RSC Sustain., 2023,
1, 2038-2057
A sustainable approach for the adsorption of methylene blue from an aqueous background: an adsorbent based on DES/CGS modified GO@ZrO2†
11th July 2023
, Accepted 21st September 2023
First published on 5th October 2023
Gemini surfactants (GSs) and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) belong to two important classes of industrially important materials which can be used to modify the performances of other entities where they are used for functionalization. A graphene oxide-zirconium oxide (GO@ZrO2) nanocomposite has been synthesised and modified by using a cationic gemini surfactant (CGS, butanediyl-1,4, bis(N,N-hexadecyl ammonium) dibromide (16-4-16)) or by using a well-known DES (reline, choline chloride
urea, molar ratio 1
2). The adsorbent materials were characterized by various physicochemical techniques (FTIR, XRD, TEM, SEM-EDX, and TGA). Methylene blue (MB), a well-known industrially important colouring material, has been used as a model adsorbate to investigate its adsorption/removal from aqueous solution by using the above-modified nanocomposites (NCs, CGS-GO@ZrO2 and DES-GO@ZrO2). The adsorption process follows the Langmuir model (R2 ≈ 0.995) together with pseudo-second order rate kinetics. Adsorption variables were optimised in the light of [NC], [MB], pH, and contact time. DES-GO@ZrO2 has been found to be a better candidate for the fast removal of MB (∼100% at 20 mg L−1, 5 m with 2 mg ml−1 DES-GO@ZrO2) when compared with other similarly modified materials. To economize the method, desorption of adsorbed MB (performed by using ethanol) is necessary. It has been found that the DES-GO@ZrO2 performs efficiently even after 5 adsorption–desorption series. The findings of the present study can have potential applications in developing an economic strategy for the purification of industrial dye effluents with a concomitant redressal of aquatic pollution.
Sustainability spotlight
Industrial effluents containing colour and colouring materials pose a significant threat to the aquatic ecosystem, with dyes from textile industries being a major contributor. To save running water sources from contamination, it is desirable to search for effective strategies for removing dyes from industrial wastewater. In response to this challenge, a sustainable and economically viable answer emerges in the form of modified graphene-based composites. This innovative idea not only offers valuable insights but also presents a practical solution for mitigating the harmful effects of dye effluents. By adopting the methodology presented here, one can actively conserve the already present limited potable water resources on mother earth.
1 Introduction
The last 4–5 decades witnessed a sharp increase in the fundamental progress and prospects of various kinds of materials such as nanomaterials, electronic materials, solvent materials, associated materials, membrane materials, and porous materials among others.1–11 Among these materials, carbon allotropes attract special attention due to their novel properties and potential application in various fields of life.12–16 Graphene is the most sought-after carbon allotrope, both in its pure form and when incorporated into composite materials or utilized in its derived forms, in various areas of scientific and engineering research.4,17–20 Graphene is a uni-layer bi-dimensional surface of carbon atoms chemically bonded in the sp2 configuration with a hexagonal pattern (benzene ring).17,18 However, graphene oxide (GO) is preferred over graphene due to the presence of functional groups, though graphene has exceptional mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties.21
GO spontaneously distributes in an aqueous medium facilitating polluted water treatment.22,23 Furthermore, GO shows high electronic mobility imparted from oxygenated moieties at the basal plane and edges.24 However, high surface energy results in agglomeration and lower dispersibility as well as applicability.25 Such inefficiencies of GO can be resolved by its fusion with some metallic oxides by anchoring a nanocomposite (NC) into its skeleton which may address and modify the existing problem and properties, respectively.26–30 Nanocomposites are known as multicomponent materials with different phase nano-domains.31 Compared with GO, the above nanocomposites show specific architectural morphology and photochemical characteristics and exhibit good performance towards water treatment technologies.32 Among various metal oxides used for composite formation, zirconia (ZrO2) has attracted researchers due to its passive nature and lower reductive potential together with lower processing cost.33 It has been reported that GO-based metal composites are preferably used for the removal of cationic pollutants while very rarely used for the anionic moieties.34 Currently, NCs are modified with a variety of compounds/mixtures (synthetic and natural polymers and surfactants) owing to their field of application.34–41
In the above context, surfactants are preferred as modification agents due to their simple synthesis process, improved crystallinity/thermal stability, prevention of agglomeration, and the increased surface area and controlled porosity of the resulting modified material.42–47 Cationic surfactants have found use as preferred modifiers in comparison to other charge type ones.45,48–50 Recently, a cationic gemini surfactant (CGS) was reported as a modification material.51–56 CGSs are known for showing improved structural and surface/solution properties over conventional cationic surfactants.57–65 These research studies show that CGSs can be used to modify metal oxide or GO to facilitate the adsorption/degradation phenomenon. The utilization of CGS modified nanocomposites, based on metal oxide and GO, has been reported only a few times.40,66
A new solvent material denoted as deep eutectic solvent (DES), has been introduced as a substitute for ionic liquids with added superior properties.67–70 DES is now gaining momentum as a potential modifier in nanomaterial synthesis, processing, and functionalization of NCs.71–78 These materials are safe, accessible, green, and environmentally friendly, and show increased affinity towards the materials of interest.76,79 On the basis of the above survey, it seems of genuine interest to compare the adsorption efficiencies of CGS and DES modified NCs.
Saving pure water bodies, for the next generation, on the earth, is the biggest challenge to the research community.80–84 World bank data show that textile waste (e.g., colour or colour-causing material) contributes ∼20% of the total industrial water pollution.85 Thus, the colour/colouring compound eradication from the effluent is the first and foremost challenge faced by industries worldwide. This boosts the search for an optimised treatment method in order to diminish colouring pollutants from the effluent, before mixing in the regular potable water streams. NCs have been shown to be used as a potential material to solve the above mentioned problem using various modifications.26,86–90 Owing to the economic and synthetic characteristics of ZrO2 and DES, respectively, both are chosen for NC synthesis with GO and for further functionalization (DES-GO@ZrO2). Moreover, another similar composite has been synthesised and modified with CGS using a method reported elsewhere.40 Methylene blue (MB) is used as a model dye for the adsorption/kinetic study. Butanediyl-1,4, bis(N,N-hexadecyl ammonium) dibromide (16-4-16) and reline are used as the CGS and DES, respectively, for the current study. Reline is a well-known DES that can be obtained by mixing (1
2, molar ratio) choline chloride (ChCl), as a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA), and urea, as a hydrogen bond donor (HBD).91 Modified NCs were characterized by different methods such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Various experimental conditions are optimised (NC doses, contact time, pH, initial adsorbate content, etc.) in order to realize the maximum removal of dyes from the aqueous medium. Probably, such type of comparative work on CGS/DES modified NCs has been performed for the first time. The strategies reported here may find application in reducing water pollution and cleaning the environment in general.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Chemicals
GO, CGS, and DES (reline) are synthesised and characterized using the same procedures as reported previously.40,58,92 Zirconium acetate [Zr(CH3COO)2] (99%) has been purchased from Loba Chemie, India, and used as received. ChCl (99%) has been obtained from TCI (India) and was used after vacuum drying (40 ± 0.5 °C). Urea has been obtained (99%) from Sigma Aldrich and used with no further purification. Methylene blue (MB), of microscopic grade (98%), was obtained from Loba Chemie, India. Distilled water of specific conductance ∼1 μS cm−1 was used throughout. All the other reagents and chemicals used are of AR grade. The chemical structures of 16-4-16 (CGS), reline (DES), and MB are given in Scheme 1.
| Scheme 1 Chemical structures of various materials used in the study. | |
2.2 Preparation of GO@ZrO2 NC
GO was synthesised by using a well-established modified Hummers method.93,94 Synthesis of GO@ZrO2 involves the following steps: GO has been dispersed in an aqueous solution (1 g in 100 ml) through sonication for 30 m. The resulting dispersion was mixed with aqueous zirconium acetate (1 g in 100 ml) and stirring was performed for 30 m. Subsequently, the mixture was again sonicated for 1 h and 20 ml 1 M NaOH was added gradually. The resulting mixture was heated to 100 ± 0.1 °C and stirred for another 2 h. A colour change from greenish yellow to black indicates the formation of the dispersed aqueous GO@ZrO2 NC. The latter was filtered and the solid mass was washed thrice with distilled water and then ethanol (50 ml each). The material, GO@ZrO2 NC, was dried in a vacuum oven (100 ± 0.5 °C) for 12 h which resulted in a black shiny powder.
2.3 Modification of GO@ZrO2 using CGS
The above synthesised GO@ZrO2 was modified with CGS using the following procedure. GO@ZrO2 (3 g/100 ml) was stirred in aqueous CGS solution (0.1 g/100 ml). The resulting mixture was sonicated for 5 m and then gently stirred for another 2 h at room temperature. The resulting dispersion was subsequently centrifuged (3000 rpm for 10 m) and washed thrice with distilled water (50 ml each time). This gives a CGS-modified NC (CGS-GO@ZrO2) after drying in a vacuum oven at 65 ± 0.5 °C for 12 h.
2.4 Modification of GO@ZrO2 using reline as the DES
1 g of GO@ZrO2 was sonicated with 10 ml of DES (reline) for 30 m to get a homogenous dispersion. This dispersion has been transferred into a round bottom flask and then stirred at 80 ± 0.1 °C for 2 h. The mixture was filtered and washed thrice with distilled water followed by ethanol (50 ml of each). This DES-modified NC (DES-GO@ZrO2) was dried in a vacuum oven for 24 h at 80 ± 0.5 °C.
2.5 Instrumentation for characterisation of the synthesised/modified NCs
X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra of GO@ZrO2, CGS-GO@ZrO2, and DES-GO@ZrO2 powder NCs have been recorded on an X-ray diffractometer (SmartLab, Rigaku Corporation, Japan, operating at 40 kV) equipped with a Cu laser source at a scanning rate of 2° m−1 within a range of 5° to 80°. FT-IR spectra of various NCs were recorded in the range of 400–4000 cm−1 on an FTIR-8400S, Shimadzu, Japan. TEM has been used to obtain morphological information by using a TEM-1400 PLUS, Jeol India Pvt. Ltd., India. For the TEM grid preparation, 1 mg of each NC sample has been sonicated in 20 ml of pure ethanol for 30 m using a tip sonicator, followed by placing two drops of the resulting suspension on a carbon-coated copper grid (200 mesh). The prepared TEM grid was air-dried for 30 m at room temperature before the TEM imaging experiment. The surface morphologies and elemental composition of the NC samples were studied using SEM (Hitachi SU70 SEM, Japan) at 15 kV coupled with EDX (EDX-8100, Shimadzu, Japan). Thermal stabilities of the synthesised/modified NCs were estimated using the TGA technique (TGA 50, Shimadzu, Japan) by collecting thermograms in the temperature range between 25 and 700 °C (heating rate of 10 °C m−1) under a nitrogen atmosphere.
2.6 Dye adsorption study
Adsorption data are acquired by adopting a batch experiment approach (in triplicate). The concentration of MB has been quantified using an external calibration method (λmax = 663 nm). A good correlation line (not shown) has been obtained (R2 ∼ 0.999) and is thus used for quantifying MB adsorption. The solution of dye (20 ml) of an appropriate concentration (10–1000 mg L−1) was mixed with different composite dosages (1–15 mg ml−1) in quick-fit glass bottles. The mixture was kept under ambient conditions for different periods of time depending upon the nature of the study (adsorption or kinetics). The equilibrated (after the stipulated interval) mixture was centrifuged before UV-vis investigation (UV-1800, Shimadzu, Japan). The composite adsorption capacity (Q) has been computed using the following expression, |  | (1) |
where Ci and Ct are the initial and at time t concentrations of MB, respectively, V is the volume of MB solution and w is the weight of the modified composite (adsorbent). Furthermore, the percentage of dye removal (P) has been estimated by using the following mathematical expression, |  | (2) |
2.7 Determination of pH at the point of zero charge (pHpzc)
The salt addition method95 was used to determine the pHpzc of DES-GO@ZrO2 and CGS-GO@ZrO2 using 0.1 M KNO3 solution at 30 ± 0.1 °C. The total volume of the solution was adjusted exactly to 20 ml in a conical flask by adding 0.1 M KNO3. The initial pH (pHinitial) of the solutions was adjusted between 2.0 and 12.0 by adding 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M NaOH solutions, respectively. The solutions of different pHinitial values were then mixed with 50 mg NC, and the suspension was allowed to stand for 24 h. The final pH (pHfinal) of the supernatant liquid was noted for each solution. The difference between the pHinitial and pHfinal (ΔpH = pHinitial − pHfinal) was then plotted against pHinitial. The point of intersection of the resulting curve with the abscissa, at which ΔpH = 0, gives the pHpzc.
2.8 Dye re-adsorption study
The adsorbed MB has been separated from the adsorbent by washing (3 times) with 50 ml ethanol each time. With each washing, the adsorbent was filtered. The washed adsorbent was then dried in a vacuum oven at 80 °C for 12 h. The so-obtained recharged DES-GO@ZrO2 has been used (up to the 5th cycle) for the re-adsorption of MB. Re-adsorption efficiency (Re) has been computed by using the below-mentioned expression, |  | (3) |
where Qr and Qf are adsorption capacities with recharged and fresh DES-GO@ZrO2.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Characterisation of the synthesised/modified NCs
XRD spectra of all the NCs are shown in Fig. 1. The broadness of NC spectra indicates poor crystallinity (amorphousness) of all NCs. When XRD data were compared with those of pure GO and pure ZrO2 (Fig. S1, ESI†), the composite material has been found to be more amorphous than the individual components. Similar types of signals were observed for the controlled deposition of ZrO2 on graphene nanosheets in earlier studies.96,97Fig. 1 also shows that amorphousness more or less remained similar even after modification with CGS or DES. In an earlier study, it has been shown that a surfactant modified NC-material shows more amorphousness than pure GO and corroborates the present data.98
| Fig. 1 XRD spectra of the modified nanocomposite(s) and its precursor. | |
FT-IR spectra of GO@ZrO2, CGS-GO@ZrO2, and DES-GO@ZrO2 are compiled in Fig. 2. In the case of CGS-GO@ZrO2, the appearance of peaks at around 2923 and 2847 cm−1 indicates the existence of C–H stretching vibration bands and confirms the presence of the CGS alkyl group and hence the modification of GO@ZrO2 by CGS. Similarly, in the case of DES-GO@ZrO2, peaks appear at 3019 and 3261 cm−1 which are expected to be from the vibrations of H-bonds in O–H and/or N–H, as reported earlier.99 Furthermore, Zr–O bands appeared at 635 cm−1 and 762 cm−1. The absorption band which appeared at 2900 cm−1 indicates a small alkyl chain of the choline part of reline present at the surface of DES-GO@ZrO2.
| Fig. 2 FT-IR spectra of GO@ZrO2 and its modified forms with CGS and DES nanocomposites. | |
TEM images of pure GO@ZrO2 and modified NCs are shown in Fig. 3. Modified composite images (Fig. 3b and c) show wrinkles and folding on the outer part of the original composite. The sheets are comparatively well separated for DES-GO@ZrO2 than for CGS-GO@ZrO2 (for the same magnification).
| Fig. 3 TEM images of (a) GO@ZrO2, (b) CGS-GO@ZrO2, and (c) DES-GO@ZrO2. | |
SEM-EDX data are given in Fig. 4 to further ensure the modification of GO@ZrO2. The elemental analysis data are summarized in the ESI (Table S1†). The presence of nitrogen and chlorine atoms in the modified composites shows the functionalization of GO@ZrO2 with CGS or DES (as the case may be). The data are indicative of the successful functionalization of the GO@ZrO2 NC.
| Fig. 4 SEM-EDX images of (a) GO@ZrO2, (b) DES-GO@ZrO2 and (c) CGS-GO@ZrO2. | |
TGA thermograms and derivative thermograms for pure and functionalized nanocomposites are provided in Fig. 5a and b, respectively. Thermal stability of GO@ZrO2 increases with both CGS/DES modified NCs. This additional thermal stability in the presence of both DES and CGS indicates that the decomposition of labile surface oxygens is restricted. This surface stability can be further utilized for higher temperature adsorption if needed.
| Fig. 5 (a) Thermograms and (b) derivative thermograms of GO@ZrO2 and CGS/DES modified nanocomposites. | |
3.2 Influence of [MB]
Removal of MB (by an adsorption process) from aqueous dye solution (without agitation) was studied in the presence of a fixed dose of the composite (GO@ZrO2 (2 mg ml−1), CGS-GO@ZrO2 (10 mg ml−1) or DES-GO@ZrO2 (2 mg ml−1)). The percentage of MB removal (P) in all the cases (after 60 m, followed by centrifugation) has been plotted against different fixed [MB] (20–100 mg L−1), and data are depicted in Fig. 6. The perusal of data (Fig. 6) suggests that modification improves the P value compared to that observed with GO@ZrO2. It may be mentioned that DES-GO@ZrO2, even having 5 times lower quantity, competes well for the initial lower [MB] (∼40 mg L−1). However, at further higher [MB], the P values show distinct differences for the above two modified NCs. Preliminary adsorption data show the competitiveness of DES modified NC with the CGS one. In this experiment, the best performances of MB adsorption were found at 20 mg L−1 and 50 mg L−1 for DES-GO@ZrO2 and CGS-GO@ZrO2, respectively. Therefore, these concentrations were taken to optimise the composite dosages.
| Fig. 6 Variation of % MB removal from background solution (20 ml, after 60 m) with different initial concentrations of MB (20–100 mg L−1) at 30 ± 0.1 °C: GO@ZrO2 (2 mg ml−1); DES-GO@ZrO2 (2 mg ml−1) and CGS-GO@ZrO2 (10 mg ml−1). | |
3.3 Influence of the composite load
The above fixed MB concentrations were used to study the influence of the composite load on the absorbability of MB from an aqueous solution. The NC load has been varied to determine the appropriate content of the adsorbent in the removal of MB (after 60 m) together with Q. Data for DES-GO@ZrO2 and CGS-GO@ZrO2 are shown in Fig. 7. A perusal of the data indicates that a near complete MB adsorption has been observed at/above 2 mg ml−1 with the former NC while similar MB adsorption was observed at/above 10 mg ml−1 for the latter NC (CGS-GO@ZrO2). Therefore, 2 mg ml−1 composite load and 20 mg L−1 MB concentration have been fixed for DES-GO@ZrO2 while 10 mg ml−1 composite load and 50 mg L−1 MB concentration were fixed for CGS-GO@ZrO2 to study the influence of pH.
| Fig. 7 Optimisation of composite dosages for MB adsorption (20 ml solution, after 60 m): (a) DES-GO@ZrO2 (with 20 mg L−1 MB) and (b) CGS-GO@ZrO2 (with 50 mg L−1 MB) at 30 ± 0.1 °C. | |
3.4 Influence of pH
pH variation has been accomplished by varying the concentration of NaOH/HCl depending upon the pH range (basic or acidic). With an increase in pH, MB molecules will exist in both charged and uncharged forms. The variation of P vs. pH for the above-mentioned systems (Section 3.2, after 60 m) is shown in Fig. 8. P has been found to be lower in a higher acidic range and increases with an increase in pH and shows distinctly higher MB adsorption (or P) at pH 10 for DES-GO@ZrO2. This may be interpreted in terms of the conversion of the cationic MB form into the neutral MB form. The latter form may be driven towards the NC surface due to the hydrophobic attraction of the dye towards modified NC surfaces. Fig. 9 shows the variation of ΔpH vs. pHinitial and resulted in pHpzc zero between pH 7 to 8. Beyond this pH range the NC surface will be negatively charged and start attracting the cationic form of the dye and be responsible for a sudden increase in the P value from pH 8–10. This could also be understood in light of the fact that the pKa value of MB is 3.8.100 The increase in the P value with pH finds support in an earlier study in which MB adsorption has been conducted on a GO-based composite.26 However, the amount of MB adsorbed from pH 4–8 for CGS-GO@ZrO2 is nearly constant. The former form will interact electrostatically with the CGS-GO@ZrO2 surface while the latter one will interact hydrophobically. The overall adsorption might be the result of the above two interactions and works oppositely for CGS-GO@ZrO2 and is responsible for a level-off in the P value. This is indeed observed in Fig. 8.
| Fig. 8 (a) Influence of pH (2–10) on MB adsorption (20 ml solution, after 60 m) by DES-GO@ZrO2 (2 mg ml−1 dosage, with 20 mg L−1 MB) and (b) CGS-GO@ZrO2 (10 mg ml−1 dosage, with 50 mg L−1 MB) at 30 ± 0.1 °C. | |
| Fig. 9 Variation of ΔpH vs. pHintial for DES-GO@ZrO2 (50 mg/20 ml KNO3 solution) and CGS-GO@ZrO2 (50 mg/20 ml KNO3 solution) at 30 ± 0.1 °C. | |
3.5 Influence of contact time: adsorption kinetics
In order to understand the kinetics of the adsorption process, influences of contact time and [MB] have been seen at a fixed concentration of composite (2 or 10 mg ml−1) and pH (=10). Q values at different time intervals (Qt) are plotted against time (t) and such profiles are shown in Fig. 10a & b. The data have been used to obtain Qe (amount of MB adsorbed per gram of the composite after attaining equilibrium). Various kinetic models (pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, and intraparticle diffusion model) have been applied to reveal adsorption kinetics. The well-known Lagergren equation is widely used for liquid and solid systems to deal with pseudo-first order kinetics.101
| Fig. 10 Variation of adsorption capacity (Qt) with contact time for various starting MB concentrations (10–1000 mg L−1): (a) DES-GO@ZrO2 (2 mg ml−1 dosage, 20 ml solution of MB) and (b) CGS-GO@ZrO2 (10 mg ml−1 dosage, 20 ml solution of MB) at 30 ± 0.1 °C. | |
Pseudo-first order kinetic model.
ln(Qe − Qt) = ln Qe − k1t
| (4) |
where k1 (min−1) represents the pseudo-first order rate constant for the MB adsorption. Qe and k1 can be obtained from the slope and intercept of log(Qe − Qt) vs. t plots (Fig. S2a & b†). The computed data related to this model are compiled in Table 1. A perusal of Fig. 10 clearly depicts that kinetic data cannot be fitted in the present model (with both the NCs, Fig. 10a & b, Table 1) and hence other models are also checked. The square of the correlation coefficient (R2) values, for different initial MB concentrations, are much lower than one and hence denies the appropriateness of the pseudo-first order kinetic model. This is also confirmed due to distinct variations in the value of experimentally obtained Qe and theoretically obtained Qe (Table 1).
Table 1 Fitted kinetic data in different models for DES-GO@ZrO2 and CGS-GO@ZrO2
Adsorbent (mg L−1) |
Pseudo-first order |
Pseudo-second order |
Intra-particle diffusion |
e (exp) (mg g−1) |
e (cal) (mg g−1) |
1 (min−1) |
e (cal) (mg g−1) |
2 (g mg−1 min−1) |
20 |
9.88 |
9.92 |
0.087 |
0.885 |
9.94 |
1.065 |
0.999 |
2.412 |
2.69 |
0.620 |
40 |
19.93 |
18.76 |
0.035 |
0.239 |
20.99 |
0.019 |
0.993 |
2.272 |
5.88 |
0.765 |
60 |
29.84 |
22.55 |
0.596 |
0.113 |
31.66 |
0.033 |
0.967 |
2.197 |
5.99 |
0.921 |
80 |
39.89 |
23.56 |
0.113 |
0.387 |
41.52 |
0.004 |
0.979 |
2.687 |
11.21 |
0.857 |
100 |
47.85 |
25.36 |
0.067 |
0.209 |
54.43 |
0.001 |
0.896 |
3.584 |
3.02 |
0.968 |
![[thin space (1/6-em)]]( |
10 |
0.86 |
0.745 |
0.011 |
0.909 |
0.98 |
0.668 |
0.988 |
0.233 |
0.10 |
0.603 |
50 |
3.28 |
3.184 |
0.063 |
0.864 |
33.70 |
0.001 |
0.913 |
0.897 |
0.47 |
0.529 |
100 |
9.33 |
10.14 |
0.011 |
0.655 |
10.81 |
0.154 |
0.999 |
1.395 |
3.55 |
0.861 |
1000 |
72.13 |
58.35 |
0.034 |
0.716 |
72.83 |
0.002 |
0.998 |
3.663 |
28.71 |
0.825 |
Pseudo-second order kinetic model.
In the process of finding the correctness of the kinetic model, the data of MB adsorption, with both NCs, were fitted to the pseudo-second order kinetic equation,102 |  | (5) |
where k2 (g mg−1 min−1), the second order rate constant, and Qe have been computed from a straight-line plot (Fig. S3a & b)† of t/Qtvs. t (using the slope and intercept). When t → 0, the adsorption rate becomes the initial adsorption speed. The data computed for this model are compiled in Table 1. Better R2 values (∼1) indicate the suitability of the pseudo-second order kinetic model to understand the adsorption kinetics of MB on both modified NCs (CGS-GO@ZrO2 and DES-GO@ZrO2).
3.5.3 Intraparticle diffusion kinetic model.
Another kinetic model has also been used to interpret adsorption behaviour. This model also considers the diffusion process of the adsorbate in addition to concentration variation. The well-known expression103 of the present model is as follows,ki is the intraparticle velocity constant (mg g−1 min1/2) and Ci is a constant that is related to boundary layer thickness/diffusion. Qtvs. t½ provides a linear plot (Fig. S4a & b)† whose slope and intercept can be used to obtain ki and Ci. The computed values of ki, Ci, and R2 are summarized in Table 1. Looking at the fitted data and R2 values (far less than 1), one can be observe that pore/surface diffusion is not the only factor but other routes such as film diffusion may also be involved.
From a perusal of all the fitted data in different kinetic models with both the NCs (Table 1), it can be seen that better fitting (Fig. S3†) and acceptable R2 values are produced with the pseudo-second order kinetic model, which hints that this model is probably followed in the present adsorption of MB on both the modified NC surfaces.
3.6 Adsorption isotherm
The applicability of different adsorption isotherm models (at 30 ± 0.1 °C) has been checked by considering Freundlich, Langmuir, and Temkin models.
3.6.2 Langmuir isotherm.
Since the Freundlich adsorption isotherm model fails to fit the present adsorption data of MB, therefore, other models were tested to know the exact mechanism of MB adsorption. Another well-known adsorption model namely, the Langmuir isotherm,105 has been considered to fit. The Langmuir isotherm is represented by, |  | (8) |
where Qm is the content of MB to form a uni-layer (mg g−1) and b (L mg−1) is a constant which represents adsorption energy. A plot of 1/Qevs. 1/Ce results in a straight line with a slope (gives 1/b Qm) and intercept (1/Qm) (Fig. S6†). The values of R2 were found to be reasonably good and are compiled with other adsorption constants of this model in Table 2. These data indicate the suitability of the Langmuir model for MB adsorption on modified NCs. This was further confirmed by the determination of the equilibrium adsorption parameter (REP) which is related to b and Ci by using the following mathematical expression, |  | (9) |
EP gives an idea about the favourability of adsorption equilibrium. The ranges of REP for different initial [MB] are also tabulated in Table 2. REP varies between 0.01 and 0.0021 (for DES-GO@ZrO2) and 0.4405–0.0078 (for CGS-GO@ZrO2) which proves that monolayer adsorption is taking place spontaneously. Furthermore, NCs provide nearly homogeneous surfaces.
3.6.3 Temkin isotherm.
To ensure the applicability of the Langmuir model, the adsorption data were also fitted into another well-known model, known as the Temkin isotherm.106 This model asserts that the heat of adsorption lowers linearly during the transfer of the adsorbate toward the adsorbent surface, and the model can be expressed mathematically as, |  | (10) |
The term KT (L g−1) is the Temkin constant related to the energy involved in the binding of MB to modified NC. The value of RT/b gives insight into the nature of the adsorption process. These values were obtained from the slope and intercept of the plot of Qevs. log
Ce (Fig. S7†). If RT/b > 0, the process can be said to be exothermic and vice versa, while when RT/b < 0, means that heat is absorbed during adsorption, i.e., an endothermic process. The values of RT/b, KT, and R2 are also included in Table 2.
A perusal of isotherm parameters (Table 2) of different adsorption models (mentioned above) indicates that both Langmuir (monolayer adsorption) and Temkin (exothermic) models are equally followed by the MB adsorption data obtained with CGS-GO@ZrO2 and DES-GO@ZrO2 as adsorbents. This indicates that monolayer adsorption of MB is taking place together with heat release. Therefore, the binding strength of MB to DES-GO@ZrO2 seems higher than to CGS-GO@ZrO2.
3.7 Comparison of MB adsorption with similar composite materials
Table 3 shows the compilation of the adsorption/removal data of MB with similar composites.107–110 Among two modified composites (for faster removal), DES-GO@ZrO2 has been found to be superior to CGS-GO@ZrO2. A perusal of comparative data shows that DES-GO@ZrO2 shows good adsorption efficiency (close to 100%) within a short time (5 m) though the DES-GO@ZrO2 dose was slightly towards the higher side. However, the adsorption time column in Table 3 clearly shows that the DES-GO@ZrO2 can be a preferred candidate for the faster removal of MB or similar materials (yet to be checked). Based on this observation, DES-GO@ZrO2 has been chosen for the recyclability study.
Table 3 Comparison of removal efficiency of DES-GO@ZrO2 and CGS-GO@ZrO2 with similar materials reported in the literature
Nanocomposite names |
Adsorbent dosage (mg mL−1) |
Initial MB concentration (ppm) |
Adsorption time (min) |
Removal efficiency (%) |
Ref. |
2 |
20 |
5 |
∼100% |
This work |
10 |
10 |
5 |
82% |
Fe3O4−xGO |
0.28 |
150 |
180 |
97.5% |
CS/Fe3O4/GO |
0.4 |
5 |
1200 |
∼25% |
1 |
30 |
840 |
96.7% |
GO/Fe3O4/SiO2 |
0.25 |
3.2 |
10 |
∼65% |
3.8 Recyclability/reusability study
For an adsorbent, the potential is not only determined by its adsorption/removal efficiency but also by reusability (to control the economy of the process) one after another cycle.111–113 Here, MB adsorbed DES-GO@ZrO2 has been recycled by washing it with various solvents (water, 0.1 M HCl, 0.1 M NaOH, methanol, and ethanol). The washing ability of adsorbed MB is shown in Fig. S8.† Ethanol has been found to be a better solvent to desorb MB from the said composite (Re ∼ 86%). Fig. 11 shows the adsorption–desorption efficiency of the MB adsorbed DES-GO@ZrO2. It can be noticed that the composite can be efficiently recycled/reused for at least 5 successive cycles with ethanol as the recharging solvent. The efficiency of the process corroborates the physical interaction involved in the adsorption process of MB. Better adsorption capabilities even after 5 cycles suggest that DES-GO@ZrO2 can perform as a potential adsorbent for MB or MB derivatives.114
| Fig. 11 Recyclability study of DES-GO@ZrO2 using 50 ml of ethanol for each cycle (up to 5 cycles). | |
3.9 Mechanism of MB adsorption
Preliminary TEM data (Fig. 3) show that ZrO2 sits on the surface of GO sheets with a homogenous distribution. CGS and DES contain certain groups which can interact with the GO@ZrO2 composite via electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. MB will be adsorbed on the modified surface of the composite via various interactions represented in Scheme 2. Various active groups are available on the modified NCs which perform an important role in the MB adsorption process. The nature of the NCs is shifted towards hydrophobic (due to hydrocarbon chains available on CGS or DES) which consequently contributes to attracting MB molecules towards the adsorbent surface.
| Scheme 2 Depiction of MB adsorption on modified NCs via different modes of interactions. | |
4 Conclusion
DES-GO@ZrO2 has been found to be distinctly better than CGS-GO@ZrO2 for adsorption/removal from an aqueous solution of MB. The adsorption process has been found to be driven by electrostatic/hydrophobic interactions of MB with NC surfaces. The results of the adsorption process follow the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model indicating the homogeneity of the NC surfaces. DES-GO@ZrO2 shows complete adsorption (within 5 m) for MB when compared with other similar adsorbents (Table 3). Kinetic study showed that adsorption-time data follow pseudo-second order kinetics. The recyclability experiment showed that DES-GO@ZrO2 performs well even after the 5th cycle. Ethanol has been found to be a good recharging solvent for the said composite. Furthermore, the information can be used to produce potential commercial filters involving DES-GO@ZrO2 for the faster/effective removal of coloured dyes or colouring material before discarding into running streams (control of water pollution to make it potable for humans, aquatic habitats together with irrigation). The spectrum of application can be enlarged by performing similar studies with other industrial effluents, e.g., paint, textile, leather, or paper.
DES | Deep eutectic solvent |
GO | Graphene oxide |
MB | Methylene blue |
CGS | Cationic gemini surfactant |
NC | Nanocomposite |
Conflicts of interest
There is no conflict of interest.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. The authors are thankful to the Heads, Applied Chemistry Department and Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Tech. & Engg. (FTE), The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India, for the research facilities. Vishwajit Chavda is thankful to the SHODH programme (Ref. no. 202001720059) of the Government of Gujarat for providing financial support. Special thanks are due to the Head, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Tech. & Engg., Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India, for acquiring XRD data (Model: Rigaku SmartLab SE) on the XRD instrument purchased under the DST-FIST program (No. SR/FST/PS-II/2017/20).
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