Wang Li*ab,
Yulin Guoa,
Yan Liua,
Wen Yanga,
Jifan Huab and
Jiangwei Ma*ab
aCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030003, China. E-mail:;
bLaboratory of Magnetic and Electric Functional Materials and the Applications, The Key Laboratory of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030024, China
First published on 22nd August 2023
Here, we report a surface etching strategy for the controllable synthesis of metal–organic framework (MOF)-derived ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4 oxides. Different from previous studies, ZnCo-glycolate (ZnCo-gly) spheres acted as sacrificial templates to provide Zn2+ and Co2+ ions, which coordinated with 2-MeIm to form Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs) on the surface of ZnCo-gly. A series of characterizations were employed to clarify the evolution of the surface etching strategy. Interestingly, the ZIF thickness of the ZnCo-gly surface could be controlled by adjusting the reaction time. After calcination, p–n heterojunctions were formed between the MOF-derived ZnO and Co3O4, which made it show excellent selectivity to methanal gas.
As is well-known, cobaltosic oxide (Co3O4) is a typical p-type semiconductor with a band gap (2.2 eV), and spinel structure containing various states of Co3+ and Co2+.14 Different kinds of Co3O4 porous nanostructures, such as nanoflowers, nanorods, and nanospheres, have been obtained by thermal decomposition of Co-based coordination complexes and MOFs.15–17 Cao et al. reported that Co3O4 synthesized from nanoplates had a hierarchical structure, and then derived microspherical composites.18 The resulting multilayer structure Co3O4 sensor presented a great sensitivity to 50 ppm alcohol. Meanwhile, zinc oxide (ZnO) is a representative n-type semiconductor with a wide band gap (3.37 eV), nontoxicity, high electron mobility, and ease of crystallization. These distinctive properties mean that it is considered to be one of the most favorable materials for gas sensing. The gas-sensing properties of synthesized ZnO nanostructures strongly depend on their morphology and crystallinity.19 There is some literature reporting that p–n heterojunctions composed of ZnO and other p-type semiconductors (such as Co3O4, NiO) exhibit optimized sensing properties.20,21 Zhu and co-workers synthesized flower-like NiO/ZnO heterogeneous nanomaterials by a simple one-pot hydrothermal method. The heterojunction formed between NiO/ZnO endows it with a high gas-sensitive response to ethanol and positive repeatability compared to ZnO.22
Inspired by the above research, both zinc and cobalt can form very similar ZIF structures with 2-methylimidazole ligands, and the ZIF-derived Co3O4 and ZnO can construct a p–n heterojunction to optimize the sensing properties. There is an appropriate candidate template, ZnCo-gly nanospheres, which may achieve the goals above. Herein, we propose an effective surface etching route to fabricate Zn- and Co-based bimetallic MOFs from ZnCo-gly microsphere templates. Different from the conventional approaches, the Zn2+ and Co2+ sources come from the ZnCo-gly precursors and react with 2-methylimidazole (2-MeIm) ligands to form bimetallic ZnCo-ZIFs. After annealing, MOF-derived porous ZnO/Co3O4 nanohybrids were obtained. The whole preparation strategy is described in Scheme 1. The surface etching strategy could well-control the thickness of the surface ZIFs, thus effectively enhancing the MOF-derived ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4 sensor's performance.
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Scheme 1 Schematic illustration of the etching process for the MOF-derived ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4 spheres. |
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Fig. 1 SEM images of (A) ZnCo-gly, (B) ZnCo-gly@ZIF-1 h and (C) ZnCo-gly@ZIF-6 h. (D) Mapping analysis images of ZnCo-gly@ZIF-6 h. (E) XRD pattern of ZnCo-gly, ZnCo-gly@ZIF-1 h, and ZnCo-gly@ZIF-6 h. |
The calcination temperature has a significant influence on the porous structure and morphology of the MOF-derived metal oxide, further affecting its sensing performance. Therefore, thermo-gravimetric differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) analysis (Fig. 2) of ZnCo-gly and ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-6 h was performed with a heating rate of 10 °C min−1 under an air atmosphere. This will helps us to determine the appropriate calcination temperature. For the ZnCo-gly precursor (red line in Fig. 2), there is a slight mass-loss of about 9% under 250 °C, corresponding to the removal of adsorbed H2O. Another significant mass loss of 58.9% can be observed between 250 °C and 330 °C, indicating that ZnCo-gly begins to decompose, with future increases beyond 330 °C meaning that organics are removed completely. After the etching step, the TG curve reveals that the pyrolysis temperature of ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-6 h (black line in Fig. 2) is higher than that of the pure ZnCo-gly precursor. Specifically, ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-6 h exhibits approximately 3% weight loss below 360 °C, which is attributed to the adsorbed H2O on ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-6 h. No weight loss was observed after 400 °C, but a sharp drop in weight was observed between 350 and 400 °C, indicating that the ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-6 h could be completely converted to metal oxides before 400 °C. Distinct exothermic peaks at 327 and 397 °C were observed in the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 2.
According to the above analysis, all of the samples were heat-treated at 400 °C before gas sensor testing. The XRD patterns indicate that ZnCo-gly was decomposed into a ZnCo2O4 spinel structure after calcination as presented in Fig. 3A. The characteristic peaks of ZnCo2O4 were located at 2θ = 18.96°, 31.21°, 36.80°, 59.28°, and 65.15°, corresponding to the (111), (220), (311), (511), and (440) planes, respectively (PDF # 23-1390). Due to the XRD patterns of the ZnCo2O4, ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-1 h and ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h samples being very similar, we magnified Fig. 3A from 33–39°, and presented the results in Fig. 3B. Through careful observation, two small peaks can be found, which are barely shown in ZnCo2O4, as marked with yellow squares in Fig. 3B. These two characteristic peaks at 34.43° and 36.84° correspond to the ZnO (002) and Co3O4 (311) planes, indicating that the surface ZnCo-ZIFs were decomposed to ZnO and Co3O4 nanoparticles and the inner unetched ZnCo-gly was pyrolysed into the ZnCo2O4 spinel structure.24 The characteristic peaks of ZnO are located at 2θ = 31.77°, 34.43°, 36.26°, 56.61° and 62.87°, corresponding to the (100), (002), (101), (110), and (103) planes, respectively (PDF # 36-1451). And the diffraction peaks of Co3O4 are observed at 2θ = 18.99°, 31.27°, 36.84°, 59.35° and 65.23°, assigned to the (111), (220), (311), (511), (440) planes, respectively (PDF # 43-1003). The absence of the ZIF's characteristic peaks illustrates the successful derivation of the ZnCo-gly@ZIF precursors into a ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4 composite.
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Fig. 3 XRD diffractograms of the ZnCo2O4, ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-1 h, and ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h samples: full range (A), magnified short range (B). |
The etching step not only influences the morphology and structure, but also has the consequent benefit of increasing the specific surface area and pore volume. The N2 adsorption–desorption isotherm curves are shown in Fig. 4, while the specific surface area, pore volume, and pore diameter are listed in Table 1. Moreover, all of the samples present a representative type IV isotherm with an H3-type hysteresis loop. We can obverse that ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-6 h has a much larger specific surface area compared to ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-1 h and ZnCo-gly, benefiting from the ZIF shell structure. The pore size and pore volume of ZnCo-gly, ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-1 h, and ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-6 h are increased as listed in Table 1. After calcination at 400 °C, all of the precursors decompose into metal oxide nanoparticles, and ZnCo2O4 unexpectedly shows a slightly larger BET specific surface area. It is possible that the slow heating rate of 1 °C min−1 results in a core@shell structure of ZnCo2O4 (Fig. S1†), which may be one reason for the larger BET specific surface area. In addition, we also calculated the particle size distribution of the metal oxide nanoparticles composed of ZnCo2O4 and ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h, from which we can see that the particle size of ZnCo2O4 (10.94 nm) is slightly smaller than that of ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h (11.4 nm), which may be another reason for the larger specific surface area of ZnCo2O4. However, there is no evidence to suggest that the sensing performance must only depend on the largest surface area, and it is possibly affected by both the pore size and pore volume. Furthermore, the effects of large mesopores have been frequently reported previously for diverse applications, including catalysis, gas storage or separation, and electrochemical energy conversion.25–28 During calcination, the organic ligands of ZnCo-gly@ZIFs will decompose and escape resulting in a bigger pore size and pore volume, which may be a possible factor improving the sensing properties.29,30 For example, Han et al. reported that the porosity and particle size played key roles in determining the gas response.30 In addition, Zhong and co-workers also reported that the pore structure affected the sensing properties.29 More recently, a publication further highlighted the important impact of pore size.1 According to the above analysis, ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h shows the largest pore size and pore volume, which will improve mass transfer and enhance the sensing properties.
BET surface area (m2 g−1) | Pore size (nm) | Pore volume (cm3 g−1) | ||||
Before calcination | After calcination | Before calcination | After calcination | Before calcination | After calcination | |
ZnCo-gly | 0.3397 | 44.88 | 0 | 9.96 | 0.0025 | 0.169 |
ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-1 h | 136 | 41.27 | 1.55 | 17.05 | 0.021 | 0.170 |
ZnCo-gly@ZIFs-6 h | 737 | 41.37 | 2.07 | 18.70 | 0.0019 | 0.193 |
The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image shows the morphological features of ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h (Fig. 5A). It can be seen that the as obtained ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h retains its microspherical morphology, and the folded flower-like structure on the surface is derived from ZnCo-ZIFs. Compared to the unetched inner metal oxide, the surface metal oxide nanoparticles derived from ZnCo-ZIF were looser, and such a loose porous structure may provide more activity reaction space for gas sensing. The high-resolution (HRTEM) image (Fig. 5B) illustrates that the porous spheres were composed of ZnO and Co3O4 nanoparticles, and the lattice fringes of 0.280 nm and 0.202 nm correspond well to the (101) plane of ZnO and (400) plane of Co3O4, respectively. Meanwhile, the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern in Fig. 5C exhibits the typical polycrystalline concentric diffraction rings, which can be well ascribed to the (422), (222) and (111) facets of spinel Co3O4, and (002), (112) and (104) facets of ZnO, and these results matched well with the XRD pattern shown in Fig. 3. Hereto, it could be confirmed that the surface ZIF structure is decomposed into a mixture of ZnO and Co3O4.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurement was employed to investigate the oxidation states and chemical composition of the synthesized ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h. The full-survey-scan spectrum reveals the presence of C, Co, Zn, and O elements in Fig. 6A. There are no peaks of other elements observed, demonstrating the purity of the obtained nanocomposite. Two strong peaks centred at 1020.54 eV and 1043.66 eV were assigned to Zn 2p3/2 and 2p1/2, respectively (Fig. 6B). The peaks observed at 780.63 eV and 796.03 eV should be ascribed to the Co2+, while those at 779.13 and 794.53 eV belong to Co3+ (Fig. 6C). Besides, two weak vibrating satellite peaks located at 788.1 and 804.7 eV were observed. The peaks of the O atom come from ZnO and Co3O4, which could be deconvoluted into four peaks indicating three types of oxygen species as shown in Fig. 6D. The oxygen vacancies (Ov) and chemisorbed oxygen (Oad) were located at 531.13 eV and 532.41 eV, respectively. And the peaks at 529.27 eV and 527.49 eV belong to lattice oxygen (OL). The OV, Oad, and OL account for 25.7%, 16.9%, and 57.4%, respectively (Table 1). Noticeably, the original lattice oxygen is stable and has no contribution to the gas sensing performance,12 and the higher content of Ov and Oad in ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h (Table 2) may be an important contributor to the gas sensing performance.31
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Fig. 6 XPS analysis of ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h: (A) survey spectrum, (B–D) Zn 2p, Co 2p and O 1s core level spectra. |
OL | OV | Oad | ||||
Binding energy (eV) | Relative percentage (%) | Binding energy (eV) | Relative percentage (%) | Binding energy (eV) | Relative percentage (%) | |
ZnCo2O4 | 529.67 and 528.74 | 62.7 | 531.40 | 24.1 | 532.57 | 13.2 |
ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-1 h | 529.50 and 528.15 | 62.3 | 531.29 | 25.2 | 532.61 | 12.5 |
ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h | 529.27 and 527.49 | 57.4 | 531.13 | 25.7 | 532.41 | 16.9 |
As described above, all of these sensors present good selectivity to methanal; therefore, more sensing measurements were conducted toward methanal at 200 °C. Furthermore, the ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h sensor device was tested under different concentrations and humidities, and presented a sharp rise and fall tendency with methanal present and absent, as shown in Fig. 8A. The humidity and stability of sensors are critical considerations for practical applications. Obviously, ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h displays better repeatability under a low humidity environment (below 67% relative humidity) toward 100 ppm methanal at 200 °C as illustrated in Fig. 8A. Fig. 8B indicates that the response values rose with an increase in the methanal concentration (from 25 ppm to 120 ppm), and ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h shows higher responsiveness to all of the methanal concentrations. The fitting equations between the response and gas concentration can be expressed as y = 0.261x − 0.754, y = 0.215x − 0.701, and y = 0.147x − 0.450, corresponding to the ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h, ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-1 h, and ZnCo2O4 sensors as shown in Fig. 8C, respectively. The correlation coefficient for the ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h sensor is 0.98301, indicating a good linear fitting. From the fitting equation, we can also calculate the limit of detection (LOD) of the ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h sensor as 0.774 ppm, which is much lower than that of the ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-1 h and ZnCo2O4 sensors. The repeatability and stability tests for the ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h sensor were conducted at 1, 5, 7, 11, and 36 days toward 100 ppm methanal at 200 °C as illustrated in Fig. 8D, and the ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h sensor maintained relative repeatability within one week, proving the good stability of the sensor materials.
The possible gas-sensing behaviour of the MOF-derived metal oxide ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h relates to the redox reaction between the target gases and oxygen species on the sensor surface. First of all, oxygen ions are adsorbed on the surface and capture electrons at the working temperature of 200 °C. Upon exposure to a methanal atmosphere, the methanal molecules react with the adsorbed oxygen and release electrons. The possible reaction mechanism is as follows:
O2(gas) → O2(ads) | (1) |
O2(ads) + e− → O2(ads)− | (2) |
O2(ads)− + e− → 2O(ads)− | (3) |
HCHO(ads) + 2O(ads)− → CO2 + H2O + e− | (4) |
As we know, the Fermi level (Ef) of ZnO is higher than that of Co3O4, so electrons will transfer from n-type ZnO to p-type Co3O4 while holes will transfer in the opposite direction until the Fermi level is balanced, leading to p–n heterojunctions being formed at the interface as shown in Fig. 8.24 The enhancement of the ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4-6 h sensing properties can be explained by three reasons: (i) higher oxygen vacancy and adsorb oxygen content, (ii) increased pore size and pore volume, and (iii) the formation of p–n heterojunctions between the surface ZnO and Co3O4 (Fig. 9).
Although the gas sensor performance of the MOF-derived ZnCo2O4@ZnO/Co3O4 obtained by this surface etching strategy has been effectively improved, it is not a sharp increase. What we'd like to emphasize is that such a functional surface etching synthesis method can not only obtain MOF-derived bimetallic ZnO/Co3O4 oxide spheres under air conditions by calcination, but the surface ZIF structure can convert into different N-doping carbon layers by calcination under an inert atmosphere. This makes it have a variety of functions, and it is expected to be more widely used in batteries, catalysis, adsorption separation, and other fields.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |