Gian Marco
Evgenii V.
d and
aInstitute for Chemical and Bioengineering, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail:
bLaboratory of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 2, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
cElectron Microscopy Center, Empa – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), Uberlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dubendorf, Switzerland
dAdvanced Methods for Applied Catalysis, Leibniz-Institut fur Katalyse, Albert Einstein-Strasse 29a, 18059 Rostock, Germany
eLaboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
First published on 7th August 2024
Single-atom catalysts (SACs), possessing a uniform metal site structure, are a promising class of materials for selective oxidations of hydrocarbons. However, their design for targeted applications requires careful choice of metal–host combinations and suitable synthetic techniques. Here, we report iron atoms stabilised on defective hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) via mechanochemical activation in a ball mill as an effective catalyst for propylene production via N2O-mediated oxidative propane dehydrogenation (N2O-ODHP), reaching 95% selectivity at 6% propane conversion and maintaining stable performance for 40 h on stream. This solvent-free synthesis allows simultaneous carrier exfoliation and surface defect generation, creating anchoring sites for catalytically-active iron atoms. The incorporation of a small metal quantity (0.5 wt%) predominantly generates a mix of atomically-dispersed Fe2+ and Fe3+ species, as confirmed by combining advanced microscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance, UV-vis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses. Single-atom iron favours selective propylene formation, while metal oxide nanoparticles yield large quantities of COx and cracking by-products. The lack of acidic functionalities on h-BN, hindering coke formation, and firm stabilisation of Fe sites, preventing metal sintering, ensure stable operation. These findings showcase N2O-ODHP as a promising propylene production technology and foster wider adoption of mechanochemical activation as a viable method for SACs synthesis.
Broader contextSingle-atom catalysts (SACs) hold the potential to significantly reduce the environmental burden of the chemical industry by unlocking selective and more efficient catalytic pathways. Identifying optimal metal–host combinations to minimise side reactions is key, but it also requires suitable and sustainable synthetic methodologies to stabilise metal centers on the carrier. In this work, we showcase mechanochemical activation in a ball mill as a one-pot, solvent-free synthesis approach for stabilising iron single atoms on defective hexagonal boron nitride and demonstrate the potential of the resultant material in N2O-mediated oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene. This catalytic technology offers an attractive alternative to the conventional non-oxidative propane dehydrogenation, significantly lowering the operating temperature and improving propylene selectivity, owing to the uniform and isolated nature of Fe sites. Furthermore, the use of defective boron nitride, a support with negligible surface acidity, allows suppression of commonly encountered coking phenomena and hence stable operation. Finally, we encourage further studies to evaluate the viability of mechanochemically-derived h-BN-supported SACs for diverse applications. |
Herein, we report Fe atoms stabilised over defective h-BN as an efficient catalyst for N2O-ODHP. The mechanochemical synthesis via ball milling is revealed to play a pivotal role in generating the optimal catalyst structure, simultaneously exfoliating h-BN, increasing the available surface area, and introducing structural defects within the crystalline lattice, which serve to anchor metal species. This process primarily results in the atomic dispersion of a mixture of Fe2+ and Fe3+ species, as evidenced by electron paramagnetic, UV-vis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and advanced microscopy analyses. The degree of Fe dispersion was found to have a strong effect on catalytic performance, with Fe SAs favouring selective propylene formation, while larger agglomerates and NPs favoured the formation of cracking and COx products. Remarkably, isolated Fe sites could maintain their speciation and showed no loss of activity for over 40 h on stream, marking this system as the first stable catalyst for N2O-ODHP. Our results highlight ball milling as a promising technique and defective h-BN as a practical support for SACs synthesis and demonstrate how targeted catalyst engineering could make the use of N2O for ODHP a compelling strategy for propylene production.
A crucial aspect to understand morphological properties of the host and its interactions with Fe species is the crystal structure. The lattice of h-BN is characterised by hexagonal basal sheets stacked along the c-direction.11 The AAA stacking configuration, which differs from that of graphite (ABA), provides slight ionic bonding interactions between boron and nitrogen atoms of adjacent layers. For this reason, the exfoliation of h-BN is more challenging compared to that of graphite.45 Furthermore, the outcome of ball milling is highly dependent on the shape and material of the milling jar, the number and size of milling balls, type of motion, frequency applied, and milling time. Now, with the aim of comprehensively understanding and rationalising the impact of treatment time on the host structure, a series of bare h-BN samples (BNn, n = milling time in h) obtained after varying milling durations was synthesised and characterised in-depth. Determination of the crystal structure of the catalysts by X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed characteristic reflections of h-BN lattice, wherein the (001) reflections represent the stacking of the BN sheets, while the (hk0) reflections are indicative of the order within the basal sheets. The XRD patterns of the BNn samples are reported in Fig. S2a (ESI†). In general, changes in the relative intensity and broadening of the peaks with increasing milling time were observed. Specifically, the (100), (101) and (102) reflections exhibited broadening without complete disappearance, indicating the notable presence of small crystalline domains, ultimately suggesting that the overall honeycomb structure is marginally preserved. These variations in the reflections may stem from the reduced particle dimensions, fluctuating strain and localised correlated disorder.46 Moreover, the (002) and (004) reflections broadened significantly after 3 h of milling treatment. This strongly suggests a significant decrease in the correlation length of ordered stacking in the c-direction.46 In this regard, an internal reference was adopted to directly quantify the relative degree of crystallinity of BNn samples compared to the pristine h-BN, thereby monitoring the peeling of the h-BN particles (Fig. 2a). As a result of the complex interaction of mechanical forces on the stacked structure of h-BN, progressive reduction in the length of ordered stacking was revealed, halving only after 0.5 h and further decreasing with longer milling time. This finding was generally in line with harsher conditions typical of dry milling compared to the solvent-assisted counterpart and points towards the capability of this technique to induce modification and damage the crystalline structure of h-BN within a limited time.25 To further corroborate the peeling action promoted by intense shear forces, the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller specific surface area (SBET) was determined by N2 sorption. The BNn samples showed a marked linear increase of SBET as function of milling time (Fig. 2b). Generally, longer milling time led to a greater exposure of surfaces and edges, resulting in a significant increase of the surface area from 13 to almost 400 m2 g−1 with concomitant mesopores generation (Table S1, ESI†). This is an intriguing outcome, as previous reports have not been able to achieve similar results in terms of surface area for such short milling times.18,23,24 The disparity may be attributed to the optimal selection in the set of operating conditions of the treatment.
To track the generation of defects within the crystalline lattice of h-BN during the milling process, the BNn samples were investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 2c). In all samples, the Raman feature at 1365–1367 cm−1 could be attributed to the G-band corresponding to the E2g phonon vibrational mode caused by the in-plane vibration in opposite direction of B and N atoms.47 The G-band consistently became weaker and broader with longer milling time. Of interest is the remarkable dependence of its full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) on the milling time. Prior to ball milling, pristine h-BN presented an average FWHM of 9.3 cm−1. The value gradually increased for longer milling time until doubling after only 3 h, indicating the introduction of defects within the horizontal plane, aligning with previous reports (Table S2, ESI†).20,48 Moreover, Raman spectroscopy is a valuable tool for layer identification of h-BN, enabling us to observe the shift of in-plane phonon modes within the range of 1365–1370 cm−1.11 Indeed, a discernible blue-shift was observed in the BNn samples compared to the pristine h-BN bulk peak (1365 cm−1). This shift became more prominent with longer milling times, as demonstrated by BN3 (1367 cm−1). This finding provides additional evidence for the gradual exfoliation of h-BN throughout the treatment process during which the number of stacked layers decreased due to the peeling action.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) provided additional insights into the surface structure of the materials. Spectra presented in Fig. 2d offer a detailed comparison between pristine h-BN and BNn samples. The IR spectrum of pristine h-BN presented lattice vibration modes predominantly associated with covalent bonds between N and B atoms. Notably, two distinct absorption bands centred at 1378 cm−1 and at 816 cm−1 are observed, which correspond to the E1u in-plane B–N bond stretching vibration and A2u out-of-plane B–N–B bending vibration.49,50 Following the milling treatment, significant modifications to the spectra of exfoliated samples were observed. The B–N in-plane vibrational mode exhibited broadening and shifted upfield by 22 cm−1 to 1400 cm−1. This indicates notable changes in lattice vibrations attributed to alterations of the crystal structure as a result of the milling process. In spite of this, the out-of-plane B–N–B bending mode remained consistent at 816 cm−1, indicating the retention of h-BN's characteristic honeycomb structure and therefore the overall structural integrity of the sp2 lattice, in line with another report.23 Notably, an increment in the transmittance of the B–N–B bending mode compared to the B–N in-plane vibrational mode implies cleavage of B–N–B bonds induced during ball milling, leading to lattice dislocation and disruption. A distinctive observation pre- and post-ball milling was the emergence of bands centred at 3400, 3200 and 2500 cm−1, attributed to O–H, N–H and B–H stretching bands, respectively.47 This implies the formation of hydroxyl, amino and borane groups, thus the functionalization of exfoliated h-BN. The surface heterogeneity stems from the reaction between uncoordinated B and N atoms, as a consequence of the B–N–B cleavage, and the moisture contained in the ambient air present in the milling jar.
When the Fe precursor salt was added with h-BN powder prior to the milling process, noticeable changes in the crystalline structure of the final material were observed. Fig. S2b (ESI†) shows the XRD patterns of Fe/BN1 catalyst with variable Fe content milled for 1 h. It is relevant to note that all the peaks detected were assigned to the characteristic reflections of h-BN crystalline structure. This indicates that Fe(NO3)3·9H2O was fully decomposed and Fe was well-dispersed as SAs or formed either amorphous or crystalline phases. For the latter case, the NPs formed could be too small or too few in number to produce sufficiently sharp reflections. Moreover, to assess the influence of the metal precursor salt used, two samples with FeCl3 were synthesized. The XRD pattern revealed a reflection at 2θ = 32.6°, suggesting the presence of FeCl2 and indicating incomplete decomposition of the precursor after 1 h of treatment. However, extending the synthesis duration to a total of 2 h resulted in the disappearance of this reflection in the diffractogram of 0.5FeCl/BN2, indicating that synthesis parameters must be carefully optimized to achieve full decomposition of the selected precursor salt (Fig. S3, ESI†). In general, the presence of Fe had a discernible effect on the long-range order of the resultant material when compared to the BN1. The decrease in the relative peak intensity of (001) reflections and the broadening of peaks were less prominent in the presence of Fe, resulting in a pattern closely resembling that of pristine h-BN. Notably, Fe demonstrated a tendency to maintain the crystal order characteristic of the h-BN phase for an extended milling duration. This phenomenon raised several questions, including the extent to which Fe affects the milling treatment, and the overall impact of the metal loading on the resulting architecture of the catalyst. During the milling process, some of the kinetic energy transferred from the machine to the grinding balls gets dissipated as thermal energy, resulting in high local temperatures and hence the decomposition of the Fe precursor salt. In this regard, nitrate salts are well-known for their thermal instability. It can be hypothesised that the endothermic decomposition of the salt could potentially diminish the energy available for the exfoliation of h-BN. However, this explanation alone is not sufficient to substantiate the observed phenomenon, since the energy required for the dehydration and decomposition of the nitrate salt into the corresponding oxide can be considered relatively minor compared to the energy input into the system, depending on the type of metal precursor adopted. Instead, a more comprehensive explanation was found by considering the ability of Fe to form coordination bonds with atoms in the h-BN lattice. In this regard, following the decomposition of the nitrate precursor during the exfoliation process, it is postulated that the Fe ions were incorporated into the defects created in the crystalline lattice, such as N and B vacancies, and
respectively.45 As a result, the presence of Fe could serve not only to establish bonding interactions in crystallographic positions within a single layer. It could also actively interact with adjacent layers, intricately connecting and interlocking multiple layers of h-BN. To verify whether Fe ions were incorporated into the h-BN lattice, the increase in the interlayer distance was investigated by analysing the shifts of the main peak at 2θ = 26.6° of the h-BN lattice, after correcting for sample displacement with an internal standard (i.e, Al2O3).51 The shift in the peak position with respect to pristine h-BN showed a clear dependence on the metal content (Fig. 2e). For low metal content, higher shifts were obtained, indicating the expansion of the interlayer distance. Due to the difference in the atomic radii, such increased spacing may stem from the incorporation of Fe ions within defective sites as
in the h-BN structure. To explain the trend obtained, in-depth characterization of the Fe/BN1 catalysts was carried out. Raman spectroscopy revealed that for high Fe content, the intensity of the G-band closely resembled that of pristine h-BN, indicating reduced B–N bond cleavage during milling (Fig. S4, ESI†). No peaks corresponding to Fe NPs were detected with a reasonable signal-to-noise ratio. Most importantly, higher metal loadings corresponded to reduced G-band FWHM values, with 2Fe/BN1 exhibiting an average value of 9.7 cm−1, suggesting a diminished defect density with increased metal loading (Table S2, ESI†). This outcome can be explained as Fe is known as nitriding catalyst.52 Indeed, in a study focused on BN nanotubes synthesis from B powder and flowing gaseous NH3, Li et al. noted an increase in B–N bond formation when Fe(NO3)3 was introduced before synthesis.53 Thus, the catalyst structure obtained for Fe/BN1 samples emerged from the complex interplay of mechanical forces and elevated local temperatures, facilitating bond cleavage, and the capability of Fe to form covalent bonds with the support and promote new B–N bond formation. Additionally, presence of Fe hindered the peeling process, resulting in less exfoliation (Fig. 2f), which is in line with a study by Yoon et al. which predicted that the exfoliation process of graphene will become more energy intensive upon introduction of intercalating elements.54 By analogy, we can expect that at high Fe contents, instead of integration within the defects in the BN lattice, Fe species get trapped between the layers, preventing their separation.
To further corroborate the dispersion degree and investigate oxidation state and local coordination of Fe, continuous wave X-band EPR spectroscopy was used. The EPR spectrum of the 0.5Fe/BN1 sample measured at room temperature (Fig. 3b) consists of a narrow signal around g = 2.003, with a clearly resolved splitting into 10 equidistant lines. The simulation of the signal showed that it could be well-reproduced by two overlapping components (Fig. S9, ESI†). The first one consisted of a single unpaired electron (electron spin S = 1/2) hyperfine coupled with three equivalent B nuclei, giving rise to the observed signal splitting. Indeed, the two stable B isotopes are 11B (nuclear spin I = 3/2, natural abundance 80.42%) and 10B (I = 3, natural abundance 19.58%). A coupling of an electronic S = 1/2 with three 11B gave rise to 2·n(B)·I + 1 = 10 lines separated by the isotropic hyperfine constant (if the contribution of the anisotropic hyperfine coupling is neglected). The configurations where 10B was present gave rise to poorly resolved components, which mostly contribute to the inhomogeneous line broadening. This component can therefore be attributed to a with a single trapped electron, which is known and has been previously observed in several studies.55–57 The second component was a broader, poorly resolved approximately isotropic signal with g = 2.0036, which can be attributed to a different paramagnetic defect on the BN support, possibly a
. No signals assignable to Fe single sites, particles or small aggregates were observed. At 10 K (Fig. S10, ESI†) a weak signal appeared with effective g = 4.3, which is typical of magnetically isolated Fe3+ in highly distorted orthorhombic sites, with zero field splitting (ZFS) stronger than the Zeeman interaction and the ratio of the ZFS parameters D/E = 3. Nevertheless, the intensity of this signal was within the range of the typical Fe3+ impurities, suggesting that Fe, whose presence was confirmed via ICP-OES (Table S1, ESI†), may predominantly exist in the EPR-silent divalent oxidation state. Moreover, the absence of any feature typical of FexOy NPs, which exhibit characteristic ferro/antiferromagnetic or superparamagnetic signals, implies that likely Fe2+ was well-dispersed and most likely only present as SAs. In contrast, the room temperature spectrum of the 2Fe/BN1 sample showed a series of broad features covering the whole field range from 0 to 5000 G. The spectrum measured at 10 K showed the same signals with different relative intensities. Specifically, the signal around g = 4.3 appeared to be stronger. Simulations (Fig. S11, ESI†) show that the spectrum consisted of the same orthorhombic Fe3+ signal already observed at low temperature for 0.5Fe/BN1 (although significantly stronger and well-visible at room temperature) and an additional, less distorted Fe3+ site with ZFS parameters D = 3900 MHz and E = 500 MHz. The narrow distribution of ZFS parameters indicates that this Fe3+ site corresponded to a specific, well-defined coordination geometry. No clear evidence of ferromagnetic features due to FexOy nanoparticles was observed, both at room and low temperature. However, their presence was detected via microscopy (Fig. 3a) and characteristic signals for this peculiar nanostructure were not visible because typically magnetically-coupled systems give very broad signals, which in this case are most likely hidden by the strong and broad paramagnetic signals due to Fe3+ single sites. The spectrum of the 0.5Fe/BN-IWI sample showed a very strong, extremely broad and anisotropic signal which undergoes a pronounced shift and broadening at 10 K. These characteristics and temperature dependence are typical for superparamagnetic single-domain particles and therefore the signal could be attributed to FexOy NPs. This indicates a poor dispersion degree and strong aggregation of Fe in this sample. Note that the
defects signals were also observed for the 2Fe/BN1 and 0.5Fe/BN-IWI samples but were less prominent and partially hidden by single atom Fe3+ and FexOy features.
To further assess the oxidation state of Fe in Fe/BN1 catalysts, Fe 2p3/2 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) analysis was performed. The spectrum of 0.5Fe/BN1 showed poor signal resolution due to its low metal content, yet it remained clearly discernible. Most importantly, the spectrum predominantly comprises two peaks, in good agreement with Fe2+ and Fe3+ species within FeNx complexes, each centred at 709.60 and 711.40 eV, respectively.58 As suggested by EPR spectroscopy, Fe species are likely to be predominantly present in a divalent state. Conversely, in 2Fe/BN1, the Fe spectrum showed a more complex ensemble of peaks yet prominently featured a peak centred at 711.99 eV, indicative of Fe3+ within Fe2O3 oxide structure.59 The dominant contribution of this peak likely hides any minor presence of Fe2+ and Fe3+ within FeNx complexes, as confirmed by advanced microscopy and EPR spectroscopy. Moreover, the presence of oxygen in Fe/BN1 catalysts can be considered a confirmation of the successful functionalisation of the catalyst surface (Fig. S12, ESI†). The higher signal intensity observed for 0.5Fe/BN1 compared to 2Fe/BN1 aligns with the previously discussed detrimental effect of Fe on defect generation during the mechanochemical activation.
UV-vis (200–1000 nm) absorption spectroscopy was used to further elucidate the nature of Fe species in the catalysts. In order to gain further insight into the nanostructure of the catalysts, the supports h-BN and BN1 were initially examined to be able later to detect potential shifts and alterations in the electronic structure resulting from the binding of Fe ions to the O- and N-functionalities in the support. Despite being optically transparent across the near UV-vis-NIR wavelength range,60 h-BN demonstrated a pronounced absorption peak in the deep UV range (200–220 nm) owing to its anisotropic structure.61 Moreover, it is known that the spectrum of h-BN is constituted by a first interval (200–240 nm) whose peaks origin from the contribution of the direct interband transitions across the bandgap. Consistently with the literature, three absorption peaks on the left of the intense peak have been detected as the phonon replica of the latter. For higher wavelength (240–1000 nm), the second interval consists of a defect induced broad continuum composed by many weak peaks.62 After exfoliation, a slight blue-shift in the absorption edge of BN1 was observed, which can be ascribed to the milling treatment, and therefore the reduction in numbers of stacked layers.62 Most importantly, Fe/BN catalysts exhibited heightened optical absorption. This can be attributed to the presence of additional intermediate energy states due to Fe doping and to the increased absorbance of Fe species.63 In the context of Fe-based catalysts, this characterization technique has been extensively employed for Fe-containing zeolites, wherein O → Fe3+ ligand-to-metal-charge-transfer (LMCT) bands could be observed.64 It is widely acknowledged that Fe3+ sites typically exhibit two LMCT bands associated with t1 → t2 and t1 → e transitions.65 The d–d transitions of Fe3+ ions are spin- and symmetry-forbidden,66 while those of Fe2+ ions are characterized by extremely weak transitions occurring in the NIR range, reported only at high Fe concentrations.67 In our UV-vis spectra, we did not observe absorptions corresponding to the d–d transitions of Fe2+, likely because these signals are obscured by those originating from the defective structure of h-BN. The absorption bands observed in the analysed samples are likely indicative of O → Fe3+ LMCT transitions. However, a contribution from O → Fe2+ LMCT transitions cannot be excluded. Isolated Fe3+ species manifest LMCT transitions in the high-energy region of the spectrum, typically below 300 nm. Note that the peaks in the regions 220–250 nm and 250–300 nm correspond to the LMCT from the nonbonding valence orbital O(2p) to the crystal field orbital Fe(3d) of isolated Fe atoms in tetrahedral (Td) and octahedral (Oh) coordination, respectively.68,69 Considering species with higher nuclearity, the LMCT bands shift towards low energy regions. In the range 300–350 nm, several reports have documented the presence of dinuclear Fe3+–O–Fe3+ complex, while the range 350–450 nm is typical of polynuclear Oh-Fe3+–oxo complexes. In the following, these species exhibiting broad bands spanning from 300 to 450 nm are referred to as low nuclearity clusters (FexOy).70–72 Bulk-like Fe2O3 NPs typically shows reflections in the region 450–800 nm, where typical absorption bands of the hematite-like structure can be observed, as 2(6A1) → 2(4T1) and 6A1 → 4T2 at 529 and 649 nm, respectively.73
As expected, 2Fe/BN1 spectrum showed a variety of peaks attributable to the heterogeneous Fe speciation, going from large Fe2O3 NPs down to SAs. Indeed, Td- and Oh-Fe3+ peaks could be observed in the range 220–250 nm and 250–300 nm. According to EPR spectroscopy, the multiple peaks in these regions can be attributed to Td- and Oh-Fe3+ with different degree of geometry distortion. The peak centered at 410 nm evidenced the presence of low nuclearity FexOy species. A weak and broad peak at 529 nm, with a shoulder at 600 nm, can be attributed to the presence of Fe2O3 NPs. Note that for 0.5Fe/BN1, the same references corresponding to the aforementioned O-LMCT bands were employed, although Fe may be bound to N atoms. The spectrum of 0.5Fe/BN1 shows the presence of several absorption peaks in the range 220–250 nm and 250–300 nm corresponding to Td- and Oh-Fe3+ species, respectively. Additionally, minor peaks in the range 300–400 nm are attributed to sporadic low nuclearity FexOy clusters, also observed via microscopy (Fig. S7, ESI†). For wavelengths exceeding 450 nm, no distinguishable peaks compared to the background are detected, confirming the absence of Fe2O3 NPs. Moreover, the signal of 0.5Fe/BN1 exhibited a shift to lower energy compared to BN1, corroborating the integration of Fe ions into the lattice of the support.63 Nevertheless, the Fe signal observed in this catalyst is notably subdued in comparison to its counterpart with equivalent loading, 0.5Fe/BN-IWI. Given the high sensitivity towards trivalent Fe species of this characterization method, the low Fe signal further supports the predominance of isolated low-valent cationic Fe species in 0.5Fe/BN1, in agreement with XPS and EPR spectroscopy. The reduction of Fe3+ may be mediated by electron-rich species, such as and
, produced after B–N–B cleavage during the milling treatment, whose presence has been demonstrated via EPR spectroscopy (vide supra). At higher Fe loadings, the extent of Fe3+ reduction is lower, as fewer electron-rich species are produced during mechanochemical activation, resulting in the predominant trivalent oxidation state of iron.
Finally, to assess the stability and potential deactivation phenomena, stability tests were conducted on selected catalysts at 723 K. Notably, for 0.5Fe/BN-IWI, a significant reduction in propane conversion, reaching 45% of the initial value, was observed after 15 h on stream (Fig. S18, ESI†). Conversely, the decline in N2O conversion was relatively milder, with only a 12% decrease compared to the initial value. This decrease in activity could be primarily attributed to the generation of larger NPs, resulting in a reduction of exposed surface area of the active phase. Moreover, COx production increased with a concomitant decrease in propylene selectivity, aligning with the previous findings on the structure sensitivity and thus the extent of the overoxidation phenomena. Conversely, 2Fe/BN1 exhibited consistent propane conversion, maintaining a level of approximately 15% for a duration of at least 12 h (Fig. S19, ESI†). However, the conversion of N2O displayed a decreasing trend, starting from ca. 50% and stabilising at approximately 37% after 8 h of stream. It is worth noting that propylene was the predominant olefin produced. The trend of propylene production also stabilised after approximately 8 h, coinciding with the equilibration of N2O conversion. This suggests the in situ formation of a composition that enhances the selective production of propylene, leading to an increase of approximately 30% compared to the initial value. Such increase in selectivity was accompanied by a reduction in the fraction of COx products, which justifies the decrease in N2O conversion. 0.5Fe/BN1 exhibited stable conversion for both N2O (ca. 9%) and C3H8 (ca. 6%) over 40 h on stream (Fig. 4c). The propylene and total olefin selectivity showed a gradual decrease followed by a stabilisation at approximately 86% and 94%, respectively. This outcome aligns with the consideration made on the reaction mechanism (vide supra). Indeed, the constant activity observed, likely due to the little amount of H2O produced, suggests that N2O activation occurs over Fe centers, where H2O forms and desorbs. This contrasts with the reaction and deactivation mechanism proposed for BN-based catalyst in O2-ODHP.87,88 Since this is the catalyst of main interest in this study, the sample was characterised after 18 h on stream, coinciding with the slight decrease in propylene selectivity to determine any changes in the nanostructure that may have contributed to this minor reduction in selectivity. Advanced microscopy showed no significant metal agglomeration with respect to the fresh sample (Fig. 5a and Fig. S20, ESI†). In addition, the used sample was analysed via EPR spectroscopy demonstrating the absence of any remarkable signals attributable to aggregates or NPs after 18 h on stream (Fig. 5b). However, based on the structure-sensitivity established in this study, the drop in selectivity may stem from the aggregation of unstable Fe SAs into small clusters. Moreover, since this reaction is known to be affected by coke formation and subsequent catalyst deactivation, a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was conducted, although the appearance of the catalyst did not change after the reaction. TGA revealed no loss in weight during the temperature ramp (Fig. S21, ESI†). Conversely, a slight weight increase was observed, which can be attributed to the complete oxidation of catalyst surface by O2 during the TGA measurement. Moreover, no signals assignable to carbenium radicals were observed by EPR. To elucidate the remarkable capacity of this catalyst to selectively trigger C–H bond activation, albeit with limited activity, while avoiding the formation of coke, the acidity of the catalyst surface was assessed using NH3 temperature-programmed desorption (NH3-TPD). In this regard, cationic species on the catalyst surface are known to induce extensive coking by participating in acid-catalysed carbenium ion reactions.37 This process involves substrate dehydrogenation followed by polycondensation.89 NH3-TPD for h-BN confirmed the complete absence of surface acidic sites (Fig. 5c). Note that both m/z 17 and 18 are depicted, as OH and NH3 may both contribute to the ion count at m/z 17. According to the mass spectrum of H2O, the contribution at m/z 17 exceeds 20% of that at m/z 18.90 Indeed, for BN1, the first peak for m/z 17 at 575 K may contain a component deriving from OH groups bound to the surface of the catalyst. Still, the major component of this peak derives from desorption of NH3. Thus, the mechanochemical treatment imparted a slight acidic character to BN1, although this effect was not pronounced. Conversely, the weak m/z 17 signal of 0.5Fe/BN1 is predominantly due to OH groups. This is evident as the poorly defined peaks in the m/z 17 signal at approximately 600 and 700 K coincide with the well-defined peaks for m/z 18. Therefore, this observation confirms the non-acidic nature of 0.5Fe/BN1. Intriguingly, comparison of spectra between this catalyst and BN1 revealed the presence of two distinct OH sites on the catalyst surface. The desorption at lower temperature likely corresponds to OH groups bound to the support, while the peak at higher temperatures may suggest the presence of OH ligands on Fe. Hence, NH3-TPD demonstrated the lack of significant acidic sites on 0.5Fe/BN1 allowing selective C–H bond activation without promoting coke formation. These findings highlight the crucial capability of the mechanochemical activation in stabilising Fe SAs on a host devoid of remarkable protonic sites without altering the acidic nature of the support.
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Fig. 6 N2O-ODHP performance, expressed in terms of C3H8 conversion, C3H6 selectivity and yield, of benchmark catalysts reported in the literature. The reaction conditions are provided in Table S3 (ESI†). |
Interestingly, in each of the aforementioned benchmark systems, the support had a strong influence on performance. In the case of VOx, these species were unable to entirely cover the surface of the support, leading to inability to attain high propylene selectivity at appreciable propane conversion, since γ-Al2O3 can overoxidise propylene. This detrimental characteristic was notably absent in 0.5Fe/BN1, enabling superior propylene selectivity at higher degrees of propane conversion. Nonetheless, the catalytic activity of the system under investigation was lower than that observed in Fe-containing zeolites. Although the latter system was very active, cationic species exposed on the surface of the zeolite support promote coking leading to rapid deactivation and limiting the applicability of these catalysts. The clear discrepancy in the acidic nature (Fig. S22, ESI†) between Fe-containing zeolites and 0.5Fe/BN1 allowed the latter to remain the sole active and selective catalyst after 400 min on stream. This evaluation underscores the superior stability and selectivity of 0.5Fe/BN1 for propylene production via N2O-ODHP. Finally, these findings shed light on the potential of stabilising metal species on hosts devoid of acidic properties, which are of relevance to selective oxidations at large and encourage future investigations for novel h-BN-supported SACs.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ Equal contribution. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |