b and
aFaculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, 1 Pasteura St., 02-093 Warsaw, Poland. E-mail:
bFaculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, University of Zagreb, Horvatovac 102a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
cBiological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 101, 02-089 Warsaw, Poland
First published on 8th February 2023
Periodic density-functional theory (DFT) calculations were used to predict the thermodynamic stability and the likelihood of interconversion between a series of halogen-bonded cocrystals. The outcomes of mechanochemical transformations were in excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions, demonstrating the power of periodic DFT as a method for designing solid-state mechanochemical reactions prior to experimental work. Furthermore, the calculated DFT energies were compared with experimental dissolution calorimetry measurements, marking the first such benchmark for the accuracy of periodic DFT calculations in modelling transformations of halogen-bonded molecular crystals.
Successful design and synthesis of halogen-bonded materials35 relies on an accurate understanding of their thermodynamic stability with respect to individual starting materials or competing structures (polymorphs,36 cocrystals of different stoichiometry,37 cocrystal solvates38). In our previous work we have demonstrated how periodic density-functional theory (DFT) calculations enable quantitative predictions of cocrystal mechanochemical reactivity through assessment of thermal stability,39 stoichiometric interconversions,40 topological transformations41 and formation of unprecedented halogen bonds with P,42 As and Sb acceptor atoms.43 In all of these studies we have demonstrated that periodic DFT calculations provide a quantitative evaluation of the thermodynamics of solid-state mechanochemical transformations involving halogen-bonded solids. Crucially, the periodic nature of these calculations allows for consideration of the crystal lattice as a whole, taking into account the energetic effects of all supramolecular interactions present in the crystal lattice, not just the halogen bonds. Thus, the overall thermodynamic driving force for the crystal lattice transformations can be calculated in order to predict the likelihood of the corresponding solid-state mechanochemical processes occurring experimentally.
The accuracy of periodic DFT calculations has been previously verified44–46 in predicting the polymorph stability and explaining the sequences of mechanochemical polymorph interconversions of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) with the aid of dissolution calorimetry measurements. Such experimental benchmarks provide an excellent opportunity to study the limits of theoretical models, verify and improve their accuracy. In this work we will utilize the combination of periodic DFT calculations and calorimetric measurements to predict the outcomes of mechanochemical transformations of halogen-bonded cocrystals, as a way to computationally screen for the transformations that are likely to occur, before performing these reactions experimentally via mechanochemistry.47–49
The products of mechanochemical reactions were analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), and the quantitative compositions were determined using Rietveld refinement58 quantitative phase analysis (see ESI† Section S1.1 and S3.1 for details).
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Fig. 1 Structure of the cocrystal of pyrazine with 1,3,5-trifluoro-2,4,6-triiodobenzene, further labelled as (pyr)1/2(tftib). Intermolecular N⋯I and I⋯I interactions are shown. |
Since certain cocrystals of pyr have been found to undergo dissociation under relatively mild conditions,61 and pyr itself is a volatile material,62 it was decided to investigate the stability and reactivity of the (pyr)1/2(tftib) cocrystal more closely, in comparison to other previously reported cocrystals where tftib acts as a halogen-bond donor in combination with different acceptor molecules (Fig. 2).
Periodic DFT calculations using the PBE63 functional combined with either Grimme D3 (ref. 53) or many-body dispersion (MBD*)54–56 semiempirical correction schemes were performed for the cocrystal structures, as well as for the corresponding individual component structures, allowing us to derive the energies for cocrystal interconversion reactions, where pyr is displaced from the (pyr)1/2(tftib) cocrystal by a competing coformer. The reaction equations, with their calculated energies are summarized in Table 1 (reactions 1–5). Importantly, the energies calculated with PBE + D3 and PBE + MBD* methods were in good agreement, increasing our confidence in the accuracy of these results. Most crucially, for all but one of the halogen bond acceptor exchange reactions (1–5), except for the reaction with acr (reaction 4) the interconversion energies were found to be negative, suggesting that such reactions are likely to occur experimentally.40
Reaction Nr | Reaction type | Reaction equation | ΔE/kJ mol−1 | Experimental LAG reactions (forward/reverse) | ||||
PBE + D3 | PBE + MBD* | Experimental calorimetry | Ethanol | Aceto-nitrile | Hexane | |||
a Reaction proceeds with a solvated intermediate. b LAG reactions result in a mixture of (pyr)1/2(tftib) and (acr)(tftib), upon storage the proportion of (acr)(tftib) in the reaction mixture increases (ESI Fig. S6 and S7). c LAG reactions result in a mixture of (pyr)1/2(tftib) and product cocrystal for the corresponding reaction, but full conversion to the product cocrystal is observed upon storing the samples at room temperature up to 3 months. | ||||||||
1 | Acceptor exchange | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + 2,2′-bipy → (2,2′-bipy)(tftib) + 1/2 pyr | −3.4 | −4.7 | −5.7(8) | Forward | Forward | Forwarda |
2 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + 4,4′-bipy → (4,4′-bipy) (tftib) + 1/2 pyr | −18.4 | −20.1 | −13.2(6) | Forward | Forward | Forward | |
3 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + dabco → (dabco)(tftib) + 1/2 pyr | −22.3 | −18.3 | −10.0(8) | Forward | Forward | Forwarda | |
4 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + acr → (acr) (tftib) + 1/2 pyr | −1.0 | 0.2 | 0.4(5) | Forward | Forward | Forwardb | |
5 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + tmpyr → (tmpyr)(tftib) + 1/2 pyr | −8.1 | −6.0 | −7.1(7) | Forward | Forward | Forward | |
6 | Donor exchange | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + ½ 14tfib → 1/2 (pyr)(14tfib) + tftib | 0.3 | −1.4 | 0.6(7) | Reverse | Reverse | Reverse |
7 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + 1/2 fum → 1/2 (pyr)(fum) + tftib | 6.9 | 5.1 | 4.2(5) | Reverse | Reverse | Reverse | |
8 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + 1/2 pht → 1/2 (pyr)(pht) + tftib | 12.3 | 9.5 | 6.8(7) | Reverse | Reverse | Reverse | |
9 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + tdec → 1/2 (pyr) (tdec)2 + tftib | 6.1 | 9.2 | 4.7(8) | Reverse | Reverse | Reversec | |
10 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + 1/2 succ → 1/2 (pyr)(succ) + tftib | 7.3 | 5.5 | 1.3(1) | Reverse | Reverse | Reversec | |
11 | (pyr)1/2(tftib) + 1/2 ox → 1/2 (pyr)(ox) + tftib | −3.6 | −5.1 | −1.8(5) | Forward | Forward | Forward |
In order to verify the validity of the cocrystal reactivity predictions made with periodic DFT, we performed dissolution calorimetry measurements for the cocrystal materials and their individual components. The pre-weighed materials were dissolved in acetonitrile in the calorimetric cell, and the heat effect of dissolution was measured. The average dissolution enthalpies from duplicate or triplicate measurements were used in subsequent calculations. The measured dissolution enthalpies were then used to construct thermodynamic cycles, which provided the experimental enthalpies of cocrystal interconversion reactions, for direct comparison with periodic DFT predictions. The experimental uncertainties for the measured reaction energies were consistently within +/− 1 kJ mol−1, which is less than the typical difference between the reaction energies calculated with the two periodic DFT methods (average absolute difference 2.1 kJ mol−1). Such low experimental uncertainty therefore allows for quantitative validation of the accuracy of the periodic DFT calculations. The comparison revealed excellent agreement between the calculated and measured enthalpies of cocrystal interconversion reactions, as can be seen in Table 1 and Fig. 3. In particular, DFT and calorimetry consistently show which reactions are strongly exothermic and thus thermodynamically highly favored (reactions 2, 3), while also reliably predicting the borderline cases with reaction enthalpies close to zero (reaction 4, involving acr). Borderline cases, where reaction energy is close to zero pose a challenge for periodic DFT, since the sign of the reaction energy is being used as a predictor for the experimental occurrence of the reaction. In such cases the reaction entropy can play the decisive role in determining the relative thermodynamic stability of the crystal phases and, consequently the direction of the reaction.64 In the majority of cases, however, the calculated reaction energies exceed +/−2 kJ mol−1, such that periodic DFT calculations serve as an accurate predictor for the thermodynamic effects of solid-state transformations of halogen-bonded materials. This, in turn, is crucial for being able to use periodic DFT calculations as a way to predict the likelihood of these transformations occurring experimentally. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of validating the accuracy of periodic DFT calculations by experimental dissolution calorimetry measurements performed for halogen-bonded molecular crystals.
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Fig. 3 Comparison of the theoretical and experimental energies for the interconversion reactions from Table 1. The reaction energies are represented by triangular and square markers, with error bars shown for the energies measured experimentally, via dissolution calorimetry. The lines connecting the markers were added only for better visibility, they do not represent any specific trends. |
Having analyzed the thermodynamics of pyrazine displacement reactions by competing halogen bond acceptors, through a combination of periodic DFT and dissolution calorimetry, we proceeded with performing the proposed reactions experimentally using mechanochemistry. In these reactions (pyr)1/2(tftib) cocrystal samples were mixed with each of the coformers in a stoichiometric ratio determined by the corresponding reaction equation, and ground using a vibrational ball-mill, under the conditions of liquid-assisted grinding with ethanol additive (see the Experimental section and ESI† for details). Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and Rietveld refinement were used to quantify the composition of reaction products, and verify the formation of cocrystals according to the proposed reaction equations.
Gratifyingly, for all acceptor exchange reactions with predicted negative energies, transformations were observed experimentally. Moreover, when reverse reactions were attempted for all these systems, i.e. reactions of cocrystals of alternative coformers with pyr (ΔE for those reactions is necessarily positive), none of these reactions had occurred, confirming that the outcome of the reactions was thermodynamically controlled.
Having observed a complete agreement between the experimental and predicted outcomes of cocrystal interconversion reactions, involving displacement of pyr with alternative halogen bond acceptors, we decided to look at the reactions involving displacement of tftib from the (pyr)1/2(tftib) cocrystal by alternative donor molecules. First, we have considered a competition between tftib and a closely-related donor 14tfib (Fig. 2). The enthalpy of interconversion (reaction 6 in Table 1) was predicted to be close to zero by both DFT methods and calorimetry, which could be rationalized by the similarity of halogen-bonded interactions found in both cocrystals. Experimentally, the forward reaction was not observed under LAG conditions, while the reverse (i.e. (pyr)(14tfib) reacting with tftib to form (pyr)1/2(tftib)) occurred in quantitative yield. The outcome of this reaction was difficult to predict by periodic DFT, given a near zero calculated interconversion energy, with the sign dependent on the choice of the method (+0.3 kJ mol−1 and −1.4 kJ mol−1 for PBE + D3 and PBE + MBD*, respectively). Most importantly, experimental calorimetric measurements also revealed near-zero enthalpy of interconversion for this system, highlighting the agreement between calculated and experimental reaction energies for the transformations between essentially isoenthalpic halogen-bonded cocrystals. Similarly to the previously discussed reaction 4 with a close to zero energy of interconversion, the entropy contribution to the lattice free energy64 of reaction 6 may affect the direction it takes.
Having explored the interconversions between halogen-bonded cocrystals with alternative acceptor and donor molecules, we decided to explore competition between halogen and hydrogen bonding interactions,48,65–69 and establish whether hydrogen bond donor molecules can displace tftib from (pyr)1/2(tftib) cocrystal. Since pyr is known for the propensity to form hydrogen-bonded cocrystals with carboxylic acids,70–73 we selected a series of acid coformers, namely ox, succ, fum, pht and tdec (see Fig. 2). Among these coformers, only ox was predicted to displace tftib out of (pyr)1/2(tftib) cocrystals, based on both periodic DFT calculations and calorimetric measurements. When the LAG reactions were performed, the results were in complete agreement with the thermodynamic predictions based on periodic DFT and calorimetry. This emphasized the power of our approach in predicting interconversions not only between different halogen-bonded cocrystals, but also for transformations involving a change of interaction type from halogen- to hydrogen bonding.
The experimental reactions discussed so far, were performed under LAG conditions, using ethanol as a liquid additive. In all cases, we have identified the nature of the products by PXRD, ruling out the possibility of solvate formation, and verifying the role of ethanol as a lubricant, rather than an actual component within the crystal structures of either starting materials or products of the interconversion reactions. Nonetheless, in order to further support the generality of our observations, regarding the predictability of reaction outcomes by periodic DFT and calorimetry, we have performed a series of validation experiments, where acetonitrile and hexane were used as a LAG additive74 instead of ethanol. In addition, for each cocrystal system we performed competitive slurry experiments in acetonitrile, in order to independently establish their thermodynamic preferences (ESI Table S3†).
All LAG reactions with acetonitrile yielded identical products as the reactions with ethanol liquid additive (see Table 1 and ESI Table S3†). Also, the slurry experiments, as the decisive method for the determination of thermodynamically stable phases,3,75,76 showed consistency with DFT calculations, calorimetric measurements and LAG reaction outcomes. In case of hexane-mediated LAG, several reactions were found to proceed via intermediate phases of unknown crystal structure (reactions 1 and 3 in Table 1) or result in a mixture of product and reactant cocrystals (reactions 4, 9 and 10 in Table 1). Unknown phases in reactions 1 and 3 were found to be solvated intermediates, as evidenced from TGA weight loss, observed at low temperatures (see ESI Fig. S12–S16†). Both of these solvated intermediates, however, converted to the unsolvated cocrystal products upon storage, as confirmed by PXRD (see ESI† Fig. S2–S5). In three cases, namely reactions 4, 9 and 10, hexane LAG reactions initially led to the formation of reactant and product cocrystal mixtures (ESI Fig. S6, S8 and S10†). Upon storage, the samples corresponding to reactions 9 and 10, converted exclusively to the thermodynamically stable products (ESI Fig. S9 and S11†). In the case of hexane LAG reaction 4 (with acr acceptor), (acr)(tftib) was found as a major product, with additional presence of (pyr)1/2(tftib) and tftib phases (ESI Fig. S11†). Reaction 4, however, is a special case, given the calculated and measured interconversion energy is closest to zero, of all reactions considered in this study.
The series of experiments with hexane as a LAG additive confirmed that the use of certain LAG additives may slow down the interconversion process, or lead to formation of transient solvated structures.77 However, the final reaction products with hexane liquid additive were identical to those found in ethanol- and acetonitrile-based LAG experiments, as well as in competitive slurry experiments, except for one special case of the reaction with acr.
Stability of halogen bonds in solution has previously been investigated using isothermal calorimetric titration method (ITC),78 however dissolution calorimetry measurements presented herein, for the first time provide a more direct measure of the energetics of halogen-bonded cocrystals in the solid state. Moreover, dissolution calorimetry provided an experimental proof that the applied computational methods were suitable for describing the investigated reactions, yielding reaction enthalpies directly comparable to the values calculated with periodic DFT.
In conclusion, our work highlights the progress we have made with computational modelling of halogen-bonded materials. The excellent accuracy offered by periodic DFT calculations makes it a valuable method for predicting the outcomes of solid-state reactions before entering the laboratory, thus reducing the number of experimental trials, necessary for crystal form screening, and greatly improving our understanding of solid state reactivity of halogen-bonded cocrystals.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. CCDC 2217175. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |