Bastien F.
Daniel W.
*b and
David O.
aDepartment of Chemistry, University College London, London, UK. E-mail:
bDepartment of Materials, Imperial College London, London, UK. E-mail:
First published on 15th August 2023
Building on the extensive exploration of metal oxide and metal halide perovskites, metal nitride perovskites represent a largely unexplored class of materials. We report a multi-tier computational screening of this chemical space. From a pool of 3660 ABN3 compositions covering I–VIII, II–VII, III–VI and IV–V oxidation state combinations, 279 are predicted to be chemically feasible. The ground-state structures of the 25 most promising candidate compositions were explored through enumeration over octahedral tilt systems and global optimisation. We predict 12 dynamically and thermodynamically stable nitride perovskite materials, including YMoN3, YWN3, ZrTaN3, and LaMoN3. These feature significant electric polarisation and low predicted switching electric field, showing similarities with metal oxide perovskites and making them attractive for ferroelectric memory devices.
One of the most well-studied systems for tuning composition–structure–properties relations is the ABX3 perovskite structure, where A and B are cations, and X is an anion bonding to A and B. In the ideal form, the A cations sit at the corners of a cube containing in its centre a BX6 octahedron. This crystal structure can accommodate a wide range of distortions that, on the one hand, facilitate the growth of these materials as thin films, ideal for microelectronics, and on the other hand, provide an excellent playground for engineering new functionalities. The most famous families of perovskites are the halides, mainly known for photovoltaic applications, and the oxides, known for ferroelectricity and multiferroicity, among other properties. Recently, there has been a strong interest in discovering ternary nitrides with the perovskite structure, motivated by the hope to integrate them with the existing nitride-based semiconductor devices. Indeed, while oxide and halide perovskites have benefited from decades of intense research, they are hardly integrated into the current semiconductor technology.5,6 Therefore, the discovery of functional nitride perovskite materials would open the door to new standards in microelectronics.
While the first nitride perovskite material TaThN3, inspired by previous works on oxynitrides,7 was synthesised in 1995,8 it is only very recently that several other systems were experimentally achieved.9,10
Discovering new stable materials is challenging. On the one hand, one can create an almost infinite number of hypothetical compounds by combining the elements in the periodic table. On the other hand, materials can form only if they are thermodynamically favorable and kinetically accessible. Therefore, trial and error approaches, both experimental and computational, are not efficient for a comprehensive exploration of compositional space. Modern methods, such as high throughput computational materials design, provide an attractive alternative. One such technique consists of screening many candidates based on criteria, sometimes complemented by intelligently interrogating existing database of materials,11 to extract an affordable subset of candidates to be further investigated.12 First-principles calculations, such as density-functional theory (DFT), are often employed to determine their stability and evaluate their properties. One would ideally use global structural prediction methods for crystal structure prediction,13,14 to identify the ground state structure by searching for the configuration that globally minimises the energy. However, these techniques are computationally too demanding for high throughput studies and require further compromises, such as lowering the precision of the calculations or selecting a maximum size of the unit cell (i.e. a maximum number of atoms). A computationally more affordable and widely used approach relies on utilising prototype structures already identified for other materials, making the strong assumption that similar materials adopt similar structures.
Recently, several theoretical studies devoted to the discovery of potential nitride perovskites have explored a wide range of compositions selected either based on structural considerations such as Goldschmidt-like criteria,15–17 on the energy above the energy hull of the perfectly cubic perovskite structure18 or by fixing the B cation to certain elements and screening a series of elements for the A cation such as the lanthanides.15,19 While having different starting points, these studies have in common that after selecting the candidate compositions, their stability and properties are calculated using prototype perovskite structures.
In the current study, we propose a different approach to overcome some of the limitations of previous studies. We use chemical and electrostatic considerations (as opposed to structural) in the first place to filter compositions that are likely to be accessible. We then predict their structure starting from general octahedral tilts distortions imposed on top of the perovskite structure and carry out, in parallel, a crystal structure prediction to challenge the likelihood of our predicted nitrides ternaries to adopt a perovskite-like structure. Finally, after selecting the most favourable candidates, we use phonon-mapping to explore the potential energy surface of each material, identify its ground state and calculate its properties. Our approach is the most systematic screening procedure ever applied to nitride perovskites and yields 12 new dynamically and thermodynamically stable nitride perovskites, potentially synthesisable.
Thus, we start our search of A and B cations by considering combinations of 61 metallic elements (up to Bi), resulting in 3660 candidate chemical systems. We use the SMACT21 package to filter out the compositions that do not allow charge neutrality and thus obtain 1864 possible systems. To increase the likelihood of synthesising the selected candidates, we retain only those whose elements exhibit oxidation states observed in at least 5% of the compounds reported in ICSD for each given element, which reduces the candidates to 374.22 This is done using the list of oxidation states compiled in ref. 23. Consecutively, we impose that the cation on the B-site has a smaller or equal Shannon radius than that of the A cation. This last criterion and electrostatic stability maximise the chances of the perovskite structure holding together. Note that other criteria, such as the tolerance factor or Goldschmidt rule,17 exist for oxide and fluoride perovskites. Nevertheless, those are not well-defined for other families of materials, such as halide perovskites or nitride perovskites, in which the anion radius is poorly defined.24 Therefore we decided to only consider the relative ratio between the radii of the A and B species. Finally, we remove duplicate compositions (same A and B but with different oxidation states) and are left with 279 candidates, presented in Fig. 1. We notice from Fig. 1 that most of our candidates adopt either 5+ or 6+ oxidation state on the B-site. This directly comes from the fact that we only considered realistic oxidation states by crosschecking them with oxidation states in synthesised materials.
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Fig. 1 Map of possible ABN3 perovskite compositions. The A cations are displayed on the vertical axis and the B cations on the horizontal one. The oxidation states for the 279 candidates initially filtered are displayed by the four different colours, each representing an allowed combination of oxidation states. If a candidate composition has more than one combination of oxidation states, only that with the lowest oxidation state on the B-site is displayed. We use the Mendeleev number from the definition given by Pettifor26 to order the atoms. |
We take advantage of the general character of the Glazer tilts and study their impact on the energy of each of our 279 candidates. We start with a volume relaxation of each material in the cubic phase (a0a0a0, in Glazer notation). We then apply all 15 tilts to our 279 compounds and allow complete relaxation of the ions and the lattice vectors. The tilts are chosen to have the same amplitude for each combination but with the increasing angle in increments of 0.05 rad, thus taking values of 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 rad when a, b and c tilt angles all differ.
We present in Fig. 2a–d the effect of tilts on the energy for three of our candidates before full relaxation, displaying three different scenarios. In the first example, all tilts imposed on the cubic structure of BaReN3 result in higher-energy structures and, therefore, are not favourable for this material (Fig. 2b). In the second example, ZrNbN3 lowers its energy for all tilts imposed, with the a−b+a− being the lowest-energy distortion pattern, resulting in a perovskite-like structure (Fig. 2c). Finally, for AlCrN3 some tilt patterns have a similar energy to the non-tilted structure, and others lower the energy, with a0b−c− being the lowest-energy tilt pattern but resulting in a structure not respecting the perovskite criteria27 (Fig. 2d).
We repeat the same analysis for all candidates and present in Fig. 2e the energy differences between the cubic and the fully relaxed lowest-energy structures. From this data, it is evident that the tilts play a significant role in bringing stability and can, therefore, not be omitted when evaluating the thermodynamic equilibrium of these materials. In other words, filtering candidates based on the cubic perovskite energy could inevitably discard promising candidates. The complete data set presenting the energies of all 15 tilted structures before and after complete relaxation for all candidates can be found in Fig. S1–S8 in the ESI.†
In Fig. 3, we present the workflow to find the crystal structures. Starting from the lowest-energy tilted structure found for each candidate, we compute phonon frequencies using the procedure described in the Methods section. In parallel, we do a random structure search using AIRSS30,31 (see Methods) and check the dynamical stability for all random structures. Note that we will refer from now on to the first structure as “Glazer”, noted (G), and to the second one as “AIRSS”, noted (A).
The objective of this complementary approach to identify the ground state is twofold. Firstly, starting from random configurations, as opposed to perovskite-like arrangements, allows exploring other sensible structures without biasing the initial point and therefore challenges the perovskite structure. Secondly, by further exploring the phase space of the materials, we can compute the energy hull more accurately and better estimate the formation energy and thermodynamic stability.
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Fig. 4 Thermodynamic (energy above the hull) analysis for all candidate nitride perovskites. Each grey column corresponds to a material, with the HSE06 data plotted on the left (dash-dotted vertical lines) and the PBEsol data on the right (dotted vertical lines). A diamond indicates materials adopting a perovskite-like structure. The ‘Glazer tilts' data corresponds to the lowest-energy tilted structure, whose energy was plotted in Fig. 2e. The ‘Glazer stable’ and ‘AIRSS stable’ correspond to the dynamically stable structure obtained following the workflow presented in Fig. 3, starting from the Glazer and AIRSS structures, respectively. Note that InMoN3 and TlMoN3 AIRSS structures were not found to be dynamically stable, and only the PBEsol energy of the initial structure is reported; both structures are non-perovskite. The distance to the hull for the hybrid calculations can be found in Table 1. |
Starting from the lowest-energy tilts (orange diamonds) and looking for dynamical stability, we can see that while imposing general tilts patterns lowered the energy (Fig. 2e) significantly, most of the structures are dynamically unstable and result after phonon mapping in significantly lower energy structures going from a few meV per atom (e.g. TlWN3) to almost 200 meV per atom (e.g. SnNbN3). Alternatively, the structures initialised with random positions of the atoms result in being energetically more favourable. Nevertheless, most materials have a relatively small energy difference between their polymorphs, which is even more veracious for those below 200 meV per atom above the hull. We find that several materials presented in Table 1, are stable in a layered structure (see Fig. 5) as well as in a perovskite structure. A major difference between those polymorphs lies in the lattice parameters, with the layered structures displaying smaller lattice constants, compared to their perovskite configurations. This suggests that appropriate growth conditions (e.g. strain engineering or temperature) might allow the stabilisation of metastable phases with perovskite structure. The exact energy numbers are reported in Table 1. Considering our PBEsol results, we obtain 17 materials with an energy of 200 meV per atom or less above the hull, with six materials sitting directly on the hull.
Material | Energies | Lattice parameters | Structure | Polarisation | |||||||
E hull [meV per atom] | E Ig [eV] | E Dg [eV] | a [Å] | b [Å] | c [Å] | Spg | Type | P [μC cm−2] | E f [kV cm−1] | ||
a We report the information about each material's AIRSS (A) and Glazer (G) structures. The energies are calculate with HSE06 functional and provide the energy above the hull (Ehull), indirect (EIg) and direct (EDg) band gaps. The lattice parameters are obtained from the conventional unit cell relaxed with PBEsol functional. The value in italics indicates the axis along the Cartesian z axis that would correspond to the out-of-plane direction for a thin film. Below structure we report the space group and the type of structure (perovskite/layered). Finally, under polarisation, we report the non-null components of the polarisation vector projected on each direction of the conventional unit cell and the corresponding value of the electric field required to switch the polarisation from +P to −P (see Methods). Note that the field is assumed to be applied along the direction with the largest polarisation component. The values “metallic” refer to metallic structures relaxed with PBEsol. | |||||||||||
LaWN3 | (A) | 0 | 2.04 | 2.28 | 7.96 | 5.67 | 5.63 | 7 | Perovskite | P a = 23, Pc = 37 | 1.5 |
(G) | 0 | 2.05 | 2.32 | 5.59 | 5.59 | 8.08 | 9 | Perovskite | P a = 28, Pc = 26 | 1.8 | |
YMoN3 | (A) | 0 | 2.18 | 2.27 | 5.65 | 5.36 | 7.76 | 7 | Perovskite | P c = 49 | 11.1 |
(G) | 3 | 2.22 | 2.30 | 7.59 | 5.68 | 5.50 | 31 | Perovskite | P c = 68 | 6.9 | |
ZrTaN3 | (A) | 4 | 0.45 | 1.06 | 3.04 | 7.35 | 5.15 | 4 | Layered | Metallic | — |
(G) | 34 | — | 2.13 | 7.69 | 7.71 | 10.50 | 14 | Perovskite | — | — | |
YWN3 | (A) | 16 | 2.25 | 2.53 | 7.74 | 5.63 | 5.45 | 31 | Perovskite | P c = 34 | 16.3 |
(G) | 16 | 2.25 | 2.53 | 7.74 | 5.63 | 5.45 | 31 | Perovskite | P c = 34 | 16.3 | |
LaMoN3 | (A) | 25 | 2.08 | 2.44 | 5.64 | 5.64 | 13.8 | 161 | Perovskite | P c = 66 | 1.2 |
(G) | 25 | 2.05 | 2.29 | 7.94 | 5.64 | 5.63 | 7 | Perovskite | P a = 55, Pc = 38 | 0.9 | |
HfTaN3 | (A) | 29 | 0.55 | 1.14 | 3.02 | 7.33 | 5.12 | 4 | Layered | Metallic | — |
(G) | 57 | — | 2.48 | 7.61 | 7.74 | 10.42 | 14 | Perovskite | — | — | |
ZrNbN3 | (A) | 40 | 0.74 | 1.27 | 3.06 | 7.34 | 5.19 | 4 | Layered | Metallic | — |
(G) | 94 | — | 2.22 | 7.63 | 7.87 | 10.49 | 14 | Perovskite | — | — | |
HfNbN3 | (A) | 67 | — | 1.06 | 9.86 | 7.32 | 3.04 | 13 | Layered | Metallic | — |
(G) | 114 | — | 2.34 | 7.50 | 7.97 | 10.41 | 14 | Perovskite | — | — | |
ScWN3 | (A) | 81 | 2.19 | 2.23 | 3.01 | 7.30 | 10.20 | 13 | Layered | — | — |
(G) | 100 | 2.56 | 2.64 | 7.57 | 5.54 | 5.21 | 31 | Perovskite | P c = 28 | 50.4 | |
ScMoN3 | (A) | 124 | 2.07 | 2.10 | 7.18 | 3.03 | 9.69 | 2 | Layered | — | — |
(G) | 168 | 2.02 | 2.26 | 5.56 | 5.16 | 7.54 | 33 | Perovskite | P c = 39 | 29.7 | |
ZrVN3 | (A) | 123 | 1.41 | 1.66 | 3.02 | 7.03 | 9.50 | 19 | Layered | Metallic | — |
(G) | 153 | 2.25 | 2.35 | 14.56 | 5.10 | 5.55 | 31 | Perovskite | P c = 1.7 | 872.7 | |
HfVN3 | (A) | 144 | 1.53 | 1.57 | 2.99 | 9.44 | 7.62 | 7 | Layered | Metallic | — |
(G) | 176 | 2.20 | 2.27 | 7.25 | 5.51 | 5.06 | 31 | Perovskite | P c = 64 | 28.9 |
Despite its extensive usage for predicting the thermodynamic stability of new nitrides, the PBEsol functionals display systematic errors for calculating the band gap, crucial for distinguishing between semiconductors and metals, as well as for calculating the enthalpy of formation of gas-phase N compounds, which results in the wrong estimation of the energy hull.34 We evaluate this inaccuracy by recomputing the thermodynamic stability with HSE06 functional. From Fig. 4, it appears that PBEsol functionals overestimate the stability of the nitrides: out of the 17 materials with a distance of 200 meV per atom or lower to the hull, 12 remain within this range when more accurately computing the energies. Finally, we highlight that eight compounds adopt a perovskite-like structure in their ground state (InWN3, LaMoN3, LaWN3, SnNbN3, SnSbN3, SnTaN3, TlWN3 and TlWN3). The others adopt a layered-type structure related to post-perovskite, as shown in Fig. 5. Note that the post-perovskite is the ground-state of CaIrO3,35 and was named after a high-pressure phase of MgSiO3.36,37 This structure consists in the presence of planes of edge and corner-sharing octahedra separated by layers of cations, respecting the Cmcm symmetry. We use the term “layered structure” to refer to those with the same connectivity and coordination as post-perovskite, but with different symmetry.
LaMoN3 was predicted to adopt a non-perovskite structure with C2/c symmetry.18 Using our settings, we find that LaMoN3 in this phase stands at around 70 meV per atom above the hull (PBEsol). We identify this material's ground state as a perovskite structure with R3c symmetry, identified as the lowest energy phase in both our workflows, and standing on the hull using PBEsol, and at only 25 meV per atom above the hull with hybrid functional. In Table 1, we report a Pc symmetry for one of the workflows for consistency with the tolerance to detect symmetry. However, the R3c phase is also found when lowering the tolerance for symmetry detection of the Glazer structure. Moreover, the energy degeneracy, the almost similar lattice parameters, and the density of states (see ESI Fig. S10†) show the similarity of both structures.
YMoN3 and YWN3 have been reported to adopt the same structure as LaMoN3 (space group 15)18 and we find that they are respectively at about 25 meV per atom and 125 meV per atom above the hull (PBEsol calculations) in these reported phases. In the present work, YMoN3 is found to be a promising new nitride perovskite candidate. Indeed, in its ground state, this material stands on the hull with a structure of Pc symmetry (A). We identify a polymorph with Pmn21 symmetry that is only 3.5 meV per atom higher in energy. In the case of YWN3, the ground state adopts a perovskite structure with Pmn21 symmetry (A and G) and stands at only a few meV per atom above the hull.
Finally, ScMoN3 and ScWN3 are mentioned in literature as unlikely to be stable in a perovskite structure.15 While no information about the structure could be found,15 we take as reference the structure with P symmetry found on Materials Project‡ and find that their energies are about 200 meV per atom far from the hull. Both materials are dynamically stable in a perovskite structure, respectively, with Pna21 symmetry for ScMoN3 and Pmn21 for ScWN3. Nevertheless, the ground states are non-perovskite structures with alternated Sc and Mo (W respectively) layers and P
symmetry for ScMoN3, and P21/c for ScWN3. Note that the energy difference between the polymorphs of the latter material is less than 20 meV per atom.
While some compositions were already predicted before our work, our systematic structural search workflow is proved robust in identifying ground-state structures. Indeed, it allowed the identification of what is likely the ground state for already identified and new candidates. The following section provides a deeper analysis of the most promising materials.
Next, to evaluate the potential for being ferroelectric, we estimate the electric field required to switch the polarisation (see Methods for details on the calculations). All polar materials, except HfVN3, can potentially be switched with an appropriate electric field of the order of a few kV cm−1. While this estimation is undoubtedly not highly rigorous, it reasonably estimates the electric field intensity required to switch the polarisation. It shows that this is likely to happen before the material breaks down.
ZrTaN3 (A), HfTaN3 (A) and ZrNbN3 (A) are found to be metallic with PBEsol calculations, and their polarisation could, therefore, not be calculated. Using hybrid functional, they exhibit a small band gap of 0.45 eV, 0.55 eV and 0.74 eV, for ZrTaN3, HfTaN3 and ZrNbN3 respectively. This indicates that while their pristine structures are not metallic, doping could, in principle, trigger metallicity. Those systems would therefore require further investigation to evaluate their potential as polar metals. While HfNbN3 (A) and ZrVN3 (A) are metallic, their structure is centrosymmetric (not polar).
Considering their distance of 25 meV per atom – corresponding to the thermal energy at room temperature – or less to the hull, their significant polarisation value and their likelihood of being switchable, we present YMoN3, YWN3 and LaMoN3 as new ferroelectric materials very likely synthesisable. On the other hand, while ScWN3 (G) and HfVN3 (G) are promising in polarisation and switching fields, their energy above the hull is significantly higher and, therefore, more challenging. Finally, ZrVN3 (G) is the least promising candidate for ferroelectricity due to its high energy above the hull and large switching field.
Further than ferroelectricity, YMoN3 (both structures) and ZrTaN3 (G) seem promising for thermoelectric applications due to their electronic band structure presenting a mix of flat non-disperse bands with large charge career effective mass, related to high Seebeck, and disperse band edges with high career mobility, linked to high-electrical conductivity. These materials' crystal and electronic band structures are presented in Fig. 6 along with those of YWN3 and LaMoN3 for comparison. The electronic and crystal structures of the 25 most promising candidates can be found in the ESI in Fig. S9–S13.†
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Fig. 6 Crystal structure, electronic band structures and projected density of states of YMoN3 (A), ZrTaN3 (G), YWN3 and LaMoN3 (A). |
YMoN3 (A) has an indirect band gap of 2.17 eV with the valence band maximum between (VBM) S and R, and the conduction band minimum (CBM) between X and Γ. The valence band has hole effective masses of 0.71 me and 0.93 me along VBM-S and VBM-R, respectively. The conduction band has electron effective masses of 0.42 me and 1.14 me along CBM-X and CBM-Γ, respectively. ZrTaN3 (G) has a direct band gap of 2.13 eV at Γ with hole effective masses of 0.49 me along Γ–Y and 0.57 me along Γ–B, and electron effective masses of 0.34 me and 0.40 me along Γ–Y and Γ–B, respectively. Both materials exhibit low hole and electron effective masses, which is promising for high conductivity, assuming that the materials are both p-type and n-type dopable.
From a methodological point of view, our work shows the limitations of traditional high throughput studies relying on common structures that, in some cases, can fail in identifying the correct ground state structure (e.g. LaMoN3). While the computational cost of thoroughly exploring the potential energy surface is high, our mixed crystal structure search approach combining symmetry-guided distortions (octahedral tilts) complemented by crystal structure prediction is robust in finding low-energy structures. We should nevertheless emphasise that our crystal structure search was constrained by the unit cell size fixed to maximum 4 formula units. While the goal of our study was to identify feasible perovskite and perovskite-like polymorphs, we acknowledge that an unconstrained global search may yield further energy minima.
Our work has implications for future experimental and theoretical studies. On the one hand, we provided highly reliable studies of the stability of 25 closed-shell materials, which we hope will serve as starting point for future synthesis. On the other hand, we uncovered a vast chemical space of accessible new nitride materials using chemically based criteria. While the current study investigated the thermodynamic stability of 25 candidates out of the 279 predicted systems, their chemical feasibility should be enough to motivate further theoretical studies. We focused here on the materials with closed-shell. Still, we anticipate that other open-shell candidates might display richer chemistry and exhibit electric and magnetic polarisation, opening the way to other technologically relevant classes of materials such as multiferroics.
For searching, density functional theory calculations are carried out using CASTEP48 with a plane wave cut-off energy of 340 eV, reciprocal space sampling spacing of 0.07 2π Å−1, and the PBEsol exchange–correlation functional.44 The on-the-fly generated core-corrected ultrasoft pseudopotentials are used from the CASTEP built-in QC5 potential library. The DISP49 package is used for data management as workflow automation.
For each material, the ten lowest-energy structures were then relaxed with VASP and coherent parameters to select the lowest-energy structure and evaluate its dynamical stability.
[x, y, z] → [−x, −y, −z] |
To evaluate the switchability of the polarisation we calculate the required energy to overcome the barrier separating the initial structure and its version with inverted coordinates. The nudged elastic band (NEB),54 as implemented in VASP, is used to find the minimum energy path. A set of 5 intermediate states was generated by linear interpolation between the endpoint structures, with fixed volume along the path. The NEB calculations were run until forces reached a convergence of 0.01 eV Å−1.
Finally, we approximate the required electric field to overcome the energy barrier by making use of the energy produced by the coupling of the electric field () and polarisation (
ΔE = −![]() ![]() |
We approximate the necessary electric field by inverting the previous relation with taken as the polarisation value in the initial structure and ΔE the energy barrier.
All these calculations are done with PBEsol.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ mp1246879 and mp1246967. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |