a and
Ben L.
aStratingh Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, Groningen 9747 AG, Netherlands. E-mail: B.L.Feringa@rug.nl
bUniversity of Strasbourg CNRS, ISIS UMR 7006, 8 Allée Gaspard Monge, Strasbourg F-67000, France. E-mail: danowski@unistra.fr
cDepartment of Chemistry-Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Box 523, Uppsala, 751 20, Sweden
First published on 13th March 2023
Overcrowded alkene based molecular motors and switches constitute a unique class of photo-responsive systems due to their intrinsic chirality near the core CC bond, making them highly suitable candidates for the construction of light-switchable dynamic systems, i.e., for controlling molecular motion, modulation of material chiroptical properties and supramolecular assembly. However, the lack of general design principles, along with the challenging synthesis of these molecules, precludes full exploitation of their dynamic structures. Therefore, systematic investigations of the key parameters are crucial for the further development of these systems. Here we provide a facile alternative synthetic route, elucidate the influence of substituents on the photochemistry of overcrowded alkene-derived bistable chiroptical photoswitches, and show nearly quantitative bidirectional photoswitching. The established structure–property relationship constitutes a practical guideline for the design of these photochromes tailored to a specific application.
Systematic studies on light-driven molecular motors functionalized with a range of electron-donating (EDG) and electron-withdrawing (EWG) substituents on the “upper part” of the motor indicated that the quantum yield (QY) of the photoisomerization is commensurate with the increasing electron withdrawing character of the substituent without any noticeable influence on the rate of thermal isomerization.45 Transient absorption and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopies correlated these findings with the energy level and lifetime of the excited dark-state.45 More recently, femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy studies linked the higher QY of photoisomerization to an increasingly more pronounced sp3 character of the central double bond in the excited dark state.46 On the other hand, studies concerning functionalization of the stator of molecular motors are scarce. The few available reports suggest negligible impact of the substituents' electronic character on the rate of thermal isomerization and inconclusive influence on the QYs of photoisomerization.47–49
In contrast, almost no data is available for the bistable counterparts of the overcrowded alkene-based molecular switches. While it can be expected that functionalization of the “top part” of these switches should have a similar influence on the efficiency of the photochemical step, as for the related motors, the lack of systematic studies focused on the derivatization of the “bottom part” precludes any extrapolation. Consequently, the structure–property relationship of these compounds remains virtually unknown, which poses a significant challenge for the design of overcrowded olefin-based bistable chiroptical switches for selected functions and as such constitutes a major limitation to their applications and future development.50
Here we present a systematic study on the functionalization of the fluorene-derived “bottom part” of overcrowded alkene-based bistable chiroptical photoswitches (Fig. 1a). A library of ten compounds bearing a variety of EDG and EWG substituents was synthesized and the impact of the substituents on the photochemistry of the switches was evaluated with electronic absorption UV/Vis and 1H NMR spectroscopies. We show that the increasingly electron-donating or -withdrawing nature of the substituents appended to the “bottom part” decreases the QY of the photochemical formation of the metastable and stable isomers of the photoswitch. However, the favourable interplay of the QYs and molar absorptivities of the respective diastereomers enables high photochemical selectivity and essentially quantitative bidirectional photoswitching in derivatives appended with EWG groups. These overall trends in the photochemical properties allow us to identify several guidelines for effective connectivity patterns that enable integration of these switches into more complex structures, which serve as a manual for the design of photoresponsive molecular systems and materials based on overcrowded alkene photoswitches.
In total, ten derivatives (1–10, see Fig. 2 and the ESI† for structures) of bistable chiroptical overcrowded alkene-based switches functionalized at the 2- and 7-positions of the fluorene-derived “bottom part” with substituents spanning a wide range of Hammett σ parameter values were synthesized. Their photoswitching behaviour was studied with electronic absorption UV/Vis and 1H NMR spectroscopies. The overcrowded alkenes 1–10 (the stable isomers are referred to as e.g.1st, while the metastable isomers are referred to as e.g.1mst) can be roughly divided into two groups based on the similarities in the electronic absorption UV/Vis spectra of the stable isomers in dichloromethane (1st–9st) or in THF (10st). It should be noted that pyridine54 and its derivatives are known to react with dichloromethane in an SN2 fashion and furthermore from our observations this reaction seems to be significantly accelerated by irradiation, therefore for all the studies with 10, a THF solution was used.55 In 1st–3st and 7st–9st, the lowest-energy absorption band (Fig. 2b, d, e and i–k) tentatively ascribed to the π → π* electronic transition is well separated from the higher energy bands. In contrast, in derivatives 4st–6st and 10st which bear additional aromatic rings (Fig. 2f–h and l), this band overlaps to various degrees with the other transitions.
Irradiation of 1st–10st in the appropriate solvent at 365 nm led to bathochromic shifts of the electronic absorption spectra, consistent with the formation of the metastable isomers of the respective overcrowded alkenes. The isomerization of enantiopure 1st (see the ESI† General Information for details on the preparative method) was followed by electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectroscopy. ECD spectra revealed inversion of the Cotton effect in the 250–300 nm region, indicative of the inversion of the overall helicity of the molecule.37,56 Accordingly, back-isomerization to the stable isomer induced upon irradiation at 455 nm led to near complete recovery of the initial spectrum, demonstrating chiroptical switching (see Fig. S8†). Furthermore, for all switches, clear isosbestic points (Fig. 2b and d–l) were maintained, indicating clean and unimolecular photochemical processes. Upon subsequent irradiation of these photostationary state mixtures at 420 nm, we observed hypsochromic shifts of the electronic absorption UV/Vis spectra, accompanied, in many cases, by partial recovery of the original spectra. This phenomenon is consistent with reverse photoisomerization. Comparison of the UV/Vis spectra indicated that, overall, the introduction of EWGs led to a significant bathochromic shift of the spectrum while almost no shift was observed for the methoxy substituted derivative 7 (Fig. 2i). Irrespective of the EDG/EWG nature, substituents with additional phenyl rings induced the largest bathochromic shifts, which can be attributed to the extension of the π-system.
Similarly, 1H NMR spectroscopy showed formation of the respective metastable isomers upon irradiation of 1st–10st in CD2Cl2 at 365 nm or in THF-d8 at 365 nm as evident from the shifts of the resonances characteristic of the aliphatic protons. The reverse isomerization could be achieved upon irradiation at 455 nm, as verified by the partial recovery of the original 1H NMR spectra. Among the synthesized switches, nearly all reach a remarkably high degree of photoisomerization in the photostationary state mixtures generated upon irradiation at 365 nm (PSS365), with the exception of 7st for which a decrease in selectivity was found (71% 7mst at PSS365). Interestingly, we discovered that compound 1 (R = H) and compound 3 (R = CN) both showed nearly quantitative reversible photoisomerization behaviour, i.e., PSD365 = 89:
11 (mst
st) and PSD455 = 5
95 (mst
st) for 1, and PSD365 = 89
11 (mst
st) and PSD455 = 12
88 (mst
st) for 3, respectively (Fig. 3a and b), while compound 7 (Fig. 3c) showed the lowest photoselectivity in the studied series with PSD365 = 71
29 (mst
st) and PSD455 = 30
70 (mst
st). The poor photochemical isomerization behaviour of 7st is reflected in its lowest determined QY of isomerization (0.4%) in the series. Overall, the QY365st→mst of the forward isomerization upon irradiation at 365 nm (from the stable to the metastable isomer) tends to decrease both with an increasing electron withdrawing and electron donating nature of the substituent. The highest value of QY365st of 10% was determined for the unsubstituted derivative 1st. Similar trends in the QY445mst→st were observed for the reverse (metastable to stable) isomerization, induced upon irradiation at 445 nm, with the highest QY445mst in the series 1mst–10mst of ca. 2% determined for 1mst → 1st photoisomerization. Intriguingly, for all metastable isomers the QYs of stable to metastable isomerizations (unwanted reaction, QY445st→mst) upon irradiation at 445 nm were found to be markedly higher than the corresponding QY445mst→st values. This observation indicates that the presence of excess stable isomer in the photostationary state mixture (PSS445) stems from the positive combination of the irradiation wavelength and favourable ratio of the molar absorption coefficients rather than the ratio of the QYs of the forward and reverse photoisomerization reactions (QY445mst→st/QY445st→mst). Similar phenomena were reported for the forward isomerization of some overcrowded alkene-45 and, more recently, for hemithioindigo-derived57 molecular motors, which may suggest common features in their photochemical isomerization mechanism. In contrast, for all of the studied switches, ratios of the QYs at 365 nm were found to favour the forward isomerization process (QY365mst→st/QY365st→mst). Interestingly, none of the studied compounds in the series (1–10) was found to follow Kasha's rule, and the QYs determined at both wavelengths varied significantly. While the origin of this discrepancy is currently unclear similar deviations were observed for dithienylethene and azobenzene.20,58
Computational studies, performed at the ωB97X-D3BJ/def2-QZVP//r2SCAN-3c level of theory revealed the high thermal stability of the metastable isomers, confirming the P-type nature of the photoswitches (Fig. 4). For all three studied compounds 1, 3, and 7, the barriers for the thermal E/Z isomerization (TEZI) were found to be markedly lower than the barriers for the thermal helix inversion (THI), confirming the high steric barrier in the fjord region, which is consistent with our earlier findings.37 Irrespective of the substitution, similar computed barriers were found, indicating negligible influence of the electronic nature of the substituent on the stabilisation of the transition state and rate of the thermal process. The barrier for the thermal isomerization of 1mst (1mst → 1st) was determined with UV/Vis spectroscopy by following the decay of 1mst in a range of elevated temperatures (100–110 °C, Fig. S9a†). Extrapolation of the experimental data to room temperature gave a Gibbs free energy of activation for the thermal reaction Δ‡G(20 °C) of 29.2 kcal mol−1, matching nicely the theoretical predictions (25.3 kcal mol−1) and corresponding to a half-life (t1/2) of 1.82 × 105 h at room temperature, thereby demonstrating the bistable character of these switches (Fig. S9b†).
Combined with the behaviour of compounds 4–6 and 10 revealed by both UV/Vis (Fig. 2f–h and l) and 1H NMR (Fig. S2–S4 and S7†) measurements, it can be concluded that the photoisomerization behaviour of the overcrowded alkene switches is highly affected by the electronic effects of the substituents at the 2- and 7-positions. Overall, all the chiroptical switches 1st–10st display similar photochemical behaviours. All compounds can be reversibly isomerized to the corresponding metastable diastereomer upon irradiation at appropriate wavelengths. However, all compounds differ significantly in terms of the QYs of isomerization, photostationary state distributions reached upon irradiation at the specific wavelengths and absorption maxima of the respective diastereomers (Table 1). The most striking differences were found for the metastable to stable isomerization. While switches appended with EWG substituents showed high photoconversions to the corresponding stable diastereomers (2mst, 3mst and 8mst–10mst), for all the switches bearing EDG groups markedly lower photoconversions at the photostationary state were observed (4mst, 5mst and 7mst). Overall, the influence of substituents appended to the “bottom part” of these switches contrasts with the substituent effect arising from the “top-part” functionalization of the motors, for which EWGs lead to an increase and EDGs lead to a decrease of QYs, respectively.45 Nevertheless, to a certain degree these trends are consistent with the limited data on the functionalization of overcrowded alkene-based molecular motors functionalized in the 3,6-position of the fluorene stator, for which both methoxy- and cyano-substituents were shown to decrease the QY of isomerization compared to the unsubstituted structures.47
Alkene | R | σ p | λ st | ε λ st ·104d | QY365st→msth | ε 365st·104e | PSD365f | QY445mst→sth | ε 445mst·104e | PSD445f |
(λmst)/nm−1 | (ελmst·104)/M−1 cm−1 | (QY365mst→st)% | (ε365mst·104)/M−1 cm−1 | (PSD365clc)g | (QY445st→mst)% | (ε445sst·104)/M−1 cm−1 | (PSD445clc)g | |||
a Hammett constants were taken from ref. 59. b The Hammett constant of boronic acid was used. c Electronic absorption band maxima of a specific diastereomer corresponding to the S0–S1 transition. d Molar attenuation coefficient of a specified diastereomer at absorption maxima. e Molar attenuation coefficient of a specified diastereomer at a specified wavelength. f Photostationary state distribution determined from 1H NMR spectra upon irradiation at 365 nm and 455 nm represented as the molar fraction of the metastable or stable diastereomer, respectively. g Photostationary state distribution calculated from the determined QYs and molar attenuation coefficients represented as the molar fraction of the metastable or stable diastereomer for irradiation at 365 nm and 445 nm, respectively. h Experimental error 10%. | ||||||||||
1 | –H | 0.00 | 355 | 1.44 | 10 | 1.29 | 0.82 | 2 | 0.36 | 0.86 |
(399) | (1.41) | (4) | (0.70) | (0.90) | (40) | (0.002) | (0.93) | |||
2 | –Br | 0.23 | 365 | 1.54 | 6 | 1.54 | 0.87 | 0.8 | 0.79 (0.02) | 0.89 |
(410) | (1.55) | (2) | (0.55) | (0.91) | (5) | (0.90) | ||||
3 | –CN | 0.66 | 384 | 1.39 | 2 | 1.11 | 0.83 | 0.6 | 1.33 | 0.86 |
(426) | (1.54) | (0.6) | (0.48) | (0.90) | (3) | (0.05) | (0.87) | |||
4 | –Ph | −0.01 | 364 | 1.50 | 3 | 1.49 | 0.91 | 0.4 | 0.55 | 0.71 |
(407) | (1.42) | (0.8) | (0.60) | (0.95) | (2) | (0.05) | (0.72) | |||
5 | –C6H4–p–OMe | −0.08 | 373 | 1.44 | 3 | 1.65 | 0.94 | 0.3 | 0.66 | 0.47 |
(405) | (1.51) | (0.4) | (0.80) | (0.95) | (2) | (0.10) | (0.47) | |||
6 | –C6H4–p–CN | — | 379 | 2.45 | 1 | 3.31 | 0.84 | 0.2 | 1.04 | 0.75 |
(410) | (2.06) | (0.3) | (2.51) | (0.89) | (2) | (0.03) | (0.80) | |||
7 | –OMe | −0.27 | 353 | 1.37 | 0.4 | 1.17 | 0.69 | 0.1 | 0.40 | 0.71 |
(1.48) | ||||||||||
(399) | (0.3) | (0.69) | (0.72) | (0.5) | (0.03) | (0.82) | ||||
8 | –OTf | 0.53 | 370 | 1.48 | 2 | 1.44 | 0.85 | 0.5 | 0.99 | 0.93 |
(414) | (1.62) | (0.8) | (0.51) | (0.86) | (2) | (0.01) | (0.94) | |||
9 | –Bpin | 0.12b | 366 | 0.35 | 7 | 3.54 | 0.90 | n. d. | 0.15 | n. a. |
(407) | (0.35) | (2) | (1.45) | (0.92) | (n. d.) | (0.01) | (0.92) | |||
10 | -4-C5H4N | 0.44 | 371 | 1.26 | 3 | 1.27 | 0.92 | 0.4 | 0.51 | 0.87 |
(410) | (1.17) | (0.6) | (0.53) | (0.98) | (0.9) | (0.04) | (0.85) |
In view of our findings, several key design aspects of these photoswitches (Fig. 5a) leading to high photostationary state distributions between diastereomers can be outlined (Fig. 5b–d). Our results indicate that the electronic factor of the substituents at the 2- and 7-positions of the fluorene-derived “bottom part” of the photoswitch has a dramatic influence on the selectivity of the photochemical isomerization of these compounds. Therefore, construction of responsive materials and functional systems by appending these photoswitches at the 2- and 7-positions should take the electronic factor of the connecting moiety into consideration. Overall, electron-donating groups should be avoided, as these substituents dramatically decrease the productive QYs and selectivity of both photoisomerizations. Hence, despite the synthetic convenience alkyl (σp-0.17) and alkoxy (σp-0.25) motifs should be discarded. While thioethers (σp-0.0)59 may be considered an attractive connecting motif, it should be noted that the presence of heavy atoms near the alkene core may lead to a significant involvement of the triplet state in the isomerization mechanism. On the other hand, weakly electron-withdrawing groups, e.g. boronic esters, which are highly suitable linkages for construction of covalent-organic frameworks, ensure high photostationary state distributions. Based on the favourable properties of EWGs, carbonyl-derived moieties such as amides, esters or imines, important from the perspective of construction of functional materials, should be connected to the overcrowded alkene core via carbonyl carbons to secure the favourable distribution of isomers at the photostationary state.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2sc05903g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |