ul Islam
Patrick R.
Jaap M. J.
den Toonder
ab and
aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. E-mail:
bInstitute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
cZernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, 9747 AG, Groningen, The Netherlands
First published on 24th January 2024
Despite recent advances in artificial cilia technologies, the application of metachrony, which is the collective wavelike motion by cilia moving out-of-phase, has been severely hampered by difficulties in controlling closely packed artificial cilia at micrometer length scales. Moreover, there has been no direct experimental proof yet that a metachronal wave in combination with fully reciprocal ciliary motion can generate significant microfluidic flow on a micrometer scale as theoretically predicted. In this study, using an in-house developed precise micro-molding technique, we have fabricated closely packed magnetic artificial cilia that can generate well-controlled metachronal waves. We studied the effect of pure metachrony on fluid flow by excluding all symmetry-breaking ciliary features. Experimental and simulation results prove that net fluid transport can be generated by metachronal motion alone, and the effectiveness is strongly dependent on cilia spacing. This technique not only offers a biomimetic experimental platform to better understand the mechanisms underlying metachrony, it also opens new pathways towards advanced industrial applications.
In recent years, there has been an increased focus in studying metachronal motion, i.e. the collective wavelike motion resulting from neighboring cilia moving slightly out-of-phase. Researchers have studied the origin and the functional effects of metachronal motion25,28–30 by modeling or mimicking this signature behavior using artificial cilia, with the intention of eventually leveraging the insights towards practical applications. For magnetic artificial cilia, metachronal motion can be generated either by applying a spatially non-uniform magnetic field to an array of identical cilia,28 or by engineering different responses of each individual cilium to the same uniform magnetic field.26,29,31–33 For the first approach, the challenge lies in the generation of sufficiently large local variations in the magnetic field. Such fields can be generated only with an array of carefully arranged small magnets,28 but the field strength quickly diminishes with increasing distance to the array, making it impractical for real applications. The second approach, on the other hand, puts a challenge on the fabrication process, as the neighboring cilia need to have sufficiently different properties in order to generate regular and tunable phase differences. As a result, those artificial cilia are mostly fabricated at length scales of millimeters or larger,33–35 restraining these technologies to down-scale the dimensions as is more and more required in the miniaturization of microfluidic devices.2 Another, perhaps more fundamental issue with the current approaches, is that the spacing between the artificial cilia are about the same as their length,28,29 while natural cilia are much more closely packed.30,36 This is not coincidental: when the magnetic cilia are too close to each other, the dipole–dipole interactions between them will interfere with their motion, causing the formation of ciliary pairs or bundles, after which their motion can no longer be controlled.4,26 This is not a trivial problem because interciliary spacing is critical to the mechanism of metachronal motion and reducing spacing can strongly increase fluid transport, as shown earlier by theoretical and numerical studies.37–43 To overcome these drawbacks, we developed a well-controlled experimental set-up consisting of mm-scale magnetic artificial cilia at small interciliary distances.
In this work, we have fabricated closely packed magnetic artificial cilia with programmable metachronal motion, using a precise micro molding method. The magnetic dipole interaction between cilia was minimized by making only the base part magnetic, allowing us to fully control their motion while having them closely spaced. The base of every cilium follows the shape of the mold with specifically designed inclination angles, which determine the phases of their motion during the actuation. The molds were made from fused silica with a femtosecond laser-assisted etching (FLAE) process, enabling precise control over the geometries. Then, artificial cilia were made by transfer molding two layers of precursor materials with controlled thicknesses into the glass mold: a magnetic layer forms the base part of the cilia, and a nonmagnetic layer forms the top part. The cilia were actuated by an in-house magnetic actuator set-up and the motion and flow generated by various cilia arrays were analyzed using high-speed imaging and particle tracking, and the results were compared with and supported by numerical simulations that fully couple the effects of elasticity, magnetism and fluid dynamics.
A two-layer transfer molding technique was developed to fabricate partially magnetized cilia. Fig. 1A (4–6) shows the schematics of the molding and demolding process. Fig. 1C shows two different arrays of cilia that contain the same individual cilium but in different arrangements, corresponding to the molds shown in Fig. 1B. The black part of the cilia is magnetic and the transparent part is nonmagnetic. These cilia have a width cw = 24 μm, length from tip to substrate cl = 500 μm, depth cd = 200 μm, and tip-to-tip pitch δ = 200 μm; the length of the inclined part lm is 100 μm for all the cilia. They are arranged in a 1D array to create a more homogeneous flow field in the direction of observation so that the effect of metachrony can be properly analyzed without being significantly obscured by out-of-plane influences such as small cilia widths and the possible variations between cilia in the out-of-plane direction. Note that both the laser fabrication and the molding steps are different from the method we recently reported,45 in which the cilia were simple all-magnetic cylindrical micropillars. For example, the height of the nonmagnetic and magnetic parts are greatly influenced by the processing conditions and the thicknesses of the precursor layers, and extra molds were used to fabricate the precursor layers with desired thicknesses. The ellipsoidal shape of the laser focal voxel needs to be considered when designing the laser path for the bending at the base of the cilia, and extra care needs to be taken while demolding due to the curvature of the cilia base. Details of the fabrication process can be found in the ESI.†
The demolded cilia patch was then integrated into a microfluidic chip containing a recirculation channel, as illustrated in Fig. 1D. The channel was also made with FLAE using a 1 mm thick fused silica glass slide. After integrating the cilia patch on one of the sidewalls of the channel by gluing, the channel slide was capped off with a flat glass slide. On the back of the channel slide, there are two openings for filling liquid with tracer particles, which can be sealed with tape afterwards (see the ESI,† Fig. S9). The assembled chip was then placed on the chip holder, where the cilia patch was in the central area of a Halbach array (Fig. 1E). The Halbach array consists of 16 neodymium magnets of 10 mm × 10 mm × 40 mm, arranged in a specific way to generate a uniform and unidirectional magnetic field.46Fig. 1F shows a simulation result of the magnetic field, where the field strength in the central area is 0.22 T, which is validated by measurement using a gaussmeter. Note that although a stronger magnetic field can increase the movement amplitude of the cilia, and hence improve the flow generation, the current Halbach array is chosen for practicality and measurement accuracy. A larger field can also be generated by fewer magnets (for example two), but with a much larger field gradient. A field with a strong gradient will cause other types of asymmetries, which interferes with the purpose of this study. With electromagnets, generating a field with the magnitude, homogeneity, and frequencies as we reported requires much more sophisticated hardware and is in general less practical. The Halbach array is rotated using a DC motor with a timing belt, as shown in Fig. 1E, with the speed up to 6000 rpm, allowing us to apply a highly controlled rotating uniform field to the cilia at different frequencies.
Interestingly, in all the experimental studies on flow generation by cilia undergoing metachronal waves, these asymmetries are always present when a substantial net flow is observed. This is partially by design, aimed at further enhancing the net flow generation, especially for millimeter-sized cilia.18 However, in the case of smaller cilia with dimensions of hundreds of micrometers or smaller, these effects are intrinsic to their dynamics and cannot be turned off. This is because the motion is always slower when the cilia are following the magnetic field, and faster when they bounce back elastically, inducing temporal asymmetry as well as spatial asymmetry due to different levels of drag-induced bending between the two strokes.
In this work, the motion of cilia is both spatially and temporally symmetrical and there is no effective or recovery stroke, allowing us to study the effect of pure metachrony. This is achieved by the two-segment design, in which the magnetic root controls the phase of the motion, and the nonmagnetic part provides enough damping to eliminate both asymmetries.
Fig. 2A shows a superimposed image of a cilium at three time points in one beating cycle under a clockwise rotating magnetic field. During the magnetic stroke, the torque bends the cilia root to the right and the rest of the non-magnetic cilia body follows this motion. As the magnetic field rotates, the elastic torque builds up until it exceeds the magnetic torque, and the cilium bends back, performing the elastic stroke. Fig. 2B shows the tip trajectories of all cilia, with both experimental and simulation results. It can be seen that for each cilium, the tip trajectories during the magnetic and elastic strokes collapse onto the same line, without an enclosed area, so there is no spatial asymmetry in motion.
Fig. 2F and G show the x-position of the cilia for the two types of arrays with results from both experiments and simulations. It can be clearly seen that the two arrays generate metachronal waves in opposite directions, in which the movement profiles are similar but shift incrementally with regular intervals. Moreover, the profiles are roughly sinusoidal without sudden movement as a result of the damping of the elastic stroke by the non-magnetic part. In addition to the experimental and numerical results, we also show the results from a 1DOF analytical model, which is capable of capturing the dynamics of the cilia motion and giving an estimate of the relevant forces. The details of the 1DOF model can be found in ESI† 7. Fig. 2H and I show the local Re at the cilia tip, which is defined as Re = ρucl/μ, where ρ is the density of fluid, u is the cilia tip speed, cl is the cilia length, and μ is the dynamic viscosity. Re is always small, meaning that the inertial effects are thus negligible. In this way, the effect of temporal asymmetry and inertia are also eliminated.
Note that the beating amplitude is sensitive to the magnetic filling height, which is defined by the distance from the top of the magnetic part to the substrate. The variation in the height of the magnetic part for each cilium in the arrays is very small, about ±10 μm, as shown in Fig. 2C. However, due to the difference in the inclination angles, the cilia on the far ends of the arrays have longer magnetic parts, which results in higher beating amplitudes for these cilia, as shown in Fig. 2D and E. Note that these variations do not induce notable shape anisotropy or affect phase differences of the metachronal motion. As the actuation frequency increases, the increased hydrodynamic drag reduces the amplitude of the motion, as shown also in Fig. 2D and E.
Fig. 3 High-speed imaging of metachronal motion and the resulting velocity field showing the ‘walking vortices’. (A and B) The results of the experiment (left column) and simulation (right column) of the metachronal motion and the resulting vortices for the divergent array (A) and the convergent array (B), actuated at 2 Hz. The images are captured at a frame rate of 180 fps. The red arrow on the left side of the figure is the magnetic field direction at the corresponding moments. The yellow triangle on the bottom of the image is the position where the cilia engage in the elastic stroke, when they can no longer follow the magnetic field and start moving in the opposite direction. In the experiments, tracer particles with a diameter of 5 μm are used to visualize the velocity field. The tail-like lines in the experimental images are the trajectories of the tracer particles during the past 30 frames or 0.17 seconds, and the color indicates the magnitude of velocity. In the simulation results, the streamlines show the instantaneous velocity field. The arrows are the velocity direction and the color is the magnitude. The corresponding videos can be found in the ESI.† These results show that divergent and convergent arrays generate opposite metachronal waves with the same magnetic field, and they generate similar patterned walking vortices in opposite directions. The double-ended arrows on the bottom indicate the net flow direction and the wave propagation direction, with the net flow determined from the measurement in the recirculation channel (Fig. 4). |
Fig. 4B shows the tracer particle trajectories in the recirculation channel (ROI 1 in Fig. 4A) for the divergent cilia array actuated at 100 Hz. Fig. 4C shows the velocities derived from Fig. 4B, which fits well to the theoretically derived flow profile.48 Note that the direction of the net flow generated is opposite to the propagation direction of the metachronal wave for both divergent and convergent arrays. Fig. 4D and E show particle trajectories above the two arrays. In each of the panels, four cycles of particle movement at different y-levels are shown. It can be seen that the traces of particles are non-reciprocal, and they show different net displacement on different height levels. The time averaged particle velocities in the x-direction with respect to the vertical distance above cilia tips are shown in Fig. 4F, where the largest velocity appears near the cilia tips with the same direction as the overall net flow, and the velocities decrease and reverse as the distance increases. Note that the flow profiles are mirrored for the two different arrays, even though all cilia in both cases have the same magnetic and elastic stroke directions, confirming that the flow is entirely due to metachrony.
Fig. 4 Net flow generation and particle tracing. (A) Schematic of the assembled chip containing a recirculating channel and a cilia patch. ROI 1 corresponds to (B) and (C), and ROI 2 corresponds to (D)–(H). (B) Particle trajectories of the fully developed flow with the divergent cilia array actuating at 100 Hz, showing the net effect of metachronal pumping. (C) The velocity profile along the channel height using the divergent array at an actuation frequency of 100 Hz. (D and E) Tracer particle trajectories imaged at 2 Hz of beating frequency above cilia tips. The trajectories of four cycles represent typical trajectories at different distances above the cilia tip. (F) The net local flow velocities in the x direction above the cilia tip derived from particle tracing. (G and H) The stable vortical streamlines obtained with stroboscopic imaging at a beating frequency of 2 Hz. They show opposite, almost mirrored vortex structures. Note that although the instantaneous velocity fields show repetitive moving vortices, as shown in Fig. 3, long-term tracing of particles show static and stable streamlines, as shown here using stroboscopic imaging. The flow direction close to the cilia tip is the same as the overall net flow direction, which is to the left for the divergent array and to the right for the convergent array. |
To study the time-integrated flow profile, we performed longer duration particle tracking using stroboscopic imaging with the frame rate matching the cilia beating frequency. The results are shown in Fig. 4G and H; the corresponding movies and recording parameters can be found in the ESI.† Different from the dynamic walking vortices from the time-dependent instantaneous flow fields, stroboscopic imaging reveals stable, larger scale flow patterns, which are similar for the two arrays, but in opposite directions. Note that the flow rate achieved by these cilia are comparable to that achieved in the literature with asymmetrical cilia motions. These nearly mirrored flow patterns and the substantial net flows generated by reversing the wave direction prove that metachronal wave alone can generate effective fluid pumping without the need for individual cilium performing any asymmetrical motion.
To investigate the effect of cilia spacing, we performed 2D numerical simulations using COMSOL Multiphysics®. The results are shown in Fig. 6. A 2D model is chosen for computational efficiency and it can sufficiently represent the flap-like shaped cilia, which perform 2D motion, and generate mostly 2D flow patterns. In the model, the cross-sectional geometries of the cilia and the magnetic filling height are the same as in the experiments shown in Fig. 2E. Validation was first performed using experimental results from both convergent and divergent arrays with a cilia pitch of 200 μm to ensure the reliability of the simulation results. These comparisons between simulation and experiments have already been shown in Fig. 2 and 3.
Fig. 6 Simulation results of divergent cilia arrays with different cilia spacings at 2 Hz beating frequency. (A) The beating amplitude in the x direction for every cilium. It can be seen that the amplitude is stable above 200 μm cilia spacing. (B) The flow structure with 200 μm cilia spacing, generated by the particle tracking postprocessing of the flow, and it shows a similar vortex structure as in the experiment (Fig. 4(G)). (C) The flow structure with 500 μm cilia spacing. No vortex structure is observed, and the velocities are smaller than with 200 μm spacing. (D) The predicted volume flow rate for different cilia proximity values based on simulation results; the calculation can be found in ESI† 5. |
It can be seen from Fig. 6A that only when below 200 μm, the spacing of the cilia starts to substantially affect their beating amplitude. This means that the hydrodynamic interaction forces between cilia are relatively small compared to the magnetic and elastic forces, and a substantial change in the generated net flow with respect to the spacing, which will be shown below, cannot be attributed to the changes in the individual cilium motion. Using numerical simulation, we have also shown that the base angle pitch between cilia will also affect the flow generated, but to a lesser extent than the effect of spacing. The results are shown in ESI† 5 and Movie S7.
Fig. 6B and C show the particle tracking results from the simulation of divergent cilia arrays with 200 and 500 μm spacings, respectively. Fig. 6B matches the experimental result shown in Fig. 4G, indicating the validity of the simulation. Comparing Fig. 6B and C, the vortex structure diminishes when the spacing increases, and the predicted volume flow rate decreases as a result, as shown in Fig. 6D. We use the proximity value cl/δ to represent cilia spacing for better comparison with the literature.36 Note that in earlier simulation studies, similar effects of cilia spacing on flow generation have been found using a different numerical framework.41 Our current results experimentally demonstrate and numerically confirm these earlier studies that fluid flow can indeed be generated by reciprocal cilia subjected to metachronal waves. These results further highlight not only the exciting opportunity of creating closely packed cilia for enhanced fluid flow, they can also be used as an experimental biomimetic platform for studying the fundamental mechanisms underlying metachronal motion.
We developed a method to understand the effect of metachrony on flow generation, complementary to what has been published before, and with the unique feature that it decouples metachronal effects from any other asymmetries in the system. As mentioned in the introduction, some form of cilia motion asymmetry is always present when net fluid pumping is observed in previous experimental studies of artificial cilia. However, no experimental study has directly proven the flow pumping capability of metachrony alone, while the possibility has been predicted from numerical studies.41 Since these asymmetries are indeed very difficult to eliminate in experiments at small scales, innovative designs and fabrication techniques need to be developed, as reported in this study. Some studies49 show that both symplectic and antiplectic waves can enhance flow when special asymmetric cilia motion is present. Hence it is very difficult to link the flow generated directly to metachrony when other effects are present at the same time.
In this study, a strong influence of the spacing between cilia on the flow generation is found, where the flow becomes notable only when the cilia are close together. Although similar effects were found by theoretical and numerical study,41 experimental proof was not shown in the literature so far, because almost all metachronal ciliary systems created in the past were sparsely distributed, with the gaps between the cilia similar to or larger than their lengths, or otherwise having their motion severely hindered by magnetic interactions between cilia. It shows the importance of using such a closely packed cilia system as an experimental platform for studying important physiological functions of metachronal waves, such as particle and viscoelastic fluid transportation. In addition, the magnitude of the flow generated in this work is comparable to other artificial cilia that rely on nonreciprocal motions.2 Our findings can provide guidelines for designing artificial cilia arrays and actuation strategies for flow generation and pumping in microfluidic devices, which is relevant for applications such as lab-on-a-chip or organ-on-a-chip. Besides fluid pumping, mixing is another very interesting application for artificial cilia.3,50 Although it is not the aim of the current study, it is interesting to use a similar system to study the effect on mixing of metachronal motion.
Our findings also suggest that the close spacing of the cilia found in nature, for example on the surface of the trachea epithelium, results in a substantial contribution from metachrony to the flow generation, in addition to the non-reciprocal motion of the cilia. A one-on-one comparison between the flow generated by asymmetric motion alone and that induced by pure metachrony can be difficult, since both mechanisms depend on the shapes and paths of motion of the cilia themselves, which are different for cases in which either one or the other is induced separately. Nevertheless, it is interesting to further investigate the combination of the two effects by constructing and comparing artificial cilia arrays with and without asymmetrical motion but having the same amplitude, pitch and phase differences. The combination of these flow generating mechanisms can quite possibly lead to further optimization of the artificial cilia flow generation. On the other hand, there can be scenarios in which using pure 2D metachrony for flow generation is preferable. For example, using a 3D tilted conical motion to generate flow, although effective, is very sensitive to the actuator positioning and field direction, and a slight deviation can result in a drastically different flow rate.51,52 Moreover, a 2D non-reciprocal motion is difficult to achieve and control at micrometer scales. With the method in this study, since the Halbach array generates a uniform field in a relatively big volume, we can create a well-controlled flow with large tolerance in the relative positioning of the cilia array with respect to the actuator.
Moreover, the fabrication method developed in this work enables an unprecedented level of control over a combination of geometry and distribution of materials of different properties in 3D on a micrometer scale, which opens the possibilities for creating micro-actuators and sensors with hitherto unrealizable degrees of freedom in designing and controlling their motion. This method can also be applied for fabrication of devices made from other types of polymeric materials, such as light- and temperature-responsive ones. As a replica molding technique, which is beneficial for production scale-up, this approach has the potential to bring profound impact to microfluidic applications as well as other fields of application, such as dynamic surface topographies53–56 and microrobotics.57,58
The laser tool path is generated in Alphacam Ultimate Mill software. Using rough/finish, pocketing and 3D machining tools in the software and a well-designed tool path strategy, the laser writing of 3D structures is possible. After laser machining, the glass slides are put in a 45 wt% KOH bath for the etching process. The machined part has a faster etching speed, roughly 130 μm h−1, than the unmachined part which is 0.7 μm h−1, resulting in removal of the laser written structures.
Both the cilia mold and the microfluidic channels were made using FLAE. After etching, the channel was ready for integration and no further processing was performed. The mold was cleaned in an ultrasonic bath with DI water and dried for surface silanization with a drop of trichloro(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl)silane in a vacuum desiccator overnight in order to reduce the adhesion between the mold and the artificial cilia for easier demolding.
∇·B = 0 | (1) |
H = −∇Vm + Hb | (2) |
B = μ0μrH | (3) |
(4) |
∇·vf = 0 | (5) |
(6) |
σ·n = f·n | (7) |
(8) |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |