() | (33) |
In combining with (29), eqn (34) is obtained.
![]() | (34) |
If CP ≪ 1, e−μPCP is near 1. The simplified form (35) can be obtained from (34).
![]() | (35) |
The eqn (35) for the PCD matches the PFO model.
Although the PFO model (eqn (35)) has been accepted for describing the kinetic of PCD, it may be inaccurate in some cases. Numerical solutions of eqn (34) (solid plots) and the PFO model (discrete points) were figured out for varying CP,0, μP, k1,ap, β and shown in Fig. 1 and S1†. The difference between the PFO and eqn (34) results is contributed by the light attenuation due to the contaminant's absorbance, represented through the term of e−βμPCP.
![]() | ||
Fig. 1 Difference between results from the PFO model (discrete points) and eqn (34) (solid plots) at varied parameters of (a) initial concentration and (b) attenuation coefficient. |
The apparent rate constant (k1,ap) and exponential effect factor of light intensity (β) barely affect the difference between the PFO and eqn (34) model, as presented in Fig. S1.† However, this difference is more significant with an increase in the initial concentration (CP,0) and attenuation coefficient (μP), as presented in Fig. 1, in which the CP,0 is more considerable than. For small CP,0 (<0.01 mol L−1) and μP (<2 L mol−1), the solid line of eqn (34) also matches the dash-dot line of the PFO model, which proves the similarity of eqn (34) of the PCD with the PFO model. It means the contaminant's light absorbance is a faint contribution to the PCD kinetic. Similar comparison works were also built to apply for PCD of various organic compounds such as tetracycline,88 rhodamine B,40 methylene blue, and congo red.89 At low CP,0, good fits of the PFO to experimental kinetic data presented for PCD of tetracycline (CP,0 = 0.11 mmol L−1) on Fe-doping g-C3N4,88 rhodamine B (CP,0 = 0.01 mmol L−1) on TiO2 supported porous ceramic.40 For PCD of methylene blue on flower-like titanium nanoparticle, the compatibility between the experimental result and the PFO model was weaker with an increase in CP,0 through the reduction of R2 value from 0.9953 down to 0.9664 corresponding to CP,0 from 0.03 up to 0.22 mmol L−1.90 Qu et al. studied the PCD of methylene blue and congo red on photocatalytic nanoparticles derived from marine clam shells.89 The R2 values from fitting the PFO model with experimental result were found to be 0.953 and 0.921 for methylene blue at CP,0 = 0.24 and 0.031 mmol L−1, and 0.986 and 0.856 for congo red at CP,0 = 0.11 and 0.14 mmol L−1, respectively. The weaker compatibility of the PFO model for PCD of congo red compared to methylene blue at the lower range of CP,0 might be due to the stronger UV light absorption of congo red.91,92
ka[*OH]CP − kd[P*OH] = kr[P*OH]n | (36) |
Value of [*OH] can be calculated from eqn (30) and substituted to (36).
ka([*]0 − [P*OH])CP − kd[P*OH] = kr[P*OH]n | (37) |
Manipulating (36) to (32), we obtain
![]() | (38) |
✓ If n = 0, PCD exhibits a pseudo-zero-order kinetic model.
![]() | (39) |
✓ If n = 1, the apparent concentration of P*OH can be obtained from (37):
![]() | (40) |
And eqn (38) becomes:
![]() | (41) |
Devising (41) through (kd + kr):
![]() | (42) |
A minor case for CP ≪ 1, e−μPCP is near 1. Eqn (42) can be simplified to (43).
![]() | (43) |
Eqn (43) is uniform with the L–H model (10).
To evaluate the closeness of the L–H model and eqn (42), the numerical solutions for these models were found and shown in Fig. 2 for varying CP,0, μP, and in Fig. S2† for varying KA, KB and β. As presented in Fig. S2a and b,† the discrepancies between the two models was maintained with increasing KA and KB. It indicates that the contaminant's light absorption cause an unchanged difference between the two models. It notes that represents the adsorption equilibrium. A large KB (ka ≫ kd) represents the irreversible adsorption (chemical adsorption) and a small KB (ka ≪ kd) represents the reversible adsorption (physical adsorption) of organic compound on a photocatalyst surface. The result indicates that both the L–H model and eqn (42) can be applied to all types of adsorption. The variation of β affects the match of the L–H model and eqn (42) (Fig. S2c†) insignificantly.
![]() | ||
Fig. 2 Difference between results from the L–H model (discrete points) and eqn (42) (solid plots) at varied parameters of (a) initial concentration and (b) attenuation coefficient. |
Fig. 2a and b show more differences between the solutions of the L–H model and eqn (42) in increasing CP,0 and μP. For small CP,0 (<0.01 mol L−1) and μP (<0.1 L mol−1), the two models are in better agreement. Study on PCD of metsulfuron-methyl on TiO2 photocatalyst, Kim et al. showed that the L–H model reduced in compatibility with the experimental result through R2 = 0.942 for CP,0 = 0.052 mmol L−1 and R2 = 0.905 for CP,0 = 0.131 mmol L−1.93 As this trend applied for PCD of dye Auramine O on ZnO photocatalyst, R2 = 0.9594 for CP,0 = 0.13 mmol L−1 and R2 = 0.5457 for CP,0 = 0.53 mmol L−1.94 The contribution of the contaminant's light absorption to the L–H kinetic was discussed by Lilov et al.95 However, this group did not investigate different CP,0 values. Alvarez-Ramirez et al. also concluded that the L–H model is inappropriate for describing the PCD kinetic in a high range of reactant concentration.19 In fact, it is rare for publications to show the results of processing PCD kinetic data according to the L–H model.
✓ If n = 2, solve (37) to obtain [P*OH].
![]() | (44) |
Substituting (44) into (38) with n = 2 to get:
![]() | (45) |
Approximating a square root for (45)96 to achieve a simplified equation:
![]() | (46) |
Therefore, eqn (45) becomes:
![]() | (47) |
Substituting (29) into (47) to obtain:
![]() | (48) |
A minor case for CP ≪ 1, e−βμPCP is nearly 1 and CP ≪ kH. Eqn (49) is an approximate form of (48), known as the PSO model.
![]() | (49) |
The increase of rate constants k2,ap and the decrease of kH led to a faster decrease of C/CP,0 as shown in Fig. S3a and b.† But the difference between the results from the PSO model and eqn (48) is almost independent of the variation of both k2,ap vs. kH. Notably, kH = kd/ka is related to the adsorption type. The difference between the PSO model and eqn (48) is unchanged with the variation of kH constant. As a result, both the PSO model and eqn (48) can be applied for the physical and chemical adsorption in the PCD process. Fig. S3c†) presents virial discrepancies between the solutions for the eqn (48) at β = 0.5 and β = 1. Through the discussion mentioned, it can be seen that varying the values of β didnot have much effect on the compatibility between the PSO and eqn (48).
The approximation of the PSO model to eqn (48) is significantly unacceptable with a large CP,0 and μP, as shown in Fig. 3. This result suggests that the PSO model cannot be used to describe the kinetics of PCD at a high solute concentration (high CP,0) or the solute has good light absorption (high μP). At low CP,0 (0.057, 0.086, and 0.115 mmol L−1), the PCD kinetic of congo red on NiS nanoparticles was well described according to the PSO model with high R2 (0.9986, 0.9982, and 0.9987).37 For PCD of methyl orange on borohydride-reduced Fe reported by Shahwan et al., the experimental kinetic data followed the PSO model with R2 = 0.9771 at CP,0 = 0.03 mmol L−1 and R2 = 0.9737 at CP,0 = 0.3 mmol L−1.97
![]() | ||
Fig. 3 Deference between results from the PSO model (discrete points) and eqn (48) (solid plots) at varied parameters of (a) initial concentration and (b) attenuation coefficient. |
Overall, the kinetics of the PCD process for organic compounds are affected by the absorbance of dissolved contaminants through the exponential effect factor of light intensity (β), attenuation coefficient (μP), and concentration. At low concentrations, the general equation for each case can be simplified. The curves of C/CP,0 vs. time from the simplified model are always steeper than those from the general equations. The discrepancies between the simplified models and general equations barely change with variations of the apparent rate constant and β, but become more significant with rising concentration and μP. Although evidence for the concentration's effect on these discrepancies was demonstrated in the literature, the effect of μP on PCD kinetics has not been explored. The summary of the obtained models is presented in Fig. 4.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ra01970e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |