Chris F.
Steve J.
d and
Julian F.
aBiogeochemistry Research Centre, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK. E-mail:
bSupra-Regional Assay Service, Trace Element Laboratory, Surrey Research Park, 15 Frederick Sanger Road, Guildford, GU2 7YD, UK
cSchool of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
dDepartamento de Quimica Analitica, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Avda Complutense s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain
eDepartment of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 710 North Pleasant, USA
First published on 4th June 2024
This is the 16th Atomic Spectrometry Update (ASU) to focus on advances in elemental speciation and covers a period of approximately 12 months from January 2023. This ASU review deals with all aspects of the analytical atomic spectrometry speciation methods developed for: the determination of oxidation states; organometallic compounds; coordination compounds; metal and heteroatom-containing biomolecules, including metalloproteins, proteins, peptides and amino acids; and the use of metal-tagging to facilitate detection via atomic spectrometry. As with all ASU reviews the focus of the research reviewed includes those methods that incorporate atomic spectrometry as the measurement technique. However, because speciation analysis is inherently focused on the relationship between the metal(loid) atom and the organic moiety it is bound to, or incorporated within, atomic spectrometry alone cannot be the sole analytical approach of interest. For this reason, molecular detection techniques are also included where they have provided a complementary approach to speciation analysis. The number of publications covered this year has increased since last year but remains relatively low compared to many of the years that this ASU has been published for. However, there is a good breadth of elements covered, over 20 this year, with the most popular elements still being As, Hg and Se whilst Ge and Tc both make their first appearances this year. Another item to note is the decreasing quality of the abstract for many of the papers, with detail on the methodology, key results with data included, conclusions and implications thereof missing. This is likely to lead to fewer researchers reading the article.
No textbook devoted entirely to elemental speciation has appeared in the current review period; however, several book chapters, or sections in book chapters deal with the topic. A revised version of Thomas's Practical Guide to ICP-MS and Other Atomic Spectroscopy Techniques: A Tutorial for Beginners7 contains a chapter (number 19 out of 28 in total) entitled “Coupling ICP-MS with Chromatographic Separation Techniques for Speciation Studies”. An updated version of a text dealing primarily with LC contains a chapter entitled “Speciation and Element-Specific Detection”,8 which occupies some 12 pages out of more than 1000 for the entire book. The Royal Society of Chemistry's Evolution of Solid Phase Microextraction Technology contains a chapter entitled Solid Phase Microextraction for Trace Element Determination,9 about half of which is devoted to elemental speciation analysis for As, Hg, Pb, Se and Sn as well as the determination of volatile organometallic compounds, transition metals and inorganic anions. The fourth edition of “Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Components”,10 a text devoted to the roles of chemical compounds in the structure of raw materials, and the various different attributes of food quality, including nutritional value, safety, and sensory properties, contains four new chapters. One of these is entitled Analytical Methods Used for Assessing the Quality of Food Products with elemental speciation also being discussed in an earlier chapter, entitled the Role of Mineral Components. A text devoted to the environmental impacts of Inorganic Contaminants and Radionuclides11 is divided into 15 chapters, each devoted to one analyte, including Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, P, Pb, Se and Zn. The book concluded with a single chapter devoted to radionuclides. “Biofilms,” (volume 53 in the ongoing Methods in Microbiology series from Elsevier),12 includes a chapter entitled Micro- and Nanoscale Techniques for Studying Biofilm–Mineral Interactions, in which elemental speciation makes a cameo appearance. Another text13 from the Royal Society of Chemistry, “Chalcogen Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications” contains a chapter entitled, “Speciation of Organic and Inorganic Selenium in Food and the Environment”, that features chemical analysis quite extensively. There are no corresponding chapters for the other chalcogens (S and Te). In celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Vernadsky Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a text entitled, “Advances in Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Planetary Sciences” has been published14 containing 41 selected articles written by leading researchers grouped into the following topics: (1) geochemistry, (2) meteoritics, cosmochemistry, lunar and planetary sciences, (3) biogeochemistry and ecology, and (4) analytical chemistry, radiochemistry, and radioecology. The articles cover recent experimental data, theoretical investigations, critical reviews, and the results of computer modelling. The analytical chemistry section features a chapter on the Speciation of Actinides in the Environment.
A number of review articles featured aspects of elemental speciation analysis, several of which are focused on the instrumental techniques involved. Mass spectrometry for the characterising metal–biomolecule interactions has been reviewed (70 references with titles), and although elemental speciation analysis was not a major component of the review,15 examples of the information obtained from SEC-ICP-MS were provided, together with the comment that when used in conjunction with proteomics-based MS techniques SEC-ICP-MS will provide a deeper picture of the complexities of metal dynamics and speciation. The reviewers highlighted several outstanding questions, including to what degree does metal speciation allow differentiation of diseases and disease progression? A review (143 references with titles) of the determination of environmental pollutants by IC with MS detection16 covers several speciation topics, not all of which, such as the determination of inorganic and organic P compounds, are based on elemental analysis. A section on the determination of metalloids and PTEs is mainly concerned with As speciation by IC-ICP-MS. The limitations of ICP-MS for the determination of (halogenated) disinfection by-products are highlighted including (a) the inability to detect chloroacetic acid due to its low sensitivity to chloride ions (b) polyatomic interferences that lead to high background signals and (c) the gradual build-up of salt deposits at the MS interface, which increase the space charge effect, thereby defocusing the ion beam resulting in a continuous decrease in ion signal intensity. The reviewers considered IC-ES-MS methods to be more promising. Pang et al. reviewed (121 references with titles) the applications of IC in urine analysis17 based on articles published in the last 30 years. They identified several categories of analyte: PTEs (mainly As and radionuclides), halogen ions (of which perchlorate was assigned to a separate sub-section), pesticides and drugs, and others. Elemental speciation analyses with atomic spectrometry detection were featured mostly for the first of these categories, with the most common technique used being IC-ICP-MS. For many of the articles covered, details of the sample pretreatment were given. The researchers do not discuss the relative merits of IC vs. ion pair RP chromatography. The reviewers finished with a special mention of As, concluding that continued research and development of novel columns are expected (to address limitations of low separation efficiency or poor resolution) thereby enabling the separation of other organic As compounds (and other analytes of interest). For readers with an interest in the possible benefits of TLC separation with MS detection, a review (155 references in English without titles) of this combination is available in Chinese.18 Judicious application of Google Translate enables the sections on TLC with plasma MS to be deciphered. There were no applications concerning elemental speciation in the section on low temperature plasma ion sources, but in the section devoted to other ionisation sources, several examples of elemental analyses were presented in which the coupling is by LA. These examples included the determination of metals in crude oil and distillates, and the determination of AsV in algae, yeast and water. A tutorial review (called a “primer” by the publisher) of ICP-MS19 covers the contents of 231 sources (with titles) and featured the major analytical applications of ICP-MS: multi-element, sNP, single-cell, LA, speciation, and isotopic analyses; outlined measurement strategies and challenges; and provided examples of applications. The section on speciation analysis under the broad heading of Instrumentation, contained only five references; however, in the Applications section, 11 speciation papers were cited. In the concluding (Outlook) section, the reviewers discussed the possible application of ICP-MS to the detection of microplastics as well as pointing out that LA-sNP-ICP-MS is the only technique capable of simultaneously mapping particulate and dissolved metals, including counting and sizing, directly in soft biological tissues.
The application of techniques based on measurements with synchrotron radiation for the study of the movement of PTEs in the environment has been featured in two publications. Smieska et al. reviewed (122 references with titles) the state of fundamental scientific questions in the cycling of metals, from rocks and soils to plants and animals.20 They included As and Hg in their list of metals and covered several relevant studies for each element. They concluded that there is a demand for a versatile micro-focusing synchrotron beam-line providing 2D and 3D μXRF as well as time- and spatially resolved μXAS and μXRD. Ideally, such a facility would also offer complementary imaging via IR, Raman, or reflectance spectroscopies, as well as access to MS. They also identified that there is a demand for dynamic studies, on a range of length- and time-scales, and a need for training and workshops which would enable more researchers to not only make use of synchrotron-based measurements but also to communicate across traditional disciplinary boundaries. The speciation of PTEs in Pb/Zn smelter slags by XAS has been reported in which results were interpreted in the context of a comprehensive review (87 references with titles) of the literature.21 The elements of interest were As, Cu, Fe, P, Pb, S and Zn. The specific slag examined was derived from the Imperial Smelting Process at an anonymous UK source that smelted sulfide ores, containing sphalerite–galena–pyrite-rich bands, interlayered with quartz-carbonate turbidites and mudstones, from the McArthur River zinc-lead mine, Australia. The granulated material containing glassy black particles, which had remained shiny after two to four decades of weathering at their disposal site. Results were discussed in terms of the potential for environmental contamination as well as of the potential for recovery of some of the elements. The researchers concluded that the solubility of the majority of the As, Pb and Zn, could be controlled by a change in pH, while the solubility of some As, most of the Cu and some Zn could be increased by oxidation. They also point out that the element specificity and spatial resolution of XAS provides (a) quantitative information about the distribution of element species in the whole matrix, (b) solves the overlapping problem of quantifying mineral compositions despite the heterogeneity of the slag and (c) significantly decreases the intensive labour that is required for analysis by EPMA or SEM-ED-XRF.
An IUPAC Technical Report on the analytical chemistry of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) has recently been published. Part 1 (ref. 23) covers the scope, regulation, legislation, and metrology of ENMs whilst Part 2 (ref. 24) covers analysis for ENMs in complex samples. Each paper gives the current situation for the areas discussed and concludes that current spectroscopic methods are capable of analysing the bulk chemical composition and microscopy methods to measure size and shape are available and reasonably straightforward to apply but the selection of analytical techniques required for a specific nanomaterial depends on the composition of the material and the environment in which it is found, as well as the area and purpose of application. The careful selection of appropriate sample preparation methods, which do not modify the ENMs present in the original sample, is required prior to characterisation of ENMs in commercial products and complex biological or environmental matrices is required. The report also states that validated and standardised methods and reference materials are required to support risk assessment for regulation, enable quality control of existing products and to allow inter-laboratory comparability of the data produced. For biological and environmental samples, the development of techniques that can distinguish between naturally occurring and engineered nanomaterials is also required. The authors also point out that the metrological aspect of analysis for ENMs has lagged behind the analytical process. The report contains a table of all of the currently available ENM CRMs and from this it is evident that these are only ‘pure’ standards and that there is an urgent need for matrix matched ENM CRMs to be produced for validation of methods involving real world samples. The report is a must read for workers in this field.
Two research groups have devised DSPME procedures based on the selective retention of SbIII on magnetic graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposite materials. Oviedo et al. extracted25 the SbIII complex with DDTC from 8 mL of sample solution with 3 mg of GO NPs by vortexing for 10 min. Then they added 40 μL of a magnetic ionic liquid (MIL) trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium hexachlorodysprosiate(III) and after vortexing for 1 min, removed the GO NPs by a magnetic rod, and determined the SbV remaining in solution by ICP-MS. Total Sb was also determined by ICP-MS and hence the SbIII concentration was calculated by difference. The LOD values were 5 and 3 ng L−1 for SbIII and SbV, respectively. The total Sb method was validated by the analysis of a CRM, NIST SRM 1643e (trace elements in water) and the speciation method was validated by spike recoveries, at concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 μg L−1, from one tap water, 3 tea extracts and two honeys in which both analytes were found in all samples. In the method devised by Wang et al.,26 the SbIII was redissolved after separation and determined by ICP-MS. As total Sb was also determined, the SbV concentration was determined by difference. To 50 mL of sample solution, adjusted to pH 9, 10 mg of reduced GO/Fe3O4 (prepared in house) was added and the mixture shaken at room temperature for 30 min. After magnetic separation and multiple washings, the SbIII was dissolved in 0.5 mL of concentrated HCl and UAE for 15 min (no information about the UAE power was given). After dilution to 10 mL with water and filtering (0.45 μm), the solution was introduced to the ICP-MS instrument. The LOD for SbIII was 6 ng L−1, and the method was applied to the analysis of several water samples (tap, river, lake, ground and mine drainage), in all of which it may be deduced that both species were found (apart from the tap water in which no Sb was detected) as the total Sb concentrations given were significantly higher than those of SbIII. The method was validated by spike recoveries (at 1 μg L−1) of both species to all samples. The total Sb method was validated by the analysis of a CRM GBW(E)080545, which is a standard Sb solution.
A two-step selective HG procedure was devised by Fujihara and Nishimoto27 in which total Sb was determined (by MP-OES) under one set of HG conditions and then SbIII was determined under a second set of conditions. The SbV concentration was obtained by difference. The procedure was applied to the characterisation of Sb species leached from a semiconductor material (undoped and Bi-doped InSb thin films) by 0.1 mol per L sodium acetate solution. At appropriate time intervals, 500 μL of leachate was diluted to 4.5 mL with 1 mol per L HNO3, and then presumably divided into two portions, though this is not specifically described. To determine total Sb, unspecified volumes of 20% KI and 1 mol per L HCl were added and the solution introduced through the bottom inlet into a multi-mode sample introduction system (MSIS). Stibine was generated by reaction with 3% NaBH4 solution in 0.2% NaOH introduced via the top inlet. Neither flow rate was given. To determine SbIII, a 2.4 mL subsample was acidified with 0.6 mL of 1 N HCl and reacted with 0.4% NaBH4 in 0.2% NaOH. Again, flow rates were not specified. The LOD was 0.02 μg L−1 and the method was validated by spike recoveries (20 μg L−1) from the sodium acetate solution. The researchers found that although Bi doping decreased the amount leached, a large fraction of the Sb leached over 28 days was SbIII.
A multi-step SPE method has been devised for the pretreatment of iSb species in tea infusions prior to determination by HPLC-ICP-MS.28 In preliminary experiments, the researchers showed that neither SbIII or SbV could be determined directly in tea infusions because (a) the concentrations were too low and (b) the inorganic species were bound to an unknown substance producing compounds that chromatographed poorly. These problems were overcome by the judicious use of a SPE column that would selectively retain the SbIII species. The researchers investigated a number of Oasis columns and found that the HLB (hydrophilic–lipophilic balance) material (a water-wettable copolymer) was suitable. In the first step, the SbIII species was retained from 10 mL of tea infusion on the column leaving the SbV species in the filtrate. The column was rinsed with 2 mL of water and then the retained SbIII species eluted by oxidation with 1 mL of 2% (v/v) H2O2 + 0.1% (w/v) NaOH and then determined by HPLC-ICP-MS, when a single peak for SbV was observed. Meanwhile, the SbV in the original filtrate was reduced to SbIII by the addition of 0.1 mL HCl + 0.05 g L-cysteine (and waiting for 5 min). Then, after adjustment to pH 5.5–7.0 (the pH of the original tea infusion), the solution was again loaded onto the column when the SbIII was retained. Finally, as before, the column was washed with water, the species eluted with 1.0 mL of the H2O2 + NaOH solution and measured by HPLC-ICP-MS. For spike recovery experiments 10 μL of a 500 μg L−1 solution of SbIII or SbV was added to 10 mL of the tea infusion. The LOD was 0.03 μg L−1 and both species were found in 6 different teas at each of four infusion times from 5–20 min. The researchers found that between 50 and 83% of the total Sb in the tea infusion was iSb of which SbIII was the predominant species.
A form of SPE, frontal chromatography, was applied for the separation of SbIIIand SbV in natural waters prior to determination by ICP-MS.29 The sample (adjusted to pH 1) was continuously loaded into a home-made column (60 mm × 2.5 mm id) packed with a strong cation-exchange resin of relatively large particle size (55 ± 20 μm) by a peristaltic pump at 1.7 mL min−1. At pH 1, SbIII is cationic, whereas SbV is neutral and is not retained, and so the Sb signal rises to a plateau corresponding to the SbV concentration. As the column becomes saturated with SbIII, the signal rises to a plateau that corresponds to both species. The analysis time was about 6 min and the LOD values were <1 ng L−1. The method was validated by spike additions to four mineral water samples in each of which both species were found: SbIII at single-digit ng L−1 concentrations and SbV at triple-digit ng L−1 concentrations. No information was given about the regeneration of the column, but it is deduced from other information in the text that washing with 0.5 mol per L HNO3 for 3 minutes was needed. The researchers pointed out that the analytical Eco-Scale score for the method was 84, higher than the 75 needed for designation as “excellent.”
At least eight reviews on the speciation of As have been published this year, each with a different focus. One of the more comprehensive, with 248 references, is a review by Patel et al.30 which reports on sources and mobility of As in air, water, soil and sediment around the World, together with the associated health hazards. The review provides a good overview of As levels in a wide range of environmental matrices although the focus is on contamination, exposure sources and mobility of As rather than As speciation. Most of the As species specific information is confined to one table showing examples of As speciation in a range of different matrices. The review does however provide a useful insight into the ubiquitous nature of As in the environment. The identification of As containing lipids found in marine organisms such as fish, algae, shellfish, marine oils, and microorganisms has received a lot of attention in recent years, and so a review of strategies for the analysis of arsenolipids in marine foods is timely. The review published by Coniglio et al.31 has 107 references and covers occurrence, structure, toxicity, biological role and detection. The use of both ICP-MS and ES-MS coupled with RP-LC has brought significant advancements in the field. In the case of ES-MS, the employment of negative polarity and tandem MS analyses has further enhanced these advancements. The authors highlight that although 4 decades have passed since the earliest structural elucidation of arsenolipids, the lack of accessibility to standard compounds, along with the lack of CRMs, still holds back research. Sadee et al.32 have reported on the use of hyphenated techniques for As speciation in vegetables. The use of different solvents and extraction techniques to extract the As species from the matrix are discussed together with chromatographic and non-chromatographic methods of separation. A table of appropriate CRMs for use with vegetable matrices is also included. The review, with 128 references, includes some useful tables with details of the matrix, extraction and analytical technique for separation and detection. A review summarising current knowledge of As speciation in freshwater fish has been presented by Hoy et al.33 Fish samples are typically homogenised, and the As species extracted using water/MeOH with the assistance of sonication and enzyme treatment. The As species in the extracts are then commonly determined using HPLC-ICP-MS. The use of ES-MS-MS, in combination with HPLC and ICP-MS, often provides complementary information for the identification and characterisation of As species. However, despite progress made in As speciation analysis, a large fraction of the total As in freshwater fish remains unidentified due to challenges in identifying and quantifying the As species present in complex sample matrices at very low concentrations. These issues are discussed in the review.
Several of the published reviews have focused on specific methodology for As speciation. A critical review of on-site iAs screening methods has been presented by He et al.34 The review has 139 references, although many of the papers described are for techniques to measure total iAs. That said, the review provides a useful insight into the principles, advantages and limitations of commonly used colorimetry, electrochemistry, and biosensing methods for on-site screening and monitoring of As in drinking water. The use of micro-extraction techniques for As speciation have been reviewed.35 The use of single-drop microextraction, DLLME, HFLLME and SPME were covered for a range of matrices. The review focuses on preparing samples and techniques for reducing solvent use and is supported by 121 references. Recent advances in analytical techniques and methods of As-binding proteomes in living systems have been reviewed by Liu et al.36 The review, with 98 references, discussed chromatographic separation and purification, biotin-streptavidin pull-down probes, in situ imaging using novel fluorescent probes, and protein identification. New perspectives on the analysis of As-binding proteomes such as isolation and identification of minor proteins, in vivo targeted protein degradation (TPD) technologies, and spatial As-binding proteomics, are also included.
A tutorial review with 169 references has discussed existing methods for the analysis of AsIII and AsV in water samples.37 Chromatographic, spectroscopic, colorimetric, biological (whole cell biosensors and aptasensors), electroanalytical and coupled techniques were included. The discussion also covered some current challenges and potential avenues for future research (the need for enhanced analytical performance, rapid analysis and on-site technologies for remote water analysis and environmental applications). In the final review covered here, the applications of PVG coupled to analytical atomic spectrometry combined with various chromatographic separation techniques and non-chromatographic analysis methods for As, Hg and Se have been summarised by Li et al.38 The review provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments and is supported with 95 references. However, it concludes that although PVG-analytical atomic spectrometry remains a powerful analytical technique for As speciation, even with the help of sensitisers (e.g. FeIII, CdII and nanomaterials) to significantly improve the PVG efficiency for As, reported applications of PVG-atomic spectrometry for As speciation are relative rare at present.
There have been several publications looking at analytical developments for As speciation, although most papers in this review period have focused on a specific matrix. The development of a new analytical method for the quantitative determination of As-containing hydrocarbons in environmental samples by GC-MS, as an alternative approach to the use of HPLC-ICP-MS, has been reported by Raber et al.39 The work was prompted by the lack of commercially available standards and complexity of some ICP-MS methods. The As-containing hydrocarbons were extracted and purified from fish oil and seaweed samples. Due to the thermal conversion of oxo-As-containing hydrocarbons to their trivalent forms in the injection port of the GC, the conversion was incomplete resulting in low signal intensities and large carry overs. The authors therefore chemically reduced the As-containing hydrocarbons to their trivalent forms and analysed them with GC-MS, GC-MS-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS. The possibility of compound independent quantification with commercially available standards was also investigated. After optimisation of the conditions for reduction of the As-containing hydrocarbons, the compounds could be determined in marine samples using triphenylarsine as a commercially available standard. The results showed good agreement with results from HPLC-ICP-MS. The method was relatively fast, with run times of <10 min, which compares well with HPLC-ICP-MS methods which can take 30–40 min using gradient elution techniques. Cotton fibres and thiol-ligands, including APDC, L-cysteine, and DDTC, have been used for the determination of As using SPE with ICP-OES for detection.40 The separation parameters, including pH, thiol-ligand concentration, mass of cotton fibre, type of eluents, and flow rate were all optimised. It was found that AsIII could be efficiently separated from AsV using a column containing 0.5 g cotton fibres and 0.1% APDC at pH 2. The AsIII present was then eluted using 5 mL of mixed solvents of 4 mol per L HNO3, 4 mol per L HCl, and 0.5 mol per L H2O2 (1:
1 v/v). Using the optimal conditions, the method was then used to speciate AsIII and AsV in model solutions with concentrations of both species ranging from 10 to 1000 μg L−1. The results showed good recoveries of both As species at 83–112% with RSDs up to 7.8% (AsV generally better than AsIII). The LOD and LOQ were 1.5 and 4.5 μg L−1 (n = 9) respectively. The method was subsequently applied to As speciation analysis in natural and wastewater samples. An on-line internal standard correction technique for HPLC-ICP-MS has designed and reported.41 The system used an autosampler system equipped with HPLC to improve the analytical precision. The autosampler was programmed to operate in the following sequence: first it took up a portion of sample solution, rinsed the nozzle, sucked up air as a spacer, took up the internal standard solution and finally injected all of them into a sampling loop through an injection valve. The repeatability of the sampling (20 μL) was improved from 2.5 to 1.2% using the on-line internal standard technique. Rhenium was used as the internal standard element due to its retention time, peak shape and water solubility. The technique was applied to As speciation in food safety monitoring since this requires high precision and high sample throughput.
The use of imprinted polymers and 3D printing techniques for As speciation is becoming more common. A method for the speciation of iAs (AsIII and AsV) by μTLC-LA-ICP-MS based on an ion imprinted polymer has been developed by Shushtarian et al.42 To characterise the fabricated ion imprinted polymer, FTIR and field emission SEM were used. The TLC plate was prepared by incorporating CaSO4 (as a binder) with the polymer. The surface of the TLC plate was then scanned using LA, which volatilised the As species from the TLC plate for introduction into the ICP-MS. Various parameters effecting the isolation efficiency, such as the ion imprinted polymer/CaSO4 mass ratio, mobile phase composition, and pH, were examined. Under optimal conditions, the developed method gave a LOD of 0.3 μg L−1 with a wide LDR of 0.2–100 μg L−1, and a RSD of 3.8%. The performance of the developed method was utilised for the isolation of AsIII and AsV in mine wastewater and human blood plasma. To extract AsIII and AsV ions from water, a polymer inclusion membrane has been fabricated by studying the effect of varying the compositions of the base polymer, carrier and plasticiser.43 The highest transportation efficiency of ions was found for a polymer inclusion membrane containing 50% cellulose triacetate and 50% Aliquat 336. Whilst the plasticiser is an important component of the membrane, helping in the transportation of ions, in this case the polymer inclusion membrane without plasticiser exhibited the highest efficiency. The transportation efficiency obtained for AsV was 99.7 ± 0.2% and the AsV was separated from AsIII in 5 hours. The membrane was found to be resistant to biofouling for a period of 10 days and both FAAS and ICP-MS were used for As detection. Applications included its use to differentiate between oxidation states of As species and identify the redox potential of water in geochemical explorations. Post-printing functionalisation can enhance the functionality and applicability of analytical devices manufactured using three-dimensional printing. In a study by Chen et al.44 3D-printed SPE columns incorporating TiO2 NP coated porous polyamide monoliths were used to develop a highly sensitive SPE-based method for the speciation of iAs (and Cr and Se) in high salt content samples such as natural water and human urine samples. Treatments with a formic acid (30%, v/v) solution and a NaHCO3 (0.5%, w/v) solution TiO2 NPs (1.0%, w/v) were used for in situ fabrication of the SPE columns. After optimising the experimental conditions, the 3D-printed SPE columns extracted the species of interest with a 5 to 22 fold enhancement, relative to those obtained with the uncoated monolith, and absolute extraction efficiencies ranging from 85 to 98%. The method LOD values ranged from 0.7 to 32 ng L−1 using ICP-MS. The method was validated using four CRMs [CASS-4 (nearshore seawater), SLRS-5 (river water), 1643f (fresh water), and Seronorm Trace Elements Urine L-2 (human urine)]. Spike analyses of seawater, river water, agriculture waste, and human urine samples gave spike recoveries of 96–104% with an RSD of <4.3%.
There have been several studies reporting on As speciation in biological and environmental samples. The results from an international round-robin study to identify the possible sources of discrepancies in the quantitation of several As species in different matrices of biological reference materials: one plant tissue, three marine and three terrestrial biological tissues have been published [WOS:000981895400001]. Each participating laboratory was provided with a set of identical calibration standard solutions and analysed the samples following a prescribed extraction method as well as using an in-house protocol. The results showed that significant biases could be introduced by insufficient verification of the analyte's mass fractions in the calibration standard solutions. The choice of extraction method seemed to have very little impact on the quantitation of As species in the plant and terrestrial biological tissues studied. However, it was found that following the prescribed extraction method led to significant reduction of uncertainties in more complex samples such as marine animal tissues. Some differences in the mass fractions of As species extracted from marine animal tissues in water (with and without H2O2) were observed and this needs to be further investigated. Despite the variety of extraction methods used, very good agreement between reported mass fractions was achieved and the combined consensus values will be published as CRM values of As species in the studied materials. A study using single cell ICP-MS to quantify the cellular uptake and biotransformation of AsV by freshwater phytoplankton under a salinity gradient has been published by Alam et al.45 Three freshwater phytoplankton cells, Staurastrum paradoxum (S. paradoxum), Pediastrum duplex (P. duplex) and Scenedesmus acutus (S. acutus), were incubated in 0.1 μmol L−1 AsV solution for 14 days at varying salinity. A single cell device was used to introduce a cell suspension solution into the ICP-MS whilst cold trap HG-AAS was used to investigate the biotransformation of AsV under varying salinity conditions. The results revealed that cellular As levels decreased as salinity increased in P. duplex and S. paradoxum, but increased in S. acutus. The single cell-ICP-MS data showed uptake of AsV by freshwater phytoplankton and was in good agreement with the ICP-MS analysis. Various As management strategies were seen in the phytoplankton species: P. duplex converted it to methylated forms; S. acutus produced organoarsenicals; and S. paradoxum reduced AsV to AsIII which was excreted. The study also showed changes in the physiological status of phytoplankton following salt stress and As exposure.
The speciation of As in drinking water remains an active topic of research. The accurate determination of As species in waters can still be an environmental challenge because of the rapid redox transformation of As. Procedures for on-site separation of AsIII, AsV, MMA, and DMA in natural waters are therefore attractive. This year another method to achieve this has been reported, in this case passing the water sample through tandem IE resin columns whilst on site.46 Selective retention of As species occurred on the resin cartridges which was then followed by a selective elution step. A cation-exchange column (SCX, 500 mg, 55 μm particle size) containing sulfo and hydroxyl groups was used with an anion-exchange column (SAX, 500 mg, 55 μm particle size) containing quaternary amine and hydroxyl groups. The columns were used in tandem and the eluate was collected and analysed by ICP-MS. Since the pH of solution plays an important role in As species distribution, this was also investigated. The results showed that the recoveries of AsIII, AsV, MMA, and DMA were in the range of 93–108% between pH 4–10. Thus, the sample pH did not need to be adjusted. The CRM CASS-5 was diluted 10 times and analysed directly to validate accuracy of measurements, and SLRS-2 was used to validate on-site separation procedure, respectively. The results obtained agreed well with the certified values of the two CRMs. The determination and speciation of As in drinking water samples using WD-XRF has been reported.47 Valence to core electronic transitions, i.e. AsK beta(2,5) fluorescence lines were used for the As speciation. The study entailed direct measurement of activated alumina pellets containing AsV and AsIII species adsorbed from water sample without separation of the trivalent and pentavalent species. The biggest advantage of the method is reported to be the direct analysis of synthesised nanotubes or other solid-phase extraction sorbents which are used to entrap both the As species. For the determination of total As using activated alumina as adsorbent, the most intense AsK alpha(1,2) analytical lines were used and the instrumental LOD and the LOQ were 0.23 μg L−1 and 0.89 μg L−1, respectively. For As speciation, the LOD and the LOQ were calculated to be 50 μg L−1 and 200 μg L−1, respectively.
The As speciation in freshwater lakes has also been reported. Lake Geneva is presently an oligo–mesotrophic lake, and not polluted by As. The water column never becomes anoxic but the oxygen saturation at the bottom of the Grand Lac is now below 30% owing to lack of water column mixing since 2012. Thus, this lake offers excellent conditions to study As behaviour in an unpolluted, oxic freshwater body. Filella et al.48 have undertaken long term monitoring and redox and methylation speciation studies to understand the As behaviour in the lake. The ‘dissolved’ As species: AsIII, total iAs, MMAIII, MA(III+V), DMA(III+V), and TMAO were analysed by HG-CT-ICP-MS-MS. Water column measurements were also complemented with occasional sampling in the main rivers feeding into the lake and in the interstitial waters of a sediment core. Arsenic speciation was followed monthly through the spring productivity period (January–June 2021) in the Petit Lac (76 m deep) and in April and June 2021 in the Grand Lac (309.7 m deep). The presence of MMAIII and TMAO and the predominance of iAsV in lake and river samples was confirmed as well as the key role of algae in the formation of organic As species. While the total ‘dissolved’ As concentrations showed nearly vertical profiles in the Petit Lac, the As concentrations steadily increased at deeper depths in the Grand Lac due to the lack of mixing and accumulation in bottom waters. Evaluation of 25 years of monthly data of ‘dissolved’ As concentrations showed no significant temporal trends between 1997 and 2021. The observed seasonal character of the ‘dissolved’ As through this period coincided with a lack of seasonality in As mass inventories, pointing to a seasonal internal cycling of As species in the water column with exchanges between the ‘dissolved’ and ‘particulate’ (i.e., algae) fractions.
The remediation of As contaminated soils and waters is widely studied. Biochar is widely used for this, in part because of its local availability and low production cost. However, its effectiveness depends on physicochemical properties related to its feedstock and pyrolysis temperature, as well as the environmental conditions at the site where it is used. The effects of pyrolysis temperature and biochar application on the release and transformations of As in contaminated sediments subjected to redox fluctuations have been studied by Soares et al.49 The ordered phases in the Biochar was investigated using SR-XRD, XPS was used to characterise the sediments and ICP-MS coupled to customised HG and cryotrapping units for the As speciation. Biochar application and pyrolysis temperature were found to play an important role in As species (AsIII, AsV, MMA and DMA) availability, As methylation, and DOC concentration. Furthermore, successive flooding cycles which induced reductive conditions in the sediments increased the As content in the solution by up to seven times. In the solid phase, the application of biochar and the flooding cycle altered the spatial distribution and speciation of As, C, and Fe. In general, the application of Biochar decreased the reduction of FeIII and AsV after the first cycle of flooding indicating that the flooding cycle play an important role in the reoxidation of biochar enhancing the immobilisation of As. The As hyperaccumulator plants Pityrogramma calomelanos and Pteris vittate have been widely studied, but the chemical transformations of As in the rhizosphere-root interface of these plants is less well known. Remigio et al.50 have used a combination of synchrotron μXRF and XANES imaging to reveal chemical transformations of As in the rhizosphere-root interface of these ferns. The dominant form of As in soils was found to be AsV, even in AsIII dosed soils. In roots, the major form in P. calomelanos roots was AsIII, while it was AsV in P. vittata roots. Arsenic was cycled from roots growing in As-rich soil to roots growing in a control soil. The study may have application in phytotechnologies used to remediated As-polluted soils.
Several studies have reported on the speciation of As in food this year. Zhao et al.51 have reported the simultaneous determination of 11 As species in vegetables, although the title of the publication is misleading as only six species were actually found in the vegetable samples. The high performance IEC-ICP-MS method reported in the paper was however capable of separating and detecting eleven As species (AB, DMA, AsIII, AC, MMA, 4-aminobenzenearsonic acid, AsV, carbarsone, 4-nitrophenylarsonic acid, p-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid and ROX) with LOQ values of between 0.10 and 0.39 μg kg−1. The extraction efficiency and transformation of As species in vegetables was investigated using five extraction methods and eight solvents. The total As content in different vegetables varied greatly. The As in the edible parts of tomatoes (1.24–3.17 μg kg−1) and peppers (2.10–6.74 μg kg−1) was low. In canola (4.72–66.9 μg kg−1), celery (8.25–46.3 μg kg−1), leek (11.6–67.0 μg kg−1), spinach (9.30–117.6 μg kg−1) and total As content was significantly higher than that in tomato and pepper. The authors suggest that his may be due to the different enrichment abilities of different parts of the plants for As. However, the total As content in the same vegetables also varied significantly. The highest As content in canola was 14 times higher than that of the lowest, which may possibly be due to high As content in the growing media, or the use of pesticides containing As during growth. A vortex assisted RP spray-based fine droplet formation LPME has been combined with HPLC-CF-HG-FAAS for iAs speciation in olive oil by Bodur et al.52 The LOD and LOQ for AsIII were calculated (as As) as 2.86 μg kg−1 and 9.52 μg kg−1, respectively. After the extraction/preconcentration process, a prereduction was carried out in the presence of 0.010 mol per L HCl (containing 0.39% L-cysteine) with heat (90 ± 5 °C) for the determination of total As. Any AsIII present was directly determined via the developed system. The recovery for AsIII and total iAs was in the range of 92 to 120% and 90 to 104%, respectively. An analytical method was been validated to determine As species in edible insects (Asian forest scorpion, diving beetles, giant water bug, grasshoppers, June beetles, mole crickets, male rhino beetle, female rhino beetle, sago worms, and silkworm pupae).53 The As species were extracted from the insects by heating at 100 °C in 0.3 mol per L nitric acid and then the concentrations of AsIII, AsV, MMA, DMA and AB were determined by LC-ICP-MS employing an ODS column with a mobile phase of 1.458 g 25% TMAH, 1.602 g sodium 1-butane sulfonate, 0.416 g malonic acid and 5 mL of MeOH in 1 L of water with the pH adjusted to 3.0 with nitric acid. THE CRMs NRCC DORM-4 (fish protein), NMIJ CRM 7405-a (Hijiki seaweed), and NMIJ CRM 7533-a (brown rice flour) were used for method validation. The proposed method gave a LOD of 0.007–0.012 mg kg−1, LOQ of 0.021–0.038 mg kg−1, repeatability of 1.2–3.2%, intermediate precision of 2.8–4.5%, and trueness of 97–102% (based on spiked samples) for the insects studied. The results indicated that the majority of the As was iAs. Diving beetles and scorpions contained characteristic organic As compounds such as arsenosugars and AB. Based on previous studies it was assumed that most As species in the insects were feed dependent. However, for AB found in scorpions, the authors suggested that it may be convert to AB in vivo because they are arthropods like lobsters. Both the grasshoppers and mole crickets were the same species of edible insects approved as novel foods by the EU, and these had low levels of As (<0.1 mg kg−1).
Once again Rice has proved a popular matrix for As speciation studies, reflecting its importance as a staple food crop in many countries. Field-testing kits for detecting As based on the Gutzeit method and previously reported for water testing, have been shown to be able to screen iAs in rice. Such kits are useful when assessing food safety and enable quick decision-making without the need for laboratory analysis. However, the As extraction within the field method utilises nitric acid. To make the field method safer, cost-effective and easier to handle, the method has been further adapted by Wehmeier et al.54 using Cola in the extraction process, with the phosphoric acid in the drink presumably being the active extractant. The method was tested by screening a total of 30 rice and rice products (a variety of rice for infants, polished and parboiled rice as well as unpolished rice and rice crackers) obtained from the Austrian market. To verify the results obtained using the Cola extraction method, the iAs concentrations were compared to an HPLC-ICP-MS method employing the CRM NIST 1568b Rice Flour and the found and certified values were in good agreement. The Cola extraction method gave an LOD of 39 μg iAs per kg rice, and an average RSD of 14%. The method did not give false-negative results and a relatively small number (7%) of false-positives compared to the validated reference method. However, a limited number of samples showed a large difference in the comparison with the nitric acid HPLC-ICP-MS method, and a few samples showed poor recoveries. The authors note the semi-quantitative nature of the method, but it is a useful method to screen rice and rice-based commodities in a relative short time in remote field sites without access to concentrated acids and trained personnel. In a second paper by the same group, As Cd and Pb were determined 51 rice containing commercial products in Austrian (25 rice varieties, 8 rice products, and 18 rice containing baby foods).55 Some products were found to be higher than the limits for iAs in rice five years after the introduction of regulation (EU) 2015/1006. It was also shown that rice grown under upland (aerobic) agricultural conditions in Austria, had both low iAs (<19 μg kg−1) and low Cd levels, supporting food safety and sourcing for infant foods. The mean concentrations for iAs in rice was 120 μg kg−1, 191 μg kg−1 in rice products, and 77 μg kg−1 in baby foods. The average DMA and MMA concentrations were 56 μg kg−1 and 2 μg kg−1, respectively. The highest iAs concentration was found in rice flakes (237 ± 15 μg kg−1), close to the Maximum Level set by the EU regulation for husked rice (250 μg kg−1). As noted above, an acid extraction is commonly used when determining As species in rice, although it has been observed that slight differences in the heating and extraction conditions may result in MMA being transformed into different As compounds. A similar phenomenon is observed in the As speciation analysis of seafood. To identify these compounds Matsumoto et al.56 have analysed a number of extracts using LC-TOF-MS and LC-ICP-MS. The transformed compound was identified as MMMTA, a thioarsenical, which is estimated to be more cytotoxic than MMA. In further experimental work, MMMTA was readily produced by bubbling hydrogen sulfide through MMA, and this suggested that MMA may react with S in rice during the extraction process. The authors suggested that DMA could also be transformed into another unidentified compound, although the generation rate was low. Magnetic SPE has been used as a nonchromatographic method for the quantification of ultratrace iAs in rice by ICP-AES.57 Iron nanoparticles were modified with an organophosphorus compound and used as the solid phase for MSPE of iAs from the rice matrix. The MSPE procedure was performed using 4 mL of a buffer solution with pH 4.0, 20 mg of the nanomaterial, and a 15 min extraction time. The total As, determined by ICP-OES, was also quantified using the same MSPE procedure after solubilisation of the samples using a block digester. The accuracy of total As and iAs quantification was verified using CRM NIST 1568b (97% and 101% recovery, respectively) whilst the LOD was 1.08 and the LOQ 3.70 μg kg−1. The rice samples used in the study had total As contents between 0.090 and 0.3 mg kg−1 and iAs mass fractions between 0.055 and 0.11 mg kg−1. A natural bacterial biosensor utilising Escherichia coli AW3110 (pBB-ArarsR-mCherry), in conjunction with amylase hydrolysis for extraction has been used for the quantitative detection of iAs in rice grains.58 The biosensor exhibited high specificity for As and it was possible to distinguished between AsIII and AsV by modulating the concentration of PO43− in the detection system. The iAs concentrations were determined in 19 rice grain samples with varying total As concentrations and compared with a reference technique using enzymatic hydrolysis and microwave digestion coupled with HPLC-ICP-MS. The CRM SRN1568b rice grain was also used for quality assurance. Both methods exhibited comparable results, without significant bias in the concentrations of AsIII and AsV. The whole-cell biosensor demonstrated good repeatability and a high signal-to-noise ratio. A LOD of 16 μg kg−1 for AsIII and 29 μg kg−1 for AsV were obtained.
Two publications have reported on studies to assess the health risks associated with the consumption of regionally grown rice. The first of these was based in Hunan Province, the major rice-producing region in China.59 The total As content in rice, paddy soils, and irrigation water was determined by ICP-MS following microwave digestion of the solid samples. The As speciation was preforming using AEC for separation and HG-AFS for detection. The results showed that the mean values of total As were 132 ± 42, 198 ± 95, 521 ± 390, and 2050 ± 3300 μg kg−1 in milled rice, brown rice, rice bran, and rice husk, respectively. The maximum As concentration in the irrigation water was 14.4 ± 0.71 μg L−1 found near a metal smelting factory. The mean value for the irrigation water samples was 4.70 ± 3.3 μg L−1. The second publication reported on a study to evaluate the health risk from As (and 12 other elements) in 13 types of rice consumed in Sri Lanka.60 A C18 column was used for the As speciation using HPLC-ICP-MS. The total As levels ranged from 24 to 179 μg kg−1. The most predominant species detected was AsIII followed by AsV, and the total iAs level ranged from 77 to 91%. Concentrations of four As species, AsIII, AsV, DMA, and MMA, were successfully separated and quantified in two CRMs (SRM 1640a Trace elements in natural water, and NMIJ 7503b As compounds and trace elements in white rice flour) and in three different rice varieties collected from the Sri Lankan market. The rice samples showed multiple peaks in the chromatograms, but some of them were less than the LOQ. The LOD values of AsV, AsIII, MMA, and DMA were 2.4, 5.2, 2.2, and 4.0 μg kg−1, while LOQ values of the same As species were 7.3, 15.8, 6.6, and 12.2 μg kg−1, respectively. The calculated Target Hazard Quotient and cancer risk values, based on total iAs, indicated potential health risks from consumption of some rice varieties in Sri Lanka.
The As speciation in fungi is also often reported. The As speciation in commonly eaten mushrooms (cultivated and wild-grown) from central Europe has been investigated by Walenta et al.61 A total of 93 mushroom samples Boletus edulis (king bolete) (n = 19), Cantharellus cibarius (chanterelle) (n = 21) and Macrolepiota procera (parasol mushroom) (n = 8). For the cultivated mushrooms Agaricus bisporus (white button (n = 10) and cremini (n = 5) mushroom), Lentinula edodes (shiitake, n = 10), Pleurotus eryngii (king oyster mushroom, n = 7) and Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom, n = 13). For analysis, around 200 mg (weighed to 0.1 mg) of each sample was mixed with 4 mL of ultrapure water and sonicated in an ultrasonic bath at room temperature for 15 min, before being centrifuged for 10 min and filtered through 0.2 μm Nylon® syringe filters. The As speciation was carried out by HPLC-ICP-MS, using both anion-exchange and cation-exchange columns. Two CRMs, were used: NIST SRM 1640a Water (n = 10) and CRM IPE-120 Agaricus bisporus (n = 6). The most commonly found As species in the mushroom fruit-bodies were DMA, MA, AB and iAs. Less frequently occurring were TMA, AC and TMAO. Some traces of trimethylarsoniopropionic acid (TMAP or AB2), dimethylarsinoylacetic acid (DMAA) and homoarsenocholine (AC2) were also detected, besides several unknown As species. The results indicated a large diversity in As speciation across the most commonly consumed mushrooms, even at trace As mass fractions. The authors highlighted the need for further elucidation of unknown As species and sometimes poor extractability (e.g. Cantharellus cibarius). The AsIII induced oxidative defence and speciation changes in the wild fungi Trametes versicolor (HN01 strain) has been investigated using a multifunctional microplate reader to explore the detoxification mechanisms and HPLC-ICP-MS for As speciation.62 The fungi were cultivated under 40 and 80 mg L−1 of AsIII to induce the stress. The results indicated that T. versicolor may be one of the few mushrooms with simultaneous As accumulation and tolerance capacities and AsV was the dominant species in the hyphae of T. versicolor regardless of As related stress. The detoxification mechanisms of this strain involved alleviating the toxicity by increasing the activities of antioxidants, especially GSH, as well as by converting AsIII into AsV and other less toxic As species.
The speciation of As in fish and other marine organisms has once again attracted a lot of attention. A study of As speciation in oil and in brine canned solid tuna samples using IC-ICP-MS has been reported.63 The extraction of water-soluble As species (AB, DMA, MMA, AsIII, and AsV) was performed with (NH4)2CO3 at pH 10.5. The presence of the sample matrix showed no effect on the selectivity of the method (t-test, p < 0.05) and an external calibration method was applied. The LOQ values for the five As species were 0.59 mg per kg AB, 0.10 mg per kg DMA, 0.12 mg per kg AsIII, 0.07 mg per kg MMA and 0.10 mg per kg AsV. Method accuracy was tested through the analysis of the CRM BCR-627 (tuna fish muscle tissue) and good agreement was obtained for the found and certified values. Total As in the solid canned tuna ranged from 2.65 to 5.81 mg kg−1 in in-oil samples and from 2.74 to 5.70 mg kg−1 in in-brine samples. These levels were higher than the limits established by the Brazilian sanitary standards (1 mg kg−1) for As in fish, although the speciation showed that most As (77–85%) is non-toxic AB and the iAs species were below the LOQ. The As speciation (AsIII, AsV, MMA, DMA, AB and AC) has been determined in 56 fish collagen products used in Korea.64 The mean concentrations of total As and As species were 40 ± 81 μg kg−1 and 30 ± 50 μg kg−1, respectively. The mean concentration of iAs was 24 ± 32 μg kg−1 and AsV was the most dominant As species. However, one sample in the study had a total As concentration of 587 μg kg−1, of which 8.1 μg kg−1 was iAs and 306 μg kg−1 was DMA. The study demonstrated the need to monitor As levels in such products and establish standards and specifications for As in fish collagen products to assure consumer safety. Low trophic marine resources such as blue mussels and kelp are potential candidates for use as ingredients in salmon feed. However, marine biota are well known to contain relatively high levels of As, which may be present in different organic forms depending on marine biota type and trophic position. Silva et al.65 have studied the concentrations of As species present in the raw materials, feed and farmed salmon when being fed novel low trophic marine feed resources. Atlantic salmon were fed experimental diets for 70 days. A total of 9 diets were prepared: 4 diets containing up to 4% fermented kelp, 3 diets containing up to 11% blue mussel silage, and 1 diet containing 12% blue mussel meal, in addition to a standard reference diet containing 25% fish meal. Concentrations of total As and As species in feeds, faeces, liver and fillet of Atlantic salmon were determined by ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS, respectively. The use of kelp or blue mussel-based feed ingredients increased the concentration of total As, but the maximum level as defined in Directive 2002/32 EC and amendments were not exceeded. The concentrations found in the experimental feeds ranged from 3.4 mg kg−1 to 4.6 mg per kg ww. Arsenic speciation in the feed varied based on the ingredient, with AB dominating in all feed samples (36–60% of the total As), while arsenosugars (5.2–8.9% of the total As) were abundant in kelp-included feed. The intestinal uptake of total As ranged from 67 to 83%, but retention in fillet only ranged from 2 to 22% and in liver from 0.3 to 0.6%, depending on the marine source used. Fish fed feeds containing blue mussel showed higher intestinal uptake of total As when compared with fish fed feeds containing fermented kelp. Fish fed fermented kelp-based feeds had higher retained concentrations of total As when comparing with fish fed feeds containing blue mussel. Overall, iAs species were not detected in salmon muscle reared on low trophic marine diets, and AB was the dominant As species.
Arsenic in seaweed and seaweed products has again been studied. Seaweed products are increasingly consumed in Europe although there is concern over potential contamination by toxic elements. A study to assess the contents and bioaccessibility of trace elements in seaweed products available in Belgium has be presented by da Silva Junior et al.66 A total of 231 samples were collected in markets and As, Cd, Hg, I, Ni, Pb, and Se concentrations were measured. The As speciation and the effect of a washing treatment on total concentrations of trace elements were also studied. Bioaccessibility was assessed via in vitro simulation of the gastrointestinal digestion. Of the samples studies, 85%, 39% and 4% exceeded the concentration levels permitted for As, Cd and I respectively. Washing significantly reduced concentrations of all the trace elements assessed. The speciation analysis identified a high percentage of iAs in hijiki. The average bioaccessibility in the small intestine was: As (52%) > Ni (35%) > Pb (27%) > Cd (20%). The authors recommend washing of such products to reduce the concentration and bioaccessibility of trace elements in seaweeds. The temporal and intra-thallus variations in water-soluble As together with total non-polar and polar As-containing lipids have been determined in the brown macroalga Laminaria digitata in order to gain insight into the origins of arsenosugars.67 The study also evaluated freeze-drying treatments to determine whether this changes the water soluble As speciation. Lower levels of total As (determined by ICP-MS) were detected in the samples collected in May (39.2–74.5 mg kg−1) compared to those collected in February (72.6–151 mg kg−1). The concentration of AsV (determined by HPLC-ICP-MS) was found to consistently increase along the thallus from the holdfast/stipe (0.78–1.82 mg kg−1) to the decaying fronds (44.4–61.0 mg kg−1) in both months, and AsSug-SO3 was the dominant arsenosugar in the majority of samples. The extraction efficiency was lower in fresh samples (64–77%) than in freeze-dried (95–116%) from the same month. Water-soluble, polar AsLipids, and residual As concentrations, were generally highest in February, and the non-polar AsLipids accounted for <0.42% of total As in all samples. The results suggest that the arsenosugars were not a product of As detoxification, but a by-product of normal biological activity. The authors suggest that the arsenosugars were bound to the cell membrane within the Laminaria digitata cells, and lyophilisation is required to release them quantitatively. It was not evident from the study if the lower extraction efficiency observed was due to the As being in an unextractable form, i.e. lipids, and thus not removed from cells during the water-based extractions.
A number of regional studies focusing on As speciation have been reported this year. The dumping of an estimated 57 million tons of hazardous sulfide mine waste into Portman's Bay (SE Spain) between 1957 and 1990 has caused one of the most severe cases of persistent anthropogenic impact in Europe's costal and marine environment. The resulting mine tailings deposit completely infilled Portman's Bay and extended seawards on the continental shelf, bearing high levels of metals including As. Data obtained from various sources including SR-XAS and XRF core scanner have been reported by Baza-Varas et al.68 and revealed the presence of arsenopyrite (FeAsS), scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O), orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (AsS) in the submarine extension of the mine tailings deposit. In addition to arsenopyrite weathering and scorodite formation, the presence of realgar and orpiment was discussed in the paper, considering both potential sourcing from the exploited ores and in situ precipitation from a combination of inorganic and biologically mediated geochemical processes. The authors hypothesise that the presence of orpiment and realgar is associated with scorodite dissolution and subsequent precipitation of these two minerals within the mine tailings deposit under moderately reducing conditions. The occurrence of organic debris and reduced organic sulfur compounds provide evidence of the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria and provide a plausible explanation for the reactions leading to the formation of authigenic realgar and orpiment. The precipitation of these two minerals in the mine tailings has important consequences for As mobility since this process would reduce the release of As into the surrounding environment. The bioaccumulation of As and Cr species in water, soil, and vegetables collected from the Mokolo River and its vicinity and in Lephalale, Limpopo Province, South Africa has been reported.69 Total As levels were determined by ICP-MS and the speciation by HPLC-ICP-MS. The total concentrations of As in the water samples ranged between 0.328 and 0.612 g L−1, below the maximum permissible levels set by the WHO and South Africa's Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) for drinking water. The soil quality guideline value of 12.0 μg g−1 for As was surpassed at one sampling site, although the high concentrations in the soil could be linked to the use of fertilisers and atmospheric deposits introduced through coal burning by power stations. For vegetables, the observed As levels recorded in the high-flow season ranged from 1.55 to 189 ng g−1, 40.1 to 153 ng g−1, 9.38 to 292 ng g−1 and 0.91 to 262 ng g−1 for AsIII, DMA, MMA and AsV, respectively. In the low-flow season, the concentration ranged from 7.03 to 52.9 ng g−1, 0.338 to 30.3 ng g−1, 2.48 to 15.7 ng g−1 and 0.72 to 27.8 ng g−1 for AsIII, DMA, MMA and AsV, respectively. The study suggested that the consumption of vegetables from the area could lead to health risks in the population. Two investigations have been published for regional studies in China. The first reported on the characteristics of As speciation in cultured shellfish from Sanmen Bay, Zhejiang Province, China.70 Sanmen Bay plays a crucial role in economic shellfish aquaculture in China, yet there are few studies on the As speciation of shellfish from this area. In the study 11 cultured shellfish species from Sanmen Bay were analysed by HPLC-ICP-MS. The results showed that organic As particularly AB, was the dominant As species, making up 21–71% of the total As. Conversely, the levels of iAs were relatively low, ranging from 0.007 to 0.093 mg kg−1, and accounting for 0.2–5.7% of the total As. There was no significant correlation between iAs and total As in Sanmen Bay shellfish, and the concentration of iAs did not increase with the total As. In the second study, the As speciation in two mushrooms, Agaricus blazei Murrill and Tricholoma matsutake, cultivated in Yunnan Province, China was investigated.71 The method used both AEC and CEC chromatography coupled to ICP-MS. The total As contents ranged from 5.25 to 69.5 mg kg−1. AB, iAs and MMA were the main forms of As in A. blazei samples, accounting for 42.7–88.8%, 1.59–26.2%, and 0.74–1.12% of the extractable As, respectively. The main forms of As in T. matsutake samples were AB and DMA, which accounted for 88.9–97.9%, and 1.79–3.80% of the extractable As, respectively. Some AC, TMAO, and tetramethylarsonium cation (TMA+) were also present, but only at trace concentrations. An estimation of health risk index based on the results indicated that there was no particular risk of iAs exposure to consumers of T. matsutake, although exposure to the higher levels of iAs in A. blazei could present a risk to health in the region.
There have been fewer reports of clinical studies based on As speciation in this review period. One of the more unusual devices described this year for As speciation was constructed using Lego™ components with application in clinical analysis. The pre-treatment device was designed for dried blood spot analysis using IC-ICP-MS.72 The Lego spinner, was constructed from three Lego™ components and 3D-printed tube sleeves. The device integrated magnetic mixing and centrifugal separation functions to extract and separate the As species from the dried blood spots. In the mixing mode, a magnetic stir bar was placed in the centrifuge tube with the reagents and rotated under a magnetic field to promote the dispersive extraction of As species from the dried blood spot. In the centrifugation mode of the Lego-spinner, the As extract was separated from the blood matrix for subsequent IC-ICP-MS analysis. For a dried blood spot prepared from 80 μL of whole blood, the pre-treatment operation was completed within 25 min. The LOD values of AB, AsIII, DMA, MMA, and AsV in the dried blood spot were 0.09–0.15 μg L−1, and precisions were <11%. The concentrations of the five As species were correlated between whole blood and the dried blood spot (r2 > 0.97), and Bland–Altman analysis indicated that the concentration difference of As species between whole blood and the dried blood spot is within ±20%. Using this approach, the As species could be preserved for at least 30 days at 4 °C. The determination of total iAs in homeopathic samples using HG-ICP-OES has been reported.73 Various sample forms (sugar pellets, tablets, alcohol-based drops), containing arsenicum album or arsenicum iodatum in several potencies (C9-200, D6-10), as well as different sample preparation approaches (wet digestion, extraction, dissolution, dilution, direct analysis) were studied. The influence of the undecomposed sample matrix (mainly sugar and alcohol) on the HG process of As was also examined. Microwave-assisted wet digestion was selected for the study and under optimal conditions gave a LOD < 0.1 ng per g As, with a RSD of 0.31–7.4%, and trueness, as confirmed by recovery tests of 94.9–113%. The applicability of the developed method was demonstrated by determining As in 13 homeopathic products available on the Polish market. The fate of arsenicals in mice carrying the human AS3MT gene exposed to environmentally relevant levels of AsIII in drinking water has been reported by Douillet et al.74 Although mice are widely used to study adverse effects of iAs, the higher rates of iAs methylation in mice when compared to humans may limit their utility as a model organism. A recently created 129S6 mouse strain in which the Borcs7/As3mt locus replaces the human BORCS7/AS3MT locus and exhibits a human-like pattern of iAs metabolism was used in this study. The authors evaluated the dosage dependency of iAs metabolism in humanised (Hs) mice. They determined tissue and urinary concentrations and proportions of iAs, MMA, and DMA in male and female Hs and wild-type (WT) mice that had received 25 or 400 μg per L iAs in drinking water. At both exposure levels, Hs mice excreted less total As in urine and retain more total As in tissues than WT mice. Total As levels in tissue were higher in Hs females than in Hs males, particularly after exposure to 400 ppb iAs. Tissue and urinary fractions of total As present as iAs and MMA are significantly greater in Hs mice than in WT mice. Notably, tissue total As dosimetry in Hs mice resembles human tissue dosimetry predicted by a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model. The study employed HG-cryotrapping-ICP-MS for the As speciation, with LOD values ranging from 0.27 to 1.7 pg As. This data provides additional support for the use of Hs mice in laboratory studies examining effects of iAs exposure in target tissues or cells.
Two variations of the same direct immersion dual-drop microextraction procedure appeared in different journals within two weeks of each other. Separation and preconcentration of CrIII and CrVI were achieved in parallel by selective extraction from the same solution into two 15 μL drops of organic solvent, each of which contained an appropriate selective chelating reagent, suspended from the tips of microsyringe needles. Following extraction, the drops were diluted to 50 μL, and a 10 μL subsample taken for analysis by ETAAS. In one procedure, the researchers extracted CrIII with thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA) and CrVI with APDC (both in chloroform) from an aqueous solution at pH 3.5.75 In the second procedure, CrIII was extracted with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoylpyrazol-5-one (PMBP) and CrVI was extracted with DDTC (both in 1-decanol) from an aqueous solution at pH 4.76 The LOD values of the two methods were similar: those for the TTFA/APDC method were 3 and 4 ng L−1 for CrIII and CrVI, respectively, those for the PMPP/DDTC method were both 1 ng L−1. The former method was validated by the analyses of CRMs GSBZ50027-94 (water), GBW10052 (tea leaves), GBW 10017 (milk powder), GBW10024 (scallop) and GBW10011 (wheat flour), and by spike recoveries (0.1–5.0 μg L−1) from locally purchased (Wuhan, China), water and beverages including orange juice, well water, soda, cola, apple juice and Sprite. It was reported that CrVI was not detected in any beverage except well water, but was found in the water, milk powder, scallop and wheat flour CRMs. The other method (PMPP/DDTC) was validated by the analysis of CRMs GSBZ50027-94 (CrVI in environmental water) and GBW(E)080039 (trace elements in water) and applied to Yangtze River water, Dongxi Lake water and industrial wastewater (Wuhan, China), in all of which both species were found. Spike recoveries, measured for all samples and CRMs, ranged from 86 to 108%.
A LLME procedure in which CrVI was selectively extracted as an ion-pair with CTAB into CHCl3, has been devised for the analysis of waters and industrial extracts by TXRF.77 To a 10 mL sample adjusted to pH 0.2 were added 100 μL of 0.01 mol L−1 CTAB in CHCl3, and the mixture shaken to form a cloudy white suspension. After phase separation by centrifuging a total of 15 μL was dried in two stages on a quartz reflector. The TXRF analyser was a commercial benchtop TXRF spectrometer S2 PICOFOX (BrukerNano, Germany) containing a low-power tungsten X-ray tube (50 kV, 1 mA) and a silicon drift detector (SSD, resolution <150 eV at Mn Kα). The LOD was 0.9 μg L−1, and the linear range was from 5–5000 μg L−1. The procedure was applied to different types of waters (tap, well, river and sea water), a galvanic industry effluent and two different clinker aqueous extracts from a concrete manufacturer (all from the Girona region of Catalonia in northeast Spain). For the water samples CrVI was below the LOD whilst spike recoveries at 25 and 50 μg L−1 ranged from 82 to 100%. In the effluent and extract samples, CrVI was found in concentrations that were in agreement with those found by a standard spectrophotometric DPC method (UNE-EN 196-10, the official Spanish version of European Standard EN 196-10:2006). The researchers confirmed that the presence of up to a five-fold excess of CrIII did not affect the results for CrVI. Total Cr values were obtained by ICP-OES.
A SPE procedure in which both CrIIIand CrVIspecies were retained on a magnetic-GO-4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid composite has been applied to the analysis of sea, well and tap waters from the Malaga region of Spain.78 The extractant material (details of whose synthesis are in a Spanish patent) was packed into two 50 cm knotted reactors that were wound round toroidal magnets and mounted in a eight-port FI valve. Sample (4 mL), adjusted to pH 3, was pumped through one reactor and the unretained matrix components washed away with water. The retained CrVI was selectively eluted by pumping 4 mL of 3.2% NH4OH solution in the reverse direction and quantified by ICP-OES. At the same time, 4 mL of sample was loaded into the second reactor, which was washed and then total Cr eluted with 4.2 mL of 2.3% HNO3 and measured by ICP-OES. During this elution step, any Cr retained in the first reactor was washed off with 2.3% nitric acid. It is not clear why the species were not determined by sequential elution from just one reactor, rather than subtracting the CrVI value from the total to get the CrIII concentration. Although the volumes of sample and eluent are similar, preconcentration (enrichment factors of 15 and 23 for CrVI and total Cr, respectively) was achieved because the retained species would have been eluted in the leading few hundred μL of eluent. The LOD values were 0.1 and 0.08 μg L−1 for CrVI and total Cr, respectively and the method was validated by the analysis of CRM TMDA 54.5 (fortified lake water) and SPS-SW2 (surface water), which are certified for total Cr only. However, although only CrIII was found in TMDA 54.5, both species were found in SPS-SW2 and in all four of the real samples. Spike recoveries from all samples (50–300 μg L−1) were between 91 and 112%.
A procedure in which both CrIIIand CrVIwere retained on planar SPE materials prior to quantification by LIBS has been developed.79 The researchers fabricated an “ion enrichment chip” by 3D printing. The SPE media were inserted in the space between the top and bottom layers (length 15 mm × width 5 mm × height 0.8 mm). The first medium encountered as sample solution flowed through the device was a sheet of activated carbon fibres (length 6 mm × width 5 mm thickness 0.4 mm) and then the solution followed over an array of anion-exchange resin beads (5 rows × 6 columns, diameter 0.4 mm) that were glued to the enrichment insert (details not given). Sample solution was delivered at 21 mL min−1 for 20 min (a volume of 420 mL) and then air was blown through to remove excess sample and dry the adsorbents. The media were transferred to a three-dimensional displacement platform that adjusted the position of the adsorbents under the laser beam. The researchers related the signal from the carbon fibres to the total Cr concentration, and the signal from the anion-exchange beads to the CrVI concentration. Presumably, the CrVI in the sample was somehow distributed over both extraction media, which is perhaps not surprising as the linear flow rate is about 18 cm s−1, corresponding to a residence time above the carbon fibre media of about 33 ms. The LOD values were 10 and 4 μg L−1 for total Cr and CrVI, respectively and the method was applied to a “pool water” sample from an Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Base. No Cr was found in this sample, but spike recoveries (0.05–4.0 mg L−1) ranged from 90 to 114%. There was no pH adjustment. The method was also applied to aqueous extracts of spiked (100–1000 mg kg−1) soils, though for these solutions the optimised injection speed and injection time were remarkably different: 50 μL min−1 and 7 min, respectively. The only results presented for the soils were the LOD values of 13.6 mg kg−1 and 3.8 mg kg−1, for total Cr and CrVI, respectively. There is confusion over the units of these: in the abstract and table the units are mg kg−1, but in the text the units are mg L−1. As the retained analytes are not eluted, it is hard to understand the basis of describing this procedure as an “enrichment.”
Both nano-SIMS and micro-X-ray techniques were applied to the elucidation of CrIIIspeciation in rice roots with the goal of gaining a better understanding of the role of iron plaque in controlling Cr availability.80 Both the speciation and localisation of Cr and the distribution of micro-nutrients in tip and mature regions of rice roots were examined by synchrotron-based techniques, μ-XRF and μ-XANES. Cr K-edge XANES analysis at Cr hotspots showed the dominant speciation of Cr in outer (epidermal and sub-epidermal) cell layers of the root tips and mature root were complexes with fulvic acid-like anions and with amorphous ferrihydrite, respectively. The relationship between metabolically active 13C-enriched root epidermal cells and metal complexes, such as CrO and FeO, in both the tip and mature root regions was mapped by NanoSIMS. The researchers concluded that the co-location of the fulvic species with signals of 52Cr16O and 13C14N in the mature root epidermis relative to the sub-epidermis indicated the association of Cr with active root surfaces, where the dissolution of Fe plaque and release of the associated Cr is likely mediated by organic anions. Whereas the results for the root tips are indicative of the re-uptake of Cr by this region. Overall, the researchers concluded that their results indicated significant roles for iron plaque and organic anions in rice root systems on the bioavailability and dynamics of PTEs.
Separation by AF4 with quantification by ICP-MS was used in support of studies of the removal of Cr species from drinking water by various sulfonated polyethersulfone nanofiltration (NF) membranes with different molecular weight cut-offs.81 No previous work was cited for this analytical procedure nor was there discussion of any optimisation. Full details of the relevant separation parameters were given for the three-step program. During step 1 (injection and focusing), 50 μL was injected at flow rate of 0.5 mL min−1 (for 2 min), with a focus flow rate of 2.0 mL min−1, and a permeate flow rate of 2 mL min−1. In step 2, elution was performed at a permeate flow rate of 2.0 mL min−1 that decreased linearly to zero over 20 min, followed by elution for a further 12 min in the absence of permeate flow. Finally, in step 3 the system was rinsed (details not given). The total run time was 40 min. Total Cr was measured by ICP-MS, some details of which were provided in the ESI. The LOD was 0.2 μg L−1. Some further information about the performance of the AF4 procedure was also given in the ESI, from which it is seen that the bottom of the working range was 5 μg L−1. The researchers noted the importance of charge exclusion when Cr(OH)4− (for CrIII) and CrO42− (for CrVI) were the predominant species in the feed water. In the presence of humic acid (HA) material, CrIII retention increased by 60%, while that of CrVI was unchanged. The HAs did not induce major modifications on the membrane surface charge for these membranes. Solute–solute interaction, in particular CrIII–HA complexation, was the responsible mechanism for the increase in CrIII retention.
A SPE-ICP-MS procedure for the speciation of inorganic Cr (and As and Se) in which the species were retained on TiO2 NP-coated 3D-printed porous monoliths has been developed44 and applied to the analysis of a variety of environmental waters and human urine. Although published in an analytical chemistry journal, most of the information relevant to the analysis is contained in the extensive ESI from which is seen that the extraction and elution was performed with a flow manifold, consisting of five 8-port valves, two columns and an unspecified number of peristaltic pumps, configured so that the two columns could be handled in parallel with loading of one while the other was eluted. It is also seen that the loading flow rate was 1 mL min−1 for 2 min and the eluent was 3.5 mL of 0.5 mol per L HNO3 delivered at 1 mL min−1. The retention of species was based on pH control: at pH of 2.0 CrVI (and AsV and total Se) was retained and at pH 12.0 CrIII (and AsIII) was retained. For the speciation of Se, total Se was retained at pH 2.0, and SeIV was retained at pH 6.0. The exact procedure is not clear, solutions at pH 2.0 were loaded onto one column and solutions of either pH 6 or 12 were loaded onto the other column. The researchers claimed that only 2 mL of sample was required, and that the throughput was 15 h−1. The LOD values were 11 and 12 ng L−1 for CrIII and CrVI, respectively. The procedure was validated by the analysis of four CRMs NRCC CASS-4 (nearshore seawater), NRCC SLRS-5 (river water), NIST 1643f (fresh water), and Seronorm Trace Elements in Urine L-2 (human urine), in none of which were CrVI or SeVI detected; AsV was not detected in CASS-4. The method was applied to the analysis of seawater, river water, agriculture waste, and human urine samples, when again CrVI was not detected; As was not detected in the river water, and SeVI was detected only in the agricultural wastewater. Spike recoveries (0.5 μg L−1) from these samples ranged from 96–104%.
To study Cr (and As) speciation in a water-soil-vegetable system, an HPLC-ICP-MS procedure was used.69 All of the analytical procedures were based on previously published methods, including the HPLC separation, which was done on a Hamilton PRP-X100 column with gradient elution by a mobile phase consisting of varying proportions of NH4NH3 and NH4H2PO4 that separated CrVI (and AsIII, AsV, MMA and DMA). Total element determinations were validated by the analysis of three NIST CRMs SRM 1640a (trace elements in natural water), SRM 2709a (San Joaquin soil) and SRM 1573a (tomato leaves), and the speciation method was validated by spike recoveries from one soil and one vegetable sample. The procedures were applied to the analysis of 24 water samples (for which only total element concentrations were determined), 22 vegetable samples (chomolia, onion, spinach, pumpkin, and thepe) and 10 loam soil samples collected from the Mokolo River (Limpopo Province, South Africa) and nearby farms during different seasonal flows of the river. Although CrIII had not been included in the method development and validation, the results presented for the soils and vegetables included values for CrIII as well as for CrVI (and all four As species) that were well above the various LOD values. The researchers concluded that consumption of some Cr-contaminated vegetables, particularly by children, could cause serious health risks.
Recently developed methods have shown that the measurement of environmentally important halogen containing molecules can be achieved using GC coupled to ICP-MS and two methods have utilised this approach. The speciation of Cl in complex hydrocarbon mixtures was carried out using GC-ICP-MS/MS with a commercially available heated transfer line to interface the GC instrument to the ICP-MS/MS detector.85 The chromatographic separation was performed on a HP-INNOWax column (60 m, 0.25 mm, 0.5 μm) using He as the carrier gas and split injection. The GC column outlet was connected via a T piece to a pre-heating line located inside the GC oven to mix the GC carrier gas flow with other gases. These gases included a mixture of Ar used to sweep the GC column effluents through the transfer line into the plasma and an Ar/O2 mixture (80:
20 v/v), which was used to burn off carbon deposits on the interface, resulting from the high C content of the samples. The measurement of Cl by ICP-MS is challenging because of the high first ionization potential (12.97 eV) and the existence of severe polyatomic interferences on the Cl isotopes at m/z 35 and 37 (O2H+,SH+, ArH+). However, GC-ICP-MS/MS proved to be complementary to other existing Cl speciation methods such as GC-ECD, as it allies equimolar response, ease of calibration, selectivity towards Cl and good sensitivity. The investigation of new environmental marine sources of elements such as Br, I, S and Se has been undertaken using TD-GC-ICP-MS.86 Emissions of volatile organic species from aquatic ecosystems represent an important source for the transfer of these elements into the atmosphere. The available methods to measure these species are either not sensitive enough or not automated, which limits a full understanding of species distribution and production mechanisms. A sensitive and high-throughput method for the simultaneous quantification of volatile organic species containing these elements in atmospheric and aqueous samples used a preconcentration step with sorbent tubes followed by analysis using TD-GC-ICP-MS. Selected commercially available sorbent tubes, consisting of mixed porous polymer and graphitised black carbon, offered the highest trapping capacity and lowest loss of species when stored at −20 °C for 28 days after sampling. After optimisation of the TD-GC-ICP-MS method, absolute LOD values were better than 3.8 pg, 9.1 fg, 313 fg, and 50 fg, respectively, for S, Se, Br, and I containing species. As a proof of concept, the concentrations of target species were determined in aqueous and continuously collected atmospheric samples during a cruise in the Baltic and North Seas. Unknown volatile species containing S, Br, and I were detected in both aqueous and atmospheric samples demonstrating the full potential of the method.
Iodine is an important essential element found in a range of marine algae, where it is abundantly present and nutritionally available. Speciation analysis of I in this context is therefore important, as a means to determine the relative bioavailability of each I-containing species and a method for the extraction and analysis by HPLC-ICP-MS/MS has recently been described.87 For optimum extraction efficiency without compromising species integrity a two-step extraction method was developed using pancreatic enzymatic digestion followed by alkaline extraction with TMAH. An ion chromatography system was used with an AE separation facilitated using an IonPac AG20 guard column (2 × 50 mm) followed by an AS20 analytical column (2 × 250 mm). Elution of the species was facilitated isocratically within 10 min using a mobile phase consisting of 400 mmol per L NH4HCO3 with a flow rate of 0.25 mL min−1. Excellent chromatographic resolution was achieved with the developed chromatography. For quantification, external calibration an internal standard was used, and calibration curves were prepared for each of the three individual I species. The method was applied to a range of marine algae including brown, green and red seaweed. In all samples, I− was the major species present whereas monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine were minor species found in most of the samples. Six unidentified I-containing species were also observed in varying amounts in some of the samples. The recovery of the I-containing species was determined by comparison of the sum of the species to the total I level determined using a direct ICP-MS/MS method. The highest recoveries were obtained for brown seaweed samples (66–100%) and the lowest for red seaweeds (12–45%). The recoveries for green seaweed samples were somewhere in between (41–92%). These recoveries were thought to relate to stronger binding of I in some seaweed species. The values were generally in agreement with other studies on the extraction of I-containing species from marine algae.
The use of X-ray based techniques to study Fe speciation is increasing in popularity, no doubt in part due to the wider availability of synchrotron facilities. Mijovilovich et al. investigated the modes of Fe binding and trace metal storage in the brown algae Laminaria digitata and Ectocarpus siliculosus using μXANES and XRF tomography.89 The Fe distribution in both algae showed a higher accumulation in the cortex with symplastic subcellular localisation whilst XANES spectra indicated that Fe in L. digitata is stored in a mineral non-ferritin core, as this species lack of ferritin-encoding genes. The data also showed that the L. digitata cortex contains a ferritin-like mineral, while the meristoderm may include an additional component. The authors suggest that the formation of an amorphous mineral might be the storage strategy of non-ferritin-containing algae, thus modes of accumulation and Fe binding are different depending on tissue type. Hasegawa et al. have used XAFS to investigate Fe speciation in two fish species, Skipjack Tuna and Chub.90 The dominant Fe species in the muscle was haem Fe (as the sum of methaemoglobin, oxyhaemoglobin, and deoxyhaemoglobin), with no detectable ferritin whilst in the liver, the ferritin contribution was 28 to 54% of the total Fe content. The authors also used MC-ICP-MS to determine the δ56Fe values in the fish tissues with the aim of elucidating Fe metabolism. The difference in δ56Fe values between haem Fe and ferritin ranged from 1.41‰ to 1.52‰, and the authors suggest that these results indicate that Fe storage as ferritin does not induce the lowering of δ56Fe in the muscle, considering the low contribution of the liver Fe to the total Fe content in the body. The performance of laboratory and synchrotron based XANES measurements for examining Fe complexes with organic ligands has been compared.91 The laboratory instrument is based on a Highly Annealed Pyrolytic Graphite (HAPG) von Hamos spectrometer with the use of a cylindrically shaped crystal for combining high spectral resolution with a high solid angle of detection, modified to use a thinner HAPG crystal with a broader bending radius, which improves the spectral resolving power of the spectrometer. For validation, synchrotron XAFS measurements were performed at the μSR-XFM/μXAS beamline ID21 at the ESRF45 operating from 2.0 to 9.6 keV. Transmission mode was used for all samples except for haemoglobin, which was been measured in fluorescence mode. The compounds FeTPP(Cl), Fe(bzimpy)2(–ClO4)2−·0.25H2O and [Fe(bzimpy–1H)2]·H2O were synthesised for the work and details of this are given or cited. The XAFS spectra of the three model/reference substances obtained with the laboratory instrument contained all of the characteristic fine structures exhibited in the results obtained by synchrotron measurements. The human haemoglobin sample analysed was also clearly identified as an Fe porphyrin system by the laboratory XAFS instrument. All three of these X-ray based papers contain a wealth of detail which will be of interest to workers in this field.
For the determination of PbII and TML (and HgII, MeHg and VV) in seawater and urine, an SPE preconcentration was applied prior to HPLC-ICP-MS.93 A previously synthesised, patented, magnetic nanomaterial based on a double coupling between GO and MNPs (M@GO) was further derivatised with the chelating group methyl thiosalicylate. The resulting M@GO-TS material (50 mg) was packed into a column mounted in the injection loop of a FI valve and sample, adjusted to pH 3.5, was loaded at 2.7 mL min−1 for 10 min. The retained analytes were then eluted (there was, apparently, no washing step) with 7 mmol per L thiourea + 40 mmol per L H3PO4 at 1.5 mL min−1, and 1 mL collected of which 100 μL was injected into the HPLC system for separation on a Kinetex EVO C18 column (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm particles). The mobile phase was a gradient of A (7 mmol per L thiourea + 40 mmol per L H3PO4) and B (0.16 mmol per L TBAH in H3PO4 at pH 4.5). The gradient elution program was 100% A, 0.0% B for 0.1 min, followed by a ramp of 1.2% s−1 to 0.0% A, 100% B for 1.5 min and held for 18.4 min. The method was validated by the analysis of CRM NRCC TMDA 64.3 (fortified lake water) and by spike recoveries from two urine and one seawater samples. No Pb2+ was detected in any of the samples, but TML was found in one urine and the seawater. The LOD values were 5 and 20 ng L−1 for PbII and TML, respectively and the enrichment factor for all species was 27.
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the speciation of Hg in water samples can be challenging due to the extremely low concentrations present. This is particularly so for seawaters and it is timely that the uncertainty for the measurement of monomethyl Hg (MMHg) by SS-ID-GC-ICP-MS and dimethyl Hg (DMHg) and Hg0 by cryo-focussing GC-ICP-MS in this matrix has been assessed.98 The concentration of DMHg was also measured by difference (termed calc in the subscripts used) as sample acidification converts DMHg to MMHg, which is then quantified, between the acidified and unacidified samples. The expanded uncertainty, Uex,r (confidence interval of 95%) for cryo-focusing GC-ICP-MS was 14.4 (<50 fM) and 14.2% (>50 fM) and for SS-ID-GC-ICP-MS 5.6 (<50 fM) and 3.7% (>50 fM). For concentrations above 50 fM, Uex,r for DMHgcalc was always lower than for direct measurements (14.2%). For MeHgcalc, on the other hand, Uex,r was always higher for concentrations above 115 fM (range: 3.7–13.9%) than for direct measurements (3.7%). The authors state that the uncertainties achieved are considerably lower than those reported for other commonly used analytical techniques for Hg species in seawater. The paper gives a comprehensive description of how the work was carried out, including the extensive quality assurance protocols, and should be read by all workers in this field. Papers on DMHg measurements are not common, most likely due to the difficulty of the measurement process and also the high toxicity of the compound, but a second article on this topic has also been published this year. In this case Chen and co-workers developed a new DMHg generator which proved superior to the conventional approach.99 Usually, DMHg is prepared via a reaction of Hg2+ with MeCo in a saline solution in a reaction bottle and this can also lead to the formation of other Hg species such as Hg0 and MeHg, with the latter favoured as reaction time increases. This necessitates a further purification which increases the risk of human exposure. The developed DMHg generator consisted of a 1.5 mL quartz reaction vial with a quartz circular-truncated-cone holder standing inside a 40.0 mL amber sample bottle. Both MeCo and Hg2+ were mixed in the reaction vial, in a molar ratio of 10:
1, and the pH of this solution adjusted to 4 using H2SO4 and NaOH. The outer amber bottle contained an acetate buffer solution at a pH > 5. To produced DMHg was collected in this outer solution which was then sampled directly through the Teflon cap by purging onto an Au trap and Tenax trap in series, the former retains any Hg0 present while the latter retains the DMHg. The traps were then thermally desorbed onto a GC-AFS system for Hg species quantification. The method was then used to assess DMHg levels in natural water samples. No DMHg was detected in unspiked samples whilst spike recoveries, at 0.05, 0.2 and 1.0 ng L−1, were all better than 93%. For the determination of HgII and MeHg (and PbII, TML and VV) in seawater and urine, a SPE preconcentration was applied prior to HPLC-ICP-MS.93 A previously synthesised, patented, magnetic nanomaterial based on a double coupling between GO and MNPs (M@GO) was further derivatised with the chelating group methyl thiosalicylate. The resulting M@GO-TS material (50 mg) was packed into a column mounted in the injection loop of a FI valve and sample, adjusted to pH 3.5, was loaded at 2.7 mL min−1 for 10 min. The retained analytes were then eluted (there was, apparently, no washing step) with 7 mmol per L thiourea + 40 mmol per L H3PO4 at 1.5 mL min−1, and 1 mL collected of which 100 μL was injected into the HPLC system for separation on a Kinetex EVO C18 column (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm particles). The mobile phase was a gradient of A (7 mmol per L thiourea + 40 mmol per L H3PO4) and B (0.16 mmol per L TBAH in H3PO4 at pH 4.5). The gradient elution program was 100% A, 0.0% B for 0.1 min, followed by a ramp of 1.2% s−1 to 0.0% A, 100% B for 1.5 min held for 18.4 min. The method was validated by the analysis of CRM NRCC TMDA 64.3 (fortified lake water) and by spike recoveries from two urine and one seawater samples. The LOD was 0.4 ng L−1 and the enrichment factor for all species was 27. No VV was detected in either of the urine samples, only in the seawater. The use of M@GO for the non-chromatographic speciation of Hg in water samples, with ETAAS detection, has also been reported.100 When dithizone is used as an auxiliary agent and the acidified to pH 5 both HgII and MeHg are retained on the M@GO and then eluted with HNO3 (8% v/v) and H2O2 (30% v/v) and UAE at 80 °C for 10 minutes. If the sample pH is adjusted to 9, both species are again retained, but washing the collected M@GO with N-acetyl-L-cysteine removes MeHg only, and the retained HgII is then eluted as previously described with the MeHg content calculated by difference. The proposed procedure gave an enrichment factor of 49 and a linear range between 0.1 and 10 μg L−1 as Hg. The method was validated using a suite of 9 CRMs, which included waters, fish tissues and human hair (the solid samples were first subjected to an acidic digestion procedure). For all CRMs for which Hg was certified the found and certified values were in good agreement. The method was then applied to drinking, river, and waste-water samples and each case no Hg species was detected. Spike recovery experiments on these sample gave recoveries of 90 to 104% for both Hg species studied.
Probably, most human Hg intake comes from the diet and thus Hg speciation in fish continues to be studied. A method for MeHg quantification in shark meat samples using HPLC-ICP-MS has been reported.101 The Hg species were extracted from dried homogenised shark meat with 0.5% L cysteine in 2% HNO3 and UAE (50/60 Hz, 550 W) for 30 min at room temperature followed by centrifugation and filtration. A C18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm ID, 5 μm particle size, 175 Å pore size) was used for the separations with a gradient elution involving (A) 0.5% L cysteine in 2% HNO3 and (B) 100% MeOH flowing at 1.0 mL min−1. No mention is made of O2 addition to the plasma gas but, as the chromatographic run was short with MeOH only being aspirated for half the runtime, maybe C deposition on the cones was not problematic. Under these conditions iHg eluted at 200 s and MeHg at 260 s. Method validation was by analysis of the NRCC DORM-2 CRM for which a MeHg recovery of 97% was obtained. The MeHg LOD is stated as 0.86 pg L−1, which is very low and implies that there was minimal noise in the chromatographic baseline (or a misprint, given it is an order of magnitude or two lower than the LOD values cited from the literature). The MeHg mass fraction in the various shark meat samples ranged from 0.22 to 1.22 mg kg−1 wet weight. A separate paper reports on the simultaneous speciation of Hg and Se in muscle from different fish species (rainbow trout, tuna, swordfish, and dogfish).102 An enzymatic extraction, protease in combination with L-cysteine and 2-mercaptoethanol and (NH4)3PO4 buffer, by two protocols: incubation at 37 °C for 12 h in an oven, and enzymatic MAE (EMAE) for 45 and 60 min was used. Both methods were compared and validated by using three CRMs: ERM-CE101 (trout muscle), ERM-BB422 (fish muscle) and NMIJ7402 (cod fish tissue). The EMAE with 60 minutes irradiation provided the best extraction efficiency for total Se and Hg concentration in all the CRMs used with recovery values ranging from 90 to 116%. Reversed-phase and ion-exchange HPLC separation mechanisms coupled to ICP-MS were tested to simultaneously separate Se and Hg species from the extracts. The best results were attained using a Dionex Ion Pac S5A column (4 × 250 mm; 9 μm) and a mobile phase consisting of a mixture of 5% MeOH, 45 mmol L−1 of HNO3, 0.015% 2-mercaptoethanol and 1.5 mmol per L sodium-3-mercapto-1-propanesulfonate, at a flowrate of 0.8 mL min−1. The application of these optimal conditions allowed the separation of 4 Se species (SeIV, SeVI, SeMet; SeCys) and 2 Hg species (HgII and MeHg) in less than 15 minutes. The developed method was fully validated using the accuracy profile approach. The analytical procedure offers LOD values from 0.010 to 0.013 mg kg−1 for all Se species tested, except for SeIV (0.15 mg kg−1). The novel methodology was applied to different fishery products. Regarding Se species, SeIV and SeCys levels were below LOQ in all the samples analysed whereas SeMet was quantified in all the analysed samples (0.011 to 0.054 mg kg−1) as the most abundant Se species. The lowest Se species levels were found in fresh waters fish. The mean levels of MeHg varied between 0.026–1.77 mg kg−1 and the lowest MeHg levels was found in the freshwater rainbow trout (0.026 mg kg−1). Simultaneous speciation is a valuable tool to get a better understanding of Se and Hg antagonistic effect. Table 1 shows examples of other applications of Hg speciation presented in the literature during the time period covered by this ASU.
Analyte species | Technique | Matrix | Sample treatment | Separation | LOD | Validation | Reference |
MeHg, tHg | GC-pyr-AFS, ICP-MS | Hair | HNO3 and UAE | Aqueous ethylation | Not given | None given | 103 |
MeHg, tHg | CV-AAS | Garfish | MeHg: HCl and, toluene, UAE 30 min, centrifuged, back extraction into 1% L-cysteine HCl | Selective extraction | MeHg: 5 μg kg−1 | Tort-2, BCR-422, BCR-463, recoveries 99 to 1107% | 104 |
tHg: 0.5 μg kg−1 | |||||||
MeHg, iHg | ID-GC-ICP-MS | Hair | 25% TMAH, MAE, 75 W, 4.5 min. Aqueous ethylation | GC. Column not given. Multi-stage ramp | MeHg: 1.51 ng Hg per g−1 | IAEA-086. MeHg: 105% recovery | 105 |
iHg: 2.9 ng g−1 | tHg: 96% recovery | ||||||
HgCl2, MeHgCl, HgS | TR-ETA-AAS | Pure compounds and mixtures | None. Fundamental study of technique | Direct analysis | 0.20 ng | None used due to nature of study | 106 |
MeHg, iHg, tHg | IR-VG-AAS | Waters | Hg species in solution. TMAH for CRM | Thermal in presence of formic acid and/or H2O2 | 0.41 ng g−1 | DORM-1, DOLT-3: recoveries 94 to 99% | 107 |
MeHg, iHg | DBD-VG-AAS | Aqueous | None | None | MeHg and iHg: 100 μg L−1 | Not given | 108 |
Protein bound Hg | SEC-UV-ICP-MS | Mushroom | UAE, Tris–HCl pH 7.5, PMFS (0.1 mmol L−1), SDS (0.08%), SiO2 (50%) | SEC, 50 mmol per L NH4CH3COOH, 0.5% MeOH | 7.4 ng g−1 | SRM 1571: 93% recovery | 109 |
MeHg, iHg | HPLC-ICP-MS | Fish | L-Cysteine, HCl, H2O | C18 column, 0.1% L-cysteine·HCl·H2O | LOQ (mg kg−1) | BCR710: 103% recovery spike recoveries | 110 |
MeHg 0.002 | MeHg: 64 to 98% | ||||||
iHg 0.02 | iHg: 46 to 101% |
Continuing on their studies of new developments in HPLC separations with ICP-MS detection, the research group of Goessler, based in Graz, has developed a simple one-step derivatisation procedure to enable the separation of the metabolite and biomarker phosphoethanolamine from the hydrophilic P-containing metabolome present in urine.111 In particular, phosphoethanolamine has been reported as a reliable biomarker with consistently elevated urinary levels in hypophosphatasia, an inherited metabolic bone disorder. It was possible to elute the hydrophobic derivative using 1,2-hexanediol, a novel chromatographic eluent developed previously by the group and discussed in the 2023 ASU review.112 The developed method features fast chromatographic separation in less than 5 min, no need for an isotopically labelled internal standard, and an instrumental LOD of 0.5 μg P per L. The method was evaluated for recovery (90–110%), repeatability (RSD ±5%), and linear correlation coefficient, R2 (0.9998). The method accuracy was established by comparison with an independently developed method based on LC-ES-MS/MS without derivatisation, where agreement was found to be within ± 5 to 20%.
With the discovery of chemically reduced P-species in samples from environmental water sources, a new method has been reported for phosphate, phosphite and hypophosphite, which have now become the focus of environmental P-speciation studies. The use of a conventional IC system with a conductivity detector coupled to SF-ICP-MS in medium resolution mode has been developed,113 utilising a small clean-up column included as part of a 2 valve injection system. Commonly, IC has been used for quantifying the concentration of different species of the same element such as nitrate and nitrite, bromide and bromate, chloride and perchlorate in natural and experimental solutions. Whilst Cl ions do not interfere isobarically or by the formation of polyatomic ions with 31P in ICP-MS, the removal of Cl− improves ionic separation and helps protect the instrument from the formation of deposits on the interface cones. Using this clean-up approach, Cl was fully removed from the samples while phosphite was retained and could be analysed by IC-ICP-MS. Concentrations of phosphite were measured down to 0.003 μmol L−1 with acceptable linearity up to 1.615 μmol L−1 with R2 = 0.999. The clean-up column on valve 2 was an AG11-HC AE column (4 × 50 mm), and the remaining anions were separated on the IC system using an AG17-C guard column, an AS17-C AEC, an ADRS 600 2 mm suppressor and a conductivity detector. The ICP-MS instrument was coupled after the conductivity detector in the system. The eluent used was KOH, and its concentration was ramped from 1 to 40 mmol L−1 over the course of each run. For the analysis of pyrophosphate the run time was 55 min. Standalone software was required for data analysis and Origin Lab software was used for smoothing the very noisy data, subtracting background levels and calculating peak areas. The method was tested with a series of standards containing 0.003 to 1.614 μmol per L phosphite (corresponding to 0.1 to 50 μg per L P). However, the clean-up system introduced a carbonate, a more significant interference than the Cl ion being removed, which also eluted much closer to the phosphite peak than the Cl ion, so the chromatograms using the chloride-removal method displayed a larger carbonate peak than those generated in normal mode. The authors indicated that this additional interference peak could be removed with further development. Organophosphorus pesticides such as glyphosate and glufosinate are now widely used, and environmental regulatory limits are being adopted in many countries due to their potential toxicity. This requires the development of robust analytical methods114 to determine these compounds at suitable levels in the environmental matrices of concern. A pretreatment-free analytical method was established in which these two compounds and their metabolites were separated by AE HPLC using NH4CH3CO2 (70 mmol L−1, pH 3.7) as eluent, and detection by ICP-MS/MS. Detection limits of 0.03–0.17 μg L−1 were established by measurement of P as PO+ using O2 as the collision cell reaction gas. Quantitative recovery was obtained from the spike-recovery test on river water samples containing phosphate ion as an isobaric interferent. In addition, a constant sensitivity per molar concentration was achieved regardless of the compound, due to the powerful ICP-MS ion source. This property suggests that semi-quantitative analysis of unknown P-bearing compounds is possible from a single calibration curve. This demonstrates once again the power of the new ICP-MS/MS collision cell technology for the quantification of P- and S-containing compounds.
The formation of Pt-DNA adducts under simulated physiological conditions has been studied with the aid of CE-ICP-MS/MS.116 This methodology offers the added advantage over the widely used HPLC-ICP-MS approach of higher chromatographic resolution, which is useful when measuring these compounds in complex biological matrices. A drawback to using CE separations is the very small injection volume, which limits the amount of compound available for detection, but in this work it is less of an issue because of the high sensitivity of the ICP-MS detector for Pt. The selected model system for studying DNA platination and formation of DNA-adducts within this work consisted of a stable succinimide derivative of oxaliplatin and an 8-mer DNA oligonucleotide containing two potential binding sites. Both P and S were monitored at 31P16O+ and 32S16O+ using O2 as a reaction gas in the collision cell, which allowed for the investigation of drug binding to DNA and also proteins such as GSH. The drug itself was monitored on-mass at 195Pt+. Germanium was used as an internal standard by addition to the background electrolyte, which also served as a sheath liquid. The sheath liquid flow was monitored to control the hyphenation stability and nebulisation efficiency and the Ge response was used for the normalisation of results obtained during the analysis.
The elucidation of Se metabolisms in Se-fortified plants, mushrooms and bacteria remains a topic of interest for researchers. In an interesting paper Se speciation and volatile flavour compound determination is carried out on edible flowers, stems and leaves of Cardamine violifolia, a Se-hyperaccumulating plant from China. Selenium species from C. violifolia were isolated by using UAE enzymatic hydrolysis with protease at 37 °C.119 Extracts were subsequently analysed by HPLC-ICP-MS by using a Zorbax SB-Ag (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) column and a mobile phase consisted of 5 mol per L sodium 1-hexanesulfonate and 10 mol per L citric acid in 2% MeOH at pH 7.0, flowing at 1.0 mL min−1. The content of Se was found to be significantly higher in flowers (543 ± 14 mg kg−1) than in leaves and stems (314 ± 23 mg kg−1 and 251 ± 3, respectively). Organic Se accounts for more than 98% of total Se content, primarily SeCys2 followed by SeMet. However, the results lack a proper and unambiguous identification of Se species as Se species were identified by spiking with standards instead of using molecular mass spectrometry. A comparative study in terms of Se accumulation and speciation was performed in two types of mushrooms, Pleurotus ostreatus and Ganoderma lucidum, enriched with SeIV and SeVI.120 Two sample treatment procedures were applied: (1) water extraction by mechanical shaking in a water-bath at 37 °C for 20 h and (2) enzymatic extraction with protease at pH 5.0 in a water-bath at 37 °C for 24 h. Extraction efficiency was determined with a benchtop TXRF analyser. Enzymatic hydrolysis was more effective than aqueous extraction (109 versus 79%) when applied to G. lucidum whereas no significant differences between the two sample treatments were detected for P. ostreatus. Analysis by HPLC-ICP-MS/MS using O2 as reaction gas, a YMC Triart C18 (150 mm × 2.1 mm; 3 μm) column, and a mobile phase of 0.3% (v/v) heptafluorobutylamin acid in 3% MeOH at pH 4.0 revealed SeMet and iSe as the major Se species generated after iSe fortification in P. ostreatus and G. lucidum, respectively. Surprisingly, extracts for both mushrooms were shown to be effective in enhancing Se proteins expression (such as SelP and GPx3) in HepG 2 cells line, with the highest values when applying those extracts derived from enzymatic hydrolysis. In another study121 the effect of SO42− on the absorption and metabolisms of SeIV in Brassica napus was evaluated by using enzymatic hydrolysis with protease followed by separation on a Hamilton PRPX-100 (4.1 mm × 250 mm; 10 μm) column and ICP-MS detection. Low levels of SO42− in the SeO32− selenite containing hydroponic solution did not affect the Se absorption capacity of root system but it greatly enhanced the root-to-shoot transport efficiency of Se, leading to a substantial increase of Se concentration in shoot. Selenium speciation analysis revealed a high proportion of SeMet and SeVI in shoot and roots whereas SeMeCys was the major Se organic species in xylem sap where only a small amount of SeMet was detected. The authors hypothesised that most SeMet accumulated in roots was transported to shoots as the easily transportable forms SeVI and MeSeCys and then transformed, via selenide, into SeMet. Analysis by qPCR of SeO32− absorption related genes evidenced the presence of upregulated genes with both SeIV addition and S deficiency, supporting the idea that S-deficient conditions favours SeMet biosynthesis. Twelve extractions protocols have been evaluated for isolating Se species from Se-enriched Ganoderma Lucidum (246 ± 53 mg Se per g) before LC-UV-AFS measurements with separation using a PRP X-100 column.122 The sample treatments tested included the use of buffer solutions alone (deionised water, Tris–HCl buffer, pH 2.1; phosphate buffer, pH 7.5 and glycine–HCl buffer, pH 2.1) or in combination with different enzymes (trypsin, protease XIV, protease K, pepsin). The use of buffer solutions alone provided extraction efficiencies of less than 10% whereas the combination with enzymes increased extraction efficiencies up to 65%, with the highest value attained by a mixture composed of an aqueous solution of pepsin and trypsin. Speciation revealed SeIV (63%), SeCys2 (10%) MeSeCys (15%) and SeMet (1.5%) as the major Se species present. Although the study contains valuable information as it compares a plethora of sample treatments protocols for Se isolation and includes tables with reported data on Se analytical methodologies, the study fails when performing Se identification as ES/MS–MS is needed to correctly assign Se species structure. Selenium speciation in Se-enriched wheat supplemented with SeIV and SeVI and a mixture of both was carried out by using HPLC-ICP-MS and XAS techniques.123 For HPLC-ICP-MS measurements, wheat samples were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis with protease at 37 °C for 16 hours and Se-species were then separated by a PRP X-100 column (250 × 4.1 mm, 10 μm) under gradient elution between 5 to 15 mmol per L NH4 citrate with 2% MeOH at pH 5.0. Speciation by XAS was performed without the need for any sample treatment. The authors detected 5 major Se species (SeMet, MeSeCys, SeCys, SeIV and SeVI) that were identified by spiking with commercial standards. The XAS measurements allowed confirmation of the presence of Se0 and C–Se–C and C–Se–Se–C forms. Treatment with SeIV produced mainly C–Se–C forms while SeVI enhanced the production of C–Se–Se–C. The novelty of the paper lies in the study of the effect of Se supplementation on the levels of phytohormones implicated in signalling pathways. Although a clear tendency could not be established, it seems to be that the symptoms of toxicity observed in the plants were due to Se exposures, excluding the effects of other stresses during plant growth. The use of soil amendments to increase adsorption of SeIV and SeVI by using XAFS and XRF spectroscopies has been reported on.124 Analyses using XAFS proved particularly useful for studying sorption mechanisms of Se and for determining variation of its oxidation state. The incorporation of Ca-modified zeolite in surface soils representative of Mediterranean agrosystems notably improved SeIV availability and favoured the retention of SeVI by creating adsorption sites. Zhu et al.125 evaluated the influence of a fermentation process on SeO32− metabolisms by the probiotic Bifidobacterium logum. Parameters affecting Se incorporation, such as level of SeIV (18–400 μg mL−1), feeding time (12, 16 and 24 h) and fermentation stage are described in detail. Specific methodologies were applied for each measured parameter. Total Se content and its distribution between water soluble and water insoluble fraction was achieved by acid-wet digestion and UAE with water followed by ICP-MS measurements, respectively. Selenium species in the whole bacteria culture and water extracts were determined by applying an enzymatic protocol with protease and β-mercaptoethanol and HPLC-ICP-MS analysis by means of a PRP X-100 column under gradient elution using a mobile phase composed of triethylamine and HAc. Se-metabolites in the culture medium after fermentation were determined by SEC-ICP-MS analysis along with collection of the Se-containing peaks and analysis by HPLC-ES-Orbitrap-MS by using a C18 column with a mobile phase composed of formic acid in ACN under gradient elution. The results revealed SeMet as the most abundant species in the bacteria and γ-Glu-SeMet as the predominant Se-metabolite. A negative correlation was detected between the production of SeMet and γ-Glu-SeMet, suggesting that the synthesis of Se-containing proteins could be enhanced by suppressing the production of γ-Glu-SeMet. The greatest Se accumulation and SeMet production was obtained when fermentation conditions were set at 18 mg per mL SeIV and 16 h of feeding time.
The metabolism of Se in animals and humans has been the subject of different papers. Two parallel studies have been carried out by Bierla et al. to evaluate Se metabolisms in rats fed with different levels of Se (0–5 μg Se per g) as SeO32− in one paper126 and as SeMet in the second.127 After 28 days of feeding, rats were anesthetised and livers were removed and analysed by using HPLC-ICP-MS and molecular mass spectrometry (Orbitrap MS/MS) Depending on the information required, specific methodologies were developed: (a) ICP-MS measurements with acid digestion to determine total Se in livers; (b) SEC-ICP-MS analysis to obtain the profile of Se-containing biomolecules from aqueous liver extracts. For this purpose, an Acquity UPLS protein BEH SEC (125 A, 1.7 μm 4.6 × 150 mm) column with an exclusion range of 1000–80000 Da was employed and NH4CH3CO2, pH 7.5, as the mobile phase and (c) HPLC-ICP-MS and Orbitrap MS/MS measurements to determine and identify selenoamino acids and selenometabolites in liver extracts obtained by applying enzymatic hydrolysis and a carbamidomethylation process. Analysis of the aqueous liver extracts by SEC-ICP-MS revealed the presence of identical HMM and LMM Se species profiles, regardless of either SeIV or SeMet supplementation. Speciation analysis of LMM (<10 kDa) of the water-soluble liver extracts by HPLC-ICP-MS and Orbitrap MS/MS identified SeMet and selenosugars, such as acetyl galactosamine conjugated to GSH (GSSeGalNac) and methylacetyl galactosamine (CH3-SeGalNac), and derivatives of the selenogluthatione (GS SeSG and CH3SeSG) in both SeIV and SeMet feeding rats. There was an absence of SeMet in rats supplemented with SeIV. The amount of selenosugars and SeMet produced was dependent on the level of selenite and SeMet supplied. When SeMet was supplemented at a level below Se requirements (0 to 0.08 μg Se per g) no LMM compounds were detected, including SeMet. At Se adequate levels (0.24 μg Se per g) and above SeMet accounted for only 10% of LMM species detected whereas methyl and glutathionyl selenosugars accounted 70% of the LMM species. Above normal Se requirements, SeMet was the predominant species. In relation to SeIV supplementation, from 0 to 0.08 μg Se per g Se seems to be incorporated into SeCys-selenomolecules, in Se adequate-rats (0.24 μg Se per g) Se was present as SeCys but 32% was in the form of selenosugars and 22% as inorganic Se bound to proteins. In liver of rats fed with 5 μg Se per g, 22% of Se was present as selenosugars and selenosugars bound to proteins but 64% was present as inorganic Se bound to proteins. The results obtained highlighted the role of selenosugars in SeO32− toxicity due to the excessive accumulation of selenosugars linked to cysteines on proteins. The study also indicated that iSe is not metabolised to SeMet in rats. Recognition of Se species is still a problematic part of Se speciation and in a third paper Bierla et al.128 develop a software tool to assist in isotopologue pattern based mining for Se species in combination with a HILIC-ES-HR-MS set up. This approach was applied for samples containing a high-water soluble Se content such as Torula yeast and the hyperaccumulating plant Cardamine violifolia. These organisms are of interest as they can produce important Se compounds involved in Se detoxification processes such as selenohomolanthionine (Torula) and selenolanthionine (C. violifolia) along with other minor species involved in the metabolomic pathways. The developed software was evaluated in terms of repeatability and Se isotope selection. The application of this tool enabled identification of 88% of the Se species found from yeast and plant samples. The metabolism of selenoneine, a Se metabolite connected with Hg detoxification processes, was evaluated by using mice as in vivo model.129 Selenoneine was biosynthesised using the genetically modified fission yeast strain FY2530 cultured in the presence of 76SeVI. The resulting 76Se-selenoneine at a concentration level of 100 mmol per L Se was administered to six male 5 weeks old mice via drinking water for 6 days. Pooled urine samples were collected every 24 h. After 6 days the mice were sacrificed, and blood and tissue samples collected. Selenoneine and Se-methylselenoneine were analysed for using LC-ICP-MS by means of a Ultrahydrogel-120 (7.8 × 300 mm) column and a NH4Ac solution containing 0.1% IGEPAL™ as mobile phase flowing at 1 mL min−1. Using these conditions, 76Se-selenoneine eluted at a retention time of 9 minutes. Selenoneine and Se-methylselenoneine, were also properly identified by LC-PAD-High resolution mass spectrometry. The results showed the presence of Se-methylselenoneine in urine and selenoneine distributed in liver and kidney with Se mass fractions of 16.1 ± 3.3 and 13.3 ± 1.9 nmol g−1, respectively. Se-methylselenoneine was also detected in liver and kidney but at a concentration below the LOQ value. These results seem to indicate that selenoneine is methylated in liver and kidney and then excreted through the urine via a unique metabolic pathway. Finally, the relationship between Se and cardiovascular diseases was evaluated within the context of a 10 years epidemiological prospective study (ATTICA) conducted in the Attica region (Greece) from May 2001 to December 2012.130 Participants (400) were randomly selected to measure Se and distribution of the plasma selenoproteins (GPx3, SelAl and SelP). Plasma selenoproteins were simultaneously measured by employing a wide implemented protocol consisting of the use of 2 chromatographic affinity columns (Heparin Sepharose, HEP, and blue Sepharose; BLUE) coupled with ICP-MS. Selenium results obtained were correlated with parameters such as sex, age, obesity status, dietary habits of participants, cholesterol, and glucose levels, among others. The mean serum Se found (91 μg L−1) agreed to the values found for European population (50 to 90 μg L−1) but was lower than the mean reported for US population (124 μg L−1). The highest concentration Se protein was SelP followed by GPx3 and SeAlb. An aspect that deserves attention from the study is the higher cardiovascular risk observed in those individuals with the high total Se but with the lowest GPx3 levels. In this sense the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolisms has recently recommended GPx3 as a marker of functional Se status. The main strength of this study is to consider variables as sex and health status, but unfortunately the prospective character of the study cannot permit the identification of proper relationships.
Several studies have reported the role of Se against Hg toxicity in mushrooms and fishery products. The antagonist effect between Se and Hg includes the formation of SeHg compounds, demethylation of methylmercury and variation of Hg distribution, among others. In this line, Pleurotus mushrooms were cultivated on Hg-contaminated substrate as HgII and simultaneously exposed to SeIV and SeVI under different levels of supplementation.109 After a growth period (14–18 days), mushrooms were collected, freeze-dried and submitted to different analytical protocols: (a) acidic digestion followed by ICP-MS for total Hg and Se determination; (b) protein extraction by using a Tris–HCl solution at pH 7.5 containing PMFS (0.1 mmol L−1), SDS (0.08%) and SiO2 (50%) prior to SEC-UV-ICP-MS analysis for Se and Hg bound to proteins determination and (c) L-cysteine (0.5 mol L−1) and formic acid as extractant solution with subsequent analysis by HPLC-ICP-MS for HgII and MeHg determination. The Hg species separation was performed on a Premier C18 (4.6 × 150 mm, 5 μm) column using 5 mol per L L-cysteine, 25 mmol per L NH4CH3CO2, 5% MeOH (pH 5.0) as mobile phase flowing at 1 mL min−1. The protective effect of Se was evidenced through the reduction of total Hg accumulated by the mushrooms. It was found that SeIV was more effective than SeVI in reducing Hg uptake, decreasing the total Hg concentration by up to 96%. The presence of SeIV also reduced the fraction of Hg-bound to MMW compounds (17–44 kDa) by up to 80%. The results on Hg speciation also supported the antagonistic relationship between SeIV and Hg in terms of decreasing Hg methylation, thus decreasing MeHg content in exposed mushrooms by up to almost 100%. Two papers report on Hg and Se speciation in fish and fish-derived products. Fernández-Bautista et al.110 determined Se and Hg contents, Se:
Hg ratios, Se and Hg species and Selenium Health Benefits values (HBVSe) in fish fillet (tuna, farmed and wild salmon), fish-derived products (fish roe such as lump fish roe, trout roe and salmon roe) and ultra-processed products made from fish (crab sticks, surimi-derived elders, cod noodles and salmon noodles) acquired in local supermarkets. Information of total Se concentration was acquired by acidic MAE followed by ICP-MS measurements whereas for Hg determination a direct Hg analyser was used without applying any sample treatment. Nowadays, is widely accepted that Se
Hg ratios and HBVSe values provides more realistic information in terms of Hg toxicity than just presenting contents of both elements separately as HBVSe refers to the remaining Se content available once part of it has been sequestered by Hg through Se
Hg interaction. Positive values of HBVSe indicate that fish and fish-derived product consumption does not entail any risk for Hg toxicity. Total Se and Hg content in the samples analysed varied from 0.77 to 4.4 mg kg−1 and from 0.030 to 0.75 mg kg−1, respectively. Positive values of HBVSe and Se
Hg molar ratios greater than 1 were obtained, therefore moderate consumption of these products seems not to have a negative impact on human health. The highest HBVSe value was observed for fish roe samples as they present relatively elevated concentration of Se (21 mg kg−1) but low levels of Hg (0.030–0.048 mg kg−1). Conversely, tuna exhibited one of the highest Hg concentrations (0.75 mg kg−1) but HBVSe value remains positive due to its high Se content (1.6 mg kg−1). Selenium species were isolated from the samples by enzymatic hydrolysis using protease and 30 mmol L−1 Tris–HCl followed by incubation during 24 h at 37 °C in a thermostatic bath. Selenium speciation analysis in the extracts by HPL-ICP-MS and HPLC-ES-MS/MS (Phenomenex Kinetex EVO C18 column. 150 × 3 mm, 5 μm) revealed SeMet and MeSeCys as the major Se species present in fish and fish-derived products. Mercury speciation studies by extraction with an L-cysteine/HCl/H2O solution followed by separation on the same column and ICP-MS detection evidenced MeHg as the major Hg form found in fish and fish-derived products. A different paper102 reports the single-run simultaneous speciation of Hg and Se in muscle from different fish species (rainbow trout, tuna, swordfish, and dogfish). Enzymatic extraction by using protease in combination with L-cysteine and 2-mercaptoethanol and (NH4)3PO4 buffer was by two protocols: incubation at 37 °C for 12 h in an oven, and enzymatic MAE (EMAE) for 45 and 60 min. Both methods were compared and validated by using three CRMs: ERM-CE101 (trout muscle), ERM-BB422 (fish muscle) and NMIJ7402 (cod fish tissue). The EMAE with 60 minutes irradiation provided the best extraction efficiency for total Se and Hg concentration in all the CRMs used with recovery values ranging from 90 to 116%. Reversed-phase and ion-exchange HPLC separation mechanisms coupled to ICP-MS were tested to simultaneously separate Se and Hg species from the extracts. The best results were attained by using a Dionex Ion Pac S5A column (4 × 250 mm; 9 μm) and a mobile phase consisting of a mixture of 5% MeOH, 45 mmol L−1 of HNO3, 0.015% 2-mercaptoethanol and 1.5 mmol L−1 sodium-3-mercapto-1-propanesulfonate, at a flowrate of 0.8 mL min−1. The application of these optimal conditions allowed the separation of four Se species (SeIV, SeVI, SeMet; SeCys) and two Hg species (HgII and MeHg) in less than 15 minutes. The developed method was fully validated using the accuracy profile approach. The analytical procedure offers LOD values from 0.010 to 0.013 mg kg−1 for all Se species tested, except for SeIV (0.15 mg kg−1). The novel methodology was applied to different fishery products. Regarding Se species, SeIV and SeCys levels were below LOQ in all the samples analysed whereas SeMet was quantified in all the analysed samples (0.011 to 0.054 mg kg−1) as the most abundant Se species. The lowest Se species levels were found in fresh waters fish. The mean levels of MeHg varied between 0.026–1.77 mg kg−1 and the lowest MeHg levels was found in the freshwater rainbow trout (0.026 mg kg−1). Simultaneous speciation is a valuable tool to get a better understanding of Se and Hg antagonistic effect.
A number of researchers have focussed on Se NPs, specifically those aspects referring to characterising biogenically synthesised Se NPs. The metabolic transformation of Se NPs and SeIV by Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was evaluated by HPLC-ICP-MS, HPLC-ES-MS/MS and spICP-MS.131 Bacteria were cultured in the presence of in-house synthesised chitosan-modified Se NPs (Ch-SeNPs) and SeIV at 0, 1, 2 mg L−1 over 72 h. Special attention was paid to the isolation of Se NPs from the bacteria cell cultures. Two procedures to disrupt the bacteria cell wall before treatment with protease were employed: enzymatic disruption by employing lysozyme and TAE buffer (for E. coli as a Gram-negative bacteria) or Tris–HCl buffer (for S. aureus as a Gram-Positive bacteria), and mechanical disruption with glass beads. The former method reported the best results in terms of extraction efficiency (>96%), Se-containing protein breakdown, artifact formation and chromatographic resolution. The major Se species identified in both bacteria was SeCys, representing 80% of the total Se accumulated, regardless of the form of Se supplementation. The confirmation of the identity of SeCys species was achieved by performing a carbamidomethylation protocol prior to enzymatic hydrolysis and HPLC-ES-MS/MS measurements. Biogenic SeNPs produced when bacteria were exposed to SO32− were characterised by sNP-ICP-MS. Mechanical disruption was used to isolate SeNPs from bacteria culture as this provided an extraction efficiency of around 80% for short treatment times. The extracts were further diluted and measured by sp-ICP-MS by monitoring the 80Se isotope with H2 as a reaction gas and a dwell time of 3 ms. A disagreement between TEM and sNP-ICP-MS for the size distribution results was observed. The dissimilarity was attributed to the different ionisation efficiency of dissolved and NP Se. Once the Se ionisation efficiencies were corrected for a good agreement between results from TEM and sNP-ICP-MS was obtained with a size distribution for biogenic Se NPs ranging from 150 to 350 nm in E. coli and from 140 to 300 nm in S. aureus. A useful article132 has critically evaluated the effectiveness of different sample treatments to determine biogenic Se NPs, produced by yeast, by sNP-ICP-MS. Enzymatic hydrolysis with driselase in a 4-step approach, mechanical cell lysis with different types of beads (glass, metal, sand and glass and sand mixture) and chemical procedures by applying basic media (NaOH, TMAH) and an anionic surfactant (SDS) were considered. The extracts obtained from each treatment were further analysed by sNP-ICP-MS at a dwell time of 100 μs and the 80Se isotope was monitored with H2 as a reaction gas. The transport efficiency (2.4 and 4.4%) was estimated using both the particle size and frequency methods for Se NP size and number concentration, respectively and a LODsize of 18 nm was attained. The samples evaluated were a baker's yeast incubated in house with SO32−, a commercially available Se-enriched yeast and a commercial suspension of 150 nm Se NPs, the latter for optimisation purposes. A significant number of pulses due to Se NPs were detected in Se-enriched baker's yeast. No Se NPs were detected during analysis of the CRM SEL-M1 extracts, possibly due to any present being at a size below the LOD. The size distribution was highly affected by the sample treatment protocol applied and exposure time of the yeast to SeIV. Mechanical lysis resulted in narrower and more symmetrical size distribution that the enzymatic treatment, possibly due to the enzymatic modification of the Se NPs. Enzymatic hydrolysis gave the highest efficiency in terms of mass recovery whereas the mechanical procedures provided a more realistic size distribution. Chemical procedures were not recommended by authors due to the partial dissolution of SeNPs. In the last study covered in this section, Se NPs synthesised by SO32− fortified mushrooms were characterised by sNP-ICP-MS.133 A mechanical lysis protocol with 500 mm diameter glass beads was selected to isolate SeNPs. The resulting fungi lysates were centrifuged, and the supernatants collected and measured by sNP-ICP-MS/MS with oxygen as a reaction gas and a dwell time of 5 ms. Transport efficiency was calculated by using AuNPs according to the particle frequency method. To ensure a complete lysis of the material, P was monitored as being considered as a constitutive element in cells. The absence of 31P16O+ in the sNP-ICP-MS particleogram was used by the authors to check for degradation of mushroom cells. Individual events on the background signal corresponding to Se NPs were detected in sNP-ICP-MS analysis of mycelium extracts whereas the fruiting bodies did not reveal any evidence of Se NPs, which is likely to be due to the high metabolic activity of this part of the mushroom. Mean particle diameters of 90–120 nm were observed with size distribution of 60–250 nm.
The speciation of Se in environmental samples has also been reported on this year. Determining the Se concentration and speciation in seawaters is challenging due to the low levels of Se (<1 ng L−1) and the interferences present in ICP-MS. To solve this, the coupling GC-ICP-MS has attracted the attention of 2 reports. One reports on the development of ss-IDA and a large volume injection with a programmed temperature vaporisation (PVT)-GC-ICP-MS to determine SeIV, SeVI, organic Se−II + Se0, and total Se.134 The paper presents a detailed evaluation of different derivatisation reagents for SeIV, including 3 tetralkylborate compounds (NaBET4, NaBPr4, Bu4NH4BbU4) as well as 4 different phenylenediamine compounds, and derivatisation parameters such as pH, solvent (toluene, hexane, isooctane) and reagent to sample ratio were also considered. Derivatised Se compounds were then analysed by GC-ICP-MS. The GC was equipped with a J & W HP-5 column (30 m; id 0.32 mm, 0.25 film thickness). The GC inlet was operated with 20% O2 in Ar to limit the introduction of the organic matrix. The best results were achieved using phenylenediamine compounds, in particular 4-chlor-1,2-phenylendiamin (4CloP, 97%) and 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)-1,2-phenylenediamine (3,5-TFMoP) and toluene as solvent. The use of toluene facilitates the application of higher injection temperatures, thus decreasing analysis time. Specific pre-treatment protocols were applied for the different Se chemical forms. Analysis for SeIV was direct whilst a pre-reduction step of SeIV to SeVI with 6 mol per L HCl was employed to determine total iSe, and a MAE with H2O2 followed by reduction with 6 mol per L HCl was used to determine total Se concentration. The organic Se−II and Se0 fraction was calculated as the difference between total Se concentration and iSe. This analytical approach offered LOD values of 0.1 pg for SeIV and 0.2 pg for SeVI and SeVI, and a method detection limit (MDL) of 0.9 ng L−1 for SeIV, 1.9 ng L−1 for SeIV and SeVI and 3.1 ng L−1 for total Se. The authors emphasised the importance of the LOD values obtained as the lowest reported in the literature for seawater and other matrices using GC coupled to a detection system. The accuracy of the method was evaluated by using CRMs from sea and freshwater, unfortunately only the freshwater CRM NIST 1643f was certified for Se for which a recovery of 102% was obtained. The low LOD values achieved allowed quantification of Se at very low concentrations in 168 waters collected in the Baltic and North seas. The SeIV detected in most of the samples ranged from 0.9 and 19.7 ng L−1. For SeVI 67 out of 168 samples were found below the MDL and SeVI values ranged from 1.97 to 73.2 ng L−1 in the remainder. A great variability in the reduced Se−II and Se0 fraction, covering 3.1 to 164.5 ng L−1, was observed. The coupling of GC to ICP-MS has been also used to determine emissions of volatile organic Br, I, S and Se compounds from aquatic systems into the atmosphere.86 The volatile species were collected onto commercially available sorbent tubes and subsequently analysed by thermal desorption (TD) GC-ICP-MS. The trapping capacity of the sorbent tubes was first determined by directly loading standards of the targeted species (DMS, CHBr3, CH2Br2, CH3I, CS, CHBr2, CHBrCl, C2H5I, C3H7I, CH2ICl, CH2I2). Sorbent tubes containing a graphitised carbon material and Tenax provided the best trapping capacity for the volatile species analysed for. The retained volatile species were stable at −20 °C for at least 28 days, which allows for long field campaigns. Water samples were collected in 5 L Niskin bottles, which were degassed by purging with the sparge gas exiting through a PTFE tube connected to a U-shaped column immersed in ice with the sorbent tubes connected to the U column outlet. The volatile compounds were purged for 25 minutes with N2 as a flowrate set at 400 mL min−1. In the case of air samples, an automated device including a sampling pump with a variable flowrate was used to sample atmospheric volatile species. A tube desorption time of 2 min at 200 °C and a N2 flowrate of 25 mL min−1 was chosen as optimal conditions for species desorption from the sorbent tubes. The MDL ranged from 23 to 122 fmol in aqueous samples and 0.06–0.3 parts per trillion by volume in atmospheric samples. The lowest MDLs were found for Se being 8.8–167 amol and 0.2–0.4 parts per quadrillion by volume, for water and air samples, respectively. The method was applied to aqueous and atmospheric samples collected in the Baltic and North Seas and the target compounds were detected and quantified in aqueous samples from all depths. The low LOD values provided by this high throughout multi-elemental method make it useful for environmental studies.
A version of the same direct immersion dual-drop microextraction procedure already described for Cr speciation (Section 3.3) has been developed for the determination of TlI and TlIII in foods.140 Samples were adjusted to pH 6 and 0.3 mL of 0.6 mmol L−1 picric acid added (as counter ion for the extraction of TlI) and two 15 μL drops of organic solvent containing chelating/extracting agents, suspended from syringes, immersed on the solution which was heated to 35 °C and stirred for 20 min. The drop of 1-dodecanol containing 1.5 mmol L−1 pyridylazo naphthol was selective for TlIII and the other of nitrobenzene containing 1.2 mmol L−1 of dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 was selective for TlI. After extraction each drop was diluted to 100 μL and 20 μL taken for analysis by ETAAS. The LOD values were 8.3 and 6.3 ng L−1 for TlI and TlIII, respectively and the method was validated by the analysis of IGGE CRM GBW 10017 (milk powder) and by spike recoveries from real samples of beverages (orange juice, soda, cola and sprite drink) purchased from local markets in Wuhan, China. All samples contained measurable concentrations of TlI, but TlIII was detected in only one orange juice.
To determine V speciation in ancient shales, mapping by μXANES and microfocused scanning XRF microscopy were applied.144 Measurements were performed at the XRF beamline at the Australian Synchrotron. Bulk characterisations were also performed by XANES as well as XRD and ICP-MS. The researchers found that V speciation was predominantly phyllosilicate-hosted VIII and that the global statistical colocalisation analyses showed strong associations between V and K, consistent with V hosted by potassium-rich clay minerals. They concluded that, although synchrotron-based X-ray methods were a powerful set of analytical tools, for V in ancient marine sediments it was unlikely that authigenic (generated where found) and detrital (composed primarily of particles or fragments detached from preexisting rocks either by erosion or by weathering) could be differentiated.
The direct speciation methods for the measurement of Cu-containing biomolecules in the investigation of Wilson disease is the focus of attention due to the increasing number of clinical trials in progress for the treatment of this disease. As part of a special themed issue of the medical journal Diagnostics detailing Advances in Wilson Disease and Other Neurodegenerations with Brain Metal Accumulations, a review describing the current methods for “Monitoring of Copper in Wilson Disease”149 has included a small number of papers detailing the measurement of Cu-containing biomolecules in patient samples. The aim of the review was to present the current state of knowledge on the biochemical tests of Cu metabolism in the diagnosis and monitoring of Wilson disease and it used a number of terms and keywords to search several library databases e.g. PubMed. This has focused on the separation and detection of Cu-containing metalloproteins such as ceruloplasmin, using speciation methods based on HPLC-ICP-MS. The review was limited to describing the advantages and disadvantages of the few pieces of work that have developed methods in this area as well as providing patient results. Interested readers are referred to papers in that review, which have also been discussed in recent previous ASU elemental speciation reviews. Non-ceruloplasmin-bound Cu (NCBC) and Cu speciation in serum with extraction using functionalized dendritic silica spheres followed by ICP-MS detection has been developed to understand the correlation of Cu with various physiological processes and diseases.150 The dendritic spherical silica particles were functionalized with EDTA, by the hydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate with the aid of structure-directing agents. The functionalised silica formed serves as an adsorbent with abundant binding sites to facilitate efficient extraction of NCBC. The retained NCBC on the absorbent was recovered by stripping with HNO3. By hyphenating with ICP-MS detection, it provided an LOD of 1.3 pmol for NCBC. The degradation of ceruloplasmin, the major Cu-containing protein in blood, with 200 mmol per L H2O2 released the bound Cu as NCBC to distribute among other ligands, which may be efficiently retained by the adsorbent and facilitated the determination of the total Cu. The linear ranges for NCBC and total Cu were 0.21–10 μmol L−1 and 0.42–30 μmol L−1. The recovery rates for spiked NCBC or total Cu in serum were shown to be 97–108% and 94–102%, respectively. The analysis of serum for a healthy subject resulted in 1.8 μmol per L NCBC and 9.5 μmol L−1 for total Cu, which is in agreement with published reference ranges for these characteristics. In addition, the proportions of 8.5–12% for NCBC were derived from the serum of healthy adults, while those for the patients with lung, hepatocellular and oesophageal carcinoma were found to be 10–12%, illustrating no obvious difference to the normal group.
The use of elemental standards, in particular inorganic S, is probably one of the most important applications of using inorganic MS as a method for the measurement of proteins and metalloproteins. The group at the University of Oviedo continues to explore this fertile area of study with excellent papers, the most recent of which uses S for the quantification of human cytokines, an important biomarker of inflammation and other cellular responses.151 With the use of molecular MS approaches such as LC-MS/MS for the measurement of protein concentration, protein standards are required as calibration references. This requires there to be suitable standards for each target protein species, which must be appropriately purified, characterised, and whose concentration and mass purity must be accurately assessed. This is not straightforward, requires specialist expertise, and is time consuming and expensive to do. In this work, an absolute quantitative analytical strategy was developed, based on the detection of S by ICP-MS/MS that uses sulfate as generic standard to quantify and certify the mass purity of protein standards. Standards of Recombinant Human Fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand in 2 batches (Flt3L-A) and (Flt3L-B) as well as Recombinant Human Gamma-Interferon Inducible Protein 10 (IP-10) were used to illustrate the methodology. The system comprised a capHPLC separation coupled to ICP-MS/MS via a commercially available total consumption nebuliser. A reversed phase capHPLC BIOShell™ A400C4, 3.4 μm, 150 mm × 0.3 mm, column was used at a controlled temperature of 80 °C. The chromatographic mobile phases consisted of a gradient of ultrapure water (A) and acetonitrile (B) both with 0.2% of formic acid pumped at a flow rate of 4 μL min− 1. This chromatographic system was also coupled to an ES-MS/MS instrument and the same eluent was used with both detectors but is very much representative of the requirements to generate multiply charged ions for ESI analysis. Molecular mass spectrometry analyses were performed with a ES-QTOF MS instrument and analytes were ionized by heated ES operating in the positive ionization mode. The advantage of ICP-MS/MS is that the elemental S response factor can be made species-independent, hence any well-characterised and certified S-containing standard can be used. Therefore, in a single chromatographic analysis, correlation of S chromatographic peak areas of analyte and standard directly results in the quantification of S concentration. The methodology is based on the requirement that the signal response factor (S signal per unit of concentration) is equal for both analyte and standard. This response factor has been shown previously to be determined by a number of factors, including: the efficiency of the transport and ionisation processes; and the chromatographic gradient used. These factors must be considered when developing a generic methodology for protein quantification and particularly protein standards certification. The paper goes into considerable detail for what is required as well as referencing previous work where these effects have been further studied and investigated. The analytical workflow used FIA to establish the S-response factor followed by the capLC separation to determine the concentration of the measurands. In this case the chromatographic recovery and mass purity values obtained for the Cytokine standards IP-10, FLT3-LG (batches A and B), and commercial BSA used as quality control, were between 96 to 103%, indicating excellent quantitative performance of the method.
One of the main issues to overcome when using speciation methods for the measurement of intact proteins by ICP-MS/MS is the chromatographic resolution step, which precedes detection. Gel-electrophoresis is a very well-established method to separate proteins, either in 1 or 2 dimensions, however coupling to ICP-MS/MS is limited when this is carried out using conventional GE, and requires the analysis of the gel plate using LA. However, new approaches using column GE offers the potential to make the hyphenation of these two methods easier to achieve and faster. However, the method of GE is slower than other chromatographic approaches, even if it does offer higher resolution. Therefore a new approach152 to speeding up column GE separations is encouraging. In this study, a GE-ICP-MS system was optimised by adjusting the analytical conditions, including the concentration and pH of the running buffer and the proportion of polyacrylamide gel used. The results showed that the migration speed of proteins in GE was enhanced by increasing the electrolyte concentration in the running buffer solution. Additionally, the ICP-MS response, which was dramatically decreased because of the change in running buffer solution, was stabilised by adjusting the pH of the running buffer. Optimisation of the polyacrylamide gel ratio allows GE-ICP-MS to maintain high resolution for proteins of similar molecular weight with increased detection speed. After increasing the concentration of running buffer by 10 times, 4 iodine labelled proteins including carbonic anhydrase, ovalbumin, bovine serum albumin and conalbumin were successfully separated at baseline by the GE-ICP-MS system at pH 8.0 in 40 min using a resolving gel (8%, 7 cm) and a stacking gel (4%, 1 cm). The developed separation was shown to be 3 times faster than the original one. Finally, the optimised method was applied to the qualitative analysis of an Ag-binding protein in rat plasma samples.
μXRF | micro X-ray fluorescence |
3D | three dimensional |
AAS | atomic absorption spectrometry |
AB | arsenobetaine |
AC | alternating current |
AC2 | homoarsenocholine |
ACN | acetonitrile |
AE | anion-exchange |
AEC | anion-exchange chromatography |
AF4 | asymmetric flow-field flow fractionation |
AFS | atomic fluorescence spectrometry |
APDC | ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate |
AsSug | arsenosugar |
ASU | Atomic Spectrometry Update |
AsV | anodic stripping voltammetry |
BCR | Community Bureau of Reference |
BFR | brominated flame retardants |
BPHA | N-benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine |
BSA | bovine serum albumin |
CE | capillary electrophoresis |
CEC | cation-exchange chromatography |
CF | continuous flow |
CNT | carbon nanotube |
CPE | cloud point extraction |
CRM | certified reference material |
CSIA | compound specific isotope analysis |
CT | computed tomography |
CTAB | cetyl trimethylammonium bromide |
CV | coefficient of variation OR cold vapour (but NOT in same review) |
DBD | dielectric barrier detector |
DDI | dual direct immersion |
DDTC | diethyldithiocarbamate |
DIDDME | direct immersion dual-drop microextraction |
DLLME | dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction |
DMA | dimethylarsenic (include oxidation state if known) |
DMGe | dimethylgermanium |
DMHg | dimethyl Hg |
DMS | dimethylsulfide |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
DOC | dissolved organic carbon |
DOM | dissolved organic matter |
DPC | diphenylcarbazone |
DSPME | dispersive solid phase microextraction |
DTC | dithiocarbamate |
EC | elemental carbon |
ECD | electron capture detector |
ED | energy dispersive |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
EMAE | enzymatic microwave assisted extraction |
ENM | engineered nanomaterial |
EPMA | electron probe microanalysis |
ERM | European reference material |
ES | electrospray |
ETA | electrothermal atomisation |
ETAAS | electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry |
ETU | ethylene-thiourea |
EXAFS | extended X-ray absorption fine structure |
FAAS | flame atomic absorption spectrometry |
FIA | flow injection analysis |
FTIR | Fourier transform infrared |
GBCA | Gd-based contrast agent |
GC | gas chromatography |
Gd-BOPTA | gadobenate dimeglumine |
Gd-BT-DO3A | gadobutrol |
Gd-DTPA | gadopentetate |
Gd-DTPA-BMA | gadodiamide |
Gd-DTPA-BMEA | gadoversetamide |
Gd-EOB-DTPA | gadoxetic acid disodium |
Gd-HP-DO3A | gadoteridol |
GE | gel electrophoresis |
GF | graphite furnace |
γ-Glu-SeMet | γ-glutamyl-selenomethionine |
GO | graphene oxide |
GPx3 | glutathione peroxidase 3 |
GSH | glutathione |
HA | hydroxyapatite |
HAPG | highly annealed pyrolytic graphite |
HDC | hydrodynamic chromatography |
HFLLME | hollow fibre liquid–liquid microextraction |
HG | hydride generation |
HILIC | hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography |
HMIM | 1-hexyl-3-methyl-imidazolium-hexafluorophosphate |
HMM | high molecular mass |
HPLC | high performance liquid chromatography |
HR | high resolution |
HRCS | high-resolution continuum source |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
iAs | inorganic arsenic |
IBDA | isobaric dilution analysis |
IC | ion chromatography |
ICP | inductively coupled plasma |
Id | internal diameter |
IDA | isotope dilution analysis |
IDMS | isotope dilution mass spectrometry |
IE | ion exchange |
IEC | ion exchange chromatography |
IGGE | Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration |
iHg | inorganic mercury |
IIP | ion-imprinted polymer |
IR | infrared |
IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
LA | laser ablation |
LC | liquid chromatography |
LLE | liquid–liquid extraction |
LLME | liquid–liquid microextraction |
LMM | low molecular mass |
LOD | limit of detection |
LOQ | limit of quantification |
LPME | liquid phase microextraction |
MAE | microwave-assisted extraction |
MC | multicollector |
MDL | method detection limit |
MeCo | methylcobalamine |
MeHg | methyl mercury |
MeOH | methanol |
MeSeCys | methylselenocysteine |
MIL | magnetic ionic liquid |
MMA | monomethylarsenic |
MMGe | monomethylgermanium |
MMHg | monomethylmercury |
MMM | medium molecular mass |
MMMTA | monomethylmonothioarsonic acid |
MOF | metal–organic framework |
MP | microwave plasma |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MS | mass spectrometry |
MSIS | multi-mode sample introduction system |
MSPE | magnetic solid-phase extraction |
NCBC | non-ceruloplasmin-bound Cu |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NMIJ | National Measurement Institute of Japan |
NP | nanoparticle |
NRCC | National Research Council of Canada |
ODS | octadecylsilane |
OES | optical emission spectrometry |
OTC | organotin compounds |
PAD | pulsed amperometric detection |
PCB | polychlorinated biphenyl |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
PIXE | particle-induced X-ray emission |
PM10 | particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 10 μm) |
PM2.5 | particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 2.5 μm) |
PMBP | 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-5-pyrazone |
PMFS | phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride |
PTE | potentially toxic element |
PTU | propylene-thiourea |
PVG | photochemical vapour generation |
Pyr | pyrolysis |
Q | quadrupole |
REE | rare earth element |
ROX | roxarsone |
RP | reversed phase |
RSD | relative standard deviation |
SAX | strong anion exchange |
SDME | single-drop microextraction |
SDS | sodium dodecylsulfate |
SeAlb | selenoalbumin |
SEC | size exclusion chromatography |
SeCys | selenocysteine |
SeCys2 | selenocystine |
SelP | selenoprotein |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy |
SeMeCys | selenomethylcysteine |
SeMet | selenomethionine |
SF | sector field |
SI | Système International d'unités |
SIMS | secondary ion mass spectrometry |
sNP | single nanoparticle |
SPE | solid phase extraction |
SPECT | single-photon emission computed tomography |
SPME | solid phase microextraction |
SR | synchrotron radiation |
SRM | standard reference material |
SS | species specific |
TBAH | tetrabutyl ammonium hydroxide |
TC | total carbon |
TD | thermal desorption |
TEM | transmission electron microscopy |
tHg | total mercury |
TLC | thin layer chromatography |
TMA+ | tetramethylarsonium cation |
TMAH | tetramethylammonium hydroxide |
TMAO | trimethylarsine oxide |
TMAP | trimethylarsoniopropionate |
TML | tetramethyllead |
TOF | time-of-flight |
TPD | targeted protein degradation |
Tris | tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane |
TTFA | thenoyltrifluoroacetone |
TXRF | total reflection X-ray fluorescence |
UAE | ultrasound-assisted extraction |
UV | ultraviolet |
WD | wavelength dispersive |
WEEE | waste electrical and electronic equipment |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
XAFS | X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy |
XANES | X-ray absorption near-edge structure |
XAS | X-ray absorption spectroscopy |
XPS | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |
XRD | X-ray diffraction |
XRF | X-ray fluorescence |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |