Tsz Tin
Denis M.
Michael J.
*c and
aSchool of Chemistry, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. E-mail:
bSchool of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Water Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
cDepartment of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, Svante Arrhenius väg 16C, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail:;
First published on 6th November 2023
Branched perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) is recognized as a threatening environmental pollutant due to its high persistence and bioaccumulation in various environmental matrices as well as for its toxic effects on humans and wildlife even at very low concentrations. This study reports the first investigation of branched PFOS defluorination catalyzed by metal phthalocyanines. The reaction conditions were optimized using different reductants and temperatures. CobaltII phthalocyanine, when combined with TiIII citrate as a reducing agent, was able to defluorinate 10.9% of technical PFOS within 8 hours. In contrast, vitamin B12 only showed 2.4% defluorination during the same time period, under similar conditions. The defluorination mediated by the cobaltII phthalocyanine and TiIII citrate system corresponds to 54.5% of all branched PFOS isomers (br-PFOS isomers). Isomer-specific degradation was also investigated via high-resolution LC-orbitrap followed by their relative rates. The difference in catalytic efficacy of various phthalocyanine complexes is rationalized by their structures and electrochemical response. Lastly, a new defluorination mechanism is proposed based on the newly detected degradation products after the phthalocyanine treatment and previous studies.
Water impactThe presence of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in groundwater has been a global issue, especially for perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), due to their wide use and extremely high stability. There are several technologies for remediation of PFOS, but most of them suffer from the harsh reaction conditions that are needed to be effective or the high cost of the material. Vitamin B12 (VB12), one of the important components for organisms and animals, has been reported to slowly degrade (∼70% degradation after 5 days) branched PFOS (br-PFOS) in the presence of TiIII citrate at 70 °C. Here, we report for the very first time metal-phthalocyanines, a set of easy to prepare, nontoxic, high performing complexes for fast degradation of PFOS and the corresponding electrochemical investigations. Among these complexes, CoII-phthalocyanine exhibited superior activity in the presence of TiIII-citrate which resulted in 54% branched PFOS defluorination within the first 8 h at 65 °C. It is more than 5 times faster than that of vitamin B12 in the presence of TiIII-citrate. This CoII-phthalocyanine + TiIII-citrate system also showed superior reactivity within the temperature range of 25–45 °C in comparison to previously reported other porphyrins. We have also investigated isomer-specific PFOS degradation for VB12-TiIII citrate and CoPc-TiIII citrate systems. Being molecular and comparatively simpler systems, these phthalocyanines allow further structural alteration for molecular electrode fabrication that can result in much improved defluorination efficiency. |
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is one of the most widely used and studied perfluorosulfonic acids (PFSAs). It has been detected globally in different environmental matrices (air, soil, and water), and animal and human tissues.5 This chemical as a recalcitrant toxic pollutant could adversely affect human health and the environment. PFOS is now regulated as a persistent organic pollutant (POP).4 The United States and European Union have restricted the production of PFOS since 2000 but have not entirely banned it as it is still specifically used in hydraulic fluid additives, wetting agents, mist suppression, and in the manufacture of semiconductor chips in some regions.6 PFOS can easily be transported in terrestrial and aquatic systems, covering long distances from the source of its release.4 Moreover, the ultimate transformation of volatile PFAS precursors such as fluorotelomer and fluorosulfoamido alcohols to stable PFOS could be another reason for its intensified occurrence in the environment and in vivo.7 For example, PFOS concentrations in the groundwater of Tokyo were reported to be higher than that in the source of contamination, the urban runoff. The reason could be the conversion of PFAS precursors in the runoff into PFOS during groundwater infiltration through a soil column.8
Previous reports suggested that branched PFOS isomers (br-PFOS) account for a significant portion of the PFOS load in the aquatic environment due to the higher polarity of the branched structures compared to the linear isomers which preferentially absorb to soil and sediments.9 Ma et al. (2018) and Gao et al. (2019) reported that br-PFOS accounts for 40.8% and 60.1% of total PFOS in the river waters and groundwaters of China, respectively.10,11 Moreover, studies discovered that humans preferentially accumulate br-PFOS isomers over linear PFOS isomers (L-PFOS). Nian et al. (2019) showed that br-PFOS accounts for over 50% of total PFOS in the human blood serum.12–15 Accordingly, the development of remediation technologies to defluorinate br-PFOS from aquatic media and minimize human exposure is a very important task that needs to be addressed.
br-PFOS is susceptible to reductive cleavage of C–F bonds due to the high electronegativity of fluorine atoms.16–18 Ochoa-Herrera et al. (2008) and Park et al. (2017) evaluated the dehalogenation of technical PFOS (including 24.6% br-PFOS) catalyzed by a cobalt-containing biomolecule, vitamin B12 (VB12) using TiIII citrate and nanosized zerovalent zinc (nZn0) respectively as the reductants in an alkaline medium at 70 °C.18,19 CoI, a strong nucleophile, was produced by the reduction of CoIII/CoII in VB12, that attacked the polar C–F bond to initiate the reaction. According to Ochoa-Herrera et al. (2008), while 71% of total br-PFOS was defluorinated within 5 days, L-PFOS concentration remained unchanged.18 The stronger C–F bonds in L-PFOS compared to branched isomers make it even more unreactive.20 Efficient reductive cleavage of C–F bonds was previously reported using the VB12-TiIII citrate system.18 This study suggested that br-PFOS could be reduced under alkaline conditions at 70 °C. However, the defluorination of br-PFOS was not effective at ambient temperatures.18,19
There is only one study reporting the efficient catalytic defluorination of br-PFOS at room temperature using the reductive method. Sun et al. (2022) investigated the effective reductive defluorination of br-PFOS via porphyrin-based catalysts with experimental conditions identical to those reported by Ochoa-Herrera et al. (2008) (pH 9.0 and 65 °C).18,21 These molecular catalyst analogues of VB12 exhibited similar levels of PFOS defluorination after 8 h as VB12 achieved after 10 days. Moreover, they are known as low-temperature catalysts which displayed around 51% defluorination of br-PFOS within 1 day at 25 °C.21
Metal phthalocyanines (MPcs) are an abundant group of macrocyclic, organic compounds embracing a highly conjugated structure with a chelated metal ion at the centre.22 They are structurally related to porphyrin complexes. MPcs are extensively used in biological and natural environments for catalytic aerobic oxidations, reduction, and destruction of peroxides.22 Compared to porphyrin complexes, MPcs have received special attention in industrial use due to their thermal stability, cost-effectivity, and the possibility of straightforward large-scale production.22 Reductive reactions involving MPcs as catalysts have received less attention than oxidation reactions which may be due to their historically broader applications in industrial processes under aerobic conditions.22 So far, this class of catalysts was specifically investigated for the effective reduction of nitrite and nitrate while only limited studies are reported for the reductive dehalogenation of halogenated compounds.23,24 MPcs have been reported to induce the degradation of various other pollutants.25 Among oxidative reactions involving these catalysts, there are only two studies reporting the successful oxidative dehalogenation of chlorinated compounds using metal phthalocyanines.23,24 However, this catalyst was only active in non-aqueous media in the presence of toluene, a potentially harmful chemical.23 Iron tetrasulfophthalocyanine catalyzed the oxidative degradation of recalcitrant chlorinated phenols in aqueous solutions with partial mineralization.22 Comolban et al. (2014) reported efficient cleavage of C–F bonds in fluorinated aromatics under oxidative conditions via a diiron phthalocyanine complex.26 However, the ability of MPcs to remediate PFAS has not been investigated. Herein, the catalytic performance of various MPcs with different metal centres was studied to select the best-performing catalyst for PFOS defluorination in the aqueous system.
Herein, we report for the first time the catalytic reductive defluorination of branched PFOS via metal phthalocyanine derivatives in the presence of high electron affinity reductants. The electronic effect of these catalysts in PFOS defluorination was examined using different environmentally benign first-row transition metal centers and different substitutes on the conjugated organic system. The reason behind the difference in activity upon the structural changes of the catalysts is rationalized by the electrochemical investigations under similar reaction conditions. In order to optimize the conditions, the reactivity using different reductants and temperatures was tested. The reaction products were analyzed using LC/MS to investigate the rate of isomer-specific degradation. Based on the detected masses in the reductive defluorination of br-PFOS and previously reported results, a new mechanism for PFOS defluorination is proposed.
The fluoride concentration released in the aqueous solution was determined by subtracting the initial fluoride concentration (due to background F−) from fluoride detected at a later time point acquired by IC. The defluorination degree was calculated by using eqn (1) where CF− is the fluoride ion concentration (mM) and C0 is the initial equivalent fluoride concentration (mM) in the PFOS substrate.
![]() | (1) |
Interestingly, CoPc with limited solubility in the aqueous system (due to the presence of a hydrophobic organic Pc ligand) exhibited a significantly higher activity compared to that of water-soluble VB12. During the first 3 h at 65 °C, CoPc defluorinated technical PFOS 6.6 times faster than that of VB12. However, from Fig. 1 it is also clear that with CoPc, defluorination stops after 8 h. The reason is probably the decomposition of the catalyst under this harsh reductive environment. This can be further improved by covalently anchoring CoPc onto solid conductive surfaces. Similar strategies have been reported very recently to improve the stability of the electrocatalysts as well as the catalytic efficiency.27–29
No significant defluorination was observed when solely CoPc or TiIII citrate was applied to the synthetic PFOS solution (Fig. S3†), showing that both components are essential for effective defluorination.
It is worth mentioning that besides this promising and rapid defluorination performance of CoPc within the first few hours at 65 °C, in the temperature range of 25–45 °C, the CoPc-TiIII system also showed much higher defluorination activity than that of the VB12-TiIII system, even if it is compared after 24 h (Fig. 4).
We also studied other cobalt phthalocyanine derivatives, such as cobaltII tetrasulfophthalocyanine (CoTSPc) and cobaltII tetranitrophthalocyanine (CoTNPc) (Fig. S4†). CoTSPc with four negatively charged sulfonate functional groups on the phthalocyanine ring was expected to show higher defluorination compared to CoPc due to its improved solubility in the aqueous medium. However, its efficiency was observed to be less than 0.5% even after 24 h. The very low defluorination ratio can be attributed to the repulsive interactions between the negatively charged sulfonate groups in CoTSPc and the PFOS substrate. Another cobalt phthalocyanine derivative, CoTNPc, also showed a lower reactivity (4.24 ± 0.22% defluorination within 12 h) than CoPc, but better than CoTSPc. Although the neutral nitro groups lower the negative charge density in the periphery, this takes away electrons from the Pc center.
To investigate the possible reason for the notable defluorination performance of technical PFOS in the CoPc-TiIII system, the cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of those catalysts involved in this study were evaluated. The CVs of CoPc, VB12 (Fig. 2), CuPc, FePc (Fig. 3a), Pc, SiPc, NiPc (Fig. 3b), CoTNPc, and CoTSPc (Fig. 3c) were examined in a nonreactive DMSO solution. The CoII/CoI reduction process by CoPc occurred at −0.89 V vs. SCE while VB12, FePc, CuPc, and NiPc exhibited higher onset reduction potentials of −1.15, −1.17, −1.28, and −1.31 V vs. SCE, respectively.21,30 This explains the lower reactivity of the aforementioned catalysts compared to CoPc, which exhibits a more facile electron transfer. It should also be noted that no redox waves were observed for Pc under these experimental conditions (Fig. 3b). Moreover, silicon does not undergo metal electron transfer in the same manner as the transition metals due to its tendency to form covalent bonds with other elements, resulting in a stable complex structure in SiPc.31,32 Therefore, the two corresponding peaks observed in the reduction process of SiPc (−0.83 and −1.45 V vs. SCE) were potentially attributed to changes in the oxidation states of the ligands bound to Si (Fig. 3b). However, based on the results obtained from the PFOS defluorination test in the SiPc-TiIII system, this compound showed no evidence of fluoride release.
The redox properties of CoPc were also compared with those of CoTNPc and CoTSPc (Fig. 3c). CoPc showed a CoII/CoI reduction process at −0.89 V vs. SCE while CoTNPc exhibited a higher onset reduction potential (−1.02 V vs. SCE) for the same process, indicating a more energy demanding conversion from CoII to CoI in CoTNPc. Additionally, the onset reduction potential of CoII/CoI in CoTSPc was lower (−0.83 V vs. SCE) than that of CoPc (−0.89 V vs. SCE). However, the lack of defluorination observed in the CoTSPc-TiIII system can be attributed to the repulsive interaction between negative charges on CoTSPc and PFOS.
Furthermore, the CV of TiIII citrate was examined under identical experimental conditions as the CVs of all the catalysts were tested (Fig. 3d). TiIII citrate exhibited an onset oxidation potential of −1.89 V vs. SCE, indicating a greater propensity for electron transfer in the CoPc system compared to the other catalysts with higher onset reduction potentials. The significant potential difference between TiIII citrate and CoPc created a more favorable driving force for reductive defluorination, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the CoPc-TiIII system.
CoPc is structurally composed of isoindole units linked by the nitrogen atoms in a ring with extended conjugation. The presence of this conjugate base structure is valuable for promoting the electron transfer between the reductant and cobalt in CoPc, facilitating the conversion of CoII to CoI to initiate PFOS defluorination. However, the electron-withdrawing groups, such as nitro or sulfonate groups, on the ring cause the attenuation in the conjugation and the electron transfer or repulsive interactions leading to lower efficiency.
This study was further extended to investigate the possible defluorination of PFOS using higher concentrations of TiIII citrate. Extra TiIII citrate was added to the reaction sample after 24 h (to reach a final concentration of 60 mM). The defluorination increased to 12.48% after 2 days and did not increase further with time. A similar result was observed in a previous study via CoII-5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21H,23H-porphyrin/CoIII-5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin (CoII-TPP/CoIII-M-TPP).21
Under optimized conditions, the kinetic rate of isomer-specific degradation during defluorination by CoPc was studied using different time courses, owing to the difference in reactivities of the branched isomers (Fig. S6†). The degradation rate constants were measured for 3-PFOS for 8 h, 4-PFOS and 5-PFOS for 6 h, and 6-PFOS for 3 h. The mean values were compared with the related VB12-TiIII citrate system. The rates of 6-PFOS, 5-PFOS, 4-PFOS, and 3-PFOS degradation by the CoPc-TiIII system were 18.3, 17.9, 15.5, and 6.7 times higher respectively than those of the VB12 system (Table 1). The differences in the branched isomer reactivities could be due to the differences in the polarizability and electron density distribution in different branched isomers as they were previously reported to have localized LUMOs, making them more prone to be involved in redox reactions.14 The highest degradation rate of 6-PFOS and 5-PFOS suggested that branching in the vicinity of the terminal CF3 group increases the reactivity of the corresponding isomer. This result was consistent with the previous reports by Sun et al. (2022) and Park et al. (2017) who studied CoII-TPP-TiIII citrate and VB12-nZn0 systems respectively.19,21
PFOS branched isomer | Degradation rate constant in VB12-TiIII system (1 h−1) | Degradation rate constant in CoPc-TiIII system (1 h−1) |
6-Methyl PFOS | 0.033 | 0.605 |
5-Methyl PFOS | 0.021 | 0.376 |
4-Methyl PFOS | 0.020 | 0.311 |
3-Methyl PFOS | 0.008 | 0.054 |
No. | Chemical formula | Measured mass in sample (Da) | Theoretical mass (Da) | DE on massesa (ppm) | Measured isotope mass in sample (Da) | Theoretical isotope mass (Da) |
a Difference error (DE): mass difference between measured and theoretical masses. | ||||||
1 | C8F17SO3 | 498.9299 | 498.9291 | 1.6 | 499.9330 | 499.9325 |
2 | C8HF16SO3 | 480.9392 | 480.9385 | 1.4 | 481.9427 | 481.9419 |
3 | C8F15SO3 | 460.9333 | 460.9323 | 2.1 | 461.9367 | 461.9357 |
4 | C8HF14SO3 | 442.9424 | 442.9417 | 1.5 | 443.9447 | 443.9451 |
5 | C8H2F13SO3 | 424.9519 | 424.9512 | 1.6 | 425.9555 | 425.9545 |
6 | C8HF12SO3 | 404.9454 | 404.9449 | 1.2 | 405.9496 | 405.9483 |
7 | C8H2F11SO3 | 386.9551 | 386.9544 | 1.8 | 387.9586 | 387.9577 |
8 | C8H3F10SO3 | 368.9644 | 368.9638 | 1.6 | 369.9680 | 369.9671 |
9 | C8H4F9SO3 | 350.9740 | 350.9732 | 2.2 | 351.9773 | 351.9765 |
10 | C8H3F8SO3 | 330.9678 | 330.9670 | 2.4 | 331.9714 | 331.9703 |
11 | C8H2F15SO3 | 462.9489 | 462.9480 | 1.9 | 463.9521 | 463.9513 |
12 | C8H3F14SO3 | 444.9579 | 444.9574 | 1.1 | 445.9611 | 445.9607 |
13 | C8H3F12SO3 | 406.9612 | 406.9606 | 1.4 | 407.9648 | 407.9639 |
14 | C8H4F11SO3 | 388.9708 | 388.9700 | 2.0 | 389.9743 | 389.9734 |
15 | C8H5F10SO3 | 370.9802 | 370.9794 | 2.1 | 371.9836 | 371.9828 |
16 | C8H6F9SO3 | 352.9897 | 352.9888 | 2.5 | 353.9929 | 353.9922 |
17 | C8H7F8SO3 | 334.9991 | 334.9983 | 2.3 | 336.0026 | 336.0016 |
18 | C8H8F7SO3 | 317.0084 | 317.0077 | 2.2 | 318.0118 | 318.0110 |
19 | C8H9F6SO3 | 299.0179 | 299.0171 | 2.6 | 300.0213 | 300.0205 |
20 | C8H10F5SO3 | 281.0273 | 281.0265 | 2.8 | 282.0306 | 282.0299 |
21 | C8H11F4SO3 | 263.0367 | 263.0360 | 2.6 | 264.0401 | 264.0393 |
22 | C8H12F3SO3 | 245.0462 | 245.0454 | 3.2 | 246.0496 | 246.0487 |
23 | C8H13F2SO3 | 227.0557 | 227.0548 | 3.9 | 228.0589 | 228.0582 |
24 | C8H14FSO3 | 209.0651 | 209.0642 | 4.3 | 210.0685 | 210.0676 |
The exact pathway cannot be confirmed without isolation and NMR investigation of the products of the defluorination, even better with a smaller model PFOS type substrate. This is beyond the scope of the present study. However, some reasonable suggestions are possible. While proposing the current reaction mechanism based on the mass spectroscopic results, we have considered the following:
(i) Tertiary C–F bonds are easier to defluorinate than secondary and primary C–F bonds;16
(ii) SO3− groups in PFOS do not activate neighbouring C–F bonds;35
(iii) Although allylic C–F bonds are activated, vinylic C–F bonds undergo faster reductive defluorination;36
In the current study, a H/F exchange occurs at the tertiary position and a fluoride unit from 6-PFOS (1, C8F17SO3) is replaced by hydrogen, leading to the generation of intermediate 2 (C8HF16SO3). This is the most probable way to start the defluorination driven by the dissociation of the tertiary C–F bond in 6-PFOS as the bond dissociation energies (BDEs) of PFAS increase in the order: tertiary C–F bonds < secondary C–F bonds < primary C–F bonds.16,21,35 Then, CC formation occurred via HF elimination to produce intermediate 3 (C8F15SO3). This is followed by a series of H/F exchanges. Since the double bond will lead to a decrease in the bond energies at the allylic positions, it seems reasonable to assume that these positions are involved. However, the reductive replacement of vinylic C–F bonds by hydrogen appears to be facile. This is clearly shown by the cobalamin catalysed defluorination of tetrafluoropropene.36 According to this report, first, the vinylic fluorine is replaced by hydrogen, followed by the replacement of one allylic hydrogen, which is also a favoured reaction. This leads to the production of intermediates 4 (C8HF14SO3), 5 (C8H2F13SO3), 6 (C8HF12SO3), 7 (C8H2F11SO3), 8 (C8H3F10SO3), 9 (C8H4F9SO3), and 10 (C8H3F8SO3) via H/F exchange and HF elimination under high pH conditions. These detected intermediate products (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9) were also previously identified by Sun et al. (2022).21 However, Sun et al. (2022) could not identify intermediates 6 and 10 and these two intermediates are reported for the first time in this study, confirming HF elimination as the potentially new pathway in the catalytic defluorination of PFOS.21 Sun et al. (2022) previously proposed the FF elimination pathway in the defluorination for 6-PFOS to produce intermediate products such as C8H4F7SO3.21 However, a mass related to this intermediate (313) was not found in the current system. This suggested that CoPc could have impacted the reaction pathway.
Intermediates where two and three H/F exchanges occur before the first CC formation were found in the reaction sample to generate intermediates 11 and 12. Intermediate 12 as the result of three H/F exchanges is reported for the first time in this study and was not identifiable by Sun et al. (2022).21
Lastly, intermediate 5 can undergo further H/F exchanges to give previously identified intermediates 13–20.21 However, the formation of intermediates 21–24, which are identified for the first time in this study, needs to be further investigated since H/F exchange is occurring at the inactivated positions. Further investigation on this species supported by the NMR studies can provide us with information on how to defluorinate the linear PFASs. This is beyond the scope of the current study. The ultimate degradation product detected has a molecular mass of 209 (C8H14FSO3) and contains only one fluoride atom with the other 16 F atoms removed from 6-PFOS while Sun et al. (2022) only managed to detect a degradation product with molecular mass as small as 277 (related to C8H6F5SO3).21 The current results demonstrate that br-PFOS is mineralized by CoPc to a much higher extent than by porphyrin catalysts. However, elucidating the accurate trend for the defluorination of br-PFOS using UPLC-Q Exactive Plus is impossible as it could not differentiate between different isomers which showed different reactivities in our system.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |